

I have sent you ye sheet you want. The second book I made ready for you in Autumn, having wrote to you in Sommer that it should come out wth ye first & be ready against ye time you might need it, & guessing by ye rate of ye presse in Sommer you might need it about November or December. But not hearing from you & being told (thô not truly) that upon new differences in ye R. Society you had left your secretaries place: I desired my intimate friend Mr C. Montague to enquire of Mr Paget how things were & send me word. He writes that Dr Wallis has sent up some things about projectiles pretty like those of mine in ye papers Mr Page{t} first shewed you, & yt 'twas ordered I should be consulted whether I intend to print mine. I have inserted them into ye beginning of ye second book wth divers others of yt kind: wch therefore if you desire to see you may command ye book when you ple{illeg}|a|se though otherwise I should chose to let it ly by me till you are ready for it. I think I have ye solution of your Prob{lem} about ye Suns Parallax, but through other occasions shall scar{ce} have time to think further on these things & besides I want something of observation. For if my notion be right, the Sun draws ye Moon in ye Quadratures, so that there needs an equation of about 4 or 412 minutes to be subducted from her motion in ye first Quarter & added in ye last. I hope you received a letter wth two Corollaries I sent you in Autum{illeg}|n|. I have eleven sheets already, that is to M. When you have seven more printed off, I desire you would send them. I thank you for putting forward ye press again, being very sensible of ye great trouble I give you amidst so much business of your own {&} ye R. Societys. In this as well as in divers other \things/ you much ob{illeg} oblige

Yor affectionate Friend

& Humble Servant

Is. Newton.

Trin. Coll. Cambridge.
Feb. 1{3}{8}th. 1686


For his Honoured Friend
Mr Edmund Halley, to be left
wth Mr Hunt at Gresham
College in


< insertion from the right margin of f 59v >

Mr. Newton's Letter
Feb. 13. 1686.

< text from f 59v resumes >

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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