Draft letter from Sir Isaac Newton probably to John Chamberlayne, defending Keill
The papers in ye Acta Leipsica wch gave occasion to the controversy wth Mr Keil I did not see till I the last summer when I was told of Mr Leibnitz's Letter against him, & as I \therefore/ had no hand in beginning the|i|se controversi|y|es so I desire to be excus \have always desired to/ avoid all controversies of this kind. The controversy is between the author of those papers & Mr Keil Mr Leibnitz thinks that one of his age candor & reputation should not enter into a dispute wth Mr Keil. & I am of the same opinion, & therefore with his Letters \against him/ had not been written. I think that it is improper for me to enter into a dispute wth the author of those papers. & therefore cannot be induced to set pen to paper against him cannot be induced to enter into this con enter into this co write against him \hope that Mr leibnit{s} will approve of my forbearing to write ||For| The controversy is between that author & Mr Keil|/
But Mr Leibnitz seems to say that I know how the matter stands & can put an end to the controversy if I would declare my opinion \knowledge/. If he means {illeg} would have me declare that he is the author | inventor of the differential method so far as that method differs from ye method of fluxions: all men, even Mr Keil himself, will allow him that. If he would have me declare that he is the author \inventor author/ of ye met differential method \e even/ where the methods do agree, that is, the author \inventor author/ of the method called by him the differential method & by me the method of fluxions: the author \inventor author/ is the first author, & I am not |yet| convinced that he was the first author of that method. If he would have me declare that the {illeg} Papers approve the papers in the Acta Leipsica wch gave occasion to ye controversy wth Mr Keil, \I know not what he means by that: for/ those papers call my candor in question|.| as much as Tis there said After that author \instead of describing/ hat|d| asserted the \invention of the/ Differential method to Mr Leibnits & fortified the assertion by the credit of those that used it; he adds. Pro differentijs igitur Leibnitianis Dn. Newtonus adhibet semper adhibuit fluxiones quæ sint quamproxime ut fluentium augmenta æqualibus temporis particulis quamminimis genita; ij{illeg}|s| tum in suis Principijs Naturæ Mathematicis tum in alijs postea editis eleganter est usus &c. There is some ambiguity in the words but the most proper sense is that from ye beginning I \always/ used fluxions instead of the differences of Mr Leibnitz. And is not this to make the readers beleive that I always used {fl} knew the differential method, {illeg} & used ye method of fluxions instead of it. \of Mr Leibnitz &/ invented the method of fluxions by using fluxions instead of {illeg} his differences. This gave occasion to Mr Keil to represent on ye contrary that Mr Leibnitz used his differences instead of fluxions. And if this derogates from the candor of Mr Leibnitz the contrary derogates from my candour. {sic} \& that unjustly. For/ By the Letters wch passed between him & me in the years 1676 & 1677 he knows that I wrote a treatise of the methods of converging series & fluxions {illeg} {illeg} above five {illeg} six years before I heard of his method of fluxions differential method. And I beleive he will allow tha And I beleive he will allow that I found out the method before I wrote of it In the generation of f lines & figures by motion, & Fermat Barrow & Gregory considered the small parts|i||cles| by wch the quantities increased \{illeg}/ every moment of time & thereby drew tangents. Dr Barrow called those parts|i||cles| moments & from him I had the language {illeg}|o|f momenta & incrementa momentanea & this language I have always used & still use as may be seen in my Analysis per æquationes infinitas communicated by Dr Barrow to Mr Collins A.C. 1669 & \&/ in \my/ Principia mathematica & Quadratura Curvarum. And by considering the putting the velocities of ye increase & decrease of quantities proportion all to the incrementa momentanea {illeg} I found out the demonstration of ye method of fluxi wch I \of moments &/ thence called \it/ the method of fluxions. This demonstration you have in the end of ye Analysis per æquationes infinitas & in the first Proposition of ye book of Quadratures. \But I do not know that Mr Leibnitz has demonstrated the differential method./ So then the method of moments & the method of Fluxions is one & the same method variously named in several respects \as I have always used it/ & Mr Leibnits by calling the moments differences has given it the name of the differential method. But when & by what steps he found out his way of explaining it I do not know In ye year 1664 I leart|n|t Fermats method of drawing tangents.
