Note on Newton's 'unpromising' infancy and (deleted) eulogy of Alexander Pope
16 A {compl{iment}} on Pope
This weak & unpromising habit of body from \in/ his first infancy he had in com̄on with Descartes Father Paul & \Virgil our own Pope & many/ others of these {illeg} of \superior/ mortals {sic} beings Inventors, as if the extraordinary portion of spirits wch animates such forward souls overpowered & oppressed the \young &/ tender materials wch cloath them – All my contemporaries will immediately have in their thoughts another instance now amongst us whose infirm state of health from his cradle seemed to cutt off all hopes of what he has since proved the delight & ornament of his country, & \is/ still so great | frequent an allay to that perpetual fund of pleasure he affords {sic} to all that know him – He is \sits/ so high above all others in the M & so much alone in the Muses' seat that it would be an {sic} high injustice to think it necessary to name him ——