
Our religion to God.

God made the world & governs it invisibly, & hath commanded us to love honour & worship him & no other God but him & \to do it/ without \making/ any image of him, & not to name him idly & without reverence, & to honour our parents masters & governours, & love our neighbours as our selves, & to be temperate, modest, humbe|l|e, just, & peaceable, & to be merciful even to bruit beasts.

Our religion to Iesus Christ.

Iesus Christ a true man born of a woman & \was/ crucified by the Iews for teaching them the truth, {illeg}|&| by the same power by wch God gave life \at first/ to every species of animals being revived, he appeared to his disciples & explained to them Moses & the Prophets concerning himself, as that he was the Sun of righteousness spoken of by Malachy, the son of man & the Messiah spoken of by Daniel, < insertion from lower down f 1r > God's servant David spoken of by Ezekiel, the Lord our righteousness spoken of by Ieremy, the Ruler in Israel spoken of by Micah, < text from higher up f 1r resumes > the servant of God & lamb of God & Redeemer spoken of by Isaiah, the son of God & the Holy one spoken of by David, the seed of the woman & the Prophet & the Shiloh spoken of by Moses &c. And then he sent his disciples to teach others what he had taught them, & is gone into the heavens to receive a kingdom & prepare a place for us, & is mystically said to sit at the right hand of God, that, is, to be next to him in dignity, & is worshipped & glorified as the Lamb of God, & hath sent the Holy Ghost to comfort us in his absence, & will at length return & reign |above| in the {above} air (invisibly to mortals) till he hath raised up & judged all the dead (the saints in the first thousand years & the rest afterwards) \& sent the wicked to places suitable to their merits/ & then \he/ will give up this kingdom to the father, & carry the blessed (whom he hath merited by his death & redeemed with his blood) to the place \or mansion/ wch he is now preparing for them. & sent the rest \wicked/ to other places wch he suitable to their merits. ffor in God's house (wch is the univers) are many mansions

Our religion to the Church

We enter into societies (called churches) \not by birth as the Iews did but/ by the ceremonies of baptism & laying on of hands \confirmation/, & assemble weekly to worship God joyntly by prayers & praises, & in or assemblies commemorate the death of Christ by breaking of \bread &/ drinking of wine the symbols of his body & blood, & submit our causes to our governours who in every city compose a board of Elders & \with/ a President elected by the citizens, And in our travells, by communicatory letters from our President, we joyn in worship wth other cities, all wch together compose the Church catholick. \under whom are deacons to take care of the poor./ And every particular church sends /an\ Elders or Presbyters to every Parish under its jurisdiction, to instruct & govern the inhabitants. And by communicatory letters from the Presidents they joyne in worship wth other cities all wch together compose the Church catholick. And this Church was illuminated by the lamps of the seven Churches of Asia till the death of Iohn the Apostle & his disciples: And this Church \&/ had authority to propagate what she received & only what she received by tradition from the Apostles & Prophets, & is to continue till the times of the Gentiles be accomplished, & then shall all Israel be saved.


God made the world & governs it invisibly, & hath commanded us to love honour & worship him & no other God but him, \& not to reprent {sic} him by any image, {illeg} & not|r| to name him \idly &/ without reverence/ & to honour our parents & masters \masters & governours/ & love our neighbours as our selves & to be temperate \modest humble/ just & peaceable, & to be mercifull even to bruit beasts. And by the same power by wch God gave life at first to every species of animals he is able to revive the dead, & hath revived Iesus Christ our redeemer, who is gone into the heavens to receive a kingdom & prepare a place for us, & is \is said to sit at the right hand of God to represent him/ next in dignity to God, \is said to sit at his right hand,/ & may be worshipped \& glorified/ as the Lamb of God, & hath sent the Holy Ghost to comfort us in his absence, & will at length return & reign over us invisibly to mortals till he hath raised up & judged all the dead, & then will give up this kingdom to the father, & carry the blessed to the place wch he is now preparing for them, & send the rest to other places suitable to their merits. ffor in Gods house (wch is the Vniverse) are many mansions.

We are also to enter into societies by \the ceremonies of/ Baptism & laying on of hands, & to \assemble weekly & to worship God &/ commemorate the death of Christ in or assemblies by breaking of bread, & submit our causes to or {go}vernours.


|Our religion to God.|

|1| God made the world & governs it invisibly, & hath commanded us to love honour & worship him & no other God but him, & not to represent him by any image, nor to name him idly & without reverence, & to honour our parents masters & governours & love our neighbours as our selves, & to be temperate, modest, humble, just, & peaceable, & to be mercifull even to bruit beasts.

|Our government{.}|

|3| By the same power by wch God gave life at first to every creature species of We enter into Societies by the ceremonies of baptism & laying on of hands, & as{illeg} submit our causes to our governours, & assemble weekly to worship God & in our assemblies commemorate the death of Xt by breaking of bread & drink{ing} \wine/ the symbols of his body & blood.

