Assorted materials concerning the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John along with calculations relating to the Mint (section 7.2i)
Chap. X.
Of the Apocalyps of John.
The Apocalyps \of Iohn/ of Iohn is written in the same style & language with the prophesies of Daniel & hath the same relation to them wch they have to one another so that all of them together make but one complete prophesy; & in like manner \it/ consists of two parts, an introductory Prophesy & an interpretation thereof.
The Prophesy is distinguished into seven successive parts by the opening of the seven seales of the book wch wch Daniel was commanded to seal up, & thence it is called the Apocalyps. And the times which follow of the seventh seale are is subdivided into \eight/ seven successive parts by the silence in heaven for half an hour & the sounding of seven trumpets successively. And the seventh trumpet sounds to the battel of the great day of God Almighty whereby the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of God & Chr his Christ in wch the dead are judged & those are destroyed that destroyed that destroyed the earth.
The Interpretation begins with the words: And the temple of God was opened in heaven & there was seen in his temple the Ark of his testament. And it continues to the end of the prophesy. For \the temple is/ the scene of the visions is the temple & & the visions \in the temple/ relate to the feast of the seventh mon{illeg}th. For the feasts of the Iews were typical of things to come. The Passover related to the first coming of Christ & that being past, the feast of the seventh month to this second coming; & his first coming being past before this prophesy was given, the feast of the seventh month is here alluded unto.
Upon the first day of the \seventh/ month \in the morning/ the High Priest dressed the Lamps. And in allusion thereunto, this Prophesy begins with a vision of one like the son of man in the High Priests habit \appearing as it were/ dressing the seven la in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, or over against the midst of them, dressing the lamps, wch appeared like a rod of seven stars in his right hand. He dresses them by seven admonitory epistles sent to the Angels or Bishops of the seven churches of Asia wch in the primitive times illuminated the Temple or Church catholic.
A{illeg} After the lamps were dressed Iohn is called up to the morning sacrifice Iohn is called up to \& sees/ the door of the Temple opened, & one sitting a throne (the ark of the testament) & one sitting upon it between the cherubims representing God between as it were a \as it were sitting above the Ark between the cherubims/ & 24 seats about the throne (the chambers of the 24 princes of the Priests in the priestly court) & out of the throne proceeded lightnings & thundrings & voices (the flashes of the fire upon the altar, & the thundring voices of those that sounded the trumpets & sung at the sacrifices: for these \things/ being \done/ between Iohn & the throne \the thun lighnings {sic} & thundrings & voices/ might seem to him to come out of the throne. And there were seven lamps burning before the throne, wch are the seven spirits of God, or Angels of the Churches represented before by \the/ seven stars. And before the throne was a sea of glass like unto Chrystal, the sea brazen sea full of clear water. And in the midst of the throne & round about the throne wer that is before & behind as it were in the midst of the throne & on either side of the throne, \as it were in the circuit/ or on the four sides of the throne great court \thereof/ were four beasts full of eyes representing the people in the four sides of the great court. And these Beasts were \ones to the east/ like a lyon \one to the west/ eastwards like a calf \westward/, a man \southward/, & a flying eagle \northward these being the four/: the standards of the tribes of Israel \encamped/ on the four sides of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. \See/ Num. II. & Ezek. I. And they rest not day & night (at the morning & evening sacrifices saying Holy holy holy Lord God almighty wch was & is & is to come. And when those beasts give glory & honour & thanks to him that sat on the throne who liveth for ever & ever, the fourt & twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne & worship him that liveth for ever & ever. For after th so soon as the worship of the people was ended the Princes of the Priests went into the temple & there fell down & worshipped.
And Iohn saw in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne a book written within & on the backside sealed wth \seven/ seales (the book wch Daniel was commanded to seale up, & wch is here represented by the book of the law laid up at the side o in the right side of the Ark as it were in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. \For the festivals & ceremonies of the law prescribed/ And none was found worthy to open the book till {illeg} whast festivals & ceremonies continues \the people in this book adumbrated the/ the same prophesy \with the book of Daniel/) And none was found worthy to open the book till the Lamb of god \appeared/, the great high priest represented by a lamb slain at the foot of the altar in the morning sacrifice. And he came & took the book out of the hand of him that sat upon the throne. For the great High Priest in the feast of the seventh month went into the most holy place & took the book of the law out of the right side of the Ark to read it to the people. And in order to read it \well/ he studied it seven days, that is, upon the 4th, 5t, 6t, 7th 8th, 9th & 10th day in the morning being attended by some of the chief Priests. And these \seven days are/ & alluded unto by the Lamb's opening the seven seales successively.
Upon the fifteenth day of the month & the six following days there were very great sacrifices & in allusion to the sounding of Trumpets & singing with thundering voices & pouring out drink offerings at those sacrifices, seven trumpets are sounded & seven thunders utter their voices & seven vials of wrath are poured out: & therefore the{a}s{illeg} sounding of the seven Trumpets, the voices of the seven thunders & the pouring out seven Vial of wrath are synchronal & relate to one & the same division of the times of the seventh seal into seven successive parts. But these seven times were preceded by silence in heaven for half an hour in wch time of silence the 144000 were sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel. And these at length put on sackcloth & prophesy in sackcloth 1260 days.
Upon the tenth day of the month two Goats were brought into temple to reprent the people, one the elect the other the reprobate. And lots were cast upon them, & Gods lot was sacrificed to him & the other Goat called Azaze\a/l or the scape goat was sent into the wilderness loaded with the sins of the people. And in allusion to t after this solemnity as the people went home from the temple they said to one another, God seale you to a good new year. And in allusion to all this the twelve tribes of Israel are now divided into two lots. One the 144000 wch are sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel with the seale of God \in their foreheads/: the other the remainder of the twelve tribes. One the remnant of the womans seed wch keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus & remain on mount Sion with the name of God on their foreheads & become the two witnesses & at length put on sackcloth & prophesy 1260 days in sackcloth: & the other the woman who flees from the temple into the wilderness together with those who receive the mark of the beast & worship him image, & arrives at her place of riches honour & dominion upon the back of her beast when the two witness put on sackcloth, & reigns over him all the time that they prophesy in sackcloth. [This beast is Daniels fourth Beast; & the woman is the little horn of that Beast with eyes & a mouth. And the Dragon is Daniels Hee-Goat: that is the whole Roman Empire untill it becomes divided into the Greek & Latine Empires; & from the time of that division he is the Greek Empire alone. And the image of the Beast is a council against the seven churches of Asia.]
Upon the \same/ tenth day of the month a bull was offered for the sins of the people. And the High Priest in his linen garments took a cancer full of burning coales of fire from the \golden/ Altar, & his hands full of \sweet/ beaten incense beaten sin all & went into the most holy place within the vaile & sprinkled the blood of the bullock with his finger upon the mercy seal easward {sic} seven times: & then killed the Goat wch fell to Gods lot for the sin offering & brought his blook within the vail & sprinkled it also upon the mercy seat & before the mercy seat. And then he went out to the Altar & sprinkled it also seven times with the blood of the bullock, & as often with the blood of the Goat. And after this, he laid both his hands upon \the head of/ the scape Goat, & confessed over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, & all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, & sent him into the wilderness. And while the High-priest was doing these things in the most holy place & at the altar, the people continued in silence at their devotion. And to this alludes the silence in heaven for half an hour, which followed upon opening the seventh seal, \& the incense offered with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar./ Whence you may understand that this silence \& incense/ is synchronal to the sealing of the 144000.
The the High priest went into the holy place & put off his linnen garments & put on other garments, & came out, & sent the bullock & the Goat of the sin offering to be burnt without the camp. And a censer was filled with fire of the Altar, & carred \out/ with them & cast on the ground earth to burn them. And to this alludes the Angels filling a censer with fire of the altar & casting it to the earth, whereupon followed voices & thunderings (of the musick of the temple) & lightnings (of the sacred fire) & an earthquake.
Upon the fifteenth day of the month, & the six following days there were very great sacrifices. And in allusion to the sounding of the trumpets & singing with thundering voices, & pouring out drink offerings at those sacrifices, seven Trumpets are sounded & seven thunders utter their voices, & seven Vials of wrath are poured out. And therefore the sounding of the seven trumpets, the voices of the seven thunders, & the pouring out of the seven vialls of wrath are synchronal & relate to one & the same division of the time of the seventh seal following the silence, into seven successive parts. And at the sounding of the seventh trumpet the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of God & Christ & the time of the dead begins that they should be judged. And here ends the inroductoty prophesy of the book.
In the Interpretation of this prophesy the woman wch appears cloathed with the Sun & hath a crown of twelve starrs upon her head represents the primitive Church catholic cloathed with the sun of righteousness & crowned with the twelve Apostles, untill she begins to fly into the wilderness from the first temple into the wilderness. Hitherto the first temple is illuminated by the lamps of the seven golden candlesticks, wch are the seven Churches of Asia.
Sect. {VX}.
Of the relation which the Prophesy of Iohn hath to the Book of the Law of Moses & \to/ the worship \of God/ in the Temple
The Festivals of the Iews prescribed in their seventh month prescribed by the Book of the Law were shadows of things to come, & that of the seventh month is much alluded unto the Apocalyps.
On the first day of that month the High Priest dressed the Lamps in the morning. And this is alluded unto in the first Vision where the Son of man in the habit of the High Priest appears as it were in the midst in (that is or over against) the midst of the seven candlesticks with seven starrs in his right hand, wch are the seven lamps appearing like a rod of seven starrs as it were in his right hand while he dresses them. And this dressing is performed by sending seven Epistles to the Angels of the \seven/ Churches of Asia represented by the seven starrs, & by those Angels to the seven Churches represented by the seven Candlesicks. These Epistles contein admonitions against the approaching Apostacy, & therefore relate to the times when that Apostacy began to work strongly & before it prevailed. It began to work in the Apostles days, & was to work till the Man of Sin {illeg} should be revealed: but it was sometime before it began to put the Church in danger. The visions at the opening of the first four seals relate only to the state of the heathen Roman Empire & so long the primitive Church continued in its purity. Then it began \Her affairs began to be considered at the opening of the fift seal, & then she began to decline & to/ to want admonitions, & the Apostacy prevailed at the opening of the seventh Seal. Whence the admonitions in these ☉☉ \seven/ Epistles {illeg} relate to teh state of the Church in the times of the fift & sixt seals. The seven Angels to whom those Epistles were sent answer to the seven Amarcelim who were Priests & chief Officers of the Temple & had joynlly the keys of the gates of the Temple & those also of the Treasuries, & the direction appointment & oversight of all things in the Temple.
After the Lamps were dressed Iohn {he} saw the door of the Temple opened & by the voice as it were of a Trumpet was called up to the eastern gate of the eastern great Court to see the visions as {illeg} behold a throne was set, vizt the Mercy seat upon the Ark of the Testament wch the Iews respected as the Throne of God between the Cherubims Exod. 25. 2. Psal. 99. 1. And he that sat on it was to look upon like Iasper & Sardine stone, that is of an olive colour, the Iews people of Iudea being of that colour. And (the Sun being then in the east) a rainbow was about the throne, the embleme of glory. And round about the throne were four & twenty seats: the chambers of the the four & twenty Princes of the Priests, twelve on the south side & twelve on the north side of the Priests Court. And upon the seats were four & twenty elders sitting with crowns on their heads the P cloathed in white rainment with crowns on their heads. the Princes of the 24 courses of the Priests cloathed in linnen. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings & thunderings; the fire of the Altar at the morning sacrifice & the song of the Levites at the eastern gate of the Priests Court appearing to Iohn like lightnings & thunderings proceeding from the throne. And there were seven lamps of fire burning in the temple before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God \represented in the beginning of this prophesy by seven starrs./. And before the throne was a sea of glass clear as crystall; the brazen sea between the Porch of the Temple & the Altar filled with water cleer as crystall. And in the midst of the Throne & round about the Throne were four Beasts full of eyes before & behind; that is, one \Beast/ before the throne & one behind it appearing to Iohn as in the midst of the throne, & one on either side of it \in {this} {crest} about it/, to represent by the multitude of their eyes the people standing in the four sides of the peoples court. And the first Beast was like a Lion, & the second was like a calf, & the third had the face of a man & the fourth was like a flying Eagle. The people of Israel encamped in the wilderness encamped round about the Tabernacle. On the east side were three tribes under the standard of Iudah, on the west were three tribes under the standard \of Ephraim, on the south wer {sic} three tribes under the standard of/ of Reuben, & on the north were three tribes under the standard of \of Ephraim/ of Dan. Num. 2. And the standard of Iudah was a Lion, that of Ephraim an Ox, that of Reuben a man, & that of Dan an Eagle as the Iews affirm. Whence were framed the hieroglyphicks of Cherubims & Seraphims to represent the people of Israel. A Cherubim had one body with four faces, the faces of a Lion, Ox, Man & Eagle looking to the four winds of heaven without turning about, as in Ezekiels Vision. And four Seraphims had four faces the same four faces with four bodies, one face to every body. The four Beasts are therefore four Seraphims standing on the four sides of the peoples court, the first in the eastern side \in/ with the \form/ head of a Lion, the second in the western side \with/ with the \form/ head head of an Ox, the third in the southern side \with/ with the \head/ head of a Man & the fourth on the northern side \with/ with the \head/ head of an Eagle; & all four signify all the twelve tribes of Israel out of which the hundred forty & four thousand were sealed. Apoc. 7. 4. And the four Beasts had each of them six wings as in Isaiah's Vision, ch. 6. two to a tribe, in all twenty & four wings answering to the twenty & four stations of the people. And they {illeg} were full of eyes within, or under their wings. And they rest not day & night (or at the morning & evening sacrifices) saying Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty wch was & is & is to come. These animals are therefore the Seraphims wch appeared to Isaiah in a Vision like this of the Apocalyps, {illeg} chap. 6. For there also the Lord sat upon a throne in the Temple, & the Seraphims each with six wings cried Holy, holy, holy Lord of hosts. And when those animals give glory & honour & thanks to him that sitteth upon the throne, who liveth for ever & ever, the four & twenty Elders [1] fall down & worship before him that sat on the throne, & worship him that liveth for ever & ever, & cast their crowns before the throne saying Thou art worthy o Lord to receive glory & honour & power: for thou hast created all things, & for thy \pleasure they/ are & were created. At the morning & evening sacrifices, so soon as the sacrifice was laid upon the Altar, & the drink offering began to be poured out, the trumpets sounded & the Levites sang by courses three times, & every time when the trumpets sounded the people fell down & worshipped. Three times therefore did the people worship, to express which number the Beasts cry Holy, holy, holy. And the song being ended the people prayed standing till the solemnity was ended. And in the mean time the Priests went into the Temple, & there fell down before him that sat upon the throne, & worshipped.
And Iohn saw in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne, a book written within & on the backside, the prophetic book of the Law laid laid up in the right side of the Ark, which by the festival of the seventh month predicted these things. It was written within wth a prophesy & on the backside wth an interpretation of that prophesy. As Daniels Visions consisted of two parts, a Prophesy & an Interpretation thereof so doth Iohn's. \The writing \within/ was seen within at the opening of the seals & that on the backside when all the seals were opened & the book unfolded, & the last leaf turned over./ And the Book was sealed with seven seals, which none was found worthy to open but the Lamb of God. And lo in the midst of the throne & of the four Beasts & in the midst of the Elders, that is at the foot of the Altar, stood a Lamb as it had been slain [the morning sacrifice] having seven horns [wch are the seven Churches] and seven eyes wch are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. And the Lamb came & took the book out of the hand of him that sat upon the throne. And when he had taken the book, the four Beasts & four & twenty Elders fell down before the Lamb having every one of them Harps & Vials full of odours which are prayers of the Saints. And they sung a new song saying, Thou art worthy to take the book & open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain & hast redeemed us with thy blood to God wit by thy blood out of every kindred & tongue & nation & people & nation, & hast made us to \unto/ our God kings & priests & we shall reign oner the earth. The Beasts & Elders therefore represent the primitive Christians of all nations, & the worship of these Christians in their Churches is here represented under the form of worshipping God & the Lamb in the Temple: God for his benefaction of creating all things, & the Lamb for his benefaction of redeeming us with his blood; God as sitting upon the throne & living for ever & the Lamb as exalted above all for the merits of his death. And I heard, saith Iohn, the voice of many Angels round about the throne & the Beasts & the Elders, & the numbers of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands; saying with a loud vioce {sic}, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, & wisdome, & riches, & strength, & honour & glory & blessing. And every creature which is in heaven & on the earth & under the earth & in the sea such as are in the sea & all that are in them heard I saying, Blessing & honour & glory & power be \un/to him that sitteth upon the throne & unto the Lamb for ever & ever. And the four Beasts said Amen. And the four & twenty Elders fell down & worshipped him that liveth for ever & ever. This was the worship of the primitive Christians.
It was the custome for the High Priest seven days before the Fast of the seventh month to continue continue constantly in the Temple & study the book of the Law that he might be perfect in it against the day of Expiation, wherein the service wch was various & intricate was wholy to be performed by himself; part of wch service was reading of the Law to the people. And to promote his studying it, there were certain Priests appointed by the Sanhedrim to be with him those seven days in one of his chambers in the Temple & there to discourse with him about the Law & read it to him & put him in mind of reading & studying it himself. And this his opening & reading the Law those seven days is alluded unto in the Lambs opening the seven seals. Conceive that those seven days begin in the evening before each day, for the Iews began their day in the evening, & that & that the solemnity of the Fast begins in the morning of the seventh day.
It was t
The seventh Seal was therefore opened on the day of Expiation & then there was silence in heaven for half an hour, And an Angel (the High Priest) stood at the Altar having a golden censer, & there was given him much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all Saints upon the golden Altar which was before the throne. The custome was on other days for one of the Priests to take fire from the great Altar in a silver Censer but on this day for the High Priest to take fire from the great Altar in a Golden Censer; and when he was come down from the great Altar, he took incense from one of the Priests that brought it to him, & went with it to the golden Altar: & while he offered the incense the people prayed without in silence, which is the silence in heaven for half an hour. And when the High Priest had laid the incense on the Altar, he carried a Censer of it burning in his hand, into the most holy place before the Ark. And the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the saints ascended up before God out of the Angels hand. On Other days there was a certain measure of incense for the golden Altar: on this day there was a greater measure quantity for both the Altar & the most Holy, & therefore it is called much incense. After this the Angel took the Censer & filled it with fire of {illeg} the (great) Altar & cast it to the earth, that is, by the hands of the Priests who belong to his mystical body he cast it to the earth without the Temple for burning the Goat which was the Lords Lot. And at this & other concomitant sacrifices untill the evening sacrifice was ended, there were voices & thundrings & lightnings & an earthquake; that is, the voices of the High Priest reading the Law to the people, & other voices & thundrings of the trumpets & temple musick at the sacrifices, & lightnings of the fire of the Altar
The solemnity of the day of Expiation being finished the seven Angels sound their Trumpets at the great sacrifices of the seven days of the feast of the Tabernacles, & at the same sacrifices the seven Thunders utter their voices, wch are the Music of the Temple & singing of the Levites intermixed with the sounding of the Trumpets, & the seven Angels pour out their Viols of Wrath, which are the drink-offerings of those sacrifices.
When six of the Seals were opened, Iohn said, And after these things, (that is, after the visions of the sixt Seal) I saw four Angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the Earth that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And I saw another Angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. And he cried with a loud voice to the four Angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth & the sea, saying with a loud voi Hurt not the earth nor the sea nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of or God in their foreheads. This sealing alludes to a tradition of the Iews that upon the day of Expiation all the people of Israel are sealed are sealed up in the books of life & death. For the Iews in their Talmud tell us that in the beginning of every new year, or first [2] day of the month Tisri (the seventh month of the sacred year) three books are opened in judgment; the book of life in wch the names of those are written who are perfectly just, the book of death in which the names of those are written who are Atheists or very wicked, & a third book of those whose judgment is suspended till the day of expiation, & whose names are not written in the book of life or death before that day. The first ten days of this month they call the penitential days, & all those days they fast & pray very much, & are very devout, that on the tenth day their sins may be remitted & their names may be written in the book of life, wch day is therefore called the day of Expiation. And upon this tenth day in returning home from their Synagogues they say one to another, God the creator seal you to a good year. For they conceive that the books are now sealed up, & that the sentence of God remains unchanged henceforward to the end of the year. And the same thing is signified by the two Goats upon whose foreheads the High Priest yearly in the days of Expiation lays the two lots inscribed For God & For Azazel, Gods lot signifying the people who are sealed with the name of God in their foreheads, & the lot Azazel those who which was sent into the wilderness, representing those who receive the mark & name of the Beast & go with \into/ the wilderness with the great Whore & her Beast.
The servants of God being therefore sealed in the day of Expiation, conceive that this sealing is synchronal to the visions which appear upon opening the seventh seal, & that the Angels which hold the four winds were the first four of the seven Angels which stood before God upon opening the seventh seal were seen standing before God; & that upon their holding the blustering noisy winds there was silence in heaven for half an hour \during the offering of incense/; & that while the servants of God were sealing, the Angel with the golden Censer offered their prayers wth incense upon the golden Altar \& read the Law/: & that so soon as they were sealed the winds hurt the earth at the sounding of the first Trumpet & the Sea at sounding of the second, these winds being the wars to which the first four Trumpets sounded. For as the first four Seals are distinguished from the three last by the appearance of four horsemen towards the four winds of heaven, so the warrs of the first four Trumpets are distinguished from those of the three last by representing these by four winds & the others by three great Woes.
In one of Ezekiels Visions when the Babylonian captivity was at hand, six men appeared with slaughter weapons, & a seventh who appeared among them cloathed in white linnen & had a writers ink horn by his side, is commanded to go through the midst of Ierusalem & set a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh & cry for all the abominations done in the midst thereof; & then the six men (like the Angels of the first six Trumpets) are commanded to slay those men who are not marked. & Conceive therefore that the hundred & forty four thousand are sealed to preserve them from the plagues of the first six Trumpets; & that at length by the preaching of the everlasting gospel \to all nations/ they grow into a great multitude, & at the sounding of the seventh Trumpet come out of the great tribulation with Palms in their hands: the kingdoms of this world by the war to wch that Trumpet sounds becoming the kingdoms of God & Christ. For the solemnity of the great Hosannah was kept by the Iews pon the seventh or last day of the Feast of Tabernacles: the Iews upon that day carrying Palm-branches in their hands, & crying Hosannah.
After six of the Angels with slaughter weapons (answering to six of the six men with slaughter weapons) had sounded their Trumpets, the Lamb in the form of a mighty Angel, came down from heaven cloathed with a cload, & a rainbow upon his head, & his face was as it were the sun & his feet as pillars of fire [the shape in wch Christ appeared in the beginning of this Prophesy,] & he had in his hand a little Book open; the Book wch he had newly opened. For he received but one Book from him that sitteth upon the throne, & he alone was worthy to open & look on this Book. The writing was seen at the The book was written within & on the backside, & the writing was seen within at the opening of the seals, & the book being now opened & unfolded the writing became visible also on the backside being composed of synchronal Prophesies. And he set his right foot on the sea & his left foot on the earth & cryed with a loud voice as when a Lyon roareth. It was the custome for the High-Priest on the day of Expiation to stand in an elevated place in the peoples court at the eastern gate of the Priests court & read the law to the people while the Heifer & the Goat wch was the Lord's lot, were burning without the Temple. Conceive him standing in such a manner that his right foot might appear to Iohn as it were standing on the sea of glass, & his left foot on the ground of the House: & that he cried with a loud voice in reading the Law in the day of Expiation. And when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. Thunders are the voice of a cloud, & a cloud signifies a multitude, & this multitude may be the Levites who sang with thundering voices & plaid with musical instruments at the great sacrifices on the seven days of the feast of Tabernacles: at which times the Trumpets also sounded. For the Trumpets sounded & the Levites sang alternately three times at every sacrifice. And therefore the prophesy of the seven thunders is nothing else then a repetition of the prophesy of the seven Trumpets in another form. And the Angel wch I saw stand upon the sea & upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven & swore by him that liveth for ever & ever that [after the seven thunders] the mystery of \God/ should be finished there should be time no longer, but in the days of the voice of the seventh Angel when he should begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the Prophets. The voices of the Thunders therefore last to the end of this world & so do those of the seven Trumpets.
And the voice which I heard from heaven, saith Iohn, spoke to me again & said Go & Take the little book &c And I took the little book out of the Angels hand & ate it up, & it was sweet in my mouth sweet as honey, & as soon as I had eaten it my belly was bitter. And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples & nations & tongues & kings. This is an Introduction to a new prophesy, to a repetition of the prophesy of the whole book, & alludes to Ezekiels eating a a roll or book spread open before him & written within & without & full of lamentations & mourning & wo, but sweet in his mouth. Eating & drinking signify acquiring & possessing, So eating flesh is put for acquiring riches Dan. 7. 5, 23. Eating Christs flesh & drinking his blood for beleiving on him & receiving his doctrine (Iohn 6) & the heaven of the Pharis & eating the Book is becoming inspired with the prophesy conteined in it. It inplies being inspired in a vigorous & extraordinary manner with the prophesy conteined in it. It implies a being inspired of the whole book, & therefore signifies a lively repetition of the whole prophesy by way of interpretation, & beginns not till the first Prophesy, that of the Seals & Trumpets is ended. It was sweet in Iohn's mouth, & therefore begins not with the bitter prophesy of the Babylonian captivity, & the Gentiles being in the outward court of the Temple & treading the holy city under foot, & the prophesying of the two Witnesses in sackcloth, & their smiting the earth with all plagues & being killed by the Beast: but so soon as the prophesy of the Trumpets is ended, it beginns with the sweet prophesy of the glorious Woman in heaven, & the victory of Michael over the Dragon; & after that, it is bitter in Iohn's belly by a large description of the times of the great Apostacy.
And the Angel stood [upon the earth & sea] saying, Rise, measure and measure the Temple of God & the Altar & them that worship therein, that is, their courts with the buildings thereon, vizt the square Court of the Temple called the Separate place, & the square Court of the Altar called the Priests Court, & the Court of them that worship in the Temple called the new Court: but the [great] Court which is without the Temple, leave out & measure it not, for it is given to the Gentiles, and the Holy City shall they tread under foot forty & two months. This measuring hath reference to Ezekiels measuring the Temple of Solomon \to That/ The signify that is should be rebuilt in the latter day. But \the whole/ There the whole Temple was measured to signify that it should be rebuilt in the latter days: Here the courts of the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein are only measured to signify the building of a second Temple for those that only that are sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel & worship in the inward Court of sincerity & truth: & \Iohn is commanded to leave/ leaveng out the outward Court or outward form of religion & Church Government because it is given to the Babylonian gentiles. For the glorious Woman in heaven, the remnant of whose seed kept the commandments of God & had the testimony of Iesus, continued the same Woman in outward form after her flight into the wilderness whereby she quitted her former sincerity & piety & quitted \became/ the great Whore. \she lost her chastity but not her outward beauty form & beauty \{shave.}// And while the Gentiles trode the holy city under foot, & worshipped in the outward Court, the two Witnesses (represented perhaps by the two feet of the Angel standing on the sea & {illeg} earth) prophesied against them and had power like Elijah & Moses to consume their enemies with fire proceeding out of their mouth, & to stop heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophesy, & to turn the waters into blood, & to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will, that is, with the plagues of the seven trumpets & Vialls of wrath; & at length are slain rise again from the dead & ascend up to heaven in a cloud; & then the seventh Trumpet sounds to the day of judgment.
The Prophesy being finished Iohn is inspired anew by the eaten book, & begins the Interpretation thereof with the words, And the Temple of God was opened in heaven & there was seen in his Temple the Ark of the Testament: By the ark you may know that this was the first Temple for the second Temple had no Ark. And there were lightnings & voices & thundrings & an earthquake & great hail. These answer to the wars in the Roman Empire during the reign of the four horsmen who appeared upon opening the first four seals. And there appeared a great wonder in heaven, A Woman cloathed with the Sun In the Prophesy the affairs of the Church begin to be described at the opening of the fift Seal, & \in/ the Interpretation \the affairs of the Church/ beings at the same time with the Vision of the Church in the form of a Woman in heaven. There she is persecuted & here she is pained in travel. The Interpretation proceeds down to the day of judgment represented by a harvest & vintage & then returns back to the \to the sealing of the servants of God & marking the rest wth the mark of the Beast & then it proceeds down to/ day of judgment times of measuring times of opening the seventh seal & interprets the prophesy of the seven Trumpets by the pouring out of seven Vials of wrath. And the Angels wch pour them out, come out of the Temple of the Tabernacle; that is, out of the second Temple; for the Tabernacle had no outward Court. ‖ Then it returns back again to the times of measuring the Temple & Altar & of the Gentiles worshipping in the outward Court & the Beast killing the Witnesses in the street of the great City, & interprets those things by the vision of a Woman sitting on the Beast drunken with the blood of Saints, & proceeds in the interpretation, downwards to the fall of the great City & the day of judgment. ‖ The whole Prophesy of the book of the Law is therefore repeated & interpreted in these Visions which follow those of sounding of the seventh Trumpet, & begin with that of the Temple of God opened in heaven. Only the voices of \things wch/ the seven Thunders \uttered/ were not written down, & therefore not interpreted.
It began to work in the disciples of Simon, Menander, Carpocrates, Ceriathus, & such sorts of men as had imbibed the Metaphysical philosophy of the Gentiles & Cabalistical Iews & were thence called Gnosticks. And Iohn calls them Antichrists saying that \even/ in his days there were many Antichrists. But these men being noted by the Apostles & their immediate disciples put the churches in no danger during the opening of the first four seals. \And therefore/ The visions at the opening of these \four/ seals relate only to the civil affairs of heathen Roman Empire And So long \the Apostalic tradition prevailed &/ the Church continued in its purity. As \therefore/ The affairs of the Church begin do not \begin/ to be considered \in this Prophesy/ before the opening of the fift seale. And \the/ The began \them/ to decline & \to/ want admonitions, & \therefore/ is admonished by those Epistles till the Apostacy took pla prevailed \& took place/ which was at the opening of the seventh seal. Whence the admonitions in these seven Epistles relate to the state of the Church in the the times of the fift & sixt seals.
The seven Angels – – – in the Temple
Irenæus & abudantly testify the universal consent of the Churches in th one & the same faith in their days. / At the opening of the fift seal the Church being grown cold is purged by a great persecution. At the opening of the sixt that wch letted is taken out of the way namely the heathen Roman Empire. At the opening of the seventh the Man of sin is revealed. And to these times the seven Epistles relate.
The prophesy of the Angels crying with a loud voice as a Lyon roareth & of the seven thunders uttering their voices & of Iohns measuring the Temple & relates to ye writing on ye outside of the last leaf of the Book on the & is a repetition of what was written within on the last leaf, but in a contrary order \by the turning over of that leaf/. The seven Thunders are a repetition of the Prophesy of the seven Trumpets, & the Prophesy of measuring the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein is a repetition of the prophy of sealing the 144000 servants of God in their foreheads out of all the twelve trives of Israel & leaving \all/ the rest unsealed. And therefore as the prophesy of sealing of the serv the sealed servants of God & is contemporary to that of the seven Trumpets so the prophesy of the Temple that is measured is contemporary to that of the seven Thunders; & all four are contemporary to one another.
The prophesy of the sealed book is finished at the sounding of the seventh The sounding of the seventh Trumpet puts an end to the whole prophesy of the sealed book written within & on the backside. And the prophesy being finished Iohn is inspired anew by the eaten book & begins the Interpretation of the whole prophesy with these words: And the Temple of God &c.
The servants of God being therefore sealed in the days of expiation conceive that this sealing is synchronal to the visions which appear upon opening the seventh seal, & that when the Lamb had opened six of the seals he & seen the visions relating to the inside of the sixt leaf he looked on the backside of the seventh leaf & saw the four at the same time \then/ saw the four angels holding the four winds of heaven, & another Angel ascending from the cast with the seal of God. Conceive also that the Angels wch hold the four winds were the first four of the seven Angels. VI. 37/ VI. 55/ VII. 15
Sect. X
Of the relation which the Prophesy of Iohn hath to those of Daniel and of the Subject of the Prophesy.
The whole scene of Sacred Prophesy is composed of three principal parts; the regions beyond Euphrates represented by the two first Beasts of Daniel; the Empire of the Greeks on this side of Euphrates represented by the Leopard & by the He Goat, & the Empire of the Latines on this side Greece represented by the Beast with ten horns. And to these three parts the phrases of the thir part of the Earth, Sea, rivers, trees, ships, stars, sun & Moon relate. I place the body of the fourth Beast on this side Greece because the three first Beasts of the four \Beasts/ had their lives prolonged after their dominion was taken away & therefore belong not to the body of the fourth. He only stamped them with he feet.
By the Earth the Iews understood the great continent of Asia & Afric to which they had access by land; & by the Isles of the Sea they under the places to which they sailed by sea & particularly all Europe. And hence in this Prophesy the Earth & Sea are put for the nations of the Greek & Latin Empires
The third & fourth Beast of Daniel are the same wth with the Dragon & ten horned Beast of Iohn, but with this difference. Iohn puts the Dragon for the whole Roman Empire while it continued entire because it was entire when that Prophesy was given; & the Beast he considers not till the Empire became divided; & then he puts the Dragon for the Empire of the Greeks & the Beast for the Empire of the Latines. And hence it is that the Dragon hath crowns upon his heads & not upon his horns & Beast have common heads & common horns But the Dragon hath crowns only upon his heads & the Beast only upon his horns, because the \Beasts/ Horns \& his/ reigned not before they were divided from the Dragon, & when the Dragon gave the Beast his throne, the ten horns received power as kings the same hour with the Beast. The heads are seven successive kings. Four of \them/ were the four horsmen wch appeared at the opening of the first four Seals. In the latter end of the sixt head or seale considered as present in the visions, it is said, Five of the seven kings are fallen, & one is & another {illeg} is not come, & the Beast that was & is not (being wounded to death with a sword) he is the eighth & of the seven. He was therefore a collateral part of the seventh. The horns are the same with those of Daniels fourth Beast described above.
The four horsmen which appear at the opening of the first four seales have been well explained by Mr Mead, excepting that I had rather continue the third to the end of the reign of the the three Gordians & Philip the Arabian, those being kings from the south, & begin the fourth with the reign of Decius & continue it till the reign of Dioclesian. For the fourth horsman sat upon a pale horse, & his name was Death & Hell followed with him & power was given them over to kill unto the fourth part of the earth, with the sword & with hunger famine & with the plague & with the Beasts of the earth or armies of invaders & rebells: & such were the times during all this intervall. Hitherto the Roman Empire continued in an undivided Monarchical form exept rebellions; & such it is represented by the four horsmen. But Dioclsian divided it between himself & Maximianus, \A. C. 285./ & it continued it in that state divided state till the victory of Constantine the great over Licinius \A. C. 323./ which put an end to the heathen persecutions set on foot by Constatntine the great Dioclesian & Maximianus & described at the opening of the fift seal. But this division of the Empire was imperfect: the whole being still under one & the same Senate. The same victory of Constantine over Licinius be (a heathen persecutor,) began the fall of the heathen Empire described at the opening of the Sixt seal. And the Visions of this Seal continue till after the reign of Iulian the Apostate, he being a heathen Emperor & reigning over the whole Em Roman Empire.
The affairs of the Church being to be considered at the opening of the fift Seal as was said above. And then she is represented by a Woman in the Temple of heaven clothed with the Sun of righteousness & the Moon of Iewish ceremonies under her feet, \upon her head/ & a crown of twelve starrs (the \relating to the twelve tribes of Israel, & to the / twelve Apostles. under her feet. When she fled \from the Temple/ into the wilderness she left \in the Temple/ a remnant of her seed who kept the commandments of God & had the testimony of Iesus, & therefore \before her flight/ she represented the true primitive Church of God at her first appearance tho afterwards she degenerated like Ahelah & Aholibah. In Dioclesians persecution she cried travelling in birth & pained to be delivered. And in the end of that persecution \(by the victory of Constantine A. C. 312 over Maxentius A. C. 312)/ she brought forth a manchild, such a child as was to rule all nations with a rod of iron, a Christian Empire. And her child (by the victory of Constantine the great {comes} {illeg} over Lacinus \A. C. 323/) was caught up to God & his throne. And the Woman (by the division of the Roman Empire into the Greek & Latine Empires) fled from the Dragon \Temple/ into the wilderness of the Latine Empire where she is found afterwards sitting upon the Beast & upon seven mountains & is called the great city wch reigneth over the kings of the earth, that is over the ten kings wch give their kingdom to her Beast.
But before her flight there was war in heaven between Michael & the Dragon (the Christian & the heathen religions,) & the Dragon that old serpent called the Devil & Satan who deceiveth the whole world (the heathen religion) was cast out to the earth, & his Angels were cast out with him. And Iohn heard a voice in heaven saying, Now is come salvation & strength & the kingdom of or God, & the power of his Christ. For the accuser of our brethren is cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of their testimony. And they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoyce ye heavens & ye that dwell in them. Wo be to the inhabiters of the Earth & sea (or people of the Greek & Latine Empires,) fore the Devil is come down amongst you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
And when the Dragon saw that he was cast downfrom the Roman throne, \& the Man-child caught up thither,/ he persecuted the Woman which brought forth the Man-child, & to her (by the division of the Roman Empire between the sons of Constantine the great reigning cities of Rome & Constantinople \A. C. 330/) were given two wings of a great Eagle (the symbol of the Roman Empire) that she might fly from the Temple into the wilderness \of Arabia/ to her place upon teh Beast. \at Babylon mystically so called./ And at the same time the Serpent (by the same division \☉/☉ there of \the same Empire/ between the sons of Constantine the great, A. C. 337) ) cast out \out of his mouth/ waters as a flood (the Western Empire) after the \Woman/ that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. – And the Earth (or Greek Empire) helped the Woman & opened her mouth & swallowed up the flood (by the victory of Constantius over Magnetius ), A. C. 353) & thus the Beast was wounded to death with a sword. And the Dragon was wroth with Dragon was wroth with the Woman & opened her mouth (in the reign of Iulian the Apostate \A. C. 361)/ & (by a new division of the Empire between Valentinian & Valens \A. C. 364)/) went from her into the eastern Empire to make war with the remnant of her seed wch she left behind her when she fled. \And thus the mortal {hand} of the Beast was {healed} the Beast revived/ And by the next division of the Empire wch was between Gratian & Theodosius, \A. C. 369,/ the Beast with ten horns rose out of the seas, & the Beast with two horns out of the Earth, and by the last division thereof wch was between the sons of Theodosius, \A. C. 395,/ the Dragon gave the Beast his throne power & throne & great authority. And the ten horns received power as kings the same hour with the Beast, or within twice the time that there was silence in heaven.
At length the Woman arrived at her place \place of temporal as well as spiritual dominion/ upon the back of the Beast where she is nourished for a time times & half a time form the face of the Serpent; not in his kingdome but at a distance from him. She is nourished by the Merchants of the earth three times or years & an half, or 42 months, or 1260 days; & in this prophesy days are put for years. During all this time the Beast was acted & she sat upon him, that is reigned over him, & over the ten kings who gave their kingdom to him, & she was drunken with the blood of the saints. And by all these circumstances she is the eleventh horn of Daniel's fourth Beast, who reigned with a look more stout then the other ten, & was of a different kind from the rest, & had eyes & a mouth like the Woman, & made war with the saints & prevailed against them & wore them out, & ha changed times & laws, & had them given into his hands untill a time times & half a time. The characters of the Woman & little horn \of the Beast/ agree perfectly. In respect of her spiritual dominion she was his church & re temporal dominion she was a horn of the Beast, in respect of her spiritual dominion she rode upon him \in the form of a woman/ & was his Church & committed fornication with the ten kings.
And the second Beast which rose up out of the earth was the Church of the Greek Empire. For it had two horns like those of the Lamb & therefore was a Church, & it spoke as the Dragon & therefore was of his religion, & it rose up out of the earth & by consequence in his kingdom. It is called also the fals Prophet that wrought miracles before the first Beast (not within in but before him) by wch he deceived them that received the mark of the Beast & worshipped his Image. When the Dragon went from the Woman to make war with the remnant of her seed, this Beast arising out of the earth assisted him in that war, & caused the earth & them that dwell therein to worship the authority of the first Beast whose mortal wound was heald, & to make an Image to him, that is to assemble a body of men like him in point of religion. And he had power to give life & authority to the Image, so that it could both speak & by dictating cause that as many as would all \religions/ bodies of men who would not worship the authority of the Image should be mystically killed. And he causeth all men to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead & that no man might by or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the Beast or the number of his name. all the rest being excommunicated by the Beast wth two horns. ♀♀ Thus the Beast after he was wounded to death with a sword & revived, was deified as the heathens were used to deify their kings after death, & had an Image erected to him: & his worshippers were initiated in this new religion by receiving the mark or name of this new God or the number of his name, And by killing all that will not worship him & his Image, the first Temple is demolished, & a new Temple is built for them that will not worship him; & the outward Court of this new Temple \(or outward form of a Church)/ is given to the Gentiles who worship the Beast & his Image, & they that will not worship him receive \are sealed with/ the name of God in their foreheads & retire into the inner court of this new Temple. And these are the 144000 sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel & called the two witnesses as being the sealed out out \derived from/ the two wings given to Woman \of the Woman while she was flying into the wilderness./. These appear to Iohn in the inward Court of the second Temple standing on mount Sion with the Lamb, & as it were on the sea of glass. Thus the Woman fled from the first Temple through the Wilderness of Arabia to Babylon. And the Dragon by the assistance of the two-horned Beast made war upon the remnant of her seed; & the first Temple being destroyed a new one was built, & the Gentiles took possession of the outward Court of this Temple & trode the holy City under foot; & out of all the twelve Tribes of Israel, there were only 144000 sealed with the name of God in their foreheads, & these worship in the inner Court \of the second Temple/, & appear to Iohn \in this Court/ standing on Mount Sion with the Lamb, & (as it were) on the sea of glass. These are the saints of the most High, & & the Host of heaven & the holy people spoken of by Daniel, as worn out & trampled under foot & destroyed in the latter times by the little horses of his fourth Beast & He-Goat.
And while the Gentiles tread the Holy city under foot God gives power to his two Witnesses & they prophesy in sackcloth all the 1260 days. They are called the two candleticks Olive Trees with relation to the two Olivetrees wch in Zecharys Vision (ch. 4) stand on either side of the golden Candlestick to supply the Lamps with oyle & Olive trees according to the Apostle Paul represent Churches Rom XI. They supply the lamps with oyle by maintaining teachers. They are also called two Candlesticks, & Candlesticks in this Prophesy signify Churches, the seven Churches of Asia being represented by seven Candlesticks. Five of those Churches were found fualty, & threatned if they did not repent; the other two were without fault, & so their Candlesticks were fit to be placed in the second Temple. These were the Churches of \in/ Smyrna & Philadelphia. They were in a state of tribulation & persecution & the only two of the seven in such a state; & so \their Candlesticks/ were fit to represent the Churches in affliction in the times of the second Temple, & the only two that were fit. The two Witnesses ware not new Churches. They are the posterity of the primitive Church, \the posterity of the two wings of the Woman,/ & so are fitly represented from by two of the primitive Candlesticks. Conceive therefore that when {illeg} of the first Temple was destroyed & a new one built for them that worship in the inner Court, two of the seven Candlesticks were placed in this new Temple
When Eusebius had brought down his Ecclesiastical History to the reign of Dioclesian, he thus describes the state of the Church. Qualem quantam gloriam simulac libertatem doctrinæ veræ erga supremum Deum pietatis a Christo primum hominibus annunciata, apud omnes Græcos pariter et barbaros ante persecutionem nostra memoria excitatam consecuta sit, nos certe pro nostra memoria merito explicare non possumus. Argumento esse possit Imperatorum benignitas erga nostros: quibus regendas etiam provincias committebant, omni sacrificandi metu eos liberantes ob singularem quo in religionem nostram affecti erant benevo lentiam. And a little after: Iam vero quis innumerabilem hominum quotidie ad fidem Christi confegientium turbam, quis numerum ecclesiarum in singulis urbibus, quis illustres populorum concursus in œdibus sacris, cumulate possit describere? Quo factum est ut priscis ædificys jam non contenti, in singulis urbibus spatiosas ab ipsis fundamentis extruerent ecclesias. At hæc progressu temporis increscentia, et quotidie in in ebius & majus et melius proficiscentia, neclivor ullus atterere, nec malignitas dæmonis fascinare, nec hominum in sidiæ prohibere unquam potuerunt, quamdiu omnipotentis Dei dextera populum quum, utpote tali dignum præsidio, texit at custodijt. Sed cum ex nimia libertate in neglig entiam ac desidiam prolapsi essemus; cum alter alteri invidere at obtrectare cœpisset; cum inter now quasi bella inestina gereremus, verbis tanquam armis quibusdam hastis nos mutuo vulnerantes; cum Antistites adversus Antistites populi in populos collisi, jurgia ac tumultus agitarent; deni cum fraus et simulatio ad summum in altiæ culmen adolevisset: tum divina ultio levi brachio ut solet, integro adhuc ecclesiæ statu & fidelium turbis libere convenientibus, sensim ac moderate capit in nos cæpit animadvertere; orsa primum persecutione ab ys qui militabant. Cum vero sensu omni destituti de placando Dei numine ne cogitaremus quidem; quin potius instar impiorum quorundam res humanas nulla providentia gubernari rati, alio quotidie crimina alys adjiceremus: Cum Pastores nostri spreta religionis regula, mutuis inter se contentionibus decertarent, nihil alud quam jurgia, minas, æmulationem, odia ac mutuas inimicitias aplificare studentes; principatum quasi tyrannidem quandam co\n/tentissime sibi vindicantes: tune demum, juxta dictum Hieremiæ, obscuravit Dominus in ira sua filiam Sion, & dejecit de cœla gloriam Israel, — per Eccliarum scilicet subversionem &c. This was the state of t Church just before the subversion of the Churches in the beginning of Dioclesians persecution: & to this state of the Church {illeg} agrees the first of the seven Epistles to the Angels of the seven Churches, that to the church of \in/ Ephasus. I have something against, \thee/ saith Christ to the Angel of that Church, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen & repent & do the first works, or else I will come unto thee quickly & will remove thy candlestick out of its place except thou repent. But this thou hast that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, wch I also hate. The Nicolaitans used weomen in common, & coloured over their practices by pretending the authority of Nicolas one of the seven Deacons of the primitive Church of Ierusalem. But here \in this Prophesy/ they are put figuratively for the disciples of {illeg} \refined/ Tatian & Monitanus, who \the philosophy of the Gnostics, &/ coloured over their spiritall fornication with a pretence of Christianity, & under that pretence crept silently into the Churches.
The persecution of Dioclesian began in the year of Christ 302, & lasted ten years in the eastern empire & two years in the western. And to this state of the Church the second Epistle, that to the Church of Smyrna, agrees. I know, saith Christ, thy works & tribulation & poverty (but thou art rich,) & I know the blasphemy of them (the Nicolaitans) who say they are Iews & are not, but are \the/ Synagogue of Satan. Feare none of those things wch thou shalt suffer. Behold the Devil shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be tried & ye shall have tribulation ten days. Be thou faithfull unto death & I will give thee a crown of life. The tribulation of ten days can agree to no other persecution then that of Dioclesian, it being the only persecution which lasted ten years. By the blasphemy of them that say they are Iews & are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan, I understand the idolatry of the Nicolaitans who falsly said they were Christians.
These Nicolaitans are complained of also in the third Epistle as men that held the doctrine of Balaam who taught Balac \[the king]/ to cast a stubling {sic} block before the children of Israel to eat things sacrificed to Idols & to commit spiritual fornication. For Balaam taught the Moabites & Ammonites [3] Midianites to tempt \& invite/ Israel by their weomen \to commit fornication/ & invite them & to \feast with them at/ the sacrifices of their Gods.
They are \also/ complained of in the fourth Epistle under the name of the woman Iezabel which calleth herself a Prophetess & teacheth & seduceth the servants of Christ to commit fornication & to eat things sacrificed to Idols. This Woman began now to fly into the wilderness, & in the second & sixt Epistles \she/ is called the Synagogue of Satan.
In the sixt Epistle, that to the Angel of the Church of Philadelphia, Christ saith: Because thou hast kep the word of my
The reign of Constantine the great from the time of his conquering Licinius, was monarchical over the whole Roman Empire; Then the{illeg} Empire became divided between the sons of Constantine reigning at Rome \&/ Constantinople; & then it was united under Constantius by his victory over Magnentius. And to the affairs of the Church in these three successive periods of time, the third fourth & fift epistles, that is, those to the Angels of the Churches in Pergamus, Thyatira & Sardis, seem to relate. And the next Emperor was Iulian a heathen.
In the sixt Epistle, that to the Angel of the Church of Philadelphia, Christ saith: Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth. — Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the Temple of my God, & he shall go no more out, & I will write upon him the name of my God, &c. that is, Because in the reign of the Emperor Iulian the Apostate thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, wch by the Woman's flying into the Wilderness, & the Dragon's making war with the remnant of her seed, & the killing of all that will not worship the Image of the Beast, shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell on the earth, & to distinguish them by sealing the one with the name of God in their foreheads, & marking the other with the mark of the Beast. And him that overcometh I will make a pillar in the temple of my God & he shall go no more out of it. And I will write upon him the name of my God in his forehead. So then the Christians of the Church of Philadelphia, as many of them as overcome, are sealed with the seal of God & placed in the second Temple, & go no more out. And the same is to be understood of the Church in Smyrna. These \two Churches with their posterity/ are therefore the two pillars & two Candlesticks & the two witnesses in the second Temple.
After the reign of Iulian & his successor Iovian who reigned but five months, the Empire became divided again between Valentinian & Valens. And then the Church \catholic/, in the Epistle to the Angel of the Church of Laodicea is reprehended as luke-warm, & threatned to be spewed out of Christs mouth. She said that she was rich & increased in goods & had need of nothing (being in outward prosperity;) & knew not that she was (inwardly) wretched & miserable & poor & blind & naked. She is therefore spewed out of Christs mouth. \at the opening of the seventh seal./ And this puts an end to the times of the first Temple.
Mr Mead hath explained the Prophesy of the first six Trumpets not much amiss. If he had observed that the prophesy of pouring out the Vialls of wrath is synchronal to that of sounding the Trumpets, his explanation would have been more complete.
The sacrifices on the first four days of the feast of Tabernacles at which the first four Trumpets sound & the first four Vials of wrath are poured out, are \slaughters in four great warrs & these warrs are/ represented by four winds to the four corners of the earth. The first was an east wind, the second a west wind, the third a south wind & the fourth a north wind with respect to the city of Rome the old metropolis of the Empire Roman Empire. And winds signify warrs \These four plagues fall upon the third part of the earth, sea, rivers, sun moon & starrs, that is upon the earth sea rivers sun moon & starrs of the third part of the whole scene of these prophesies of Daniel & Iohn./ The Romans were much infested by the invasions of barbarous nations in the end of the reign of the Emperor Valans. But those warrs were fully stopt by the Emperors Gratian & Theodosius in the beginning of the reign of Theodosius A. C. 379 & 380. And thence forward the Empire remained quiet from forreign armies till the death of Theodosius, A. C. 395. And then they four winds \So long the four winds were held, & at the death of that Emperor/ they began to blow.
The plague of the eastern wind at the sounding of the first Trumpet was to fall upon the earth, that is, upon the nations of the Greek empire. And accordingly, after the death of Theodosius the Goths, Sarmatans, Hunns, Isaurians & Astonians invaded & miserably wasted Greece, Thrace, Asia minor, Armenia, Syria, Egypt Libya & Illyricum for ten or twelve years together.
That of the western wind at the sounding of the second Trumpet, was to fall upon the sea or western Emp{illeg}ire, by means of a burning mountain cast into it & turning it to blood. And accordingly in the year 407, that Empire was \began to be/ invaded by the by the Visigoths, Vandals, Ailans, Sueves, Astrogoths Burgundians, Ostrogoths, Heruli, Quades, Gepides, & by these warrs was broken into ten kingdoms & miserably wasted, & Rome \(the burning mountain/ was beseiged & taken \by the Ostrogoths/ in the beginning of these miseries.
