
Whereas a Libel dated 7 June 1713 was pretended to be written by to Mr Leibnitz \at his request/, & was inserted into another Libel dated 29 July, 1713, & both of them were by the procuremt of Mr Leibnitz published without the names of the authors or printer or place in Germany where they were printed & were dispersed by Mr Leibnitz & his correspondents; & whereas the said Libel of 7 June 1713 is newly reprinted in the Novelles Litterair{es} at the Hague under the title of a Letter written by Mr John Bernoulli of Basil: these are to signify give notice that the true author of that Letter, speaks of Mr John Bernoulli as distinct from himself in these words [quemadmodum ab eminente quodam Mathematico dudum notatum est] wch words are fraudulently omitted in the Novelles Litteraires. The aforesaid two Libells are both of them w{illeg}|r|itten in the style of Mr L{illeg}|e|ibnitz. And if he pretends that he did not write them himself, he knows the authors, & it lies upon him to produce \discover/ his confederates. It lies upon Mr Bernoulli also to clear himself from being the author of the Letter here laid to his charge, or else to justify it against the Answer made to it by Dr John Keill.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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