
To the Rt Honble the Lord High Treasurer of great Britain.

May it please yor Lordp,

In Obedience to yor Lordps Order of reference of the 9th nstant upon the annexed representation of the Gentlemen {o}|O|wners of Tin Lans in Cornwall to ye Ld Warden of the Stannaries wherein they desire that a Convocation or Parliament or Tinners may be holden before the determination of the present contract, that proper measures may be taken to set another on foot {illeg}|a|t such price as that her Maty may be no loser thereby, and by wch such further quantity of Tin beyond the present stipulation be taken as may prevent the inconveniences they now labour under upon this|at| account:

We humbly represent to your Lordship that by the course of the sale during this and the four last years there will remain at the end of the present contract a dead stock of Tin wch at {illeg}|3|li 16s pr C averdupois will be worth about 180000li. And that if her Maty contracts for 1600 Tunns of Tin annually at 3li 10s pr C stan. weight, without remitting the coinage duty & post groats & this quantity shall be sold off annually so that the dead stock of 180000li may more or less remain the same during all the next contract{;}|:| And if 6 per cent (the interest now paid in Cornwall for moneys advanced to them by her Maty) be allowed upon the dead stock: the state of the contract will be as follows.

For 1600 tuns of Tin at 3li 10s er C stan. weight 112000.
Freight to London 2142.16.3
Salaries in London 1350
Incidents & Porters in London 200
Passing accounts 94
Salaries in Cornwall & 30li to Truro 1540
Incidents in Cornwall 700
Interestest of 180000li at 6 pr cent 10800
Insurance & other accidents & unforeseen charges 1458.18.0
Produced annually by the sale of Tin at 3li 16s pr C averd. 130285.14.3

In this recconing if 10800li should be thought too great an interest upon dead stock, 1458li 18s is as much too little for insurance & other accidents & unforeseen charges.

In this & the four last years the sale of the Tin by our accounts hath at a medium amounted to about 1560 Tunns per an stan. wt, which being deducted from 1600 Tunns received annually from Cornwall & about 44 Tunns received annually from Devonshire, leaves 84 Tunns stannary, or 90 Tunns averdupois, the value of wch at 76li per Tunn is 6840li, to be annually added to the dead stock. And the interest of this addition, if the contract should continue seven years, amounts to 8618li. 8s, besides the loss by the fall of the price in the end of the contract, wch would amount to 13860li \or more/ if the Tin should then fall for 5{illeg} 2li. 14s per C averdupois or less, the marke{illeg}|t|s being then clogged by the joint sale of the dead stock & the Tin in Cornwall

Thus the Crown by contracting for 1600 Tunns of Tin pr an at 3li 1{6}|0|s pr C would lose in the space of seven years 23|2|478li 8s or above & this loss in four years more would be more then doubled


We have grownded this recconing upon a supposition that the sale of the Tin will continue uniform to ye end of this & the next contract. How much it may increase or decrease by peace or wars or other causes, we do not know; & without a certainty can make no estimate of what may be got or lost.

All wch is most humbly submitted to yor Lordps

great wisdome


Is. Newton

[1] Mint Office
14th Novemb.

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