To Leibnitz
Since you{illeg} shewed me the passage of \in/ Mr {illeg} Leibnitz letter concerning Mr Keil {illeg} I have discoursed the matter wth Mr Keil & he represents to me the injustice done \partic unfair injustice done/ to me in the Acta Leipsica gave him occasion to write the words {illeg}|c|omplained of. That by your Letter to Mr Collins dated & published by Dr Wallis \by Dr Wallis/ he was convinced that you knew nothing at that time {i}n \did not then use the methodus/ differentialis. That the next year in my letter dated I represented that I I represented that I had a method {illeg}|o|f solving Problem drawing tangens solving direct & inverse Problem{illeg}|e|{illeg}s of tangents, & others more difficult, {&} that this method stuck not at fractions & surd quantities & that I had written a treatise of it five years before & had invented it some years f|b|efore that, whereas you had {illeg}t {illeg} (wch method was that of fluxions:) & that {illeg} you before you received this Letter from Mr Oldenburg you dicovere made no dicovery {sic} of your knowing the methodus differentialis.
That in my \first/ Letter {ta}{illeg} of wch was sent to you by Mr Oldenburg & dated 1676, I described \at once/ the foundation of the differentiall method by this series & of the method of infinite series by setting down this series {illeg}
I do For if be any fluent or {illeg} indeterminate or fluent Quantity & PQ be its fluxion the difference {illeg} difference, th will be its first difference will be its second difference, will be its third difference & so on perpetually.
As for instance. If
Or if any fluent quantity simple or compound
Or if you take the fourth exam
Or if according to ye sixt{illeg} last examples of this rule set down in that Letter you put , & suppose d to be any \in/ fluent quantity & e its f indeterminate quantity simple or compound whose difference is e & desire the difference \or fluen/ of any power \quotient/ or radical of d whose index is m that is the index \difference/ of any power quotient or radical of d whose index is , the second quantity of the series vizt will be the first difference & \the third quantity/ will be the second difference & so on.
As for example if the first differences of the quantity {illeg} be desi{red} & the the letter o be put for the first difference of the fluent quanty {sic} x, then by {this} rule will be the difference of & putting d{illeg}f{illeg} \for d/ & {illeg} for {illeg} e, the Rule will give you {illeg} \the first difference/ {illeg} And & the second difference {illeg} /{illeg}\ the second {illeg} And thus this method is done without sticking at fractions or surds.
Thus the foundation of the method wch I described in my second Letter being laid in my
Thus in \the first of/ my two letters wch you \Mr Leibnitz/ received from Mr Oldenburg before you \he/ discovered any thing to me of the {illeg} you \his/ knowing tha|e|t methodus differend|t|ial|is| the foundation of that method bein foundation of that med|t|hod being described & in the second of those letters the nature & use thereof being to h{illeg}{b}{illeg}, & mentioned, tho he might not be able to decipher the sētences in wch the name of [Data æquatione: quotcun fluentes quantitates involvente fluxiones invenire & vice versa] set down in that \the second/ letter: yet Mr Keil thinks that he might had more reason to {sa}y \write/ what he \was/ published in the transactions concerning this matter, then the author of ye papers published in the Acta Leipsica against me had to tell the world that {illeg} what I published in ye \Treatise de/ Quadratura Curvarum was {illeg} methodus the either the \either/ the methodus differentialis of wch Mr Leibnitz was the author|,| of|r| some other things what had been published before by Mr Sheen & Mr Craig. I desire therefore that
