
|Jan. 25. 167576.|


I received both your's & thank you for yor care in disposing those things between me & Mr Linus. I suppose his friends cannot blame you at all for printing his first Letter, it being written I beleive for that end, & they never complaining of ye printing of yt but of ye not printing that wch followed, wch I take my self to have been per accidens ye occasion of by refusing to answer him. And though I think I may truly say I was very little concernd about it, yet I must look upon it as ye result of yor kindnes to me yt you was unwilling to print it wthout an answer.

As to ye printing Paper of Observations wch you move in ye name of ye Society to have printed, I cannot but return them my hearty thanks for ye kind acceptance they meet wth there; & know not how to deny any thing wch they desire should be done. Only I think it will be best to suspend ye printing of them for a while because I have some thoughts of writing such another set of Observations for determining ye manner of ye production of colours by ye Prism, wch, if done at all, ought to precede yt now in yor hands, & will do best to be joyned wth it. But this I cannot do at prsently by reason of some incumbrances lately put upon me by some friends, & some other buisines of my own wch at prsent almost take up my time & thoughts.

The additions that I intended, I think I must after putting you to so long expectations disappoint you in: for it puzzels me how to connect them wth what I sent you; & if I had those papers yet I doubt ye things I intended will not come in so freely as I thought they might have done. I could send them described wthout dependance on those papers, but I fear I have already troubled ye{illeg} Society & yor self too much wth my scribbling, & so suppose it may do better to defer them till another season. I have therefore at prsent only sent you two or three alterations though not of so great moment yt I need have stayed you for them: & they are these.

Where I say that nat the frame of nature may be nothing but Æther condensed by a fermental principle, instead of those words write that it may be nothing but \various contextures of/ some certain æthereal spirits or vapours condensed as it were by precipitation, much after ye manner that vapors are condensed into water or exhalations into grosser substances, though not so easily condensible; & after condensation f{illeg}ced \wrought/ into various {illeg} \forms/, at first by ye immediate hand of God \the Creator/, & ever since by ye power of nature, who {illeg}|b|y virtue of ye command Increas & multiply <50v> {became} a complete imitator of ye {illeg} copies set her by ye Protoplast. Thus perhaps may all things be originated from æther, &c.

A little after where I say ye æthereal spirit may be condensed in fermenting or burning bodies or otherwise inspissated in ye pores of ye earth to a tender matter wch may be {illeg} as it were ye succus nutri{illeg}|t|ious of ye earth or primary substance out of wch things generable grow: instead of this you may write yt that spirit may be condensed in fermenting or burning bodies or otherwise coagulated in ye pores of ye earth & water into some kind of humid adctive matter for ye continual uses of nature, adhering to ye sides of those pores after ye manner that vapors condense on ye sides of a vessel.

In ye same paragraph there is, I think, a parenthesis in wch I mention volatile Saltpeter, pray strike out that Parenthesis least it should give offence to somebody.

Also where I relate ye expetriment of little papers made to move variously wth a glas rubbed, I would have all that struck out wch follows about trying ye expt wth leaf gold. Sr I am interrupted by a visit & so must in hast b{illeg}|r|eak of


Is. Newton

Jan 25. 756.

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