Draft of MINT00766 (Mint 19/3/286), both likewise dated 17 January 1714/5
To the Rt Honble the Lords Commissioners of his Majties Treasury.
May it please yor Lordps
That the Arms in the fourth Escutcheon on the Reverses of the half Guineas & Sixpences may not be too much crouded I present your Lordships with the Designes hereunto annexed for {illeg}|t|hose Reverses, with most humble submission to yor Lordps great Wisdome
Isaac Newton
Having in a late Memorial signified to your Lordps that the Arms in the fourth Escutcheon \may prove too much crouded/ on the Reverses of the si|h|alf Guineas & Sixpences: \for {ye} {remedy} thereof for removing that difficulty/ I humbly present your Lordps with the Designes hereunto annexed for those Reverses, the same being {illeg}\the/ suitable to the Arms His \several parts {illeg} conformable to his/ |chi{ef} parts of his| Maties Arms proposed by the Earl Marshal & approved.\being {illeg}/ {in} Co{ur}t by his Maty in Council.\with a & approved of./ And I humbly desire\propose/ that the same may be laid before his Maty in Council for their\his/ approbation {illeg}|if| it be thought fi{illeg}|t|.
All wch is most humbly submitted to yor Lordps great wisdo
I. N.