Fragment on the Revelation of Daniel (section 7.3j)
As Danils {sic} Prophesies consist of two parts a Vision or P{h}rophesy, & an i|I|nterpretation of the Prophesy, so {th} doth the Apocalyps. The Prophesy ends with the sounding of the seventh Trumpet & the Interpretation begins with the words And the Temple of God was opened in heaven, & there was seen in his Temple the Ark of his testament &c
The Prophesy begins with opening the seals of the prophetick book shut up by Danil|e|l till the time of the end. And the first six seals are opened successively in one continued order of time: but the times wch follow the affairs of the sixt seale are thrice & begin wth the opening of the seventh seale are thric{e} described. First by the sealing of the 14000 {sic} servant|s| of God in their forheads to preserve them from the plagues of the Trup|m|pets whereb wherewith the four winds were to hurt the earth & the sea &c at the sounding of the first four trumpets; & by the the {sic} great multitude wch appeared afterwards coming out of the great tribulation with palms in their hands. Secondly by the opening of the seventh seale & sounding of the first six Trumpets. And thirdly by the descent of an Angel with the Book of Prophesy opened in his hand & Iohn's prophesying again out of the book |it| concerning a second Temple wch he describes by mesuring {sic} the court of the Temple or separate place & the court of the Altar or Priests court, & the court of them that worship therein or \the/ new Court called in the second Temple the weomens court: & his leaving the outward Court or Court of the people \unmeasured/ because it is given to the gentiles for a thousand two hundred & sixty years for a time times & half a time during forty & two months or a thousand two hundred & sixty {y} prophetic days wch signify so many years, during all which time the two witness{es} were to prophesy in saccloth |& smite the Earth wth the plagues of the Trumpets|
|| These Witnesses were called the two Candlesticks \standing before God/ , that is two of the seven golden Candlesticks wch had been placed in the first Temple, & now five of them by the |fall of the first Temple &| flight of the Woman into the wilderness had been removed out of their places, remaining remained alone to be placed in the second Temple |& were now placed in the second|. That Temple stood till the Woman fled into the wilderness & the Dragon by the assistance of the two horned Beast made war upon the remnant of her seed, & by excommunication dissolved all their Churches for not receiving the mark & name \& number/ of the Beast, & then a new Temple was built for the 144000 who receive as is signified by the command to measure the \Courts of the/ Temple & altar & them that worship therein & to leave out \out/ the outward Court & measure it not because it is given to the Gentiles. The outward Court is the outward form of religion & Church government. This was given to \the/ {illeg}|G|entiles wch|h|o worshippe received the mark & name & number of the Beast, & trode down the holy City forty & two months; the inward Court & those that worship in the inward Court, |the Court| of sincerity & truth, are the 144000 who were sealed with the seale of God out of all the twelve Tribes of Israel, & stand on mount Sion & on the sea of glass with the name of God in their foreheads,|.| And those among them who teach & testify the truth are repren|s|ented by two of the seven Candlesticks remaining in the second Temple, as being propagated from the Churches of Smyrna & Philadelphia who suffered tribulation & kept the word of Gods patience. The other five churches of Asia were found fault|y| with & threatned if they did not repent, but these two were without fault, & so {illeg}|w|ere the only two Candlesticks fit to represent the 14 two witnesses 144000 wch were without fault. And as the seven or Ca Churches Candlesticks or Churches of Asia represented joyntly & severally represented \were types of/ the whole Church Catholick \& with their Lamps illuminated the whole/ during the times of the first Temple without dividing that \whole/ Church into seven parts: so the two Candlesticks or two Churches of Asia were types of the 144000 during the times of \those that worshipped in the inward Court of/ the second Temple without diving during & illuminated \them/ with their lamps without dividing them during all the times of that Temple, without dividing them into two parts.
& smite with want of rain & turn the waters into blood & have power \( like Elijah & Moses{)}/ to stop heaven that it rain not on the earth \in the days of their Prophesy/ & to turn the waters into blood l {sic} & to smite the earth with all plagues, (the plagues of the Trumpets & Vials of wrath|. {sic}|) during th|.| After T{h} this triple description of the times of the seventh Seal, the seventh Angel sounds, & when he begins to sound the mystery of God is finished as he hath declared by his servants the Prophets. For then the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of God & his Christ & he reigns thenceforward for ever & ever, & the dead are judged.