That of the southern wind was to be performed \executed/ at the sounding of the third Trumpet by a great star burning as it were a lamp & falling \from heaven/ upon the rivers & fountains of waters [the western Empire now divided into many kingdoms] & to turn them into \wormwood &/ blood & make them bitter. And accordingly the king of the Vandals in Spain in the year 427 fell from his dominion in Spain in the year & with his people the Vandals & Alans invaded Afric & by a vexatious war took it from the Romans; & infested also the Sea-coasts of Europe by a pyratical war, \& took Sicily, Sardinia, Cosica, Eabusus, Majorca Minorca/ & sackt Rome & wasted Italy & sackt Rome.
That of the northern wind at the sounding of the fourth Trumpet, was to cause the Sun Moon & Starrs (that is the western Empiror & his great men) to be darkened, & \to/ continue sometime in darkness. And accordingly Odoacer king of the Heruli invaded Italy A. C. 476, & seized the dominions of Augustulus the last of the western Emperors. This plague was continued by the wars which the Ostrogoths made upon the Heruli & wch Bellisarius afterwards made upon the Ostrogoths & the Lombards soon after upon the Romans by invading Italy & chiefly Lombardy. And by all these warrs Italy was miserably wasted \& almost depopulated/ & Rome thrice taken.
These plagues fell upon the third part of the earth, sea, rivers, Sun, moon & starrs; that is, as I interpret, upon the earth, sea, rivers, sun, moon & starrs of the third part of the whole scene of these prophesies of Daniel & Iohn.
The fift Trumpet sounded to the warrs which the king of the south (as he is called by Daniel) made in the time of the end, in pushing at the king who had done according to his will. This plauge began with the opening of the bottomless pit, which denotes the letting out of a fals religion, the smoke wch came out of the pit signifying the multitude wch embraced that religion, & the Locusts wch came out of the smoke the armies wch came out of that multitude. \And this pit was opened to let out smoke & locusts into the Roman Empire regions of the four monarchies./ And their king was the Angel of the bottomless pit, or chief governour as well in religious as civil affairs. Swarms of Locusts arise in Arabia fœlix & in scripture armies of Arabians are compared to them grasshoppers. Iudg. 8. 5 & 7. 12. And the bottomless pit was opened to let out smoke & Locusts into the Roman Empire when the Saracens began to invade it, A. C. 634. They \Locusts live but five months. But these Locusts/ reigned first at Damascus & then at Bagdat, F & were to continue five months & five months that is ten months \or 300 years/ at both at both places. And accordingly they lost all their temporal dominion to the Turks A. C. 934 began to reign at Damascus A. C. 637, built Bagdat A. C. 766, lost Afric to Mahadis A. C. 910, Media & Hircania to the Dailamites A. C. 931 Chorasam & all Persia to the Dailamites between the years 927 & 935. Mesopotamia & Miafarezen to the Turks \Nasiraddaulas/ A. C. 930, Syria & Egypt to {illeg} Achsyd A. C. 935. And now being in great distress the Calif of Bagdat A. C. 936 surrendered all the rest of his temporal power to Mahomet the son of Rajia king of Wasit \in Chaldea/ & made him Emperor of Emperors. But Mahomet within two years lost Bagdat to the Turks & thenceforward Bagdat was sometimes in the hands of the Turks & sometimes in the hands of the Saracens till Togrulbea (called also Togra, Dogrissa, Tangrolipix & Sadoc) conquered Chorasan & Persia & A. C. 1055 added Bagdad to his Empire making it the seat thereof. His successors Olub-Arslam began his reign A. C. 1063, & \& Melechsah/ conquered the regions upon Euphrates, & these conquests upon the death of Melesah broke into \the/ several kingdoms of seated upon that river Armenia, Mesopotamia Syria & Cappadocia seated upon Eufrates
The sixt Trumpet sounded to the warrs which Daniel's king of the north made against the same king who did according to his will, in coming \In these warrs the king of the north came against the king of Greeks/ against him like a whirlwind & in overflowing his kingdom \the empire of the Greeks/, & in conquering also Iudæa Egypt Libya & Ethiopia. These warrs commenced A. C. 1258 when the four kingdoms of the Turks seated upon Euphrates, that of Armenia major seated at Miyapharekin, \Megarkin or Marpropolis/ that of Mesopotamia seated at Mosul, that of Syria seated at Aleppo \& & comprehending Damascus/, & that of Cappadocia seated at Iconium, were invaded by the Tartars under Hulacu, & driven into the western parts of Asia minor, where they made war upon the Greeks & erected the present Empire of the Turks, & extended it over all those regions described by Daniel. And A. C. 1453 Constantinople & overthrew the Greeke Empire from the \Olub-Arslookam began to conquer the nations upon Eufrates wch split into the four kingdoms. And from the/ beginning of this reign of Malechsah \Olub Arslam/ A. C. 1063 to the taking of Constantinople A. C. 1453, was an hour & a day & a month & a year, or 391 yea prophetic days, which are years.
The first of these six plagues lasted about 12 years the second about 21 years, the third about 49 years, the fourth about 160 years, the fift about 620 years; & according to the progression the sixt may last seven or eight hundred years or above. \It\☉// ☉ \It/ lasts till \the ten kings hate the Whore &/ the two Witnesses are slain revive & ascend up to heaven in a cloud \with the everlasting gospel to preach to all nations/, & \it/ ends with the fall of the tenth part of the great city wch is therefore to fall by the hand of the Turks. And soon after follows the great tribulation & \the sounding of the seventh Trumpet to/ the battel of the great day to wch the three froggs gather the nations \against the word of God & his arms on white horses, & out of wch the innumerable multitude of all nations comes wth palms branches in their hands. But all these revolutions may take up a considerable time. And it is not for us to foreknow – – – breast./. But it is not for us to foreknow the times & seasons wch God hath put in his own breast. \ends with the fall of the tenth part of the great city wch therefore is to fall by the hand of the Turks And soon after follows the great Tribulation./ But it is not for us to foreknow the times & seasons wch God hath put into his own breast.
And the shape of the Locusts was like unto horse [horsemen] prepared to the battel, & on their heads were [Turbants] as it were crowns of gold, & their faces were as the faces of men [for they were men] & they had hair as the hair of weomen [the Arabians cutting their hair \like a round arch/ upon their foreheads & letting grow \wearing it/ at full length behind like weomen & putting it up under a Quoif or Turbant] & their teeth were as the teeth of lions [large & strong for devouring like Daniels fourth Beast] & they had breastplates as it were breastplates of iron & the sound of their wings was as the sound of Chariots of many horses feet running to battel [that is they were an army of horsmen] & they had tails [or Battalions of foot] like unto scorpions [thick & strong] & stings in their tails [or weapons of warr] in their tails.
NB the key of the bottomless pit is the key of the sink of the Temple.
Chap X.
Of the relation wch the Apocalyps hath to the propheses of Daniel.
The Apocalyps was \is/ written in the same style & language wth the prophesies of Daniel & hath the same relation to them wch they have to one another, so that all of them together make but one complete prophesy. The Dragon den signifies the same dominion with the He Goat in the reign of his last horn that is the whole Roman Empire untill the Empire becomes divided; & after the division the \Dragon signifies the/ Eastern part thereof th descended from Iavan, & the Beast the wetsern part thereof represented by \the rest of/ Daniels fourth Beast. \in the reign of his ten horns/ The Woman riding upon the Beast is represented in Daniel by the last horn last horn of the Beast wch had eyes & a mouth & whose look was more stout then his fellows. The remnant of the Woman \and/ before her flight into the wilderness \she is represented in Daniel/ by the host of heaven. # # When the Woman fled \from Mout Sion/ into the wilderness she left \on mount Sion/ a remnant of her seed on mount Sion who kept the commandments of God & had the testimony of Iesus; And out of whom (in the war wch the Dragon made upon them) were sealed the 144000 whom Iohn saw \remaining/ on mount Sion, & in whose mouth was found no lye. Five of the re These \witnesses/ are represented in Daniel called the saints of the most High whom the little horn of his fourth Beast shall weare out during a time times & half a time that is during the reign of the & to whom the kingdom & dominion & greaness {sic} of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given afterwards be given The remnant of her seed who keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus & out of whom in the war wch the Dragon made upon them were sealed \the/ 1440 \who/ thousand in whose mouth was found no lye, & who are that is the \two/ witnesses represented by two of the seven candlesticks ei, are in Daniel called the saints of the most High whom the little Horn of his fourth Beast shall weare out untill during a time times & half a time, & to whom the kingdom & dominion & greatness of the kingdome under the whole heaven shall afterwards be given. For they had the testimony of Iesus & remain
Daniel \was/ commanded to seal up the book of Prophesy, & Christ the Lamb of God takes the book out of the hand of him that sitteth upon throne & opens the seven seales thereof & & thereby distinguishes the times to come into seven successive parts. And the visions wch appear upon opening the seales denote the things to be done in time of every seale. The scene of the visions is the Temple. There God is represented {by} sitting upon a throne \And the book of the law whose festivalls & ceremonies/ above the Ark between the Cherubims, & the Princes of the 24 courses of the Priests by 24 Elders crowned sitting in their chambers in the Priests court \are represented/ by 24 Elders crowned sitting on thrones, & the people in the four sides of the peoples court by \the/ four Beasts wch were the standards of the four squadrons of the people of Israel encamped on the four sides of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. And the book of the law, whose ceremonies & festivals were prophetic, & wch was laid up in the right side of the Ark, was \reprented/ in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. \sealed with seven seales/ And the morning sacrifice was represented by \a/ Lamb as it were slain at the foot of the altar. And the Lamb took the book & opened the seales successively, & thereby distinguishes Daniel was commanded to seale up the book of prophesy, & the Lamb of God takes this book out of the hand of him that sits upon the throne & opens the seven seales thereof successively & by doing so distinguishes the times to come into seven successive parts. And the visions wch appear upon opening the seales denote the things to be done in time the time of every seale. Four of those The visions at \opening/ the first four relate only th to the temporal affairs of the Roman Empire, & the fift begins with the affairs of the Church. For the Churches founded by the preaching of the Apostles lasted in their fervency during the opening of the first four seales & needed no new admonitions till before the opening of the fift.
The morning service of the Iews began with dressing of the Lamps. And in the festival of the seventh month the High Priest dressed them. And in allusion thereunto Iohn saw one like unto the son of man in the High Priests habit, as it were in the midst of the (or as it were over against the midst) of the seven golden Candlesticks. And he had in his right hand a rod of seven starrs, the seven lamps appearing in a right line like a rod of seven starrs in his right hand while he dressed them. And the seven Candlesticks represent the seven are said to represent \be/ the seven Churches of Asia wch were under the government \care/ of Iohn the Apostle, & the seven starrs the Angels of those Churches, that is the Bishops; & he dressed them by seven admonitory epistles sent to those Angels against the approaching apostacy. And these admonitions relate to the times of the fift & sixt seales.
At the opening of the fift seal followed a signal persecution wch was that of Dioclesian: & at the opening of the sixt followed the end of a world polytic wch was that of the heathen Roman Empire. wch \This Empire/ fell in the reign of Constantine the great & his sons, was revived by Iulian the Apostate & ended fell again in the reign of Valentinian & Valens & revived no more. The time wch follows the opening of the seventh seal is divided into seven successive parts by the sounding of seven Trumpets successively. And the same division is represented also by the seven thunders & by the seve pouring out of seven Vials of wrath. This is done with allusion to the great sacrifices on the seven days of the feast of Tabernacles, the \seven/ Trumpets alluding to the sounding of the {illeg} Trumpets by the Priests at the {illeg} sacrifices b of those seven days, the seven thunders to the singing of the Priests at the same sacrifices & the seven Vialls of wrath to the drink offerings poured out at the same sacrifices on those seven days. And as all Daniels Prophesies consist of two parts; a Prophes an introductory Prophesy & an Interpretation: so doth Iohns. The Prophesy {illeg} ends with the seventh sounding of the seventh Trumpet, & the Interpretation begins with the words: And the Temple of God was opened in heaven, & there was seen in his Temple the arc of his testament.
In the primitive times of Christianity these seven Candlesticks by their Lamps illuminated the temple, that is the Church catholick. In \And in/ dressing these lamps five of them \are/ found faulty & three are admished to repent & threatned to be removed out of their places or spewed out of Christs mouth & punished with death & with the sword of his mouth \if they repented not/: but two of them wch were in affliction (viz (the Churches of Smy\r/na & Philadelphia) were without fault & those remained \on Mount Sion/ to illuminate the second Temple & are called the two Witnesses. & \in relation 400 Candlesticks or Churches There are/ the 144000 on Mount Sion who had the testimony of Iesus & in whose mouth was found no lye. And their adversaries who prophesy against them & speak as the Dragon being his Church, are called the fals Prophet & the Prophet Balaam who cast a taught stumblin Balac to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel, & are represented by a Beast \erecting an Image or Council to the {erect}/ & wth two horns the \&/ to eat things sacrificed to idols, the Gods of the Moncks & clergy of Alexandria & Antioch & worship the image of the Beast & the two horned Beast who & \to/ worship the Beast & his Image
And lotts were cast upon them, & Gods lot was sacriced {sic}. There was also a bullock offered for the sins of the people. And first the H. Priest cloathed in linnen garments took a censer of burning coals of fire from the golden Altar & his hands full of sweet incense – – – continued in silence at their devotion. Then the High priest went into the Holy place & put off his linnen garments – – – – – earth to burn them. And as the people went home from the temple they said to one another God seale you to a good new year. And in allusion to all this at the opening of the seventh seale there is silence in heaven for half an hour, & then incense is offered wth the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar. And the Angel fills a censer with fire of the altar & casts it to the earth. And 144000 are sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel for Gods lot & the woman flyes into the wilderness with those that receive the mark of the Beast & gets upon his back. And hence the seating of the 144000 is synchonal to the silence in heaven for half an hour & to the incense offered with the prayers of the saints.
{In} And on the tenth day, there were \lots were cast upon/ two Goats to \wch/ represented the people, the one called Gods lo{t} was sacrificed to him, the other called Azazel {illeg} was sent into the wilderness with the sins of the people poured upon his head.
And on the tenth day, the people was represented by two goats, & lots were cast upon them & the goat wch fell to Gods lot was sacrificed to him, & the other goat loaded with the sins of the people was sent into the wilderness. And in allusion thereunto the twelve tribes of Israel, that is, the \or/ Church catholic, is now divided into two lots, the woman which now flies from the temple into the wilderness \with those that receive the mark of the Beast & worship his image/ & the other /lot\ the remnant of her seed wch keeps the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus, the one & remain on mount Sion with the name of God on their foreheads. The One \lot/ the twelve tribes of Israel out of wch the 144000 \except the 144000 wch are sealed/ are sealed \out of them with the seale of God in their{illeg} foreheads/, the other 144000 sealed in their foreheads with the seale of God. An These at length put on sacloth & prophesy 1260 days in sack-cloth, & the woman at the same time the women arrives at her place in the wilderness \of riches honour & power/ upon the back of her beast in the wilderness & reigns over him all the same 1260 days or 42 months or a time times & half a time. This Beast is Daniels fourth f Beast. And the Dragon is Daniels He-goat, that is the whole Roman Empire untill it becomes divided into the eastern & w Greek & Latine Empires; & after that division, \he is/ the Greek Empire alone. And the Image of the Beast is a Council {illeg} against the seven churches of Asia.
On the tenth day of the month two Goats were brought into the temple to represent the people {goodness} one the elect & the other the reprobate & lots were cast upon them, & Gods lot was sacrificed to him, & the other Goat said to be for Azazel \called Azazel or the scape-Goat/ was sent into the wilderness loaded with the sins of the people And in allusion to this — seven churches of Asia
Upon the fift sent
During the casting of lots, & sending the {illeg} Goat into Azazel into the wilderness
On the
When the Goat for the Lord was slain, together with a bullock, for a sin offering, the High Priest took a censer \full/ of burning coals of fire from the altar & his hands full of sweet incense beaten small & went into the most holy place within the vail & sprinkled the blood of bullock with his finger upon the mercy seat easward {sic} seven times & then killed the goat of the sin offering & brought his blood in within the vail & sprinkled it also upon the mercy seat & before the mercy seat. And then he went out to the Altar & sprinkled it seven times with the blood of the bullock & as often with that of the goat. And after this he laid both his hands upon the head of the scape Goat & confessed over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel & all their transgressions in all their sins putting them upon the head of the Goat & sent him into the wilderness. And while the high priest was doing these things in the most holy place & at the {illeg} Altar, the people continued in silence at their private devotion. And to this alludes the silence in heaven for half an hour wch followed upon opening the seventh seale. Then the High priest went into the holy place & put off his linnen cloaths & garments & put on other cloaths & came out & sent the bullock & the Goat of the sin offering to be bunt {sic} without the camp. And a censer of was filled with fire of the alter & carried with them & fell cast on the earth to burn them. And at this sacrifice there were voices & thundrings & lightnings & an earthquake (of the music of the temple) & lightnings (of the full sacred fire) & an earthquake. And the seven Angels wch had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound And as the people departed from the temple they said {illeg} to one another: God seale you to a good year. And these things are alluded unto in the Apocalyps before the Angels wch were to {hurt} the earth & the sea begin to sound their trumpets.
In the interpretation of this prophesy the woman before she flyes into the wilderness, represents the primitive church catholic illuminated wth the seven lamps in the seven golden candlesticks wch are the seven churches of Asia. And the Dragon signifies the same empire with the Daniels He goat in the reign of his last horn, \& with Danie/ that is, the whole Roman empire untill it become divided into the Greek & Latin empires; & after that division the Greek Empire alone. And the Beast is Daniels fourth Beast, that is the whole E \that is the Empire of the latines/ & is included in the body of the Dragon before the division, & after the division is the Latin Empire alone. And hence the Dragon & Beast have the same heads & horns, but the heads are croned upon the Dragon & the horns upon the Beast. When Before the woman fled into the wilderness she bought was being with child \(of a Christian Empire)/ cried travailing (in Dioclesians persecution,) & pained to be delivered & the Dragon (the heathen Empire) stood before her to devour her child as soon as it was born And she brought forth a man child who (at length) was to rule all nations wth a rod of iron. And her child was caught up unto God & to his throne (in the Temple) & the woman fled (from the temple on mount Sion) into the wilderness [of Arabia ] to Babylon] where she hath a place (of riches honour & dominion upon the back of the Beast) prepared of God, that they should feed her there 1260 days. And there was war in heaven (between the heathen & new Christian Empire) And the Dragon was cast out that old serpent wch deceiveth the whole world (the spirits of heathen idolatry) he was \(by the victory of Constantine over Maximus/ was \Maxentius & Maximinus)/ cast out to the earth /to the earth.\ \& Licinius to the earth (the regions of Asia under Licinius./ And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of their testimony. (in the persecution of Dioclesian, which ended \fully/ in the victories of Constantine the great over Licinius A. C. 323) And they loved not their lives unto the death. And when the Dragon saw that we was cast down he persecuted the woman wch brought forth the man child (& this he did in the reign of Licinius.) And to the woman (by the building of Constantinople & equalling it to Rome) were given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place [upon the back of the Beast) fre where she is nourished a time times & half a time from the face of the serpent (or Dagon.) And the serpent [upon the death of Constantine the great] cast cast out waters as a flood [the western Empire under Constantine junior & Constans] after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earths [the nations of Asia now under Constantinople] helped the woman & [by conquering the Western Empire under Magnentius] swallowed up the flood wch the Dragon cast out of his mouth. And the Dragon was wroth with the Woman & went to make war with the remnant of her seed which kept the commandments of God & had the testimony of Iesus, & wch in that war were sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel & remains upon mount Sion within the temple with the lamb \being in number 144000 &/ having his fathers name written on their foreheads. [And these are the two witnesses or prophets wch after the first temple by the warr of the Dragon & flight of the woman is destroyed do prophesy at the building of a second temple like the Prophets Haggai & Zechary, & at length when the Woman arrives at her place in t of riches & dominion upon the back of her beast they put on sackcloth & prophesy in sackcloth all the time that she reigns over the beast, that is 1260 days, or 42 weeks \months/, or a time times & half a time. And these are the two Candlesticks, that is, two of the seven Candlesticks. Five of the seven Churches of Asia, \(those in prosperity)/ are found fault with & exhorted to repent & threatened to be removed out of their places & spewed out of Christs mouth others or punished with the sword of his mouth or otherwise \cast into great tribulation/ except they repent, & the other two (the churches of Smyra & Philadelphia \wch were under persecution/ remain to illuminate the second temple.
And when the earth had swallowed up the flood & the Dragon was gone to make war witho the remnant of the womans seed, Iohn stood upon the sand of the sea & saw the beast with seven heads & ten horns rise out of the Sea; & the Beast was like unto a Leopard & his feet as the feet of a Bear \& his mouth as the mouth of the Lyon/. Iohn here names Daniels four Beasts in order beginning with the fourth & going upwards to the first, & there to signify that this Beast is the same with Daniels fourth beast. And the Dragon gave him his power & his throne & great authority by relinquishing the Western Empire to him. And one of his heads was as it were wounded to death (by the sword of the Earth wch swallowed up the waters,) & his deadly wound was healed. It was healed at the division of the Empire between Valentinian & Valens A. C. 364. Iohn saw the Beast rise out of the seas at the division thereof between Gratian & Theodosius A. C. 379. And the Dragon gave the Beast his power & his throne & great authority whence {illeg} at the death of Theodosius when he gave the western Empire to his son Theo younger son Honorius. After wch the two empires were no more united. But the western Empire beame presently divided into ten kingdoms as above, & these kingdoms at length united \in religion/ under the woman & reigned end with her forty & two months.
And Iohn beheld another Beast coming out of the earth. When the woman fled from the Dragon into the kingdom of Beast, this other Beast rises out of the kingdom earth or & became his church, this other Beast rose up out of the earth to represent the church of the Dragon. For he had two horns like the lamb the Bishpricks of Alexandria & Antioch or of Egypt & Syria, & he spoke as the Dragon in {illeg} matters of religion. And he causet the earth or nations of the Dragons kingdom to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed, that is, to be of \receive/ his religion. And he doth great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, that is, {illeg} he excommunicated those that differ from him in point of religion. For in \pronouncing/ their excommunications they used to swing down a lighted torch from above. And he said to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the Bestst wch had the wound by a sword & did revive, that is, that they should call a Council of men of the religion of this beast. And he had power to give life to the Image \{lent} the image/ should both \speak/ & cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed \viz mystically/ by dissolving their churches. And he causeth all both smal & great, rich & poor, bond & free to receive a mark in their right hands or in their foreheads, that no man might by y or sell save he that had the mark of the or the name of the beast or the number of his name: all others being excommunicated. And while the twelve tribes that received the mark of the Beast: {illeg} & \the candlesticks of/ the churches of Asia were removed out of their places, there were 144000 sealed out of all the twelve tribes & the seven churches. And these remain with the Lamb on mount Sion having the name of God on their foreheads. And they sing a new song before the throne wch no man else could learn & are not defiled with weomen such as are the whore of Babylon & other idolatrous churches. And these are the two witnesses or prophets, wch, after the first temple by \the flight of the woman &/ the war wch the Dragon made upon the remnant of the womans seed her seed, is destroyed, do prophesy in sackcloth at the building of a second temple like the two prophets Haggai & Zechary. And at length when the woman arrives at her place of riches & dominion upon the back of her Beast, they put on sackcloth & prophesy in sackcloth all the time that she reigns over the Beast, that is, 1260 days, or 42 months or a time times & half a time. And \These are the two Olive branches that supply the lamps with oyle./ These are the two candlesticks, that is two of the seven golden candlesticks. For five of the seven churches of Asia (those in prosperity) are found fault with, & exhorted to repent, & threatned to be removed out of their places, & spewed out of Christ's mouth, or otherwise punished with the sword of his mouth excep in \or otherwise/ except they repent; & the other two (the Churhces of Smyrna & Philadelphia) which were under persecution remain in that condition \a state of persecution/ to illuminate the second temple. When the Churc primitive Church catholick represented by ye Woman in heaven \apostatured &/ became divided into two ch corrupt Churches represented by the Whore of Babylon & her the two horned Beast, the 144000 wch were sealed out of \all/ the twelve tribes \being/ diffused o into the two empires of the Greeks & Latines, became the two witness\es/ in opposition to \two fals churches represented by/ the woman & two horned beast: & the name of two witnesses \once imposed/ remains to the true Church of God in all places & times to the end of this prophesy became the two witnesses in opposition to the two fals churches represented by the whore of Babylon & the two horned beast: & the name of two witnesses being once imposed it remains to the true Church of God in all places & times to the end of this prophesy.
Chap. IV.
Of the Kingdoms & Churches wch are the subject of sacred Prophesy.
The Iews & the nations by which they were to be captivated and particularly the nations within the bounds of the four Monarchies are the subject of sacred Prophesy in the old Testament, & the nations through which the Christian religion was to be propagated are the subject of sacred Prophesy in the new & especially of the Apocalyps. [4] wch was given by Christ himself. \& is a Revelation of such things as principally concern the Christian religion/ And so far as the new Testament has relation to the old, the two last of the four monarchies are the principal subject of this Prophesy. For \they composed the old Roman Empire &/ the Christian religion has been propagated into all the Roman Empire on this side Tigris. And from thence it has spread also into \all/ the nations on the north side of the Empire, Walachia, Moldavia, Transylvania, the Upper Hungary \Dacia,/ Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Moscovy. Dacia being conquered by Trajan received the Christian religion very early, sent its Patriarch to the Council of Nice, & was generally converted before {illeg} its inhabitants the Goths & Vandals invaded the Empire Irenæus lets us know that the Christian religion was in a flourishing condition state in the mi Germany in the middle of the second century. Afterwards Charles the great propagated the Roman religion into all Germany by conquest & from thence it began at the same time to spread into Denmark Suedeland & Poland. And the great Duke of Russia embraced the religion of the Greek Church about two hundred years after, but there were Christians among the common people before.
So then the Christian world wch is the subject of this Prophesy consists of three parts \or Tribes:/: the third Monarchy or Greek Empire, the fourth Monarchy or Latine Empire, & the northern nations. And \these three parts being pretty nearly equal, you may know/ by this division that you may know that the third part of the earth, sea, rivers, sun, moon & stars is the third part of this Christian world, or the earth, sea, rivers, Sun, Moon & Stars of one of these three parts. And this unfolds to us the mystery of counting the number of the Beast. For the name & number of the Beast is opposed to the name of God & to the number of his servants who stand on mount Sion with this name of their foreheads. And in that respect the number 666 of the Beast 666 is to be counted in such a manner as the number of Gods servants 144000 was counted. This number was counted by multiplying 12000 by its' divisor 12 the number of Tribes of Israel (Apoc. 7) & therefore 666 is to be counted by multiplying some number by a divisor of that number. And there is but one way of counting it in this manner, wch is, by multiplying 222 by 3 the number of \the/ Tribes of them that worship the Beast.
The four Monarchies are still in being & the \four/ Beasts representing them are still alive. For the lives of the three first Beasts were prolonged after their dominions were taken away. And \They were prolonged untoward alive \continue/ till/ a stone cut out of a mountain without hands brake in pieces at once all the \four/ parts of Nebuchadnezzar's Image, the gold, the silver, the brass & the iron. And since all Daniels Beasts were alive in Iohn's days & still continue alive & therefore are synchronal to Iohn's Beasts, & Iohn's prophesy was given by the same Holy Ghost with Daniels & is very full of Allusions to the Prophesies of the old testament: we may expect to find Daniel's Monarchies in Iohn's prophesy so far as they relate to the Christian religion. And therefore we ought to compare the prophesies of Daniel & Iohn, & agree them together so far as they can be made to agree without straining. For there is no better way of interpreting scripture then by comparing the parts of it, & reconciling all the synchronal & all the analogous parts of {illeg} prophesy wch can be reconciled without force. Tis certain that the same things are described again & again in prophesy. And all the descriptions of one & the same thing must be conjoyned that they may interpret one another; & supply one anothers defects, & joyntly make one complete description wch cannot be misapplyed. And those interpretations are always to be preferred wch reduce the parts of scripture to the greatest consent & harmony. Daniel has described the same monarchies, again & again in four several prophesies, & yet the words of those descriptions were shut up & sealed till the time of the end. Iohn's prophesy is a Revelation of what was shut up & sealed before, & therefore must be compared with Daniel's that all may be understood.
The people of the first & second Monarchies beyond Armenia & the river Tigris were never yet converted to Christianity. The third Monarchy founded by Alexander the great, was propagated through the Roman Empire & after separation from the Latines was seated at Constantinople & is now under the dominion of the Turks. This was the principal seat of the Christian religion in the primitive times & {illeg} is represented in the Apocalyps by the great red Dragon. The fourth Monarchy being founded by the Latines conquered the Greeks then separated from them & breaking into ten kingdoms has ever since continued in a divided form. This received the Christian religion from the Greeks in the primitive times, & is represented in the Apocalyps by the Beast rising out of the sea with ten horns. When the Greek & Latine Empires are united the Dragon & Beast are united & the whole is both Dragon & Beast; but when they are divided, the Greek Empire is the Dragon & the Latine the Beast. At first the Dragon signifies the whole Roman Empire: but when the Empire become divided the Dragon signifies only the Greek Empire, & the Beast rises out of the Sea to signify the Latine. Before the division the Dragon reigns over the inhabitants of the Earth & sea, & the Beast is latent in him. Upon the division the Beast rises out of the inhabitants of the Sea in a distinct & separate form, & succeeds the Dragon in his marine
Chap. IV.
Of the Kingdoms and Churches wch are the subject of the Prophesy.
The nations within the bounds of the four Monarchies are the subject of sacred Prophesy, & consist of thre {sic} equal parts: the nations of the western Roman Empire or Empire of ye Latines, the nations of the eastern Roman Empire or Empire of the Greeks & the nations of the Persian Empire including Chaldea & Assyria. And wherever this Prophesy mentions a third part of any thing, as a third part of the earth, sea, rivers, Sun, Moon or stars, it relates to one of these three parts.
This prophesy being given by Christ, is a Revelation of such things as principally concern the Christian religion, & therefore relates chiefly to those kingdoms in wch the Christian religion flourished most & wch were converted to Christianity, that is to the Roman Empire. This Empire was at first united under one Monarch & afterwards became divided into the Greek & Latin Empires. The Latin Empire is the fourth Beast of Daniel or fourth Monarchy strictly so called wch was to stand till the judgment should sit & the Son of man should come in the clouds to the ancient of days & the saints should take the kingdom. The Greek Empire is the third Monarchy or third Beast whose life is still prolonged tho its dominion hath been taken away. This Monarchy comprehending the nations of Greece, Asia Minor, Syria & Egypt was represented at first by the four heads & four wings of the Leopard & by the four horns of the He-goat, & afterward by the little horn of the He-goat or kingdom of Pergamus, wch by the last will & testament of Attalus descending to the Romans grew mighty but not in its own power & then separating from them became the Greek Empire reigning at Constantinople till the Turks subdued it. The Persian Empire comprehends the remainder of the four Monarchies & is still in being but hath little to do with the Christian religion.
The scene of
In this prophesy the scene of the visions is the Temple & the worship of Christians is described in the Temple under the form of the Iewish worship, as we shwewed above. And hence the Christian Churches are represented in this Prophesy by the twelve tribes of Israel, & when some are numbered out of the twelve tribes & sealed with the seale of God, the rest of the tribes who are not sealed become the synagogue of Satan who say they are Iews & are not, that is, who profess themselves Christians but are the Church of Satan. For all men whose names are not written in the book of life, that is, all who are not sealed with the seale of God, wonder after the Beast & worship him & his Image & receive his mark. When the saints are numbered & sealed out of the twelve tribes the rest of the tribes who are not sealed are called the Synagogue of Satan who say they are Iews & are not receive the mark of the Beast & become the Synagogue of Satan, & therefore they that have ye mark of the Beast & worship him & his Image are Christians in outward profession.
And as the tribes of Israel & Iudah are in the old Testament represented by weomen, so the Church of Christ signified by those Tribes is here represented by the Lamb's wife & by the glorious Woman in heaven. For this woman has a crown of twelve stars wch are the twelve Apostles & her seed keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus & therefore she is the Church. This woman flys into a spiritually barren wilderness \& commits spiritual fornication/ when the main body of the twelve Tribes receive the mark of the Beast & become the synagogue of Satan; the remnant of her seed who keep the commandments of God being at the same time sealed with the seale of God in their foreheads. And therefore after her flight into the Wilderness when she commits fornication with the kings of the earth & makes all nations drink of the wine of her fornication & is drunken with the blood of Saints, she signifies an \apostate/ idolatrous persecuting Christian Church Catholic.
And since the Woman is the \visible/ Church first in a state of purity & afterwards in a state of apostacy; the great red Dragon who persecutes her & stands before her to devour her child & the Beast upon whom she afterward sits, that is over whom she reigns, must be the Roman Empire through wch she is diffused & wch is the subject of the prophesy. For the Dragon & this Beast have several heads & horns like Daniel's Beasts wch signify kingdoms, & to confirm this signification \that they are kingdoms/ the Dragon has crowns upon his heads & the Beast \has crowns/ upon his horns & the heads & horns of the Beast are called kings, & the Dragon gives his throne & power & authority to the Beast & therefore they are successive kingdoms in one & the same throne.
In the armies of the Roman Empire both before & after the Empire became Christian a flying Eagle was the standard of a Legion & a Dragon the standard of a Company & in every Company \Legion/ there were ten companies & by consequence ten Dragons. These Dragons were of a purple colour & so fastened to the top of a long pike as like weathercocks to turn their tayles from the wind & to hiss by means of the wind blowing into their open jaws. The bearers of these two sorts of standards were called Aquiliferi & Draconarij. And from these badges of the Roman Empire this Empire is represented in the second book of Esdras by an Eagle & in this prophesy by a great Eagle whose two wings were given to the woman that she might fly into the wilderness, & by a great red Dragon who persecutes her. And to represent the idolatrous religion \& large extent/ of ye Empire this Dragon is called the Devil & Satan who deceives the whole world.
<27r>The first Beast by the number of his horns & other characters is manifested to be the same wth Daniels fourth Beast. For both had ten horns & Daniel's had an eleventh horn wch answers to the Woman on the back of Iohn's Beast. For this horn was an Animal with eyes & a {illeg}th \distinct from the Beast, having eyes/ like the eyes of a man & a mouth speaking great things against the most High, & so was a Seer & a Prophet or Prophetess exercising a jurisdiction in matters of religion like \& having power to change {illeg} time & laws &/ the woman (Iezebel) who calleth her self a Prophetess & deceives all nations wth her sorceries & inebriates them with the wine of her fornication. The horn made war upon the saints & prevailed against them & the Woman was drunken wth the blood of saints & of the martyrs of Iesus & the in her was found the blood of Saints Prophets & Saints & of all that were slain upon ye face of the earth. The horn had a look more stout then his fellows & the woman reigns over the ten horns, for she sits upon the Beast & is called the great city wch reigneth over the kings of the earth. The Horn reigned with power to change times & laws a times times & half a time & the woman was fed in \her place in/ the Wilderness a time times & half a time. And further, Iohn's Beast is like a Leopard & hath feet as the feet of a Bear & a mouth as the mouth of a Lion Apoc. 13. 2: wch is the description of Daniels fourth Beast. For that Beast was dreadful & terrible as a Leopard is & fought & stamped wth his feet as a Bear doth & had great iron teeth wherewith he devoured & broke in pieces like a Lion. Daniel's three first Beasts are here named backwards & Iohn's is named in the room of the fourth & described \of/ like & shape to signify that he is the fourth, & \is/ described \also/ of lke shape. And as Daniel's Beast reigned in thes little horn & a time times & half a time, or three years & an half so Iohn's reigned 42 months' wch is also three years & an half. And lastly as Daniel's fourth Beast has Rome for its metropolis so has Iohn's; for the heads of Iohn's Beast are called seven hills where the Woman sitteth, wch is as much as to say that the head city or metropolis of the Beast is the seven-hilled city over wch the Woman reigneth. She sits on the Beast, that is, reigns over him, & therefore is his Metropolis. She is also called the great city wch reigneth over the kings of the earth & Babylon the great city: wch name imports that she is that great city wch should took \beseiged/ Ierusalem, burnt the Temple & captivated the Iews as Babylon had done before. And therefore Peter writing from Rome in the time of that siege & alluding in many things to ye Apocalyps, calls Rome by the name of Babylon. For all antiquity agree that Peter wrote his epistles from Rome & by Babylon understood that city.
When the ten horned Beast rose out of the sea, the Dragon gave him his power & his throne & great authority, Apoc 13. 2: And therefore the Dragon reigned first in the Roman Empire. He reigned alone over the whole Empire while the Empire continued in one Monarchy, & when it became divided into the eastern & western Empires, the Beast rose out of the sea by that division & the Dragon gave his old throne the city Rome with its dominion, that is, his western power & throne, to the Beast, & retained only his eastern power to himself. For the Dragon did not cease at the rise of the Beast. After the Beast was risen they worshipped the Dragon & Beast together (Apoc. 13. 4) & at length three unclean spirits like froggs came out of the mouths of the Dragon & Beast & fals Prophet (Apoc 17. 13) & in the end, when the Beast is cast into the Lake of fire, the Dragon is cast into the bottomless pit (Apoc. 20. 2) The Dragon & Beast therefore after the division of the Roman Empire continue in being together & by consequence signify the eastern & western or Greek & Latine Empires. This Dragon is the Devil & Satan (Apoc. 12. {illeg} 9) that Satan who had his seat in Pergamus (Apoc. 2. 13) that is, the Kingdom of Pergamus represented by Daniel's he Goat the last horn of Daniel's He-Goat, whose dominion by the last Will & testament of Attalus descended to the Romans & who grew mighty in their power & at length separating from them became the Greek Empire reigning over the nations of Greece, Asia minor, Syria & Egypt; wch made up the proper body of Daniel's He-Goat, & of his Leopard or third Beast. The little horn of the He Goat waxed great even to the host of heaven, & it cast down of the host & of the stars to the ground & stamped upon them & the Dragon's tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, & cast them to the earth. These actions are the same signification: for the horn of the Goat & tail of the Dragon are their fighting members & signify their military powers or armies commanded by their kings By the agreement of their actions you may know that they are one & the same kingdom.
The Greeks called themselves Romans & gave the name of Romania to the Region about Constantinople, & distinguished themselves from those of the Western Empire by the names of Greeks & Latines. Whence the word ΔΑΤΕΙΝΟΣ is the proper name of the western Empire. This is the name of a man \(an ancient king from whence the Latines had their name)/ & the number of this name is 666 & this is the number of the name of the Beast.
The nations of these two \Roman/ Empires are \also/ distinguished \into two parts/ by the names of earth & sea: as where the first plague falls on the earth, the second on the sea, & where the Devil comes down to the inhabitants of the earth & sea & where the ten-horned Beast rises out of the earth \sea/ & the two horned Beast out of the searth. And in this respect the cities of the eastern empire are called mountains & those of the western Islands. This distinction seems occasioned by the language of the Iews who called the eastern countries \this distinction seems occasioned by the language of the Iews who called these countries the earth to wch they travelled by land & those the Isles of the sea & Isles of the Gentiles to wch they travelled went by sea. And according to this language, the Sea in Iohn's days was Europe & the Earth was Asia & Afric, & the Mountains & Islands are the reigning cities of the earth & sea with their territories. And because the eastern Empire was seated chiefly in this earth & the western chiefly in this sea: by the earth & sea we may sometimes understand these Empires. And since the/ the earth & the western the isles of the sea. And since the ten horned Beast rises out of the sea you may know also by that character that he \reigns in Europe &/ is the Western Empire.
Every kingdom has its national visible Church & the national \visible/ Churches of the Greek & Latine Empires are the fals \two/ Prophet \horned Beast/ & Whore of Babylon. For the Whore \is the seven hilled city \the western/ Babylon, &/ sits upon the ten horned Beast or Latine Empire. & in Daniels Prophesies is one of his horns \& therefore is the Church catholic of the Latines/: & the other Beast rises out of the earth or nations of the eastern Empire & hath two horns like the Lamb that is two churches like the seven churches of Asia signified by the Lamb & s seven horns out of the Lamb, & speaks as the Dragon or eastern Empire \& therefore is the church catholic of the Greek's of the Dragon's religion idolatrous religion/ them that dwell on the earth & for his doing so is called the fals Prophet & therefore is of an ecclesiastical kind, & this fals Prophet survives the Whore beign cast alive into the Lake of fire after the ten kings have eaten the flesh of the Whore & burnt her with fire, & therefore this Prophet differs from the whore & signifies another idolatrous Church & by consequence the Church of the Greek Empire. Conceive therefore that while the Roman Empire continues entire the whole is signified by the Dragon & the church of \in/ the whole by the glorious woman in heaven: but when the Empire becomes divided, the woman degenerates & flyes from the Dragon into the western empire called a wilderness for its spiritual barrenness, & leaves a remnant of her seed in the eastern empire wch keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus; & that the Dragon at the same time goes from the woman into the eastern empire to make war with the remnant of her seed, & a ten-horned Beast rises out of the sea or western nations to succeed the Dragon in the western empire, & a two-horned Beast rises out of the Earth or \Eastern/ nations of the eastern em to succeed the woman in the eastern empire, & a new Temple is measured in order And further, to represent the true Christians or Churches of Christ in both kingdoms, conceive that in opposition to the seven-hilled city represented by the woman, the tabernacles & first Temple have in them seven Candlesticks wch are put for the true church of Christ throughout the Empire represented by the Dragon, & in opposition to the two horned Beast there is a second Temple measured in order to be built with two candlesticks in it, wch are put for the true church of Christ throughout the Empire represented by the Beasts For the seven candlesticks are the seven churches of Asia & the churches of Asia are seated within the kingdom of the Dragon & by their lamps illuminate his empire: & the two Candlesticks are the two churches called the two witnesses & two prophets whom the Beast wch ascends out of the abyss \to be built with two Candlesticks in it to represent the saints within the empire of the Beast of whom it is said that power was given unto him to make war wth the Saints & to overcome them. For Candlesticks are Churches & the two Candlesticks are two Churches called the two Witnesses & the Beast makes war against these Witnesses & overcomes them & kills them in the streets of the or provinces of the great City Babylon wch in the form of a woman reigns over him, & therefore they are those saints. And by analogy, the seven candlesticks in the first Temple are Gods people in the empire of the Dragon, a finite number being put for an indefinite. For these Candlesticks are the churches of Asia & by consequence within the Dragons kingdom. Conceive therefore that when the Dragon is the whole \Roman/ empire the seven Candlesticks signify the Churches of the whole Empire: but when the Empire becomes divided &/ makes war upon & kills in the streets of the great city, & there are they peoples in the kingdom of the Beast & in the streets of provinces of the great city Babylon wch of the form of a woman reigns over him \& the Dragon retires into the east, the Candlesticks are moved out of their place & become the remnant of the womans seed with/ whom the Dragon makes war, & are succeeded in the Western Empire by two \Candlesticks/ placed in a new Temple to signify the saints with whom the Beast makes war. For the seven Candlesticks do not cease at the division of the Empire but continue in the first Temple to the end of the prophesy; the seven Angels wch sound the Trumpets & pour out the Vials bring their lamps, & the Church of Pergamus lasting till Christ comes & fights against the Nicolaitans with the sword of his mouth & that of Sardis till Christ comes as a thief, & the Church of Thyativa being to hold fast what they have till Christ comes. So then the eastern & western Greek & Latine Empires with their Churches false & true are represented by the Dragon & first Beast, the fals Prophet & Whore, the seven Churche \Candlesticks/ in the first temple & the two Candlesticks in the second. For it was fit that all these things should be represented distinctly. They have also their joynt representation. For the twelve Tribes of Israel represent all Christians good & bad in both Empires; & the 144000 servants of God represent all the good, they being \numbered &/ sealed out of the nations of the earth & sea wch were to be hurt by the four winds as soon as the sealing was finished; & they that worship the Beast & receive his mark represent all the bad, he being worshipped as well by the Dragons subjects as by his own.
We shewed above that the first six heads fell of the Beast fell before he ascended out of the abyss. For before he ascended he was latent in the Dragon's body, being the water wch the Dragon cast out of his mouth as a flood after the woman to cause her to be carried away of the flood. For waters are peoples & nations & multitudes & tongues & {an} aggregate of waters as a river or flood or sea is a body politi or kingdom, & the western Empire has a particular relation to the watry element, the Beast \afterwards/ rising out of the sea & the Woman sitting upon many waters. As the woman was flying westward he cast this flood after her & therefore the flood is a western kingdom. She fled into the wilderness by a division of the Empire & the Dragon cast out of his mouth this flood after her to cause her to be carried away by it, & therefore the casting of this flood out of his mouth signifies that division & while the water was in the Dragon's belly the Beast was latent in him & for that reason has all the Dragons heads. This Beast was Daniel's fourth Beast & that Beast was the Roman Empire from the time that the Romans subdued the Greeks & in that respect the whole Roman Empire is the Beast as well as the Dragon before the division thereof. And thence it is that the Dragon & Beast have common heads & common horns; but with this difference that the Dragon has crowns upon his heads & not upon his horns to signify that he reigns in all the heads & not in the horns, & the Beast \wch is the eighth & of the seven/ has crowns upon his horns & not upon his heads to signify that he is not considered in this prophesy as reigning before he rises out of the sea \by the division of the Empire & the Dragon gives him his throne/ & his horns receive power as kings by a new division of the western Empire into ten kingdoms.
The occasion of the division of the Empire into the eastern & western Empires was the building of Constantinople by Constantine the great A. C. 330, & endowing it with a senate & privileges like those of Rome & making it the Metropolis of all the eastern part of the Empire as Rome had hitherto been of all the Empires & was hence forward of all the western part thereof. By this division of the Empire between two imperial cities, the woman received two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness, & at the death of Constantine the great A. C. 337, the Dragon cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman to cause her to be carried away of the flood. For the Empire at that time became divided between the sons of Constantine, his second son Constantius reigning over the East & his other two sons reigning in the West & the survivor of them reigning over all the west and being succeeded by Magnentius in the end of whose reign \A. C. 353/ the earth or eastern empire opened her mouth & swallowed up the flood by a victory over the western Empire whereby the Beast was wounded to death with a sword & ceased to be for a time, both Empires becoming unitd under Constantius & his successors till the reign of Valentinian & Valens between whom the Empire became again divided \A. C. 364/ & by this division the deadly wound was healed & the Beast revived. Then by the death of Valens the Empire became united again under Gratian the successor of Valentinian for about five months & by the next division wch was between Gratian & Theodosius A. C. 378 the Beast rose out of the sea. Gratian reigned with his brother Valentinian in ye west. Maximus compassed the death of Gratian & made Valentinian fly into the east. Theodosius A. C. 388 conquered Maximus & restored Valentinian. Eugenius A. C. 392 compassed the death of Valentinian & invaded the western Empire but Theodosius made his younger son Honorius emperor of the west in the room of Valentinian, conquered Eugenius A. C. 394 died three months after & by his last Will & testament left the Empire divided between his two sons Arcadius & Honorius. After wch the two empires were united no more. By conquering the west & resigning the conquests to Valentinian & Honorius, the Dragon gave the Beast his power & throne. The Beast revived before he could ascend out of the abyss & sea & asended before the Dragon who stood upon the land could give him his power & throne. These were three distinct successive acts & imply three successive divisions of the empire & can agree to no other then the three last divisions, those three to wch we have applied them. And now the Beast being revived & risen out of the sea & having received the Dragon's ancient power & throne became at once divided into ten kingdoms A. C. 408 409 & 410 wch kingdoms are the Beast in his last reign wch is called the eighth.
Before the woman received two wings of a great Eagle there was war in heaven Michael & his Angels fought against the Dragon & the Dragon fought & his Angels & prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great Dragon was cast out, that old Serpent called the Devil & Satan wch deceiveth the whole world, he was cast out into the earth & his Angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation & strength & the Kingdom of or God & the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down who accused them before our God day & night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of their testimony; & they loved not their lives unto the death. This is a very plain description of a great conflict between the Roman heathen empire & the army of Christ. For Michael & his angels are Christ & his army such an army as was accused by the Dragon day & night & loved not their lives unto the death, & as overcame the Dragon by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of their testimony; that is, an army of martyrs & confessors. And therefore this war between Michael & the Dragon was managed on the Dragon's part by accusing & persecuting the Christians & putting them to death for their religion & on the Christians part by confessing & testifying the truth of their religion & {Chur} persisting in their confession & testimony without fearing to lose their lives for the same. And by this conflict the Dragon that old serpent called the Devil & Satan, that is, the heathen Roman empire in respect of its religion was overcome & cast out of heaven to the earth & was succeeded in the throne by a new kingdom called the kingdom of or God. For the conflict ended with a voice from heaven saying, Now is come salvation & strength & the KINGDOM of our GOD for the accuser of or brethren is cast down. And all this can agree to nothing else then the last of the heathen Persecutions wch began in the reign of Dioclesian & lasted almost two years over all the Roman Empire & ten years together with great violence over all the east, & was greater then all the former heathen persecutions taken together; & wch ended in ye ruin of the heathen Roman Empire & the setting up a Christian Empire in its room under Constantine the great.
The same revolution is predicted also by the vision of the woman who being great with child cried travailling in birth pained to be delivered, & by the Dragon's drawing the third part of the stars of heaven with his tail & casting them to the earth and standing before the woman ready to be delivered for to devour her child so soon as it was born, & by her bringing forth a Man-child who was to rule all nations wth a rod iron & was caught up to unto God & his throne from the jaws of the Dragon, & her flying into the wilderness. For since this parable ends with the flight of the woman into the wilderness, & that of the war between Michael & the Dragon ends also with the same flight, both these parables ending at the same time must be synchronal & concern the same revolution of the Empire. For describing & pointing out this grand revolution more clearly & fully the description is repeated. The woman travailing \in birth/ & pained to be delivered signifies the Church in affliction by a great persecution wch ended in the birth of a Christian kingdom & therefore was Dioclesian's persecution: & the same persecution is signified by the Dragon's drawing the third part of the stars of heaven & casting them to the earth. This act shews that the Dragon is the persecutor & the other of the woman's being persecuted pained in childbirth that she is the person persecuted. The third part of the stars of heaven, or starrs of the third part, are the Martyrs & Confessors of the \provinces of ye/ Greek Empire where the persecution was very vehement & lasted ten years together \being carried on by Dioclesian, Galenius & Maximinus successively/, besides what the Christians \of that \part of ye/ Empire/ suffered afterwards under Licinius. For in the Western Empire \part of the Empire where {illeg} Herculius, Constantius & Constantine reigned successively/ the persecution lasted scarce two full years \being stopt by Constantius/ & the Martyrs & confessors were so few & made so small an appearance that before the end of the two years there were pillars set up by the heathens in several parts of Spain wth inscriptions signifying that the superstition of Christ & name of Christians were everywhere extinguished. The Man-child wch the woman brought forth is not a single person but a kingdom as Isaias [6] interprets the type. For the woman is a body polytick & the child must be a body of the same kind with the mother. And this kingdom was Christian because it was the son of the woman & was to rule all nations with a rod of iron wch in this prophesy is the scepter of Christ's kingdom. The persecution began by an Edict for demolishing the Churches & burning the sacred books throughout the Empire A. C. 302, & the Man-child was born in the western part of the Empire by the victory of Constantine the great over Maxentius in the end of the persecution A. C. 312, Constantine being encouraged by a victory vision of a cross in the heavens with this inscription In hoc signo vinces.. And six years after by the victory of Constantine over Licinius a heathen persecuting Emperor who reigned in the east the Man-child was caught up to the throne of the whole Empire A. C. 318. And soon after by the building of Constantinople A. C. 330 the Woman received two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness. Conceive that when the Man-child was caught up to God, he soon vanished out of sight being hereafter to return from heaven & rule all nations wth a rod of iron. But before he vanished there was a voice from heaven saying, Now is come salvation & strength & the kin KINGDOM of or GOD – – – – Therefore rejoyce ye heavens & ye [saints] that dwell in them. Wo be to the \[vulgar Christian]/ inhabiters of the earth & sea [who are Christians in outward profession only] for the Devil is come down amongst you having great wrath. When the Dragon was newly cast down & the Man-child caught up to the throne; the Empire in several respects was both the Manchild & the Dragon: the Man-child in respect of the {illeg} \genuine/ christians who governed & the Dragon in respect of the inferior multitude who were heathens. And this multitude out of temporal ends making hast to profess the Christian religion corrupted it wth their vicious lives & superstitious principles & practices & idolatrous principles & practices, & the Man-child at the same time vanished out of sight & left the Dragon that old serpent reigning amongst the inhabitants of the earth & sea. And the Dragon soon after gave his ancient western throne & authority to the Beast & reigned only in the east untill the Man-child returned from heaven to rule all nations wth a rod of iron For Michael & his angels who in the Days of Constantine \persecution of Dioclesian/ fought for the Church against the Dragon, returne in the end of ages under the name of the Word of God & \King of kings with/ his army on white horses, to fight for the Church against the Beast & the kings of the earth & their arm{illeg}ies.{illeg} \This is that Michael \I say/ the great Prince when standeth for the people of Daniel, {illeg} {people} shall stand up in the great tribulation as he did before in Dioclesians persecution (Dan. XII. 1)/ & the Beast & fals Prophet being taken & cast into the lake of fire, & the Dragon into the bottomless pit, the Manchild {illeg} takes the kingdom & governs all nations wth a rod of iron. For he that overcometh & keepeth my works unto the end, to him, saith Christ, will I give power over the nations & he shall rule them with a rod of iron (Apoc. 2. 26) & therefore all they that overcome & have this power are such a mystical body as is represented by the man-child.
