Clerical copy of royal warrant appointing the moneyers Thomas Seabrook [Saybrook], Henry Haley and Richard Collard to Edinburgh
Anne R
Whereas for ye better Carrying on ye service of the Recoynage of ye Moneyes in Scotland ꝑsuant to the Acts of Parliamt. for the Vnion of the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland it has been represented by the Warden of our Mint at Edinburgh (amongst other things) that two Monyers from our Mint within the Tower of London should be sent down to Edinburgh both for Working and directing {illeg}|the| servants already in our Mint of |Scotland| to Work that there may not be the least Difference betwixt ye Coynes of ye two Mints, And that both Mints may be put into one form of working in all time to {sic} comeing and whereas the Warden Master, and Worker & Comptroller of Our Mint within {illeg}|Our| Tower of London to Whome the said Memoriall was referred have reported that upon discoursing with the Monyrs. they find them of opinion that this Our service will be the better Carryed on by sending three of their Company, And that they have recomended you to undertake ye Coynage of ye Money (that is to say) to Draw the Barrs at the Mill, Neal and cutt ye pieces, to flatten size Blanch and Coyne the money and beare the Charge of all ye Wast thereon wth the allowance of 9 pence ꝑ pound weight and 16 pounds each for ye charges of your Iourney backwards and forwards, and that whenever there shall not be one thousand pound weight Coyned in one Week after yor. arrivall you shall be allowed three shillings a day each over and above yor Work for that Week and upon Condicon that all necessary Tools horses fireing And allom be furnished for you all wch. they conceive to be reasonable We having taken the ꝑmises into Our Royall Consideracon do approve of what is so proposed and accordingly our Will and pleasure is and We doe hereby direct & require you forthwith to repair to our Mint at Edinburgh and undertake ye Recoynage of ye Moneys in in {sic} Scotland according to such Rules methods & Instructions as by the Indenture of Our Mint in England and the Charter thereof is directed and prescribed and in such manner and upon such conditions and allowances as are above recited which allowances our Pleasure is and We do hereby Direct Authorise and Command shall be pd in such manner as our high Treasurer of Great Britain or the Comrs of {illeg}|our| Treasury {illeg}|for| \the time being/ shall think fitt And that there may not bee ye least Difference betwixt ye Coyns of our two Mints. In all time comeing We do hereby direct and require you to Continue at Edinburgh not onely till the above Recoynage there be over but likewise untill such time as We shall have otherwise ordained & provided for the Coynage of our Monies in our said Mint there, Or that you shall obtaine leave from Our High Treasurer to return to England and all Our Officers of Our Mint at Edinburgh are to take notice hereof and Govern themselves accordingly Given at our Court at Windsor Castle the 12th. day of Iuly 1707. in the 6th. Year of our Reign.
By her Maties: Command
To our Trusty and welbeloved
Thomas Seabrook
and Hen: Haley, & Richd. Collard
three of the Monyrs of Our Mint
within Our Tower of London