Letter from Newton to Henry Oldenburg, dated 5 December 1674
Cambridge Decem{illeg}|b| {illeg}|5|th 1674.
I am sorry you put yor self to ye trouble of transcribing Fr. Linus's conjecture, since (besides yt it needs no answer) I have long since determined to concern my self no further about ye promotion of Philosophy. And for ye same reason I must desire to {illeg}|b|e excused from ingaging to exhibit yearly philosophic discourses, but yet cannot but acknowledge ye honour done me by yor Counsel to think of me for one amongst yt list of illustrious persons who are willing to perform it, & therefore desire to have my thanks returned to them for ye motion. If it were my lot to be in London \for/ sometime, I might possibly take occasion to supply a vacant week or two wth something by me, but that's not worth mentioning.
If you think fit you may to prevent Fr. Linus's slurring himself in print wth his wide conjecture, direct him to ye scheme in my second answer to P. Pardies [1] & signify (but not from me) that ye experiment as it is represented was tryed in cle{illeg}|a|r days, & ye Prism placed close to ye hole in ye window so yt ye light had no room to diverge, & ye coloured image{illeg} ma{illeg}|d|e not parallel (as in his conjecture) but transvers to ye axis of ye Prism.
Yor humble Servant
I. Newton
[1] Ph. Trans. N. 110. p. 219