How the Empire after it became Christian grew exceeding vicious would require a large discourse to describe fully: & you may satisfy yourself about this matter by reading only the book of Salvian de gubernatione Dei written about ye year 440 to convince the
almost two years over all the Roman Empire & ten years together with great violence over all the east, & was greater than all the former persecutions heathen persecutions taken together; & wch ended in the ruin of the heathen Roman Empire & the setting up a Christian Empire in its room under Constantine the great.
The same revolution is predicted also by the Woman be great with child & who cried travell \the vision of/ the vision of the woman who being great with child cried travailling in birth & pained to be delivered and by the Dragon's drawing the third part of the stars of heaven with his tail & casting them to the earth & standing before the woman ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born, & by her bringing forth a Man-child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron & was caught up unto God & his throne from the jaws of the Dragon, & her flying from the Dragon into the wilderness. For since this Parable ends wth the flight of the Woman into the wilderness, & that of the war between Michael & the Dragon ends also with the same flight both{illeg} these parables ending at the same time must by synchronal & concern the same revolution of the Empire. The For describing \& pointing out/ this \grand/ revolution more clearly & fully the description is repeated. The woman travelling in birth & pained to be delivered signifies the Church in affliction by a great{illeg} persecution wch ended in the birth of a christian kingdom & therefore was Dioclesian's persecution & the same thing is si persecution is signified by the Dragon's drawing the third part of the stars of heaven & casting them to the earth. This act shews that the Dragon is the persecutor the other of the Woman's being pained in childbirth that she is the person persecuted. The third part of the stars are the \of heaven/ of heaven, or stars of the third part, are the Martyrs & Confessors of the Greek Empire where the persecution was very vehement & lasted ten years together besides what the Christians suffered afterwards under Licinius. For in the Western Empire the persecution lasted scarce two full years & the Martyrs & Confessors were so few & made so small an appearance that before the end of the two years there were pillars set up by the heathens in several parts of Spain with inscriptions signifying that the superstition of Christ & name of Christians were every where extinguished. And from this coldness in religion & scarcity of sincere & fervent Christians the western nations are compared to a spiritually barren wilderness The Man-child wch the woman brought forth, is not a single person but a kingdom as Isaias interprets the type. For the Woman is a body politi of \politi/ men & the child must be a body of the same kind th with the mother. And this Chur kingdom was Christian because it was \the son of the Woman & was/ to rule all nations wth a rod of iron wch in this prophesy is the scepter of Christ & his kingdom The persecution began \by an Edict for demolishing the Churches & burning the sacred books throughout the Empire/ A. C. 302, & the Man-child was born in the western part of the Empire by the victory of Constantine the great over Maxentius \in the end of the persecution/ A. C. 312, Constantine being encouraged in that war by a vision of a Cross in the heavens with the inscription, In hoc signo vinces And {illeg} \six/ years after by the victory of Constantine over Licinius a heathen persecuting Emperor who reigned in the east the Man-child was caught up to the throne of the whole Empire A. C. 318. And soon after by the building of Constantinople A. C. 330 the woman received two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness. Conceive that when the Manchild was caught up to God he soon vanished out of sight being \hereafter/ to return from heaven & rule all nations wth a rod of iron But before he vanished there was a voice from heaven, saying, Now is come salvation & strength & the KINGDOM OF {illeg} of or GOD – – – – – Therefore rejoyce ye heavens & ye [saints] that dwell in them. Wo to the inhabiters of the earth & sea [who are Christians in outward profession only] for the Devil is come down amongst you having a great wrath. When the heathen religion was cast down from the throne & remained only among the common Christianity came into fashion; the heathens flocked into the Churches making a profession of Christianity: but retaining in their hearts the principles of the heathen religion wth wch they had been imbued, & \they/ introducedg several heathens superstitions into Christianity, & the Christians meeting \them/ half way for faciliating their conversion. And the \by And by/ this means the Devil came down among the inhabiters of the earth & sea & the {illeg} Manchild at the same time vanished out of sight \& began a new reign {came then over the}/ And this was the great wrath with wch the Dragon \Devil/ came down among the inhabitants of the earth & sea. When the Dragon was newly cast down he was out \& the manchild caught up to the throne the Empire {cuts} in/ several respects \was/ the Manchild & the Dragon, the man child in respects, the Man-child in respect of the sincere christians who governed & the Dragon in respect of the multitude \below/ who were heathens. And this multitude out of temporal ends professing \making hast to profess/ the Christian religion corrupted it with their vicious lives & superstitious \& idolatrous/ principles & practices & the Man-child at ye same time vanished out of sight, & left the Dragon amongst \reigning over amongst the vulgar christians/ the inhabitants of the earth & sea, ☉☉ earth & sea; & the Dragon soon after gave his ancient western throne & authority to the Beast & reigned \only/ in the east untill the Manchild returned \from heaven/ to rule all nations with a rod of iron. For Michael & his angels who fought for the church against the Dragon {illeg} in the days of Constantine, is the same with the returns in the end of ages, & under the name of the Word of God & his army on white horses, to fight for the Church against the Beast & the kings of the earth & their armies: & the Beast & fals Prophet being cast into the lake of fire & the Dragon into the bottomless pit, the Manchild takes the kingdom & governs all nations with a rod of iron. \For/ He that overcometh & keepeth my works unto the end, to him \saith Christ/ will I give power over the nations & shall rule them wth a rod of iron (Apoc. 2. 26.) & \therefore/ all they that overcome are members of the \& have this power compose a/ mystical body of \fitly represented by/ the Man-child. How the Empire after it became Christian, became quickly became exceeding vicious you can see deser \in a short time/ would require a large discourse to describe. I content my self wth referring you to \And you may satisfy your self about this matter by reading only/ the book of Salvian de Providentia \Gubernatione/ Dei written before the middle of the fift century that they were to convince] the Romans that they were more vicious in all repsects then the northern heathen nations who invaded them & \that/ therefore God was just in making the heathens Lords over them. The author was a Bishop \of Marseils & an old man/ & wrote wth wth an extraordinary appearance of piety & sincerity, |great modesty in a sober historicall manner without oratoricall flourishes describing {illeg} the state of his own times from before the beginning of the fift century. And what he writes is confirmed by several passages in some other authors who wrote before him, & by the book of & by the book of G{illeg}ildas. Let this therefore remain a truth that after the Empire became Christian as it increased in ye number of people & in wealth & power & outward glory so it decreased in virtue & ‡| ‡ before ye end of the 4th century became as a viciou the Christian Empire became as vicious as the heathen empire had been before & has ever since continued as vicious in the same state of viciousness. And I may add that it has ever since continued as vicious. What he writes is confimed by several passages in Gregory Nazianzen Ierome & {illeg} Austin who wrote before him. How the Empire after it became Christian became in a short time supersti\ti/ous & idolatrous would also require a large discourse to describe {illeg} fully & may be sufficiently understood by what follows. of the beginning of idolatry \& I shall content my self wth the following short account/ . It may suffice for the present purpose to give ye following account of the beginning of Idolatry. Gregory of Nyssen tells us – – – – vino placatis et dapibus.
These things being understood it will not be difficult to describe the seven heads of the Dragon. The four first are the four horsmen wch the four Beasts standing towards the four winds of heaven call Iohn to come & see & wch therefore stood in the regions of the Beasts, the first horsman to the east, the second to the west the third to the south & the fourth to ye north. Riding signifies reigning & the four Beasts wth their faces of a Lion Ox Man & Eagle allude to the armies of Israel encamped under their banne about the tabernacle in the wilderness in four bodies under their banners; the tribes of Iudah Issacher & Zebubulum being on the east side under the standard of a Lion, those of Reuben Simeon & Gad on the south side under the standard of a Man, those of Ephraim Manasseh & Benjamin on the west side under the standard of an Ox & those of Dan Asher & Naphtali on the north side under the standard of an Eagle. The encampments is described in the book of Numbers & the Iews keep a tradition of the standards. Every [7] Hors-man therefore wth the horse he rides upon & the Beast wch appears in the same region with him, is a fit emblem of an Emperor or race of Emperors with his Empire & his army under its standard. And thus the four hors-men with their Beasts very fitly represent four reigns or dynasties of Emperors. The
The first Emperors were Italians called the twelve Cæsars. Of these there were two dynasties the first of the family of Iulius Cæsar wch lasted till the death of Nero, the next the family of Vespasian wch lasted till the death of Domitian the last of the twelve Cæsars. The Apocalyps was written in the end of the first \& is of things future/ & therefore we are to being with the next. Of this Dynasty there were only three Emperors, Vespasian & his two sons Titus & Domitian. Vespasian was created Emperor in the East in the time of the Iewish war. And there being then a rumor in all the east of a prophesy that a great Monarch should arise about that time in Iudea the Romans interpreted it of him. Peverebuerat Oriente toto vetus & constans opinio, esse in fatis ut eo tempore Iudæa profecti rerum potirentur. Id de Imperatore Romano, quantum eventu postea patuit, prædictum Iudæi ad se trahentes rebellarunt. Suetonius in Vespasiano. Pluribus persuasio in erat antiquis sacerdotum literis contineri eo ipso tempore fore ut valesceret Oriens profecti Iudæa rerum potirentur. Quæ ambages Vespatianum et Titum prædixerunt. Tacitus Hist. l. 5. Quod Iudæos ad bellum maxime excitaverat erat responsum erat ambiguum itidem in sacris libris inventum, quod eo tempore quidam esset ex eorum finibus orbis terræ habiturus Imperium. Id enim illi quidem quasi proprium acciperunt, multi sapientes interpretatione decepti sunt. Hoc autem plane responso Vespansiani designabatur Imperium qui apud Iudæam creatus est Imperator. Ioseph. de bello Iud. l. 7. c. 12.
The second Dynasty was of a \Western/ family of Spaniards, Trajan Hadrian, Antoninus, Marcus & Commodus. Trajanus homo Hispanus nec Italus erat nec Italicus; ante eum nemo alterius nationis imperium Romanum obtinuerat, (Dion.) Natus Italicæ in Hispania (Victor de Cæsar.) Hadriani origo posterior ab Hispaniensibus manat, ejus pater Ælius Hadrianus consobrinus Trajani Imperatoris, mater Gadibus orta (Spartian in Hadriano) Ipse Trajani municeps & Nepos (Spartian in Severo) natus Italicæ in Hispania (Victor et Euseb. Chron) Ἠν μὲν γάρ πολίτης ἀυτοῦ, καὶ ἐτραπεύθη ὑπ' ἀυτοῦ, γένους θ' ὁι ἐκοινώνει, καὶ ἀδελφιδῆν ἀυτοῦ ἠγηγαμήκει, τὸ δή τη σύμπαν συνῆν ἀυτῷ καὶ συνδιητᾶτο (Dion.) Hispania Principum mater est; hæc Trajanum hæc deinceps Hadrianum misit Imperio (Pacatus Paneg. ad Theodos.) Antonius Pius, cui paternum genus e Gallia transalpina, Naummasense scilicet (Capitolinus) ab Adriano in filium adoptatus cujus gener fuerat (S. Aur. Victor. Epitome) ea tamen lege ut is Marcum fratris uxoris \suo/ filium similiter adoptaret (Capitolin.) Marcus Hadriani consan guineus (Dion in Hadriano) & Antonini gener (Eutrop.) filius per adoptionem (Dion. Capitolin. Euseb. Hist. l. 4. c. 14.) Ipse Adrianum vocat avumo suum & Trajanum proavum (Spartian. in Piscen. nigro.) Ejus amita Galeria Faustina Antonini uxor, Proavus paternus Annius Verus ex Luccubitano Mancipio ex Hispania factus Senator (Capitolin.) Unde Themistius Theodosium ex Hispania [8] Imperatorem alloquens vocat Trajanum & Marcum et Antoninum πολίτας καὶ ἀρχηγέτας ἀυτοῦ populares & majores ejus. Commodus Marci filius (Capitolinus alij) ultimús Trajanidum.
The third Dynasty was a southern family of Africans Severus, Antonius Caracalla, Macrinus, Heliogabalus & Alexander: to wch may be added the three Gordians & Philip. Severus oriundus ex Africa, Provincia Tripolitana, oppido Lepti. solus omni memoria & ante & post ex Africa Imperator fuit (Entrop.) nativita te scilicet et genere proximo. Ipse cano capite et crispo Afrum quiddam us ad senectutem sonans (Spartian.) Caracalla Severi filius (Sparian.) Macrinus natione Maurus e Cæsarea Stifensi obscuris natus est parentibus. Habuit enim præter cætera, alteram aurem perforatam ut est Maurorum consuetudo (Dion.) Sub Commodo relegatus in Africam, ubi ut in famiam damnationis tegeret fertur lectioni operam dedisse, egisse causulas, declamasse, jus postremo dixisse; deinceps advocatum fuisse fisci ex quo officio ad amplissima quæ pervenit (Capitolin.) Heliogabalus Caracallæ filius (S. Aur. Victor. & Euseb. Chron.) et Alexander consobrinus ejus \& filius adoptivus/ ex familia Severi etiam prognatus (\Lamprid./ Zosem. l. 1) Iulia uti Severi conjux sororem habuit Mœsum cui duœ erant filiæ Soænis et Mammœa. Hæc Alexadrum, illa a Caracalla compressa Heliogabalum edidit. Maximinus Thracia oriundus, \in Gallia sabutatus Imperator,/ ex corpore militari primus ad imperium accessit sola militum voluntate cum nulla Senatus interessisset authoritas nec ipse Senator esset (Eutrop. Capitolin. Euseb. Oros.) Contra eum Gordianus pater Proconsul Africæ una cum filio Gordiano in Africa salutati Imperatores & a Senatu confirmati damnato Maximino ut hoste reipublicæ. Iam Gordianum Africanum appellarunt (Capitolin. Herodian. Zosimus) Hic post annum et dimidium in Africa transactum Carthagini perijt una cum filio, & mox tertius Grodianus, sive ex filio sive ex filia Gordiani senioris natus, in imperium a senate sufficitur, & Maximinus deinde post triennium in vasæ tyrannid is occiditur (Capitolin.) Gordiano tertio successit Philippus Arabs Vostris Arabiæ urbe obscuris parentibus natus (Pompon. Læt.) In this race of southern Emperors the family of Severus lasted till the death of Alexander. Amongst them reigned Macrinus of another southern family, & to Macrinus I add the short reigns of the three Gordians & Philip, & reject Maximinus as a Tyrant \as Emperors of the same kind & neglect Maximinus as/ contemporary to the Gordians.
The fourth Dynasty was of many northern short lived Emperors Decius, Gallus with his son Volusian, Valerian with his son Gallienus, Claudius, Aurelian, Tacitus, Probus, & Carus with his sons Numerian & Carinus. Decius b e Pannonia inferiore Bubulæ natus (Aurel. Victor alij) in Pannonia etiam imperator factus (Zosimus.) Gallus juxta Tanaim fluvium Imperator factus (Zosim.) Valerianus natus Romæ, sed in Rhætia et Norico \agens/ factus \est/ imperator (Euseb. Eutrop. Iornand.) Claudius Dalmatia oriundus (Treb. Pollio) Aurelianus ortus Sirmij in Pannonia inferiore parentibus obscuris: ut nonnulli Dacia Ripensi (Vopisc.) Tacitus Italus imperavit menses tantum sec. Carus aut Naronæ in Illyrico (Aurel: Victor. et Cerilianus apud Vopiscum) aut Romæ {illeg}t \sed/ Illyricis natus est parentibus (Onesimus apud Vopiscum)
The fift Dynasty was of several Emperors reigning together & sharing the Empire amongst them by common consent. This Dynasty began wth the reign of Dioclesian & Maximianus & ended with the dethroning of the Dragon by the victory of Constantine the great over Licinius. sometimes four or five Emperors reigned at the same time \in several parts of the Empire./ This Dynasty the Romans distinguished from the reigns of the former Emperors by dating from the beginning of it an Æra called the Æra of Dioclesian & the Æra of the Martyrs. For this Æra commenced with the reign of Dioclesian A. C. 284 Aug. 29, & was in use till the Æra of Dionysius prevailed, that is, for about 250 years. Scaliget saith it is still in use among the Christians of Afric & Ethiopia. This Æra I consider as a sufficient argument of the beginning of a new Dynasty, the Romans looking upon Dioclesian as the restorer of their Empire. wch \For/ in the fourth Dynasty \it/ was in \great/ danger of falling, but was restored by Dioclesian & his Colleagues to its former greatness & tranquility & enlarged by the addition of Assyria & the five Provinces beyond Tigris
The sixt Dynasty began wth \the victory of Michael \over the Dragon/, the reign of the manchild being caught up to God & to his throne &/ the coming down of the Dragon \from his throne in heaven to reign in a new throne/ among the inhabitants of the earth & sea, that is, {illeg} \it began/ wth the dethroning of heathenism by the victory of Constantine over Licinius whereby the Empire was reduced to a monarchical form. It continued in the family of Constantine till the death of Iulian the Apostate. After Iulian reigned Iovian seven months & \then/ the Beast wch had been slain wth a sword revived by a division of the Empire between Valentinian & Valens & rose out of the sea by another division of it between Gratian & Theodosius & at the death of Theodosius received the Dragons Throne, by wch acts a new seventh Dynasty commenced gradually.
The seventh Dynasty was{illeg} therefore of the Empire divided into the Greek & Latine empires or of the Dragon & Beast reigning together. And after this division of the Empire there being no more changes common to both Empires to make a new Dynasty of the whole the Dragon & Beast have no more common heads then seven. But soo after this division the Latin Empire became further divided into ten kingdoms wch made a new Dynasty of that Empire called the eighth & of the seven. & this was the last Dynasty of the Latin Empire there being no more changes common to both empires \those kingdoms/ to make a new Dynasty of them whole all. So then in the whole Roman Empire after the writing of this Prophesy there were seven successive Dynasties & no more, & in the {illeg} Latin Empire there was an eighth & no more: all wch Dynasties answer perfectly to the seven \common/ heads of the Dragon & Beast & {illeg} to the Beast wch is the eighth & of the seven & received power as a king at ye same time wth the ten horns, being a composition of them all
The subject of the Prophesy being described, let us now go over the whole \Prophesy/ in due order of time & see how it agrees wth history.
Of the Kingdoms & Churches wch are the subject of the {seer} Prophesy.
The nations within the bounds of the four Monarchies are the subject of sacred Prophesy, for they are all of them to be subdued by a fift & consist of thre {sic} equal parts: the nations of the Western Roman Empire or Empire of the Latines, the nations of the eastern Roman Empire or Empire of the Greeks, & the nations of the Persian Empire including Chaldea. And wherever this Prophesy mentions a third part of any thing, as a third part of the earth, sea rivers, sun or stars, it relates to one of these three parts.
This Prophesy {illeg} \being given by Christ/ is a Revelation of such things as principally concern the Christian Religion & therefore flourished most & wch were con
verted to Christianity, that is to the Roman Empire wch was at first united under one monarch & afterwards became divided into the Greek & Latine Empires. The Latine Empire is the fourth Beast \of Daniel/ or fourth Monarchy strictly so called, wch was to stand till the end of judgment should sit & the son of man should come into the clouds to ye ancient of days & the saints should take the kingdom of all the four monarchies \all/. The Greek Empire is the third Monarchy \or third Beast/ whose life is still prolonged tho its dominion hath been taken away. This monarchy comprehending the nations of Greece, Asia minor, Syria & Egypt was at of represented at first by the four heads & four wings of the Leopard & by the four horns of the He-Goat & afterwards by the little horn of the He-Goat wch grew up after the \of the He Goat/ or kingdom of Pergamus wch \by the last will & Testament of Attalus/ descending to ye Romans grew mighty but not in its one power & then separating from them became the Greek Empire seated \reigning/ at Constantinople till the Turks subdued it The Christian Churches are represented in this prophesy by the twelve Tribes of Israel. For \The Persian Empire comprehends the remainder of the four Monarchies, & is still in being./ The scene of the visions is the Temple, & the worship of Christians is, here \in this prophesy/ described \in the Temple/ under the form of the Iewish worship in the Temple as we shewed above. And hence \the Christian Churches are represented b in this prophesy by the twelve tribes of Israel & by as many of them \after a separation \of the tribes into two parties// the sincere party of ye Christians \is represented/ by those who are numbered & sealed \wth the seal of God/ out of ye 12 tribes & worship in the inner court {illeg} of the Temples \& sealed wth ye seal of God/ & the synagogue of Satan/ the Synagogue of Satan who say they are Iews & are not, is put for the Church of Satan \the Drag the remainder of the twelve tribes/ who profess themselves Christians but are fallen away to Idolatry & worshipping Dæmons have Sathen for their God. \have the mark of the Beast. & worship in the imaginary outward court of ye Temple/
And as the Tribes of Israel & Iudah are in the old Testament {illeg} represented by weomen, so the church of Christ \have/ signified by those Tribes is here represented by the Lambs wife & by the glorious woman in heaven. For this Woman has a crown of twelve stars wch are the twelve Apostles & her seed keep the commandments of God & have ye testimony of Iesus & therefore she is the Church. This woman flyes into a spiritually barren wilderness when the main body of the twelve tribes \receive the mark of the Beast &/ become ye synagogue of Satan, & at the same time the remnant of her seed who keep the commandments of God are \being at the same time/ sealed wth the seale of God in their foreheads. And therefore after her flight the Woma \when she is fled/ into the Wilderness & \when she/ commits fornication with the kings of the earth & makes all nations drink the wine of her fornication, signifies a \& is drunken with the blood of saints she signifies an \apostate/ idolatrous persecuting/ Christian Church catholick {make} a state of idolatry & such a Church as persecutes. Those that are not of her own communion \degenerates into/ \addicted to persecute/ \all with death/
And hence the twelve tribes of Israel are put for the Christian Churches & those who are in & when some are numbred And as the Empire was at first united & then divided so was the Church. out of ye 12 tribes & sealed wth the seale of God the rest of the tribes who are not sealed {illeg} \wth ye seal of God but receive the mark of the Beast/ are called the synagogue of Satan who say they are Iews & are not, that is who profess themselves Christians but are the Church of Satan. being marked wth ye mark of the Beast For all men whose names are not written in ye book of life that is all who are not sealed wth the seale of God, wonder after the Beast & worship him & his image & receive his mark. When the saints are sealed the rest \numbered & sealed/ out of the twelves tribes the rest \of the Tribes/ receive the mark of ye mark of the Beast & become the synagogue of Satan & therefore they that have the mark of the Beast \& worship him & his Image/ are Christians in outward profession.
<40v>And as Daniels reigned in the little horn a time times & half a time \or thre {sic} years & an half/ so Iohns reigned 42 months wch is also three years & an half. And lastly as Daniels Beast was the Roman \Roman/ Empire of the Latines whose Metropolis was Rome so Iohn's has Rome for its Metropolis: for the heads of this Beast are called seven hills where the woman sitteth [[[ & the Woman is called the great city \sitts on the Beast that is reigns over him &./ wch reigneth over the kings of the earth \that is over the ten kings/. She is therefore his Metropolis & this Metropolis is the seven hilled city. When the Romans were making war upon ye Iews & were ready to \Upon her forhead was a name written Babylon the Great the {a Nar} And wch name imports that she is that great city wch should take/ take Ierusalem burn the Temple & captivate the Iews as \the/ Babylonians had done before, \And therefore when the Romans were making war upon them beseiging Ierusalem/ Peter being then at Rome wth Paul & Silvanus the companion of Paul \{met}/ & writing to the converted Iews \of his flock/ who upon the approaching of ye \Iewish/ war had fled from Iudea into Pontus Galatia \Cappadocia/ Asia & Bithynia, & in his Epistles alluding in many things to the Apocalyps wch was then newly written; \he/ calls Rome by the name of Babylon, implying \by that name/ that Rome was be ready \then/ treating the Iews in the same manner as Babylon had done before & should in like manner destroy their city & Temple & captivate their nation as Christ had predicted before his death.] [ Which is as much as to say that his head City or metropolis is the seven hilled city over wch the woman reigneth. She sits on the Beast, that is reigns over him & therefore is his Metropolis. And She is \also/ called the great city which reigns over the Kings of the earth & therefore is the{illeg}\ir/ Metropolis \of their kingdom/. Upon her \fore/ head was a name written Babylon the great wch name imports that she is that great city wch should take Ierusalem burn the Temple & captivate ye Iews as Babylon had done before. And therefore when the Apostles & converted t churches of the circumcision in Iudea upon the approaching of ye Iewish war had fled fled from Iudea & dispersed themselves into all nations & Iohn wth many of the convennant \was gone went/ into Asia & there \had/ wrote the Apocalyps & Peter \& Mare were gone/ went to Rome where \Mare wrote his Gospel &/ Peter wrote his Epistles to \ye/ strangers dispersed throughout Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia & Bithynia that is to the christian Iews who \were his flok & /were his flock\/ lately fled with him from Iudæa, & where Apoc who were his flock Peter sending his first epistle to them by Silvanus the companion of Paul & mentioning ing his second Epistle how Paul had also written to them \meaning in the epistle to the Hebrews/: Peter in these his Epistles alluding in many things to ye Apocalyps calls Rome by the name of Babylon, intimating by that name that {illeg} Rome \wch/ was then besieging Ierusalem as Babylon had done before use it should in like manner \old Babylon/ take & destroy the city & temple & captivate the nation of ye Iews, as Christ had predicted before his death, & therefore was called \the great City/ Babylon by the {illeg} Holy Ghost in the Apo \so often/ mentioned in the Apocalyps. For all antiquity agree that Peter wrote his Epistles from Rome & by Babylon understood that city. And therefore Peter writing from Rome in the time of that siege \& alluding in many things to ye Apocalyps/ calls Rome by the name of Babylon. For all antiquity agree that Peter wrote his epistles from Rome & by Babylon understands that city.
The seven candlesticks \& twelve Tribes & glorious womā in heaven {beneath} of them/ are \each/ put for the the whole \true visible/ church \of Christ/ thoughout {sic} the whole Empire before it becomes divided into ye eastern & western empires; & when it becomes divided & they their signification is retrained they signify only the s they & the woman flies into the west & is succeeded in the east by the two horned Beast & the Dragon goes from her into the east & is succeeded in the west by the ten horned Beast, \‡/ ‡c there are 144000 numbred & sealed out of ye 12 tribes & called ‡the woman leaves a remnant of her seed in the east wch are the \main body of the/ 144000 numered \& sealed/ out of the 12 tribes & sealed in the sincere part of the seven Candlesticks & it & the are the main body thereof & the seven candlesticks are removed out of the place & for the future signify that remnant of ye womans seed; & are succeeded in the western Empire remains a spiritually barren wilderness & for ye Western empire is a spiritually barren wilderness] \& the sincere part of the {sincere (and last victory}/ \& the residue of the seven Churches, & the 144000 sev or the major part of them/ [the Candlesticks are removed out of their places & are succeeded in the west by the two witnesses \Prophets in sackcloth./. And thus the eastern & western Empires wth their churches false & true are signified by the Dragon & \first/ Beast, the true a fals Prophet & the Whore, the seven Churches \Candlesticks in the first Temple/ & the two {illeg} Prophets in sackcloth candlesticks in the second. For it was very fit that these two Empires wth their churches false & true should have their \distinct &/ proper representations in this Prophesy.] the few sincere christians \remaining/ in the western Empire not being being \scarce here/ considered \in this recconing/. For the western Empire is at this time compared to a spiritually barren wilderness. But {were and} \yet his Empire not being who ly destricts of good Christians/ the inner {illeg} courts of the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein are at this time measured in taken of their being rebuilt \to signify that they should be into a new spiritual Temple/ & two ca{illeg}ndlesticks are placed in this second Temple to signify two \churches or or churches/ wittnesses {illeg} wch in the days of this Temple should prophesy in sackcloth. And thus the Eastern & Western Empires wth their churches true & false & true are signified by the Dragon & first Beast, the fals Prophet & Whore, the seven Candlesticks in the first Temple & two candlesticks in the second. For it was fit that these two Empires wth their churches fals & true should have their distinct & proper representations in this Prophesy.
— glorious woman in heaven & \also/ by 12 tribes & seven candlesticks: but when – – – & conceive further that ye remnant of the womans seed in the fir Temple went wch the Dragon makes war upon is the / & makes w
— And that the saints \with/ whore the ten horned Beast \wch rose out of yesea/ makes war upon \with/ & overcomes are the saints \true churches/ of the western empire otherwise represented by the two Witnesses. For the two Witnesses are two Candlesticks that is Churches & the Beast {illeg} \wch ascends out of the abyss/ makes war upon against them & overcomes them & kills in the streets of the great city & therefore they prophesy in the kingdom of the Beast & in the streets or provinces of the great city Babylon wch in the form of a Woman reigns over him.
— & that the {illeg} Candlesticks \in the first Temple/ are moved out of their place & hence forward signify the remnant of ye womans seed \whom the Dragon in the Greek Empire makes war with in the eastern empire/ & yt a new temple is measured in order to be built wth two Candlesticks in it to represent the saints \in the western Empire/ whom ye Beast makes war with & overcomes \in the western Empire/. For the For the two Candlesticks are churches & the two Candlesticks signify two churches called the two Candlesticks whom witnesses whom the Beast makes war with with against & overcomes & kills in the streets \or provinces/ of the great City Babylon wch in the form of a woman reigns over ye Beast him. And the seven Candlesticks are the seven churches of Asia & the churches of Asia are seated within the kingdom of the Dragon & by their lamps illuminate his empire But the twelve Tribes of Israel signif signify all the Christians in t both good & bad in the whole empire from the beginning to the end, & the 144000 all the tru christians in both Empires the whole.
|—| And a new Temple is measured in order to be built whose t wth two Candlesticks in it to represent the saints whom the Beast makes war with \& overcomes/ in his kingdome & overcomes For Candlesticks are Churches & the two Candlesticks are two Churches called \the/ two Witnesses & these Beast makes makes war against these witnesses & overcomes & kills them in the streets or provinces of the great city Babylon wch in the form of a woman reigns over him, & \therefore they are those saints/ /And by analogy\ The seven churches Candlesticks in the first Temple, \And since the two Candlesticks \in the second T saints/ are the people of God in the western Empire of the Beast/ may by the analogy will signify the peop people of God or Churches \or churches/ \are Gods people/ \And by analogy/ in the empire of the Dragon. \‡/ ‡ For they \a finite number being put for an indefinite. For these candlesticks are/ are the Churches of Asia & by consequence within the Dragons kingdom Thus the eastern & western Empires wch their churches fals & true are represented by the Dragon & \first/ Beast, the seven fals Prophet & Whore, the seven Candlesticks in the first Temple & two Candlesticks in the second. For it was fit that all these things should be distinctly represented But \They have also their joyal representation. For/ the twelve tribes of Israel represent all Christians good & bad in both Empires & the 144000 \sealed servants of God / represent all the good \\they are/ sealed out of ye Earth & the sea wch were to be heard by the 4 winds/, & they \that/ worshipp are of ye Beast \& have his mark/ represent all the bad, he being worshipped as well by the Dragons subjects as by his own. While \Conceive therefor that when/ the Dragon is the whole Empire the seven candlesticks will signify the Churches of the whole empire, but when the Dragon Empire becomes divided & the Dragon retires into the east the Candlesticks are moved out of their place & signify \become/ the remnant of the womans seed \wth/ whom the Dragon makes war & are succeeded in the western Empire by the two Candlesticks \wch are/ placed in a new temple \& signify the saints wth whom/. For the seven Candlesticks are the seven Churches of Asia & \do not cease at the division are called of the Empire but/ continue in the Tabernacle & first Temple to ye end of ye Prophesy, the seven Angels being wch pour out \sound/ the trumpets & pour-out the vials of wrath being their lamps; & the \seven/ churches of Asia are within the Dragons kingdom church \& the church of Pergamus lasting till Christ comes & fights against the Nicolaitans wth ye sword of his mouth & comes on yt/ of Sardis as in this till Christ comes as a thief.
|✝ &| The fift Dynasty began with the f
The wars of the first four are represented in general words by the lightnings & voices & thundrings & earthquakes & great hail f wch fo in the beginning of this vision as was said above. The fift dynast reign or Dynasty began wth the first appearance of the woman travelling in birth & of the Dragon \in heaven/ standing before her ready to devour her child as soon as it was born. This Dynasty \reign/ ended & a sixt began with the casting of ye Dragon out of heaven to the earth & \a sixt reign began wth/ his coming down to reign amongst the inhabitants of the earth & sea. And Dynasty \this reign/ ended & a seventh began when the Beast rose out of the sea & the Dragon gave him his power & throne, that is at the &
Then X Gratian {illeg} was succeeded by Maximus wh Maximus slew Gratian & expelled the younger Valentinian out of the \western/ Empire, but was conquered by Theodosius A. C. 388 & the whole Empire \became/ united again \became/ under Thedosus who reigned three years in the west making ye younger Valentinian partaker of his Empire & then going back into the east \left/ Valentinian \in the west who/ within a few months after was slain \in Italy/ by the contrivance of Eugenius & who succeeded him \& after two years Eugenius/ reigned two years & then was conquered by Theodosius & w & thereupon Theodosius made his younger son Honorius Emperor of the west & at having made his elder son Assadius Emperor of ye east before & after two years conquering Eugenius he three months over the whole Empire & then by his last will & testament left the rest \Empire/ divided between his two sons. / Theodosius by his victory\es/ over Maximus \& Eugenius/ reunited it & left by by his last will & testament ment left it divided between his sons.] And the western Empire being invaded by the Tyrants Maximinus & Eugenius Theodosius conquered them & gave tho
Gratian reigned wth his brother Valentinian in the West. Maximus slew Gratian & empelled \made/ Valentinian fly to Thessalonica. Theodosius \A. C. 388/ conquered Maximus & restored Valentinian. Eugenius \A.C> 392/ contrived the death of Valentinian & invaded the western Empire but Theodosius made his younger son Honorius Emperor of the west in the room of Valentinian, & conquered {illeg} A \in October A. C. 394/ & \died three months after &/ by his last will & testament left {illeg} the Empire divided between his two sons A. C. 395 \Arcadius & {illeg} \Honorius//. After wch the two Empires were no more un united no more. [By this last division the Dragon gave his throne to the Beast. This Beast revived] By conquering the West & resigning it to Vale{n}tinian & Honorius the Dragon gave the Beast his power & throne
<41v>In this prophesy of ye eighth leaf of the sealed Book, wch began with the reign of the seventh head, Iohn took a prospect of them Beast wch from the times next proceeding \that head prophesy/ that is from the time of the sixt head, when \wch the head in wch/ the Beast had was dead slain with a sword & lay dead of his wounds, & in respect of that time says \of the heads/ five are fallen & one is & another is not come & when he comes he must continue a short space, & the Beast wch was & is not he is the eighth & of the seven & the ten horns have received no kingdom as yet but receive power as kings at the same time wth that \the/ Beast that Beast wch is the eighth reign \& therefore the eight reign or king/ begins wth the one of the seven division of the western Empire into ten kingdoms being a composition of all those kingdoms.
This act shews that the Dragon is the persecutor, the other of the Womans being pained in childbirth that she is the person persecuted. The \third part of the stars/ stars east down are the martyrs & confesors of the Greek Empire where the persecution lasted ten years together with great violence besides the following persecutions of Licinius. For in the western Empire the persecution lasted scarce two full years & the Martyrs & confessors were so few \& made so small an appearance/ that before the end of the two years there were several pillars set up \by the heathens/ in several parts of Spain with inscriptions signifying that the supersti\ti/on of Christ & name of Christians were every where extinguished. And from this coldness in religion \& scarcity of sincere Christians/ the western nations are compared to a spiritually barren wilderness. The Manchild
H In this face of \southern/ Emperors the family of Severus lasted till the death of Alexander Amongst them reigned \excepting that/ Macrinus of another southern family & \reigned amongst &/ to Macrinus I add the \the short reigns of the/ three Gordians & Philip the no & reject Maximinus as a Tyrant contemporary to the Gordians.
The fourth {illeg} \Dynasty/ is of many northern short lived Emperors \in very troublesome times/ Decius, Gallus wth his son Valusian, Valerian wth his son Gallienus, Claudius, Aurelian, \Tacitus/ Probus & Carus wth his sons Numerian & Carinus.
[Editorial Note 1]Eli was high Priest 40 years in ye days of Ibzon Elon Abdon & Sampson & the Philistins reigned {illeg} over Israel 40 years, vizt 20 years wth Sampson & Eli & twenty years more wth Samuel.
that is Sodom Egypt & Babylon. Sodom for whoredom & uncleanness, Ægypt for persecution & Babylon {for} captivating & reiging over {Ierusalem & Galia} \Iudea/ &
These Witnesses were s An
And when they shall be finishing their Prophesy over in \testimony/ the [or in they latter days of the prophesying] the Beast wch ascends out of the abyss or Sea, \shall/ makes war upon /against\ them \& shall overcome them/ & kills them He kills them in the same manner & the in the same sense yt the Beast was slain wth a sword. \or dissolves their bodies ecclesiastically/ \that is {slain} nobly/. And their dead bodies \shal/ lye in the street [or province] of the great city wch is spiritually called Sodom & Egypt & \[Babylon]/ where also (or in whose street) our Lord was crucified, that is {illeg} Sodom Egypt & Babylon. Sodom for its {illeg} \spiritual/ whoredome Ægypt for its persecution & Babylon for it captivating & reigning over Ierusalem treading under foot \where/ the holy city & setting the \up an/ Image to be worshipped by all nations upon paid of th death. Afterwards these \Witnesses/ rise again, defright their enemies & ascend up to the up to heaven in a cloud [or multitude] & a tenth part of ye great city \fell &/ [whether one of ye 10 kings a 10th part of old Rome or
And after his r
About the same time that the woman fled into the wilderness there arose up two Beasts \✝ such powers as he had not before his death —/ one out of the sea the other out of ye earth. The first Beast had a mortal wound seven heads & a mortal wound in one of them & his wound was healed \& he revived before he arose/ & in allusion to the custome of the heathens of conserving \deifying/ & worshipping their dead kings \after death & erecting Images \& oracles/ to them & marking/ the part of a nest are fals Chr \& maketh all to the first the power of the first Beast that is he deifys this man of sin/ & causeth the earth & them that dwell therein to worship this \& attributes to him divine powers ✝ first/ Beast whose deadly wound was healed, & says to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to this Beast wch had the wound by a sword & {illeg} revived, & he gave power breath to the image
And all that are not marked stand on are \by the Image/ interdicted buying & selling that is {illeg} \they are/ excommunicated the two horned Beast making the fire of exer by seven
One of ye 10 Kings, or the tith, time will discover] & then the seventh Angels sounds \a/ 10th part of ye great city falls wch puts an end to the second wo & the third \& the third wo comes quickly/ not immediately but in some short period of time in \such/ a little time as in this prophesy is called on in considerable tho it may be 50 or 100 years or above
The Interpretation of the Prophesy of opening the seven Seales. Chap.
Of the Kingdoms & Churches wch are the subject of the Prophesy. The subject of the Prophesy.
The four Beasts of Daniel being all of them still alive, the two last of them within those countries the Christian religion was propagated are the subject of Iohn's Prophesy. For it \This Prophesy/ was directed to the seven Churches of Asia & designed for the use of all the Christian Churches. And as the Temple of Ierusalem is the scene of ye visions & 1 under the form of the \Iewish/ worship of I the Iews in the Temple the worship of Christians is described: so the body of the churches of Christ are is represented by the twelve tribes of Israel & by a woman wch in the old Testament is frequently used as a type of those Church of the Iews \Tribes/: For the Apostles & her seed keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus & therefore she represents the tes Church of Christ. And
This prophesy is a revelation of such things as changes & sufferings as \things as were to come to pass in/ the Churches for Christ was to undergo in all ages from the time that it was written untill the second coming of Christ & therefore \& in the kingdoms \or nations/ through \which/ the church|es| is|a||re| diffused, that is, in the kingdoms \nations/ of the Roman Empire, &/ the subject of it are these Churches of Christ & those kingdoms \nations & \with/ their Churches/ through wch the Churches are diffused, that \is/ the nations \& churches/ of the Roman Empire. Daniels \The four/ Beasts are \of Daniel representing the four monarchies are/ all of them still alive \& so are his Ram & He Goat/ & the two last{illeg} of them comprehend the nations \& Churches/ of the Roman Empire & through & Iohn's Prophesy is a revelation of what \was/ concealed \or obscurely predicted/ in Daniels, & therefore concerns the same nations{,} {illeg} |signified by those beasts & chiefly \by/ those who reign last that is \by/ the ten horned beast & the ye he-Goat in the reign of his last horn, both wch are the Roman Empire, & comprehend the churches wch are the main subjects of this prophesy.|
These Churches are represented in this prophesy by the twelve tribes of Israel. {illeg} For the scene of the visions is the Temple & the worship of Christians is \here/ described under the form of the Iewish worship in the temple \as we shewed above/. And \hence/ the synagogue of Satan who say they are Iews & are not, is put for the Church of the Devil \Satan/ who are Christians \only/ in outward profession but who profess themselves Christians but are Idolaters fallen away to idolatry.
And as the Ch Tribes of Israel & Iudah are in the old Testament frequently represented by a weomen \so/ the Church of Christ signified by those Tribes is \here/ represented by \the Lambs wife & by/ a glorious woman in heaven. For this she \woman/ has a crown of 12 stars wch are ye 12 Apostles & her seed keep the Commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus, & therefore she is the Church.
And sinc {sic} the woman is the Church \the Beast upon whom she sits as /in a state of purity & afterwards in a state of Idolatry,\/ the great red Dragon who \persecutes her & stand/ stands before her to devoure her child & who persecutes her \& the Beast upon whose back she rides sits, that is, over whom she reigns,/ must be the Roman Empire through wch she is diffused & wch is the subject of the prophesy. {illeg} For the Dragon \& first & Beast/ has crowns several heads & horns like Daniels Beasts wch signify kingdoms & he has crown to confirm this signification he has crowns upon his heads & the Beast \has crowns/ upon his horns & the heads & horns of the Beast are called \that/ kings, & the Dragon gives his throne & power \& authority/ to the Beast & therefore they are successive kingdoms in one & the same throne.
The Beast by the number of his heads & horns & other characters is known \{illeg} discovered & known/ to be the same wth Daniel's fourth beast.
In the armies of the Roman Empire, both before & after the s of ye a every Company \of the Legions & a Dragon on ye standarts of the \a/ Companys/, & in every \a {illeg} every/ Legion there were ten companies & by consequence ten {illeg} Dragons. These Dragons were of a purple colour & so fastened to ye top of a long pike, as, like weathercocks, to turn their tayle from the wind & to hiss by means of the wind blowing into their open jaws. The bearers of these two sorts of standards were called Aquiliferi & Draconarij. And from these badges of the Roman Empire, this Empire is represented in the {prop} second book of Edras by an Eagle & in this prophesy by a great eagle upon whose two wings the woman flyes into the wilderness & by a great red Dragon who persecutes her.
Empire became Christian, a flying Eagle was on the standartThe first Beast by the number of his horns & other characters is manifested to be the same with Daniel's fourth Beast. Both had – – – – – Isles of the sea.
Every kingdom has its national visible Church, & the {C} |national| visible Churches of the eastern & Greek & Latine Empires are the Two horned Beast \fals Prophet/ & Whore of Babylon. For the two horned fals Prophet is Whore sits upon the \seven ho/ ten horned Beast or Latin Empire & reigns over the kings of the earth represented by his horns & is at length hated & made desolate by them \& therefore is therefore is the church of this Empire & the other Beast/: [& the fals Prophet wth the Beast \{illeg}/ \survives the woman & therefore differs from her, being {illeg} the other Beast/ wch] arises out of the earth or nations of the east & hath two horns like the Lambs wch are \that is like two churches like/ the seven churches of Asia \signified by the seven horns of the Lamb & wch/, & speaks as the Dragon or eastern Empire \& therefore is the church of the eastern Empire./ & by fals \This Beast by false/ miracles deceiveth them that dwell on the earth & for his fals miracles & idolatrous doctrine is called the fals Prophet |& therefore is of an ecclesiastical kind, & this fals Prophet survives the Whore, being cast alive into the Lake of fire after the ten kings have eaten the flesh of the Whore & burnt her wth fire, & therefore this Prophet differs from the Whore & signifies another idolatrous church & by consequence the Church of the Greek Empire. Conceive|. Conceive therefore that while the Roman Empire continues entire, the whole is signified by the Dragon & the Church of the whole by the \glorious/ woman in heaven but when the Empire becomes divided, the Woman \degenerates &/ flyes from the Dragon into the western Empire called a wilderness for its spiritual barrenness & leaves a remnant of her seed in the eastern empire wch for keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus & that the Dragon at the same time goes from the Woman into the eastern Empire to make war with that remnan {sic} of her seed: A and that at the same time a ten \a ten-/horned beast arises out of the sea or western nations to succeed the Dragon in the western Empire & a two horned beast rises out of ye earth or \eastern/ nations to succeed the woman in the eastern Empire. And further, to represent the true people Christians \or Churches of Christ/ in both kingdoms, conceive that in opposition to the seven hilled City \or Woman/, the seven candlesiticks in the tabernacle & first Temple \have in them seven Candlesticks wch/ are put {the} for the {true} \true/ Church of Christ throughout the \eastern/ Empire represented by the Dragon, & in opposition to the two horned Beast there two Candlesticks is a second Temple measured & \in order{illeg} to be/ built with two Candlesticks in it to represe wch are put for {illeg} the true Church of Christ thoughout {sic} the Empire represented by the Beast. For the seven Candlesticks ar are the seven Churches of Asia & these Churches \of Asia/ are seated within the kingdom of the Dragon & by their lamps illuminate his Empire & the two Candlesticks are the two witnesses or Churches called the two witnesses & two Prophets whom the Beast wch ascends out of the abyss makes war upon & kills in the streets of the great city & therefore they prophesy in {illeg} \within/ the streets of kingdom of the Beast & in the streets \or provinces/ of the great city Babylon represented by the woman sitting upon him wch in the form of a woman reigns over him.
And it is further to be considered that the Dragon & first \marine/ Beast have common heads & horns
<43r>Whe We have shewed th above that the first six heads of the beast fell before he ascended out of the abyss. For before he ascended he was latent in the Dragons body, \& for that reason has \also/ his heads the Dragons heads he/ being the waters which the Dragon cast out of his mouth as a flood after the woman to cause her to be carried away of the flood. \For/ Waters are peoples & nations & multitudes & tongues, & an aggregate of waters as a river or flood or sea is a body politi of kingdom \& the western Empire has a particular relation to the watery element the Beast rising out of the sea, & the woman sitting upon many waters./. As the woman was flying westward he cast this flood after her & therefore they are \the flood is/ a western kingdom. She fled into ye wilderness by a division of the Empire & therefore the Dragon cast out of his mouth this flood \after her/ to cause her to be carried away by it, & therefore the casting of this flood out of this Dragons \his/ mouth sifnifies that division, of the Empire between the Dragon & the flood where by & while the water was in the Dragons belly the western Empire \Beast or Western Empire/ was latent in him \& for that reason has all the Dragons heads./. This Beast was Daniels fourth Beast & that Beast was the Roman Empire from the time that the Romans subdued the Greeks & in that respect the whole Roman Empire is the Beast as well as the Dragon before the division thereof & thence it is that the Dragon & Beast have common heads & common horns, But with this difference that the Dragon has crowns upon his heads \& not upon his horns/ to signify that he reigns in all the heads & not in the horns, & the Beast has crowns upon his horns \& not upon his heads/ to signify that he reigns in the horns & is con is not considered in the Apocalyps as reigning before he rises out of the sea \by a division of ye Empire & receives the Dragons throne/ & his horns receive power as kings the Empire becomes divided into the eastern & western Empires & this Beast by the{illeg} division rises out of the sea \by a new division he rises out of the \sea/ by a division of the Empire/ & receives the Dragons \ancient/ throne & power & his horns by a new division of the western Empire into ten kingdoms receive power as kings.
The ground \occasion/ of the division of the Roman Empire into the eastern & western Empires was the building of Constantinople by Constantine the great \A. C. 330/ & endowing it with t privileges a senate & privileges like those of Rome & making it the Metropolis of all the eastern part of the Empire as Rome had hitherto been of all the Empire & was hence forward of all the western part thereof. By this {meanes} \division under \of the Empire between/ two imperial Cities/ the Woman received two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness, but \&/ at the death of Constantine the great the Dragon cast out of his mouth waters as a flood after the woman to cause her to be carried away of ye flood. but Con For the Empire became divided at that time became divided between the sons of Constantine, his second son Constantius reigning at Constantinople over the east & his other two sons reigning in the west & the survivor of them \reigning over all the west &/ being suceeded by Magnentius in whose reign the earth or eastern Empire opened her mouth & swallowed up the waters \flood/ by a victory over the western Empire whereby the Beast was wounded to death by a sword & ceased to be for a time, both Empires becoming united under Constantius & his successors till the reign of Valentinian & Valens between whom the Empire became again divided & by this division the deadly wound was healed & the Beast revived: {illeg} \Then/ by the death of Valens the Empire became d united again under Gratian the successor of Valentinian for about five months & by the next division wch was between Gratian & Theodosius the Beast rose out of the sea ‡ ‡ After wch the two Empires became fully united no more. Theodosius indeed in the last three months of his reign united \them/ under himself \by conquering Eugemius/ out at the same time they were \continued/ divided between his \two/ sons his elder son Arcadius being created Emperor of the East & his younger son Honorius Emperor of the west before this union, & Theodosius \in his life time leaving Arcadius in the east & sending for Honorius to reign in the west &/ at his death confirming this division by his last will & testament. And from thence forward the Dragon relinquished his ancient western Throne entirely to the Beast the two Empires being united no more. & Theodosius in the end of his reign reunited the Empire under himself for about \three months/ & then \dying/ left it divided between his two sons giving the eastern Empire to his elder son Areadius & the western to his younger son Honorius & from hence forward the Drangon reliquished his ancient \western/ power & throne \intirely/ to the Beast, & the two Empires being united no more. The Dragon \Beast/ revived before he could ascend out of the sea & ascended before the {illeg} Dragon who stood upon the land could give him his power & Throne. These were thre {sic} distinct successive acts & imply three successive divisions of the Empire & can agree to no other then the three last divisions, \thos three/ to wch we have applied them. And now the Beast being revived & risen out of the sea & having received the Dragons ancient power & throne becomes at once divided into ten kingdoms wch are [nine of wch are rent from him & [the tenth is the remainder of his former body.] This came to pass in the year 408 or within three or four years after as we explained above. Before the Beast ascended out of the Abyss they had received no kingdom but by this division received power as kings at the same time with the Beast, who is the eighth \head/ & of the seven. The seventh head \head or dynasty of the Dragon & Beast/ commenced at ye rising of the Beast out of the sea. This dynasty lasted in the eastern Empire till the overthrow of that Empire by the Turks. & in th but in the Western Empire it lasted only \in a monarchical form/ till the division of this Empire into ten kingdoms & then began a new dynasty wch is the eighth & of the seven, & is called the Beast wch was & is not that is, the latter part of the seventh. \that Beast who is called the eighth & of the seven & therefore the reign of his eighth he/ And therefore the Beast received power as a king at ye same time with the horns, that is, the Beast who was & is not & is \called/ the eighth & of the seven. The seventh head or dynasty of the Beast commenced at his rising out of the sea. This dynasty continued till in a monarchical form till the division of this empire into ten kingdoms & then began a new dynasty or head of the Beast wch is called the eighth & of the seven, it being the latter part of ye seventh, & this eighth head is the Beast wch was & is not & wch receives power as a king at the same time wth the \ten/ horns, being a compo kingdom composed of all the ten. united into This eighth head being peculiar to the Beast I apply it rather to this division into ten kingdoms then to any other chance wch was common to him & the Dragon.
