Appendix 2
Appendix 2
Copy extract in Hartlib's hand, Charles de Montendon to ?, 4 March 1661
HP 15/9/19A-B
Leipsigk. March 4. 1661
Glauber is fallen vpon mee at the Altenburg-Court, where hee charges mee that I have beene the only cause, why his busines did not proceed having gotten the 24. Processe which I had entrusted to the Electoral Delegats of Mentz which I imparted to the Delegates from Altenburg, least [deletion?] <Hee> should have gotten the Monies which were promised, which indeed would have beene the highest Injustice, and therfore those of Altenburg had separated themselves from his Schoole, going away without taking their leaves, and keeping the Monies, which they also made the Bavarian to doe amounting to 4000. Rixd. All this I confesse I have done. by which meanes I have saved such Monies out of the Impostors claw's. Nor doe I care to attest Language <Tongue> which otherwise I should have beene necessitated to doe. For having found the Deceivers (Glaubers) deceits by my owne losses, which <now> I know to bee nothing else but falshood and cousenage, I have [count?] it my duty to warne [others?] for their good by a Treatise on purpose entituled - A needful Refutation of Glaubers hitherto divulged Vn-Truths. I confesse I have beene somwhat sharp and passionat calling <him> Villaine Knave and Theefe yea the great and impudent Arch-Cheater. I have also certain writings vnder his owne hands, so that I shall bee able [15/9/19B] to enter into a course of Law with him[altered from them] either to performe what hee hath vndertaken and promised or to recover the Monies, which hee hath had from mee a Friend of mine. the fore-said Treatise is here printed and will bee ready against the Mart.[2] Thus far Charls de Montendon from Leipzigk concerning his Purpose and Booke against Glauber.
this Truth[1] and to maintaine it, which also the Court hath approved. I am glad therfore that I have exercised myselfe in the Germane - Language, so that now I need not to put out my Refutation of Glaubere in the French[1] Ie. nor do I have any objection to attesting this truth.
[2] Ie. the Frankfurt Book Fair.