
To the Right Honble the Lord H. Treasurer of g. Britain.

May it please your Lordp

{illeg}|H|er Majty having by her Warrant udner her signe manual d{illeg}d{illeg} dated      directed me to pay the new moneys produced of plate into the Receipt {illeg}|o|f the Exchequer, &

Her Maty upon the \votes &/ {illeg}|a|dre{illeg}|ss| {sic} of the House of Commons having by her signe manual Warrant under her signe manual directed the {illeg} Wa{illeg}|r|den {illeg}|M|aster & c|C|omptroller of |t|her Mint to receive plate into the said Mint & to give receipts for the same after the rate of 5s 5d per ounce for plate the old standard, 5s 8d per oz for plate of the new standa{illeg}|r|d & 5s 6d pr oz for uncert{illeg}|a|in plate first reduced to standard, & & directed {illeg} & |having| directed me |[|the Master & Worker of the said Mint|]| to coine the same {illeg}|&| pay the money produced into her \Mats/{Mint} ye Receipt of |ye| Excheqr |[|& take Tallies for the same my discharge,|]|\but the Parliament not have yet enacted the taking to the said receips|t|s in the e{illeg}|exch|er {excheqr} dated after 14th day of May, {sic}/ & yet the moneys not being payable into ye Exchequer \wch cannot be done/ utill {sic} the \said/ Receipts thereof of\of the Plate/ |[|given by the said Officers of the Mint not bein can be re at the rates above mentioned can be taken at the said Exchequer at th{illeg}|ree| rates \above mentioned/ & the Parliament hath|vin||g| not yet enacted the taking of those receipts that the {illeg} \receipts dated after the 15|4|th day of May/ shall be taken there at those rates {illeg}f{illeg} dated after the 14th day of M{illeg}|ay|, |[|& a considerable quantity of plate hath\having/ been received into the Mint between the 14th of May & 20th of Iune \& melted down into ingots to be coined./ & \I humbly lay before your Lordp that/ the Impo{illeg}|rte|rs will lose the interest of their money if it remain in my hands untill the Parliament\said Warrant {on}            & further they sha/ next {illeg}|s|essions of Parliamt:: I humly\& therefor{e}/ pray yor Lordp that I may be sufficiently authorized by her Mat a Warra under her Majts signe Manual to {illeg}|p|ay to the said Importers the moneys p{illeg}|r|oduced out of the|ir| same\Plate/ or any part thereof in proportion to the weight imported. of every species \of plate/ imported \them/, & {the}/to\ take their Receipts for my discharge in my Accounts of so much moneys paid


{illeg}|A|nd not only Officers were admitted into their Offices by imposition of hands, but even all Christians believers, after they had {illeg}|b|een admitted by bapti{illeg}|s|m \of repent{t}|a|nces & remission of sin/ into the number of the disciples of Christ at large they\then/ were y impositions of hands\admitted &/ incorporated into a\some {illeg}/ synagogue by the laying on of |ye| hands of the Presbytery: wch of that Synagogue:  wch ceremony we \may/ call Confirmation & i{illeg}|f| they were \therefore/ those that were excommunicated or cast out of the Synagogue \by excommunication/ or revolted from the synagogue to any heretic{al} communion, were not readmitted into the synagogue without the \same/ ceremony of lay{illeg}|in|g on of the ha{nds} of the Bishop & Presbytery. The bishop first laid on his hand & then the rest of t Presby there d{id} the like, & this ceremony was not performed among the Iews by fewer then three.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

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