These are to certify that the bearer of hereof Edward Carter is Waterman & Servant to the Mint & one of that corporation & on that account is exempted from all Parrochial Services by the Charters of the Mint that he may attend her Majestitis {sic} serice {sic} \there{in}/. These Charters b{illeg} These Charters bein And as these Charters have {hather} are & have been constanly allowed when{ever} whenever there has been occasion in such cases {illeg} & |privileges are of auncient standing in such cases of this nature Charters are of ancient standing are of ancient standing & have ever been allowed &| were granted \in our Charters/ for enabling the Officers & Ministers of her Majts Mint to carry on {illeg} perform their duties without interruption & \to/ carry on the coinage wth dispatch & are of very ancient standing &in cases of this nature have ever been allowed; \for the publick service, so {sic}/ {illeg}|&| their services are not wanted in their \respective/ Parish|es,| there being great choise of other people to perform parish duties: \s & so/ tis hoped that her Majesties Officers in all other stations will have that regard to her Majesties government & to the rights of the Crown as not & services under it as not to give her Office of ye Mint any trouble in this matter. For if the constitution of the Mint be {illeg} disturbed in this case, we shall \{our} servants will we {illeg}ill our service will {sic} |the people imployed in the coinage will|/ soon become liable to be taken from our|the| service at such times as we {illeg}|c|annot spare them without putting a stop to the coinage till we can get others capable of serving in their room. For if any one {illeg} part Which W I {illeg} For if the coinage be stopt in any one part thereof it must stand still in every part till it can be pu to the dammage of the {crown} \Merchant/ & the disabling of ye Master & Worker to perform his contract wth her Majesty. {&} the And hereof all \her Majtis/ Iustices of the peace & all other her Officers herein concerned \are desired/ to take notice
And in an earlier\nother/ MS composed in October 1666 in which the Elements of solving Problems by motion were laid down in eight Propositions the sevent of which conteined the method \now described/ of deducing fluxions from fluents \{illeg}/ [& the eit|g|hth the \{contrary}/ method of deducing fluents from fluxions: And in the \end of the/ seventh of] in the end of wch I added \to the seventh/ this improvement thereof: Si in æquatione {illeg}|&|c
Quæ quidem \ea vero/ per Regulam tertiam id est per methodum serierum, ex hoc tempore generalis evasit. Has methodos anno 1665 inveni, anno proximo conjunxi et ex utra per mutuum subsidium methodum \Analysin/ unam generalem conflavi.
And in an earlier Manuscript composed in Autum \October/ 1666 I mentio there is this Precept. Si in æquatione quavis occurrat quantitas aliqua vel fracta vel surda, vel mechanica (id est quæ Geometrice inveniri non potest sed per {illeg}ream curvæ ali aliquam c{illeg}|urvi|lineam \definitur/ aut pr longitudinem Curvæ alicujus aut {s}olidum contentum figuræ superficiem curvam habentis, aut per gravitates eorum {illeg}{illeg}) ut inveniatur in qua proportione \in qua/ quantitates indeterminatæ augentur vel {illeg}crescunt, ita procedas. Assum Litera aliqua (qualis ξ) designetur quantitas illa fracta vel surda vel mechanica, & litera alia (qualis π) designetur quantitatis illius {illeg} motus incrementi vel decrementi seu velocitas qua augetur vel diminuitur. Et facta æquatione inter literam ξ & quantitatem quam significat: quære (per Prop. 7 {illeg} si quantitas \illa/ sit Geometrica, vel per alias methodos si mechanica sit \id per Prop. 7. si quanti/) valorem literæ alterius π. Deinde in æquatione prima pro quantitate per ξ significata nova involvens incrementorum velocitates. Et in hac nova æquatione pro literis ξ illis ξ et π substituantur earum valores. et habebitur æquatio quam invenire oportuit.
Exempl. 1. Invenire \Si/ Quantitatum x et y quarum relatio ad invicem per hanc æquationem \/ designatur invenire \quaruntur motus seu/ crescendi velocitates p et q: Primo sit {illeg}, seu {illeg} \/. Et inde per Prop. 7, prodibit seu . Deinde in æquatione prima pro scribatur ξ {illeg}|e|t habebitur æquatio & inde (per Prop. 7) prodibit æquatio relationem velocitatum p, q, et π definiens, vizt in qua si pro ξ et π scribantur earum valores, proveniet æquatio quæsita .
Exempl. 2. Si quantitatum x et y quarum crescendi velocitates p et q per hanc æquationem desiderantur relatio ad invicem definiatur per hanc æquationem, et {illeg} , & quæratur relatio velocitatum p et q quibus quantitates illæ crescunt augentur vel diminuatur ponantur , , et . Et si velocitates quibus τ, φ, et ξ mutantur nominantur p, q et r β γ et δ \respective/ æquatio prima per R{illeg} {Prop.} \ (per/ |Prop.| 7) dabit , secunda dabit seu tertia dabit , seu . Deni æquatio est quam invenire oportuit.
