
In all the Indentures of the Mint of wch copies are come to my hands & wch were made before the time of Mr Neale late Master {or}|&| Worker mention is made that vizt\made/ Ann. 37 Edw 3. An. 46 Ed 3 An 1 Hen 4|6| An 11 Edw 4 An 1 Rich III. An 24 Hen 8 An 1 Edw {illeg}|6| An 2 Edw 6 An. |1| Mariæ I mention is made that the M{illeg}|a|ster & Worker hath found sureties before the King for making\that upon pain thereof he shall make/ gree to the Merchant or Importer|.| {for} And in the first {illeg}|f|ive Indentures the sum & the sureties &|a|re named, in the 4 last they are not named. /the summ named is usually 500li.\

{illeg} In the Indentures made An 3 Eliz. mention is made that the Master & Worker hath bound himself in 500li & {illeg}|f|ound sureties in other 500li to make gree to the Merchant & to ye Queen

In the Indenture made An 2 Eliz mention is made that the Master & Worker\Vnder Treasurer of the Mint/ hath found sureties before the Queen in Chancery the in 1000li that upon pain thereof he shall make gree to the Queen & to ye Merchant.

In ye Indenture made An 3 Eliz it is said that ye Master & Worker hath bound himself in 500li & found sureties in other 500li to make gree to ye Qu Merchant & to ye Queen & to ye Merchants. |The Queen i{illeg}|s| joynd wth ye Merchant because she recoynd ye money.|

In ye Indentures made Ann 14 Eliz An 2 Iacob{illeg}|i| I, An 3 Iacobi I An An 10 Iacobi I, An 2 Car. I, And in the two Indentures made in the re ye reign of K. Ch. II\An 12 Car II An 14 Car II? An 22 Car II. An 36 Car II?/ mention is made that the Master & Worker had|t||h| given security in found sureties in ye summ of 2000 that upon pain thereof he shall make Gree to ye Queen or King & to ye Merchants.

In the Indentures made to Mr Neale An     Iac II & An {1} Gul Gul. III \|to Mr Neale| \Gentleman who was in debt & of a prodigal temper & by irregular practises insinuated himself into ye Office/ instead of the clause abovementioned/ there is a covneant that the Master shall find such Burroughs Burrows & Sureties in their Majts Court of Excheqr in such summ as ye Commrs of the Treasury or High Treasurer of England for the time being shall approve of that upon pain thereof he shall make gree to their Majts & to ye Merchants, & \it is metnioned that/ Mr {sic} Neale bound himself by oath to perform ye covenants of thi|o|s|e| Indenture|s| {sic} afterward {gave} \the passing of the 1st Indenture found {illeg} he/ found sureties in 15000li|.|b|ut after the passing of| /the second \he/ found none.\

Q 1 Ought not the Ma|s|ter of the Mint upon his beginning the\to/ receive the Importers\Merchants/ Gold & Silver & to give security the Queens money \or Bullion/ to {illeg}|fin|d Sureties that he shall make gree to the Queen & to the Merchant \of what he shall receive/ tho ye Indenture of the Mint be not yet sealed.

Q 2|3| Ought the Mr & Worker to find sureties to Observe such covenants of the I{illeg}|nd|enture of ye Mint as do not create an A{illeg}|c|ct in money there being other punishments proper for the breaches of such c|C|ovenants & an Oath for the Observance of them.|,| |& no| /mention in any Indenture of such finding such sureties.\

Q {3}|4| Is it a reasonable Oath that the Master shall find such Sureties & such summ as another shall approve of. Or ought not rather the sureties to be found at ye same time that ye Oath \is made/ to ye Indenture {illeg} or before.

< insertion from the left margin >

Q. 2 For making sure that the Master doth find \such/ sureties before the\an/ Indenture be sealed to him is it not fit to mention in the Indenture that the Master hath fou{illeg}|n|d sureties|,| to the so that the \an/ Indenture may not be sealed to him till he hath found th{illeg}|em|.

< text from f 407r resumes >

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