
An Acct of ye costs & charges of procuring Tynn from London & housing it at Amsterdam.

Paid in London per C English

First cost per C Averdupois 3.16.00
Customes 0.3.00
Cocquets, {illeg}|B|oat hire, Searchers fees, Wharfage &c 0.0.06
Commission to English Merchants or Pewterers imployed by forreigners } 00.09
Hazzards or losses at sea are uncertain. \In times of peace the hazzards are less./ They may be valued at } 0.0.09

Paid in Holland per 100wt Dutch.

Custom{illeg}|es| about 12 styvers pr 100 Dutch weight One third a|A|dditional Duty about 4st. Valuation two pr cent. These Duties are apt to meet with some favour in valuing goods below the first cost. Her Maty paid for the Tynn in Holland Customes 10st per 100, Additional Duty 313 , valuation 1212 . In all } Gildstiv.
Coquets & Customes House fees there about 25 or 30st per parcel } 0.012
Freight 6, 8, 10 or 12 styvers per block & sometimes nothing. Averidge 3 styvers pr Gilder. Freight & Averidge together at a medium about 10 styvers per block or 313 st per 100wt } 0.313
Boat hire & Lighterage for unlading 2 styvers per block, Porterage & housing two styvers per block. Both together at a medium about 113 st pr 100wt } 0.113
Interest for two months forbearance of payments 0.9
Allowed for prompt payment at ye end of that time. 0.9

Which 2G. 9st \per 100wt/ reduced into English money & weight (recconing 10 Gildrs 12st to 20s & 11034 pounds Averdupois to the Dutch 100wt) comes to 4s 8d. And this summ added to 4li. 1s. 0d makes the whole charge 4li 5s 8d per C English, or 4li 4s 712d per 100 Dutch weight or 44 Gilders 17st per 100 Dutch weight.


Abated for charges troouble & hazzards in setting.

1 per cent Commission 10
1 per cent i|I|nsurance |of payments| 10
1 per cent prompt paymts 10
13 per cent brokerage 313
16 per cent carriage to ye cirt weighouse & weighing for sale & 12 per cent city Duty at ye weighouse


Warehouse room 112d or 2



Which deducted from 4li 5s 8d leaves to her Maty 4li 2s. {illeg}|2|d

Returns of money backwards & forwards I reccon not because they ballance one another.


The Acct stated by my Ld Treasurer Mr Lowndes & Mr Beranger

First cost 3.16.0
Customes in England 0.3.0
Freight 0.0.3
Insurance 0.0.9
Duties in Holland 4 pr cent 0.3.0
Prompt payment 0.0.9
Commission 0.0.9
Incident charges 0.0.9
Insuring payments 0.0.9
Returns of the money 0.0.5
4.6.5 = 45 Guildrs 11 stivers.

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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