
Trin Coll Feb 6 1669.


Mr Barrow shewed mee some of yor papers in wch I was much pleased at Monsr Cassinis inventio{illeg}|n| for finding ye Apogœa & excentricitys of ye Planets

For your Annuity Problem I have sent you the following solution to consider of wt use it b may bee. To know at what rate (N per cent) an Annuity of B is purchased for 31 yeares at ye price A. The rule is 6Log: of31BA 10050Logof31BA = Log: of100+N100 .

As for example if 1200li bee payd at present for 100li yearely for 31 yeares then is ye Logarithm of 31BA=0,41218. And consequently by the rule 2,4730879,39100 or 0,03111 is the Logarithme of 100+N100; whence 100+N100=1,0743. And N=7,43 or 7li, 8s, 7d. Soe that the Annuity was bought at 7lib ye rate of 7lib. 8s, 7d per cent.

This rule is not exact but yet soe exact as never to faile above 2d or 3d at the most w{illeg}|h|en the rate is not above 16lib per cent. And if the rate bee above 16 or 18lib per cent, or wch is all one if {illeg} A| 6B, then this rule A+BA=100+N100 will not \err/ above 2s. You may try the truth of these rules by the equation x32=A+BAx31BA; putting 100+N100=x, & working in logarithms.

You seeme to apprehend as if I was about writing elaborate Notes upon Kinck-huyson: I understood from Mr Barrow yt yor desire was only to have ye booke reveived: that if any thing were defective or amisse it might be amended, & to that purpose about two Months since I reveived it & made some \such/ observations upon it to that purpose. But though the booke bee a good introduction I think it not worth the paines of a formall comment, There being nothing new or notable in it wch is not to bee found in other Authors of better esteel|m|e.

You make mention of another book of the same Author translated badly into latten by a German Gunner; wch you would have mee correct. I understand not Dutch & would not willingly doe the Author soe much wrong as to undertake to correct a translation where I understand not the originall: I suppose there want not Mathematitians in London yt understand Dutch.

In finding ye Aggregate of the termes of a Musicall Progression there is one way by Logarithms very obvious (viz by by|su|bducting ye logs of each denominator from that of the Numerator &c) wch I supposed to bee the ordinary way in Practise & therefore mentioned it not in my Letter. If you meane another way I would bee glad to have it communicated. Thus Sr I am

Yor troublesome Freind & Servant

Isaac Newton.


|Mr Newtons Solutio of the Interest Probleme|


To Mr John Collins
at his house in Bloomsbury
next doore to ye three
Crownes in


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