Draft of legislation to recompense the Mint for the fact that the money coined from premium plate came to less than the amount spent on the plate: the shortfall is calculated at various figures from £1,813.0s.8d. to £5,168.6s.4d
And whereas by her Maties Warrant under her signe manual in pursuance of the Votes & Address of the Commons in the last session of Parliament directed to the Officers of her Mint, several parcells of Plate were directed received into the said Mint after the {1}{illeg}|14|th day of May last wch after the rates of 5s 1d per ounce for plate of the old standard 5s 8d per ounce for plate of the new standard & 5s 6d per ounce for uncertain plate reduced to standard, amounted unto the summ of 27824li. 11s. 2d to be allowed to the Importers of the said Plate according to her Majts \said/ Warrant & the said Votes & Address of the Commons; & whereas the moneys produced out of the said Plate by coinage fell short of the said summ & left a * * NB. The moneys produced out of the Plate by coinage amounted unto 25808li. 13s. 5d. besides 102li. 17s. 0|1|d produced out of the sweep; in all, unto 25911li. 10s. 6d; Which being deducted from the premium leaves a deficiency of 1913li. 0s. 8d Deficiency not yet provided for: Be it enacted that the Deficiency be supplied & made good out of the &c
And whereas in pursuance of the Votes & Address of the Commons in the last session of Parliament & by her Majties Warrant thereupon\issued thereupon/ under her Royal signe manual [bearing Date ye 10th day of May \last/ {di} directed to the Officers of her Mint, {illeg} several parcels of plate were received into |t|her Majties\said/ Mint upon a |after the 14th day of May last {ut} & the deficiency of what was received after the 14th day of May is not yet| premium wch exceeded the moneys produced by the coinage of the said Plate {illeg} it enacted that the Deficiency be suppli{menting} {&}\Be it \further/ enacted yt so much of/ the Deficiency is\as is/ not yet proveded for Be it further enacted that the be supplied & made good out of the &c
And whereas in pursuance of the Votes & Address of the Commons in the last session of Parliament & by her Majts Warrant \issued thereupon/ under her Royal signe manual \to the Officers of her Mint/ several parcels of Plate were received into her Majties\the/ Mint upon a premium wch exceeded the moneys produced by the coinage of ye said Plate, & the deficiency of what was made good received after the 14th day of May last in|s| not yet provided for: Be it further enacted that the said d|D|eficiency be supplied & made good out of the &c
NB. The premium amounted unto 27824li. 11s. 2d. The moneys coined out of the\& {sic} the Ingots melted out of the/ Plate {amounted} to\produced/ 25808li. 13. 5. The sweep of the Plate produced about 100li{illeg}\besides what came out of the sweep/ |[|The sweep |of ye Plate| produced 29|8|5li. 1{illeg}|0|s. 9|1|d. The Deficiency {is}{to} Besides the produce of the sweep.