Letter to Louis d'Aumont, dated 3 June 1714
Lond June ye 3d. 1714
May it please yor Grace
The Lettr wherewith you where pleased to honour ye R. Soc., came to {sic} late to their hands that could not sooner return you their thanks for the same. It was read in a full meeting of the Society: And when ever any thing come befo{illeg}|r|e them which may be worth yor Graces taking notice off, they will take Care to have it recommended communicated. And in the mean time they have desired me to signify to yor Grace how exceedingly you have obliged them. I am
yor Graces most humble
and most obedient sert
Is: Newton P.R.S.
< insertion from the bottom of f 65r > < text from f 65r resumes > <65v>The Presidents
Letter to the
Duke D'Aumont
read June 3d 1714
to be Enter'd
in the Letter book