
An Account of the loss wch his Maty. may sustein by renewing, for seven years, the contract with Cornwall & Devonshire for Tynn, now voyd by her late Maties. death.

Paid annually for 1840 Tunns of Tyn at 3£ 9s pr C sta wt126960. 0. 0
Freight to London  1840. 0. 0
Salaries in London  1350. 0. 0
Incident charges in London, as Porters &c   200. 0. 0
Passing Accompts &c    94. 0. 0
Salaries in Cornwall & Truro  1540. 0. 0
Incidents in Cornwall   700. 0. 0
Insurance & other unforeseen accidents1000. 0. 0
                              Total yearly expence133684. 0. 0
                    Total expence in seven years935788. 0. 0
Yearly income by selling about 1350 Tuns Averdup. pr an̄ at                                    76£ pr Tun}102600. 0. 0
Income in seven years718200. 0. 0
Excess of the expence above the income217588. 0. 0
Yearly excess of the expence above the income 31084. 0. 0
Excess in seven years {illeg}83|2175|88. Interest arising thereby}718200. 0. 0
Interest arising by this excess {illeg}|4|0000.{illeg}8{illeg}|2575|88. 0. 0
{illeg} The late Queens debt upon the Tynn \paid/ in the two first years191200. 0. 0
Interest upon this payment till the end of the contract 63400. 0. 0
Total expence above the Income254600. 0. 0/{illeg}{illeg}|5|128|1|88. 0. 0\

Tin left by the late Queen - 5200 Tuns averdupois
Tin \wch will be/ received by the King in 7 years - 12|3|880 Tuns averd.
Tin \which will be/ sold in seven years 9450 - 9450 Tuns.
Tin \wch will/ remaining {sic} in the kings hands at ye end of ye contract - {illeg}|96|30 Tunns.

So great a stock of Tin, wth what will be further raised in Cornwall, must of necessity beat down the price of Tin so low, that it we|i|ll after the end of the contract \scarce/ sell for above 40£ per Tun, & be 12 or 16 years in selling. And the charge of warehouse room & Officers \& Porters/ to sell it & rebate of interest till the money comes in must be\being/ deducted, the Tin at ye will be\remain/ scarce worth above 28 or 30£ per Tun to be sold all together at the end of the contract for ready money. At 30£ per Tonn the 9630 Tons will be worth 288900£. And this being deducted from the 512188£ will leave     6888 223288£ the Kings loss by the contract.

Tunns Averd
Tin in the late Queens hands at the beginning of this contract June 2d 1710}2400
Added 800 Tunns St. wt-857
Left by the Queen at her death5260
Increased in four years & two months2003
Received in four years 6760 Tuns Stand7243
Sold off in four years & two months5240
Sold per an̄ at a medium1257∟6
Will be sold in 256 years3563
Will be received in 3 years 5520 T. stan.5917
Will {be} added to the dead stock in three years2354
Total dead stock at the end of this contract will be7614
Money advanced for buying 5520 T. St. wt in 3 years380880£}40000
   For freight  5520
For other expences & accidents 13600
Interest upon the money advanced at 5 pr cent 30000
   Will be received by sale of Tin in 256 years 27077|8|8 whereof about 210000 is a debt upon the Tin. The remainder is 60788
   If after the contract is at an end 14000 Tuns sta. wt should be sold annually \at 40£ pr Tun/, one half by the K. the other half by Cornwall: the Kings share would produce an annuity of 28000 for almost 11 years, the pr value of wch in ready money would be
Twelve thousand\hundred/ Tuns st. wt Tin & freight at 70£ pr Tun84000
Other Expenses                          5000. 4881/5000\
Inte Queens debts per an̄30000
Sold annually 1260 Tun \av/ ad|t| 76£ per Tun95760
416) 2310 (554

Rd in 1

{illeg} 416)5252 (126120,1225

Gold in 1012 Unsold in 1012 years . 5260

195) 5260 (5{illeg}|1|0.
95) 5260 (553∟6
V 1260
17|8|120 sta 1297
95) 4|1|4157 (1400

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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