
Mr Isaac Newton

Former Aquentance maketh me moore bould To trouble you with this In wch I have sent you Inclosed a Table of Observations of A Comet that appeared To us in Maryland Aug 14th: 1682: Till Sept 12th: 82: whilest it weare a Morning Comet having {Oct|c|ations} from whome made but Litle Observations thereof & therefore have Sett them downe at Randame on the bottom of the Table Onelye in Right Ascension and declination But from August 22 to Sept 12: for Every Night Except Sept ye 1: 6: 8: & 9 sometimes being from home & sometimes Cloudey after the 12th day of Sept we had for a weeke or better very Cloudey Evenings Till I suppose that It had got So neare the Sunn that no moore Observa\ti'/ with us could be made yet I thought once after being ye 14th of Sept; yt I had seene it betwene Two Clouds neare uppon setting in ye West{.} If So it Seemed to me Somewhat Retrograde but I had but a small glimpes theareof & therefore could make no Observations thereof But I suppose yt Observations might be maid Long after in Most placeis wheare the wether was cleare: I suppose I was one of the first yt Tooke not\ice/ thereoff in Maryland Being August ye 14th a morning Comet in ye NorEast about 10degs Northwards of ye North heade of Castor But seemed To mee to come to ye Meridian wth ye South head of Pollux, or somew{tt} after{.} It had than no Streame Cord or Taile at all that could be deserned Eather by the Eye or Elce by a prospective Glass as I could deserne neather would I trust my owne Eye in the cais but called upp others wch I thought might be stronger sited To have there Judgement of it for I was Suer yt no Such star did belong to yt place nor To any Other yt I was aquen\ted/ with but they could not deserne any Steame {sic} & would have perswaided me yt it weare a comon Ordinary Star but being so neare day & unprovided yt I could make then but Litle Observations thereof onley I doe suppose yt the declination then was Betwene 41d: & :42d North & Right Ascen about 112 degrees But whether afterwards it did Increase in declination Norwards as it seemed to me the 17th about 3hors=30min to be in neare ☌ with a Litle Star of the 3 or 4th Magnitude being To ye Southwards of the 2 small Br Stars in ye Right \fore/foot of ye Gtt Beare as I take it wch Small star cometh partley to ye Meridian Betwene both of them \they Being 1 degdeg As under declin 48` or 49`/ ye Ri. Asc about 130degs declination of which {Smll:} \/ about 43degs North{,} ye{sic}as neare as I could make it onely by ye Eye weare about 3ho:=30m morning ye comet bing {sic} about 30 or 40 min {sic} Southwards under it So by yt Rule ye Comets declination weare then about 42d=15m this was the nearest ☌ of any that I Observed & I give you Notice thereof because I suppose yt ye Comet may have greater paralax than ether or It being than so swift in Motion as I suppose about 7degs & sometimes neare 8 degrees in 24 hours{.} To finde wch small fixtd star{sic} Immaigine {sic} a Right Line from the Gtt Bears Back To ye Litle dog & it will pass by it or Nearly cut it < insertion from inline > [Editorial Note 1]Figure < text from f 6:1r resumes > Or a Right line from ye Pole star To \Betwene/ ye Two Smll Stars in Gtt bears \fore/foot & So Southwards about 48d=15m from ye Pole you than cannot well miss \it/{.} on the Backside ye Table is a Table of ye Pole  {sic} Stars declination To Every 5th degree of the Equinoct \{E}/ or Right Ascensio\ns/ Something Lightly Rune over & Allso the difference of declination of fixtd stars for 100: years for Every 5th degree of there Right Ascension the Table I finde of ex\c/elent use To finde ye declination of stars by ye Bow or fore staff or to finde out any unknowne star whose Right Asc & declint is given by ye helpe of ye Pole & others severall wayes. I could wish yt you would furnish me with a Table of Right Asc & declination of fixed stars for ye yeare 1700: & as many as you please So yt they Exceed Not ye 3 or 4th Magnitude or Rather than faile there Longt and Lat't or Boath will do well for I finde by Severall Tables yt I have by me they differ in Right Ascension very much So yt If I should Take yt pane\s/ To worke by the doctrine of plane & \or/ Sphericall Triangles by distances from Other Stars by ye fore staff or ye like without I knew ther True places I should make worse worke perhaps than I have done here in this Table thoug\h/ I had far Larger Instruments For by ye Calculation of this Comet I had my Quadrant but 12 Inch Radius being of my owne makeing with such stuff as I could Gett being wood wch is heare far more apt to warpe & shrink then in England{.