
An Account of the State of Philosophy in general when Sr Isaac Newton first appeared

Particularly of Geometry
             of Astronomy & therein of the prevailing notions about the Moon & the Comets \Tides/ & the Tides \Comets./
|Of Opticks —— The several Hints of gravity before Sr Isaac|

Sr Isaac's improvements in Arithmetick & in Geometry & in experimental Philosophy The History of the method of Fluxions after the manner of Fontenelle's preface to his Elemens de Geometrie &c \The want of it before it was found out/ – Sr Isaac's invention of it – The general use of it. The use Sr I. made of it by applying it to the System of the Universe — The trifling use Leibnitz made of it, his mistakes in it – His inability to apply it to the system of the heavens, his errors when he attempted it —


A Succinct account of Sr I. Ns principia –

His Theory of the Moon Tides & Comets |the progress made towards the discoury {sic} of the Longitude by Halleys observations –|

The State of Opticks when Sr I. N. first appeared & the notions of Descartes & others on that subject.

An account of Sr I. N's Theory of Light & Colours, of his invention, of the reflecting Telescope, a short account of the obstructions Sr I.'s Theory of light & colours met with at first |wch may be taken out of the Philosophical transactions|

A succinct account of his book of Opticks

|Some account of the Queries at the end of that book|

In what manner Sr I. N.s discoveries in Mathematicks & Opticks are usefull to mankind ———

A Comparison between Sr I. & Des Cartes giving Des Cartes all that is due to him –

A comp \true/ state of the difference between Sr I. & Kepler the conjectures of the one, & the demonstration of the other. <2r> & any thing else that is thought proper & will be entertaining –

|An account of improvements (if any) made on Sr I.s discoveries – Halley astronomy Bradley Lt Maclaurin curves. – Du Moivre algebra Machin on the Moon|

The whole must be writt for in a stile as intelligble as the subject will bear, to unmathematical readers —


An Account of the State of Philosophy \in general/ when Sr Isaac Newton first appeared, & Particularly \& particularly/ of Geometry
of Astronomy & the theory \therein of {sic} then prevailing notions/ of the Moon & Comets – & the Tides

Sr Isaac's improvements in Arithmetick in Geometry his invention of the method of Fluxions |in Experimental Philosophy, the History of fluxions after the manner of Fonteneles preface to his Elemens de Geometrie – Sr Is invention of it| the first {illeg} The general use of it. The use Sr I. N. made of it by applying it to the System of the Universe –

The trifling uses Leibnitz made of it, his mistakes in it – his inability to apply it to the system of the heavens – His errors when he attempted it – H

An {sic} succinct account of Sr I. N.s Principia – his Theory of the Moon & Comets & his account Tides – /intelligible to the vulgar reader\

The State of Opticks when Sr I. N. first appeared & the notions of Descartes & others on that subject

An account of Sr I. N.s Theory of Light & Colours of of his invention of the reflecting Telescope, of \& the use of it/ a short account of the obstructions Sr I.s theory of Light & colours met with at first

– A succinct account of his book of Opticks – <3v> of what real use to mank Sr Isaac's discoveries in Opticks & Mathematicks are to mankind –

A comparison between \Sr Isaac & the great men who went before him particularly Kepler &/ Descartes giving |both| Descartes all the honour that is due to him {sic}

An acct of the difference between Kepler's discoueries & Sr I.'s –

An acct of what improvements several persons have made of distinct parts of Sr I's discoveries Viz. Halley – Astronomy — Maclaurin Curves Du Moivre Algebra & fluxions Mr Machin upon the Moon.


|A Short account of the State of Geometry \& arithmetick/ when Sr I. N. first appeared|

A Short History of the method of fluxions after the manner of Fontenelle's in his preface to his Elemens –

The want of it before it was discovered –

Sr I. N.s discovery of it.

The improvement of it since

The use Sr I. N. made of it by applying it to the system of the heavens –

The trifling use Leibnitz made of it

His inability to apply it to the system of the heavens –

His errors when he attempted it.

Sr I. N.

An acct of second fluxions shewing they are only the consequences of the first & that Sr I. N. knew them –

Any thing else that you shall think proper


The state of Philosophy |& particularly Astronomy &| the State of Geometry when Sr Isaac Newton first appeared –

A comparison between him & Des Cartes giving Descartes all the honour that is due to him —

His invention of the Method of fluxions the first com̄unication of it to the Royal Society — The general use of it {&} The noble use he made of it by applying it to the system of the heavens —

The trifling use Leibnitz made of it — his mistakes in it — His inability to apply it to the system of the heavens — His errors when he attempted it — A succinct acct of the channells by wch it was early com̄unicated to Leibnitz –


The state of Opticks when Sr Isaac Newton first appeared & particularly {Des} the notion of Descartes & others on that subject —

An acct of Sr Isaac's Theory |of Light & Colours —|

Of his invention of the reflecting Telescope – of the improvement since —

Of the use of Sr Isaac's discoveries in Opticks & Mathematicks —

A Short acct of the obstructions Sr Isaac's Theory of Light & Colours met with at first & of the dispute between him & Linus & Pardi wch is in the Transactions

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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