Letter from Newton to John Collins, dated 13 July 1672
Stoake. July 12|3|th. 1672.
I think I told you |yt| I had altered my resolution of printing my Dioptrick Lectures. And for ye exercise about Infinite series I am not yet resolved, not knowing when I shall proceed to finish it. I will inquire of some of or Booksellers whether they will purchase Mr Pitts his copy of Kinckhuysen & if not I will send it you. In the meane while I would know whether Mr Pitts thinks it will be more advantageous to prind|t| ye Author without alteration, or to insert those notes wch you formerly saw, yt I may according send them wth ye Copy or detain them. Mr Gregorys Problem of finding ye solidity of the second segments of a Sphere & yors of finding the surfaces of i{illeg}|n|clined round solids may be solved divers ways by infinite sed|r|ies, as I find by considering them in generall, but I foresee the calculations are intricate & unpleasant wch has made me neglect them, not thinking them worth transmitting to you. If I ever applyed Gund|t|ers Sector to the resolving of affected æquations it hath now slipt out of my memory. Possibly it might be Gunters line wch being set upon 3 or 4 severall rulers is of ready use for finding ye 2 or 3 first figures of any affected æquatio{n} but there is no difficulty in ye invention. And if it be ye same wch you meane, you may command it. The way of resolving Problems \æquations/ of 5 or 6 dimensions, by a locus linearis was I beleive by the intersection of that & a Conick Section, something after the manner yt Des-Cartes hath done it, but more conveniently in my opinion, because the same locus linearis once described will serve for ye resolving of all Problems \Equations of those dimensions/. And as I remember the calculations to yt intent are shorter & lesse intricate. I am at present in Northampton shire whither your letter was sent to me from Cambridge: But hope within 8 or 9 days to be at Cambridge to receive what you may send thither if you shall have occasion to write to
Yor humble & much
obliged Servant
There are three more of Mr Kersies Bookes of Algebra desired in Cambridg for wch at prsent you may subscribe my name.