} therfore I would desire you to looke over my Table & Examine it with yours & give me If you please an Accompt of the difference for this day Receveing a Letter from Brother Edward Storer <6:1v> That it was first seene with you Aug: 7th: 82 wch was 7 dayes before wee Tooke notice of it heare but he mentioned not what time it Ended with you who Righteth thus: The Same Comet (as {illeg}|is| Supposed) wch appeared decembr & January 1680: Appeared about ye 7 day of Aug this yeare 82 in ye Evening but not with So Long a Streame as it appeared before with but was not to be seene with them about 3 weekes after; & thats very strainge that there cann be such a supposed supposition as though a fier thats once burnt out & consumed ye wood or stuff yt feed it cann be Reneued againe By that feuell yt it hath consumed It is a pretty conceipt {illeg} If it be true; this Comet Cast the streame Severall wayes heare first it was upright & held so for severall dayes than it bended somthing bowing towards Towards {sic} the pole than bowing more & moore so yt it pointed more & more towards the pole after wards pointed partly upright & than againe Contrary pointed to ye westwards towards the South pole &c{} I sent unckle Babing a Letter daited about March 28: 1683 with my Observatios more at Large by Altitudes & Azimuth\s/ in wch I mentioned Gadburies 20 years Ephemeridies & a Good Large fore staff about 4 5 or 6 foot Long If it could so yt it bow nor bend not by the wight of the vanes wch might be very usefull to me & Likwise in it did desire you If yt you could Conveniently furnish me with a Table of Right Asc & declination of some of ye Principall fixed Stars &c I sent him a Letter daited about May 22 1682 which as far as I can understand by Mothers & Brothers was not come to hand Sept 26: 82: wch Least his should faile againe makes me the more bould to Trouble \you/ with this Heare hath bene of Lait years besides this yeare many Notable ☌s & oppositions both of Sun moon planets & fixed Stars wch by Reason of our great difference of Longitude To you wch I judge may be about 74 degres or better wch If well observed might be a great helpe to Astronime: Heare hapened A Lunar Eclipes: 1681: ye beginning Aug 18day=08hor=33min=00 ye midle 18day=10hours=13=30 ye Ende 18day=11ho:=54=00 ye Continuance 3ho=21=00 parts Eclipse 34 & 12 or there Abouts{.} So If you please you may give me an accompt of our Longitude from London or Cambridg: Janu 17: 16823_ Sun Eclipsed in maryland ye beginning about 8ho=40m: ye End about 10ho=30min: ye Sun Eclipsed from 16degs To 29degs of altitude ye parts Eclipsed about 5 digets on ye undermost parte of the Sun\s/ bodey but I supose with you it was far greater{.} Heare hath beene of Late 2 great ☌ of & & ye third now very neare wch I suppose will be before the Midle of may: ye first ☌ as neare as I could well make it by reason of cloudey wether was with us Octob: 14: About noon Elivated Above 12 min semeing by ye Ey To be twice his bredth from but by prospective Glass above 4 times: ye Second ☌ of {illeg} & weare as neare as I could well make it the wether being Likewise cloudey for a day or Two before & affter Jan 27 about midnight above about 10 min there hath beene severall notable Lunar Eclipses he\a/re of Late ye & Aldebaran ye Last yeare the hid Aldebron severale times one I see wch I suppose Centarall: here hath bene Notable ☌ of Cor Leonis & & Likewise of & {Symbol (heart symbol) in text} But I shall not trouble you with heare haveing no more at prsent but my dutye To unckle Babington & my Best Respects To all my frends with you I Rest at your Command To serve you Arthur Storer

