Stukeley's Principal Manuscripts.

Bodelian Library, Oxford:

'Celtic Temples.' [Bod. MS. Eng. misc. c. 323]

'Religious Antiquitys.' [Bod. MS. Eng. misc. e. 1331]

'Disquisitio de Deo. Or an Enquiry into the Nature of the Deity …' [Bod. MS Eng. misc. e.650]

'On the Origin of Temples. 1743.' [Bod. MS Eng. misc. d.455]

'Ras Sem … On the Petrify'd City in Africa.' [Bod. MS Eng. misc. e.390]

'Origin of the Antidiluvian, or Chinese Writing.' [Bod. MS Eng. misc. e.378]

The Bodleian also holds most of Stukeley's extensive surviving collection of letters, diaries, autobiographies and reminiscenes.

Cardiff Central Library:

'Stonehenge.' [CCL MS. 4.253]

'Celtic Religion. [CCL MS. 4.26]

'Discourses Read at the Antiquarian Society.' [CCL MS. 2.368]

Corpus Christi College, Cambridge:

'Fasti Evangelici, or Chronological Commentarys of the Life and Actions of Jesus Christ' [CCCC MSS 616 and 617]

'Stanfordia Illustrata, Or An Account of the Antiquities of Stamford … Vols. I and II.' [CCCC MSS 618 and 619]

The Philosophy of Springs and Fountains, Or a Theory of the Earth. [CCCC MS 623]

Devizes Archaeological and Natural History Society:

'Commonplace book.'

Freemasons' Hall, London:

'The Creation. Music of the Spheres. K[ing] S[olomon's] Temple. Micro- and Macrocosm Compared andc.' [FM MS 1130 Stu (1)]

'The Order of the Pillars of Solomon's Temple' [FM MS 1130 Stu (2)]

'The Hieroglyphics of the Egyptians.' [FM MS 1130 Stu (3)]

'Egyptian Antiquities' [FM MS 1130 Stu (7)]

'Discourse on Hades' [FM MS 1130 Stu (10)]

'Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Chinese Writing.' [MS 1130 Stu (13)]

'Hebrew Antiquity' [FM MS 1130 Stu (15)]

'Solomon's Temple' [FM MS 1130 Stu (16)]

'The Jews Speak a Sign, the Greeks Wisdom' [FM MS 1130 Stu (17)]

'Antient Sepulchres' [FM MS 1130 Stu (18)]

These are the most important of nineteen MSS held in the collection.

Royal College of Physicians:

'A Botanic Lecture I Wrote 1723… Pronounced at the Herbarizing Feast of the Apothecarys.' [RCP MSS. 340/14-16]

Royal Society of London:

'Memoirs of Sr Isaac Newtons Life' [RS MS. 142]

Society of Antiquaries of London:

'Minute Book of the Antiquarian Society, 1722.' [SoA MS. 268]

'Historia Coelestis or the History of the Heavens, Being an Explication of the Asterisms of the Coelestial Sphere; Whence the Origin of Idolatry, and First Deviation from the Patriarchal, and True Religion.' [SoA MS. 806]

Wellcome Institute for the History of Science and Medicine, London:

'A Catalogue of Druids.' [Wellcome MS 4720]

'Palaeographia Sacra II. A Dissertation on the Mysterys of the Antients in an Explication of the Famous Piece of Antiquity, the table of Isis.' [Wellcome MS 4722]

'Antediluvians. Palaeographia Sacra, Or Discourses on Monuments of Antiquity that Relate to Sacred History, No. II. Or Heroologia Sacra Patriarchalis. An Attempt to Retrieve the Heroical Pictures of the Patriarchs, and Eminent Persons in Antiquity, Mention'd in the Holy Scriptures, Or Relating Thereto; Or to the Brittish History: From Antient Paintings, sculptures, intaglia's, and Other Antient Monuments.' [Wellcome MS 4724]

Stukeley's Publications.

Stukeley, William. 1720. An Account of a Roman Temple, and other Antiquities, near Graham's Dike in Scotland. (London) [A copy with extensive interleaved MS notes made by Stukeley is in the Ashmoelan Museum Library, Oxford, shelf mark 533.7 G.42 fol.]

