Incomplete draft of MINT00579 (Mint 19/2/263)
Silver coind at
York | {illeg}|99|608.lwt 4.oz 15.dwt 9gr |
Bristol | 147759. 6. 2. 22 |
Exeter | 147923. 8. 18. 20 |
Chester | 102360. 4. 16. 3 |
Norwich | 83849. 6. 0 .11 |
581501 6.13. 17 |
Gold & Silver moneys coyned in the Tower of London from Christmass to Christmas
In 4 years ending at Xtmas 1699 coind in gold by Mr Neals Acct | 23223. 2. 10. 19 |
Coind in the Quarter | - 4216 0. 0. 0 |
19439|007|. 2. 10. 19 | |
Coind by the Importers | 588. 5. 9. 5 |
3. 10. 0 |
Coined in the four years ending at Xtmas 1699 | 19595.lwt 8.oz |
In tale | 872007∟166666 |
872007 |
1958|9|5. 8. 0 0 |
7838|4|0 |
7834|8|0 |
9797,5 |
871{illeg}|5|32. |
8719{illeg}|7|7,5 |
29, 6666 |
872007∟ 1666 |