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Sept 21 1672.


That letter wch you directed to Stoake in answer to mine from thence I received not as I told you, formerl{illeg}|y|, but your last wherein you repeated the contents of that I received, & am troubled yt I have answered it no sooner; especially since I was obliged to thank you for ye Transactions of July, & more particularly for yor elegant translation of my Letter published in them, & for the trouble you was pleased to take upon you in inquiring of Mr Cock about his Telescopes.

To comply wth yor intimation of communicating Expts proper for {illeg}|d|etermining ye Quæres wch yt Letter conteined I drew up a series of such Expts on designe to reduce ye Theory of colours to Propositions & prove each Proposition from one or more of those Expts by the assistance of common notions set down in the form of Definitions & Axioms in imitation of the Method by wch Mathematitians are wont to prove their doctrines. And that occasioned my suspension of an answer, in hopes my next should have conteined the said designe. But before it was finished falling upon some other buisiness, of wch I have my hands full, I was obliged to lay it aside, & now know not when I shall take it again into Consideration. However if the Answer to Mr Hooks Considerations will conduce to the determination of any of those Quæres (as in some particulars I think it will) you may if you think fit, publish it; To wch end I desire you to mitigate any expressions that seem <27v> harsh, that its publication as you intimated may be done to common satisfaction. And though I intend at present nothing further for the publick, yet if to any of your private acquaintance that endeavour to satisfy themselves by an experimentall determination of those Quæres, Experiments sufficient to determin them all occur not; upon your intimation of the particulars wch they stick at, I shall for yor sake doe my endeavour as much as I can in short to supply what they desire

I have not yet perused those two books you mention. But by yor description of ye first in the Transactions it seems to contein a Doctrin most highly probable, & in the latter I expect to meet wth many things as improbable. And then that particular wch you mention I know not what can be more difficult.

I am sorry for the miscarriage of yor afforesaid letter & blame my selfe for my Postscript suspecting that may have occasioned in yors what you would not have fall into other hands then those of


Yor humble Servant




To Henry Oldenburg Esqꝫ
at his house about the middle
of the old Pall-Mail in



|Rec. Sept. 23. 72|

|Answ. Sept. 24.|

|Rec. Sept. 22|3|. 72. Answ. Sept. 24. of Salvetti's makg his Telescope: to move him to prosecute it, as well as to put out of doubt his doctrine of Colors. Of Th. Huyck. Of Hugens his sense about his doct. of Colors.|

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