The Beasts & Elders therefore represent the primitive Christians of all nations, & the|ir| Worship {o} the worship of these Christians in their Churches is here represented under the form of worshipping in the Temple. T God & the Lamb in the Temple, God for his benefaction of creating all things & the Lamb for redeem{ing} us with the|is| be{f}|n|efaction of redeeming us with his blood. God as who sitteth {illeg} as sitting upon the Throne \& living for ever/ & the Lamb who as man \the one/ who humbled himself was slain & for humbling himself to death even the death of the cross was exalted to the right hand of God & became \being the only person/ worthy to \receive &/ open the book & received a name above every mame {sic}. that at the name of Iesus every knee should bow. as exalted \over all/ for being slain. above all for the merits of his death. And I heard saith Iohn the voice of many Angels – – – – – Lamb \that liveth/ for ever & ever.
to make an Image to him, \vizt/ by collecting \that is to assemble/ a body of men like like him in point of religion. And he had power to give life & authority to the Image so that it could both speak and (by excommunication \dictating/) cause all ecclesiastical bodies of \that all men {sic}/ men should be killed, that is mystically by dissolving their bodies ecclesiastical. \who would no/ who would not worship it, that is, that all bodies ecclesiastical should be dissolved & their religious asse |& prohibited| who would not venerate the authority & dictates of the Image. And he causeth all men to receive a mark
The Interpretation of this Prophesy begins with the opening of a door in heaven, & the vision of a woman representing the primitive Church Catholick & of a \persecuting/ Dragon representing the heathen Roman Empire. And this p|P|rophesy continues downwards {to se} till the servants of God are sealed with the seal of God in their foreheads & the rest receive the mark of the Beast, that is till the time of opening the s & further till the everlasting Gospel is preached to every nation {ma} & kindred & tongue & people by wch the two witnesses ascend up to heaven in a cloud & become the palm-bearing multitude, & till great Babylon is fallen once & again, & till the patience of the saints in the great tribulation, & till the day of Iudment {sic} represented by the harvest & vintage. Then the Prophet returns back to the vision of them that stood worshipped in the inner court \of the temple/ & saw them standing there as it were on the sea of glass, having gotten the victory over the Beast & over his Image & over his mark & over the number of his name when all the rest of the {illeg} received his mark & in their foreheads. And then the seven Angells wch had the seven last plagues tha pour out their v|V|ialls of wrath wch denote the same plagues with those of the Trumpets. For in both cases the first plague falls upon the earth the second upon the sea, the third upon the rivers & fountains of water, the fourth upon the sun, the fift upon those that had not the seal of God in their foreheads & upon the seat of the Beast, the sit|x|t upon the great river Euph|r|ates, & the seventh upon great Babylon introduced the day of judgment. Then the Prophet returns back to the times next preceding the {rise o} ascent of the Beast out of the abyss or sea & the rise of his ten horns & describes this Beast & his horns & the woman sitting upon him in the wilderness, & proceeds in the description till the day of judgment. These are the three parts of the i|I|nterpretation.
For understanding this Prophesy, the allusions wch it hath to the Feast of the seventh month & to the worship of God in the Temple are also to be considered. On the first day of that month the High Priest dressed the lamps in the morning. And this {a}|i|s alluded in the first vision where the Son of man in the form habit of the High Priest appears \in the midst of the seven candlesticks/ with a rod of seven starrs in his right hand which are the seven lap|m|ps appearing like a rod of seven starrs as it were in his right hand while he dresses them. And this dressing he perform {sic} by sending seven Epistles to the \Angels of the/ Seven Churches of Asia represented by the \seven/ starrs, & by those Angels to the|ir| Churches represented by the Candles {sic}sticks. These Epistles contein admonitions against the approaching Aposta{r}|c|y & therefore relate to the state of the primitive Church before \when/ that Apostacy took prevailed began to work strongly & before it prevailed. The visions at the opening of the first four seales relate only to the state of the Church Roman heathen Empire|.| & the a So long the primitive Church continued in its purity|,| ,|&| they \so long/ /then\ it began to want admonitions. And the Apostacy prevailed {illeg}|a|t the opening of the seventh seal.
