
London {illeg}|j|une 4. 1673.


I herewth send you Monsr Hugens's present, wch came lately to my hands amongst some other Copies, \wch/ he presenteth other members of ye R. Society wth. When you shall haue perused and consider'd it, I doubt not but you will return him yr acknowledgements together wth yr thoughts of the book; wch latter is the end, why he sends copies of it to learned men.

I forgot hitherto to send you the receipt for ye 26 shillings; wch kind of payment you need not henceforth trouble yrself about: a|A|nd I could heartily wish, you would passe by the incongruities, yt may haue been committed by one or other of our Body towards you, and consider, that barely any Company will be found in the world, in wch there is not some or other yt wants discretion, you may be satisfied, that the Body in general esteems and loves you, wch I can assure you of, fide viri boni, who am wth all integrity

Sir yr humble and faithful servt



To his honor'd Friend Mr Isaac Newton, Professor of the Mathematiques

At his chamber in Trinity Colledge in


Wth a {illeg}le of a Book.

The bright foot of of & c|C|auda is

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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