Copy letter from Newton to John Smith, dated 24 July 1675
I rec'd yor former L're as well as yor later, and should have written to you sooner, but that I stay'd to think of something yt might satisfy yor Desire; But though I can not hitherto doe it to my owne liking, yet that I may not wrack yor patience too much I have here witt {sic} you what occurrs to mee, wch is only about facilitating ye Extraccon of ℞. The form̄ Method might be applyed to determin all by every 1000th, as well as by every 100th ℞, but not with advantage, for it will require the Extraccon of ℞ to 14 or 15 places, besides a greater number of Addicons, Subduccons & Divisions in those greater numbers: And therefore I have rather sent you the following Notes about Extracting ℞.
1.) When you have extracted any ℞ by com̄on Arithmetick to 5 Decimal places, you may get the figures of the other 6 places by Dividing only the Residuum by
Suppose B. the Quotient or ℞ extracted to 5 Decimal places, and C. the last Residuum, by the Division of wch you are to get the next figure of the Quotient, and D the Divisor (that is or or & shall be the ℞ desired. That is, the same Division, by wch you would finde the 6th decimal figure, if prosecuted, will give you all to the 11th decimal figure.
2) You may seek the ℞ if you will, to 5 Decimal places by the logarithm's, But then you must finde the rest thus. Divide the propounded number by yt ℞ prosecuting the Division alwayes to 11 Decimal places, and to the Quotient add
For instance
let A be the numb, and B. its ℞ extracted by Logarithms unto 5 decimal /places:\
Note yt you have according to my former Direccon but & & to extract, whereof 10 are exact ℞. But I think you will doe well to lett the Table of alone, til you have done th' other two, and then, if you finde your time too short, print the Q. & C. ℞ without troubling yor selfe any further.
Sr, I am, yor humble Srvant
Is: Newton
< insertion from the left margin >Cambridge July 24th 1675
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< text from f 43r resumes >