A. C. 408, 409 & 410 by wch act the ten horns receive power as kings at the same time wth the Beast that Beast who wch [was & is not &] is the eighth & of the seven or latter part of the seventh head. In the time of prophesy of the eighth leaf of the Book wch began wth the purple reign of the seventh head/ wch kingdoms are the Beast in his last reign wch is called the eighth.
A little before the Woman received two wings of a great Eagle there was war in heaven Michael & his Angels fought against the Dragon & the Dragon fought & his Angels; & prevalied not . . . . . & they loved not their lives unto the death. This \is/ a very plain description of a great conflict between the Roman heathen Empire & {Church} Christain Church \Arm Army of/ of Christ. who For Michael & his Angels are Christ & \his/ army wuch as army as \was accused by the Dragon day & night &/ loved loved not their lives unto ye death & as overcame the Dragon by the blood of the Lamb, \& by the word of their testimony/ that is an army of martyrs & confessors. And therefore this war between Michael & the Dragon was a war great managed on the Dragons part by accusing & persecuting the Christians & putting them to death for their religion & on the Christians part by confessing their & testifying the truth of their religion & & persisting in their confession of th & testimony without fearing to lose their lives for the same And this issue of \by/ this conflict was the Dragon that old serpent called the Devil & Satan, was a that is the heathen Roman Empire in respect of its religion, was cast overcome & \overcome &/ cast out of heaven to the earth, & \was/ succeeded in the throne by a new kingdom called the kingdom of or God. \For the conflict ended with a voice from heaven saying/ Now is come salvation & strength & the KINGDOM of our GOD, for ye accuser of or brethren is cast down. And all this can agree to nothing else then the last of the heathen persecutions that under Dioclesian wch lasted \almost/ two years over all the Roman Empire & ten years together over all the east, & was greater then all the former heathen persecutions taken together & \wch/ ended in the ruin of the heathen Roman Empire & the setting up a Christian Empire in its roome under Constantine the Great. A. C. 312.
The same revolution is predicted also by the woman's being wth child & \who/ cryed , travelling in birth & pained to be delivered & by the Dragon's drawing the third part of the earth stars of heaven wth his tail & casting them to the earth & by his standing before the woman to devour he ready to be delivered that he might devour her child as soon as it was born & by her bringing
The whole scene of sacred Prophesy is considered in the Apocalyps as composed of three principal parts: the regions beyond Euphrates represented by the two first Beasts of Daniel; the Empire of the Greeks on this side Euphrates represented by the Leopard & his heads & by the He Goat in the reign of his last horn; & the Empire of the Latines represented by Daniels fourth Beast. To these three parts the phrases of the third part of the Sun, Moon, Stars, Earth, Seas, Rivers, Trees, & Ships relate The two last of these three parts are sometimes called the earth & sea. For by the earth the Iews understood the great continent of Asia & Afric to wch they had access by land, & those places to wch they had access by sea they called the isles of the sea.
The He Goat in the reign of his last horn when he was mighty but not by his own power is in the Apocalyps represented be called represented by a great red Dragon the old Serpent called the Devil & Satan. For this Satan is there said to have his throne in Pergamus. He continued mighty by the power of the Romans will their Empire became divided between into the Greek & Latine Empires. And then he remained alone in the Greek Empire & gave his Roman \Latin/ throne to the Beast wch then rose out of the sea with ten horns. Before that division of the Empire the Dragon included the nations of the Latines in his mystical body, they being the waters wch he cast out of his mouth as a flood after the woman at the division of the Empire between the sons of Constantine the great. Then the Earth opened her mouth & swallowed up the waters by a reunion of the two Empires at the conquest of Magnentius by Constantius. By that conquest the Beast was wounded to death by a sword. He revived at by a new division at the death of Iovian, & rose out of the sea at the division of the Empire between Gratian & Theodosius, & the Dragon gave him his western throne by & power & great authority by at the death of Theodosius by a division of the Empire between his sons. And then by a further division of the western Empire into ten kingdoms the ten horns received power as kings the same hour with the Beast. Before this division of the Empire the horns were on the Dragons head, but without crowns. By \After/ this division they received power as kings & therefore are crowned only on the head of the Beast. The seven heads are successive as may be gathered from the saying: Five are fallen & one is & another is not yet come, & when he cometh he must continue a short space; And the Beast wch was & is not (being wounded to death with sword in his sixt head) he is the eighth & is of the seven. I take these seven heads to be seven successive reigns of the Roman Empire commencing at the opening of the seven seales. They are all crowned on the Dragon but not on the Beast because six of them reigned before the division of the Roman Empire into the Greek & Latin Empires; & the Greek Empire was the seventh, & the Latin Empire was the eighth & of the seven because contemporary to the seventh as a collateral part thereof.
The Woman who appeared in heaven cloathed with the sun & crowned with twelve stars whose seed keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus, represents the primitive Church of Christ within the whole Roman Empire untill it became divided into the Greek & Latin Empires. Then she fled from the Dragon into the Latin Empire & sat upon the ten-horned Beast, & left the Greek Empire to the \other/ Beast which then rose out of the earth wth two horns like the Lamb & therefore was at that is ecclesiasticall ones, \& is called the fals Prophet/ & in matters of religion it spoke as the Dragon & therefore was his church. And since \it/ rose out of the earth its two horns at its first rise were the Churches of Alexandria & Egypt Antioch. And when the woman fled from the Dragon she left{illeg} he went to make war with the remnant of her seed which kept the commandments of God & had the testimony of Iesus. And from them proceeded the two Witnesses.
In this Prophesy allusion is had to the worship of God in the Temple of Ierusalem in the feast of the seventh month. In descr The first Temple is alluded unto in describing the times of the primitive Church: the second is alluded unto in describing the times wch followed the Babylonian captivity \of that church by the Babylonians who worshipped Mahuzzims/. The first Temple had \an Ark &/ an outward court, the second had none. The first \in the prophesy/ had seven \golden/ cand\le/sticks, the second had only two. The second \first/ Temple {illeg} stands till the opening of the seventh seale, the building of the building of the second is represented by Iohn's measuring the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein (that is, their Courts) & leaving the Court without the Temple unmeasured. And this Temple is afterwards called the Temple of the Tabernacle because the Tabernacle had no outward Court.
In the beginning of the Prophesy in allusion to the High Priest's dressing the lamps in the morning of a festival Christ appeared \walked/ in the habit of the High Priest walking \{close}/ behind the seven gold candles with his right hand behind their lamps, so that they appeared to Iohn as if he walked in in the midst of the candlesticks & held a rod of seven stars in his right hand, & Iohn is there told that the seven stars are the Angels of the seven Churches of Asia, that is their Bishops, & that the seven Candlesticks are the seven Churches. And these Lamps he dresses by directing Iohn to send seven admonitory Epistles to the churches seven Angels of the seven Churches. And since these Candlesticks \with their Lamps/ were in the first Temple, it signifies that the primitive \Church/ was represented & illuminated by the seven Churches of Asia during all the times of the first Temple.
After the Lamps were dressed the celebration of the morning sacrifice is alluded unto in the following manner. Iohn saw a door opened in heaven, the door of the Temple on mount Sion & was called up thither, that is to the eastern gate of the great court to see all things from thence. And a throne was set in heaven, the throne of God upon the Ark between the Cherubims. And one sat on the throne in a glorious appearance with a rainbow about him. And about the Throne appeared twenty four seats, the chambers of the twenty four Princes of the Priests, & upon the seats twenty four Elders sitting in white raiment with crowns of gold on their heads. And by reason of the sacrifices on the altar & the Levites singing at the eastern gate of the Priests court, there seemed to Iohn to proceed out of the throne, lightnings & voices thunderings & voices. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, the lamps newly dressed, wch are the seven spirits of God. And before the throne was a sea of glass like unto crystall, the great bazen sea made originally of the \polished like a/ lookingglasses of the weomen & filled with water clear as crystal. And in the midst of the throne that is before & behind \as it were in the midst of it/, & {illeg} in the circuit of the throne that is on either side, were four Beasts full of eyes before & behind. By the{ir} multitudes of \their/ eyes they represent multitudes of people, the multitudes of the people of Israel f in the four sides of the great Court or Court of the people. And the first Beast was like a Lion & the second Beast like a Calf & the third Beast had the face of a man, & the fourth Beast was like a flying Eagle. For the Iew in these shapes were the four standards of the four squadrons of the children of Israel encamped on the four sides of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. And each of them had six wings, in allusion to the Seraphims about the throne in Isaiah's vision. ch. 6. 2. |And these wings represent the 24 courses of the stationary men who represent \chosen out of/ all Israel.| And they rest not day & night, or at the morning & evening sacrifices, saying Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, wch was & is & is to come. And when those Beasts, (that is the people of Israel represented by them) give glory & honour & thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever & ever; the four & twenty Elders \(going into the holy place)/ fall down before him that sat on the throne & worship him that liveth for ever & ever, & cast their crowns before the throne saying Thou art worthy, ô Lord to receive glory & honour & power: for thou hast created all things & for thy pleasure they are & were created. And this is the worship which the primitive Christians gave to God the father while they continued to worship in the first Temple.
And Iohn saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within & on the backside sealed with seven seales {illeg}: the Book of the law laid up in the right side of the Ark, as it were in the right hand of him that sitteth on the throne; the book of Prophesy wch Daniel was commanded to seale up; the Book of the revelation of Iesus Christ wch God gave unto him. And none was found worthy to open & read the book or look thereon till the Lamb of appeared at the foot of the altar before the midst of the throne & in the midst of the elders four Beasts & of the elders, as it had been slain at the foot of the Alar {sic}, having seven horns & seven eyes wch are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth, & signify the same thing with the seven lamps & seven stars, & the seven horns signify the same thing with the seven Candlesticks. And the Lamb came & took the book out of the right hand of him that sitteth upon the throne And when he had taken the book the four Beasts & four & twenty Elders fell down before the Lamb having every one of them harps & golden vials full of odours wch are the prayers of the saints And they sung a new song saying Thou art worthy to take the Book & to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain & hast redeemed us to god out of every tongue by thy blood out of every kindred & tongue & people & nation; & hast made us unto our God kings & priests & we shall reign on the earth. A{illeg} And Iohn heard the voice of many Angels round about the throne & the Beasts & the Elders, & the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand & thousands & thousands, saying with a loud voice: worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power & riches & wisdome & strength & honour & glory & blessing. And every creature wch is in heaven & on the earth & under the earth \&/ such as are in the sea & all that are in them Iohn heard saying, Blessing & honour & glory & power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne & unto the Lamb for ever & ever; unto the one because he sitteth upon the throne & hath created all things, & unto the other because he is the Lamb of God which was slain & hath redeemed us with his blood. And the four Beasts said Amen. And the four & twenty Elders fell down (in the Holy place) & worshipped him that (cannot be slain but) liveth for ever and ever. And this was the worship of God & Christ practised in the primitive Church
In this Prophesy the festivalls of the seventh month are alluded unto. \✝/ ✝ And the first day \of this month/ was the feast of Trumpets, & in allusion thereunto Iohn was called up to the Temple by the sound of a Trumpet. And Upon the tenth day of this month \usually called the great fast & the day of expiation/ the High Priest read the law of Moses to the people & for this end he studied it seven days together vizt upon the third, fourth, fift, sixt, seventh, eighth, & ninth days: & in allusion to this practice the Lamb opens the seven seals of the book successively. And when he had opened the seventh seal there was silence in the Temple of heaven for half an hour, the people praying silently without in the time of incense Luke 1. 10. And an Angel representing the High Priest, came & stood at a great Altar having a golden Censer to take fire from thence. And there was given him much Incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden Altar wch was before the throne. And the smoke of the Incense with the prayers of the saints ascended up also before God out of the Angels hand, that is, when he went into the most holy place & put incense there on the censer. And after this the Angel took the censer & filled it with coales fire of the Altar & cast it to \upon/ the earth without the sanctuary for burning the Bullock & Goat for the sin offering Levit. 16. 12, 13, 27. And there were voices & thundrings & lightnings & an earthquake \the voices & thundrings/ alluding to the singing of the Levites at the sacrifices, & the lightnings to the flaming of the fire.
The day of Expiation was followed by the feast of the seventh month, wch began on the fifteenth day of the month & was kept seven days together with great sacrifices, at which the Priests sounded their Trumpets & the Levites sang with loud voices & played upon musical instuments {sic}. And in allusion to this, seven Angels sound their trumpets & seven Thunders utter their voices at seven great warrs considered as sacrifices
But it is to be observed that the times between the opening of the seventh seal & the sounding of the seventh Trumpet are described four times. First by \the/ sealing 144000 of of all the Tribes of Israel & by the Palmbearing multitude. Secondly by \the incense &/ the sounding of six of the Trumpets. Thirdly by the seven Thunders uttering their voices & by a declaration that when the seventh \Trumpet/ should begin to sound the mystery of God should be finished. And fourthly by measuring the Temple & Altar & them that dwell therein.
The first beginns with the words: And after these things, (that is after the visions of the first six seals,) I saw four Angels stand on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds that they should not blow on the earth nor on the sea nor on any tree. till the servants of God were sealed in their foreheads And they were commanded that they should not hurt the earth & the sea & the trees till the servants of God were sealed in their foreheads. They were therefore the Angels of the first four Trumpets wch preceded the Wo-trumpets. And this sealing was perfomed when the Angels of the Trumpets upon opening of the seventh seale appeared with their Trumpets & stood ready to sound so soon as the servants of God should be sealed
The sealing of the 144000 out of all the twelve Tribes of Israel & leaving all the rest unsealed signifies the same thing with measuring the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein & leaving out the Court wch is without the rest unsealed Court wch is without the Temple. And therefore these two visions are synchronal & commence at the same time with the opening of the seventh Seal. The Trumpets & Thunders are synchronal because they accompany the same sacrifices.
The measuring of the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein (that is the Court of the Temple & Court of the Altar & Court of them that worship therein called the weomen's Court) & leaving the outward Court unmeasured signifies the building of a new Temple without an outward Court. And therefore the times of the second Temple begin with the opening of the seventh seal. A In this Temple were only two Candlesticks standing before the God of the earth, & these were supplied with oyle by two olive trees & are called the two witnesses. In the first Temple were seven golden Candlesticks representing the seven churches of Asia. & by them the Church catholick Five of these in the Epistles to the seven Churches were found fault with & exhorted to repent. These were laid aside \when the times of the first Temple expired,/ & only the other two were propagated down into the second Temple wch were blameless & in a state of affliction persecution & poverty were propagated down into the second Temple. For the Church wch worshipped in the second Temple was not a new Church but was propagated down from the Church wch worshipped in the first Temple.
After these things the seventh Angel sounded, & the time of the dead came that they should be{illeg} judged. And thus ended the prophesy of the Seales & Trumpets. But as in Daniel every Vision is followed with an Interpretation: so here in Iohn this vision of the seals & Trumpets is followed with an Interpretation & the Interpretation begins with these words.
And the Temple of God was opened in heaven, & there was seen in his Temple the Ark of his Testament. By the Ark you may know that this was the first Temple. In this Temple the actions between the primitive Church represented by a Woman & the heathen Roman Empire represented by a Dragon are described untill the Empire becomes divided, & a ten horned Beast rises out of the Sea to represent the western Empire & a two horned Beast out of the earth to represent the Eastern Church, & all men are killed who will not worship the image of the Beast. This mystical \killing/ puts an end to the times of the first Temple & begins the times of the second. Then all men receive the mark or name of the Beast except the 144000, who are sealed at the same time with the name of God in their foreheads, & then stand \(in the Temple)/ on mount Sion with the Lamb. Then follows the preaching of the Gospel to all nations by the Palm-bearing multitude, & the double fall of Babylon, & the harvest & vintage or first & second resurrection successively.
Then the Prophet returns back to the time of opening the seventh Seal, & sees those that get the victory over the Beast & his Image & mark standing on the sea of glass, that is, the 144000 whoh stood on mount Sion with \the Lamb/ & who were sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel. \☉/☉ These standing at other B in the Court of the weomen & as it were at the eastern gate of the Priests Court appear to Iohn as if they stood on the sea of glass. These are they who worshipped in the second Temple & were measured therein & represented by called the two Candlesticks & the two witnesses. And while these stand on the sea of glass, seven Angels pour out seven Vials of wrath, wch are the seven drink offerings to the seven sacrifices at wch the seven Trumpets sounded & seven thunders uttered their voices. And this was in the Temple of the Tabernacle, or Temple wch wanted an outward Court.
Then the Prophet returns back to the time of the sixt seal when five of the heads of the Beast were fallen & the sixt was, & describes the reign of these Beast Woman upon her Beast untill the double fall of Babylon; & then goes on to the resurrection of the just called the first resurrection & represented before by the harvest, & farther unto the general resurrection represented before by the vintage, & unto the reign of the saints in the New Ierusalem.
Chap. 1.
Of the kingdoms \& Churches/ represented in the Apocalyps.
|1.| The whole scene of Sacred Prophesy is considered in the Apocalyps as composed of three principal parts; the Empire of the Latines represented by the Beast wth ten horns, the Empire of the Greeks on this side of the Euphrates represented by the Leopard, He Goat & great red Dragon, & the regions beyond Euphrates represented by the two first Beasts of Daniel; the Empire of the Greeks on this side of Euphrates represented by the Leopard, \& by the/ He Goat & great red Dragon \by the in the reign of his last horn/; & the Empire of the Latines represented by the Beast wth ten horns. To these three parts the phrases of the third part of the sun, Moon, stars, earth, seas, rivers, trees & ships relate. |The second & third are in this Prophesy represented by the Earth & Sea. For by the Earth the Iews understood the great continent of Asia & Afric to wch they had access by land & called those places the isles of the sea by \to wch they had/ access by sea & particularly Europe the isles of the sea.|
Afric to wch they had access by land, & by the Isles of the sea they understood those \the places/ to wch they sailed by sea & particularly the all Europe. And hence in this prophesy the Earth & Sea are put for the nations of the Greek & Latine Empires.
2 By the earth the Iews understood the great continent of Asia &|3.| The Dragon \in his last horn/ reigned alone untill the Beast rose out of the seas. This signifys the \a/ division of the whole Roman Empire \Roman Empire/ \became divided/ into the Greek & Latine Empires. Before that division the Dragon included the nations of the Latines in his mystical body, they being the waters wch he cast out of his mouth as a flood after the woman. Then \the/ earth opened her mouth & swallowed up the waters by a reunion of the two Empires at the conquest of Magnentius by Constantius. By that conquest the Beast was wounded to death by a sword. He revived by a new division at the death of Iovian & rose out of the sea at the death of division of the Empire between Gratian & Theodosius & the Dragon gave him his western throne & power & great authority at the death of Theodosius by the division of the empire between his sons. And then by a \further/ division of the western empire into ten kingdoms the ten horns received power as kings the same hou{illeg}r with the Beast. Before this division of the Empire the horns were on the Dragons head but without crowns. Presently after the division they received power as kings & therefore are crowned only on the last head of the Beast. The seven heads are successive as may ‡ ‡ may be gathered from the saying: Five are fallen & one is & another is not yet cometh & when he cometh he must continue a short space & the Beast wch was & is not [being wounded to death with a sword in his sixt head] he is the eighth & is of the seven. I take these seven heads to be seven successive reigns of the Roman Empire commencing at the opening of the seven seals. They are all crowned on the Dragon but not on the Beast because six of them reigned before the division of the Latin Roman Empire into the Greek & Latin Empires, & the seventh was the Greek Empire \was the seventh/ & the Latin Empire was the eighth, & of the seven because contemporary to the seventh as a collateral part thereof. 4 The woma When the Temple of God was opened in heaven & there was seen in his Temple the Ark of his testament, this is to be understood of the first Temple, for the second Temple had no Ark.
4 The Woman \wch appeared in the Temple/ in heaven cloathed with the sun & crowned with twelve starrs whose seed keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus represents the primitive Church of Christ \during the times of ye first Temple/. When she \had/ brought forth a man-child or Christian Empire, she fled \from this Temple/ into the wilderness, & the heathen Dragon was cast out into the earth by Michael \the army of Michael & came down fro' the throne to the inhabitants of the earth & sea or common people of both Empires/ & persecuted the Woman & by the division of the Roman Empire two wings of a great Eagle were given to her that she might fly into the wilderness unto her place. at Babylon where she is \For as \upon the destruction of the first Temple/ the captivated Iews f went through the wilderness of Arabia to Babylon. The great city seated upon the many waters of Euphrates: so the women fled \from the first Temple of Christ/ into the spiritually barren wilderness to her place in the great city seated upon many waters, where she is/ nourished a time times & half a time from the face of the serpent. |And the waters where the woman sitteth are peoples & multitudes & nations & tongues, the inhabitants of the sea over which the city reigneth. And the Dragon cast out of his mouth ye western| And the Dragon cast out of his mouth the western Empire as a flood after her to cause her to be carried away of by the flood into the west. And the earth or Greek Empire opened her mouth & swallows up the flood by conquest. And the Dragon went from the woman to make war with the remnant of her seed. And gave his western throne to the Beast wch then rose out of the sea wth ten horns. And the woman sat upon the Beast & reigned ove him he with an inscription on her forehead: Babylon the great the mother of harlots & abominations of the earth. For she is the great city seated upon the seven & \hills the city/ wch reigned over the kings of the earth. ‖ And when the woman fled into the west, she was succeeded in the east by the Beast wch rose out of the earth & had two horns like those of the Lamb in form of government & spoke as the Dragon \in matters of religion/ being his Church. [And the remnant of the Womans seed who kept the commandments of God & had the testimony of Iesus became the two witnesses, & at length put on sackcloth.] The seven horns of the Lamb answer to the seven Churches of Asia, & the two horns of this Beast to the Churches of Alexandria & Antioch, before Con Constantinople \not/ being made a Patriarchal seat till after this Beast rose up. ‖ And the remnant of the woman's seed who kept the commandments of God & had the testimony of Iesus became the two witnesses & at length put on sackcloth while the Woman was arrayed in purple & scarlet & adorned wth gemms. She reigned \in purple/ over the \ten/ kings, of they mourned in poor apparrel among the common people. These are In allusion to the two Olive trees which in ye visions of Zechary supplied the Lamps in the second Temple wth oyle these \are/ called the two Olive trees. They are those that dwell in the second Temple & were measured therein. They are the 144000 who were sealed wth the seale of God on their foreheads they are the 144000 who stood on mount Sion with the name of God in their foreheads they are those who get the victory over the Beast & over his Image & over his mark & stand on the sea of glass & s having the harps of God, & they sing the song of Moses for their escape out of the great city wch spiritually is called Sodom & Egypt, & the song wch the Lamb sang with the 144000 on mount Zion.
3 As in the Prophesies of Daniel, to every vision is added an interpretation, so to the vision of the seales & Trumpets is added an Interpretation. & this The Vision ends with the sounding of the seventh Trumpet & the time of the dead that they should be judged, & the Interpretation beginns with the words And the Temple of God was opened in heaven & there was seen in his Temple the Ark of his Testament, & continues to teh end of the Prophesy.
4. The whole time of the prophesy is distinguished into two parts, the first part is of the primitive Church in the first Temple during the opening of the seales, the second part is of the remnant of her seed in the second Temple during the sounding of the Trumpets. The two Temples are distinguished from one another by the Ark & by the outward Court. For the second Temple had no outward Arc nor outward Court. \In the Vision/ When Iohn saw a door opened in heaven & being called up saw through the door a throne set in heaven & one sitting thereon \& seven lamps & a sea of o/: this throne is the Arc & therefore the door was in first Temple. And when he was commanded to measure the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein (that is, their courts.) & to leave out the Court wch is without the Temple \or outward Court of the first Temple/ this relates to the building o times of the second Temple after the first is thrown down. And in the Interpretation when Iohn saw a door opened in heaven the Temple of God was opened in heaven & there was seen in his Temple the ARk of his testament: this relates to the times of \was/ the first Temple because the second had no Ark. & when the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in heaven was opened, this was the second Temple because the Tabernacle had no outward court.
5 When \the door of/ the first Temple or Temple of the primitive Church was first opened, the worship of that Church is thus described. Behold a throne was set in heaven, & one sat thereon with a rainbow about him, head & round the throne – – – – same in both cases.
6 And I saw saith Iohn in the right hand – – – & redeemed us wth his blood.
2 Before the Prophesy of the seales & Trumpets commences, {illeg} when \that part of/ the primitive Church \wch was governed by Iohn &/ represented by the seven Churches of Asia left their first love & began to decay \in piety/ & grow cold, Christ admonishes them by seven Epistles sent to their Angels or Bishops with respect to seven successive states or conditions wch they went through untill for want of repentance he spewed them out of his mouth. For every Epistle is {illeg} an admonition to all the seven Churches of Asia as may be understood by the words at the end of it: He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the Churches. The first Epistle relates to the time when – – – – spewed them out of his mouth.
1 The whole scene – – – Europe the Isles of the sea.
7 Upon the tenth day – – – reading of the law.
8 Upon the fifteenth day — contemporary to one another.
9 The Dragon reigned reigned alone – – as a collateral part thereof.
10 The woman wch \upon opening the first Temple/ appeared in heaven in the first Tem cloathed with the sun & crowned wth 12 starrs whose seed keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus, represents the primitive Church of Christ within the whole Roman Empire reprented {sic} by the Dragon untill she flyes from the face of the serpent \Dragon/ & he goes from her to make war wth the remnant of her seed. At that time th by the division of the Roman Empire into the Greek & Latin Empires, the Dragon Woman flys \from him/ into the Latin Empire & the Dragon retires \goes from her/ into the Empire of the Greeks & gives his western throne to the Beast wch then rises out of the sea or isles of the sea. And at the same time anothe {sic} Beast rises out of the earth or nations of the Greek Empire with two horns like the horns of the Lamb or two original Churches like ye seven Churches of Asia in outward appearance or form of government. These I take to be the churches of Alexandria & Antioch, that of the Constantinople bei not being made a Patriarchal till after the rise of this Beast. And this Beast spoke as the Dragon, that is in matters of religion & so became \was/ his Church while the Woman sat upon the ten-horned Beast as his Church. |For the two horned Beast is called a fals Prophet & so was of an Ecclesiastical kind.| And thus the Roman Empire became divided into two Empires each with represented by the Dragon & \the/ Beast with ten horns, each with his own Church represented by the two horned Beast & woman. And while the Dragon made war with the remnant of her seed which kept the commandments of God, the two horned Beast causeth them that dwell on the earth & that or nations of the Greek Empire to worship the first Beast, that is to receive his religion, & that that all they should erect an Image or Council to set it up, & all both small & great {illeg} rich & poor free & bond should receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead. And that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or name \of the Beast or the/ number of his name, all the rest being excommunicated. And while this is doing the rest to the number of 144000 receive the name of God in their foreheads & then stand on mount Sion with the Lamb. Thus the first Temple is thrown down \by excommunicating the worshippers/ & a second Temple is built for the worship of the 144000. And this was done at the opening of the seventh seal.
These that in this conflict get the victory over the Beast & over his Image & over his mark & over the number of his name, appear again stand on the sea of glass just before the having the harps of God & they sing the song of Moses for their dliverance from the bondage of the great city wch spiritually is called Sodom & Egypt & the song of Lamb wth ye 144000 on mount Sion. And this is done just before the pouring out of the seven Vials of wrath, & by consequence just before the sounding of the seven Trumpets. And therefore these Victors are the very same with the 144000 sealed in their foreheads & after the opening of the sixt seal & before the hurting of the earth & sea \& trees/ at the sounding of the two first Trumpets. This sealing & numbring signifyes the same thing with the measuring of the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein, that is, their Courts. And this measuring signifies the building of a second Temple. And they that worship therein are the two Witnesses, repr for in allusion to Zacharys vision of a Candlestick wth seven lamps \in the second Temple/ & two olive trees supplying it wth oyle: these Witnesses are called = two Candlesticks that is Churches & (Apoc. 1. 20) & two Olive trees, (that is also Churches Rom. 11. 17, 24) The two Witnesses are therefore the Churches wch worship in the second temple, the 144000 who were sealede out of the twelve Tribes of Israel, & stand on mount Zion with the Lamb & on the sea of glass in the second Temple built on mount Zion: \There are/ those that were sealed out of the remnant of the womans seed who kept th when the Dragon made war upon them & the two-horned Beast caused all to be killed who would not worship the ten horned Beast & his image & thereby put an end to the first Temple.
In the first Temple there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne
An Account of the Empires & Churches represented by Iohn, & of the Scene & synchronizing parts of his Prophesy
No. 56.
Sect. III.
Of the division of the Empire & Church into two Empires & two Churches.
When the Temple was opened in heaven for Iohn to see the visions in it, he saw there the Ark of the Testament & the child-bearing woman & the Dragon standing by her, & how her child was caught up to the throne of God above the Ark, & the Dragon was cast out of this Temple of heaven by Michael into the outward court or court of the people, wch people are here called the inhabitants of the earth & sea, & how the Woman fled from this Temple through the wilderness of Arabia to serve other Gods wood & stone, & became \seated in/ the great city Babylon which reigneth over the kings of the earth, & left a remnant of her seed with the Dragon in the outward court of the Temple. There he saw the two Beasts rise out of the sea & earth & the second Beast deify the first & cause me to erect an Image to him & to worship the Image. There the Dragon by the dictates of the speaking Image (before he gave his throne to the Beast) made war upon the remnant of the Womans seed & mystically killed at that would not worship the Image: & there all men received the mark or name of the Beast or number of his name except the 144000 who were sealed with the name of God & being forbid to buy & sell & by consequence interdicted society by excommunication, retire from the multitude in the outward court of the Temple, & stand on mount Sion with the Lamb singing a new song before the throne & the four beasts & the Elders & by consequence in the eastern bor inner Court & at the eastern border of that court ca therefore called the court of Israel. For there the singing used to be performed. And when the Dragon had expelled those that would not worship the Image of the Beast in the outward Court he there gave the Beast his power & his throne & great authority. And all the world wondred after the Beast, & power was given him over all kindreds & tongues & nations & all that dwell upon the earth worship him [& his image] whose names are not written in the book of life
In the beginning of the visions in the Temple wch was opened in heaven the Ark was seen in it & therefore it was the Tabernacle or first Temple or temple of the tabernacle as it is afterwards called. & \Now/ they that worshipped in the tabernacle & first temple were the twelve tribes of Israel, & the Woman wch appeared in this temple had upon her head a crown of twelve stars to represent these tribes, & out of all these tribes the 144000 were sealed numbered & sealed, & twelve tribes being all Israel represent the Church catholick, & this Church inhabited the earth & sea because the Angel wch had the seal of God cryed wth a loud voice saying: Hurt not the earth & sea till we have sealed the servants of or God in their foreheads. These \tribes/ are the inhabiters of the earth & sea to whom the Dragon \came/ down from his heathen throne with great wrath; \the earth & sea upon which the son of man stood with the little book open in his hand,/ the earth out of wch the two-horned Beast arose & the sea out of wch the ten-horned Beast arose, the first with horns like the Lamb, the second subject to the woman. For thē earth & sea & with their inhabitants are the subject of this prophesy. / The Church catholick therefore by the sealing of the 144000 out of the twelve tribes suffers a great alteration & becomes divided into two parties. The multitude receive the mark of the or name of the Beast or number of his name & the 144000 continue in the outward court of the Temple where they used to worship, & there worship the Beast & his image \& receive his mark/; & the 144000 are sealed with the name of God & being excommunicated by the multitude retire into the court \of Israel/ in the eastern border of the Priests court. \The Beast was slain with a sword & revived before he rose out of the sea wth the wound \healed/ in one of his heads wch was healed. And/ To worship the Beast & his Image is to deify him after his death & resurrection, & to receive his mark or name or the number of his name is to be initiated in this his worship \as the heathens were initiated in the worship of their Gods before by {illeg} being marked in the arm or ne{ct} with \the/ mark or name or number of the name of those Gods./ And seeing because those that are initiated were of the twelve tribes of Israel, by this initiation they become \fall away & separate from the worship of God & \depart from the/ communion of his worshippers & are initiated in the worshp {sic} of the B. & his Im. &c./ the synagogue of Satan who say they are Iews & are not \& in the worship of the Beast & his image/. And in like manner to be sealed with the name of God & Christ in their forehead is to be initiated \or at least confirmed/ in the Church of God & Christ \in a state of separation from those that receive ye mark of the Beast./. By the apostasy of the twelve Tribes to the worship of the Beast & his Image \&/ the first \& killing all those that would not worship the Image, the {mystical} polity \mysticall body/ of the/ primitive Church of Christ was dissolved & by the sealing of the 144000 with the name of God \& Christ/ in their foreheads an new Church or a church in a new form was instituted, & this is represented by measuring the second Temple & the Altar & them [the 144000] that worship therein & by changing the form of the Candlesticks, & by the dedication Lamb's chaning his shape & into that of the High Priest & coming down from heaven wth the book open in his hand & standing upon the earth & sea, & by the dedication of a new temple signified by the smoke wth wch the temple \of the Tabernacle/ was filled from the glory of God, & by the Womans flying from the Temple into the Wilderness & being succeeded \in the Temple/ by the two Witnesses, \& in St Pauls Epistles by the revelation of the Man of Sin/. Before the sealing of the twelve Tribes the Church catholick \including the Woman/ was represented by one golden candletick wth seven branches called the seven golden candlesticks, but upon that sealing the Candlestick is \ceases to represent the Woman & is therefore/ changed & two candlesticks come in the of olive tree are of olive tree are put to represent the 144000 \along/. For then the Empire becomes divided into two Empires represented by the Dragon & Beast, & the Church becomes divided accordingly into two churches seated in the two empires & is thenceforward represented by two candlesticks & called two witnesses or martyrs as above. For when the Image spoke as an Oracle & caused all that would not worship it to be killed, then the 144000 were killed; not litterally, but by dissolving their bodies ecclesiastick, abrogating their outward form of government \taking away their daily worship,/ & expelling them the outward court of the temple: by excomm & being killed for not worshipping the Image, they became the \in a particular manner the/ \two/ martyrs or Witnesses of Iesus. The two wings of a great Eagle wch were given to the Woman are the Greek & Latin churches, & these Churches are the twelve tribes of Israel. When the two Beasts arose, one out of the earth \sea/, the other out of the earth, then did these churches receive the mark of the Beast, except the 144000, who being the remnant of the two wings of the woman are \still/ considered as two churches & accordingly represented by two candlesticks & for their sufferings & testimony against \the Dragon &/ the worshippers of the Beast are called \the/ two witnesses & the multitude of \those signified by/ the two wings, by apostatizing \& committing fornication wth the Whore/ & receiving the mark of the Beast become two fals churches represented by the whore of Babylon & the two horned Beast, & these are the churches of the two Empires represented by the first Beast & the Dragon. For when the first Beast rises out of the sea, the Empire becomes divided between him & the Dragon, & the Church becomes divided into the Churches of the two Empires, the worshippers of the Beast into two fals Churches, & the worshippers of God into two true ones. For all kingdoms have their Churches.
The Temple being the scene of the visions, I conceive that it remains the of the tabernacle or first temple or those of the second, for representing the various states of the Church, the things wch appear in the temple are only changed. The Ark being the throne of God remains the same unless perhaps in representing the second Temple wch wanted it. The four Beasts representing the Church catholick in all conditions, remains the same. In allusion to the Babylonian captivity, to signify the like captivity of the Christian Church the form of the Candlesticks is changed & the eastern border of the Priests court is made the court of Israel, & the Woman flyes into the wilderness & becomes \seated in/ the great city Babylon which reigns over the kings of the earth, & the Babylonian gentiles captivate the people of God invade the outward court of the Temple, place the abomination of desolation & tread under foot the holy city & sanctuary; & the people of God being forbidden to buy & sell by those who say they are Iews & are not, that is, being excommunicated by the synagogue of Satan & expelled their society, retire into the court of Israel in the eastern border of the Priests court & there sing a new song standing as it were on the sea of glass, or on the vessel made of looking-glasses & on the water therein, that is, on the earth & sea. For this was the earth & sea on upon wch the son of man stood in the form of an Angel wth the book open in his hand, & they that stand thereon as it were in flames of fire are the mystical body of the Son of man who stands thereon with his leggs like pillars of fire burning as it were in a furnace, & his leggs by standing on this earth & sea denote the two churches called the two Witnesses. To signify a new state of the Church they sing a new song at the{illeg} dedication of the Temple a new Temple. For their song on mount Sion is called a new one. \Singing is prophesying & therefore they are Prophets./. And while they stand singing on the sea of glass seven Angels appear in the Temple with the seven last plagues, & upon their coming out of the Temple, one of the four Beasts gives them seven Vials of wrath for the drink offerings of the sacrifices, & the Temple is filled with smoke from the glory of God so that no man was able to enter into the Temple \as at the dedication of the Tabernacle & Temple of Solomon/. The four Beasts joyntly & severally represent ye Church of God, & so do the two Candlesticks; & the seven Angels are the Angels of the seven Churches & are represented by the seven lamps. And while the seven Angels have the seven last plagues & one of the four Beasts gives them seven Vials of wrath, it signifies that the two Witnesses have power by the hand of the seven Angels to smite the earth with all plauges as often as they will. For the seven last plagues are the plagues last mentioned in the prophesy & those are the plagues with wch the two Witnesses had power to smite the earth.
same from the beginning to the end; & that in allusion to ye timesDacia being conquered by Trajan became a part of the Roman Empire, & the Church of Dacia was subordinate to the Greek Church & sometimes sent her bishop to the Councils of the Greeks. Dacia was also mixed with many Greeks carried captive from Thrace & Asia {illeg}|m|inor in the reign of Gallienus & afterwards & many fled thither from the Greek Empire in time of persecution the tenth persecution, & from this country came the Goths & Vandals who invaded the western Empire, & \with their associates/ seating themselves in both Illyricum's, Noricum, Gallia, Spain, Italy & Afric, made a mixture of the two witnesses in those countries.
Whether the Beast \with his worshippers/ at the end of the 1260 days, shall make war upon the Witnesses & kill them in both Empires or only in the Western Empire time will discover.
Sect. IV.
A further account of the division of the Roman Empire.
Iohn tells us that before the Beast ascended out of the abyss five of the kings represented by his heads, were fallen & the sixt was then in being. For before he ascended he was latent in the Dragons mystical body & therefore partakes of all his heads. For he was the water wch the Dragon cast out of his mouth as a flood after the Woman to cause her to be carried away of the flood. For waters are peoples & nations & multitudes & tongues, & an aggregate of waters as a stream a river a flood or a sea, is an aggregate of men, a body politick or ecclesiastick, a kingdom or a church. The waters wch Christ spewed out of his mouth signify a body ecclesiastick (the Church of Laodicea) first united to Christs mystical body as a part thereof & afterwards in a state of separation or schism: & in like manner the waters wch the Dragon casts out of his mouth must signify a body politick first united to the Dragons body as a part thereof & afterwards divided from it. And the western Empire hath a particular relation to the watry element. For the Beast rises out of the sea & the Woman sitts upon many waters: which waters signify the peoples nations multitudes & tongues over whom the Woman reigneth & which compose the horns & body of the Beast on whom she sitteth. Her floating upon the flood & sitting upon many waters & upon the Beast are types of one & the same signification & represent her reigning over the flood in her way into the wilderness & over the many waters & the Beast in the wilderness. She fled from the Dragon westward to reign at Rome the great city Babylon the {seven} city upon seven hills, & therefore the flood wch the Dragon cast out of his mouth after her is a western kingdom. &
And \as/ the flowing of the flood out of the Dragons mouth signifies a division of the Empire into two Empires one of wch during the division is represented by the Dragon & the other by the flood so the flying of the Woman from the remnant of her seed signifies the division of the {illeg} Church into two Churches one of which is the Woman the other the remnant of her seed. When she received two wings of a great Eagle she became distinguished into two Churches in communion with one another. Upon these wings she fled into a spiritually barren kingdom represented by the Wilderness. When she began to fly, the Dragon cast out water as a flood after her that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood, that is, that by the division of the Empire he might promote the division of the Church & cause the Woman to separate from ye remnant of her seed. The earth helps her & prevents the separation for a time by swallowing up the flood, but at length she separates & escapes into the barren wilderness, & the Dragon goes to make war with the remnant of her seed who keeps the commandments of God. And henceforward none are permitted to buy & sell, that is to be in communion with her & the Dragon & two Beasts but those that are initiated in their religion by receiving the mark or name of the Beast or the number of his name. The Dragon
[9]same from the beginning to the end; & that in allusion to the times of of the tabernacle or first temple or those of the second, for representing the various states of the Church, the things wch appear in the temple are only changed. The Ark being the throne of God remains the same, unless perhaps in representing the second Temple wch wanted it. The four Beasts representing the Church catholick in all conditions remain the same. In allusion to the Babylonian captivity to signify the like captivity of the Christian Church, the form of the candlestick is changed & the eastern border of the Priests court is made the court of Israel, & the Woman flyes into the Wilderness & becomes the great city Babylon wch reigns over the kings of the earth & the Babylonian gentiles captivate the people of God, invade the outward court of the Temple place the abomination of desolation & tread under foot the holy city & sanctuary; & the people of God being forbidden to buy & sell by those who say they are Iews & are not, that is, being excommunicated by the synagogue of Satan & expelled their society, retire into the court of Israel in the eastern border of the Priests court & there sing a new song, standing as it were on the sea of glass or on the vessel of glass & the water therein, that is, on the earth & sea. For this was the earth & sea upon wch the son of man stood in the form of an Angel wth the book open in his hand, And these & they that stand thereon as it were in flames of fire signify one & are the mystical body of the son of man who stands thereon with his leggs like pillars of fire burning as it were in a furnace, & \his leggs/ by standing on this earth & sea denote the two churches called the two witnesses. To signify a new state of the Church they sing a new song at the dedication of a new Temple. For their song on mount Sion is called a new one, & while they stand singing on the sea of glass, seven Angels appear in the temple wth the seven last plagues, & upon their coming out of the Temple one of the four Beasts gives them seven Vials of wrath & the Temple for the drink offerings of the sacrifices, & the Temple is filled with smoke from the glory of God so that no man was able to enter into the Temple. The four Beasts joyntly & severally represent the Church catholick of God, & so do the two candlesticks, & the seven Angels are the Angells of the churches, & are represented by the seven lamps. And while the seven Angels have the seven last plagues & one of the four Beasts gives them seven vials of wrath, it signifies that the two Witnesses have power by the hand of the seven Angels to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will. For the seven last plagues are the plagues last mentioned in they prophesy, & those are the plagues with wch the two Witnesses had power to smite the earth.
The Beast is sometimes taken in a large sense so as to include all his worshippers, as where its said that power was given him over all kindreds & tongues & nations & that all that dwell on ye earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life. The Dragon gave him his throne power & And \as/ the ten kings give their power to the Beast so the Dragon gave him his power & throne & by doing so became one of his horns. And in this sense he make war in both the earth & sea.
Dacia being conquered by Trajan became a part of the Roman empire, & the Church of Dacia was subordinate to the Greek Church & sometimes sent her bishop to the Councils of the Greeks. Dacia was also mixed with many Greeks carried captive from Thrace & Asia minor in the reign of Gallianus & afterwards, & many fled thither from the Greek Empire in the time of the tenth persecution. And from the country came the Goths and Vandals who invaded the western Empire & seating themselves in Pannonia Gallia Spain Italy & Afric made a mixture of the two witnesses in those countries.
Whether the Beast at the end of the 1260 days shall make war upon the Witnesses & kill them in both Empires or only in the Western time will discover.
& called the two witnesses. These Witnesses were in being before being included in the womans two wings but \&/ began not to be represented apart before the multitude separated from them. While they are in communion with the multitude the whole is represented by the seven \golden/ Candlesticks & by the Woman in heaven & by the mystical body of the Lamb wth seven horns. And But when Lamb has opened all the seals \& is sacrificed in his mystical body by killing all those that would not worship the image of the Beast./ & the Woman flyes into the Wilderness & the Church of Laodicea is spewed out of Christs mouth & the Candlesticks of Ephesus is one wth the rest are removed out of their places: the Church in this new state is represented in \a/ new manner & \{illeg}/ the Lamb changes his shape into that of the Son of Man {illeg} with two flaming eyes & two burning leggs standing on the earth & sea wth the book open in his hand. T And in allusion to the Babylonian captivity the destruction of the first Temple & \the measuring of the Temple \by {Ezra}/ & the building of the second Temple/ the Woman flies to Babylon the seven Candlesticks are removed out of their place \the Temple is measured/ & are \the/ two Candlesticks of olive trees succeed these \seven/ as in the second Temple Zech 5. [And in allusion to the sufferings of the Church in Egyp {sic} \the birth of Moses/ & her flight into Egypt \the Wilderness/ & the erecting at the dedicating \& dedicating/ a Tabernacle for her worship, \& dedicating it with {sights}/ she is represented in persecuted by the Egyptian Dragon & brings forth a Manchild who was to rule wth a rod of iron & flyes into the Wilderness [& sings the song of Moses upon the seas of glass & the Temple of the Tabernacle is dedicated \& filled/ wth smoke from the glory of God. And] & commits fornication] And in allusion to the dedication of the Tabernacle of Moses & Temple of Solomon the Temple of the Tabernacle is dedicated & filled with great sacrifices & filled wth smoke from the glory of God. By these allusions a new state of the Church is represented & this state {illeg} represented by commences wth the opening of the seventh \last/ seal, & sounding of the Trumpet &
Sect. IV.
A further account of the division of the Roman Empire.
Iohn tells us that before the Beast d ascended out of the abyss, five of the kings represented by his heads were fallen & the sixt was then in being. For before he ascended he was latent in the Dragons mystical body & therefore partakes of all his heads. For he was the water which the Dragon cast out of his mouth as a flood after the Woman to cause her to be carried away of the flood. For waters are peoples & nations & multitudes & tongues, & an aggregate of waters, as \a stream/ a river, a flood, or a sea, is \‡ an aggregate of men / ‡is \an aggregate of men/ a body politick or ecclesiastick a kingdom or a church. The waters wch Christ spewed out of his mouth signify a body ecclesiastick (the Church of Laodicea) first united to Christs mystical body as a part thereof & afterwards in a state of separation or schism: & in like manner the waters wch the Dragon casts out of his mouth must signify a body politick first united to the Dragons body as a part thereof & afterwards divided from it. And the western Empire hath a particular relation to the watry element; \For/ the beast risesg out of the sea & the woman sittsng upo many waters, which waters signify the peoples nations multitudes & tongues over whom the woman reigneth, & wch compose the body & horns of the Beast on wch she sitteth. Her floating upon the flood & sitting upon many waters & upon the Beast are types of one & the same signification & represent her reigning over the flood in her way into the wilderness & over the many waters & the Beast in the wilderness. She fled \from the Dragon/ westward to reign at Rome the seven hilled city the great city Babylon wch reigned {over th} & therefore the flood wch the Dragon cast out of his mouth after her is a western kingdom & the remaining body of the Dragon is an eastern. And as the flowing of the flood out of the Dragons mouth signifies a division of the Empire into two Empires one of wch during the division is represented by the Dragon & the other by the flood, so the flying of the woman from the remnant of her seed signifies the division of the Church into two Churches one of wch is the Woman the other the remnant of her seend. Before the division the Dragon represents the whole Empire & the Woman the whole church, by the division the Dragon is restrained to signify the eastern part of the Empire & \the Woman/ the western part of the church When she receives two wings of a great Eagle she becomes distinguished into two churches in communion with one another. Upon these wings she flies into a state of spiritually barrenness \kingdom/ represented by the wilderness. When she begins to fly the Dragon casts out water as a flood after her that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood, that is, that by the division of the Empire he might promote the division of the Church & cause the Woman to separate from the remnant of her seed. The Earth helps her & prevents the separation for a time by swallowing up the waters: but at length she \separates &/ escapes into the wilderness & ye schism & leaves the remnant of her seed behind her by breach of communion. She flies from the Dragon to sit upon the Beast in the wilderness, & therefore when she separates from the remnant of her seed she quits the Dragons kingdom & at the same time the Dragon goes from her to make war with the remnant of her seed & therefore she leaves them in his kingdom. These keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus under the persecuting Dragon while she flies into a state of spiritual barrenness & becomes the Whore of Babylon, \& makes her seat drunken with the blood of the martyrs of Iesus/, & therefore in flying she separates from their communion & ceases to be the church of God. As the flood by being cast out of the Dragon's \mouth/ ceased to be a part of his mystical body \body politi/ & the Church of Laodicea by being spewed out of Christs mouth ceased to be a part of Christs mystical body in the Church of Laodicea a Woman by flying & separating from those who keep the commandments of God cease to be a part of this church of the remnant of her seed & by separation escapes into the wildnerness is spewed out of Christs mouth. & goes into the wilderness to live deliciously with the kings of the earth & persecute the saints For those of her communion worship the Beast & his Image & receive his mark are drunken with the wine of her fornication & \are/ initiated by receiving in her religion by receiving the mark or name of the Beast. or number of his name And the Dragon in making war upon the remnant of her seed causeth all to be \mystically/ killed that will not worship the Image of the Beast, & the other Beast wth two horns causeth all to receive a mark & that no man may buy or sell save he that hath the mark or name of the Beast or the number of his name: that is, he excommunicates all those who will not forsake the communion of the remnant of the womans seed & \who worship God, & by a new initiation/ enter into the communion of those that worship who worship the Beast & his Image. And at the end of this persecution there stand an hundred & forty four thousand \wth the Lamb/ on mount Sion sealed unto wth the seal of God out of all the twelve tribes of Israel, the rest having received the mark of the Beast. These are \Gods true Witnesses: for they have the testimony of Iesus & in their mouth there was found no lye. The/ Dragon persecutes first the Woman & then the remnant of her seed, & they that persevere in these persecutions are said to keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus & to receive the name of God in their foreheads, & in relation to their testimony \& veracity/ & to the two Wings of the Woman from whom they are derived \whose ofspring they are they/ are henceforward called the two witnesses of Iesus Christ. a body politick or kingdom \or ecclesiastick, a kingdom or a Church/, & the western Empire hath a particular relation to the watry element, the Beast rising out of the sea & the woman sitting upon many waters. As the Woman was flying westward he cast his flood after her, & therefore the flood is a western kingdom. She fled into the wilderness by a division of the Empire, & the Dragon cast this flood out of his mouth after her to cause her to be carried away by it, & therefore the casting of this flood out of his mouth after her signifies the division of the Empire by \into two parts by one of/ wch she was to be carried away from the other
The occasion of this division was the building of Constantinople by Constantine the great A. C. 330, & endowing it wth a Senate & privileges like those at Rome, & making it the Metropolis of all the eastern part of the Empire, as Rome had hitherto been of all the Empire, & was henceforward of all the western part thereof. By this division of the Empire between two imperial cities, the Woman received two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness, & at the death of Constantine the great A. C. 337 the Dragon cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the Woman to cause her to be carried away of the flood. For the Empire at that time became divided between the sons of Constantine, his second son Constantius reigning over the east, & his other two sons Constantine & Constans reigning in the west. But Constantine was quickly slain & then his Brother Constans reigned over all the west, making Rome his imperial seat as Constantinople was the imperial seat of Constantius. And this division of the Empire tended to make the like division of the Church. For the Bishop of Rome began now to claim the universal Bishopric & his claim was submitted unto by the western Churches & supported by the western Empire against the eastern Churches & almomst made a schism between them. For in the year 341 this Bishop began to receive appeals from the Councils of the Greek church & proudly summoned the bishops of that Church to appear before him in a Council at Rome but was stoutly opposed & reprimanded by those bishops for his ambition. Then by the favour of the western Emperor Constans he prevailed to have a Council summoned by Imperial authority out of both Empires to meet at Serdica in the year 347. About eighty eastern Bishops came to Serdica but finding that matters were prejudged by the western Bishops in favour of the pretended authority of the Bishop of Rome they went back & the remaining part of the Council composed of western & Egyptian decreed appeals from all the Churches to the Bishop of Rome, & thereby gave him the supremacy over all the west. For the western churches submitted to that decree. And these proceedings almost made a schism between the two Churches of the two Empires the people of the western Churches beginning now to avoid the communion of the eastern but those of the eastern not yet avoiding the communion of the western. And this tendency to a schism is represented by the endeavour of the flood to carry away the Woman, & her new dominion in the west \is represented/ by her floting upon the waters. This did the Woman soon after she had received two wings of a great Eagle begin to fly into the wilderness. For the western churches headed by the Pope \Church of Rome/ are the woman \reigning/ in the wilderness.
