
An Act concerning the severall corporations of the Universities of Oxford & Cambridge & the confirmation of the Charters Liberties & Privileges granted to either of them.

For the great love & fr{illeg}r that the Queens most excellent Majesty beareth towards her Highness Universities of Oxford & Cambridge & for the great zeal & care that the Lords & Commons of this present Parliament have for the maintenance of good & godly literature & the vertuous education of youth within either of the said Universities & to ye intent that the ancient Privileges liberties & franchises of either of the said Universities heretofore printed ratified & confirmed by the Queens Highness & her most noble Progenitors may be had in greater estimation & be of greater force and strength for the better encrease of learning & the further suppressing of vice, Be it therefore enacted by the authority of this present Parliament that the Right honourable Robert Earl of Leicester now Chancellour of the said University of Oxford & his successors for ever & the masters & scholars of the said|me| University of Oxford for the time being shall be incorporated & have a perpetuall succession in fact deed & name by the name of the Chancellour Masters & fellows Scholars of the University of Oxford & that the same Chancellour Masters & Scholars of the same University of Oxford for ye time being from henceforth by the name of Chancellour Master & Scolars & by of the University of Oxford & by none other name <1v> or names shall be called & named for evermore, & that they shall have a common seal to serve for their necessary causes touching & concerning the said Chancellour Masters & Scholars of ye said University of Oxford & their succession. And likewise that ye Right honourable Sr William Cecil Knight Baron of Burghley now Chancellour of ye said University of Cambridge & his successors for ever & ye Masters & Scholars of ye same University of Cambridge for ye time being shall be incorporated & have a perpetuall succession in fact deed & name by ye name of ye Chancellour Masters & scholars of ye University of Cambridge. And that the same Chancellour Masters & Scholars of ye said University of Cambridge for ye time being from henceforth by the name of Chancellour Masters & Scholars of ye said University of Cambridge & by none other name or names shall be called & named for evermore. And that they shall have a common seal to serve for their neceesary causes touching & concerning the said Chancellour Masters & Scholars of ye said University of Cambridge & their successors. And further that as well ye Chancellour Masters & Scholars of ye said University of Oxford & their successors by ye name of Chancellour Masters & scholars of ye |said| University of Cambridge & their successors by the name of Chancellour Masters & scholars of ye University of Cambridge may severally implead & be impleaded & sue & be sued for all manner of causes \quarrells/ actions real personall & mixed of whats{illeg}|o|ever kind quality or nature they be, & shall & may chalenge & demand all manner of liberties & franchises & also answer & defend themselves under & by ye name aforesaid in ye same causes quarrels & actions for every thing & things whatsoever for ye profit & right of either of ye aforesaid Universities to be done before any manner <2r> of judge either spirituall or Temporall in any Courts & places within the Queens Highness Dominions whatsoever they be. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the letters Patents of ye Queens Highness most noble ffather King Henry ye eighth made & granted to ye Chancellour & scholars of ye said University of Oxford bearing date the first day of April in ye fourteenth year of his reign. And the letters Patents of the Queens Majesty that now is made & granted unto ye Chancellour Master & scholars of ye University of Oxford, bearing date ye six & twentith {sic} day of April in ye third year of her Highness most gratious reig{illeg}n & also all other letters Patents by any of ye Progenitors or Predecessors of ye said sovereign being made to either of ye said corporated bodies severally or to any of their Predecessors in either of the said Universities by whatsoever name or names the said Chancellour Masters & scholars of either of ye said Universities have been or yet are named shal from henceforth be {illeg} in the law to all intents & purposes instructions & purposes. And ye aforesaid now Chancellour Masters & scholars of either of ye said Universities & their successors for evermore after according to ye same{illeg} words sentences & true meaning of every of the said|me| Letters Patents as amply fully & largely as if the same Letters Patents were recited verbatim in this present Act of Parliament any thing to ye contrary in any wise notwithstanding. And furthermore be it enacted by the authority aforesaid that the Chancellour Master & Scholars of either of ye said Universities severally & their successors for ever by the \same/ name of Chancellour Masters & fellows Scholars <2v> of either of ye said Universities of Oxford & Cambridge shall & may severally have hold possesse enjoy & use to them & to their successors for ever more all manner of Mannors Lordships