From Patuxant River in Maryland: at Mr John Hunts Neare Coll{r} Joules at Indian Creeke
Aprill 26: 1683: I have Likewise sent one dated with yours To Brother Storer & 4: dated Mar 28: 83: vizd One To Mother Brother John Joseph & unckle Babington &c wch If this come to hand if you have yt Opertunity you may aquent them &c


For Mr Isaac Newton Math:
of Trinitie Coledge In Cambridg
Leave this at ye Post house in
London to be sent as
before saide


_____________________________________________0 _____________________________________________A Table of the  Observations  of A comet  yt  appeared in Maryland ☽ Aug  14th  : To :   Sept  12: 1682___________________________The Longitude from London about 5 hours: or  74degs  ye  Latitude  38d=30m0 __________________20=55declination210=30Ri. Ascent AugustTimepresentye  CometsAltitudeCometsAzimuthfrom    E.  WestCometsDeclinationArcturusAltitudeArcturusMeridiandistanceRigt  Ascentof MediumCœlijCometsMeridiandistanceCometsRightAscensionCometsCulminatCometsLongitudeCometsLatitudeNorth ye  dayHors  :  mindegrs  :  mindeg  :  mindegrs  :  mindegs  :  mindegs  :  mindegrs  :  mindegs  :  mindegs  :  mindegrs  :  mindegrs  :  mindegrs  :  min 20morning4=5616`=15´38`:NE:15´39`:N:45´152=30 20past noon7=3038:N:15157=00 21past noon7=3035:N:30164=30 22After Noon7=3810=0034:N:0032:N:3732=0065=09275=39104=14171=25  20=3808::2226:N:22 237=2912=53·27:N:3529:N:2833=0363=47274=17096=51177=26  27=1215::0725:N:51 247=5809=1026:N:1026:N:1426=5871=34282=04099=32182=32  02=4521::0624:N:54 25·7=01·19=4514:N:1223:N:0036=5058=55269=25082=27186=58  07=3526::3623:N:45 268=0308=5518:N:2019:N:5224=1475=03285=33094=25191=08  12=0602::0022:N:35 278=0209=1514:N:2016:N:5623=4875=38286=08091=35194=33  15=4806::2921:N:16 28·7=21·16=5005:N:2014:N:2630=4666=42277=12079=48197=24  18=5210::0320:N:07 297=0919=1200:N:2012:N:0432=4564=12274=42074=57199=45  21=2413::2518:N:53 307=2515=3000:N:2009:N:5028=45·69=22279=52077=58201=54  23=4016::2217:N:40 317=4012=0800:N:2007:N:4725=06·73=47284=17080=39203=38  25=3018::5216:N:25   Sep017=3005:N:55205=05  27=0320::5915:N:15 027=3312=3004:S:4004:N:1525=3673=19283=49077=25206=24  28=2622::5314:N:11 037=0716=1509:S:4002:N:4529=2368=21278=51071=21207=30  29=3524::3013:N:11 047=1414=1509:S:4001:N:2927=2670=56281=26072=56208=30·00=3825::5512:N:22 057=0714=15011:S:4000:N:1928=0070=14280=44071=16209=28·01=3927::1611:N:37 067=0000:S:44210=23·02=3528::3110:N:58 077=0614=00013:S:4001:S:3927=1271=15281=45070=35211=10·03=2529::3610:N:23 087=0002:S:30211=45·04=0100::2709:N:48 097=0003:S:20212=10·04=2701::0809:N:08 107=1709=0012:S:4004:S:1022=4577=00287=3075=00212=30·04=4801::4508:N:28 117=0510=0014:S:4005:S:0024=0675=15285=4573=00212=45·05=0302::1607:N:46 12:7=07:09=0014:S:4005:S:4023=2476=11286=4173=45212=56·05=1402::4007:N:12   Aug14hours       5     mor_42=N00111=30 155     mor_42=N00117=15 165     mor_42=N00123=30 175     mor_42:N:00130=00 185     mor_41:N:40137=00 195     mor_41:N:00144=30 205     mor_39:N:45152=30