But the force of the flood to carry away the woman are \was/ but of short continuance. For Magnentius slew Constans and succeeded him in the west A. C. 350 & within a year or two was conquered by Constantius. And by that victory of Constantius over Magnentius the eastern Empire over the western the earth or eastern Empire helped the Woman & opened her mouth & swallowed up the flood & thereby retarded her flight for a time. For by the union of the two Empires a stop was put to the impending schism, & the Woman with her two eagles-wings continued to represent the undivided Church of the whole Empire for some time longer, & the new dominion of the Bishop of Rome was suspended during that time, the western Bishops being forced to allow the authority of the Eastern Churches over their own members in matters judicial without appeal to the Bishop of Rome.
By the same victory of Constantius over Magnentius the Woman \Beast/ was wounded to death with a sword & ceased to be for a time both Empires becoming united under Constantius & his successors Iulian & Iovian till the reign of Valentinian & Valens. Between them the Empire became again divided A. C. 364, & by this division the deadly wound was healed & the Beast revived & soon after rose out of the sea, & the Woman by a new schism commencing continued her flight into the wilderness. Then by the death of Valens the Empire became united again under Gratian the successor of Valentinian for about five months, & by the next division wch was between Gratian & Theodosius A. C. 378 the Dragon went from the \flying/ Woman to make war with the remnant of her seed & the ten horned Beast rose out of the sea to succeed him in the west \& carry the Woman/; & the two horned Beast rose out of the earth to succeed her in the east. And at the same time the Bishop of Rome recovered the universal Bishopric over all the west & began to govern the Churches of the Western Empire by Vicars & to write decretal Epistles: & by this dominion she began to sit upon the Beast & to change times & laws. And in those days the invocation of Saints overspread all the churches & thereby she became the Whore of Babylon.
Theodosius reigned in the east & Gratian with his young brother Valentinian in the west. Maximus compassed the death of Gratian & made Valentinian fly into the east & succeeded them. Theodosius A. C. 388 conquered Maximus & restored Valentinian & reigned with him three years in the west & returned into ye east A. C. 391. Eugenius A. C. 392 compassed the death of Valentinian & succeeded him in the western Empire, but Theodosius made his younger son Honorius Emperor of the West in the room of Valentinian, conquered Eugenius A. C. 394, died three or four months after; & by his last will & testament left the Empire divided between his two sons Arcadius and Honorius. After wch the two Empires were united no more. By conquering the west & resigning the conquest to Honorius the Dragon gave the Beast his power & throne. The Beast revived before he could ascend out of the Sea, & ascended before the Dragon who stood upon the land could give him his power & throne. These were three distinct successive acts & imply three successive divisions of the Empire, & can agree to no other then the three last divisions, those three to wch we have applied them. Theodosius by conquering Maximus reigned over both Empires, over the east with Arcadius & over the west with Valentinian & Honorius. Thus the Empire was united under him in the last seven years of his reign, & yet at the same time divided between Arcadius who was Emperor of the east & Valentinian & Honorius who were successive Emperors of the west. The Dragon therefore in some respect reigned over the whole Empire even after the Beast was risen & this reign is to be referred to his seventh head. And when Theodosius by his last will & testament left the Empire divided between his sons & was succeeded in the eastern Empire by his eldest son Arcadius, the Dragon gave the Beast his western throne & power. And this reign of the Beast is the eighth & of the seven. And now, the Beast being revived & risen out of the abyss & having received the Dragons ancient throne, we are to expect the reigns of the ten\kingdoms represented by the ten/ horns. For they were to receive power as kings at the same time with the Beast, that is, at that time when the Beast receives the \Dragon gave him his the Beast his/ power & throne & great authority. And accord{illeg}ingly the ten Western Empire became divided into ten kingdoms in the reign of the Emperors Arcadius & Honorius as we shewed above.
Before the Woman received two wings of a great Eagle there the Dragon, & the Dragon fought & his Angels & prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great Dragon was cast out, that old Serpent called the Devil & Satan which deceiveth the whole world, he was cast out into the earth & his Angels were cast out with him. And Iohn heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation & strength & the kingdom of our God & the power of his Christ: for the accuser of or brethren is cast down who accused them before \our/ God day & night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of their testimony, & they loved not their lives unto the death. This is a very plain description of a great conflict between the Roman heathen Empire & the army of Christ. For Michael & his Angels are Christ & his army, such an army as was accused by the Dragon day & night & loved not their lives unto the death, such an army as overcame the Dragon by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of their testimony, that is, an army of martyrs & confessors. And this war between Michael & the Dragon was managed on the Dragon's part by accusing & persecuting the Christians & putting them to death for their religion & on the Christians part by confessing & testifying the truth of their religion & persisting in their confession & testimony without fearing to lose their lives for the same. And by this conflict the Dragon that old Serpent called the Devil & Satan, that is, the heathen Roman Empire in respect of its religion, was overcome & cast out of heaven to the earth & was succeeded in the throne by a new kingdom called the kingdom of God. For the conflict ended with a voice from heaven saying: Now is come salvation & strength & the KINGDOM of or God GOD, for the accuser of or brethren is cast down. And all this can agree to nothing else then the heathen persecutions last of the heathen persecutions which began in the reign of Dioclesian A. C. 302 & lasted almost two years over all the Roman Empire, & ten years together \with great violence/ over all the east, & was greater then all the former persecutions taken together, & which ended in the ruin of the heathen Roman Empire & the setting up of a Christian Empire in its room under Constantine the great.
was war in heaven, Michael & his Angels fought againstThe same revolution is predicted also by the vision of the Woman who being great with child cried travelling in birth & pained to be delivered, & by the Dragons drawing the third part of the stars of heaven with his tail & casting them to the earth, & standing before the Woman ready to
of the heathen Roman Empire & the setting up a Christian Empire in its room under Constantine the great.
The same revolution is predicted also by the vision of the Woman who being great with child cried travailing in birth & pained to be delivered, & by the Dragon's drawing the third part of the stars of heaven with his tail & casting them to the earth and standing before the woman ready to be delivered for to devour her child so soon as it was born, & by her bringing forth a Man-child who was to rule all nations wth a rod of iron & was caught up to \unto/ God & his throne from the jaws of the Dragon. For since \this/ Parable ends with the flight of the Woman into the wilderness, & that of the war between Michael & the Dragon ends also with the same flight, both the Parables ending at the same time must be synchronal & concern the same revolution of the Empire. For describing & pointing out this grand revolution more clearly & fully the description is repeated. The woman travailing in birth & pained to be delivered signifies the Church in affliction by a great persecution wch ended in the birth of a Christian kingdom & therefore was Dioclesian's persecution. And the same persecution is signified by the Dragon's drawing the third part of the stars of heaven & casting them to the earth. This act shews that the Dragon is the persecutor & the other of the Woman's being pained in childbirth, that she is the person persecuted. The third part of the stars of heaven or stars of the third part \of the Roman Empire Christian world/ are ye martyrs & Confessors of the Provinces of the Greek Empire where the persecution was very vehement & lasted ten years together being carried on by Dioclesian Galerius & Maximinius successively, besides what the Christians of that part of the Empire suffered afterwards under Licinius. For in the western part of the Empire where Herculius, Constantius & Constantine reigned successively the persecution lasted scarce two full years being stopt by Constantius; & the Martyrs & Confessors were so few, & made so small an appearance, that before the end of two years there were pillars set up by the heathens in several parts of Spain, with inscriptions signifying that the superstition of Christ & name of Christians were every where extinguished. \In Dalia & such other Provinces as had newly revolted from the old Roman Empire & make another third part there was no persecution at all./ The Man-child wch the Woman brought forth is not a single person, but a kingdom as Isaias interprets the type. For the Woman is [10] a body politick & the child must be a body of the same kind with the mother. And this kingdom was Christian because it was the son of the Woman & was to rule all nations with a rod of iron, wch in this Prophesy is the scepter of Christs kingdom. The persecution began by an Edict for demolishing the Churches & burning the sacred books throughout the Empire A. C. 302, & the Man-child was born in the western part of the Empire by the victory of Constantine the great over Maxentius in the end of the persecution A. C. 312. , Constantine being encouraged by a vision of the cross in the heavens with this inscription In hoc signeo vinces. And six years after by the victory of Constantine over Licinius a heathen persecuting Emperor who reigned in the east, the Man-child was caught up to the throne of the whole Empire \vizt/ A. C. 318. And the Dragon at the same time being cast out of heaven by Michael, began to come down among the inhabitants of the earth & sea with great wrath knowing that he hath but a short time, that is, the heathens being cast out of their old throne flowed into the Christian Churches of the earth & Sea, making an outward shew & proph profession of the Christian religion for temporal ends but retaining their vicious lives & heathen principles & inclinations to superstition, & thereby they soon corrupted the Christian religion & filled it full of the vices & superstitions of the heathens, making hast to do this because the Dragon had but a short time to reign among the Christians before he should be cast into the bottomless pit. When therefore the Dragon \that old serpent the spirit of error/ saw that he was cast down he troubled \persecuted/ the Woman & by the building of Constantinople A. C. 330 she received two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness where she is nourished from the face of the serpent, & after he had put her to flight & oppressed the remnant of her seed he reigned a short time.
\ The heathens/ The heathens supposed the souls of dead men to be either parts or powers of ye supreme God & under \under for that pretense worshipped them by/ various names worshipped them as divine persons & called those persons Gods. When the Dragon that old se \The Dragon in respect of this/ spirit of error & idolatry \of the heathens is/ called the Dragon that old serpent the Devill & Satan who deceiveth the whole world. When that old Serpent saw that he was cast out of the heathen Roman throne he came down among the \Christian/ inhabitants of the earth & sea. The For at that time the doctrine that the son was the λόγος ἐνδιάθετος of a \the inherent reasong wisdom & understanding/ of the father wthout wch the father would be ἄσοφος & ἄλογος \void of wisdom & understanding/ spread much in the Churches & almost overspread the western Empire This was the doctrine of \Basilides Valentinus & the Gnosticks, or/ Tatian & the Encratites, of Tertullian, Proculus Æchines & the Montanists, of Praxeas, Artemas, Paul of Samosat, Hermogenes, Sabellius & the Patripassians; these became & Constantine the great wth some bishops about him lapsed into this opinion. And the waters wch the Dragon cast out of his mouth after the Woman were \much/ infected with it. \But Gods Witnesses pr/ For the Council of Serdica were of this opinion as appears by their Epistle as it is recited entire by Theodoret. But \God Witnesses prophesied against it and/ the earth \also by the testimony of the witnesses/ helped the woman: for when Constantius came against Magnentius he called a Council at Sirmium wch condemned this doctrine in Photinus & put a stop to its growth. For the decrees of this Council were universally founded \approved &/ received by the Churches {illeg} of the whole Empire both then & afterwards & the language of one hypostasis of the father son & holy Ghost \wch was then in fashion/ soon changed into that of three hypostases. Afterwards the inhabitants of the earth & sea represented by \the/ two wings of the Woman were were interdicted buying & selling untill they received the mark or name of the Beast or number of his name & as many of them as kept the commandments of God & persisted in the testimony of Iesus were sealed with the name of God in their foreheads & by reason of their testimony are called the two witnesses, & continue in affliction & dispersion while the old serpent called the Devil & Satan reigns amongst the inhabitants of the earth & sea wth great wrath knowing that he hath but a short time, & all men whose names are not written in the book of life worship the Beast & wonder when they behold him. [11] Now when the Temple of God was opened in heaven & the Ark was seen in it, & after lightnings & voices & thundrings & hail, there appeared several visions in heaven; it is to be conceived that this was the first Temple there being no Ark in the second, & that it was opened for Iohn to see the visions in it, & particularly that the Woman & Dragon appeared in{illeg} it that the Man-child was caught up to the throne above the Ark & the Dragon cast down by Michael from the upper court into the outward Court thereof \thereof/ & there persecuted the woman & that she fled from this temple & into the wilderness & left in it a remnant of her seed wth wch the Dragon there made war, & that the two Beasts rose out of the sea & earth of this Temple & the worship of the first Beast & his Image was set up in the outward court of this Temple, & there they received his mark or name except the 144000 who thenceforward sing a new song in the midst of the four Beasts & Elders on mount Sion that is in the inner Court of this Temple, & the Dragon & two horned Beast are left in the outward court thereof. But the [12] other Beast being risen from the dead & deified in this Temple, received the Dragons western throne & power & is afterwards found in the Wilderness with the Woman. For after the seven Angels represented by the lamps of this Temple had poured out the seven vials of wrath, one of them carried Iohn from this Temple into the Wilderness to see the Woman who was fled thither, & there Iohn saw her sitting upon the Beast & upon the many waters, wch waters being called peoples & multitudes & nations & tongues, are the gentiles who tread down the Holy City & worship in the outward court of the second Temple. There he saw her drunken with the blood of the saints & of the martyrs of Iesus that is with the blood of the two Witnesses represented by the two Candlesticks of this Temple. There he saw her with the name Babylon on her forehead importing that she is the great City represented by old Babylon wch captivated the Iews & trode down the holy city & under wch some Iews returning from captivity built a second temple by the prophesying of the two Prophets Haggai & Zechary, but left the outward court unbuilt & open to the gentiles gentiles. In respect of the Greek Empire the first Temple continues to the end. In respect of ye Latin Empire the first Temple ceases & a new one is built.
In the first part of the Prophesy of the Apocalyps, the visions of opening the \seven/ seales & sealing the 144000 servants of God appear in the first Temple wherein were seven Candlesticks. Then the seven Trumpets sound & seven Thunders utter their voices. Then a second Temple is measured out in order to be built with two Candlesticks & the outward court thereof is given to the Gentiles.
In the second part of the Prophesy wch is a supplemental reptition of the first part, the visions of the Woman, Dragon \& 144000/ & ye first rise of the two Beasts & of ye 144000 appear in the first Temple. Then the seven Vials are poured out. And then Iohn goes into the wilderness to see the great City Babylon seated on many waters under whose dominion the Iews built a second Temple {illeg} leaving the outward court unbuilt & open to ye gentiles.
In both parts, the visions relating to the two Temples are distinguished by interposing the visions of the seven wars \sacrifices/: & this distinction is not without a meaning. Iohn describes first the affairs of the Dragons Kingdom & Church by visions in the first Temple & then those of the Beasts Kingdom & Church by visions relating to the second Temple, & to distinguish the two kingdoms with their Churches from one another he interposes the description of the seven sacrifices. representing seven successive plagues of warr, these sacrifices being \For these are sacrifices are/ performed in both{illeg} Temples & so relateing to both. For the Angels of the seven Churches sound the Trumpets & pour out the Vials of wrath & the two Witnesses smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will, that is wth the seven plagues of war represented by the seven sacrifices.
Sect. V.
Of the seven heads \& ten horns/ of the Dragon and Beast
The Dragon & Beast being the subject of the Prophesy & signifying the Roman Empire som sometimes united & sometimes divided & the relation wch they have to one another & to the Empire with is parts being understood and the he relation which they Dragon & Beast have to one another being understood, it will not be difficult to describe their heads. The four first are the horsmen four horsmen wch the four Beasts standing towards the four winds of heaven call Iohn to come & see & which therefore stood in the regions of the Beasts, the first horsman to the east the second to the west the third to the south & the fourth to the north. Riding signifies reigning & the four Beasts with their faces of a Lion, Ox, Man & Eagle allude to the armies of Israel encamped about the tabernacle in the wilderness in four bodies under their banners; the tribes of Iudah Issachar & Zebulon being on the east side under the standard of a Lion, those of Reuben Simeon & Gad on the south side under the standard of a Man, those of Ephraim Manasseh & Benjamin on the west side under the standard of an Ox, & those of Dan Asher & Naphtali on the north side under the standard of an Eagle. The encampment is described in the book of numbers & the Iews keep a tradition of the standards. Every Horsman \therefore/ with the horse he rides upon & the Beast wch appears in the same region with him is a fit emblem of an Emperor with his Empire & his army under its standard. And thus the four hors-men with their Beasts very fitly represent four reigns or dynasties of Emperors.
The first Emperors were Italians called the twelve Cæsars. Of these there were two dynasties, the first of the family of Iulius Cæsar wch lasted till the death of Nero, the next of the family of Vespasian which lasted till the death of Domitian the last of the twelve Cæsars. The Apocalyps was written in the end of the first & is of things future, & therefore we are to begin with the next. Of this dynasty there were only three Emperors, Vespasian & his two sons Titus & Domitian. Vespasian was created Emperor in the East in the time of the Iewish war. And there being then a rumor in all the east of a prophesy that a great Monarch should then arise about that time in Iudea, the Romans interpreted it of him. Percrebuerat Oriente toto vetus & constans opinio, esse in fatis ut eo tempore Iudæa profecti rerum potirentur. Id de Imperatore Romano quantum eventu postea patuit, prædictum Iudæi ad se trahentes rebellarunt. Suetonius in Vespasiano. Pluribus persuasio inerat antiquis sacerdotum literis contineri eo ipso tempore fore ut valesceret Oriens, profecti Iudæa rerum potirentur. Quæ ambages Vespatianum et Titum prædixerunt. Tacitus Hist. l. 5. Quod Iudæos ad bellum maxime
But thou o Daniel shut up the words & seale the book even to the time of the end Here the book of the scripture of truth is shut up & sealed. And this is that book wch is sealed with seven seales & opened in the Apocalyps. It is sealed even to the time of the end, & therefore the time of the end commences so soon as all the seals are open, & not before. But the 1260 days \time times & half a time/ do not take up all the time of the end. \The time of the end begins before that period &/ After that period is ended there remains a further time till God shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people & \have/ brought them back out of all nations into their own land. And this shall be at the end of 1290 days counted from the time that the daily worship of Gods people shall be taken away so as to set up the great abomination of desolation that maketh desolate. Blessed is he that waiteth to the [end of] \the/ 1335 days. But go thy way Daniel for thou \[Daniel]/ till the end be: for thou shall rest [in the dust] & stand in thy lot at the end of the days.
This prophesy therefore of the scripture of truth takes in the time times & half a time wch is the reign of the last horn of Daniels fourth Beast. It takesn in also all the time of the Iewish captivity untill that {illeg} captivity be at an end & the sanctuary be cleansed that is all the reign of 2300 the last h 2300 days of the He Goat from the time of his taking away the daily worship & casting down the sanctuary. & And thence it seems to me that the Dragon & ten-horned Beast in Iohn, are the same with the He-Goat & fourth Beast in Daniel. The Goat a first represents the Greek empire alone till the rise of its little horn & then it repres includes the Roman Empire till the Greeks & Latines separate: & so does the Dragon represents the whole Roman Empire till the Greeks & Latines separate. The Beast hath ten horns in both cases. Iohns Beast carries a Woman upon his back & Daniels hath an elventh {sic} horrn horn with eyes & a mouth wch make it a different animal. The Goat represents the Greek Empire alone till the rise of its little last horn, & then it includes the \whole/ Roman Empire till the Greeks & Latines separate & after upon that separation the western Empire of the Latines becomes represented by the Beast wch rises out of the Sea & that like of the Greeks remains represented by the Dragon. And the Dragon, like the three first of Daniels beasts, hath his life prolongued after his dominion is taken away. The Dragon & Beast have each of them seven heads & ten horns: but the heads of the Dragon & horns of the Beast are only crowned because the heads reign upon the Dragon before the Beast separes from him & the heads horns reign upon the Beast after that separation. The separation of the Beast from the Dragon is represented by his rising out of the sea & the or isles of the sea, & \by/ the Dragons giving him his power & throne & great authority, & yet continuing to be worshipped himself. And they worshipped the Dragon wch gave power unto the Beast & they worshipped the Beast saying Who is able to make war u like unto the Beast? who is able to make war with him? Apoc XIII. 1, 2, 4. And this Beast is said to be like unto the Leopard, & his feet as the feet of the Bear, & his mouth as the mouth of the Lion. Apoc And this Beast & Daniels three first beasts the Leopard, the Bear & the Lion are named together in continual order, \& assimilated to one another in same respect or other,/ to shew that he is the fourth Apoc. XIII. 2.
and took away the revenues of the sacrifices & salaries & authority of the Priests. And Theodosius followed his example. And Heathenism afteward recovered it self no more, but decreased so fast that Prudentius about {illeg} {40} \ten/ years after the death of Iulius \Theodosius/ called the heathens vix pauca ingenia & pars hominum rarissima: Prudent. l. 1 adv. Symmach.
The things predicted in the first six seales are again predicted in the Prophesy of the woman & Dragon, wch as we told you, is a repetition of the prophesy of the {womans} \opening the/ seales. First there are lightnings & voices & thunderings & an earthquake & great hail, & these express in general the wars made by the four horsmen at the opening of the first four seales. Then to represent the persecution of the Church by Dioclesian & his Collegues & the subsequent overthrow of the Heathen Empire by Constantine; a woman appears in heaven who being with child by Constantine cried travelling {illeg} in birth & pained to be delivered, & a great red Dragon appeared also in heaven & his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven & cast them to the earth, & he stood before the woman to devour her child as soon as it was born, & at the same time there was war in heaven between Michael & the Dragon & the Dragon was overcome wth his angels & cast out of heaven to the earth & the Manchild was caught up to God & to his throne, & there was a voice from heaven saying, Now is come salvation & the kingdom of or God & the power of his Christ. For the accuser of or brethren is cast down – & they over came him by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of their testimony & loved not their lives unto the death. The Dragon appears in heaven to represent the height of his power & dominion at his first appearance. For Isaiah in prophesying of the king of Babylon uses the phrase in the same sense: How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer son of the morning – wch didst weaken the nations. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God – I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the most high: yet thou shalt be brought down to the lower parts of the earth Hades Hell, to the sides of the pit. Isa. 14. Upon the opening of the fourth seal the Empire fell into the greatest disorder & confusion & became the kingdome of Death & Hades. Upon opening the fift seale the Empire was raised from this very low estate by Dioclesian & his Collegues & exalted up to heaven, & there Iohn saw the Dragon casting down the stars to ye grownd & standing before the woman in travel & making war wth the saints Michael & the saints \by a great persecution of the Church./. Upon opening the sixt seal the Dragon was cast out of heaven to the earth by the victories of Constantine the great over the Heathens & \the Man-child was caught up to the throne of heaven & the Dragon Devil/ were draw making /into\ the inhabitants of the earth & sea wth \having/ great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time the Manchild wch the Woman brought forth was caught up to God & to the throne of heaven & a Wo is denounced to the inhabitants of the earth & sea because the Devil is come down unto them having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. We have shewed how upon opening the sixt Seal the Dragon was cast out of heaven to the earth it remains now that we shew how at the same time he came down among the inhabitants of the earth & sea wth great wrath.
Gregory of Nyssen tells us that after the persecution of Decius, Gregory Bishop of Neocœsarea in Pontus instituted among all people, as an addition & corollary of devotion towards God, that festival days & assemblies should be celebrated to them who had contended for the faith, that is, to the Martyrs. And he adds this reason for the institution. When he observed that the simple & unskilful multitude by reason of corporeal delights remained in the error of Idols; that the principal thing might be corrected among them, namely that instead of their vain worship & superstition they might turn their eyes upon God: he permitted that at the memories of the holy Martyrs they might make merry & delight themselves & be resolved into joy. The heathens were delighted with the festivals of their Gods & unwilling to f part with those delights & therefore Gregory to facilitate their conversion instituted the like \annualy/ festivals to the Christian saints & Martyrs. And hence it came to pass that the principal festivals of the Christians succeeded in the room of the principal festivals of the Heathens. as keeping of Christmas in the room of the Saturnalia, the celebrating of May day with flowers in the room of the floralia, & the keeping of festivals to most of the Apostles the Virgin Mary, Iohn the Baptist & most of the Apostles at the entrance of the Sun into the {illeg} signes \of the Zodiac/ in the old Iulian Calendar. In the same persecution of Decius Cyprian ordered the passions of the Martyrs in Afric to be registered in order to celebrate their memories annually wth oblations & sacrifices. And Felix Bishop of Rome a little after, as Platina relates, Martyrum gloriæ consulens constituit ut quotannis sacrifica eorum nomine celebrarentur, consulting the glory of the Martyrs ordeined that their sacrifices should be celebrated annually in their name. By the pleasure of these festivals the Christians increased much in number & decreased as much in vertue untill they were purged & made white by the Persecution of Dioclesian. And this was the first step made in the Christian religion towards the veneration of the martyrs. And tho it did not yet amount to an unlawfull worship yet it disposed the Christians towards such a further veneration of the dead as in a short time ended in the invocation of Saints
The next step was the affecting to pray at the sepulchres of the Martyrs & the bringing their bodies \as holy things/ into the Oratories or Churches of the Christians, {illeg} wch practice began at the end of Dioclesians persecution. The Council of Eliberis in Spain celebrated in the third year of Dioclesians persecution A. C. 305 has these Canons Can: 34, Cereos per diem placuit in Cæmeterio nom incendi. Inquietandi enim spiritus sanctorum non sunt. \Qui hæ non observarint arceantur ab Ecclesiæ commumone./ Can: 35, Placuit prohiberi ne fæminæ in Cæmeterio pervigilent, eò quod sæpe sub obtentu orationis \latentur/ scelera committant latenter commitant. Presently after that persecution suppose about the year 314, the Council of Lodicea in Phrygia wch then met for restoring the lapsed discipline of the church has the following Canons. Can: 9, Those of the Church are not allowed to go into the Cæmeteries or Martyries (as they are called) of hereticks for the sake of prayer or recovery of health: but such as go, if they be of the faithfull shall be excommunicated for a time. Can: 34, A Christian must not leave the martyrs of Christ & go to fals Martyrs, that is, to the martyrs of the hereticks. For these are alien from God. And therefore let those be anathema who go to them. Can: 51, The birth days of the martyrs shall not be celebrated in Lent, but their commemoration shall be made on the sabbath days & Lords days. The Council of Gangra in Paphlagonia celebrated in the year 324 made this Canon: If any man being arrogant, abominates the congregations of the Martyrs or the Liturgies performed therein or the memories of the Martyrs let him be anathema. By all wch it's manifest that the Christians in the time of Dioclesians persecution used to pray in the Cæmeteries or burying places of the dead for avoyding the danger of the persecution, & that after the persecution was over continued that practise in honour to the Martyrs & affected it as advantageous to devotion & for recovering the health of those that were sick; and that in these burying places they commemorated the Martyrs yearly & accounted all these practises pious & religious & anathematized those men as arrogant who opposed them or who prayed in the Martyries of hereticks. And hence came the custome of translating the bodies of the saints & martyrs into such Churches as were new built after the persecution & of dedicating the new churches to the saints buried in them. \And in Egypt they did not only bury them in their Churches but kept them unburied upon beds in their private houses \‡/ ‡ & told stories of their souls appearing after death & ascending up to heaven. as Athanasius relates in the life of Antony./ All wch gave occasion to the Emperor Iulian (as Cyril relates) to accuse the Christians in this manner. \Your adding to that ancient dead man \[vizt Iesus]/ many new dead man who can sufficiently abominate?/ You have filled all places saith he wth sepulchres & monuments although you are no where bidden to prostrate your selves to sepulchres & to respect them officiously. And a little after: since Iesus said that sepulchres are full of filthiness how do you invoke God unto them. And again: To that ancient dead man [vizt Iesus] you have added new dead men. And in another place he saith that if Christians had adhered to the precepts of the Hebrews they would have worshipped one god instead of many & not a man or rather not many unhappy men, [& that they adored the wood of the cross, making its images on their foreheads & before \on the front of/ their houses. Christians at first signed themselves with a cross in times of persecution, only to signify that they were christians. Then Constantine the great in his war against Maxentius had a vision of a cross appearing in the clouds with this inscription In hoc signo vinces wch gave occasion to weak Christians to attribute some vertue to this signe & chiefly to the wood of the cross wch was found at Ierusalem in the reign of Cons soon after & distributed over all the empire And these superstions {sic} towards the cross & towards the bodies of the martyrs got grownd among Christians all the reign of Constantine & his sons, insomuch that before the death of Constantius they began in Egypt to ascribe great & frequent miracles to the signe of the cross & not only to {illeg} bury the Martyrs in their churches but also to keep them unburied upon beds in their ho private houses & to tell stories of their souls appearing after death, as Athanasius relates in the life of Antony \& that they adored the wood of the cross, making its images on their foreheads & before their houses./
\A superstition of ye same kind wth the worship of saints & their reliques is the adoration of the signe woods of ye cross as a relique of Christ & ascribing to it & to ye signe of the cross a supernatural power. Christians – –/ Christians at first signed themselves wth the signe of the cross only to [13] signify that they were Christians, & this custome was very ancient in the west \& grew there into superstition very early./. For Tertullians tells us: Ad omnem progressum at promotum ad omnem aditum & exitum, ad vestitum et {caluatum}, a lavacra, ad mensas, ad lumina, ad cubilia, ad sedilia, quacun nos coversatio exercet, frontem crucis signaculo terimus. Harum et atiarum huj usmodi legum disciplinarum, si legem expostules scripturarum, nullam invenies: traditio tibi prœtenditur auctrix, consuetudo confimatrix, & fides observatrix. Lactantins both in his tells us writes that by the signe of the cross the cross [14] gods of the heathens are put to flight so that & their sacrifices disturbed so as not to give the usual signes to the Auruspices & that this was the cause of Dioclesian's persecution. Athanasius in his first Oration against the Gentiles written before the Arian controversy began \suppose about the year 320/, tells us that Christ gives victory against death & weakens death in all those who have his faith & carry the signe of the cross. And by the signe of the cross all apparitiory of Devils disappear. And in his second Oration written at ye same time on the same subject he saith that Christ gives victory against death & weakens death in all those who have his faith & carry the signe of the cross. And again: By the signe of the Cross all magic ceases – Christians at first signed themselves wth the cross only to signify that they were christians: but this custome soon grew into superstition. For Athanasius in the beginning of his Oration against the Gentiles written in the reign of Constantine the great \before the Arian controversy began/ tells us that \{illeg}/ by the signe of the cross all the fallacies of the Devil apparitions of Devils disappear. And in his second o|O|ration written about \at/ the same time on the same subject he saith: ‡ Christ gives victory against death & weakens death in all those who have his faith & carry the signe of the cross. And again: By the signe of the cross all apparitions & Magick &c By the signe \of the cross/ all magic ceases, all enchantments vanish \are dissolved/, all Idols are deserted all base pleasure is quieted vanishes. And again By using only the signe of the cross all apparitions of Devills are driven away. — Whoever desires to try what we have said, let him come & in the upon the appearing of Devils & the delusions of Oracles & the miracles of sorcery let him use the \derided/ signe of the Cross wch they derides & naming only the name of Christ & he shall see how thereby the Devils are put to flight, the Oracles cease & all Magick & sorcery is dissolved. The same Athanasius \in the life of Antony the \founder of the sect of sect of the/ Monks/ tells how Antony the Monk{} \{illeg}/ {illeg}|i|n the reign of Dioclesian \& afterwards/ taught those that came to him that they should forti to fortify themselves with the signe of the cross against the apparitions of Devils \& how in the 10th persecution he signed & afterwards he signed himself wth the cross for that purpose./. {sic} And |And Eusebius tells us| therefore the superstitious use of this signe was very early. And since it was \so early thus Antony /used in\ this superstious manner/ by Antony the founder of Monkery & \the Moncks & openly/ recommended \And And being/ publickly recommended by \Antony &/ Athanasius Bishop Patriarch of Egypt & Libya we may receive that this superstition become generally received in Egypt in the reigns of Constantine & Constantius signo vinces might seem to recommend it \& by the famous/ /it would quickly become general especially since the\ |men of the greatest authority & by the famous vision of Constantine wth the inscription In hoc signo vinces, & thereupon made ye Ensigne of Constantines armies, it would quickly be generally received.| And if they \Romans/ involved the sign of the cro attributed such power to the signe of the cross much more would they idolize the wood of the cross wch in the reign of Constantine was found at Ierusalem & \by Helena the mother of Constantine &/ distributed to all the people dispersed into all the empire distinguished from the crosses of the two thievesb[15] by curing a sick poor & dispers woman, & as was & \c[16] quickly/ dispersed by peices into all the Empire, & \insomuch/ that Cyril who was Bishop of Ierusalem in the reign of Constantius & Valens & Theodosius wrote that the whole world was filled {illeg} with the Cross by pieces from thence.
<69v>Thus by Constantine's warring under the banner of the cro {sic}
The same Athanasius in the life of Antony the commō father of all Moncks, tells how \this/ Antony in the reign of Dioclesian taught those that came to him to fortify themselves wth the signe of the cross against the apparitions of Devils & how in the tenth persecution & afterwards \he/ signed himself wth the cross for that purpose. And Eusebius tells us how Constantine the Emperor \great/ declared that his soldiers {illeg} who here \warred under/ this signe in their standards in were were it were protected in battel while others at a distance from it lost their lives. And if the Christians began so soon \early/ to attribute a miraculous power to the signe of the cross, much more would they \afterwars/ idolize the wood of the cross wch was found at Ierusalem by Hellena the mother of Constantine A. C. 326 & distinguished from ye crosses of the two thieves by curing a sick woman (as was pretended) & quickly dispersed by \little/ pieces into all the Empire insomuch that Cyril who was bishop of Ierusalem in the reign of Constantius Valens & Theodosius wrote that the whole world was filled wth the cross by pieces {illeg} \carried/ from that \city/. Thus in all And the devotion wch Christians paid to these \miracle-working/ pieces of the cross made {illeg} the Emperor Iulian say that they adored the wood of the cross making its images in their foreheads & before their houses.
After Christians began thus to ascribe miracles to the wood of signe of the Cross & to ye \disperse pieces of the wood as venerable & wonder-working/ reliques of Christ, the next step was to ascribe the like miracles to ye reliques of the Saints & Martyrs. And such miracles began to make a noise in the reign of the Emperor Iulian, being set on foot by some Christians in opposition to his proceedings against the Christian religion. For when he opened the heathen temples & consulted the Oracle of Apollo at Daphneus \in the suburbs of/ Antioch & offered \pressed by/ many sacrifices for make \an answer/ the Oracle speaks, at length the Oracle told him that the could not speak because of the Martyr Babylos & some others wch lay buried there. This \bones of the Martyr Babylas wch bones were buried there hindered him from speaking. This/ was in the year 362 & about the same time Hibary in his book against Constantius written in ye fift year of his banishment wch was I think was the same year, makes this mention of what was then done in the east Sane martyrio persequeris - - - - - fidei. And Gregory Nazianzen - - - - - - - aspernaris. In t These things made the Heathens \in the reign of the same Emperor/ demolish the sepulchres of some of the old Prophets in Phœnicia & burn their bones, & some Christians mixing themselves wth the heathens gathered up some of the bones & carried them to {illeg} Athanasius in Ægypt who hid them in a wall of a church as things wch \saying the/ /as things wch\ might be profitable to a future generation. The c
The cry of these miracles being once set on foot continued & {illeg} for many years & increased & grew more general. For Chrisostom in his second Oration on St Babylas twenty years after the silencing \of/ the Oracle of Apollo \Daphnæus/ as above, saith of the miracles done by the Martyrs Saints & their reliques: Nulla est nostri hujus orbis – – – – – was about the year 384. \‡Ambrose was at first free from these superstitions but/ In the year 387 Ambrose was to dedica having built a new Church was told that he presided by the people 388 Palladius went into Ægypt – – – – – established there as in how he should dedicate in a Roman Church & thereupon dreamt where to martyrs ‡ other places. For Chrystom in his Oration – – – then Syria itself & the Moncks were they that laboured most in propagating these superstitions. ‡Ambrose‡ were called Gervasius & Protusius ‡ Ambrose was at first free from these superstitions but A.\C. 387/ in ye year 387 having built a Church giving about in dedicating a Church wthout Martyrs was admonished by the people how he should dedicate & thereupon dreamt of two martyrs Gervasius & Protasus whose bodies being dug up were translated into the church & did many miracles & part of them were distributed to other churches. {illeg} Of the miracles Ambrose makes this mention Cognovistis inò vidisti upsi multos a dæmonijs purgatos, plurimos etiam ubi vestem sanctorum manibus contigerunt his quibus laborabant debili tactibus absolutos. Reparata vetusti temporis miracula. The whole story you have described by Panlinus of Nola in ye life of Ambrose; by Austin of Hippo in several parts of his works & by Ambrose himself in his 85th Epistle & 91st Sermon. (The distributing of reliques reliques occasioned many under the habit of Moncks to carry the members of martyrs or pretended martyrs up & down the Empire to sell: wch occasioned the cause Emperor Theodosius to put out A. C. 386 to put out this Edict.
Now \by/ these miracles were presently fo the invocation of Saints was presently set on foot. Ch Superstitious Christians in the reign of Constantius began to tell stories of the souls of the \dead/ saints appearing to them \& ascending up to heaven in a visible form/ as may be seen in the life of Antony. And as this doctrine of Dæmons was the foundation of the heathen Idolatry so it made way for the like practices among the Christians. And For the miracles done by their reliques \of the dead/ being ascribed to the powers of the{illeg}ir \ir/ separate souls of the saints. And \of the saints &/ their souls being \therefore/ looked upon as Divi wch had a knowledge of humane affiars & could \pray for us &/ do us good or hurt \& dayly exerted this power/, it was natural to desire them to \pray for us &/ do us good. [ And that they did \begin/ presently \to/ invoke them for that end is very evident ]. Basil, Gregory Nazianzen, Gregory Nyssen & Ephrem Syrus \&c/ set this \& Christian practice on/ foot in the east in the reign of Valens, & Pope Damasus, & Ambrose Iero did the like in the west as may be seen in their writings. I shall contently my self wth a few instances. Basil \who died in the year 378/ in his oration on ye martyr Manas, saith: Be ye mindfull of the Martyr as many of you as have enjoyed him in your dreams, as many of you as in this place have been assisted by him in prayer, as many of you as upon calling him invoking \& calling/ him by name have had him present in ther \your/ works, as many as he has reduced forme a into ye way from wandering, as many as he has restored to health, as many as have had their dead children restored by him to life, as many as have had their lives prolonged by him. And in his Oration on the 40 Martyrs These are they, saith he, who obteining our {illeg} country, like certain Towers afford us safety against the incursions of or enemies. Neither are they shut up in one place only, but being distributed {illeg} are sent into many regions & adorn many countries. — You have often endeavoured you have often laboured to find one who might pray for you: these are forty emitting one voice of prayer. — He that is in affliction flies to these, he that rejoyces has recourse to these the first that he may be freed from the evil, the last that he may continue in happiness. Here a woman praying for her children is heard: she obteins a safe return for her husband \from/ abroad, & health for him in his sickness. – – – O holy chorus, o sacred orders as in O common keepers of mankind the best companions of or cares, suffrages & coadjutors of prayer, most powerful embassadors to God, &c.
<71r>Trumpets are sounded, & seven thunders utter their voices, & seven Vials of wrath are poured out. And therefore the sounding of the seven Trumpets, the voices of the seven thunders, & the pouring out of seven Vials of wrath are synchronal, & relate to one & the same division of the time of the seventh seale following the silence, into seven successive parts. The seven days of this feast were called the feast of Tabernacles. And during those seven days, the children of Israel dwelt in booths & rejoyced with palm-branches in their hands. And to this alludes the multitude with palms in their hands which appeared after the sealing of the 144000, & came out of the great tribulation with p triumph at the battel of the great day to which the seventh trumpet sounds. The visions therefore of the 144000 & of the palmbearing multitude extend to the sounding of the seventh trumpet & therefore are synchronal to the times of the seventh seale.
\☉ When the 144000 - - /☉ When the 144000 are sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel & the rest receive the mark of the Beast, & thereby the first temple is destroyed: Iohn is bidden to measure the temple & altar, that is their courts, & them that worship therein, that is the 144000 standing on mount Sion & on the sea of glass: but the court that is – – – – – – – – – – – remains to the true church of God in all times & places to the end of the prophesy. In the interpretation of this prophesy – – – – – – – or sell save he that had the mark ✝✝✝, or the name of the Beast or the number of h ΔΑΤΕΙΝΟΣ, or the number of his name χξς, 666: all others being excommunicated. When the seven Angels had poured out their seven Vialls of wrath, & Iohn had – – – – – – – Beast was wounded. And the ten horns wch thou sawest are ten kings – – – – over the kings of the earth. In the interpretation of this prophesy the woman in heaven cloathed with the sun, before she flyes into the wilderness, represents the primitive church catholic illuminated with the seven lamps in the seven golden candlesticks wch are the seven churches of Asia. And the Dragon signifies the same empire with Daniels He goat in the reign of his last horn, that is, the whole Roman Empire untill it become divided into the Greek & Latin Empires; & all the time of that division it signifies the Greek Empire alone. And the Beast is Daniels fourth Beast, that is the empire of the Latines. And the Beast is Daniels fourth Beast, that is the empire of the Latines. Before the division of the Roman empire into the Greek & Latine empires, the \Beast/ is included in the body of the Dragon; & from the time of the division it is the Latine empire alone. And hence the Dragon & Beast have the same heads & horns, but the heads are crowned upon the Dragon & the horns upon the Beast. The horns are ten kingdoms into which the Beast becomes divided presently after his separation from the Dragon, as hath been described above. The heads are seven successive Dynasties or parts into which the Roman empire becomes divided by the opening of the seven seales. Before the woman fled into the wilderness she being with child cried of a christian empire, cried travailing (vizt in the ten years persecution of Dioclesian) & pained to be delivered. And the Dragon (the heathen Empire) stood before her to devour her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child who (at length) was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her child was caught up to God & to his throne (in the temple, by the victory of Constantine the great over Maxentius) & the woman fled (from the temple) into the wilderness (of Arabia to Babylon where she hath a place of riches & honour & dominion upon the back of the Beast, prepared of God that they should feed her there 1260 days. And there was war in heaven (between the heathens \under Maximinius/ & the new Christian Empire,) & the Dragon was cast out that old serpent which deceiveth the whole world, the spirit of heathen idolatry, he was cast out of the throne to the earth. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, & by the word of their testimony. And they loved not their lives unto the death.
And when the Dragon saw that he was cast down, he persecuted the woman wch brought forth the man child, stirring up a new persecution against her in the reign of Licinius. And to the woman, by the building of Constantinople & equalling it to Rome, were given two wings of a great Eagle, that she might fly to her place into the wilderness to her place upon the back of her beast, where she is nourished a time times & half a time from the face of the serpent. And the serpent, upon the death of Constantine the great, cast out waters as a flood (vizt the western empires under Constantine junior & Constans) after the Woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth (the nations of Asia now under Constantinople) helped the woman &, by conquering the western Empire now under Magnentius, swallowed up the flood wch the Dragon cast out of his mouth. And the Dragon was wroth with the woman, & went to make war with the remnant of her seed which kept the commandments of God & had the testimony of Iesus, & wch in that war were sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel, & remained upon mount Sion with the Lamb being in number 144000 & having his fathers name written in their foreheads.
And when the earth had swallowed up the flood, & the Dragon was the sand of the sea, & saw the Beast with seven heads & ten horns rise out of the sea. And the Beast was like unto a leopard, & his feet as the feet of a Bear, & his mouth as the mouth of a lion. Iohn here names Daniels four Beasts in order, putting his Beast in the room of Daniels fourth Beast to shew that they are the same. And the Dragon gave this Beast his throne & power & great authority by relinquishing the western Empire to him. And one of his heads (the sixt) was as it were wounded to death, vizt by the sword of the earth which swallowed up the waters cast out of the mouth of the Dragon, & his deadly wound was healed. It was healed by a new division of the empire between Valentinian & Valens AN. Chr. 364. Iohn saw the Beast rise out of the sea at the division thereof between Gratian & Theodosius A. C. 379. And the Dragon gave the Beast his power & his throne & great authority at the death of Theodosius when he gave the western empire to his son Honorius. After wch the two Empires were no more united. But the western Empire became presently divided into ten kingdoms as above; & these kingdoms at length united in religion under the woman, & reign with \her/ forty & two months.
gone to make war with the remnant of the Womans seed, Iohn stood uponAnd I behold, saith Iohn, another Beast coming out of the earth. When the Woman fled from the Dragon into the kingdome of the Beast & became his church, this other Beast rose up out of the earth to represent the church of of the Dragon. For he had two horns like the Lamb, (such as were the bishopricks & Alexandria & Antioch) & he spake as the Dragon in matters of religion. And he causeth the earth, or nations of the Dragons kingdom, to worship the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed, that is to be of his religion. And he doth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men; that is, he excommunicates those that differ from him in point of religion. For in pronouncing their excommunications, they used to swing down a lighted torch from above. And he said to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the Beast wch had the wound by a sword & did live, that is, they should call a Council of men of the religion of this Beast. And he had power to give life to the image, that the image should both speake, & cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed, vizt mystically by dissolving their churches. And he causeth all both small & great, rich & poor, bond & free, to receive a mark in their right hands or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark, ✝, or the name of the Beast ΔΑΤΕΙΝΟΣ, or the number of his name χ|ξ|{illeg}{illeg}|ς|, 666: all others being excommunicated.
[When by the flight of the woman & the warr wch the Dragon went to make upon the remnant of her seed, the 144000 are sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel, & the rest receive the mark of the Beast & thereby the first temple is destroyed: Iohn is bidden to measure the temple & altar, that is, their courts, & them that worship therein, that is the 144000 standing on mount Sion & on the sea of glass: but the court that is without the temple, that is, the peoples court, to leave out & measure it not because it is given to the gentiles (those that receive the mark of the Beast) & the holy city they shall tread under foot forty & two months, that is, all the time the Beast acts under the woman Babylon. And the two witnesses prophesy 1260 dyas, that is, all the same time cloathed in sackcloth. These have power, like Elijah, to shut heaven that it rain not at the sounding of the first trumpet, & to turn like Moses to turn the waters into blood at the sounding of the second, & to smite the earth with all plagues (those of the Trumpets) as ofter as they will. These prophesied at the building of the second temple like Haggai & Zachary. These are the two Olive trees, or churches, standing before the God of the earth wch supplied the lamps with oyle Zech. IV. These are the two Candlesicks, or churches standing before the God of the earth. Five of the seven churches of Asia (those in prosperity) are found fault with & exhorted to repent, & threatned to be removed out of their places or spewed out of Christs mouth or punished with the sword of his mouth, or otherwise except they repent: the other two (the churches of Smyrna & Philadelphia) wch were under persecution, remain in a state of persecution to illuminate the second temple. When the primitive Church catholick represented by the woman in heaven, apostatized & became divided into two corrupt churches represented by the Whore of Babylon & the two horned Beast, the 144000 wch were sealed out of all the twelve tribes, became the two witnesses in opposition to those two fals churches. And the name of two witnesses once imposed, remains to the true Church of God in all times & places to the end of the prophesy.
When the seven Angels had poured out the seven Vials of wrath, & Iohn had described them all in the present time, he is called up from the time of the sixt seventh Viall to the time of the sixt seal to take a view of the woman & her Beast who were to reign in the times of the seventh seale. And in respect of the later part of the time of the sixt seale then considered as present, the Angel tells Iohn: The Beast that thou sawest was & is not & shall ascend out of the abyss or sea & go into perdition. That is to say, he was before Constantius conquered Magnentius & reunited the western Empire to the eastern. He is not during the reunion; & shall ascend out of the sea at a following division of the Empire. The Angel tells him further: Here is the mind which hath wisdome: The seven heads are seven mountains on wch the Woman sitteth, Rome being built upon seven hills & thence called the seven hilled city. Also they are seven kings: five are fallen & one is & another is not yet come, & when he cometh he must continue a short space; & the beast that was & is not \even/ he is the eighth & \is/ of the seven & goeth into perdition. Five are fallen, the times of the first five seales being past; & one is, the time of the sixt seale being present considered as present; & another is not yet come, & when he cometh, which will be at the opening of the seventh seale, he must continue a short space: and the Beast that was & is not he is the eighth (vizt by means of the division of the Roman Empire into two collateral Empires) & is of the seven (being one half of the seventh,) & shall go into perdition. The words, Five are fallen, & one is, & another is not yet come are usually referred to the time of Iohn the Apostle when this prophesy was given. But it is to be considered that in this prophesy many things are spoken of as present wch were not spoken present when the prophesy was given, but which were present with respect to some future time considered as present in the visions. So where its said upon pouring out the seventh Vial of wrath, that great Babylon received the cup of the wine of the fierceness of Gods wrath: this relates not to the time of Iohn the Apostle, but to the time of pouring out the seventh Vial of wrath. And so where its said Babylon is fallen is fallen; & thrust in thy siccle & reap for the time is come for thee to reap; and the time of the dead is come that they should be judged; and I saw the dead small & great stand before God: these sayings relate not to the days of Iohn the Apostle, but to later times considered as present in the visions. And so the words, five are fallen & one is & another is not yet come, & the Beast that was & is not he is the eighth, are not to be referred to the age of Iohn the Apostle, but relate to the time when the Beast was wounded to death with a sword, & shew that this wound was given him in his sixt head. And without this relate reference we are not told in what head the Beast was wounded. And the ten kings \horns/ wch thou sawest are ten kings wch have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings the same hour with the Beast. These have one mind, being of the Whore's religion, & shall give their power & strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb & the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords & King of kings and they that are with him are called & chosen & faithfull. And he saith unto me, The waters wch thou sawest where the whore sitteth, are peoples & multitudes & nations & tongues: \composing the ten horns/ And the ten horns wch thou sawest upon the Beast, these shall hate the whore & shall make her desolate & naked, & shall eat her flesh & burn her with fire \as the end of the 1260 days./. For God shall put in their hearts to fulfill his will, & to agree & give their kingdom unto the Beast untill the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman wch thou sawest is that great city wch reigneth over the kings of the earth, called the ten kings \that is/ the great city of the Latines wch reigneth over the ten kings.