Stukeley, William. 1722. Of the Spleen, its Description and History, Uses and Diseases To which is Added Some Anatomical Observations in the Dissection of an Elephant. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1723. Of the Roman Amphitheater at Dorchester. (Pamphlet, London)

Stukeley, William. 1724. Itinerarium Curiosum, Or, An Account of the Antiquitys and Remarkable Curiositys in Nature or Art, Observ'd in Travels thro' Great Brittan. Illustrated with Copper Prints. Centuria I. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1728. 'A Description of a Roman Pavement Found Near Grantham in Lincolnshire, with the Oeconomy of the Roman Times in this Part of England', in Philosophical Transactions 35, pp. 428-32

Stukeley, William. 1733. A Letter to Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. President of the College of Physicians, London, And of the Royal Society; About the Cure of the Gout, By Oils externally apply'd. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1735. Of the Gout. (Dublin)

Stukeley, William. 1736. Palaeographia Sacra: Or, Discourses on Monuments of Antiquity that Relate to Sacred History. Number 1. A Comment on an Ode of Horace, Shewing the Bacchus of the Heathen to be the Jehovah of the Jews. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1740. Stonehenge: A Temple Restor'd to the British Druids. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1742. National Judgements the Consequence of a National Profanation of the Sabbath. A Sermon Preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at St Margaret's, Westminster. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1743a. Abury: A Temple of the British Druids. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1743b. Palaeographia Britannica: Or, Discourses on Antiquities in Britain. Number I. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1746. Palaeographia Britannica: Or, Discourses on Antiquities in Britain. Number II. (Stamford)

Stukeley, William. 1750a. 'On the Causes of Earthquakes' and 'Concerning the Causes of Earthquakes', in Philosophical Transactions 46, pp. 641-6, 657-69

Stukeley, William. 1750b. The Philosophy of Earthquakes, Natural and Religious. (Pamphlet, London)

Stukeley, William. 1750c. The Healing of Disease, A Character of the Messiah: A Sermon. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1752. Palaeographia Britannica: Or, Discourses on Antiquities in Britain. Number III. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1753. 'An Account of the Eclipse Predicted by Thales', in Philosophical Transactions 48, pp. 221-26

Stukeley, William. 1756. The Philosophy of Earthquakes, Natural and Religious, Or an Inquiry into their Causes, and their Purpose. (3rd edition, London.)

Stukeley, William. 1757a. The Medallic History of Marcus Aurelius Valerius Carausius, Emperor in Brittain, Volume I. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1757b. An Account of Richard of Cirencester, Monk of Westminster, and of his Works: With his Antient Map of Roman Britain; And the Itinerary Thereof. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1759. The Medallic History of Marcus Aurelius Valerius Carausius, Emperor in Brittain, Volume II. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1763a. Palaeographia Sacra. Or, Discourses on Sacred Subjects. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1763b. A Letter from Dr Stukeley to Mr MacPherson, On his Publication of Fingal and Temora, With a Print of Cathmor's Shield. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1776. Itinerarium Curiosum, Or, An Account of the Antiquitys and Remarkable Curiositys in Nature or Art, Observ'd in Travels thro' Great Brittan. Centuria 2. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1882. The Family Memoirs, vol. 1, ed. W. C. Lukis (Surtees Society, vol. lxxiii, for 1880)

Stukeley, William. 1883. The Family Memoirs, vol. 2, ed. W. C. Lukis (Surtees Society, vol. lxxvi, for 1883)

Stukeley, William. 1887. The Family Memoirs, vol. 3, ed. W. C. Lukis (Surtees Society, vol. lxxx, for 1885)

Stukeley, William. 1936. Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton's Life, ed. A. Hastings White. (London)

Stukeley, William. 1980. The Commentarys, Diary, and Commom-Place Book of William Stukeley. (London)

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Anon. 1704. A Letter to Eusebia: Occasioned by Mr Toland's Letter to Serena. (London)

Anon. 1736. An Universal History, From the Earliest Account of Time to the Present … Vol. I. (London)

Anon. 1742. A Dissertation on Deistical and Arian Corruptiom. (London)

