The Assays weights and values of several foreign Silver coyns
The Piastre of Spain or Sevil piece of 8 Reaus now re   duced to ten}W. 1dwt17dwt. 12gr17. 10. 254
The new Sevil piece of eightW. 11214. 013. 21. 1543∟11
The Mexico piece of eightW. 117. 105917. 8. 1453∟83
The Pillar piece of eightSta.17. 917. 9. 053∟87
The Peru piece of eight coarser, but of uncertain ally
The old Ecu of France or piece of 60 sols TurnoisW. 117. 1217. 10. 254
The new Ecu of France or piece of 5 livres or 100 sols    NB the Ecu of France should be 2dwt worse by lawW. 11219. 141219.
The Crusado of Portugal or Ducat worth 400 Res, now     marked & raised to 480 Res}W. 211. 0411. 1. 1334∟31
The Patacks or Patagons of Portugal worth 500 Res, now    marked & raised to 600}
The Ducaton of Flanders or piece of 60 Sols or PatarsB. 41220. 2221. 8. 266∟ 15
The Patagons of Flanders or Cross Dollar or piece of 48    Patars}W. 1218. 117. 1. 1352∟91
The Ducaton of Holland or piece of 63 StyversB. 3.20. 2121. 3. 1565∟59
The Patagon, Legg Dollar or Rix Dollar of Holland or    piece of 50 styvers}W. 1418. 016. 20. 1552∟28
The three Guilder piece of Holland or piece of 60 styversW. 220. 820. 3. 1262∟46-
The Guilder Floren or piece of 20 styversW. 26. 1812
The ten-Schelling piece of Zeland or piece of 60 styversW. 220. 620. 1. 1362∟21
The Lyon Dollar of Holland or 23 of the Ducaton4417. 1414. 2. 743∟7
The Ducaton of CollognB. 320. 1821. 0. 1562∟2
The Rix doller or Patagon of CollognW. 1318. 016. 22. 1452∟53
The Rix Doller or Patagon of the Bishop of LiegeW. 1217. 221216. 22. 552∟48
The Rix Doller of MentzW 61218. 817. 19. 1855∟27
The Rix Doller of FranckfurtW 918. 817. 14. 455|4|∟53
The Rix Doller of the Elector Palatine of the Rhene & Bavaria before 1720}18. 15
The Rix Doller of NurembergW 618. 1017. 22. 155∟55
The |old| Rix Doller of LunenburgW 1018. 1117. 15. 254∟65
The old Rix Doller of HannoverW 818. 1217. 20. 255∟3
The double Gulden of the Elector of HannoverW 718. 1818. 3. 1656∟29
The Gulden of the Elector of Hannover or piece of 23B. 17128. 109. 1. 1828∟14
The half Gulden of ye Elector of Hannover or piece of 13B. 17124. 54. 12. 1914∟7
The Gulden of the Duke of Zell or piece of 16 Gutz GroshW. 4311. 28. 22. 1027∟7
The Gulden of the Bishop of Hildesheim or piece of 24    Marien Grosh now raised to 26}W. 401211. 229. 17. 1730∟21
The Rix Doller of MagdeburgW. 1018. 1217. 16. 154∟27
The W. 4411. 149. 6. 028∟67
The old Rix-Doller of the Elector of BrandenburgW. 918. 1317. 19. 155∟17
The old Gulden of Brandenburg now raised from 24 to 26    Marien Grosh}W. 4312. 49. 19. 930∟41
The Gulden of Brandenburg or piece of 23W. 4311. 38. 23. 627∟81
The half Gulden of Brandenburg or piece of 13W. 435. 134. 11. 1413∟9
The Gulden of the Elector of Saxony or piece of 23W. 4111. 39. 1. 1428∟12
The old Banck Dollar of HamburghW. 818. 917. 17. 054∟92
The old Rix Doller of LubecW. 81218. 1617. 22. 1755∟54
The four Mark piece of Denmark of coarser allayW. 6114. 8 10. 9. 1032∟23
The four Mark piece of Denmark of finer allayW. 2111. 131210. 11. 532∟45
The eight Mark piece of SwedenSta20. 020. 0. 062. {illeg}
The foyur Mark piece of SwedenW. 5813. {illeg}|2|10|9|. {illeg}|23|. {illeg}730∟92
The two Mark piece of SwedenW.6. 19
The old Dollar of DantzickW. 101218. 917. 12. 454∟27
The old Rix Dollar of Thorn neare DantzickW. 1218. 81217. 8. 1553gr85
The Rix Dollers of Sigismund III & Vladislaus IV Kings    of Poland}W. 1018. 917. 13. 454∟4
The Rix Dollar of the late Emperor LeopoldW. 101218. 917. 12. 1454∟27
The Rix Doller of his predecessor Ferdinand IIIW. 101218. 917. 12. 1454∟27
The Rix Doller of Ferdinand Archduke of AustriaW. 101218. 517. 8. 753∟78
The Rix Doller of BazilW. 71218. 181218. 3. 656&24
The Rix Doller of ZuricW. 1318. 116. 23. 1352∟65
The old Ducat of Venice with the words Ducatus    Venetus upon it, a piece of 6 old Lires, after   wards rais|z|ed, I think, 6 to 6 Lires 4 Sols de Piccoli}W. 231214. 1513. 1. 1740∟50
The half Ducat W. 23127. 7126. 12. 1820∟25
The new Ducat with the number 124 upon it signi   fying 124 sols or 6 lires 4 sols de Piccoli}18. 2
The half thereof9. 1
The Crusado Croisat or St Mark of Venice with ye   number 140 upon it signifying 140 sols or 7 Lires    de Piccoli}20. 6
The half Crusado of the same form10. 3
The quarter Crusado of the same form5. 1
Another Coin of VeniceW. 4617. 1013. 19. 842∟8
The piece of two JulesB. 63. 153. 17. 711∟5
The Ducat de Banco of Naples or piece of 5 Tasins or    100 Gra 10 Carlins or 100 Grains}W. 3|1|7|4|. 018|14|6. 12. 10/13. 1. 0\40∟43
The half DucatW. 37. 0186. 12. 1020∟21
The Tarin or fift part of the DucatW> 32. 19142. 14. 128∟09
The Carlin or tenth part of the DucatW. 31. 9121. 7. 641404
The Escudi, Ecu or Crown of Rome or piece of 10    Julios or 100 Bayoches}20. 1412
The Teston piece of 3 JuliosW. 15. 21125. 20. 1718∟31
|2| The Ducat of Florence & Leghorn or piece of 7 Lires    or 1012 Julios}B. 820. 320. 20. 664∟62
|1| The Julio of Rome2. 5
The Piastre, Ecu or Crown of Ferdinand II Duke of TuscanyW. 117. 1217. 10. 254.
The Piastre, Ecu or Crown of F|C|osmus III present Duke of    Tuscany whose moneys are about 4 per cent lighter    then those of his Father. This piece is of 812 Julios}W. 116. 1816. 16. 451∟69
The Croisat of Genoua or piece of 712 LiresB. 724. 1515. 9. 1178∟ 74
The Ecu d'argent of Genoua or piece of 7 Lires 12 sols
The Piastre Ecu or Crown of Millain17. 21
The Philip of Millain a piece of 7 Lires20. 20
The Livre of or 20 sols piece of Savoy3. 22
The ten sols piece of Savoy.1. 23
A RoupeeB. 16127. 10
A Gout Gulden or Floren d'or a Dutch of 28 StyversW. 7512. 19
Another Gout GuldenW. 4811. 0
AnotherW. 4812.

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