After the Lamps were dressed, the \a/ Trumpet sounded to the morning sacrifice. And Iohn saw the door of the Temple opened, & \standing at the eastern gate of the peoples court he {saw that}/ a throne was set vizt the \Mercy seat upon the/ Ark of the Testament reputed b{illeg} considere respected by the Iews as the throne of God Exod 25.22. & Levit 16.2 & Num. 7.89. \&/ Psal. 99.1. And he that sat on it was to look upon like Iasper & Sardine stone, \that is of a Olive colour/ the Iews being of that colour And a rainbow was about \the throne/ the embleme of glory \{illeg}|&| an argument that the sun shined then in the east. {sic}/. And round about the throne were two four & twenty seats, the \24/ chambers of the Princes of the Priests \twelve on each side of the Priests Court/; & upon the seats 24 Elders, \sitting with crowns on their heads,/ the Princes of the 24 courses of the Priests. And out of the Throne proceeded lightnings & thundrings, the fire of the Altar at the morning sacrifice & the song of the Levites at the Eastern Gate of the Priests court appearing to Iohn like lightnings & thundings {sic} proceeding from throne. And there were sevn {sic} lamps burning before the in the Temple before the throne wch are the seven spirits of God that is the Angels of the seven Churches of Asia. And before the throne was a sea of glass clear as Crystal, the brazen sea between \the Porch of/ the temple & the altar filled with water cleer as crystal. And in the t|m|idst of the throne & round about the throne, that is before & were four Beasts full of eyes before & behind, that is one before the throne & one behind the throne appearing to Iohn as in the midst of the throne & one on either side to represent by the multitud{e} of their eyes the people standing in the four sides of the peoples Court. And the first Beast was like a Lion, & the second was like a calf, & the third was like a {illeg}|h|ad the face of a man & the fourth was like a flying Eagle. The
The Nicolaitans used weomen in common ,|&| coloured over their practi ses by pretending the authority of Nicolas one of seven Deacons of the prim. Church of Ierusalem Act. VI.5. But here they are represent \made a type of/ spiritual fornicators who cl|o|loured over their practises wth a pretense of Christianity But here they are put figuratively for the disciples of Tatian & Montanus who \crept silently into the Churches & refined the opinions of the Gnosticks &/ coloured over their spiritual fornication wth p|a| pretence of Christianity & under that pretence crept silently into the Churches.
And when the Lam{b} had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And Iohn saw the seven Angels wch stood before the throne (called the seven spirits of S|G|od & represented by the seven eyes of the Lamb) & to them were given seven trumpets. And another Angel (representing the High Priest) came & stood at the Altar having a golden Censer. And there was given him much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden Altar wch was before the throne. This relates to the solemnity on the tenth day of the month called the feast of expiation. For this was the seventh day on wch the High Priest studied the book of the Law. He studied it in the evening. The solemnity of the tenth day began in the morning, & he studied this book the seventh time in the evening before wch was the beginning of {the} tenth day according to the Iewish account. The custome was on other days in the morning for the one of the Priests to take fire from the Altar in a Silver Censer – – – – – – & therefore it is called much inccense. After this the Angel took the Censer & filled it with fire of the [great] Altar & cast it to the earth, that is, – – – – – {sacre}d {sic} drink offerings at those sacrifices.