Rectories Parsonages Lands Tenements Rents Services, Annuities Advousens of Churches Possessions Pensions Portions & Hereditaments & all manner of liberties franchises immunities quietances & priviledges, view of ffrank pledge, Law days & all other things whatsoever they be wch either of ye said corporated bodies of either of ye said Universities had held occupied or enjoyed or of right ought to have had used occupied & enjoyed at any time or times before ye making of this Act of Parliament according to ye true intent and meaning as well of ye said Letter Patents made by ye said noble Prince King Henry ye eighth made & granted to ye Chancellour & Scholars of ye University of Oxford bearing date as is aforesaid as of the Letters Patents of ye Queens Majesty made & granted unto ye Chancellour Masters & Scholars of ye University of Cambridge bearing date as aforesaid and as according to the true intent & meaning of all the other foresaid Letters Patents whatsoever any Statute or other thing or things whatsoever heretofore made or done to the contrary in any manner of wise notwithstanding And be it further enacted by ye authority aforesaid that all manner of instruments Indentures Obligations Writings Obligatory & recognisances made & knowledged by any person or persons or body corporate to either of the said corporate bodies of either of the said Universities by what name or names soever the said Chancellour Masters & Scholars of either of ye said Universities have been heretofore called in any of ye said Instru <3r> ments Indentures Obligations Writings obligatory or recognizances shall be from henceforth available stand & continue of good perfect & full force & strength to the now Chancellour Masters & Sc\h/olars of either of the said Universities & th to their successors to all intents constructions & purposes althô they or their predecessors or any of them in any of the said Instruments Indentures Obligations, writings obligatory or recognisances be named in any name contrary or divers to the name of the now Chancellour Masters & scholars of either of the said Universities. And be it also enacted by the authority aforesaid that as well the said Letters Patents of the Queens Highness said ffather King Henry the eighth bearing date as is before express'd made & granted to the said corporate body of ye said University of Oxford as the Letters Patents of ye Queens Majesty aforesaid granted to ye Chancellour Masters & scholars of ye University of Cambridg bearing date as aforesaid & all other Letters Patents by any of her Progenitors or Predecessors of her Highness & manner of liberties ffranchises immunities quietances & privileges Leets Lew days & other things whatsoever therein express'd given or granted to ye said Chancellour Masters & shcolars of either of ye said Universities or to either \any/ of their Predecessors of either of the said Universities in any of the said letters Patents be named be & by \vertue of/ this prsent Act shall be from henceforth ratified stablished & conform confirmed unto the said Chancellour Masters & Scholars of either of the said Universities & to their <3v> successors for ever any Statute Law usage custome construction or other thing to ye contrary in any wise notwithstanding saving to all & every person & persons & bodies politiqꝫ & incorporate their heirs & successors & the heirs & successors of every of them other then to ye Queens Majesty her heirs & successors all such rights tithes Interests Leases entries conditions charges & demands wch they & every of them had might or should have had of in or to any of the Manors Lordships Rectories Parsonages Lands Tenements Rents Services Annuities Advowsons of Churches Pensions Portions Hereditaments & all other things in the said Letters patents or in any of them mentioned or comprised by reason of any right title charge interest or condition to them or any of them or to the ancestors or predecessors of them or any of them devolute or grown before the several dates of the same letters Patents or by reason of any gift grant demise or other Act or Acts at any time made or done between the said Chancellour Masters & scholars of either of the said Universities of Oxford & Cambridge & Oxford or any of them & others by what name or names so ever the same were made or done. in like manner & form as they & every of them had or might have had the same before the making of this Act any thing \to ye contrary/ therein conteined to ye contrary \to ye contrary/ notwithstanding. Provided always & be it enacted by the authority aforesaid That this Act or any thing therein conteined shall not extend to ye prejudice or hurt of the liberties & privileges of right belonging to the Majors Bayliffs <4r> and Burgesses of the town of Cambridg & City of Oxford but that they ye said Majors Bayliffs & Burgesses & every of them & their successors shall be & continue free in such sort & degree & enjoy such liberties freedoms & immunities as they or any of them lawfully may or might have done before the making of this present Act any thing contained in this present Act to ye contrary notwithstanding.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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