Draft of legislation to recompense the Mint for the fact that the money coined from premium plate came to less than the amount spent on the plate: the shortfall is calculated at various figures from £1,813.0s.8d. to £5,168.6s.4d
And whereas in pursuance of the Votes & Address of the Commons in the last session of Parliament & by her Majesties Warrant issued thereupon under her royal signe manual, several parcels of plate were received into her Majties Mint upon a premium wch exceed|ed| the monies produced by the coinage of the said Plate, & the deficiency of what was received after the 14th day of May last, amounting to the summe of one thousand nine hundred & {illeg}{illeg}|f|ifteen pounds & eight\elecven shillings & six/ pence, is not yet provided for: Be it further enacted that the said Deficiency be supplied & made good out of the &c moneys g {sic}iven for coynage & \more/ remaining in the hands of the master & worker of her Majts said Mint or wch shall be imprested to him wch have arisen or shall arise out of the coinage Duty.