Exempl. 3. {illeg} \Sit/ Curva|æ|{s} AC A{illeg} \cujus vis AC/ sit Abscissa {illeg}s {illeg} Et Ordinata {illeg} rectangula & superficies curviline inclusa ABC dicatur z, et relatio{n} inter x, y et z definiatur per æquationem et {illeg} quæratur relatio inter ipsarum motus seu crescendi vel decrescendi velocitates |sint| p, q & r respective, et quæratur relatio inter p et q: Æquatio {illeg} (per Prop 7) dat æquationem novam . {T}|A|d ipsius AB terminos A et B erigantur perpendicula \unitati/ æqualia et longitudine data AD et BH et compleatur parallelogrammum ADHB. Et si abscissa AB aug{illeg}|e|atur, superficies duæ ADHB et ACB augebuntur in ratione Ordinatarum BH et BC id est ita ut sit ad p sit ad r ut ad , adeo . Quo ipsius r valore in æquationem substituto prodit æquatio quam invenire oportuit .
And in the eighth Proposition wch is for deducing fluents from equations involving their fluxions I {illeg} laid down these Rules. Sunto quantitates indeterminatæ x et y et velocitates incrementorum p et q
In octava Propositione docebam \vicissim/ quomodo ex æquatione velocitates augmentorum vel decrementorum involvente quantitates crescentes vel decrescentes deduci possent, id reducendo Problema ad quadraturam Curvæ|a|\rum/, et quadranda Curvam per sequentes Regulas. Primo tres \illas/ Regulas quas \etiam/ postea \etiam/ descripsi in principio Tractatus de Analysi per Æquationes numero terminorum infinitas, ut et per Catalogum Curvarum \quæ vel quadrari possent vel cum Conicis Sectionibus comparari &/ quarum Ordinatas posui /postea\ in Epistola mea ad Oldenburgum 24 Octob. 1676 data|.| {illeg} Et ex his intelligi potest. Epistola Co quid sibi voluit Barrovius noster Collinius noster scribendo ad D. Thomam Strode 26 Iulij 1672 in hæc verba. Mense septembri 1678 Mercator Logarithmotechniam edidit suam, quæ specimen hujus methodi {illeg} in unica tantum figura, nempe quadraturam Hyperbolæ continet. Haud multo postquam prodierat liber, exemplar ejus {ad} Cl. Wallisio Oxonium misi (qui suum de eo judicium in Actis Philosophicis statim fecit,) aliud Barrovio Cantabrigiam, \qui/ quasdam Newtoni chartas [qui jam Barrovium in Mathematicis Prælectionibus publicis excipit)] extemplo remisit: e quibus ete ET ALIIS EX ALIIS, QVÆ QVÆ OLIM ab Authore cum Barrovio \AB AVTHORE CVM BARROVIO/ COMMVNICATA fuerant \FVERANT/, patet illam Methodum a dicto Newtono ALIQVOT ANNIS ANTEA EXCOGITATAM & modo universali applicatam fuisse: ita ut ejus ope in quavis . . . . . . . obtineri quæant. Hactenus Collinius. & \Et/ hæc est Methodus a Leibnitio summatoria dicta, a me vero \inversa/ methodus fluxionum (vel \et/ momentorum) {mererca} \dicta/. Quinetiam ex his manifestum est quod methodum fluxionum et methodum serierum ab anno 1666 \in unam methodum/ conjunxi [et ex utraque methodum unum generalem {illeg}s{illeg} per methodum \et quod ope methodo {vel} ope method{illeg}/ serierum inversa|m| methodum fluxionum \ab eo tempore/ generalem reddidit et vicissim ope methodi fluxionum methodus serierum ab eo tempore generalis evasit.