In {illeg} this Prophesy the festival|s| of the seventh month is {sic} \are/ alluded unto & the dressing of the Lamps & performing of the morning sacrifice hith{er}to described may be understood to be upon the morning of the first day of the|at| month. Vpon the tenth day of this month the High Priest read the law of Moses to the people, & for this end he studied it seven days together vizt upon the |3d,| 4th, 5t, 6t, 7th, 8th, |&| 9th|.| & 10th in the morning And in allusion to this practise the Lamb opens the seven seals of the book successively. And when he had opened the seventh seale there was silence for half an hour, that is during the reading of the Law to the people. And an Angel |the people praying silently without while the High Priest went into the most holy place on the tenth day of the seventh month. And an Angel in the time of incense (Luke. 1. And an Angel|
It was the custome of the Iews upon the morning of the tenth day of the month to salute one another by saying God seale you to a good new year, & in allusion to this wish practice, when six of the seales are opened & the seventh is ready to be opened, And in an angel ascended from the east with the seale of the living God & he sealed an 144000 out of all the Tribes of Israel, representing the High Priest, came & &|s|tood at the great Altar having a golden censer to take fire from thence. And there was given him much Incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden Altar wch was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the saints ascended upon before God out of the Angels hand, that is out of the censer in his hand when|ile| the H. P. went into the most holy \place/ wch was only done on the tenth day of the seventh month. And the Angel took the censer & filled it with fire |o|from the Altar & cast it |up|on the earth, that is {n}|o|n the ground without the stanctuary {sic} for burning of the red Cow \Bullock & Goat for the sin offering./ Levit 16. {& 1}12, 13, 27. And there were voices & thundrings & lightnings & an earthquake; the voices & thundrings alluding to the singing of the Levites at the sacrifice, & the lightnings to the flame of the fire.
The day of Expiation was followed by the feast Tabernacles \of the seventh month wch began on ye 1{illeg}15th day of ye \month & lasted seven days together// o{f} & this Feast was kept seven days together with great sacrifices, at wch the Priests sounded their Trumpets & the Levites sang with loud voices & played upon \musicall/ instruments. And in allusion to this, seven Angels utter their voices & s sound their Trumpets & seven thunders utter their voices, And the sacrifices are described by destroying the creatures in the earth & sea & rivers & darkining the heavens &c. at seven great warrs where considered as sacrifices.
Now \But it is to be observed that these things done/ the times between the opening of the seventh Seal & \the/ sounding of the seventh Trumpet are \described/ four times described |& the descriptions begin with the words And after these things, that is after the visions of the sixt seal. The first des {sic}|. First by the sealing of 144000 out of all the tribes of Israel & by the palm bearing multitude appearing with palm brances {sic} in their hand; Secondly by the sounding of seven T six of the Trumpets; Thirdly by the {seale} seven thunders uttering their voices |& by a declaration that when the seventh Angel should begin to sound the mystery of God should be finished.| & fourthly by measuring the Temple & Altar & them that dwell therein & giving power to \by/ \giving power to/ the two witnesses \to/ prophesying in sackcloth till the \sounding of the/ seventh Trumpet \should/ sounded. For when the v|s|ixt Seal was opened & the visions wch followed thereupon \were/ described |The first begins with the words And after these thing{s} that is after the visions of the first six seals.| & the seventh seal Iohn adds. And after these things I saw four Angels stand on the four corners of the Earth holding the four winds that they should not blow on the earth nor on the sea nor on any tree, that is, the four warrs wch were to hurt the earth & the sea &|c| trees at the sounding of the four trum first Trumpets before the sounding of the wo-trumpets. |the {sic} Angels of the firs {sic} four Trumpets wch preceded the wo-trumpets| And the four Angels who were to sound those Trumpets were commanded that they should not hurt the earth & the sea & trees till the servants of God were sealed in their foreheads. This se{a}ling therefore \was/ performed when the \seven/ Angels of the Trumpets were upo{n ye} opening of the seventh seale appeared with their Trumpets & were pr ready to sound so soon as the servants of God were \were/ sealed. This sealing{illeg} of 144000 out of all the twelve Tribes of Israel & leaving all the rest unsealed signifies the same thing with measuring the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein & leaving out the court wch is without the Temple. And therefore these two visions are contemporary to one another & commence with at the same time with the opening of the seventh seale. Now the meas