Beast, the 144000 wch were sealed out of all the twelve tribes, became the two witnesses in opposition to those two fals churches. And the name of the two witnesses once imposed, remains to the true Church of God in all times & places to the end of the prophesy.
When the seven Angels had poured out the seven Vials of wrath & Iohn had described them all as successively present in the visions untill great Babylon received the cup of the wine of the fierceness of God wrath: he is called up from the time of the seventh Vial to the time next preceding the seventh seale of the sixt seale to take a view of the Woman & her Beast in the time who were to reign in the times of the seventh seale & in & in respect of the time then considered as present, (suppose in the reign of Iulian the Apostate or Iovian,) the Angel tells Iohn: The Beast that thou sawest, was & is not & shall ascend out of the ch abyss or sea & go into perdition. That is to say, he was before Constantius conquered the Magnentius & reunited the western Empire to the eastern. He is not during the reunion, & shall ascend out of the sea at a following division of the Empire. \The Angel tells him further:/ Here is the mind wch hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on wch the Woman sitteth, Rome being built upon seven hills & thence called the seven hilled city. Also they are seven kings: five are fallen & one is & another is not yet come, & when he cometh he must continue a short space. And the Beast that was & is not he is the eighth, & is of the seven, kin & goeth into perdition. Five of are fallen, the times of the first five seales being past; & one is, the time of the sixt seale being pres considered as present; & another is not yet come, & when he cometh wch will be at the opening of the seventh seal, he must continue a short space; And the Beast that was & is not [by meanes of the division of the Roman Empire into two collateral Empires] he is the eighth \(by means of the division of the R. Empire into two collateral Empires)/ & is of the seven, & shall go into perdition. The words: five are fallen & one is are usually r & another is not yet come are usually referred \by interpreters/ to the times of Iohn the Apostle when this prophesy was given: but it is to be considered that in this prophesy many things are spoken as present wch were not present which were not when the prophesy was given but wch were present with respect to some future time considered as present in the visions. So where its said upon pouring out the seventh vial of wrath, that great Babylon received the cup of the wine of the fierceness of Gods wrath this relates not to the time of Iohn the Apo the Apostle but to the time of pouring out the seventh vial of wrath. And so where its said, Babylon is fallen is fallen, \& Thrust in thy siccle & reap, for the time is s come for thee to reap, & the time of the dead is come that they should be judged/ & I saw the dead small & great stand before God, these things \saying/ relate not to the days of Iohn the Apostle but to the \later/ times considered at present in the visions. And so the words five are fallen & one is & another is not yet come or the Beast that was & is not are he is the eighth, are \are/ not to to be referred to the days of Iohn the Apostle but to the time when the \Beast/ was wounded to death with a sword, & shew that this wound was given him in his sixt head: And
Chap. VIII
An Account of \the Empire of/ the Romans descr according to the description given of it by Iohn.
In the Apocalyps The {illeg} great red Dragon & the ten horned Beast \in the same th Apocalyps/ signify the same thing with the third & fourth Beast in Daniel. The Dragon is the \third Beast or Leopard,/ Leopard or third Beast \that is He Goat/ reigning not in his last horn {his} not his own power but in that of his own power the Romans. He {illeg} While the Latines reigned over the Greeks the whole is the Dragon, but with relation chiefly to the Greeks: but after the division of the Empire \into the Empires/ of the Greeks & Latines, the Dragon represents the Empire of the Greeks, & the ten horned Beast the Empire of the Latines. They both have ten horns \because they \were/ united for a time/ but the Dragons horns are without crowns because they did not arise within the nations represented by comprehended in the body of Daniels third Beast. The Dragon is called the Devil & Satan, & Satan is said to have his throne or {illeg} (or royal seat) in Pergamus: & the He Goat in the reign of his last horn is the kingdom of Pergamus. The Beast was wounded to death with a sword by the victory of Magnentius Constantius over Magnentius, his deadly wound was healed by the new division of the Empire between Valentinian & Valens he arose out of the sea at the new division thereof between Gratian & Theodosius, & he gave the Beast his power & throne by retiring into the east at the death of Theodosius & division of the Empire between thes sons \of Theodosius/. And the Woman upon his back signifies the same thing with the little horn of Daniels fourth Beast. In allusion to the Babylonian captivity in wch the Iews were carried captive through the wilderness of Arabia deserta to Babylon she is \called Babylon &/ said to fly from the temple through the wilderness unto her place \upon the back of the Beast/ where she is fed & nourished, that is, unto her state of riches & honour at wch she arrived in the reign of Charles the great or not long after. \At the division of the Empire she became the Church of the Beast/ From the time that the Beast rose out of the sea the affairs of the Greek & Latin Empires are described by th distinguished into six successive intervalls of time by the sounding of seven Trumpets & again by the pouring out seven {illeg} Vials of wrath, the last of wch puts an end to their reign, & the first begins it. And to complete the mystical number of three sixes, X≡5, 666, the same six intervalls are repeated by the seven thunders. In sounding the first four Trumpets, the scene of sacred prophesy comprehending all the nations of the four Monarchies is \considered as/ divided into three parts, wch are the fourth Beast or nations of the Latine Empire; the third Beast or nations of the Greek Empire, & the nations beyond Euphrates comprehended in the bodies of the two first Beasts. The book in the right hand of him that sitteth upon the Throne is the scripture of truth said by Daniel to be sealed untill the time of the end. The Lamb opens the seals thereof successively untill the Beast rises out of the sea. The seven Epistles sent to the seven churches of Asia refer to seven successive states of the \true/ Church untill she before she flies into the wilderness; the opening of the seven seals \referrs to the/ to the \seven successive/ states of the Empire during the same time, that is untill the Beast rises out of the sea: & the sounding of successive great warrs the seven Trumpets denotes seven successive great wars w the first of wch begins with the death of \the Emperor/ Theodosius teh emperor \great/, & the last denotes thaput is that by wch Christ with his two edged sword smites ye nations & the stone cut out without hands fall upon the feet of the Image & puts an end to the four monarchies. The seven thunders are the \seven/ wars to wch the Trumpets sound. And the seven viols of wrath are poured out at the sounding of those Trumpets. These things allude to the feast of Tabernacles kept in the Temple seven days together by great sacrifices at wch the Trumpets sounded, the Priests Levites sang loud with Thundering voices, & the Priests poured out Vials of drink offerings. Thus the six intervalls \three times repeated/ between the first & last Trumpet, Thunder, & Vial, answer to the number of the Beast 666. In sounding the first four Trumpets, the scene of sacred prophesy comprehending all the nations of the four Monarchies is considered as distinguished divided into three parts, wch are the nations fourth Beast or nations of the Latine Empire, the third Beast or nations of the Greek Empire & the two first Beasts or nations beyond the Danube Euphrates under the king of Persia. The first Viol was poured upon the Earth, that is, upon \the/ nations of of wch the two horned Beast arose & this Beast is called a fals Prophet \to signify that he was of an ecclesiastical kind,/ & spake as the Dragon, that is, in point of religion, & so was his Church. When the Empire became divided into the Greek & Latine Empires, the Church of that \the whole/ Empire became divided into the Churches of the Greek & Latine Empires; & this is represented by the Womans flying from her first station headed by the seven Churches of Asia, to her western \new/ station \in the west/ under the Bishop of Rome {a new} to whom the Emperor Gratian now granted appeals from all the western Churches, & thereby made her the Church of the western Empire; & by the rise of a new Ch the two a new church in t the two horned Beast representing a new Church in the East headed by the Bishops of Antioch & Alexandria. And when the Woman fled she left a remnant of her seed which kept the commandments of God & had the testimony Iesus \Christ/ & so were the two Witnesses in opposition to the two horned Beast are called the two witnesses.
In allusion to the Temple of Solomon & \to/ Gods sitting \therein/ upon a throne above the Ark between the Cherubims, & to the chambers of the 24 Princes of the Priests (1 Chron. 24) \& to the golden Candlestick & son of brazen sea/ & to the people in the four sides of the great court: Iohn sees a throne & him that sat thereon & round about the throne 24 Elders sitting on thrones with Crowns on their heads, & \before the throne/ seven lamps & a sea of glass & four Beasts \round the throne/ four Beasts full of eyes to represent multitudes. And in allusion to the book of the Law in the side of the Arck \& to the morning sacrifice/ Iohn saw a book sealed wth seven seals in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne, & a Lamb at the altar as it were slain. And when the four Beasts give glory & honour & thanks to him that sitteth upon the throne, the Elders also worship him also saying, Thou art worthy o Lord to receive riches & glory & honour & power because thou hast created all things & for thy pleasure they are & were created. W And the Beast & Elders worship also the Lamb saying Thou are worthy to take the book & open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain & hast redeemed us with \to God by/ thy blood & hast redeemed us with thy blood out of every kindred & tongue & people & nation & hast made us unto our God kings & Priests & we shall reign on the earth. And the Angels about the throne \& the Beasts & Elders/ said with a loud voice: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power & riches & wisdome & strength & honour & glory & blessing. And every creature said Blessing & honour & glory & power be unto him that sit upon the throne & unto the Lamb for ever & ever. And the four Beasts said, Amen. And the 24 Elders fell down & worshipped him that liveth for ever. This is the form of worship here prescribed to Gods people.
And after his death his successor Abubecre in the first year of his reign prosecuted the war & enlarged the kingdom, \in Arabia/ in the second sy \year he/ sent an army to invade Chaldea, in the second agent another army \there he therd began to invade/ \Persia & sent anotehr force/ to invade Syria & \the forces they/ took Bosra or the the metropolis of the Idumeans at the entrance of Syria & he died but \that summer but before/ he died that summer he d \they took it/ at Media that summer in August A. C. 634. a little before the taking of Bosra The next year his successor Omar sent fresh forces into Syria wch put the Romans to flight & after half a yearse siedge took Damascus, & the year following they won several battels & took beseiged Ierusalem. & the
Hitherto the Califs reigned at Medina in Arabia & their kindgom may & called the kingdom of Arabia \over Arabia so that & were kings of Arabia./ but the next year A. C. 637 they began to translated the seat of their kingdom from Medina \Arabia/ into Syria. For Omar left made his son Governour of Medina & went himself into Syria & took Medina IeruSalem & all Phœnicia & send a great army to invade Egypt. And the same year they took \also/ the royal city of the king of Persia with his Treasures & Crown & conquered \a considerable/ part of Persia putting the Persians to flight. This year was the first year of the reign of the Califs in Syria, the They \& more/ were now masters of all Syria as far as For they were now masters of Phœnic & Syria Da & may e recconed the first year of their Empire. Hitherto \Which successes may be recconed the beginning of their Empire. Before this year/ they were only kings of Arabia but now they began to be emperors of the East \they {illeg}/ having conquered Phœnicia, Syria Damascena, Chaldea &, part of Persia & some part of Egypt \& beginning to reign at Damascus/ & Omar being the first Calif to whom they gave the title of Imperator fidelium. & who {illeg} He was also the first who used ye years of the Hegyra {illeg} \da/ & dated letters from that æra, & who assembled men yearly under one prince in ye month Ramadan.
The next year A. C. 638 he took Antioch wth all Syria. & The year following his army became masters of Gran Cairo in Egypt & besieged Alexandria & after 14 months siege they took Alexandria & A. C. 641 & the in a year or two more carried on their conquests into Libya as far as Barca. And while these things were doing westward his armies extended their conquests eastward over Mesopotamia Assyria & Persia as far as Bactria, & his successor All this was done in the ten years reign of Omar. And his successors carried on th conquered to the western bounds of Europe Afric & then invaded Spain \France Italy Greece Asia minor/ & all the sea coasts of Europe |& beseiged Constantinople several times vexing all Europe with frequent incursions & besieging Constantinople several times.|
After the Califs left Medena they reigned first at Antioch & Damascus & then at Bagdat. In the
Omar & his successors made Damascus the seat of their Empire: But Almansor A. C. 762 gave commandmt for ye building of Bagdat
While the reigned at Damascus the Monarchy rose up \to its full growth/ & flourished in its vigour At length Almansor A. C. 762 gave commandmt for the building of Bagdat, & after this city was built it became the seat of the Empire & Bagdat Damascus remained only the metropolis of Sy the upper Syria, its walls being pulled down before the building of Bagdad. for what wh Bagdat was buil founded at a time agreed on by Astronomers; in what year I know not; nor in what year it was finished: but it was finished Almanso nor whether Almansor reigned there. He died \near Meccha/ A. C. 7{illeg}75 & his son was \then/ made Calif as Bagdat A. C. & reigned there & Monarchy flourished \under that Metropolis/ till about ye year 870 & then began to be shaken wth some intensive broiles but overcame then & continued almost entire till about the year 900. The governour of
And this reign of the Turks puts a fuller period to reign of the Empire of the Locusts under their \in king/ the Angel of the bottomless pit.
Now from the year of Christ A. C. 637 in wch the Calif trans
Now recconing that \since/ the Califs were \reigned at Medina as/ kings of Arabia \or some part thereof/ till the year 637 & in that year translated the seat of their kingdom from into Syria & \began to {illeg} enlarged it this kingd founded \into/ a great Empire/ conquering Ierusalem & \all/ Palestine & part of Persia & Egypt: to their kingdom if we date their Empire from that year (for this is further implied also by naming their king a destroyer in the Greek languages of the Greeks & Hebrews & Greeks is implied that he should \receive his name from/ destroying their counties) of the Hebrews & Greeks) & {illeg} during his reign) & if we extend their the reign of this monarchy over under the Angel of the bottomless pit \from that year inclusively/ to ye end of ye year 936 in wch the Calif lost all his dominion temporal & ceased to reign over the territories wch belonged to ye Greek Empire before they invaded them \lost all his temporal power & ceased to torment the Romans./ the whole duration of this \great/ Monarchy will be \just/ 300 years, or ten prophetick months, \putting days for years &/ recconing 30 days to a month & putting {illeg} \days for {illeg}/ years for a day. But because there its the n there were two successive Dynasties of this Monarchy the one at Damascus in Syria the other at Bagdad in Chaldea{illeg}, & because the Monarchy is represented by Locusts whose \& their/ nature \of Locusts/ is to live but five months: the Prophet for the decorum of the type they being hatched annually about a month after the vernal Equinox & \laying their eggs &/ dying about the autumnal Equinox: the Prophet for ye
Elmacinus distinguished – – common period. The \two/ first of these Dynasties I m began some years before the reign of ye line of Omnia & therefore I measure it rather by the family of Omn reign of ye Metropolis Califs at {illeg} Metropolis \reign of the {illeg} Omniade & other Califs reign of all the Califs at/ Damascus, extending that reign to the building of a new Metropolis And this was the first five months. The second I measure wth Elmacinus by the reign of the Abasides at Bagdad untill they subjected themselves to temporal Princes, that is until the end o Nov the middle of November \A.C/ 936. & this was the second five months & the third\Dynasty wch was lasted from that time to the invasion of the/ lasted during the division of the Empire of the Saracens into many kingdoms some of wch were subject to the Turks & this Dynasty ended with the invasion of \Tartars divided A. C. 1258./ of the Tartars A. C. 1258. For the Calif of Bagdad, after he had lost all his dominion & power for abo 200 years together or above, became recovered a temporal dominion at {illeg} over \For the Empire of the Saracens continued all this time in divided into many kingdoms & the Calif of Bagdad continued the first two hundred years of this time without any temporal dominion & then recovered the/ the Province of Bagdat & reigned there as a temporal Prince for for about an hundred years till ye year 1258 & then the Califate by Tartars put a full end to ye Califate
During In all
How much the Roman\s/s of [Catholicks of both Greeks & Latines] were {illeg} \plag\u/ed &/ tormented by the the Saracens during all these three Dynasties, all {illeg} \is sufficiently related in/ the histories of those times. relate at large {illeg} And this plague fell upon the Latins as well as upon the Greeks as it ought was predicted. For at the pouring out of the fift vial was poured out upon ye seat \the fift plague of the/ For the fift Angel poured out his Vial upon the seal of the Beast. The Men who ha received had not the mark of God in their foreheads that is those who by the influence of the two horned Beast received the mark of the \ther/ Beast are still \was most properly/ the Greeks & the Beast himself is the Latines & both together comprehend the people of the whole \Roman/ Empire. This plague fell upon the whole Empire. And they gnawed their tongues for pain & blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains & sores & repented not their deeds. This plague was inflicted upon them for their idolatry & yet the more they were plagued the more they blasphemed worshipped their \Idols &/ false Gods wch in this prophesy is called blaspheming God. For after the \use of Images was defended by Gregory the Great & by the authority of the P. & Gr. Emp. ye/ images of the Virgin Mary & {illeg} the Martyrs were set up in ye Pantheon by the authory of the Pope & Greek Em \at Rome/ the images of the saints ar were set up by degrees in all churches being consecrated & called Holy imgaes & the people by degrees \catholicks/ grewing more \& more/ superstitious towards them till many of the people {illeg} worshipped in \them/ wth such a worship as others took for idolatry whereupon the Greek Emperor Leo Isaurus \A. C. 725/ ordered all Images to be demolished & forbad the invocation of Saints & was excommunicated for it by the Pope. And after a lasting \long/ & sharp controversy between the Pope & Greek Emperor & in some respects into (in wch \controversy/ some of Latine Churches also opposed his Holiness sided with{illeg} the Greeks) the Pope at length got the VIC victory \This victory was gained in the ninth century/ & Images were have ever since been worshipped by the Roman Catholicks. This victory \for images/ was gained in the ninth century & in the same century the Canonizing of Saints & the doctrine of transubstantiation & the granting of Indulgencies began. And before the times of this Trumpet expired, Ido the idolatry of the Roman Catholicks arrived to the height. Afterwards Togrulbec had severall wars for establishing himself in his kingdom & conquering Iraca & then died A. C. 1063 & was succeeded by his brothers son Olub Arslan (called also Asan Axan Olbarsatan
While this kingdom \Empire/ continued divided into many kingdom the Turks under the conduct of Togulbec whom ye Greeks call Tangrolipa \otherwise called Togra Tangrolipix Dogrissa & Sadoc/ conquered Pe Chorasan & Persia & A. C. 1055 added Bagdad to their Empire & made that city the seat thereof, the Calif {illeg} maing him \inviting him thither/ /sending for Togrulbec\ Emperor of Emperor \&/ crowning him \there/ & A. C. 1058 his \Afterward Togrulbec/ conquered the king of Iraca A. C. \His/ 1058 & successor Olub' Arslan (who was his brothers son & was called \also/ Asan Axan Olbarsalan Alpasalem Aspasalem & Muhammed Adaduddaulas) \who/ began his reign A. C. 1063 & added Mesopotamia to his Empire & A. C. 1070 {illeg} besieged \& took/ Aleppo \but left it in the hands of the former king as gov viceroy/ & the next year took the Greek Emperor Diogenes Romanus prisoner \& was slain A.C> 1071 & succeeded by his son Melech Malechsah Melicosah or/. The third Sultan Melech Malechsah \Malicjah/ or Melecla the third sultan of began his reign A. C. 1071 \this new Empire Malechsah/, invaded Syria & Asia minor & took Damascus Aleppo Cæsaria & winning many batells extended his dominion from the utmost borders of the Turks to Ierusalem & the bounds of Arabia fælix. He took {illeg} He took Damascus A. C. 1079\80/ by ye conduct of his brother Tagjuddaulas, & the same \year/ he took Aleppo by the conduct of Sjarfuddaulas governor of Masul. And the next year by the conduct of Sedijduddaulas he took Cæsarea \& soon after{illeg} Iconium/ from the Romans. And now this Empire of the Turks \during the reign of these three Sultans/ being arrived to its ακμη & after the & upon the death of Melechseh \A. C. 1093 the {kingdom}/ being left to his son Mahmed a child six years old brake into several smaller kingdoms or Sultanies of the Turks, the governours of Provinces revolting & making themselves absolute. One of these Sultanies continued at Bagdat in the line of Togrulbec till about the year 1160 & then came into the hands of the Calif & his Saracens. And four other\s/ be Sult of these Sultanies were seated upon the great river Euphrates. These were the Sultans of Mesopotamia, the Sultany of Armenia, the sultany of Syria & the Sultany of Asia Minor Cappadocia.
And the law invaded
— he dissolved & an end put to Empire of the sarracens. For the Calif had for the last hundred years reigned over Bagdad & its dominions with a power both temporal & spiritual, & but after this conquest all the east were was in the hands of the Turks & Tartars, Ægypt in the hands of the Mamaluks & Mauritania in ye hands of the Moors, & little or nothing remand any longer in the hands of the Sarracens. And therefore this is the period of time to wth we are to apply the saying: One Wo is past & behold there come two Woes more hereafter
He reigned t \conquering al/ & his successors Abubecre & Omar reigned there five years \more/ carrying on their conquests \the first year/ in Arabia, \& \then/ sedning captains to invade Chaldea & Syria./ In the 12th year of their reign Abubecre invaded Ira the coasts of Chaldea neare the Pers & in the 14th Syria & then beginning \send captainst t/ to invade Chaldea & Syria. In the the \second year or/ 12 year of this kingdom \the forces of/ Abubecre invaded \sent an army to/ invaded Chaldea, & in the 13th \A. C./ he \634/ invaded \he he sent another army at Medina in August the same year/ Syria & died in August [In these invasions he met wth various success, yet his forces took] & his forces took \the same year in August/ & before ye end of the year his forces took Bosra a city of the Edomites at the entring on the border of \at the entrance into/ Syria. The next \14th/ year Omar sent more forces into Syria wch put the Romans to flight & after half a years siege took Antioch A. C. 635 Damascus. The next \15th/ year they won several battells & beseiged Ierusalem the 15th year A. C. 637 Omar came in person from Medina into Syria \leaving his son P Governour of Medina/ & his forces took Ierusalem & all Iudea wth all Palestine & invaded Ægypt \wth a great army/ & the same year they put the persians to flight & conquered part of Persia & took the royal City of the king of Persia with his treasures & Crown. The In the 17th year they took Antioch wth all Syria In the 18th year they became masters of Gran Cairo in Ægypt \& beseiged Alexandria/. In ye 20th year he took Alexandria after 14th months siege & in this & the two following years he carried on his conquests into Libya as far as Bacra. And while these things were doing eastwa westward they extended their conquests eastward over Mesopotamia Assyria & Persia as far as Bactria All this was in the ten years r \ten years/ reign of Omar. And his successors carried on the conquest till they brought the empire to the height throughout all Afric \& Spain/ & from thence invaded Europe & And infested all the sea coasts of Europe wth frequent invasions.
In the year 750 Spain was separated from this Monarchy & Almansor in the year 762
After the Califs left Medina they reigned first at Damascus & then at Bagdat. In ye year {illeg} 762 \The Calif/ Almansor gave commandment for the building of Bagdad. It was founded at a time agreed upon by Astronomers, \the year I know not,/ & after it was for built it became the seat of the Califs & Damascus remained only the metropolis of ye upper Syria, its walls being pulled down before Bagdad was built. In what years Ba Whether Almansor Almansor died near Mecha A. C. 775 & his son was made Calif at Bagdad & reigned there, & the monarchy continued entire till about the year 880 except that Spain was rent from it in the year 750. But after the year 800 this Empire \After the monarchy was translated to Bagdat it was sometimes shaken by in{te}stine divisions for a while but continued p{illeg} almost entire till about the year some short lived seditions & 900 & then began to fall in pieces soon/ \great Monarchy wch reached from India to Tangier the {illeg} Octan/ began to fall in pieces. The governour of Egypt revolted A. C. 882 but was reduced A. C. 905. Mahad \The Fatamides under Mahadis/ revolted A. C. 910 & rent away Afric & Sicily, & \Mahad/ was succeeded \there/ by his son Caijmus. The Caramites revolted A. C. 899 & rent away Arabia Felix & Petræa. In the year 927 the Dailamites set beg set up a kingdom in Media \revolted/ & A. C. 931 extended their kingdom over a great part of Media & Hyrcamia & in three or four years more under the conduct of Mardawigus & Amaduddaulas took from the Calif Chorasan & all Persia. The Calif A. C. 930 granted Mesopatamia & Miagarekin to Nasiruddaulas the grandson of Hamedan for an annual tribute, & A. C. 933 he made Abubecre Achsijd Prefect of Egypt & days then deposed him making Ahmed Prefect in his room. But Achsijd having obteined Syria invaded Egypt in August A. C. 935 \& set up a new dominion over both regions which lasted many years/. And now the Empire of the Saracens being broken into many kingdoms & divided among temporal Princes & the remaining dominion of the Calif \at Bagdat/ being disturbed & small & & in danger of falling, the Calif sent for Mahumet the son of Rajic{illeg} from Wasitus a city of Chaldea where he reigned, & \He came to Bagdat in November A. C. 936 in November A. C. 936 & the Calif/ made him Emperor of Emperors & surrendred to him the army & treasury & all the temporal power of the Califate, as is related by the Arabic historians. FOr Abul-PhraSengius relates the matter thus
And Ehneasinus relates the mat story more at large as follows.
Eutocius upon the first four Books of Apollonius's Conicks.
And when the Dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth he persecuted the woman wch brought forth the Man-child. [ This he did by raising & fomenting vexations disputes among the Christian Churches. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness into her place [of honour] where she is nourished [by the merchants of the earth] for a time & times & half a time from the face of the serpent. An Eagle was the symbol of the Roman Empire & two wings of this Eagle were given the woman by \at/ the founding of Constantinople A. C. 33 by Constantine whereby the Empire became divided into two governments under two imperial Cities the western under Rome & the eastern under Constantinople, By ea wch governments are th henceforward the wings of the great Eagle. By means of this Hitherto the woman represented the whole Church of the whole Empire typified also by the seven Churches of Asia, but after the division \of ye Empire/ she ceases to comprehend the in her mys the Church of the Eastern Empire & signifies only the Church of the Western, & this her quitting her first Ecclesiastical seat th among the seven Churches in Asia minor to seat her self in the on the seven hills at Rome is called represented by her flying into the wilderness.
And the Serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after ye woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. A flood is the type of a kingdom & this kingdom is the western empire. And because the Dragon after came down among the inhabitants of the earth & sea the name of {illeg} Dragon & Serpen is again \is some respect/ given to the whole \Roman/ empire. This Dragon came This Serpent \by a new division of ye Empire at the death of Constantine the great {illeg}/ cast out of his mouth the western Empire as a flood that by this division he might cause the Woman to be carried away from being a type of the \Church of ye/ whole Empire to be a type of ye Church of the Western Empire only.
And the Earth \[or Eastern Empire]/ helped the woman & [to prevent her being thus carried away of the flood] the earth opened her mouth & swallowed [by the victory of Constantius over the Gre the Eastern Emperor Constantius over the western \Tyrant/ Magnentius] swallowed up the flood reunited the Ep Empire & the]reby] is swallowed up the flood wch the Dragon cast out of his mouth.
And the Dragon was wroth with the Woman [in the reign of Iulian the Apostate, & by a new division of the Empire in the reign of which began wth the reign of Valentinian & Valens, was interrupted for five or six months & ren continued {illeg} between Gratian & Theodosius between the death of Valens & creation of Theodosius & then continued again, the woman went into the wilderness & the Dragon retired from her into ye Eastern Empire] & went to {illeg} make war [there] with the remnant of her seed wch keep the commandmts of God & have the testimony of Iesus Christ. Whence its certain that the Woman is the Church of Christ
And he [the Dragon] stood upon the sand of the Sea \that is upon the Earth or \in the/ Eastern Empire. For/. In all this Prophesy where the earth \land/ or water are name together, the earth \land/ is put for the eastern Empire & the water for the western; as where the Dragon comes down to ye inhabitants of ye earth & sea, & where the earth opens her mouth & swallows up the flood \& where the 4 winds hurt the Earth & the Sea./ And so here the sound of the sea hself is put for the earth or eastern Empire, & the sea for the western. And Iohn saw a Beast [The Dragon now retired by a new division of the Empire retires from signifying the whole Empire composed of Earth & sea, & stands upon the earth alone And Iohn saw a Beast rise \up/ out of the sea [or western nations of ye western Empire] having seven heads & ten horns & upon his horns ten crowns & upon his heads the names of blasphemy. By \At/ the next division of the Empire between Valentinian & Valens \which was between Gratian & Theodosius/ The Dragon went from the woman & stood upon the land & the Beast rose out of the sea. And because the Empire became united again for five or six months between the death of Valens & reign of Theodosius & again for three months at in the end of the reign of Theodosius, \{illeg} was sometimes united & {illeg}/ & in the time of union the whole Empire is both Dragon & Beast; therefore the Beast has the same heads & horns with the Dragon, but the Dragons heads are crowned to signify that he reigns in the heads & the Beasts horny are crowned to signify that he reigns in the horns. These horns are the ten kingdoms into which the western Empire became divided at the sounding of the second Trumpet A. C. 408.
And upon his heads were the names of blasphemy. He was Blasphemy is put for idolatry as above & the \name/ names of Blasphemy for the names of fals Gods.
And the Beast wch Iohn saw was like unto a Leopard & his feet were as the feet of a Bear & his mouth as the mouth of a Lyon Here Daniels four Beasts are named in a contrary order & Iohn's Beast is put in the room of Daniels fourth \to shew that they are the same./. He was fierce & terrible lit & many headed like the Leopard, that is fierce & terrible, & many headed his feet were as the feet of a Bear yt is fit for stam fighting & stamping things, & his mouth was as the mouth of a Lyon that is with great teeth for devouring A And therefore he was in all respects like Daniels fourth Beast \& he had ten horns:/ All which is a description of Daniels fourth Beast.
And \[after the Beast was risen out of the sea]/ the Dragon gave him his [Imperial] power & his throne [or old imperial city the city of Rome with its dominions] & great authority. For the Emperor Theodosius by his last Will & Testament left the Empire divided between his two sons & gave the Western Empire to his younger son Honorius.
And Iohn saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death, & his deadly wound was healed. In the reign of Constantius his sixt head he was sl conquered & slain by the sword of Constantius & A. C. 353, & by a new division of the Empire between Valentinian & Valens {illeg} his deadly wound was helaed & he revived A. C. & began to rise out of the sea. A. C. 364. And \after he was revived/ at ye opening of the seventh seal A. C. 378, 379 & 380 A. C. 380 was fully risen \he rose out of the sea/ & began the reign of his seventh head & \A. C. 395/ the Dragon gave him his Throne: in wch respect he is called the eight king or head & of the seven] To express \in/ what head he was wounded, he its said of his heads, five are fallen & one is & the other is not yet come, in & the he To express in what head the Beast was wounded to death its said of the Beast that he was & is not & shall ascend out of the abyss or sea & of his heads that five are fallen & one is & the other is not yet come & the Beast that was & is not he is the eighth. It was therefore in the {fight} \reign time/ of the sixt head that the Beast ceased to be, tha or that he lay dead of his wo mortal wound. In the reign of this head {illeg} he appeared in the form of a flood cast out of the Dragon's mouth, & then was conquered & slain by the \sword of the/ Eastern Empire A. C. 353, & by a new division of the Empire between Valentinian & Valens he A. C. 364 his deadly wound was healed & he revived; & being now alive, the next thing he did was to ascend out of the Sea, which he did in this manner. At the death of Valens at the opening of the seventh seal A. C. 378, 379 & 380 by a third division of the Empire. For at the death of Valens the {illeg} whole Empire came into the hands of Gratian who after {illeg} five months created Theodosius Emperor of the East & A. C. 378 And Theodosius falling sick at Thessalonica A. C. 380 Gratian again took care of the Eastern Empire sending forces thither against the Barbarians & going himself to Thessalonica. But after the victo recovery of Theodosius Gratian left the eastern Empire to his care. And Now the Beast being risen out of the Sea the Dragon in the next place \in the next place/ gives him his old Throne. An For Theodosius pre For Eugenius invading the Eas western Empire making himself Emperor of ye west, in opposition to his For Theodosius preparing to make war upon Eugenius Emperor of ye west, created his younger son Honorius Emperor designing the western Empire for him & the eastern for his eldest son Arcadius whom he had made Emperor before. And when he had conquered Eugenius, which
The fift Seal opened.
When the Lamb had opened the fift seal Iohn saw under the Altar the souls \[that is the bodies]/ of them that were slain for ye word of God & for ye testimony wch they held. And they cryed wth a loud voice saying How long a Lord holy & true dost thou not judge & avenge our blood on them that dwell on ye earth. And white robes were given unto every one of them & it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season untill their fellow servants also & their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled. This is a \very/ plane description of a very great persecution of the Church \as was said,/, & answers to Dioclesians Persecution wch more sharp & lasting than any of \was notably sharp & great above all/ ye former persecutions. & \It was/ ye only persecution wch was general & was greater \& seems to have exceeded/ them all the former put together, It lasted \almost/ two years over all the Empire & eight years more over all the East & to have been ye only persecution wch was universal so that in respect of this the former deserve but little to be considered Amongst the former that of Decius is accounted ye greatest being much more sharp & general then ye rest & yet that was not universal nor lasted above one year & three months, whereas this continued with unexpressible violence almost two years over all the Empire & eight years more over all the east \beyond Illyrium Italy/. It began in Spring anno 303 & was so vehement that in about 30 days were slain 170000. \And yet/ It was sharper in the second year then in the first & afterwards was still sharper \it ceased in ye west it grew \notably/ sharper in the east/ under Maximinius \in the east/ & did not begin to mitigate before ye end of ye seventh year. In Egypt alone were slain (saith Ignatius of Antioch) 144000 & seventy thousand banished: [Whence the Æra of Dioclesian was called the æra of martyrs]. And if you peruse the description wch Eusebius gives of it in other Provinces you will scarce find it milder in other Provinces. \From this Persecution the Æra of Dioclesian was called the Æra of Martyrs./ These martyrs are represented as sacrifices lying under the ye Altar that is at ye foot of it \where the sacrifices used to be slain/ & they are told that they should \must/ rest for a little season that is untill untill the sufferings of their brethren who should be killed as they were should be accomplished, that is untill the end of ye great tribulation, then \or untill the times of the seventh seale be expired. For/ The little season is the reign of ye seventh head or king called a short space Apoc 17. 10 & a short time Apoc 12. 12.
The sixt Seale opened.
And when he had opened the sixt seal there was a great earthquake \(or shaking of the kingdom so as to remove it Heb. 12. 26, 17, 28.)/ & the Sun \)the Emperor wch/ became black as sackcloth of hair & ye whole Moon (the Empire the Emperors wife) became as blood \(that is they were totaly eclipsed & the glory of the kingdom \& his people/ put out)/ & the stars{illeg} of heaven fell unto ye earth as a fig-tree casteth her green figgs when she is shaken of a mighty wind & the heaven departed as a scrol when it is rolled together \that is the host of the kingdome fell down \by {ceasures}/ & the throne of the kingdom was shed \& dominion thereof {fled} away/ (Isa. 34. 4). Nahum 3.12)/ & every mountain & Island were moved out of their places \that is the cities of the earth & sea changed their dominions Dan 9. 16, 20. Ier 51. 24, 25)/ &. And the Kings of ye earth & the great men & the mighty men & every bond man & every free man, hid themselves in the dens & in the rocks fo ye mountains \(or buildings of ye cities)/ & said to ye mountains & rocks Fall on us & hide us \(in rubbish)/ from the face of him that sitteth on ye throne from ye wrath of ye Lamb for the great day of his wrath is come & who shall be able to stand. All this is a description of ye end of a world politick, & signifies & signifies the casting of ye great red Dragon out of heaven by Mocha or fall of the heathen Roman Empire. as you may For The shaking \earthquake/ signifies the shaking of ye kingdom so as to t remove it, Heb. 26, 27, 28. The sun Mo is the King \(that is the or Drag Dragon)/ the Moon his mystical body or people & ye starrs his Princes or Angels Eclipsing of ye Sun & Moon is extinguishing the glory of ye King & his people that is the Idols of all sorts were laid aside & hidden in corners \& caverns/ of their temples & the Temple afterwards thrown down upon them condemned to recov fall \tumble/ down upon them.
What this means may be understood by comparing it wth ye following passage places. Enter into ye rock & hide thee in ye dust for the fear of the Lord & for ye glory of his majesty – For the day of ye Lord of hosts shall be upon every one yt is proud — & upon all ye high mountains — & the Idols he shall utterly abolish, & they shall go into the holes of ye rocks & \into the/ caves of ye earth for fear of ye Lord & for the glory of his majesty when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver & his idols of Gold wch they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles & to the bats to go into the tops of ye ragged rocks for fear of ye Lord & for ye glory of his Majesty when he ariseth to shake terribly ye earth. Isa. 2. 10, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21. The High places of Aven the sin of Israel shall be destroyed: the thorn & the thistle shall come upon their altar & they shall say to ye mountains Cover us & to ye hills fall on us. Hosea 10. 8. Men are here put for idols, as in many \divers/ other places of scripture Thou hast played ye harlot wth many lovers yet return to me saith ye Lord – She committed adultery with stones & with stocks. Ier. 3. 1, 9. So Baalim are called the lovers of Israel Hosea 2. 12, 13 & Baalim are called & ye Idols of Egypt, Assyria & Babylonia are called Egyptians Assyrians & Babylonians Ezek 16 & {23} wherewith Israel \& Iudah/ commit fornication. Ezek 16 & 23. {illeg} These ar men \therefore/ who hid themselves in dens & rocks of ye mountains & said to the rocks fall on us & hide us, are idols of all sorts wch were now laid aside in private places of the cities untill the buildings fell on them & covered them in rubbish.
So then at the opening of ye Sixt Seal is predicted the shaking eclipsing, falling, vanishing departing & vanishing of the whole heathen Roman world & the abolishing of their idols. And this came to pass in the reign of Constantine the great & his {illeg} \successors/, & can be applied to no other period of time. Constantine & his sons shut up the heathen TEmples & threwn down Idols & interdicted the worship. Iulian restored it & Iovian \reigned into {illeg} all religions But/ alienation & idols interdicted it again. Gratian rejected the dignity & title of Pontifere Maximus wch ye Emperors had hitherto retained. And this put an end to the very Priesthood of the Heathens. ✠ ✠ Constantine & his sons shut up ye heathen Temples, threw down ye Idols & interdicted the worship, Iulian restored it, Iovian resigned but seven months, Valentinian tolerated all religions permitting all men both heathens & Christians the \to/ worship of their own Gods, Gratian interdicted the heathen worship & no \& his brother Valens tollerated the Heathen/ It was the custome \for the heathen Priests/ so soon as any man was made chief Emperor to offer him the title & habit of the Pontifex maximus: & all the Emperors had hitherto accepted this \dignity/. But Gratian \& Theodosius/ the sons of successors of Valentinian \& Valens/ refused it, \& his & Theodosius the successor of {illeg} Valens/ {illeg} interdicted the heathen worship & took away the revenues of ye sacrifices & ye slaries \& authority/ of the Priests, \& made it a capital crime to worship the heathen Gods/ & heathenism after this recovered no more. The times of the sixt seal therefore lasted at least \from the victory of Constantine over Licinius till the commor reign of/ till the first year of Gratian over ye \Graitan & Theodosius/ West anno 376 or rather till the first year of his reign over the whole Empire A. C. 378. For Valens whom he succeeded in the East, was Pontifex maximus. \reign of Gratian & Theodosius./
These things predicted in the first & sixt seals are \The six {illeg} are repres again predicted in the prophesy of ye/ Woman & Dragon wch is an interpretation of the prophesy of ye seven seales. First there are vo lightnings & voices & thundrings & an earthquake & great hail, & & these express in general the wars of the Empire made by the four horsmen {illeg} at ye opening of first four seales. Then there appears a \glorious/ Woman in heaven who being wth child cried travailing in birth & pained to be delivered: & a great red Dragon whose tail drew the third part of ye stars of heaven & cast them to ye earth stood before the woman to devour her child so soon as it was born. A The woman is the Church of Christ: for her seed keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus Christ Apoc 12. 17. She cried in she was in pains of childbirth & cried in Dioclesians persecution & at that same time the Dragon drew \threw down/ the third part of the stars or saints of heaven wth his tail or army \that is he persecuted & threw down the saints of the Greek Empire./. For of \For this Empire was one third part of/ all the nations comprehended within the \compass of the/ four monarchies wch are ye subject of Daniels \sacred/ Prophesy, the on third \consists of & another third/ part is the western Empire and ther third part the eastern Empire & another third part is the Empire of Persia \including Babylon/ & the seat of the ten years persecution was the Eastern Empire. The mane In the last year of the persecution Constantine the great was converted to Christianity & overcame Maxentius & became Emperor of the all ye west & contracting affinity with Licinius they wrote to Maximinus to stop the persecution in the east. Thus the woman brought forth a Manchild & at his birth her pains ceased. By the manchild understand not a single person but a christian kingdom. So Isaiah: Before her pain came she was delivered of a [17] man-child. Who hath heard such things? Shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed she brought forth her children. About 7 or 8 years After seven or 8 years Licinius began to renew the persecution in the East, whereupon Constantine ye great made war upon him & overcame him & by this victory \the child/ was caught up to God & to his throne that is to ye throne of ye whole Empire. This war between Constantine & Licinius is represented by the war \in heaven/ between Michael & ye Dragon. As the Angel told Daniel that Michael assisted him against the Prince or Angel of the kingdom of Persia, & that he had assisted Darius & went forth to fight wth the king of Persia & that Michael the great Prince standeth for the childrē of Israel (Dan 10 & 12) so in the Apocalyps Michael is represented as standing upo for Constantine ye great \& the Christians/ against Licinius & the whose Dragon called the Devil for Licinius. \kingdom is the Dragon assisted by the Devil. This war is in heaven that is in the throne of ye Empire/ And the great Dragon was cast out of heaven that old serpent \[heathenism]/ called the Devil & Satan he was cast out of heaven into ye earth & his angels were cast out with him. And Iohn heard a loud voice saing in heaven Now is come salvation & strength & the KINGDOM of or God & the power of his Christ: for ye accuser \[or Persecutor]/ of or brethren is cast out shose accused them before our God day & night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of their testimony & they loved not their lives unto the death Therefore rejoyce ye heavens & ye that dwell in them. Apoc 12. 9. These words are so very plane \an/ interpretation of ye Prophesy as to leave no room for dispute doubting.
Wo be to the [Christan] inhabiters of the earth & sea: for ye Devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. From ye very time that the idolatry was dethroned the devil or spirit of delusion came down among the common people to seduce them anew, having great wrath, (that is tempting & seducing them making hast to seduce them) to ye grossest errors then be & worst practises) them before because he knoweth that \he knoweth that/ he hath but a short time before he he shut up in \shall be \bound &/ cast into/ the bottomless pit & shut up that so that he can decive the nations no more till \for a/ a 1000 years. be{illeg} expired This Devil is therefore the spirit of the great Antichrist \that mystery of iniquity/ wch began to work in St Pauls days, & but was not to be revealed till the Roman \heathen/ Empire wch \then/ letted {illeg} \should be/ taken out of ye way, & then that wicked one \the man of sin the son of perdition/ should be revealed whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power & signes & lying wonders & with all deceivableness & unrighteousness & whom the Lord shall consume with the breath of his mouth [signified by the two edged sword] & shall destroy with the brightness of his coming 2 Thess. 2. While the heathen Empire stood the Church was preserved from corruption by the sincerity of the professors of Christianity \persecutions &/ afflictions wch she frequently struggled purged her from hypocrites & bad men, so that ye greatest \sincere/ part of ye Christians were sincere always the most numerous & prevailed over ye mystery of iniquity: but after the Empire became christian the heathens flowed into ye Church \in great numbers/ making an outward profession of Christianity \for temporal ends/ without recieving the love of the truth, & in these the mystery of iniquity worked till by their numbers it prevailed against the truth. {illeg} For \at or about the time of opening the opening of/ what those were they but heathens under ye name of Christians who \the seventh seale then/ brought into ye Church \the invocation of dead men &/ the ascribing of supernatural powers \& return/ to ye signe of the cross, the \to/ consecrated water & oyle to the signe of ye cross, \&/ to ye reliques of saints & to their bones |& vertue \& \miraculous/ operations/| to their \soules &/ reliques & shrines \& soules/ & to ye signe of the cross & \to/ holy water & consecrated oyle \& also to certain/ ceremonies such as were signing with a cross, & sprinkling wth holy water & annointing wth consecrated oyle. And from that time they in by \daily inventing &/ crying up such miracles & writings Legends of them to be read in Churches be sending reliques into all ye Empires they deceived the world & at least they corrupted the Christian reliques till let \they deceived the people & cor \re/established these heathen practices under the name of Christianity/ & at length set up pictures & images \in their Churches/ & worshipped them as the heathens had done before, & \at length/ pretending the bread in the Eucharist to be transubstantiated into ye body of Christ \they/ worshipped that as ye supreme God. So These or The miracles by wch such these heathen things that while heathe When \therefore the Dragon/ heathenism was dethroned as an open enemy to ye Church, \& came down/ of put on a new dress & insion he transformed himself into an Angel of light & under the profession of Christianity deceived the inhabitants of ye earth & sea Thus the Dragon when he came down among the inhabiters of ye earth & sea transformed himself into an Angel of light, & when he could no longer prevaile by open enmity, {illeg} made profession of Christianity & ruined the Church by false friendship.
In ye reign of Constantine & his sons the Christians \by an unwary zeale/ began{illeg} to use the signe of ye Cross with too much superstition & to bury \to pray at ye tombs of the martyrs in honour to the Martyrs and to translate/ the bodies of ye martyrs into their Churches thereby making \turning/ the \Christian/ Churches the into sepulchres as the heathen Temples were before. In ye |And in the reign of Constantius they began to tell stories of their seeing the And souls of dead men. And in the reign of Iulian ye Apostate| About a year or two before the reign of Valentinian & Valens there reliques began to be a rumour of miracles done \in Syria & ye east Syria & Egyp/ by the reliques of the martyrs & {Sun} & in the reign of those Emperors \Valentinian & Valens/ those miracles were every where preached up & the reliques were sent from Egypt & Syria into all the Empire from Egypt & Syria where the mischief began & the invocation of Saints was at the same time set on foot first \first/ by Oratorical flourishes between jeast & earnest \& then by serious in prayers/ & \by/ stories of the good effects of such devotion & the until the \heathen/ doctrine that ye saints \{illeg} saints/ did hear & help was brought into the Churches & then by downright prayers \Oratorical flourishes ended in/ direct & positive prayers: so that within the space of 30 or {40} years the the in the \in the reign of Theodosius/ this \heathen/ doctrine that ye saints did hear & help us began to \& the \idolatrous/ practice of praying to them/ overspread as well ye western as the eastern Churches & in 30 years more was \before his death or {illeg}at ye furthest in the reign of his sons was fully/ generally received & fully established in all the Roman Empire, the whole world ringing with ye noise of the vast num miracles said to be done every where at the shrines of ye Saints. , & by invoking them & by their reliques & And in setting up these pactises the Monks were \new religion/ the ringleaders were the Monks who \feigning miracles &/ pretending by extraordinary dreams & revelations to discover where the bodies of the saints & martyrs were buried, eug up the{illeg} bones of ye dead & ran carried them up & down the empire & erected {el ince} mcuh that some & did it so very much that some recconed this to be the first resurrection spoken of in the Apocalyps \& that the Emperors at length forbad these practises by publick Edicts/. They set up altars also over their graves for t these dead men \the/ graves \of \such/ pretended saints/ in the fields as on ye High ways for ye \devotion/ use of travellors. so that ye Council And of Thus did the Devil come down amongst the Inhabiters of ye earth & sea having great wrath {illeg} having great wra \& making hast to set up the Abomination of desolation/ because he knew that he had but a short time.
To prosecute this matter fully would require a large discourse. I shall content my self wth noting ye beginning of these mischiefs. And ye first instances that I meet with of \this sort of/ miracles are by ye reign of Iulian ye Apostate & Iovian A. C. 362 & 363. Hilary \in the 5th year of his banishment in his book/ {illeg} book against Constantius written in ye year 361 (in 5t year of his banishment A. C. 361, makes this mention of what was then done in Spain the East. Sine martyrio persequeris. Plus crudelitati vestrœ Nero Deci Maximiane debemus Dabolum enim per vos vicimus. Sanctus ubiqe beatorum martyrum sanguis exceptus est: Dum in his Dæmones mugiunt dum ægritudines depelluntur
In the first ages of Christianity she is the true Church of Christ diffused through all the whole Roman Empire represented by the Dragon: but when the Dragon that spirit of Idolatry called the Devil & Satan wch deceived the whole world was cast out of the Roman throne by Michael he came down among the Christian inhabitants of the earth & sea with great wrath making hast to seduce them because he had but a short time to reign among them brfore he should be cast into the bottomless pit. And the woman when being the infec degenerating fled from him \& from the Temple of God/ into a spiritually barren wilderness & & left in flying separated from a remnant of her seed wch she left behind her in the & wch keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus, & wch she left behind her in the Temple. For the Temple was the scene of all these visions. The Dragon Woman & Drago The Tem In the beginning of these visions the Temple was opened in heaven to let Iohn see them in it & there he saw the woman in travail & the Dragon standing by her & her child caught up to throne of God above the ark & the Dragon cast out by Michael \of the house of the Temple in heaven by Michael by Michael/ unto ye outward court where or the court of the people called the inhabitants of the earth & sea \court of the people below here/ & come down among the inhabitants of the earth & sea who worshipped in that court. There he saw the Dragon persecute the Woman & the Woman fly from this Temple into through the wilderness of Arabia to ye great city Babylon, & the Dragon m leave a remnant of her seed in this Temple & go through the Dragon go from return from the woman to make war upon the remnant in the court of this Temple & two Beasts arise out of the earth & sea in this Temple. And as the ten horned Beast rose out of the sea to succeed the Dragon in the
And this Tem
And the Dragon & two horned beast wth the saints 144000 being left alone in the Temple a new Temple is built for Beast & Woman & the people saints in their kingdom.
For the better understanding of all this you are to conceive that remember that the t scene of the visions was of the Idoman & Beasts was the Dragon & Beasts was \is/ the first Temple This Temple was opened \in heaven/ for Iohn to see the visions in it & there he saw \the ark of ye Testament which was only in the first Temple &/ the Child bearing Woman & the Dragon standing by her, & \how/ her child \was/ caught up to the throne of God above the Ark & \how/ the Dragon \was/ cast out of this Temple of heaven by Michael \through the Priests Court/, into ye outward court or court of the people \wch people are/ here called ye inhabitants of ye earth & sea, & \that the Dragon/ persecuted the \how/ woman in this Court called the court of the Gentiles that ye Woman fled from this Temple through the Wilderness of Arabia to ye great city Babylon & left a remnant of her seed with the Dragon in this Temple. \There the/ & then the wome Dragon made war upon that remnant in this Temple & \how/ the two Beasts arose out of the sea & earth in this Temple & the second Beast deified the first & created his his \caused men to erect his to be erecte/ an Image to /him\ in this temple & there accused men \them/ to worship them \image/, & that \how There/ ye Dragon by the dictates of the speaking Image made war \there/ upon the remnant of the womans seed & \mystically/ killed all that would not worship the Image & that \how/ all there received the mark or name or number of the Beast {illeg} except the 144000, who being excommunicated retire from the multitude in the outward court & standing upon mount Sion with the Lamb sing a new song in the midsts of the four Beasts & the elders & by consequence in the inner court of this Temple. {illeg} Thus the Primitive Church \Catholic/ represented by the glorious woman in heaven, {illeg} was by degrees diminished & corru reduced to the small number of 144000,. And now the woman becom ten-horned Beast go [upon the final division of ye Empire] going from this temple into ye wilderness where Iohn saw the w him & \with/ the woman upon his back, the Dragon & two-horned Beast remain alone in the outward court of this Temple & the wo 144000 \worship/ in the inward court thereof. And the scene of the visions remaining unchanged, it is to be conceived that the seven candlesticks with their lamps reamin still \continue/ in this Temple from the beginning to the end.
