Letter to Professor Robert Smith, dated 16 January 1727/8
Wickins's letter to Mr Professor Smith giving some account of Sr Is. N. particularly of sending bibles to be dispersed
Mr Professor Smith
at Trinity College
In {Hall}
<2>Stoke Edith Ian: 16th 1727/8
Dear Sir
It was an unspeakable pleasure to me to see ye Hand of my old Acquaintance, & I wish in return I could send something considerable, to give you a pleasure, relating to yt Great Man you write abt.: But I am so unhappy as to find very little under Sr. Isaac's own hand, of what past between Him & my Father.
I guess, by a small Book I find amongst my Fathers papers yt he had a design to collect into one all yt he had of Sr. Isaac's writing; But he went no farther than ye transcribing three short Lettrs he received from Him & a Common Place of His part of wch. I find under Sr. Isaac's own hand, ye rest together with ye originals of those three Lettrs, is lost: Besides those transcribed Lettrs and ye Common place, I can meet wth. nothing but four or five Lettrs under Sr. Isaac's own hand very short, & relating to Dividends & Chamber Rent wch. he was so kind as to receive for my Father when at Monmouth where he was most part of ye time he continu'd Fellow. There being so little in these Lettrs I do not now send them, but wait for your Commands, for whatever I can meet with of This worthy Man, shall be at your Service.
My Father's Intimacy with Him came by meer Accident retired one day into ye walks, where he found Mr Newton solitary & dejected; Upon entering into discourse they found their cause of Retiremt ye same, & thereupon agreed to shake off their present disorderly Companions & Chum together, wch. they did assoon as conveniently they could & so continued as long as My Father staid at College.
My Fathers first Chamber-fellow being very disagreeable to him heI have heard my Father often say that he has been a Witness to what ye World has so often heard of Sr. Isaac's forgetfullness of his food, when intent upon His Studies; And of his Rising in a pleasant manner wth. ye satisfaction of having found out some Proposition; without any concern for, or seeming want of his Nights sleep, wch. he was sensible he had lost thereby.
He was turning Grey, I think, at Thirty, and when my Father observed yt to him as ye Effect of his deep attention of Mind; He would jest wth ye Experimts. he made so often wth. Quick Silver as if from thence he took so soon that Colour:
He sometime suspected Himself to be inclining to a Consumption, & ye Medicine He made use of was ye Lucatellus Balsam wch. when he had compos'd Himself, He would now & then melt in Quantity abt. a Qr. of a Pint & so drink it.
It is now Eight Years since my Fathers death in wch. time many things my Father used to relate of Him are sliped out of my Memory; but being mostly of such a Nature as what I have now I suspect would be of no Service could I recollect any more.
But there is one thing upon Acct of wch not only my Father did but my Self also shall always pay a peculiar Regard to His Memory; wch was a Charitable Benefaction, wch. has privately pass'd from Him through My Fathers & since his Death through my own hands. We have been ye Dispersers of many Dozens of Bibles sent by him for poor people, & I have now many by me sent from Him for ye same purpose; wch. as it shews ye great regard he had to Religion, I cannot but desire yt by you it may be made publick to ye World.
Dear Sir, my Thoughts dwell with wonderfull delight upon the Memory of this Great, & Good Man, and therefore I have troubled you with so long a Lettr, which I now beg pardon for; and in hope of hearing again soon from you conclude, with my Brothers hearty Service & respect to you. I beg my humble Service to all My old Acquaintance & am
Dear Sir
Your much Obliged
humble Servt.
Nic: Wickins