<3v>no|N|ow the measuring of the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein answers s{no} & leaving the outward Court unmeasured signifies the building of a new Temple without the \a/ outward Court|,| & therefore the times of the second Temple begins with the opening of the seventh seal. In this Temple were \only/ two Olive Candlesticks supplied with oyle by two Olive trees, & these are called the two witnesses. In the first Temple were seven golden candlesticks representing the seven Churches of Asia. Five of these in the Epistles to the seven Churches were found fault with & exhorted to repent. These were laid aside & only the other two wch were ble|a|meless in|&| \in/ a state of persecution & affliction & poverty were propagated down into the second Temple. [The Church Catholick is the same in represented by th in the first Temple by the seven golden Candlesticks in the second, by two & therefo]
After these things the seventh Angel sounded & the time of the dead came that they should be judged. And thus ended the prophesy of the seals & Trumpets. But as in Daniel every Vision {it}{yt}{if} is followed wth an interpretation: so here in Iohn all this Prophesy is repeated by way of interpretation. And the Interpretation begins with these words And the Temple of God was opened in heaven & there was seen in his Temple the Ark of his Testament. By the Ark you may know that this was the first Temple In this Temple appeared the \a/ Woman cloathed wth the sun \representing the primitive Church/ & the /a\ great red Dragon representing the old Roman heathen Empire. And she brought forth a Man-child representing the first Christian Empire \of the Romans wch {sic} \that/ was/ erected by the victorys of Constantine the great over Maxentius & Maximinus |[|& the Dagon {sic} or heathen Empire was cast out of heaven by the fall of Licinius, & coming down among the common people|]| And at length a two-horned Beast rising out of the Earth or Greek Empire put an end to the times of the first Temple by causing them that dwell on the earth to make an image to the Beast which caused as many as would not worship it should be killed & by causing all men to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead so|&| that no man might buy & sell save he that had the mark or name of the Beast. And then \when/ those who were prohibited to buy & sell are excommunicated for not receiving the mark stand on mount Sion with Lamb to ye number of 144000. Then follows p the preaching of the gospel to all nations spoken of in Matthew 24.14. And then second fall \the/ the double fall of Babylon is pl|r|oclaimed. And & succeeded by the last harvest & vintage at the end of the world.
Then the Prophet returns back to the time of opening the seventh seal, & sees those that get the victory over the Beast & his image & mark stand on the sea of glass, that is, the 144000 who stood on Mount Sion wth the Lamb & who were sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel. These are they who were worshipped in the second Temple & were measured there & represented by the two candlesticks & called the two witnesses. And while these stand on the sea of glass, the seven Angels pour out seven Vialls of wrath wch are the drink offerings to the seven sacrifices {to}|at| wch the seven Trumpets sounded & the seven thunders uttered their voices.
And the|n ye| Prophet returns back once to the time of the sixt seal when five of the heads were fallen & the sixt was & describes the reign of the Woman upon her Beast untill the double fall of Babylon, & further untill \then adds goes on to/ the resurrection of the just repr called the first resurrection & represented before by the harvest, & further unto the general resurrection represen{illeg}|ted| before by the harvest vintage.
[Editorial Note 2]But first there are 144000 sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel For when the visions of the \first/ sixth seales was|ere| described, Iohn adds: And after these things I saw four Angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth wch were to hurt that the wind should not blow on the earth nor on the sea nor on any tree till the servants of God were sealed in their foreheads. These are the Angels wch hurt of the first four Trumpets wch hurt th preceded the Wo-trumpets & hurt the earth & the Sea And therefore this sealing followed the was [between the opening of the sixt sea seventh seal & the soung|d|ing of the first Trumpt|e|t whereby the earth & the trees were hurt] t|w|hen the Angels of the Trumpets appeared upon opening of ye seventh seal & stood ready s|t|o sound so soon as the servants of God should be sealed This sealing of 144000 out of all the |t|w{h}|e|lve Tribes of Israel answers to the & leaving the rest unsealed answer to the measuring of the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein & leaving out the outwd Co outward {sic} Court unmeasured
[Editorial Note 3]After the first sixt seales were opened & the{ir}\ir/ visione|s| described Iohn begins a new scene of things in|w|th these words: And after these things I saw four Angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth nor on the sea nor on any tree till the servants of sh God were sealed in their forehead.|s|. And then he Subjoyns a fourfold description of the times wch followed the affairs of the sixt seal. The first is by the sealing 144000 with ye seale of God out of all the twelve Tribes of Israel. This sealing was performed before the hurting of the earth & trees in {sic} the at the sounding of the first Trumpet & of the sea at the sounding of the second. And people sealed continued while the Trumpets sounded untill the Palmbearing multitude appead|r|ed in the great Hosannah wch was \on/ the seventh day of this feast.
