
In obedience to yor Lops Order of Ref. of ye 27 Nov. last, upon the annexed Memorial of the three Commrs appointed by her Mats late Privy Council of Scota|l|and to receive all the S|c|otts & forreign coin & see it melted into Ingots & the Ingo deliver the Ingots by weight & assay to thhe Master of the Mint \at Edinburgh upon this Note/ to be coined & to certify the deficiency; in which {illeg}|M|emorial they \represent that their Commission bears that they shall be sufficiently rewarded {illeg}|&|/ humbly desire that your Lordp will be pleased to appoint them a suitable reward for their own attendance & trouble & t|f|o|r| pay|ing| their Clerk & other servants & defraying the daily charge they are put to{sic} We have considered \& grownd their Petition upon their Commission wch bears that they shall be sufficiently rewarded: We have considered/ the said Memorial, & because the business of these Commrs requires diligent attendance & \in their own persons & constant/ circumspection at the meltings, & their trust {illeg} in receiving the old money by tale & weight & computing & certifying the deficiency is also considerable; We are humbly of opinion that they may deserve for themselves & for paying their Clerk & other servants, a reward after the rate of two pence per pound eight of all the Ingots of silver delivered f{illeg}|r|om the {illeg}|m|elting pot to the Master of the Mint by weight & assayed to be coined|.| & we humbly\act as/ conceive the Equivalent to be most proper And because these Commrs out \in conjunction/ with the Bank of Scotland {illeg} \act as trustees &/ common Importers for all the people {illeg} \& in their service and do/ the buisiness wch private Importers must have otherwise done for themselves {&} \or procured to be done/ at their own charge, before the silved|r| could have been delived {sic} into the Mint to be coined \& are entrusted between the Commrs of the Equivalent & the people to certify keep an account/; the charge of maintaining\imploying/ these Commrs is \in our humble opinion/ to be put upon the account of the Importers & \so to be/ recconed among\& allowed out of the equivalent as a part of/ the l{illeg}|o|sses wch private persons sustein by the recoinage of their money, {illeg} \this/ recoinage being otherwise impracticable) & by consequence the Equivalent {illeg} wch is to make good those losses, seems to us the most proper fund for paying the said reward\being required by the Act of Vnion & being impracticable without this allowance./ |[|And whereas by a clause in an Act of the last Parliamt the Exchequer of north Britain wer|as|e impower to order the course of paymts \in wch payments {illeg} are to be made/ out of the Equivalent, we are humbly of opinion that the meaning intent of this clause was not to repeale contradict or repeal any part of the Act of Vnion, but only to order the course of paymts so far as they were not ordered by that Act, & therefore the clause in that Act, th{illeg}|at| the losses wch private persons may sustein by ye recoining of their moneys is still of form shall be made good in the first place, is still in be made good, \is still in full force &/ impowers the Commrs of the Equivalent to pay the allowance to these three Commrs before all other dues not relating to the coinage.|]|

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