| Tunns Averd |
Tin in the late Queens hands at the beginning of this contract June 2d 1710 | } | 2400 |
Added 800 Tunns St. wt | -857 |
Total | 3257 |
Left by the Queen at her death | 5260 |
Increased in four years & two months | 2003 |
Received in four years 6760 Tuns Stand | 7243 |
Sold off in four years & two months | 5240 |
Sold per an̄ at a medium | 1257∟6 |
Will be sold in 2 years | 3563 |
Will be received in 3 years 5520 T. stan. | 5917 |
Will {be} added to the dead stock in three years | 2354 |
Total dead stock at the end of this contract will be | 7614 |
Money advanced for buying 5520 T. St. wt in 3 years | 380880£ | } | 40000 |
For freight | 5520 |
For other expences & accidents | 13600 |
Interest upon the money advanced at 5 pr cent | 30000 |
| 430000 |
Will be received by sale of Tin in 2 years 27077|8|8 whereof about 210000 is a debt upon the Tin. The remainder is | 60788 |
If after the contract is at an end 14000 Tuns sta. wt should be sold annually \at 40£ pr Tun/, one half by the K. the other half by Cornwall: the Kings share would produce an annuity of 28000 for almost 11 years, the pr value of wch in ready money would be | |