Anon. c.1750. A Concise Account of the Most Famous Antiquity of Great-Britain, Vulgarly Call'd Stonehenge … According to Inigo Jones, Dr Stukely, andc … (London and Salisbury)

Anon. 1776. A Description of Stonehenge, Abiry andc. in Wiltshire. With an Account of the Learning and Discipline of the Druids … (London)

Bentley, Richard. 1710. The Present State of Trinity College in Cambridg, In a Letter from Dr Bentley, Master of the Said College, to the Right Reverend John Lord Bishop of Ely. (2nd edition, London)

Berkeley, George. 1744. Siris: A Chain of Philosophical Reflections and Inquiries Concerning the Virtues of Tar Water, and Divers Other Subjects Connected Together and Arising from One Another. (2nd edition, London)

Blackmore, Richard. 1725. Treatise of Consumptions and other Distempers Belonging to the Breast and Lungs. (2nd edition, London)

Blunt, Henry. 1671. A Voyage into the Levant: Being a Brief Relation of a Journey Lately Performed from England by the way of Venice, into Dalmatia, Sclavonia, Bosna, Hungary, Macedonia, Thrace, and Ægypt, unto Gran-Cairo … (8th edition, London)

Borlase, William. 1754. Observations on the Antiquities Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall. Consisting of Several Essays on the First Inhabitants, Druid-Superstition, and Remains of the Most Remote Antiquity, In Britain, and the British Isles …. (Oxford)

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Bowles, W.L. 1828. Hermes Britannicus. A Dissertation on the Celtic Deity Teutates. The Mercurious of Caesar, in Further Proof and Corroboration of the Origination and Designation of the Great Temple at Abury, in Wiltshire. (London)

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Browne, Henry. 1823. An Illustration of Stonehenge and Abury, In the County of Wilts, Pointing out their Origin and Character, Through Considerations Hitherto Unnoticed. (Salisbury)

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Clarke, Samuel. 1712. The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity. In Three Parts. Wherein all the Texts in the New Testament Relating to that Doctrine, and the principal Passages of the Church of England, are Collected, Compared, and Explained. (London)

Clarke, Samuel. 1716. A Discourse Concerning the Unchangeable Obligations of Natural Religion, and the Truth and Certainty of the Christian Revelation. (London, 4th edition)

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Derham, William. 1719. Astro-Theolgoy: Or, A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from a Survey of the Heavens. (3rd edition, London)

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Edwards, John. 1714. Some New Discoveries of the Uncertainty, Deficiency, and Corruptions of Human Knowledge and Learning. (London)

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Gough, Richard. 1785. A Comparative View of the Antient Monuments of India. (London)

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Jackson, John. 1752. Chronological Antiquities: Or, The Antiquities and Chronology of the Most Antient Kingdoms, from the Creation of the World, for the Space of Five Thousand Years. (3 vols, London)

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Jones, George.1843. The History of Ancient America, Anterior to the Time of Columbus … (London)

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Jones, William. 1799. The Works of Sir William Jones. (6 vols, London)

Keill, James. 1717. Essays on Several Parts of the Animal Oeconomy. (2nd edition, London)

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Macky, John. 1714. A Journey Through England in Familiar Letters from a Gentleman Here, to His Friend Abroad, Volume I. (London)

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Macky, John. 1729. A Journey Through Scotland. (London)

Macpherson, James. 1773. An Introduction to the History of Great Britain and Ireland … (3rd edition, London)

Mangey, Thomas. 1718. Remarks upon Nazarenus … (London)

Martin, Martin. 1703. A Description of the Western Isles of Scotland. (London)

Masters, Robert. 1753. The History of the College of Corpus Chrstsi and the B. Virgin Mary (Commonly called Bene't) in the University of Cambridge, From the Foundation to the Present Time. (Cambridge)

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Philalethes, Eugenius. 1722. Long Livers: A Curious History of Such Persons of Both Sexes Who Have Liv'd Several Ages, And Grown Young Again: With the Rare Secret of Rejuvenescency of Arnoldus de Villa Nova, And a Great Many Approv'd and Invaluable Rules to Prolong Life: As Also, How to Prepare the Universal Medicine. (London)

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