Draft of letter from Newton to the Earl of Godolphin (Lord High Treasurer) regarding the expenses on Queen Anne Coronation medals
To the Rt Honble Sidney Lord Godolphin Lord High Treasurer of England
May it please yor Lordp
By Order of Council and of the late Commrs of her Majties Treasury I coyned 300 Medals of gold and 1200 medals of silver for her Majesty's Coronation the charge of wch amounts unto {{illeg}|9|}59li. 19s. 4d. I coyned also by yor Lordps Warrants {{illeg}|5|}1{{illeg}|8|} Medals of gold for the Honble House of Commons and 40 medals of gold (most of them double ones) for forreign Ministers & Persons of quality the charge of wch amounts unto 1525li. 18s. 11d. The whole charge is 2{illeg}|485|li. {illeg}|18|s. 03d, the particulars of wch are set down in the Bill hereunto annexed. And for the d{illeg}|isc|harge of this Accompt I humbly pray yor Lordship's Order.
All which is most humbly submitted to yor Lordp's great wisdome
[1][1] Mint Office