Draft letter from John Collins to Newton, written c. 13-16 July 1670
Mr Newton
I received yours with Kinckhuysens Introduction, and perceive you have taken great paines which god willing shall be inserted into ye Translation and printed with it, hereby you have much obliged the young Students of Algebra and the Bookseller who was at ye commencemt on Munday and Tuesday but was so taken up and concerned you were so too that he did not see you, but remaines your Debt much obliged Dr where of Will som , I formerly intimated that I thou{illeg}|gh|t he \Kinck/ had too slightly handled the doctrine of Surd Numbers, \and that the same might be transcribed from others/ I find you in the same opinion for in one of your Marginall Notes you say thus, The Author having slipped over the Addition Substraction Multiplication and Division of all but quadratick Surds &c and \*/ * and he acknowledgeth as much {tantly} by consequence himselfe referring the Reader to Wassenare Onwissen Wistconstenaer however he cheifely thereby intended ye Cube rootes of Binomialls which you have supplyed being unwilling the young Student should be referred to other bookes \which are scarce/ for the Doctrine of Surds
I {make bold} will a little further presume {illeg}|a|nd to \therefore/ crave your iudgemt of what you thinke necessary to be taken either out of Scheubelius, Van Ceulen, or Humes which \bookes/ I herewith send and having another Scheubelius you here, you need not returne that sent, wherewith be pleased to accept of another Libellus de Machina Aquatica There are two other Authors have excellently handled Surds, those are Frans van der Huyps in \his/ Low Dutch Algebra and in 1654 and ye Seiur d Taneur \in french/ in his Tract of irrationall quantities and Commentaries on 10 Euclid at Paris in 1640.
I am glad to know you have a better way for the Musicall Progression then the latter you sent up \p{illeg} (being the same I mentioned not having □/ □ seriously considered your Letter reserving it to better leisure) /you\ having hinted so much in an intermediate letter, but sorry it put you to so much trouble, being very loath to imp{illeg} ex{illeg}r{illeg}se intrude upon your Patience, Mengolus an excellent Mathematician and Musitian hath a treatise of Musick in the Presse and there is newly come over by the Post (sent to the Societie) a little treatise of his in Italian of the Suns Parallax and refraction |which I have not yet seen|
I was apt to beleive that Ferguson had done more \then Kinckhuysen/ in these 3 particulars
1 In {setting} \applying one generall rule to/ both kinds of Cubick Æquations, to wit \as well/ those that are solved by meane Proportionall Proportionalls as those that require Trisection
2 In rendring the rootes of Cubick and Biquadratick Æquations properly that is to say in giving the rootes when \they are explicated by/ fractions or Surds exactly, and not by a quamproximé
3 In emprooving the generall Method
But having failed in the first I conceive it opportune to shew at least that he ha wherein he hath failed, and if you please (which is by you offred and seemes desirable) supply his defect
Lastly why you should desire to have your Name unmentioned I see not, but if it be your will and command so to have it, it shall be observed by
<7v>To Mr Newton July 13 1670