|Our religion to Xt.|

|2| By the same power by wch God gave life at first to every species of animals he is able to revive the dead & hath revived Iesus Christ our redeemer who was bor a true man born of a woman & crucified by the Iews \for teaching them the truth./. And being revived he appeared to his disciples, \&/ explained to them Moses & the Prophets concerning himself, < insertion from f 3v > (as that he was the Sun of righteousness spoken of by Malachy, the Messiah & the son of Man spoken of by Daniel, the servant of God & lamb of G \& Redeemer/ spoken of by Isaiah, the Son of God \& the Holy one/ spoken of by David, the seed of the woman & the Prophet & Shiloh spoken of by Moses &c) & the Lord our righteousness spoken of by Ieremy, & Gods servant David spoken of by Ezekiel, the ruler in Israel spoken of by Micah. < text from f 3r resumes > < insertion from the bottom of f 3r > (as that he was the Messiah spoken o & the son of man spoken of by Daniel, the seed of the woman & the Prophet \& Shiloh/ spoken of by Moses, & the Son of God spoken \of by David/ in the second Psalm, [& the Sun of righteousness spoken of by Malachy, & the servant of God spoken of by Isaiah. ch. 52 & 53 & the Redeemer Isa. 59. 60. 61.] & reprented {sic} \in the Law/ by the paschal lamb & Isa 53.7 the servant of God & lamb of God spoken of by Isaiah ch. 52 & 53. & ye Sun of righteousness spoken of by by {sic} Malachy &c) < text from f 3r resumes > sent them to teach others what he had taught them, \&/ is gone into the heavens to receive a kingdom & return prepare a place for us, & is mystically said to sit at the right hand of God, that, is to be next to him in dignity, & is worshipped & glorified as the Lamb of God, & hath sent the Holy Ghost to confort {sic} us in his absence, & will at length return & reign over us (invisibly to mortals) till he hath raised up & judged all the dead \(the saints in the first thousand years & all the rest afterwards)/ & then will give up this kingdom to the father & carry the blessed \(whom he hath merited by his death )|&| redeemed with his blood)/ to the place wch he is now preparing for them, & send the rest to other places suitable to their merits. ffor in Gods house (wch is the Vniverse) are many mansions.


& continued in her \in affliction &/ purity under the heathen Roman Emperors \till the end of Dioclesians persecution/ & then by \prosperity &/ the flowing in of the heathens began to embrace their doctrines of {illeg} ghosts & place religion & dead works, & contend for dominion & wealth, & is to continue \decay in outward form in vertue/ till the times of the Gentiles be accomplished \fulfilled/, & then shall all Israel be saved.

Nisi quatenus motus aquæ \fluendi et refluendi/ ab alveo \aquæ/ per frictionem aliquatenus retardetur & paulo citius sistatur. Vis LM trahendo aquam \deorsum/ in Quadraturis faciet ipsam tunc \ibi/ maxima \cum/ velocitate descendere, et vis KL trahendo ipsam sursum in Syzygijs faciet ipsam tunc \ibi/ maxima cum velocitate ascendere. Et inde{illeg} ascensus et descen maxima et minima ejus altitudo eveniet [in octantibus.] \vel potius/ proxime post Octantes.

nisi quatenus aqua in orbe suo sustinetur non per vim suam centifugam {sic} sed per alveum in quo fluit, & motus ejus fluendi et refluendi ab alveo suo per frictionem aliquatenus retardatur. Vis LM trahit aqua re|m|tentibus deorsum maxime in Quadraturis & vis KL trahit eandem trahere sursum maxime in Syzygijs: et hæ vires conjunctim \desinunt trahere aquam deorsum &/ incipiunt trahere aquam sursum \& desinunt trahere aquam deorsum/ in Octantibus ante {Qu} Quadraturas \Syzygias/ {illeg} ac desinunt trahere aquam sursum incipiuntqꝫ trahere aquam deorsum in Octantibus post Quadraturas Syzygias Et inde maxima et minima aquæ altitudo eveniet in Octantibus \post syzygias et minima in Octantib post Quadraturas {eveniet}/ nisi quatenus motus ascendendi vel descendendi ab his viribus impressus paulo diutius persevereret |  {or} {g} quam proxime ab alijs causis a vel aulo diutius vel per vim insitam aquæ paulo diutius perseveret vel per impedimenta \alve paulo/ citius sistatur.

p. 161. l. 19. dele in singulis corporis revolutionibus
ib. l 37dele in tota revolutione
l 38 dele singulis revolutionibus
p. 163 l. 4.pro velocissimus scribe directus
p. 167 l. 25scribe tunc descendere ac dele usqꝫ ad syzygias
l. 26 scribe ipsam tunc ascendere
& lin 27dele usqꝫ ad Quadraturas
p. 168l. 11. scribe inde \inde/ non multum \{illeg}/ mutabuntur. Vel lectionem priorem retine.


God made & governs the world \invisibly/ & hath commanded us \to \love &/ worship \him &/ no other God &/ to honour our parents & masters & love our neighbours as our selves, & to be \temperate/ just & peaceable, & \to be/ mercifull even to bruit beasts. And by the same power by wch he|{God}| gave life at first to every species of Animals he is able to revive the dead & hath revived Iesus Christ \our redeemer/ who is gone into the heavens to receive a kingdom & prepare a place for us, \& is next in dignity to God & may be worshipped as the Lamb of God/ & hath sent the Holy Ghost to comfort us in his absence, & will at length return & reign over us invisibly to mortals till he hath raised up & judged all the dead & then he will give up this kingdom to the father & carry them \blessed/ to the place wch he is now preparing for them \& send the wicked \rest/ to other places according \suitable/ to their merits./. For in Gods house are many mansions. suited to the merits of the inhabitants, \(which is the Vnivers) are many mansions./ [& he governs them by \hath/ Agents which can pass through the heavens from one mansion to another. For if all spa places known to us \to wch we have access/ are filled with living creatures, wch|hy| should all those immense spaces of the heavens above the clouds be wholy void of them \incapable of/ inhabitants?] We are also to enter into so separate repent & be baptized & admitted into communion \societies/ by the laying on of hands, & to commemorate the death of Xt in or assemblies. We are also to enter into societies by Baptism & laying on of hands & to commemorate the death of X in our assemblies. by breaking of bread.

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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