The second was of \by/ opening the seventh seal & sounding the first six Trumpets.
The third was of \by/ the seven Thunders uttering their voices, with \&/ a declaration that when the {in}|w|hen the seventh Angel should begin to sound the mystery of God \C{ouc}hed in the seven thunders/ should be finished.
And the fourth was by measuring the Temple & Altar & them that worship therin, that is their courts & giving power to the two witnesses to prophesy. For the measuring of the Temple & And|lta|r \&/ them that worship therein signifies & leaving the outward court unmeasured for the Gentiles signifies the same thing with sealing the servan 144000 out of all Irael {sic} with {t} {sic} the seal of |G|l|od|eaving out omp ommitting \leaving/ the rest to receive the mark of the \Babylonian/ Beast. |the two|[Editorial Note 4] Now the measuring the Temple & Altar & them being t those that are sealed & worship in this Temple {r}|b|eing one & the same wth the two witnesses.
Now the measing the Temple & Altar & them that dwell therein is a type of building a new Temple & this is the second Temple because the outward Court is o{f}{p}|m|i{p}|tt|ed. And therefore the times of the second Temple commenc{e} with the opēing of ye seventh seal.
[Editorial Note 5]In this Temple the actions between the primitive Church represented by a Woman & the heathen Roman Empire are described untill the Empire becomes divided & a tenhorned Beast rises out of the Eart Sea to represent the western Empire, & all a two-horned Beast out of the Earth to represent the the {sic} Eastern Church, & all men are killed who will not worship the image of the Beast. This puts an end to the firs times of the first Temple & beginns the times of the second. Then all men receive the mark \or name/ of the Beast except the 144000 who are sealed wth the name of God in their fore{}{}heads & then stand on mount Sion wth the Lamb. Then follows the preaching of the Gospel to all nations spoken of in Matthews Gospel chap. 2{4.}14. And then \the/ double fall of Babylon is proclaimed. And then follows the harvest & vintage at the day of Iudgmt.
Vpon the tenth day of the month a \young/ bullock & a goat were offered |was offered for a sin offering for the High Priest & a goat| for the sins of the people. & lots were cast upon two Goats to determin which of them should be Gods lot for the sin offering, & the other Goat was called Azazel the scape Goat. And the High Priest in the morning his linnen garments, took a censer full of burning coales of fire from the golden Altar & his hands full of sweet incense beaten small & went into the most holy place within the va|e|il{e}, \& put the incense upon the fire/ & sprinkled the blood of the bullock with his finger upon the mercy seat \& before the mercy seat/ seven times: & then killed the Goat wch fell to Gods lot for a sin offering & brought his blood within the veile & sprinkled it also seven times upon the mercy seat & before the mercy seat. And the he went out to the {at|A|}ltar & sprinkled it also seven times with the blood of the bullock & as often with the blood of the Goat. And after this he laid both his hands upon the head of the scape Goat & confessed over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel & all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the Goat & sent him into the wilderness by the hands of a fit man & the Goat carried with him all their iniquites|ie|s into a land not inhabited. Levit. XVI, & IV. And while the h|H|igh Priest was doing these things in the most holy place & at the altar the people continued in silence at their devotion. Then the high priest went into the holy place & put off his linnen garments & put on other garments, & sent the bullock & the Goat of the sin offering to be burnt without the camp with fire taken in a Censer from the Alt{e|a|}r. And as the people went home from the temple they said to one another, God seal you to a good new year. And in allusion to all this, at when the seventh seal was upon opening of the seventh seale there is|w|as silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And an Angel stood at the Altar having a golden Censer, & there was given him much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of the \all/ saints upon the golden altar wch was before the tro|h|rone. And the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the saints ascended up before God (in