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Iohn Conduit Esqꝫ

in Great George Street

Hanover Square





Good Sir!

This morning I rec'd from you ye Melancholy News of yt truly great & good Gentleman's Death Sr. Is: N: And I have according to yor. desire made Sr Isaac's Heir & Representative, who is ye Bearer of ys, acquainted wth. it, but God knows a poor Representative of so great a man, but ys. is a case yt often happens. —– There are two Families of ye Newton's in ys. Parish, both descended from ye 2'd & 3d Brother's of Sr. Is: Newton's Father. – the 2'd Brother was Robert Newton from wm. ye Bearer of ys. Iohn Newton is descended, ye 3d was Richard from wm. descends Robert Newton now living in ys. Parish, so yt wthout dispute Iohn Newton ye Bearer is Heir to ye estate not devised by will. ——— Sr. Isaac was born in ye year 1642 as appears by or. Parish Register. — Isaac ye son of Isaac & Hannah Newton was baptized Ianu: 1st 1642. – but I don't know ye Day of his Birth. Neither do I exactly know how long ye Mannour of Woolsthorpe has been in Sr. Is: Newton's Family, but ye first Newton yt I can find at Woolsthorpe was Robert Newton Sr Is: Grandfather, & him I take to be ye first Lord thereof, but I may be mistaken. ——— {In}|Sr| Isaac was educated at Grantham School under one Mr. Stokes, & yrefore Dr. Stukely in his Itinerarium is guilty of two mistakes, one in saying yt He was born at Colsterworth & was Lord of yt Mannour, ye other yt He was brought up under ye famous Particle Walker who was Rector. of Colsterworth & kept here a private Gram̄ar School, but Sr. Isaac was at least 22 years <2> old wn. Mr. Walker was made Rector, so yt in all probability Sr. Isaac was admitted in Trin: Coll: before yt time. ——– This is all yt I at present can think of, but if you have any farther com̄ands, they shall very readily be obeyed by

Worthy Sir

yor. most obedient Humle. Svant

Tho: Mason.

P.S: Sr. Isaac Newton in ye Days in ye days of his Health & Prosperity used to talk pretty much ab't founding & endowing a school in Woolsthorpe for ye use of ye Parish, as ye Neighbors. & his Relations inform me. – I my self never knew him but in his declining years, having been but six years Rector, but He used to talk wth me pretty much upon yt subject, tho' his dying wth.out a will leaves no room for any such hopes: —

Colsterworth March 23th. 17267

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