FixtStarsdifferenceofdeclinationFor 100:yearsorStarsRightAscensionAno:1700To findAny Starsdistancefrom  yePole Star:NorthdeclinationSubstrSouthdeclinationAdd To – –FixtStarsRightAscensionAno:1700:differenceofdeclinat_,100yeare mindegresdeg: mindegreesmin 34087=45020 34587=44015 331087=43010 331587=44005 322087=4636034 312587=4935534 303087=5335033 283587=5834533 264088=0334032 244588=1033531 225088=1733030 205588=2532528 176088=3432026 156588=4431524 127088=5431022 97589=0530520 68089=1630017 38589=2729515 09089=3929012 39589=512859 610090=032806 910590=152753 1211090=272700 1511590=392653 1712090=512606 2012591=012559 2213091=1125012 2413591=2124515 2614091=3024017 2814591=3923520 3015091=4723022 3115591=5422524 3216092=0022026 3316592=0521528 3317092=0921030 3417592=1320531   34  _18092=1620032 3418592=1719533 3319092=1719033 0 0

The use of this Table is To finde Any Stars Distance from ye N : or Pole Star, The Right Ascension & declination Given: Or there declinat There distance in degrs & min being Given By the Bow or Forestaff &c{.} Example ye Buls Eye Aldeb\a/ran Ano 1700: Ri: Asc 64`=44´ I looke nearest in ye Table & finde Against ye Ri: Asc of 65d=:00m 88d=44m Then Aldebarans declination being sup_osed to be —15=52_North I Substract it from  88=44  then Rest  ye  distance from  N  ✱  72=52: Againe ye Goat hircus Ri Asc 73`=28´: declinat 45`=N40´ by proportion Betweene 70 & 75 I finde 89`=02´ from wch I Substr ye declination 45`=40´ Rest 43`=22´ from ye Pole Star{.} Againe By the Bow or forestaff I Take Arcturus distance from the Pole Star & finde it to be 71`=18´. Then suppose Arcturu\s/ Right Ascent To be 210=40: I Looke in the Table Against 210degs=00´ & finde 92`=09´: but if I allow for ye 40m: I shall find nerest 92=08 71=18_ from  wch  I Substract  71=18: then Rest  ye  declination20=50 Haveing once found the declination To finde the declination for any Time past or To Come{.} Example then suppose Arcturus declination Be Ano{r} 1700: 20d=.50m the Right Ascension 210d=.40m I Looke as bef{illeg}\{r}/ against 210d=00m & finde 0d=.30m wch is Arcturus difference of declint for 100 years. Then for ye yeare l800: If I substract from Arcturus declination wch is as before 20=50 /30\ Rest 20d=20m for the declination of Arcturus Ano{r} l800:
Noat that If the declination be north from To Add the Difference But from To : Substract ye difference vizd from 270degrs of Right Asc To 90d: Add ye difference Then from 90degs: of Ri Asc to 270degs Substract ye difference{,} The declination Being North but If the declination Be South the Contrarye{.} Then from 270d: To :90d: I Substract ye difference Then from 90d To :270 I add &c{.} This way of Rectifying The fixt Stars declination seemes somewhat plausable & stands To some Reason wch is declared in the Seamans Calender p Henry Phillipps Ano{r} 1660: But As for there difference of Right Ascensions by ye said Phillipps Tables The way of Rectifying Seemes very unequall In a very Confuesed disordered Condition:. {sic} Example ye Goat hircus ye Difference of Right Ascension for 100 years is – 1d=48m And Orion Right foot But: 1d=15m:. {sic} Againe the Hinder Guard Sub {{illeg}}: ye Righ\t/ Asc 100: yeares is but 0`=18´ & ye Br in serpents neck is – 1d=.23m there Right Asc being partlye the same & Boath having North declinat But by what Rule there course is. is {sic} so Ordered I am Altogether Ignorant, without former Observations hath proved it so: If so than Longitude & Latitude I suppose Cannot be Exact Enough: To Shew there True places for Time To Come If they Mar\t/ch {spiward} as Wing Relates 1`=23´ in 100 years:. {sic} Or By Gunter 1`=23´ in Long & in Lat' Litle or nothing: wch If you please a word or two Conserning of wch. &c{.}

[Editorial Note 1] The following image spans several lines in the letter and it integrates with the surrounding text, for example at the point where he mentions the "Two Small stars".

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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