Quæ in hac|is| Manuscripta|i|s brevioribus derbis \brevioribus/ complexus sum fusius explicui in Tractatu de quem anno 1671 composui
Mr Leibnits referring the difference between him & Mr Keel to me, I have spoke wth Mr Keel about it & he represents that by the Letter of Mr L. to Mr C. dated
Since you shewed me the passage in Mr Leibnitz letter wch relates to Mr Keil, I have spoke to him about it & he represents to me that in|by| your \the/ letter \of Mr L./ to Mr Collins dated & published by Dr Wallis he was of opinion \satisfied/ that Mr Leibnitz did not then underst \at that time/ use the Metho differential method & that in my two Letters sent to the next year by Mr Oldenburg to Mr Leibnitz {I}|&| since printed by Dr Wallis I sufficiently described the characters \properties nature/ {illeg}|us|es & {illeg} elements of that method \of fluxions/|.| [{illeg} [wch Mr Leibnits {illeg}d \has {illeg} since/ calls|e||d| the differential method {illeg} in that Letter & of wch I {illeg} & of wch I there represented that I had written a treatise five years before. for in resolving any Binomium into an infinite series if |& that the method called the diffe of fluxions published in the introduction & {illeg} book of Quadratures is that very method| the first term be the indeterminate or fluent quantity &|t|he second will be the first difference, the third will be the second difference the fourth will be the third difference & so on in infinitum.
Mr Keil further shewed me some passages in the Acta Leipsica {illeg} in wch I find my self & my friends {t}{illeg} d|t|{illeg}ed very constantly libelled \sleighted &/ injured \& represents that that injuries there done to him & me put him upon writes what Mr Leibnitz complains of./. And since in those Acta the method {illeg}f in dispute is in dispute {illeg}|is| taken from me & gi ascribed \given/ to Mr Leibnits as th I th{illeg} & yet I never could learn that he himselfe ever pretended to be the first author, I desire that you would send him this] And \since/ I there say that I had written a treatise of it above five years before & {illeg} set down the first proposition of ye book of Quadratures in letters put out of due order, he beleives that ye very method of fluxions described in that book was is that very method \& therefore was/ invented by me long before Mr Leibnitz knew any thing of \began to use/ the methodus differentialis.
Vpon speaking wth Mr Keil about ye complaint of Mr Leibnitz he shewed me some passages in the Acta Leipsica whe \concerning his what he had inserted into the transa Ph. Tras|n|sactions, he represented \to me/ that I {illeg}/ my friends were used w{illeg} what he there said was to obviate the bad usage which I & my friends met with in the Acta Leipsica, & shewed me some passages wch in those Acta, {illeg} by wch I was convinced of the unfair usage I there met with by {illeg} wch to justify what he said. And I had not seen those passages before, but upon reading them I found that I have more reason to complain of the collectors of ye mathematical papers in those Acta then Mr Leibnitz hath to complain of Mr Keil. For the collectors of those papers every where endeavour to insinuate to their readers that ye methodus differentialis of fluxions was ded is very {d} deduced from \{to}/ \is the/ the differential method of Mr Leibnitz {illeg} {th}{illeg} making in \& do it in such a manner/ as if he was the true author & I had taken it from him, & particularly in the account that they give of t{illeg}t{illeg}{st}{illeg} the enumeratio {curvarum} & Q the Quadra \give such an account of/ the booke of Quadratures as if it was nothing else then an improvement of what had been found out before by Mr Leibnitz Mr C Dr Sheen & Mr Craig. Whereas he that compares that book wth the Lettes {sic} wch passed between me & Mr Leibnitz before by means of Mr Oldenburg before Mr Leibnitz began to discover his knowledge of the differential method will find reason to beleive \see/ yt the things conteined in this book were invented before the writing of those Letters. For the first Proposition is set down in those letters ænigmatically,