And \Now/ the Woman in the Wilderness being a Church & her Beast being the laity of that Church, the b & every Church having its Temple, its to be conceived that the building of a new Temple \there is a new Temple built./ with two Candlesticks for the Woman & her Beast & for the saints in their kingdom is thus described & the building thereof is described by the Angel in saying to Iohn Rise measure the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein
Now \snice {sic}/ this Temple hading in it the Ark of the Testament & therefore \it/ was the first Temple, or as it is afterwards called, the Temple of the Tabernacle that is, such a Temple framed & furnished afer the manner of the Tabernacle prescribed to Moses & by consequence with a candlestick of seven branches called in this prophesy the seven candlesticks. For in such all the visions in such a Temple all the visions were se appeared untill Iohn was carried from this Temple into the Wilderness to see the Woman & her Beast who were gone thither. And the seven Angels on sev wch sounded the Trumpets & \coming out of this Temple/ poured out the Vials of wrath \in this Temple/ are the seven Ange spirits of God wch so repre represe & \the/ Angels of the seven Churches, wch Churches are the seven spirits of God Candlesticks in this Temple & {illeg} Angel \which/ Angels or spirits are the seven lamps burning before the throne {illeg} the \(Apoc 40 .5) & appearing like a rod of/ seven stars in ye right hand of the son of Man who walketh in the midst of the seven Candlesticks. Apoc 1. 20 & 2. 1 & 3. 1 & 4. 5
When Iohn had seen \in this Temple/ all the visions in this Temple from the opening of the first seal to the pouring out of the last vial, he one of the seven Angels carried him away into the wilderness from this Temple into ye wilderness to see the great Whore that sitteth upon many waters, that is, to see the great city Babylon wch is seated upon the many waters of Euphrates, An there he saw her sitting upon the ten h wch waters are said to be peoples & multitudes & nations & tongues. And there he saw them \Woman/ sitting upon the ten horned Beast, that is, upon \reigning over/ the kingdom or Empire \body politics/ composed of those peoples & multitudes & nations & tongues. For the ten horns of the Beast are ten kingdoms over wch the Woman reigneth \& kingdoms are peoples & multitudes & nations & tongues/. Now this woman being a church separated \& fled departed & fled/ from the Temple first Temple & the Beast being the laity of this Church, & every Church having a place of worship, a second Temple is built whose outward court is given to these Babylonia gentiles & inward Court to the people of God whom these Woman /gentiles\ & ten horned Beast \had/ carried away captive to Babylon. For Iohn had For \when/ a measuring reed was given to Iohn & the Angel said to him Rise measure the Temple & altar & weomen them that worship therein (that is the Courts of the Temple & Altar & the \little court of the people called the/ Weomens Court) but the court wch is without the Temple leave out & measure it it not for it is given to the Gentiles & the Holy city shall they tread under foot 42 months: this is a plain allusion to the Babylonian captivity & to the building of the new \second/ Temple in \the time of/ that captivity, & signifies the building of a new Temple for the people of Babylon in this prophesy For \The/ measuring \of/ a {illeg} city or building as \being/ a type of building it. For when Zechary saw an Angel with a measuring reed go to measure Ierusalem – – – – – – – & was called the Gentiles court. So then a new Temple was built whose outward court was given to the And in allusion And as Haggai & Zechary prophesied at the building of ye second \Zerubbabels/ Temple so in allusion to those two prophets there are two Prophets or Witnesses wch prophesy 1260 days \in/ the second Temple of the Apocalyps & these two Prophets are represented by two Candlesticks standing in this Temple before the God of the earth (Apoc 11. 4.|)| |& they prophesy in the kingdom of the Beast \& Woman/ because they are slain by him & lye dead in the streets of the great city Babylon.| wch city is spiritually called Sodom for \because of/ its whoredom & Egypt where also or Ld was crucified because of its cruelty & it treading the holy city under foot & worshipping in the outward court of the second Temple.
So then ye Dragon the Woman & the first Temple \with \its/ seven candlesticks/ continue from the beginning to the end of the Prophesy & before the division of the Em Roman Empire into the Greek & Latin Empires relate each of them to the whole \while ye Empire continues intire/ Empire: but but upon the division of the Empire \when the Empire becomes divided/ into the Greek & Latin Empires, that each Empire \wth its churches true & false/ may be distinctly represented, there arise two new Beasts & a a new Temple is built with two candlesticks \in it/; & the Dragon continues \& second Beast two-horned Beast worship/ in the outward court of the first Temple with the \second/ of the Beast. to \&/ represent the \Empire & Church of the/ Greeks Empire with its nations & \wth/ the \established/ Greek church of that Empire usually called the Greek Church {illeg} [& [in the inner court of this Temple are is they that the true \eastern/ Church \of church God/ repre of of ye Greeks represented by the seven candlesticks & by them that seduce & sing upon the sea of glass &. And] \W the woman & ten-horned Beast worship in/ the outward court of the {illeg} new Temple & goes to \represent \so ye Woman & ten horned Beast thus// the Church & kingdoms of the Latines including Germany [& the saints in the inner Court of this Temple is the true \western/ Church {illeg} of God represented by the two Candlesticks & called the two witnesses] These \Apostates/ worship in the outward courts of the two Temples to represent that they have an outward form of religion & are Christians \in name/ Churches \in kingdoms in/ in outward form & \&/ appearance. And in the inward Courts of the \same/ two Temples are the Saints or true Churches of God {illeg} the eastern & represented \diffused through both Empires & represented in the Temple of the Laintes by the two Candlesticks & two Witnesses &/ in the Temple of the Greeks by the seven Candlesticks & by them that have the name of God on their foreheads & sing on the Sea of glass, & in the Temple of the Latines by the two Candlesticks & two witnesses For these \seven/ candlesticks do not cease at the division of the Empire. but continue to the end of the Prophesy. For The Churches of Pergamus Sardis \Thyatum/ & Philadelphia are four of the seven, & . . . . . till Christ comes.
/# Now....\ # Now for understanding what is meant by the two Candlesticks - - - - - all their dominions.
So then upon the division of the Roman Empire into &Empires, each Empire has its Temple. The Greek Empire has a Temple with seven Candlesticks wch are the seven Churches of Asia & in the inner court of this Temple are the 14400 servants of God standing upon the sea of Glass on mount Sion with the name of God in their foreheads it in the outward court are the Dragon & two horned Beast or nations of the Greek empire wch under an outward form of a Christian Church worship the B Image of the tenhorned Beast & have his mark. The Latine \& German/ Empire has a Temple with two Candlesticks \wch c. are the \t{rue}/ Churches of the Romans & Germans/ & in its outward \inward/ Court \are/ the servants are the saints with whose are the worshippers of God {sic} – wch are the true Churches of God within the nations of the Latin Empire & the German Empire. And in the inward court of this Temple are the worshippers of God with who & in its outward Court the Gentiles represented by the Whore & her Beast. The inner courts of both Temples are given to the Saints & the outward courts to the apostates. And its to be conceived that the saints in the inner Courts of both Temples being are \being are/ exactly of the same religion & worship God in the same manner & keep the same festivals & offer the same sacrifices upon the same times \at those/ festivals. For the two Witnesses consume \consume/ their enemies with fire at the sounding of the first Trumpet & th turn the waters into blood at ye sounding of the second & {illeg} smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will that is with all the seven plagues & therefore we are to conceive that the plagues of the \seven/ Trumpets & Vials of wrath are inflicted by all the seve joynt power of the saints in both Temples. For this is represented by the mighty Angel cloathed with a cloud & standing with his right foot on ye earth \sea/ & left foot on ye earth, while the seven Thunders utter their voices from that cloud. For the sea & earth comprehend both Empires.
So then upon the division of the Roman Empire into the Greek & Latine <85r>After ye 7 Thunders there is time no longer but the mystery of God is finished & the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord & his Christ & therefore they are the plagues of the seven thunders. These plagues were appear were mentioned after those of the \first six seales &/ first six Trumpets & there\for/ they called are th are called the last. They were left unwritten before & therefore they are written now
|For| And thereby is insinuated an allusion to the victory of Moses over the Egyptians. For in the Prophesy of Moses over the Egypt the Woman & Dragon, – & host of Egypt./ Conceive therefore that in \by reason of/ this allusion to ye history \of Moses/ the song of \new song wch/ the lamb & 144000 \sang wth ye Lamb/ upon Mount Sion \& now sing upon the sea of glass is called/ is the song of Moses. And \Conceive/ that they began to \that the 144000 Victors/ sing this song at the end of the half hours silence when the Angel with the \golden/ Censer cast fire on the earth & Iohn seven lightnings heard heard voices & thundrings & that these voices & thunderings are the song \it self And that/. in ye 144000 forget the \Victors sing it For they sing it./ for the victory \wch they had just/ gotten by their prayers in the time of silence wch ye Angel offered \up to God/ wth much incense \by the Angel at ye golder A./ in the time of \that/ silence; only wch they obteined to \they having {injure} by these prayers/ be sealed wth ye name of God in their foreheads while the rest of the 12 tribes were overcome by the temptation & received the mark fo the Beast \wch victory was to overcome the temptation of that time & prevail to be/ carried away with the multitude to worship the beats & his image & receive his mark. For a victory over the mark of ye Beast & over \the n. of his name/ can be nothing else then a victory whereby they{illeg} rece escaped the receiving that mark & number & a victory & obtein \& prevaled to/ received the seal of God. \And so/ By the victory over the Beast & over his Image \is to be/ understand a victory \over their worship or/ whereby their worship was escaped the Victors escaped worshipping them & continued to \persevered in the/ worship of God.
So then ye 7 Trumpets & seven Thunders are but several names of the & the same \one & ye same/ temple-music & {as the persons suggest the accompa} accompanying the \& are synchronal to the seven/ \effusion of the/ seven Vials of wrath, as may also appear by the following by the their being the prophesy of the second pag one of ye same page of ye book sealed book & \also/ by the following comparison.
wch leaf conteins an interpretation of the prophets of ye 7th leaf & continuation of that prophesy for a 1000 years longer & above
There Iohn saw \was told yt ye/ the Beast wch ascends out of the hotter Cas abyss {illeg} or sea shall be make war upon \against/ the two witnesses & kill them & their dead bodies shall lye in the street of the great city wch spiritualy is called Sodom & Egypt, where also or Lord was crucified, not Ierusalem, but Babylon that is in ye street \or dominion \territory// of the great city \or dominion & government/ spiritually called Babylon wth in whose dominion was Ierusalem wherewth wch comprehended \within whose territory or dominion was within which was/ the place where or Lord was crucified: here he sees this Beast wth the great city in the form of a woman sitting upon him \drunken with the blood of saints/. This is that \blasphemous/ Beast wth seaven heads & ten horns whom Iohn saw rising out of the sea wth a mortal wound in one of his heads & that woman who fled from ye Dragon into the wilderness to her place wch place is to sit upon the back of the Beast, that is to reign over him. Th Her place is her \state &/ dignity & dominion & her dignity is to sit a Queen & live deliciously wth the kings of ye earth. For she is the great city wch reigneth over the kings of the earth. In this place she is fed \& nourished/ by the merchants of the earth 1260 days prophetic days wch are so many years. Her Beast was & is not.
lwt | oz | dwt | 10 Portugal pieces of 27s {illeg}|v|alue per pence weighed 3oz 9dwt = 69dwt | |||||||||
First bag of dust | 15. | 10. | 0 + | 5|6|. | ||||||||
2d bag of dust | 15. | 10. | 0 + | 6|5| | One piece of 27s value = 4000 res weighs 6dwt 21 gr. | |||||||
3d bag of dust | 15. | 7. | 5 + | 6 | ||||||||
4th bag of Barrs | 11. | 5. | 2 + | 5 | ||||||||
5t bag of money | 6. | 11. | 16 + | 3 | ||||||||
65. | {illeg}|8| | 3 + | 25. | After ye 1st melting 63lwt. 6oz. 15dwt. | ||||||||
1 Ingot B 1car — | 14. | 9. | 4. | 12 | ||||||||
2 Ingot B 1car{} car — | 14. | 8. | 5. | 9 | C | |||||||
3 Ingot B iijgr — | 15. | 4. | 17. | 12 | C | |||||||
4 Ingot B 1car — | 11. | 4. | 16. | 15 | ||||||||
5 Ingot B 0car. 1gr — | 6. | 11. | 14. | 6 | ||||||||
Total | 63. | 2. | 18. | 6 | C | Sta. | 65. | 8. | 19. | 2 | ||
Grains — | 0. | 1. | 14. | 0 | 1. | 14. | 0 | |||||
Total | 63. | 4. | 12. | 6 | Sta | 65. | 8. | 19. | 2 | |||
Wast | 2. | 4. | 15. | 2|1|8 |
The scene of the Prophesy of the second Book.
After the six Angels had sounded their Trumpets Iohn saw a mighty Angel come down from heaven cloathed with a cloud & a rainbow upon his his head, & his face as it were the Sun & his feet as Pillars of fire & he had in his hand a little open Book open. This Angel by his form & the Book in his hand is Son of Man, for he alone was worthy to take the book & to look thereon. He had opened it before & now he appears with it open in his hand. Til a little book because it conteins only a part of ye former prophesy, that part wch followed after all the seals were open. Tis a \short/ repetition of the Prophesy of the seventh seal in another form. There {illeg} Iesus appeared in the form of a Lamb wth a sealed book in his hand to be opened: Here he appears in \his firet form/ ye form of the the man \the great Hight Priest/ with a little book open in his hand. And he set his right foot on the sea & his left foot on the earth. Conceive him standing in the day of Expiation at \in an elevated place without/ the eastern gate of inner Temp Court of the Temple wth the book of the Law in his hand in such manner that his right foot might appear as it were standing upon the sea of Glass & his left upon the land. T And he cried wth a loud voice as when a lyon roareth. that is he read out of the book with to the people wth a very loud voice as was the custome in {reare ap release}\on the day of expiation in the while the Heifer/ \& the Goat wch was the Lords lot were burning without the Temple as was the practise./ And when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. Thunders are put for thundering voices & signify the loud vocal music of the Temple. And seven thunders are the Temple music at the sacrifices of the seven days of the feast of Tabernacles. At each sacrifice the Trumpets sounded & the Levites sung alternately. In the prophesy of the first Book the Trumpets sounded to these sacrifices; in that of this second Book the thunders utter their voices to the same sacrifices: yet wth this difference that the scene of the visions in the prophesy of the first book is the first Temple & in that of the second book it is the second Temple, For when the Angel had Iohn measur this Temple & the Altar he bad him because \For/ the outward court of this Temple was \is/ given to the Gentiles, as was that of Ze ye second Temple.
The scene of the visions for interpreting the prophesy of ye first Book.
As Daniel's Prophesies of the s \two/ Visions of the Beasts & Nebucadnezzars of the \the Tree & the/ Image have interpretations annexed to them so have Iohn's The {illeg} visions reach to the end of the prophesy of the seventh Trumpet: the interpretation begins with the words prophesies of the two books. These prophesies end with the \sounding &/ prophesy of ye seventh trumpet. The visions Their interpretation of the prophesy of the first book begins with the words: And the Temple of God was opened in heaven & there was seen in his Temple the Ark of his Testament In the second Temple there was no Ark & therefore this is the first Temple. \Conceive therefore that m/ In this Temple the Woman & Dragon appear \in this Temple/ & yt the 144000 \are seen appear \have/ wth ye Lamb on Mount Sion & sing/ on Mount Sion sing in this temple \before ye throne & before/ in the middle of the four Beasts & the Elders. And Conceive therefore that the woman & Dragon appear in this Temple & that the 144000 are seen here \in it/ wth the Lamb on Mount Sion & sing at the sacrifices before the throne & before the four Beasts & the elders, & that the Woman flyes from this Temple from \{illeg}/ into the deserts of Arabia to her place at Babylon upon the many waters of Euphrates where she worships other Gods, wood & stone, & is nourished. By the Ark & ye Lamb & the four Beasts & ye 144000 sealed in their foreheads, you may know that these visions relate to the prophesy of the first book & have their scene in the same Temple wth that Prophesy. What is wanting in that Prophesy is here supplied, namely a description of the subject of the prophesy under the forms of a Woman & Dragon & two Beasts, & the marking the worshippers of ye east in opposition to the sealing of the servants of God. In the solemnity of the great fast the Attonement for the sins of the people was made by two Goats – – – – – harps. All wch is a description of the musick & singing in the Temple. Conceive this singing to be at the sacrifices of the seven seven days of the feast of Tabernacles, the seven Angels sounding their Trumpets & the 144000 singing alternately at the sacrificeds each day.
The interpretation of the prophesy of the first book ends wth the hav
When In the end of this scene of the Visions when two Angels come out the one from the Temple \wth a sharp sickle/ the other from the Altar t who had \having/ power over the fire; by these Angels you are to understand the two great Officers who had the charge of the Temple & the Altar. It was the custome of the Temple for ye Priests who were to perform any part of the service of the Temple not to do it till the Officer who had the direction of the service called to them to do it. And in allusion to this custom, an Angel \coming/ out of the Temple calls to ye son of man the great High Priest to thrust in his sickle & reap, & another an Angel coming {illeg} out of \from/ ye Altar who had power over the fire that is \an Officer/ who had the direction of the sacrifices calls to the Angel in another \the/ \the sacrificer represented by the/ Angel wth a sharp sickle to thrust in his sickle & gather the clusters of the vine of ye earth. The harvest is of the martyrs in the great tribulation, the vintage is of the wicked in the battel of the great day when the Son of Word of God smites the nations wth his two edged sword & treadeth the winepress of ye fierceness of Gods wrath. And blood came out of the winepress by the space of 1600 furlongs. that is all over Iudea. For the Iews reputed this to be the length of Iudea. This was reputed the length of Iudea & therefore you are to conceive that Iohn saw Iudea overlowed wth ye blood.
The scene of the visions for interpreting the Prophesy of the second Book.
The next scene of visions begins wth these words. And I saw another signe in heaven \[that is in the temple of heaven]/ great & marvellous seven Angels having the seven last plagues that is ye plagues of the last times & the plagues last mentioned \{illeg} of those in the prophesy of the second Book/ wherewith the two Witnesses smite the Earth & wch were declared to Iohn by the{illeg} voices of the seven Thunders, wch he was commanded to seale up & tho not written. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire [the great brazen lover mingled appearing as it were mingled wth the fire of the Altar] & them that get \(or had gotten]/ the victory over the Beast \& over his image & mark over his mark & over the number of his name]/ &c [that is, in the a spiritual victory over them whereby they escaped the mark of ye beast & were sealed wth ye seal of God in their foreheads ]. them I saw] stand on ye sea of glass having the harps of God & they sing the song of Moses & of ye Lamb. Iohn saw them standing at the eastern gate of the Priests court Temple a song like the song of Moses \& the Lamb for their victory over/ for their deliverance out of the great city wch spiritually is called Sodom & Egypt & like the song wch \wch/ the Lamb sung \& where our Lord was crucified./ wth the 144000 And after that I looked & behold the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened & the seven Angels came out of the temple having the seven plagues. By its being called the temple of the Tabernacles you may know that it was the second temple. For the Tabernacle was destitute of an outward court & so was the Zerubbabels Temple. And one of the four Beasts gave unto ye seven Angels seven Vials golden Vials full of wrath of God. Conceive these Vialls to be the drink offerings at the seven sacrifices of the seven days of the feast of Tabernacles at wch the seven Trumpets sound & seven thunders utter their voices & that ye Beast who gave these Vials to the Angels is the people in the weomens court of this Temple. For they are those that worship in this Temple & smite the earth wth all plagues as ofter as they will. This Temple continues \in/ the scene of the visions till all the Vials of wrath are poured out: For it was filled with smoke from the glory of God & from his power & seven Angels were fulfilled. that In the mean time \After the Vials were/ one of the seven Angels wch had ye seven Vials of wrath carried Iohn \called Iohn up & carried him/ into the wilderness of Arabia to see the great city Babylon which seated upon the many waters of Euphrates in the form of a Woman sitting on a tenhorned Beast, in the time of the Babylonian captivity when ye second Temple was standing.
After the Vials were poured out, one of the seven Angels the spirit into the wilderness to see the woman who was fled thither. Conceive that she fled through the wilderness of Arabia to Babylon in the time of the Babylonian captivity & that he see her there sitting upon the many waters of Euphrates in the time of the second Temple. For this {illeg} vision is an interpretation of that of measuring the Temple & Altar & them that worship therin & leave giving the outward court to the Gentiles untill the two witnesses be killed by the Beast upon which the woman sitteth.
who had the seven Vials of wrath called Iohn up & carried him in[Editorial Note 2]o. Lord holy & true dost thou not judge & avenge or blood on them that dwell on earth & it was not said unto them that they should rest from their labors yet for a little season untill their fellow servants also should be killed & their brethren should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. A little season & a short space are in this prophesy phrases for ye time \duration/ of the great apostacy: as where {illeg} tis said that ye Dragon hath great wrath knowing that he hath but a short time & that when the 7th head of ye Beast must continue a short space. The martyrs were to rest till the end of this little season short space & fro in the end of this short space \during this short se little season in the end of wch/ there must \was to/ be another great persecution wch Daniel calls a time of trouble such as there never was since there was a nation & Christ in Matthews gospel a great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world & in the Apocalyps \it is called/ the great tribulation out of wch the {illeg} palm bearing multitude come \In this tribulation their brethren were to be killed as they were in Dioclesians persecution &/, & so soon as this harvest is reaped {illeg} /Christ\ revenges the blook of the martyrs on their persecutors & by wasting the treading the {illeg} vine of the earth in ye winepress of Gods wrath so that blood came out of the winepress even to the horse bridles by the space of 1600 furlongs. Conceive therefore yt Iohn saw all Iudea overflowed wth blood for 1600 furlongs was reported the length of Iudea.
For understanding this prophesy it is further necessary to know in what order of time the several parts of this Prophesy are to be read. For things that are contemporary illustrate one another, but untill it is known that they are contemporary they render the Prophesy intricate & confused. By what has been said it is evident that the Prophesy consists of these principal parts. 1 The Introduction conteining Epistles to the seven Churches. 2dly The prophesy of opening the sealed book proceeding in a continual series of time from the Apostles days to ye end of the world exprest by opening the sea seven seales & sounding seven Trumpets in order; excepting that the times of the seventh seale are twice described; first by the visions of the sealing ye servants of God & \in the Fast & seeing the of ye/ Palmbearing multitude \appearing in the great Hosannah,/ & secondly again by opening the seventh seal \in the fast/ & sounding the seventh trumpets in the feast of Tabernacles wch ends wth ye great Hosannah. The holding of the winds while ye saints are sealing causes the silence in heaven for half an hour so soon as they are sealed the winds are let loos to hurt ye earth in the first Trumpet & sea in the second. 3dly There is the prophesy of the little open book in two parts contemporary to one another & to the times of ye seventh seal 3dly As the Prophesy of {illeg} the 144000 & the palm-bearing multitude is inserted between ye sixt & seventh seale {illeg} & is coincident in synchronal to ye contemporary to the seventh, so the prophesy of the little open book is inserted between the sixt & seventh Trumpet) after the manner of a parenthesis) & is \also/ contemporary to the seventh seal. For the Angel who holds this book in hand & the lamb who opened took the other \first/ book out of Gods hand & opened the seales thereof are the one & the same person in the {book} in a different form & the Books are also the same. There he took ye book & opened it here he appears with it open in his hands & therefore it conteins here a repetition of the prophesy from the time that it is open; that is all the time of the seventh seal. And as the prophesy of the first book in the time of ye seventh seal consists of two parts contemporary parts, first the visions of the four Angels wch holding ye four winds while the 144000 are sealed & of the 144000 when they sealed & the winds are let loos to hurt the earth & ye sea & of the Palmbearing multitude; so the & then the visions of opening the seventh seal & sounding the Trumpets in order: so the prophesy of the little \open/ book being a \supplemental/ repetition of the prophesy of the first book during the time of the seventh seal is also a double one \its being open/ consists of two contemporary parts answering to the two contemporary parts of the pro prophesy of the first book of wch they are a repetition in supplemental repetition \in a contrary order./ The first part is the prophesy of the book in the Angels hand, the second part is ye prophesy of the same book in Iohns belly. The first part consists in the Angel's reading crying wth a loud voice as a lyon roareth & in seven thunders uttering their voices wch Iohn is bid to seal up. By ye scene of the visions \explained above,/ the crying Angel's crying in the High Priest's reading out of the Book in the day of Expiation. & answers to ye & the seven thunders are the sing{illeg}ing & musick of the Temple \wch was intermixt with the sounding of Trumpets/ at ye \great/ sacrifices of the seven days of the feast of Tabernacles, the Trumpets sounding & the Levites singing & peo & playing upon musical instruments alternately at the sacrifices of & therefore the 7 Thunders & the 7 Trumpets are but various modes of expressing the same thing. When these Thunders have uttered their voices its added that in the voice of the seventh there shall be time no longer but in the voice of the seventh Angel when he shall begin to sound the mystery of God shall be finished: wch is as much as to say yt the thunders end wth the sounding of the seventh Trumpet.
[Editorial Note 3]As Nebuchadnezzars vision of ye Tru & \of/ the Image \& of the Tree/ & Daniels of ye 4 B & of ye Ram & Goat have interpretations annexed to them so hath Iohn's \prophesy of the seals & Trumpets/ & this interpretation is the vision of ye prophesy of ye little book wth wch Iohn was inspired \anew/ by eating it, & the interpretation \{illeg} wch new inspiration/ is a repetition of the prophesy of the whole book in the same order as before & in a manner \more full &/ more open & intelligible \as is signified by Iohn's eating the book & digesting the whole book & thereby becoming inspired with the whole prophesy more fully & perfectly then when he only saw it at a distance/. [After Iohn had eaten it a short time was allowed him for digesting it before he began a new prophesy out it & in this short time the Angel prophesied to him out of ye eight 6 till ye 7th Trumpet had sounded] & It begins thus.
And the Temple of God was opened in heaven & there was seen in his temple the Ark of his testament. This was therefore the first temple, for ye second temple had no ark As the former prophesy began with a door opened in heaven so doth this.
And there were lightnings & voices & thundrings & an earthquake & great hail a short representation of the wars of the four horsmen wch appeared at opening the first four seales.
And there appeared a great wonder in \[the temple of]/ heaven, a woman cloathed wth the Sun & ye moon under her feet & she appearing through ye flames of ye Altar wth her feet upon ye burning coals \as ye Altar/ as upon an half moon & upon her head a crown of twelve stars representing the 12 Apostles \& therefor she is the Church from the days of ye 12 Apostles./ For her seed keep the commandments of God & have ye testimony of Iesus. & therefore she is the church. And she being wth child cried travelling in birth & pained to be delivered: wch came to pass at ye opening of the fift seal by the great persecution wch she then suffered \there described/
And there appeared another wonder \in heaven & behold/ a great red dragon [the Roman heathen Empire] having seven heads [or \& ten horns/ successive Dynasties \or kings/ the fourt first of wch are represented by the four horsmen at the opening of the first four seales & the three las all seven are the seven \seven/ successive Dynasties of all the seven seales,] & ten hordes & (an ten contemporary kingdoms & seven crowns upon his heads [ to shew that they were seven kings, over such as were the horsmen. For the {illeg} a crown was given the first horsman & therefore he was a king or Dynasty of kings, & it is to be conceived tha{illeg}t all ye four \horsmen/ were of a kind. & seven c — & seven crowns upon his heads, for she that & therefore \To signify that/ yt his heads were seven kings or dynasties of kings, namely the reigns \is the intervals times/ of the seven seals the four of wch \reigns/ are represented by four horsmen & the first of wch has a crown given him to shew what they rest \all/ are. The Dragon called the Devil & Satan has his seat in Pergamus This Dragon has called the Devil & Satan has his seat in Pergamus & so is the {illeg} he that ha Daniels He Goat in the reign of his last horn wch was mighty but not in his own power but in the power of the Romans. His his heads being crowned are 7 seven kings or Dynasties of kings or successive reigns \of ye {illeg} kings/ such as the {illeg} in divided it to \commence/ /to {verify} that he of ye king\ at ye opening of the seven seales. For the first four \of these/ reigns are represented by four horsmen & the wth standards armies & standards & th a crown is given the first horsman & it is to \be conceived that/ all the 7 are of a kind. The reign of the Dragon therefore so far as it considered in this prophesy begins wth ye opening of the seventh /first\ seal.
And [at the opend|i|ng of the sixt seal] the great red Dragon was cast out of heaven that old serpent called the Devil & satan who deceiveth the whole world, he was cast out of ye earth & his angels were cast out with him as is signified by the smiting of the sun moon & stars, & the passing away of heaven at y{e} opening of the sixt seal.
And the woman fled into the wilderness & left a remnant of he {sic} seed who keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus Christ. Conceive that this division was made at ye opening of the seventh seal when 144000 were numbered & sealed out all the twelve tribes. And yt Iohn sees the woman flying from the Temple through the Wilderness {illeg} or desert of Arabia to ye city Babylon or the ‡ ‡ many waters of Euphrates where she committs /spiritual\ fornication with the great men of Babylon, in worshipping Dæmons or dead mens & /souls\ images of gold & silver & /{ivory} &\ wood & stone wch can neither hear nor s{ee} nor walk
About the same time rose up two Beasts {illeg} one out of ye earth \sea/ the other out of the sea \earth/ & all men received the mark of the first beast & then the Lamb stood on mount sion wth the 144000p having his name & his fathers name on their foreheads. Conceive that between the opening of ye seventh seal & sounding of ye first trumpet the twelve tribes are \became/ divided into two parties one of wch wa is \numbered &/ sealed wth ye seale of God the other was marked with the mark of the Beast & that so soon as this sealing & marking was finished, that is, at the sounding of the first Trumpet, the Lamb stood{illeg} on mount Sion wth the 144000 sealed who were \newly/ sealed. N3. The two Goats
And I heard a voice from [the temple of] heaven as the voice of many waters \[or much people]/ & as the voice of much \a great/ thunder: & I heard the voice of harpers harping wth their harps: & they sung as were a new song before the throne & before the four Beasts & the elders, {illeg} \& by consequence/ in the midst of the temple or tabernacle or first temple wch had the four Beasts about it. Conceive this harping & singing wth a thunding voice to be \the Temple musick/ performed at the eastern gate of the Priests court d at \during/ the sacrifices of the seven \six first/ days of the feast of tabernacles & to be intermixt wth the sounding of the six first Trumpets. And that whole \while/ these things are doing the Woman is /are doing\ \in the days of the 144000 or some part of the time very considerable part of that time the/ Gentiles tread down the holy city 42 months, the two witnesses prophesy in sacklth 1260 days, the woman is fed in ye wilderness 1260 days & the a time & times & half a time & the Beast speaks great things & blasphemies 42 months. For all these times are of a length & agree in the nature of the things & therefore are coincident to one another & make but one period of time.
After these things follow the preaching of the everlasting gospel to all nations wch began at the resurrection of ye witnesses or perhaps a little before their death; the fall of Babylon the great City otherwise called the tenth part of the great city & the vintage & harvest & vintage of Martyrs in the great tributats on as ye vintage of the wicked by a great victory of the saints in token of wch the the innumerable multitude of all nations come out of the great tribulation with Palm branches in their hands crying Salvation to or God. In the pesecution described at ye opening of the fift seal. It was {illeg} {to} ye martyrs who lay slain at ye foot of ye Altar cried wth a loud voice saying How long
Sect. VII
Of the Devil's coming down amongst ye inhabitants of ye earth & sea in respect of superstition & idolatry.
It & The Devivil {sic} \that old Serpent/ who deceived the whole world & was thrown down by the victories of Constantine the great {illeg} man have realtion to \was not only the same spirit of/ immorality but is chielfy to \more especially/ be understood of the spirit of superstition & idolatry. which before that victory reigned over all nations, This spirit & consisted in the worship of dead men \This spirit {illeg} This spirit reigned over all For idolatry was the religion of all the world this idolatry & in scripture is called the worship of Devils. It consisted in/ in giving honour & worship to dead men, When men began first to assemble into civil societies, & to such bodies \things/ as \were dedicated to them & named from them & as the ghosts or/ the souls of the dead were feigned to reside in, as to ye Sun Moon Stars Elements Birds, Beasts, Fishes \&{illeg}/, gravestones \Vegetables or altars/ & \& at length wth pictures &/ statues wth wch sepulchres were adorned. \F Families/ Cities & kingdoms out of \love for/ flattery to their kings built monuments \sumptuous & altars/ to the{illeg}\ir/ dead ancestors & \& kings to the dead/ {kindred} of their kings, \& families out of love to their dead ancestors did/ (at first more rudely at length more sumptuously) & appointed annual \menstrual or daily/ solemnities with incence{illeg} & sacrifices \& various ceremonies & initiations/ & Priests to perform them, & \built/ Temples built over their sepulchres \of kings & great men/ for people to meet in. & worship them for this worship. And Whence it came to pass that every kingdom, \&/ every city, every had their \its/ proper Gods & every family their {Dij} penates. They agreed in their religions but \&/ differed \only/ in & in their particular Gods & in the \some/ ceremonies &c made of their worship & therefore upon being conquered \by one another/ they easily received the Gods of their conquerers. \{illeg} And when they were conquered by the Castians/ But the Heathens conquered by Constantine But he Christians having no such Gods, \when/ the heathens \were/ conquered by Constantine the Christians, as many of them as thought it their interest to make a profession of of the Christian religion, F \were desirous & were prone to the worship of dead men/ soon found out pretences plausible pretenses to worship \worship/ \[set up such Gods among ye Christians as they had been used to worship] & set up the worship began to worship/ the Apostles & Martyrs & such other dead men as the Christians had most in honour, \turning the Christian Temples into their sepulchres./ & by their great numbers & /they\ prevailed to set up this worship in all ye Empire \turning the Christian Temples into the sepulchres of the saints./ And the hypocritical part of the Christians being inclined to superstitions & fond of increasing the numbers of their party easily complied {illeg} \& many of them having been educated in the heathen religion & retaining |from their ancestors| the heathen doctines {sic} about the souls of dead men & being fond of/ many of ym being educated in ye heathen religion & all of them \being/ fond of increasing the number of their party \they/ made little or no opposition & of paying honour to the Apostles & Martyrs, they made little or no opposition & desirous to increase the number of their party, they readily complied wth the humour \& inclination/ of the new converts. And thus under the colour of converting the heathens to the Christian religion, the Christians Churches were in a little time converted to the religion of the heathens, & Christ & his Apostles & Martyrs became the Gods of the Heathens, as Noah & his sons & pe & had been before Iehova or Iove, & Noah & his sons & the \other fathers &/ great men of the heathens \nations/ had been before, or as Christ would have been long before had he been Cononized long before had he been received into the Canon of the Roman Gods by the Senate at ye Request of Tiberius the Emperor Tiberius, & baptims he the heathens who worshipped him, had baptism be baptism been made ye ceremony of initiating his worshippers, & the feasting upon \eating/ a piece sacrifice of bread & wine the mystery of his worship. F By such a worship the whole Empire might have become Christian without ceasing to be heathen. And the case is the same wth those who only laid aside quitted the worship of some dead men to worship others. And the quitting the worship of some dead men to worship others does not me And if they had \might have/ afterwards left at the \/ have exchanged ye worship of Iupiter Saturn & Iupiter \& the other heathen Gods for that/ for yt of Peter & Paul \& the other saints Christian Divi/ without being less heathens then before. For all worship of dead men is heathenism. [{illeg} \The/ Idolatry \of ye heathens/ consisted in ye worshipping \& an {illeg}/ of ghosts {illeg} demons wch are \wch {were} mere/ phantasms, vanities, nothings, mere spirits of delusi \fals Gods, Gods wch were no Gods, mere nothings./ And this is called worshipping of Dæmons or Devils]
The four Beasts of Daniel being all of them still alive, the two last of them within whose countries the Christian religion was propagated, are the subject of Iohn's Prophesy, & are in that Prophesy represented by the Dragon & ten-horned Beast.
For the Dragon is the Devil & Satan (Apoc 12. 9) taht Satan who hath his seat or throne in Pergamus (Apoc. 2. 13) that is the kingdom of Pergamus represented by the last horn of Daniels Hee-Goat, whose power descending to ye Romans grew mighty in their power & at length separating from them became the Greek Empire reigning over the nations of Greece Asia minor Syria & Egypt wch made up the body of Daniels third Beast.
And \For/ Iohn's Beast by the number {illeg} of his horns & other characters is known to be the same wth Daniel's fourth Beast. Both had ten horns. Daniels had an eleventh horn with eyes \which was an animal with eyes like the eyes of a man/ & a mouth speaking great things against the most High \& so was a Seer & a Prophet or Prophetess exercising a jurisdiction in matters of religion/ & it madeng war upon the saints & prevailedg agai\n/st them & changedg times & laws, \& had a look more stout then the other horns & therefore was the chief & most powerful city of the Beast & \being/ a Seer & Prophet had a jurisdiction exercised a jurisdiction in matters of religion./ & in lieu of this \ecclesiastical blasphemy persecuting/ Animal Iohn's Beast has a woman on his back \the mother of Harlots & abominations of the earth/ who deceives all nations with her sorceries & commits fornication with the kings of the earth & makes all nations drunk with the wine of her fornications & who is drunken with the blood of saints & the martyrs of Iesus, & in whom was found the blood of Prophets & Saints & of all that were slain upon the face of the earth \& who sitteth on seven mountains & is the great city wch reigneth over the kings of the Earth that is the city Rome wch was the metropolis of the 4th & last monarchy & was famous for being seated on seven hills/. And further, Iohn's Beast is said to be like a Leopard & to have feet as the feet of a Bear & a mouth as the mouth of a Lyon (Apoc 13. 2) wch is the description of Daniel's fourth Beast. For that was dreadfull & terrible exceedingly as a Leopard is, & fought & stamped with his feet as a Bear doth & had great iron teeth wherewith he devoured & brake in pieces like a Lyon. Daniel's three first Beasts are here named backwards & Iohn's is named in room of the fourth to signify yt it is the fourth. And as Daniels the little horn of Daniels Beast reigned & prevailed over times untill a times & times & half a time that is three times or years & an half so |the woman on Iohns Beast was nourished a time & times & an half in the wildernes & & {sic} the seven mountains on wch the woman sitteth are called the seven heads of the Beast & therefore the seven hilled city is his metropolis of {Ro} the city Rome wch was the metropolis of the 4th & last monarchy & was famous for being seated on seven hills he is that {illeg} Empire whose Metropolis was the seven hilled city.| Iohn's Beast continued forty & two months wch is also three years & an half. and \✝ The Dragon who made war upon the woman \or/ in heaven is the \heathen/ Roman Empire/ ✝ The ch woman in heaven whose seed kept the commandments of Iesus is the Church Catholic of God & had the testimony of Iesus (Apoc. 12 1. 17) is the Church catholick & the great red Dragon wch persecuted her is the Roman Empire. When the ten horned Beast rose out of the sea the Dragon gave her When the ten horned Beast rose out of thea, the Dragon gave him his power & his throne & great authority (Apoc. 13. 2) this is when the Roman Empire became divided the Dragon who till then reigned over the whole Roman Empire gave his western \& therefore the Dragon reigned first in the Roman Empire. & when this He reigned alone \over the whole Empire/ while this Empire continued monarchical & when it became divided \✝/ ✝ into the eastern & western Empires, the the Beast rose out of the sea by that division & the Dragon gave his old throne the city Rome wth its dominion that is his western/ power & throne to the Beast & retained only his eastern power to himself. For the Dragon did not cease at the rise of the Beast but still continued in being. For after the Beast was risen they worshipped the Dragon & Beast together, & (Apoc 13. 4) & at length three f unclean spirits like froggs came out of the three mouths of the Dragon Beast & false Prophet \(Apoc 17. 13)/ & in the end when the Beast is cast into ye lake of fire the Dragon is cast into the bottomless pit (Apoc 20. 2) The Dragon & Beast therefore after the The Dragon & Beast therefore after the division of the Roman Empire signify the eastern & western or Greek & Latin Empires. This Dragon is the Devil & Satan (Apoc 12. 9) that Satan who had his seat in Pergamus (Apoc. 2. 13) that is the kingdom of Pergamus represented by the last horn of Daniels He-Goat whose power \descending dominion by the last will & testament of Attalus/ descended to the Romans & who grew mighty in their power & at length separating from them became the Greek Empire reigning over the nations of Greece, A Asia minor, Syria & Egypt wch made up the proper body of the \Daniels/ Hee Goat & of his Leopard {illeg} their Daniel or third Beast.✝A 30 A 1 ✝ The little horn of the He Goat waxed great even to \(or against)/ ye Host of heaven & it cast down some of ye host & of the stars to ye grownd, & stamped upon them & the Dragon's \tail/ drew the third part of the stars of heaven with his tail & cast them to the earth. These \actions are the same for the of the same signification for the/ horn of the he Goat as his army & the tail of the Dragon is his army; for these are their fighting members, & signify their \military powers or/ armies commanded by their kings The little horn of the Goat magnified himself to or against the Price of the host & by him the daily sacrifice was taken away & the place of his sanctuary was{illeg} cast down & By the agreement of their actions you may know that they are one & ye same kingdom. The Greeks called themselves Romans & gave ye name of Romanic to the Province of \Region about/ Constantinople, & that of Latins distinguished themselves from those of the western Empire by the names of Greeks & Latines. Whence the word ΛΑΤΕΙΝΟΣ is the proper name of the Latine \Western/ Empire. & the numb This name is the name of a man & the number of this name \666/ is 666 wch is the number of the name of Beast. 30 1 300 5 10 9|5|0 3|7|0 200 Λ Α Τ Ε Ι Ν Ο Σ is the proper name of ye Latine Empire & thence the number of this name is called 666 is called ye number of the name of ye Beast. The nations of these two Empires are distinguished from one by ye names of earth & Sea, as when the first plague falls on ye earth, the second on ye sea & where the ten horned b Devil comes {illeg} \down/ to ye inhabiters of ye earth & Sea & where the two ten horned Beast rises out of ye Sea & the two horned out of the earth. This dinstinction seems occasioned by ye language of ye Iews And in this respect the cities of ye Eastern Empire are called mountains & those of ye western Islands. This distinction seems occasioned by ye language of ye Iews who called the eastern countries earth & the western Islands in the Isles of the Sea. And since the ten-horned Beast rises out of the Sea you may know also by that character that he is the western Empire. Every kingdom has its church & the false church of the ten-horned Beast – And the \proper/ name of the Be These two Empires being distinguished from one another by the names of Greeks & Latines, the the word ΛΑΤΕΙΝΟΣ \301 5.1.40./
Every kingdom has its churhc & the churches of the kingdoms above mentioned are represented as follows. The false church of the dragon \ten-horned/ Beast is represented by the whore of Babylon who sits upon him \& regins over the kings of thee earth represented by his ten horns & is/ & is at length hated by his horns & made desolate by his horns & naked by them ten horns As Aho A kingdom is usually considered as male & a Church or Ecclesiastical dominion as a female. \An {illeg} Idolatrous Church is usually represented by a whore & sincere Church by a virtuous womā Ezek 16. 8, 15, 46, 47. 55 . Ier. 3. 1, 8, 20 Isa 62. 5. Hos{illeg} 1. 2 & 2. 2, {7}|5|, 7, & 3./ So the apostate churches of Israel & Iudah & \are/ represented by two harlots Aholiab & Aholibah \(Ezek. 23)/ & the Church of Christ by ye Lambs wife (Apoc 2 19. 1) And so the Church of Christ
Every kingdom has its Church & the true & false Churches of the kingdomes above mentioned are represented as follows. The false church of the Beast is re ten-horned Beast is represented by ye whore of Babylon. who \For she/ sits upon him & reigns over the kings of the earth represented by his horns & is at length hated & made desolate by them. The
The false Church of the Dragon is represented by the two other Beast wch \arose out of ye Earth hath & hath/ two horns like the Lamb & spake as the Dragon & by false miracles deceiveth them that dwell on ye Earth \& causeth them/ to worship the ten horned Beast \& his image & & for his false miracles & idolatrous doctrine is called the false Prophet./
{The true} \#/ #The true Church within the kingdom of the Dragon is represented by the tabernacle & first Temple, & by the \four Beasts & 24 Elders & the/ seven Candlesticks therein &c the or Candlestick wth seven branches, & by the seven horns of the Lamb \& by the seven churches of Asia in opposition to the seven hilled city,/ & also by the glorious woman in heaven before she fled into the wilderness & afterwards by the remnant of her seed who keep the commandments of God. The true Church within the kingdom of the \ten horned/ Beast is represented by the second Temple \& them that worship therein/ & by the two Candlesticks therein \& two Olive trees/ & the two Witnesses in opposition to the two horned Beast. For the Beast makes war upon these witnesses & kills them in the streets of ye great city represented by the woman on his back. The twelve tribes of Israel represent the true Church of the whole Empire during the opening of the first six seales. At the opening of the seventh there is a division made & out of the 12 tribes are sealed 144000 to represent the true Church of the whole Empire & the rest are the fals church of the whole Empire marked wth the mark of the Beast & called the synagogue of Satan which say they are Iews & are not.
In opposition to ye seven hilled City the true Church of ye Dragon within the dominion of ye Dragon is represented by the seven Churches of Asia with their Angels or Bishops \& by their types the seven Candlesticks or Candlestick with seven branches & \seales the/ seven horns of the Lamb/ & by the seven Candlesticks wth their Lamps appearing like a rod of seven stars in ye right hand of ye Son of Man & by the seven honrs & seven eyes of the Lamb. {illeg} by the \This Church is represented also by the/ Woman in heaven before she fled into the Wilderness from ye Dragon wch persecuted her.
And in opposition to the Beast wth two horns, the true Church within ye dominion of the Ten-horned Beast is represented by the two burning leggs & two flaming eyes of the son of man & by the two witnesses wch are called the two Candlesticks & two Olive branches & upon wch the Beast makes war & who being slain by the Beast lye dead in the streets of ye great City signified by the Whore of Babylon.
A kingdom is usually considered as a male & a church or Ecclesiastical dominion as a female & accordingly
While the Dragon signified the whole Roman Empire as descended from the kingdom of Pergamus is signified by the great red Dragon, the Church diffused through this Empire is represented by the woman in heaven cloathed with the Sun. This woman brought forth during Dioclesians persecution was pained in travel & at length brought forth a manchild \or Christian Empire/ wch was to rule all nations wth a rod of iron, & then upon the division of the Empire \by the building of Constantinople & making it the/ metropolis of the East as Rome was of the West, received
In the armies of the Roman Empire both before & after the Empire became Christian a flying Eagle was \on/ the standart of every Legion & a Dragon of a purple colour on the standart of every Company & in every Legion there were ten companies & by consequence ten dragons. These Dragons were of a purple colour & so fastened to the top of a long pike, as, like weathercocks, to turn their tails from the wind & to hiss by means of the wind blowing into their open jaws. The bearers of these two sorts of standarts were called Auilifers & Draconarij. And from these badges of the Roman Empire, this Empire is represented \in this Prophesy/ by the a great Eagle upon whose \two/ wings the woman flyes into ye wilderness & by a great red Dragon in heaven
Spicilegia Variantium Lectionum in Apocalypsi ex Mss. Sin Cov. 2.
Cap. 1. v. 5. d. ἐκ deest Sin. v6. μ καὶ deest Sin. v. δ. κ. Αλφα Sin. ib. γ ἀρχη καὶ τέλος deest Sin. v. 9. b. καὶ deest Sin. ib. c κοινωνὸς Cov. 2. v. 11. c. Pro Ἐγὼ εἶμι το Α καὶ το Ω, πρῶτος Cov. 2. habet Ἐγὼ Α καὶ το Ω, πρῶτος. v. 11. h in var. lect. dele Cov. 2. v. 12. m. Ἐλάλ{ει} Sin. v. 20. e ἃς εἶδες deest Sin.
Cap. 2. v. 1. f ἐν Ἐφέσιν Sin. v. 7. d ἐν τ{ο}|ῷ| παραδείσιν τοῦ Θεοῦ μου, Cov. 2. ib. e in var. Lect. dele Cov. 2. v. 14. z. In var. lect. dele Ἐδίδασμε τὸν Βαλὰκ Sin. Cov. 2. dele etiam Ἐ|Ε|διδαξεν ἐν τῶ Βαλὰκ Sin. et scribe ἐδιδαξε τὸν Βαλὰκ Sin. Cov. 2. v. 17. c ὀιδεν Cov. 2. 19. l καὶ deest Sin. v. 21. s in var. lect. scribe μετανοήσῃ, καὶ οὐ θελει (ἠθελησεν Α lex.) μετανοῆσαι ἐκ τῆς πορνειας ἀυτῆς Α lex. &c. v. 22. t ἐγὼ deest Sin. {illeg} 24 k Βαθέα Cov. 2. v. 26. και ante νικῶν deest Cov.2.
Cap 3. v. 1. τὰ ἑπτὰ Sin. v. 2. n στρήζων Cov. 2. ib. p. ἔμελλες Sin. ib. q. αποβάλλειν Sin. v. 3. z. in var. lect. dele Cov: 2, et eundem scribe post Barb. 1. v. 8. f. p{illeg}|r|o καὶ legit ἥν Sin. v. 11. ν. Ιδοὺ deest Sin. Cov. 2. ib. s. in var. lect. lege με μὴ λάβῃ τις τακὺ Cov: 2. v. 12. y. ἥ καταβάινει Sin. v. 17. d οτι deest Sin. v. 18. Pro ἀισχύνη scribe ἀκημοσύνη Cov. 2. ib. h. in var. lect. pro. Steph. ε Scribe Steph. ιε. et post Hunt ι dele Sin. et inter Alex et Cov. 2. dele Κολλύριον ετ εγχρισαι. v. 19 post ζ ζήλωσον deest ὀυν Cov. 2. ib. n. Καὶ præfigit Sin.
Cap. 4. v. 3. y. ἦν deest Sin. v. 4. f. in var. lect. dele κύκλῳ Cov. 2. v. 4. c. θρόνους τοὺς ἐικοσι τεσσαρας πρεσβυτέρους Cov. 2. Sin. ib. in. var. lect. dele Sin.{illeg} scribe Sin. \Sin./ post v. 5. Pro εκπορθυονται Cov. 2. habet ἐξεπορθύοντο. ib. i. Ἀυτοῦ Sin. v. 10. {illeg}|i| – προσκυνήσουσι Sin. Ib. k. Βαλουσι Sin.
Cap. 5. v. 6. f τα αφαπ{illeg} αποστελλόμεινα Sin. v. 10. g. in var. lect. dele Sin et – scribe sin. post βασιλειυσυυσιν. v. 11. 2. ὡς præfigit Sin. Ib. n. præfigit καὶ ἐν ὁ ἄριθμὸς αυτῶν ἀυτῶν μυριάδες μυριάδων Sin. \v. 13. u. ἀυτοῖς πάντας ἠκουσα. Cov. 2./ v. 14. b. ἔλεγον τὸ Ἀμήν Cov. 2.
Cap. 6. v. 1. k. Pro φωνὴ in var. lect. scribe φωνὴ vel φῶ|ω|νῇ. v. 2. m. Και ἒιδον omittit Sin. ib. S v. 4. l. tῆς γῆς ἵνα Cov. 2. v. 5. n. in var. lect. dele Sin. et scribe Sin. post Και ἴδε. Ib. o. in var. lect. dele Cov. 2. v. 7. y. φωνήν omittit Sin. v. 8. b. Κὰι ἐιδον omittit Sin. Ib. f. in var. lect. dele Cov. 2. et scribe ηκολόυθη μετ' ἀυτοῦ Cov. 2. v. 11. d οὖ deest Sin. v. 12. k. ὅλη addit Sin.
Cap. 7. v. 5. g.... {μείνουν} Cov. 2. v. 9. t. ἀυτὸν omittit Cov. 2 v. 10. τοῦ Θεὸῦ ἡμῶν deest Cov. 2. v. 14. e στλὰς ἀυτῶν omittit Cov. 2. v. 16. ὀυδ' οὐ μὴ Cov. 2.
Cap. Cap{illeg} 8. v. 3. b. δωσι Sin. v. 5. h. τον Sin. v. 5. l. ἀυτὸν Sin. v. 7. b. ἐν præfigit Sin v. 11. Pro λέγεται Cov. 2. habet ἐλέγετο. ib. l. ἐγένετο Sin. Ib. m. τῶν ὑδάτων Sin.