the most holy place) out of the Angels hand. And the Angel took the Censer & filled it with fire of the altar & cast to the earth (without the camp for sacrifi{s}{s|c|}ing the bullock & the Goat wch fell to Gods lot.) \For the high priest being Christ himself the bullock is omitted/ And at the|i|se sacrifices there wa|e|re voices & thundrings (of the music of the temple) & lightnings (of the sacred fire) & an ear\th/quake. And synchronal to these things was the sealing of 144000 with out of all the twelve tribes of Israel with the seal of God in their forheads & the while the rest of the twelve tribes received the mark of the Beast & fled with the Woman \fled from the Temple/ into the wilderness where she got \to her place/ upon his back. As is represented by sacrificing Go casting lots upon the two Goats, sacrificing Gods lot, & sending the scapegotgoat into the wilderness loaden with the sins of the people
Vpon the fifteenth day of the month, & the six following days there were very great sacrifices — — — — — And here ends the introductory prophesy of the book. into seven successive parts. The seven days of this feast were called the feast of Tabernacles & during these seven days the children of Israel dwelt in booths & rejoyced with palm branches in their hands. And to this alludes the multitude with palms in their hands wch appeared after the sealing of the 144000, & at length came out of the \great/ tribulation with triumph at the battel of the great day to wch the seven|th| Trumpet sounds.
In the interpretation of this prophesy the woman in heaven cloathed with the sun — — — — — — — — — — in all places & times to the end of this prophesy. \& other idolatrous churches./
When by the flight of the woman & the warr which the Dragon went to make upon the remnant of her seed, there a 144000 are sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel & the rest receive the mark of the beast & thereby the first temple is destroyed.|,| Iohn is bidden to measure the temple (that is the Priests court & the Altar (that is their courts) & them that worship therein (\which we{nt}|were|{illeg}/ the 144000 \on mount Zion went & upon the sea of glass/) but the court that is without the temple (the peoples court.) to leave out & measure it not because it is given to the gentiles (those that receive the mark of the beast) & they shall the holy city they shall tread under foot forty & two months (\vizt/ all the time that the Beast makes warr with \& hateth that/ the woman sitti|s|ng upon his back.) And the two witns|e|sses prophesy 1260 days (that is all the same time) cloathed in sackcloth. These have power \(like Elijah )/ to shut heaven that it reign not (in|at| the sounding of the first trumpet |,|,|)| & to turn the waters into blood (at the sounding of the second) & to smite the the {sic} earth with all plagues \(those of the trumpets)/ as often as they will (vizt at the sounding of the other the other trumpets. These prophesied at the building of the second temple like Haggai & Zechary These are the two Olive trees (or churches) wch supplied the lamps with oyle Zech. IV. These are the two Candlesticks \or Churches/ standing before the God of the earth. Five of the seven churches of Asia (those in prosperity) are found fault with & exhorted to repent — — — — — — in all places & times to the end of this prophesy. [1]
The vision therefore of the 144000 & of the palmbearing multitude extends to the t|s|ounding of the seventh trumpet & therefore is synchronal to the times of the seventh seale.
— out of the twelve tribes, that is out of those two corrupt churches, \wch became/ became the two witnesses in opposition to those two fals churches, & the name of two witnesses once imposed remains to the truce {sic} church of God in all times & places to the end of the prophesy.
[Editorial Note 1] The deleted two-line passage at the top of this page has been added to the text in Yahuda 7.2j, f. 127v.
[Editorial Note 2] This section may or may not follow from that on 3v.
[Editorial Note 3] This material seems to match that on lower 3r, and may be a subsequent draft.
[Editorial Note 4] This may have been the beginning of an earlier (probably mistaken, given the differing number of horns: 2 vs 10) addition of "the two-horned beast" before he decided on "Babylonian" above.
[Editorial Note 5] This material matches that at the top of 2r; it may be another draft.
[1] ζ5