
Stoake. July 12|3|th. 1672.


I think I told you |yt| I had altered my resolution of printing my Dioptrick Lectures. And for ye exercise about Infinite series I am not yet resolved, not knowing when I shall proceed to finish it. I will inquire of some of or Booksellers whether they will purchase Mr Pitts his copy of Kinckhuysen & if not I will send it you. In the meane while I would know whether Mr Pitts thinks it will be more advantageous to prind|t| ye Author without alteration, or to insert those notes wch you formerly saw, yt I may according send them wth ye Copy or detain them. Mr Gregorys Problem of finding ye solidity of the second segments of a Sphere & yors of finding the surfaces of i{illeg}|n|clined round solids may be solved divers ways by infinite sed|r|ies, as I find by considering them in generall, but I foresee the calculations are intricate & unpleasant wch has made me neglect them, not thinking them worth transmitting to you. If I ever applyed Gund|t|ers Sector to the resolving of affected æquations it hath now slipt out of my memory. Possibly it might be Gunters line wch being set upon 3 or 4 severall rulers is of ready use for finding ye 2 or 3 first figures of any affected æquatio{n} but there is no difficulty in ye invention. And if it be ye same wch you meane, you may command it. The way of resolving Problems \æquations/ of 5 or 6 dimensions, by a locus linearis was I beleive by the intersection of that & a Conick Section, something after the manner yt Des-Cartes hath <23v> done it, but more conveniently in my opinion, because the same locus linearis once described will serve for ye resolving of all Problems \Equations of those dimensions/. And as I remember the calculations to yt intent are shorter & lesse intricate. I am at present in Northampton shire whither your letter was sent to me from Cambridge: But hope within 8 or 9 days to be at Cambridge to receive what you may send thither if you shall have occasion to write to

Yor humble & much
obliged Servant


There are three more of Mr Kersies Bookes of Algebra desired in Cambridg for wch at prsent you may subscribe my name.



To Mr John Collins at
Mr William Aug|s|tins house
\over against the Adam & Eve/ in Petty France in

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