In alio autem schediasmate \MS/ Maij 16 1666 composito methodum solvendi Problema per motum comple{x}us fui Propositionibus septem quarum ultima fuit Regula jam descripta deducendi augmentorum \incementorum {sic}/ {vel} decrementorum velocitates ex {illeg} æquatione quantitates aug\cre/escentes {sic} vel decrescentes involvente. Et mense Octobri ejusdem anni {illeg} in alio schediasmate quod anno mense Octobri ejusdem anni composui descripsi easdem Propositiones septem \& {sic} septimum anni/ & octavam addidi [deducendi quantitates augescentes vel decrescentes ex æquatione velocitates crescendi vel decrescendi involvente]
Quæ ad septimam addidi ita se habent Septimam vero auxi additis ijs quæ sequunte
The papers in ye Acta Lipsica wch gave occasion to ye controversy wth Mr Keil I did not see till the last summer & therefore had no hand in beginning this controversy. Mr Leibnitz thinks that one of his age & reputation should not enter into a dispute wth Mr Keil, & have as much reason to forbeare disputing wth the author of those papers. The controversy is between the author of those papers & Mr Keil. And I have as much reason to complain of that author for questioning my candor {illeg}|as| Mr to desire that Mr Leibnitz would set the matter right \without engaging me in a dispute wch yt author/ as Mr L/eibnitz\ has to complain {illeg} of Mr Keil for questioning his candor & to desire that I would set the matter right without engaging him in a controversy wth Mr Keil. For after that author had asserted the invention of the Differential method to Mr Leibnitz & fortified the assertion by the credit of those that used it he adds. Pro differentijs igitur Leibnitianis Dn. D|N|ewtonus adhibet semper adhibuit fluxiones quæ sint quamproxime ut fluentium augmenta æqualibus tempus|o|ris particulis quamminimis genita; ijs tum in suis Principijs Naturæ Mathematicis tum in alijs postea editis eleganter est usus &c. The words are ambiguous but i|m|ost properly import that I always knew of the Differential method \& borrowed every thing from it/: whereas Mr Leibnitz by the Letters wch passed between us in the years 1676 & 17|6|77 I {illeg} knows that I wrote a treatise of the methods of fluxions & infinite series Six years before I heard of the method of differential method. The truth is, I always used & still use the language of particula momenta, & \augmenta & or/ incrementa momentanea & particulæ nascentes [as may be seen in my Analysis per æquationes infinitas communicated by Dr Barrow to Mr Collins A.C. 1669 & in my Principia Philosophiæ & Quadratura Curvarum.] \other Tracts/ And where I had by putting the meth velocities of the increase of quantities proportial to the incrementa \prima nascentia/ momentanea, I demonstrated the method of moments & from thence called it the method of veloci fluxions \giving the name of fluxions to those velocities/. {illeg} Those momenta Mr Leibnitz calls differences & thence came the name of the Differential method. [The Demonstration you have in the end of the my Analysis per æquationes infinitas & in the first Proposion {sic} of my Treatise of Quadratures.] Those momenta \or augmenta/ Mr Leibnits calls Differences & thence came the name of \named the method/ the Differential method \but has not yet demonstrated it/. And I know that Mr Leibnitz \he/ had that method in ye year 1677, but when & how he found it I do not know. That must come from himself.
Fermat I had the hint of this method from Fermats way of drawing Tangents & by applying it to \abstracted/ Æquations in general I extended it to directly & invertedly I made it general. Mr Gregory & Dr Barrow had \& improved/ the same method in drawing of Tangents. Vpon my communicating some things \A paper of mine gave occasion/ \of this kind/ to Dr Barrow he \to/ shewed me his method of Tangents before he {illeg} ad inserted it into his 10th Gemetrical Lecture. For I {illeg} \am/ that friend wch he there mentions.
For Mr Leibnitz affirms that that Aug|t|hor has \every where/ given every man his due \own/ & for that author in giving an account of my book \of Quadratures/ to give every man his due \own/ is to tell the world that I have borrowed from other people \men/ & thereby to tax my candor|.| as much as Mr Leibnitz Kei Whereas in the|a|t book of Quadratures there is nothing but what I had invented \some years/ before I heard of the Differential method name of Mr Leibnitz, or of any of those authors from whom it can be pretended that I have borrowed any thing.
