Letter from John Wallis to Newton, dated 30 May 1695
May 30. 1695.
I have taken the pains to transcribe a fair copy of your two letters, which I wish were printed. I send it you with this, because I suspect there may be some little mistakes either in ye Calculation or Transcribing in some places, which therefore I desire you will please carefully to peruse, & correct to your own mind, & then (if you please) remit to me. I would have subjoined them (with yor good lea{illeg}|v|e) to the second volume of my Opera Math: if I had thought of it a little sooner, before that had been sent abroad; but 'tis now, I think, too late. If any of your Book-sellers will undertake the Printing of it; I think Oxford the most convenient place for it; Because here we have most of the Cuts allready, & furniture fit for it; & our Compositors are acquainted with this kind of troublesome work; which to others unacquainted with it will seem strange. And Mr Caswell or I will see to the correcting of the Press. But I find that these letters do refer to two Letters of Leibnitz, which I have never seen: If you have copies of them by you, it would be proper to print those with these. But while I suggest this, I would not have you neglect or defer printing your Treatise of Light & Colours, even though your third part be not quite finished. And you will, after, have time enough to adjust the Moons Motions. I gave you my Reasons against great delay in my last, {illeg}|w|hich I need not repeat. I have taken the liberty in this transcript, for Collinsius, to substitute all along Collinius; because it is a softer sound, & (I think) more proper. For Collin, Robert, Richard, Roger, Henry, William, &c being originally Proper Nounes, I take s, in Collins, Roberts, Richards, &c, to be the Formative of a Patronymick, (and to signify the same as Collinson, Robertson, &c) for which, in Latine, I would supply a Latine Formative ius (as in Martius from Mars, Martis, & many others) and would therefore change to say Robert Collinius, Robertius, Richardius, Rogerius, Henricius, Guilielmius, &c. rater {sic} than Collinsius &c; And so Hobbius, Hugenius, rather than Hobbesius, Huginsius. But if you like the other better; I am content. You may please to let me know, what time it was that you first lighted on these notions of Infinite Series; I guessed formerly (being not near you to ask) that it was about ye year 1663; If it were sooner, you may please to rectify me therein. Mean while, I am
your very humble servant
John Wallis