Four draft plans for 'An Account of the State of Philosophy in general when Sr Isaac Newton first appeared'
An Account of the State of Philosophy in general when Sr Isaac Newton first appeared
Particularly of Geometry
of Astronomy & therein of the prevailing notions about the Moon & the Comets \Tides/ & the Tides \Comets./
|Of Opticks —— The several Hints of gravity before Sr Isaac|
Sr Isaac's improvements in Arithmetick & in Geometry & in experimental Philosophy The History of the method of Fluxions after the manner of Fontenelle's preface to his Elemens de Geometrie &c \The want of it before it was found out/ – Sr Isaac's invention of it – The general use of it. The use Sr I. made of it by applying it to the System of the Universe — The trifling use Leibnitz made of it, his mistakes in it – His inability to apply it to the system of the heavens, his errors when he attempted it —
<1v>A Succinct account of Sr I. Ns principia –
His Theory of the Moon Tides & Comets |the progress made towards the discoury {sic} of the Longitude by Halleys observations –|
The State of Opticks when Sr I. N. first appeared & the notions of Descartes & others on that subject.
An account of Sr I. N's Theory of Light & Colours, of his invention, of the reflecting Telescope, a short account of the obstructions Sr I.'s Theory of light & colours met with at first |wch may be taken out of the Philosophical transactions|
A succinct account of his book of Opticks
|Some account of the Queries at the end of that book|
In what manner Sr I. N.s discoveries in Mathematicks & Opticks are usefull to mankind ———
A Comparison between Sr I. & Des Cartes giving Des Cartes all that is due to him –
A comp \true/ state of the difference between Sr I. & Kepler the conjectures of the one, & the demonstration of the other. & any thing else that is thought proper & will be entertaining –
|An account of improvements (if any) made on Sr I.s discoveries – Halley astronomy Bradley Lt Maclaurin curves. – Du Moivre algebra Machin on the Moon|
The whole must be writt for in a stile as intelligble as the subject will bear, to unmathematical readers —
An Account of the State of Philosophy \in general/ when Sr Isaac Newton first appeared, & Particularly \& particularly/ of Geometry
of Astronomy & the theory \therein of {sic} then prevailing notions/ of the Moon & Comets – & the Tides
Sr Isaac's improvements in Arithmetick in Geometry his invention of the method of Fluxions |in Experimental Philosophy, the History of fluxions after the manner of Fonteneles preface to his Elemens de Geometrie – Sr Is invention of it| the first {illeg} The general use of it. The use Sr I. N. made of it by applying it to the System of the Universe –
The trifling uses Leibnitz made of it, his mistakes in it – his inability to apply it to the system of the heavens – His errors when he attempted it – H
An {sic} succinct account of Sr I. N.s Principia – his Theory of the Moon & Comets & his account Tides – /intelligible to the vulgar reader\
The State of Opticks when Sr I. N. first appeared & the notions of Descartes & others on that subject
An account of Sr I. N.s Theory of Light & Colours of of his invention of the reflecting Telescope, of \& the use of it/ a short account of the obstructions Sr I.s theory of Light & colours met with at first
– A succinct account of his book of Opticks – to mank Sr Isaac's discoveries in Opticks & Mathematicks are to mankind –
of what real useA comparison between \Sr Isaac & the great men who went before him particularly Kepler &/ Descartes giving |both| Descartes all the honour that is due to him {sic} —
An acct of the difference between Kepler's discoueries & Sr I.'s –
An acct of what improvements several persons have made of distinct parts of Sr I's discoveries Viz. Halley – Astronomy — Maclaurin Curves Du Moivre Algebra & fluxions Mr Machin upon the Moon.
|A Short account of the State of Geometry \& arithmetick/ when Sr I. N. first appeared|
A Short History of the method of fluxions after the manner of Fontenelle's in his preface to his Elemens –
The want of it before it was discovered –
Sr I. N.s discovery of it.
The improvement of it since
The use Sr I. N. made of it by applying it to the system of the heavens –
The trifling use Leibnitz made of it
His inability to apply it to the system of the heavens –
His errors when he attempted it.
Sr I. N.
An acct of second fluxions shewing they are only the consequences of the first & that Sr I. N. knew them –
The state of Philosophy |& particularly Astronomy &| the State of Geometry when Sr Isaac Newton first appeared –
A comparison between him & Des Cartes giving Descartes all the honour that is due to him —
His invention of the Method of fluxions the first com̄unication of it to the Royal Society — The general use of it {&} The noble use he made of it by applying it to the system of the heavens —
The trifling use Leibnitz made of it — his mistakes in it — His inability to apply it to the system of the heavens — His errors when he attempted it — A succinct acct of the channells by wch it was early com̄unicated to Leibnitz –
<4v>The state of Opticks when Sr Isaac Newton first appeared & particularly {Des} the notion of Descartes & others on that subject —
An acct of Sr Isaac's Theory |of Light & Colours —|
Of his invention of the reflecting Telescope – of the improvement since —
Of the use of Sr Isaac's discoveries in Opticks & Mathematicks —
A Short acct of the obstructions Sr Isaac's Theory of Light & Colours met with at first & of the dispute between him & Linus & Pardi wch is in the Transactions