Preparatory notes and calculations concerning Dutch trade and English customs on it for MINT00720 (Mint 19/3/498-9)
Abstract of ye Acct of Sales of 2680 Blocks of Her Majts. Tinn sent to M|e|r|ss||rs| Drummond & Comp. by warrant of ye Rt Honble the Ld H, Treasurer of England dated the - -
Deduct the following charges vizt
Which is after the rate of 41st|G|il 5st per 100wt Dutch 4y. 46d. 46.d :: . {illeg}|0| :: . 360'. 349. / 1506. 1460 :: 360 1. 11 = 31st. 212st. {illeg} 240d :: 31st. 10
2760 |
1380 |
16560(11.'0 |
1490 -01128 |
1507 06768 |
1700 |
1930 |
423 |
25 . 26 . 3|2|9
86600 |
1506)43300 (34 |
519600 |
4518 |
67800 |
6024 |
7560 |
240 |
720 |
212 ) 7440 ( |
106 ) 3720 (35∟1 |
318 |
540 351 |
100 88 |
34∟54 = 2. 11 |
106. 120. |
53. 60 |
106. 120 :: 18.d
1800 |
360 |
2160 (20 |
40 |