For Mr Leibnits
diametri Lunæ. . . . . . . id est hexapedarum Parisiensium 57303 Quoniam Cassinus intervallum omnium maximum \mensuravit/ id maxima {illeg} ut opinor cum diligentia mensura {illeg}it{illeg}s hujus mensuram in Tabula præcedente \condenda/ adhiberi et invenit gradum unum esse haxapedarum 57{0}|2|93 et medium intervalli ab 10 mensurati incidat in latitudinem 45.′41′ in condenda Tabula superiore posui mensuram gradus in Latitudine illa esse hexapedarum 57292, {illeg} Et in latitudine \vero/ 45gr esse hexapedarum 57284. Et hæc est mensura gradus unius in æquatore pergendo ab oriente in occidentem. Et propterea diameter Terræ a centro ejus ad æquatorem ducta {illeg} \æqualis est/ hexapedis 3282131 æqualis est seu pedibus Parisiensibus 19692789
For he claims it as {illeg} And by these letters it seems to me that Gallia was at this time subject to the Pope & that the bishop of Rouen was his Vicar or one of them. For he directs him to refer the greater causes to ye sea of Rome according to custome. But \the Bp of Arles/ soon after was made his Vicar over all Gallia: for
I shewed your Letter to Sr Is. Newton \at a meeting before \of/ ye |R.| Society/ & report {illeg} discoursing the matter wth Mr Keil, |&| Mr Keil shewed {illeg} \showing/ somethings in the Acta Leipsica wch gave occasion to what he wrote in the Transactions & chose rather to write the inclosed answer to yours then to retract & beg pardon \he/ was \thereupon/ desired by the Society to draw up an Account of that matter, wch account I herewith send you
Copy of Leibnitzs Letter to Mr Chamberlayn
I am obliged to you as well for the communication of the Letter of the excellent Mr Wotton (who is more favourable to me then I could hope, & I pray return my thanks for his good sentiments \opinion/) as for your obliging offer to mediate a good understanding between me & Mr Newton & me. It was not I that interrupted it. One named \Mr/ Keil inserted something against me in one of the \your/ Philosophical Transactions. I was \much/ surprized at it & demanded reparation by a Letter to Dr Sloane Secretary of the Society. Dr Sloane sent me a discourse of Mr Keil where he justified what he said after a manner wch attaqued my reputation \reflected even upon my integrity./ I took this for an \private/ animosity peculiar to this|a|t personage, without having the least suspicion that the Society & the said |even| Mr Newton \himself/ took part with him \therein/ And not finding it material \judging it worth the while/ to enter into a dispute wth a man ill instructed in former affairs & supposing also that Mr Newton himself being better informed of that wch had happened passed would do me justice, I continued only to demand that satisfaction wch was due to me. But I know not by wh{o}|a|t chica\n/ry & foul play some brought it about that this matter was taken as if I \was/ pleaded|in||g| before the Society, & submitted my self to their jurisdiction, wch I never thought of. And according to justice they should have let me know that the Society would examin the bottom of this affair & \have/ given me opportunity to declare if I would propose my reasons & if I did not hold any of the Iudges far suspected. So they have given sentence, one side only being heard, in such a manner that the nullity is visible. Also I \do not at all/ beleive not at all that the judgment wch is given can be taken for a final judgment of the Society. Yet Mr Newton has caused it to be published to the world by a book intituled printed expresly for discrediting me, & sent it into Germany, into France, & into Italy as in the name of the Society. This pretended judgment, & this affront done without cause to one of the most ancient members of the Society it self & who has done it no dishonnour, has \will/ foun|ind|d but few approvers in the world. And in the Society it self I hope that all the members will not agree to it. The ablee{illeg}t \men among the/ French, Italians, & others disapprove highly of this proceeding & are astonished at it, & their \I have several/ Letters upon it {illeg} in my hands. The proofs produced against \me/ appear to them very short.
As for me I have always carried my self with the greatest respect that could be towards Mr Newton. And tho it appears \now/ that there is the great{est} room to doubt whether he knew my invention before he had it from me; yet I have spoken ~ ~ as if he had of himself found something like my method: but being abused by some flatterers ill advised, he has taken the liberty to carry himself in my affair \atta me in a mann/ in a manner very sensible|y|. Iudge you notwithstanding \now/, Sr from what side that should nece{ss}arily come {illeg} principally come wch is requisite to terminate this controversy. I have not yet seen the book published against me, being at Vienna which is in the extremity \furthest part/ of Germany where such books come very slowly, & I have not designe to make it come speedily \thought it worth the while to send for it/ by the Post. So I have not yet been able to make such an Apology as the affair requires. But others have already took care of my reputation. I abhor disobliging disputes among me{illeg}|n| of Letters & have always avoyded them. but at present all meanes \possible/ have been taken to engage me \in them/. If the evil could be redressed, Sr, by your means intercession \interposition/, t{o}|w|hich you offer so obligingly, I shall|ou||ld| be glad very glad, & I am \already/ very much obliged to you for advancing it b{illeg} already for it.