Cap. 9. v. w. v. Κέντρα ἐν ταῖς ὀυραῖς ἀυτῶν τοῦ ἀδικῆσαι Cov. 2. v. 11. x. in var. lect. post ἔκουσιν deleatur et post ἔκουσαι scribatur Cov. 2. Ib. v. 12. in textu dele literam g post ἔτι et scribe eandem ante ἔτι. v. 18. εκπορευομένον deest Cov. 2. v. 21. x. in var. lect. dele Cov. 2.
Chap Cap. 10. v. 3. pro φωνῇ μεγάλῇ scribe φονὴν μεγάλην Sin. v. g. i. βιβλιδαριον Sin.
Cap. 11. v. 5. y. θέλει ἀυτοὺς Cov. 2. v. 6. f ἐν πάσῃ Sin Cov. 2. v. 14. a. ἰδοὺ – ponitur post τρ{ί}|ί|τη Sin. Pro ἰδοὺ legitur καὶ Cov. 2. v. 19. h. καὶ σεισμος deest Sin.
Cap. 12. v. 3. v. ἑπτὰ δί|ι|αδήματα Sin. Cov. 2. Ib. dele Cov. 2. in lect. var. v. 7. i. in var. lectl post τοῦ πολεμῆσαι deleatur et post πολεμῆσαι deleatur Cov. 2. Ib. k. μετα Sin. v. 12. Ante ὀυρανοι deest ὁι Sin Cov. 2. v. 14. η ἁι δύο Cov : 2.
Cap. 13. v. 3. l. ἐκ τῶν Sin. v. 4. t. δυνατòς Sin Cov. 2. v. 7. in var. lect ante καὶ λαὸν scribe ε . v. 10. a. ἔκει ἀικμαλωσίαν ὑπαγει Sin. v. 11. e. τῷ ἀρνίῳ Cov. 2. v. 12 f. in var. lect. dele Sin. v. 16. f. τὸ μέτοπον Sin.
Cap. 14. v. 3. h. ὡς omittit sin. v. 7. i. ἀυτο|ῶ| τῶ ποιήσαντι Cov. 2. Ib. k. in var. lect. dele Cov. 2. v. 8. e. τὰ ἔθ{illeg}|μ|η Sin. v. 12. u. Articulum ἡ præfigit Sin. v. 16. o. τῆ – νεφέλῃ Cov. 2. & 12. f. m. var. lect. dele v. 19. i. τὸ μέγαν Sin. v. 20. m. ᾳχ Sin.
<91v>Cap. 15. v. 2. τὰς ante κιθαρας legunt Sin Cov. 2. v. 6. b ὁι ἦσαν{illeg} præfigit Sin.
Cap. 16. v. 2. x. εἰς Sin Cov. 2. v. 3. ὡς ante ἇιμα habet Cov. \{illeg}/ 2. v. 5. Post κύριε deest εἶ Cov. 2. v. 9. b. οἱ ἄνθρωποι Cov. 2. v. 14. p. δαιμονιων Cov. 2. ib. q. ἅ εκπορευονται\{illeg}/ Cov. 2. ib in var. lect. post ἅ εκπορευεται dele Cov. 2. v. 18. h. in var. lect. dele Cov. 2. et scribe c|C| 2. post ασταπαι καὶ βροντὰι καὶ φωναι.
Cap. 17. v. 2. Pro ἐμεδό ἐμεθύθησαν habet ἐμέθυσαν Cov. 2. v. 5. a. πόρνον Cov. 2 ib. v. 8. Pro τὸ θηρίον ὁ, τι ἦν lege ὁτι ἦν τὸ θηριον Cov. 2. v. 16. 9. in var. lect. Post επεσαν ὁ dele Cov. 2. Ib. ἔπεσον ὁ Cov. 2. v. 16. Post γυμνήν adde ποιήσουσιν ἀυτήν Cov. 2. Sin. v. 17. m. In var. lect. dele Sin. Ib. τελεσθῶ.. ὁι λόγοι Sin.
Cap. 18. v. 1. a. Και deest Sin. v. 2. g. Ἔπεσενεν deest Sin. v. 3. m. τοῦ ὄινου deest Sin. Ib. o. πεπτώκασι Sin. Cov. 2. v. 6. d. τὰ Sin v. 12. l. βυσσινου καὶ πορφυρας Cov. 2. v. 16. p. deest ἐν Sin. v. 19. h. καὶ præfigit Cov. 2. \{illeg}/
Cap. 19. v. 1. i. {illeg}ς ὡς præfigit Sin. v. 3. d εἴρηκειν Sin Cov. 2. v. 14. i. τῶ θρόνω Cov. 2. v. 12. s. ὡς deest Sin. v. 14. Pro λευκὸν ὴς καθαρόν legit καθαρὸν λευκον Cov. 2. v. 15. l.πατάξῃ Cov. 2. v. 16. o. deest Cov. 2.
Cap. 20. v. 4. x. ὀυδὲ Cov. 2. Ib a. τὰ præfigunt Sin Cov. 2. v. 4. i. τῶ {illeg}ρόνω – Cov. 2. v. 12. s. ὡς deest Sin. v. 14 v. 11. m. ἀυτὸν Cov. 2. v. 12. s. in var. lect dele – Cpv{illeg} 2. v. 13. u. τοὺς νεκρους τοὺς 'εν ἀυτῇ Sin. v. 14. a. ὁ θάνατος ὁ δευτερος Sin. Cov. 2.
Cap. 21. v. 6. s. καὶ ἡ ἀρΧὴ καὶ τὸ τέλος Sin. Cov. v. 7. e. ὁ deest Sin. v 12. f τὰ ὀνόματα addit Sin. v. 13. l. in var. lect. dele deest Cov. 2. v. 14. Deest καὶ ἐν ἀυτοῖς Cov. 2. errante scriba. v. 23. e in var. lect. quære utrum scribendum sit – ἀυτὴ γαρ vel ἀυτὴ|ῇ| γαρ.
Cap. 22. v. 2. b. ἥνα deest Sin. Ib. c. ἀποδιδοὺς ἕκαστον Cov. 2. v. 6. b. Δέγει Sin. v. 13. h. εἰμι deest Sin.
<93r>Cap. 1 | ||||
v. 6. n καὶ omittit Sin | ||||
v. 8. y ἀρχὴ καὶ τέλος''. Deest in Sin. ib. z ὁ κύρεος ὁ Θεὸς Areth. Sina. {illeg}\dele/ \Cov.2/ | ||||
v. 9. b καὶ Deest in Comp. Areth. Sin. Arab. ib c pro συνκοινωνὸς lege κοί|ι|νω{illeg} | ||||
Cov. 2 ib d | ||||
v. 1{illeg}|1|. {illeg}c '' deest Steph ιε ? ib. f ταῖς ἑπτὰ g. Omittunt Compl. | ||||
h θυάτειραν, Lat. Syr. Æth. Arab. | ||||
v. 12 m ἐλαλει Cov. Sin. | ||||
17 n μοι deest Areth | ||||
19 t {illeg} Γράψον οὖν Sin ? | ||||
20 e ἃς ἐιδες Omittit Sin. Cypr adv. Iudæos l. 2. c. 26. | ||||
Cap. 2. | v. | 2. | {illeg}\i/ | σου '' omittit Syr. |
v. | 1. | d | ἐν τῷ παραδείσω τοῦ Θεοῦ μου Cypr ad Quir l. 3. sect 16. | |
v. | 7. | d | εν τῳ παραδείσῷ τοῦ Θεοῦ μου – | |
v. | 8 | f. | τῆς ἐν Σμύρνη ἐκκλησίας | |
v. | 13. | {illeg} q. | ἐν αἵς sic legit Comp et non αἵς. Igitur in var. lect \ubi habetur Steph α ιε,/ dele α. post Steph. | |
v. | 15, 16. | d. | ὁμόιως. Μετανό{illeg}|η|σον οὖν'' Steph ιε. | |
v. | 17. | c. | ὀιδεν'' Compl. | |
v. | 19. | l. | καὶ'' de{illeg} \Omittunt/ 4 Barb. | |
v. | 20. | m | ὀλίγα Omittit Tertull. de pudicit. | |
v. | 20. | καὶ διδάσκει καὶ πλανᾷ τοῦς ἐμοὺς Syr. Æthiop. Arab. Tertul. de pudicit. post medium. | ||
v. | 21|2| | {illeg} deestt ἐγὼ'' Compl. | ||
Ch. 3. | v. | 4. | a | α|Α|λλα præfigunt Syr. Æth. Arab. |
{illeg}|4|. | b | Omittunt Comp. Arab. | ||
|=&{illeg}| | 5. | i. | ἐξο\῾/μολογήσω Comp. Areth. Steph. ιε, 15? ὁμολογήσω Alex. Cop. \Comp./ Sin. \Steph ιε, 15/ Cov. 2. | |
7|1|1. | {e}|v| | \Omittunt/ Arethas Sin. Cov. 2 . Syr | ||
12. | y. | ἣ καταβάινει Arethas. | ||
14. | c | τῆς ἐν Λαοδικεία ἐκκλησίας Arethas. | ||
15|6|. | c | ὀυ ζηστὸς ὀύ τε ψυχρὸς Compl. Sin. Cov. 2. Areth. Syr. Arab. | ||
Chap 4. | v. | 3. | \x./ | \Totum/ καὶ ὁ καθήμενος omittunt Steph α. ιε. Sin. Areth. Arab. Æthiop. Forte et Æthiop. et alij MSS. |
v | 5. | g. | καὶ φωνὰι καὶ βρονταὶ Areth. Syr. | |
5 | i. | ἀυτοῦ addunt {illeg} Areth. | ||
6. | m | ὡς {illeg}|θ|άλασσα Tertul. | ||
7. | r|q| et r | ὡς ἀθρώπον Vulg. quasi humanam Iren. l. 3. c. 11. | ||
8 | b | λέγοντες 3 {illeg}|Bar|b. | ||
10 | k | \u|V|trum/ βάλ{ου}|λο|υσι vel βαβ|λ|οῦσι \in/ Alex. {illeg} quære. | ||
Ch. 5. | v. | 2. | g. | Deest Comp. |
4. | v. | πολυ Steph. 15. | ||
7 | g | Deest Comp. Areth. Lat. Æth. | ||
7 | g | {illeg} τὸ βιβλίον hic deest et post τοῦ θρόνου additur Comp. Alex? Lat. Areth. Hunt. 1? Baroc? {illeg} Pet. 2,3? M? Deest utrobi Sin. Æth. | ||
10 | d. | ἀυτοὺς Syr. Arab. | ||
10 | g. | βασιλέυσουσιν Comp. Barb. 3. Beda. Syr. Arab. | ||
13 | u. | {illeg}|Αυ|τοῖς Πάντας ἤκουσα Steph Barb. 3? Cov. 2 | ||
Ch. 6. | v | 1 | k | φωνῇ Arab. |
1 | l | Deest Comp. | ||
4 | l | Deest {illeg} ἀπὸ Alex | ||
9 | l | τῶν ἀνθρώπων add{illeg}|it|{illeg} Æthiop. | ||
9 | o | τοο ἀρνίου addunt Syr. Arab. ut in ch 1. v 2, 9 & ch 12. 17 & ch. 20. 4. | ||
11 | c | omittunt Barb. 4. Æth. | ||
11 | e | πληρώσωσι Barb. 4 | ||
12. | i. | omittunt Syr. Æth. | ||
12. | k. | Ὅλη addit Sin | ||
{Cap}. 7 | v | 9. | t | Omittit Arethas. |
10 | b | κράζουσι Beda. Arab. | ||
10 | {illeg}|t| | τοῦ θεοῦ ἡμῶν deest \(id recte)/ Cov. 2. Alex Steph α, |(| ιε |)| \Hunt 1 ?/ Areth. Vulg. Syr. Æth. Arab. Cyprian. | ||
11 | h | τὰ πρόσωπα Syr. Æth. Arab. | ||
14 | a | ἐιπον Arethas. | ||
14 | e | ἀυτὰς Alex. | ||
16 | l | ὀυδ' ὀυ μὴ Arethas | ||
17 | o | ζωῆς Arab | ||
Ca|h|. 8. | v. | 7. | {illeg}|d| | τῆς γῆς κατηκάη καὶ τὸ τρίτον Areth. Æth. |
|1|10. | m | τῶν ὑδά των addunt Syr Æth. | ||
13. | r | ἀετοῦ Barb 3. Aquila, inquit Grotius, amat cadavera (Mat 24. 28) ideo apta prædicendis stragibus Exek. 17. 3. | ||
Ca|h|. 9. | v. | 2. | e | καιομένης Victorin. |
16 | b | ἱππικοῦ δισπυριάδες Tichonius apud Primasium. | ||
Ch. 10. | v. | 1 | c | τῆς κεφαλῆς ἄυτοῦ Comp. |
4 | c | αι non dest|es|t Cov. 2. (et in v. 3. deest. Cov. 2) | ||
k | ἀυτὰ Areth. Origenes apud Euseb. Hist. Eccl. l. 6. c. 25. μετὰ ταῦτα γράφεις Compl. | |||
Ch. 11. | v. | 6. | f. | ἐν πάσῃ Arethas |
v. | 8. | q. | ἀυτῶν Comp. | |
12|3| | a. | p|P|onunt post τρίτη Comp. Sin | ||
Ch. 12. | v. | 7. | |②| k | μετὰ Steph ιε. Syr. |
7 | |①| i | τοῦ πολεμῆσαι Syr. | ||
8 | n | ἀυτῷ Æthiop. | ||
14 | p. | \In var. lect/ Dele Syr. | ||
Ca. 13. | v. | 4 | s | καὶ τίς Steph α, ιε, 15. Areth. Syr. |
5 | v. | βλασφημίαν Dionys. Alexandr. apud Euseb. Eccl. Hist. l. 7. c. 10. | ||
5 | x | πόλεμον ποιῆσαι Steph ιε, 15. {illeg} potius Steph in textu | ||
7 | e | καὶ λαὸν addunt Steph α Barb. 2. | ||
14. | n. | τοὺς ἐμοὺς τοὺς Barb. 2. | ||
14. | t. | ἐιχε Syr. | ||
15 | t | ἐὰν μὴ pro ἂν μὴ Alex. \Sin/ Cov. 2. Areth Codd alij. | ||
17 | h. | pro ἠ τὸ ὄνομα habent τοῦ ὀνόματος Syr. Æth. Beda. \Primas./ Iren. l. 5. c. 28. Primas in {Apas} | ||
Ca. 14. | v. | 1 | a | τὸ præfigunt Syr Arab. Æth |
2. | g | Ἡ φωνὴ ἢν ἤκουσα ὡς {illeg} Beda κιθαρώδων Beda | ||
3. | h | Omittunt Comp. Areth. Syr. Arab. Æth. Primas. | ||
6 | b | καθημένους Lat|Vulg|. Alex Areth. | ||
6 | c | ἐπὶ πάν Lat|Vulg|. | ||
13 | e | γὰρ Syr | ||
Ca. 15. | v. | 1. | \p./ | \Deest Steph α, ιε. {a}|{A}|t Stephanus in loco conumatis erravit. {illeg}|N|am in Comp. non deest./ |
q | d|D|eest Step – – – – Item Steph. ιε si modo notæ terminos lectionis variantis designat|n|tes in illum restituantur locum quem editionis Complutensis citatio ibidem habita requirit. 3 x τοῦ præfige|i| Comp. Syr. | |||
3 | a | ἐθνῶν Primas. Vide et Apoc 15. 4. et Ier. 10. 7. | ||
6 | {illeg}e | Omittunt Syr. Arab. Beda. Arethas. Zegerus. | ||
Ca. 16. | v | 4 | e | Deest Comp. |
7 | n. | In Comp deest tantum ἄλλου. | ||
14. | r | Deest Lat|Vulg| Syr. Æth. | ||
18 | h | Αστραπὰι καὶ βροντὰι καὶ φονάι Syr. Arab | ||
Ca. 17. | v. | 4. | r. | ἦν Cypr. |
4 | s | πορφύροῦν καὶ κόκκινον Cypr. Test. l. 3. c 3{illeg}|6| & de habitu vi{illeg}|rg| | ||
8 | {l r} l. | τὸ θηρίον \hic/ addunt \& post βλεποντες omittunt/ Steph. ιε, 15. Cov. 2. & | ||
10. | q. | καὶ deest Lat|Vulg|. Syr Arab. | ||
16 | {illeg}|p|ost γυμνὴν a{illeg}e|ddu||nt| {illeg}|π|οιήσουσιν ἀυτὴν Cov. 2. Sin. Comp. Areth. Æth. | |||
17 | m. | τελεσθῶσιν Barb. 2 {illeg} | ||
Ca 18. | 2. | i | δαιμονίων Lat. | |
1. | k | Pro ἀκαθάρτου καὶ {illeg} φυλακὴ παντὸς ορνέου lege ἀκαθάρτου καὶ με{illeg}|μ|ι{illeg}|σ|μένου, καὶ φυλακὴ παντὸς θηρίου ἀκαθαρτου Alex. ἀκαθαρτου καὶ μεμισμενου καὶ φυλακὴ παντὸς ορνε | ||
2. | k. | Pro ἀκαθάρτου Cov. 2. habet δαιμονίου & omittit sequentia us ad ἀκαθάρ του καὶ μεμισμένου ὁτι. Sequentia Quæ sequentia {illeg} \ab Aretha etiam omittuntur et/ sunt hujus {in} in hæc verba. καὶ φυλακὴ παντὸς ὀρνέου ἀκαθάρτου καὶ μεμισμένου καὶ φυλακὴ παντὸς θηρίου Alex. Comp. Sin. Lat|Vulg| Syr. \Arab./ Æth. {Arab.} Primas. præterquam quod Comp. Sin. Vulg. Arab. omittunt verba ἀκαθάρτου καὶ μεμισμένου καὶ φυλακὴ παντὸς θηρίου, quo Alex. omittit verba καὶ φυλακὴ παντὸς ὀρνέου ἀκαθάρτου καὶ μεμισμένου. Alex At {omnissima} \plenissima/ Babylonis p{illeg}tio \desolatio/ hic describitur ut \fit/ in Isa. 13.21, 22 & Ier 50 39 ad quæ {illeg} Apocalyptes spectare videtur hic illusum est Apocalyptes spectat. | ||
9. | a | αυ Pro ἀυτῆ \Comp et/ Steph ιε habet ἀυτἢν. f vel {illeg}ret ? | ||
10. | c | μιᾶ ἱόρᾷ|ᾳ| Comp. | ||
11. | e | Dele {illeg} Steph α. Nam Compl. habet κλάιουσι καὶ πεντοῦσιν. | ||
12. | l | βύσσ{illeg}|ο|υ καὶ πορφυροῦ Comp. | ||
14. | b | Quære in Sin. | ||
17. | r | Dele {illeg} Vulg. ε variantibus lectionibus impressis deleatur. | ||
18. | b | βλέποντες Comp. | ||
Ch. 19. | v | 1 | {illeg}|h|. | Deest Syr. Arab. |
{illeg}|l|. | λεγόντων Syr. | |||
14 | i. | καὶ ante καθαρόν deest Comp. Alex. Sin. Cov. 2. Syr. Arab. Æth. Areth \Arethas./ Iren l 4 c 37. CYpr adv Iudæos l 2 c 30. Prima{d}|s| edit. Paris | ||
15. | k. | δίστομος addunt Tertul. adv. Ma{illeg}\rc./. l. 3. p. 489. Primas Anselm. | ||
l. | παπάξη Comp. | |||
o. | Deest Areth. Æth. Iren l 4 c 37 Cypr. adv Iud. l. 2. c. ult. | |||
17 | a. | δεῦτε συνάχθε|η|τε Comp. | ||
20 | m. | pro μετὰ τούτου ὁ lege|u||nt| ὁ μετ' ἀυτὁῦ Steph ιε. Cov. 2. Sin. Areth. Pelz Baroc. Hunt 1. Arab. {illeg} μετ' αυτὁυ ὁ Steph ιε \Comp./ ὁ μετ' ἀυτὁῦ ὁ {ὁ} Comp. \Steph ιε./ ὁι μετ' ἀυτὁῦ {.} ὁ Alex | ||
Ca. 20. | v. | 3. | o. | ἔπ τὰ ἔθνη Steph ιε. Syr. |
4. | y. | Omittit Cypr. de exhort martyr. | ||
10. | h. | καὶ τὸ Syr | ||
11. | {illeg}|l|. | μέγ{illeg}|α|ν λευκòν Comp. Syr. Cypr. ad Novatian. | ||
11. | m. | αυτον Cov. 2 | ||
12 | p | τοὺς μεγάλους καὶ τοὺς μικροὺς Iren. l 5 c 35. Cypr ad Novatian | ||
12 | q | θρόνου Cypr ad Novatian. Erasm in margine. | ||
13 | u | τοὺς νεκροὺς τοὺς ἐν ἀυτῇ Lat|Vulg|. Syr Æth. | ||
13 | y | τοὺς νεκροὺς τοὺς ἐν ἀυτοῖς Alex. Syr. Iren. l. 5. c. 35. | ||
Ca. 21. | v. | 2. | f. | Deest Beda Omittunt Beda Primas. |
3. | a. | Θρόνου Iren l 5 c. 35. {illeg} \Ibi dele/ Iren l. 3. c. 55. | ||
3. | b. | Λαὸς Iren. l. 5. c. 35 | ||
4. | f. | d|D|eest Alex? Iren. l. 5. c. 35. | ||
6. | r | Γέγονα. Ἐγό έιμι τὸ Alex. Lat|Vulg|. Syr. Arab. Cypr. Test l. 2. c. 1. Sed in Syr deest γέγονα | ||
7 | a | ταῦτα. Ista Tertul. d|D|e Pudicit. post. med. ea et eorum hæreditatem Cypr. Test. l. 3. \c. 100/ | ||
8 | g | Καὶ ἁμαρταλοῖς addit Æth. | ||
9 | {r} | Deest {illeg} Deest /{illeg}\ /r et s.\ Lectiones ibi positas adde Cypr. adv. Iud. l. 2. c. 19. | ||
10 | {illeg} v. | {illeg} Deest Cypr. adv. Iud. l. 2. c. 19. | ||
11 | a | Deest Alex. | ||
12 | f | {illeg} τὰ ὀνόματα addunt Alex Pet 2. Hunt 1 Syr. Arab. | ||
15. | p. | ἐιχε μ{illeg}|έ|τρον Syr | ||
16. | y | Deest. Syr. Areth. | ||
C. 22. | 1. | t. | Deest Lat Vulg. | |
2. | b. | Deest. Areth. In \impressis Millij/ var Lect. {illeg} impressis deleatur Areth. | ||
3 | f | κατάθεμα Syr. Erasm in marg. | ||
3 | g | ἐκεῖ Areth. | ||
5 | n | χρείαν όυκ ἔχ|{έ}ξ|ουσι \χρείαν/ φωτὸς λύχνου καὶ φωτ|στ|ὸς (l. φωτὸς) Alex ). Lat. Syr. Arab /Æth. Primas. Æth.\ | ||
5 | n | φωτὸς tam ante λυχνου{illeg} | ||
10. | z | ὁ καιρὸς γάρ Æth | ||
11. | b. | δικαιοσύνην ποιησάτο \Vulg. in/ MSS aliqu{illeg}|ib|. Vulg. \Primas. Anselm./ Cypr Test l 3. c 23 et de bono patientiæ 9. | ||
13. | k. | πρῶτὸ|ο|ς καὶ ἔσχατος ἡ ἀρχὴ καὶ τὸ τέλος Cypr l. 2. Test. c. 22. | ||
c 13. | v. | 4. | τις δυνατὸς α, ιε, 15. deest καὶ | |
c 15. | v. | 2. | q. | ἐκ τοῦ χαράγματος ἀυτοῦ deest compl. steph. ιε |
[Editorial Note 4] ch. 9. v. 12. ουαι μετα ταυτα καὶ – Sin.
E. Macclesfield —
p. 20, P. 1, 2. [utpote ad caput tui corporis] in Capitals.
p. 34. l. 3. a{illeg}|fter| [Gratian]
it is p. 2{illeg}|7| 27 Gratian & Valentinian
P 29. [discernimus] [decernimus]
P. 27 [æteræ] [æternæ
P. 44. l. 7 [Antigonus all Asia]
q{illeg} [Antigonus all Asia ye lesse]
For Seleucus {had} is immediately said to have severall Provinces, in Asia, & had all beyd Euphrates before. Quære {lilennsi} \3 lines before/ of Cassander commanding ye forces of Europe w{illeg} imports all; & yet Lysimachus was to govern Thrace; was he to be commanded by Cassander?
l. 41. for [became one of ye 4 Kingdoms]
read [became King or Head of one
of ye 4 Kingdoms] or [formed | erected one of ye 4 Kingdomes.
p. 50 A passage abt ye Romans after Antiochus, ye same verbatim wt one p. 41
m=III is most ꝑfect
{illeg}|e| E is more explained & has some fine passages, ꝑticularly yt of ye Iews expectations \of a 2d captivity & 2d restoration/ prservd in {T-bnd}
The Cronolog. observ. belong to it {one} on ye same paper. fit to accompany it same argumts not in chronol
I=1 pa. 3. ☉. an addition worthy notice.
3 Proposalls of ye Order of Printing
From | ||||||||
new pa 1 to pa. 24. new [ch. I | new 1–32 | ch. I | new | 1– 3 | ch. I | } | ||
II | II | 3– 4 | II | |||||
III | III | 5– 6 | III | |||||
IV | IV | 7–10 | IV | |||||
V | V | 11–18 | V | |||||
VI | VI | 19–23 | VI | |||||
old | ||||||||
pa. 27–35 old [Ch. VII | old | 27–35 | Sect. IV | } | ||||
37–42 | S.V | |||||||
new 25–32 [Ch. VII | VII | new | 25–27 | Ch VII | Ch. V{illeg}|I|II | |||
VIII | VIII | s{hd li} | 27–29 | |||||
q{illeg} old 35–52 ꝑt S IV | IX | IX | ||||||
S. V | ||||||||
VI | old | 43–51 | S. VI | } | ||||
old 53–66 [Sect. VII | old 53–66 | S. VII | 53–66 | S. VII | ||||
VIII | VIII | VIII | ||||||
Here is inserted Ⓧθ | ||||||||
{&} add old 67–7{illeg}|4| S. IX | 67–end | S. IX | ||||||
Old 75–ye end 3. X | old 75–{0}|8|6 | Sect. X | X | |||||
Appendix | Appendix | |||||||
old 27–35 | Sect. IV | New | all or ꝑt | Ch. VII | ||||
Titles in θ 3d Proposall | Ch. XIII | \Ⓧ/ Part II | ||||||
Observations on θ Pr{a}|o|phesys of Danl{illeg} & θ Apoc. of St Iohn by Sr Isaac Newton | Of ye Mahuzzims di | Of ye Apocalypse of St Iohn | ||||||
P{illeg} Part 1 | Part II | Chap 1 | ||||||
Of ye Prophecyes of Daniel | Of ye Apocalyps of St Iohn | Introduction concerning ye time wn ye Apocalypse was writ |θ| | ||||||
chap. I | ch. I | |||||||
Introduction concerning ye Authors of {ye} books of ye old Testamt. | Introduction concerning ye time wn Apocalypse was writ | |||||||
Ch. II | Ch. II. | |||||||
Of ye Prophetick language. | Of ye Relation w{illeg} ye Prophecy of Iohn hath to ye book of ye Law of Moses & to ye worship of God in ye Temple. | |||||||
Ch. III | ||||||||
Of ye Visn of ye Image composed of 4 metals | ||||||||
Ch IV | ||||||||
Of ye Visn of ye 4 Beasts | ||||||||
Ch. V | Ch. III | |||||||
Of ye Kingdoms reprsented |b|y|y|e ye feet of ye Image composed of Iron & clay. | Of ye Relation w{illeg} ye Prophecy of Iohn hath to ye Book of Daniel & of ye Subject of ye Prophecy{illeg}|y|. | |||||||
Ch. VI | ||||||||
{O}f ye 10 kingdoms reprpresented by ye 10 horns of ye 4th beast | ||||||||
Ch. VII | ||||||||
Of ye 11th horn of Danlls 4th beast | N. p 33. l. 1–20 instead of O. p. 67. l. 1–3 | |||||||
Ch. VIII | ||||||||
Of ye power of ye 11th horn of Danlls 4th beas{t} [to change times & laws] | ||||||||
Ch. IX | ||||||||
Of ye Prophecy of ye Ram & the goat | ||||||||
Ch. X | ||||||||
Of ye Prophecy of ye 70 we{ak}s | ||||||||
Ch. XI | ||||||||
Of ye Prophecy of ye Scripture of truth | ||||||||
Ch. XII | ||||||||
Of ye King who did according to his will &c | ||||||||
{illeg} |
Titles in ye Old | Titles in ye New | |
An acct of ye Empires of ye Babylonians, Medes Persians & Romans according to ye descriptions given of ym by Daniel. | ||
Sect. I. Of ye Prophetick Language | pa? | Ch. 1. Of ye Prophetick Language. |
Sect. II. Of ye Kingdoms represented in Daniel by ye 4 Beasts, & of ye ten horns of ye fourth Beas{t} | p. 5 |
Titles in ye Old | Titles in ye New | ||||
An acct of ye Empires of ye Babylonians Medes Persians, Greeks & Romans according to ye descriptions given of them by Daniel. | |||||
Sect. I. Of ye Prophetick Language. | pa. 1 | Ch. I. Of ye Prophetick Language | pa. 1 | ||
Ch. II. Of ye vision of ye Image composed of four metals. | } | p. 3 | |||
Sect. II. Of ye Kingdoms represented in Daniel by ye four Beasts, & of ye ten horns of ye fourth Beast | } | {illeg}|5| | Ch. III. Of ye vision of ye Four Beasts | 5 | |
Ch. IV Of ye ten Kingdoms represented by ye Feet of ye Image composed of Iron & Clay | } | 7 | |||
Sect. III. | Ch. V. Of ye ten Kingdoms represented by ye 10 horns of ye fourth Bear | } | 11 | ||
Sect. III. Of ye eleventh horn of Daniel's fourth Beast | } | 21 | Ch. VI. Of ye eleventh horn of Daniels fourth Beas{t} | } | 19 |
Sect. IV. Of ye Power of ye eleventh horn of Daniel's fourth Beast to change times & Laws | } | 27 | |||
Sect. V. Of ye Kingdoms represented in Daniel by ye Ram & ye Hegoat. | } | 37 | Ch. VII. Of ye Prophecy of ye Ram & ye He-goat | } | 25 |
Ch. VIII. Of ye Prophecy of ye 70 weeks | 27 | ||||
Sect. VI. Of ye Prophecy of ye Scripture of Truth. | } | 43 | Ch. IX of ye Prophecy of ye Scripture of Truth | } | 29 |
Sect. VII Of ye King who did according to his will, & magnifyed himself above every God, & honoured Mahuzzim̄s, & regarded not ye desire of women | } | 53 | |||
Sect. VIII. Of Mahuzzims honoured by ye King who doth according to his will | } | 57 | |||
{S} IX Of ye Relation w{illeg} ye Prophecy of Iohn hath to ye Law of Moses & to ye worship of God in ye Temple | } | 67 | Ch. X. Of ye Apocalypse of Iohn | 5|3|3 | |
{S}{.} X. Of ye Relation w{illeg} ye Prophecy of Iohn hath to those of Daniel & of ye Subject of ye Prophe{illeg}|c|y | } | 75 | Ch. XI. Of ye opening ye Seals of ye book w{illeg} Daniel was commanded to seal-up | } | 39 |
N. p. 5. l. 3 [Beasts] adde out of ye old
|∟|arising successively out of ye great Sea in 4 great winds, yt is, according to ye Prophetick language 4 Kingdoms arising successively {w}{illeg}{h} in 4 great wars.|]|
l. 18. for [reigned] out of ye old [arose]
l. 43 [An. Nab 500] old [580]
\Ⓧ {X}/ Ⓧ p. 5, \l/ 6. is omitted ye \observation of ye/ resemblance between ye beast in ye Apocal{illeg}|yp|se & this 4th beas{t} /{X}\
p. 6. l. 10 [lybia] is omitted
\ ⨳/ p. 11. l. 23. [AC. 407. Godegisilus] it was 406. & is so in ye old. & 2 lines after in this it said yt Godegesilus led ym into Gallia AC so was probably ye King yn.
This is ye 1st of ye 10; q{illeg} if ye alteration were not {wth} an intention to \have/ fixd ye {y}{illeg} 407 for all.
N. 2. is alter'd from 406 to 407, {illeg} ꝑhaps, are \a firmer/ King struck out
N. 3. was \was/ 407 but now is 408|6|
N. 5, \&/ 6. 407 But yet
N. 3. 400 stands for ye Year of Alan's
n. 4. 407 is alter'd to 40{illeg}|6|
n. 7. is 407 or 408
n. 8. stands 406
n. 9. is yet earlyer, 389. but yt i{s} 4th the\n/ ye yn King of ye Lombards reigne{d} 33 yrs [yt is to 422]
n. 10. he places ye translation of ye Imperiall Seal from Rome to Ravenna. 40{illeg}
Quere therefore ⨳
p. 15. l. 1 for [receive] read from ye old [recover]
\{X} △/ {X} p. 15. l. 3, & 4.
The 1st exprssion seems to speak of ye Roman force in Brittain being weak not ye second, vires Britannorum. {q}{illeg}|{l}|
quære △
l. 16 for [Vadall] [Vandall
l 50. [407] in ye old [406]
\☉ {X}/ ☉ p. 18. l. 15
new [a Kingdom of ye Alemans] ye old [a Kingdom of ye Alemans & Suevians] /{X}\
p. 19. l. 31. in margine put [vide Actor. Erudit. suppl. Tom 2. Sect. 1. pa. 37, 38]
See yt pages are right
p. 20. l 18 for [State] read [Senate]
The Authority {&} just after{illeg}, seems to be Authority of ye Senate. And he adds a little below yt ye authority of ye Senate in civil affairs was henceforwards absolute.
p. 23. l. 7, 8 for [i|I|n a small book printed at Paris 1689 & entituled An Historicall Dissertation] say [In ye above mentioned Historicall Dissertation]
for it is mentioned above p. 19 & ye place where printed; & ye Marginall note there \{illeg} the page 23/ is \here/ above directed to be put in ye marg{e} of reference to it in pa. 23, is above directed to be put in ye Marge of p. 19.
p. 25 l. 4. for [predicted] from ye old [represented]
for ye 1st Monarchy, was yn in being & not therefore then foretold. & 5 ... \Empires/ are reprsented thô 2 of ym., ye 2 first began together /& so from ye beginning of ye first to ye end of ye last is but ye duration of 4\
p. 33. l. 17. for [Prophecy] read [Book]
For he is there speaking of ye Interpretation as distinguished from ye Prophecy, & shewing h ow far it reaches, having before shewn how far the Prophecy reached: & yt ye Interpretation begi{illeg}|n|s where ye Prophecy ends & both together make up this prophetick book, to ye end whereof ye Interpretation reaches.
p. 74. l. 11 for [The whole Prophecy of ye Book of ye Law] read [The whole Prophe{cy} of ye Book represented by ye Book of ye Law] or [The whole Prophecy of ye Bo{ok} w{illeg} here answers to ye Book of ye Law in ye Ark]
The second Trumpet.
And the second Angel sounded & as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea & the third part of the sea became blood & the third of the creatures wch were in the sea & had life died & the third part of the ships were destroyed. A great mountain burning with \fire/ signifies a great city consuming by war. It \& the waters of & the Sea \are the people of/ the Western Empire. The mountain/ was cast into ye sea, that is thrown down from its dominion & dignity & its people levelled wth ye waters waters or common people of the \western/ Empire \here/ signified by the sea, & scattered among them. And the third part of the sea became blood & the third part of the creatures wch were in the sea & had life died, that is the {laws} \body politi of the/ people signified by the waters of the \third parts of the/ sea & \by/ the creatures therein died {illeg} was slain & politically & dissolved. A The western & Eastern Empires & kingdom of Persia are the who And the third part of ye ships were destroyed that is the {time} habitable places or towns of the third part were taken. The whole subject of Sacred prophesy is the Western & \Sea is the great sea out of wch the four Monarchijes compass of ye four Monarchies \arose/ comprehending the Western/ & Eastern \Roman/ Empires & ye kingdom of Persia \wch are the whole subject of sacred prophesy/ & the third part \of the sea/ is one of ye three, & most properly the wetsern empire & \namely the western Empire \or sea/ out of wch the ten horned Beast arose./ At the sounding of this Trumpet the great city Room was \beseiged/ thrown down & destroyed & the western Empire was \invaded/ politically Slain, dissolved & broken into ten kingdoms & its towns were taken & plundered & became subjected to new governments Lords & reduced into servitude under new Lords. For in the end of the year 407 a great body of barbarous nations namely Goths Vandals Alans Burgundians, Suevians, Alemans, \San{illeg}/ Chatti &c being invited from their seats by then Spain wth great violence & the Fracks on this side ye Rhene revolted & called in other Franks from beyond the Rhene & the Ostrogoths rising from \Visigoths under Alaric leaving/ their seats in Pannonia invaded Italy & \to the Hunns came into {12 year} /{illeg} 4 ab\ Noricum A. C. 408 & \there/ hearing of the death of Stilico who for conspiring with them was slain the same year 10 Kal. Sept. they went into Italy &/ & beseiged Rome & took it f twice [first in the year 409 \after a siege of some continuance/ & then again in ye year 410] & \in two years & by famin sword & captivity/ emptied it of inhabitants & \harassed the rest of Italy &/ thence invaded Gallia & Spain. & the Hunns succeeded the Goths in Pannonia. And these ene And the Picts & Scots invaded Britain. And they se {Saleucens} \barbarous nations/ overpowering the Empire, {illeg} most of them kept what they conquered & erected formed new kingdoms in their conquests. [The wars I have already described at large & in shewing the rise of the ten kings & need not repeat the description here. But some things may be noted here concerning the greatness of the plague.]
Stilico being slain 10 Kal. Sept.
Alaric first beseiged Rome in the \end of \end of the// year 408 \or bega beg/ [but was then bought off. He beseiged it again in the year 409] & took it being force \& first/ & took the Gate in wch the stores of the city were laid up \continued the siege till many perished by famin & by eating one another & by past least of \the pest thence arising from the/ steams of dead carcasses/ & afterwards \& A. C. 409 he/ took ye city by \famin &/ force \& by the consent of the remainder of feast/after a great number of the citizens perishing by famin & by eating one another he \who had escaped perishing/ \suffered the remainder of the citizens to purchase their lives, & by their consent/ saluted Attalus Emperor & wth Attalus beseiged Honorius at Hasta \Ravenna/ but was \being/ there beaten \repulsed & affronted/ by the Romans he returned the next year \A. C. 410/ to Rome \in anger/ & took it a second time, & burnt part of {illeg} put the part of the citizens had perished by famin took no \& after many of the citizens was famished/ \& after & beseiged it again & after a new famin & pestilence wherein many perished/ took ye city a second time, \A. C. 410/ put the citizens to ye sword except such as fled to the churches \permitted his army to gave plunder the inhab houses,/ of had perish & burnt part of the city, & captivated those {citizens} \& disperst the citizens miserable citizens/ who had escaped the famin \pestilence/ & Sword, so \that/ the city continued three or four years wthout inhabitants, & was afterwards repeopled by degrees. Fame perit antequam gladio et vix pauci qui caperentur inventi sunt Ad nefandos cibas erupit esurientium rabies & sua invicem membra laniarunt: dum mater non parcit lactanti in fanti & suo recipit utero quem paulo ante effaderat. Hieron. Epist. 16. Hence is became a proverb: Pone pretium humanis carnisnibus as Zosimus relates who also adds: Famen (ceu consentaneum erat) pestis comitabatur, omnia plena cadaveribus erant. Cum non possent extra urbem sepeliri cadavera quod omnem exitum hostes observarent, urbs ipsa mortuorum sepulchrum erat: adeò quidem ut alioqui etiam solitudo in urbe foret: Siqua nulla fuisset alimentorum penuria, vel exhalans e cadaveribus ador ad interficienda corrum penda corpora suffecisset: Zosim l. 5. Proh nefas Orbis terrarum ruit in nobis peccata non ruunt. Urbs inclyta et Romani imperij caput uno hausta est incendio. Nulla est regio qua non exules Romanos habeat: Hieron. ad Gaudentium Epist 12. Quis crederet{illeg} ut totius Orbis extructa victorij Roma corrueret, ut ipsa suis populis et meater fieret et sepulchrum, ut tota Orientis Ægypti Africæ littora ohim dominatricis urbis servorum et ancillarum nuncero complerentur, ut quotidie sancta Bethlehem nobiles quondam utrius sexus at omnibus divitijs affluentes, suscip\er/ent meadicantes? Quibus quomiam opem ferre non possumus condolemus et lachrymas lachrymis jungimus: Hieron. Proæm in Ezek. 3. Occiden talium fuga & sactorum lacorum constipatio nuditate at vulne ribus indigentium, rabiem præferat barbarorem, quos abs lachrymis et gemitu videre non possumus: Hieron in Proæm in Ezek. 7. Barbari qui cum Alaricho erant quicquid obviam fuit igni ferro vastantes ad extremum Roman quo ipsam occuparunt, maximam partem admirandorum illic operum incendio consumpserunt: Socr. l. 7. c. 10 Alarico Roman ingresso cum intra et extra urbem cædes agerent, omnibus indultum est qui ad sanctorum limina confugerunt: Idatius. Iacente vero in ruderibus urbe Alaricus Campariam in visito deprædatus est, ibi morbo ocubuit. Post hæc verò [ve post mortem Adaulphi rursum incoli cœpit. Philostorg. l. 12. c. 3. Iratus ob hæc Alaricus, anno post primam irruptionem in portum urbus Romæ tanquam hostis infestis signis Roman versus contendit. Exinde vero tantæ gloriæ magnitudinem ac potentiæ famam externus ignis, & hostilis gladius et barbarica captivitas quasi sortito inter se diviserunt. Dum ubs Roman in ruderibus esset Alaricus Campaniam deprædatus est, at illic morbo correptus occubuit. Uxoris autem ejus frater Ad\au/lphus ei successit qui Placidiam Honorij sororem quam Alaricus captivam ab urbe Roma secum abduxerat, sponsam accepit – nec multo post – a quopiam domestico suo interficitur. Exinde Barbari foxdus cum Honorio percusserunt & Phacidian sororem reddiderunt, [i.e. A. C. 416] \— cum prius partem Galliæ ad agros exco endos accepissent/ Post hæc vero autem [i.e. post annum 416 quo Adaulphus cæsus est & Placidia Imperatori tradita] Roma a gravissimis madis paulalum respirans, incolis frequentari cœpit. Et Imperator cum eo advenisset, manu simul et lingua ædificationem urbis comprobavit. Philostorg l. 12. c. 334, 5. Thus at the sounding of the second Trumpet a great Mountain the Metropolis of Roman Empire was \set on flames by war &/ thrown down from the height of its greatness \dominion & dignity/ & cast \down with violence/ into the Roman sea whose waters are peoples & multitudes & nations & tongues (Apoc. 17, 15) & sunk into the lowest degree of for the people of this city \inhabitants/ who survived the flames \siege/ being \thrown out/ dispersed & scattered into all the Empire & sinking among \in/ the Roman waters into the lowest degree of misery poverty dishonour & misery. And tho the city was afterwards peopled again yet it was but thinly peopled & henceforward continued \became \recovered its temporal greatness no more but was made// subject to the Ravenna wch hence forward became the seat \Metropolis/ of this Empire.
The sacking of old Babylon by the Medes —
<98v> [Editorial Note 5]The Vandals were called into Afric by Banoface th
For In ye year 427 Boniface who had ye governor of Afric \the governer of Afric having beaten an army wch Ætius sent \agt him// to strengthen himself against ye attempts of Ætius \sailed into Spain had married a Vandal & invited/ invited ye Vandals into Afric out of Spain into Afric & favoured them in so promising them a part of ye country & for two or three years \he/ favoured g them in conquering the same, & at ye same \time/ he suffered also & pe the {illeg} \& perhaps invited/ a body of southern barbarians to invade another part thereof: both wch invasions are Austin in an Epistle to Boniface makes this mention. Navigasti uxerem duxisti — et hæresis eorum qui verum filium Dei negant tantum prævaluit ut in domo tua ut ab ipsis filia tua baptizarentur. — Quando ergo poteris tot hominum armatorum (Vandalorum scil.) quorum fovenda erat cupiditas, timenda atrocitas: quando, inquam poteris eorum con cupiscentia qui diligunt mundun, non dico satian quod fieri nullo modo potest sed aliqua ex parte pascere ne universa plebs pereat, nisi tu facias quæ Deus prohibet et faci entibus comminatur? Propter quod vides tam multa contrita ut jam vile aliqud quod vapiatur vix einveniatur. Quid autem dicam de vastatione —
After this Boniface & other applications made to him \made to him by the Empress/ b Boniface repented of what he had done \began to opposeth the Vandals in Mauritania/ but was beaten by the Vandals & {were} pursued \by them/ into Numdia & beseiged in Hippo A. C. 330] the Vandals beat him \was beaten by them/ in Mauritania. pursued him into \After wth they marched invaded/ Numidia bent & beseiged him \Boniface/ in Hippo & after fourteen months seige burt {sic} ye city. & new forces being sent against the\m/ m under Aspar from both \Vandals under Aspar from/ Rome & \& also from/ Constantinople under Aspar \under Aspar/ they beat those also. After wch – – – – – upon ye death of Austin above mentioned who died in Hippo in ye 3d month of ye siege of that City.
Fora upon a discord between Æti\{w}/us & Boniface governour of Afric - - - invited them into Afric, promising them a part of ye country. Whereupon they invaded \passed into/ Afric the same years & Boniface \& invaded Mauritania; &/ & at ye same time Boniface suffered also & perhaps invited a body of southern barbarians to invade another part thereof: both wch invasions
& A. C. 409 was bought off for a great quantity of Gold Silver & other valuable things raised the siege & went against \afterwards treated also wth/ the Emperor Honorius \then residing/ but th{e} at Ravenna but there receiving a {sic} repulse & being denied all terms of peace returned to Rome & demanded their assistance against Honorius \about peace but the Emperor & those about him having sworn to have no peace with him refused refused all his proposals the very {illeg} tho adjudged very reason{able} & thereupon he returned to Rome & demanded the assitance of ye Romans agt the Emperor./ They at first refused & he beseiged the city again & took ye gate where their provisions were laid up & when they were prest with famin the Senate made Attalus \the Senate consented & made Attalus (who was then Prefect of ye City)/ their Emperor, & Attalus {illeg} made Alaric captain of his forces & went with him against Honorius, but upon some new disgust Alaric laid Attalus aside & beseiged Rome a third time A. C. 410 & after a new famin & pestilence wherein great multitudes perished took ye city Au in the night Aug. 23. A. C. 410, put some to ye sword sparing those who fled to Churches, permitted his {illeg} army to plunder the houses.
The third Trumpet
And the third Angel sounded, & there fell a great star from heaven burning as it were a lamp [the Emperor of the west consuming by war] & it fell upon the third part of the rivers [the kingdoms of the western Empire wch is a third part of ye whole \subject of sacred prophesy/ & upon the fountains of waters [the head cities of those kingdoms.] And the name of the star is called Wormwood [bitterness of affliction] & the third part of the waters became worm{illeg}wood [the nations of the third part & many men died of the waters because they were made bitter [the nations of the third part by the fall of the star being \were/ embittered wth affliction & the men of the western Empire dyed , a death politi by the dissolution of that Empire.]
The figure of a great star burning as it were a lamp & \burning as it were a lamp &/ falling from heaven into the{illeg} waters & in its fall burning as it were a lamp is of the same kind with that of the mountain burning & falling into the sea, with this only difference that the mountain signifies a reigning \reg of reigning/ city & the star a \reigning/ king each wth their dominion. This figure is taken from Isaiah's prophesy ch. 14. 10 against the king of Babylon, where he \thus/ compares that king to the morning star falling from heaven. How art thou [18] fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the grownd who didst weaken the nations! For thou hast hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north, I will ascend above the heights of ye clouds, I will be like the most High: yet thou shall be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit. As the old Prophets represent \the fall of/ old Babylon & its king by the fall of a burning mountain & \& the fall of its king by that of the falling/ of the bring morning star: so Iohn represents the fall of new Babylon & \that/ of its king by the fall of a great burning mountain & by that of a great star burning like a lamp. Certainly this star cannot be applied more proper to any thing more properly then to the western Emperor. For the several kingdoms were now rent from him yet he retained still a great dominion reigning over all Italy, Afric, Rhœtia, Noricum, Istria, Dalmatia, & some part of Gallia & Spain \& claimed a right to the whole./: & \And even/ Afric alone was \as big or/ almost as big as all Gallia & Spain together. For Baronius computes (out of Austin) \that there were above/ 625 seats Episcopal seats at least [19] in Afric, A. C. 411 \besides 120 more recconed by the Donatists./. But upon the sounding of this Trupet the Vandals \A. C. 427/ invaded Afric & rent it from him & then with a great fleet \by a tedious war & violent war rent most of it from him & then/ \of 300000/ invaded the \islands of the Mediterranean & ✝/ ✝ {illeg} Genseric \now/ king of the Vandals had formerly \lately/ married his son Honoric to the daughter of Theodoric king of the Visigoths, {illeg} & upon suspicion of her preparing poison for him had cut off her nose & sent her back to her father, & fearing \to prevent/ revenge incited \sent many gifts to/ Attila king of the Hunns by many \& incited him by/ many gifts to invade & ruin Theodoric. Whereupon Attila with an army \✝ wth/ of 700000 \seven \five/ hundre {sic} thousand/ Hunns, Ostrogoths, Gepides, Herules, & other barbarians {illeg} \A. C. 451/ passed the Rhene & \A. C. 451/ entered Gallia \& wasted many cities/ but was beaten by the united force of the Western Emperor & \barbarous/ kings of Gallia, & forced to retire into Scythia wth the remainder of his army. And the next year hav A. C. 452 having got up a bigger army then before he invaded passed over the \frozen/ Danube in winter marched in sp into Pannonia \in winter/ & marched thence in spring to ye Iulian Alps against \to Italy to revenge himself on the western/ the western Emperor for assisting the Visigoths, & besieged Aquileia. The city held out till his army began to grow weary but at length was taken & Attila marched thence to the Po & along the Po to \towards/ Millain & Ticinum \Pavia/ plundering all the cities as he went & t the next winter passedg the Po the \&/ directed his course twards Rome but was opposed by Ætius who had got together \with/ a very great army of Romans & Barbarians, \made peace wth ye Romans & retired went back wth many captives into Pannonia/ together & \thence he/ retired in to Scythia \Pannonia/ wthout giving battel, & died A. C. 454, [& his sons dividing his Empire among them by lot \going about to divide by lot the nations over whom he reigned/, Ardaricus king of the Gepides revolt took it for an affront that warlike nations should have lots cast upon them like cattel. & revolted & even joynin together wth other nations who revolted with him gave them battel & in Pannonia & routed them, after wch \by the consent of/ the Gepides sea he Emperors Marcian & Valentinian gr the Gepides seated themselves in Dacia & the Ostrogoths in Pannonia] And in the end of the year Ætius was slain, a man who had long commanded the army with great fidelity courage conduct & success & was the support of the Empire & in his room Ricimer a Vandal \or as some say a Sueve/ was made commander of the army, & actedy \which very much promoted the ruin of the Empire. For Ricimer acted like/ [wth great arrogance & infidelity promoted the fall of the Empire. For \pulling down ruin Emperors at pleasure & being] another Stico but with better success. [\setting up &/ so that/ the Empire hence forward became much disturbed New Emperors were frequently created & slain. Valentinian was slain this year. Italy was plundered by the Vandals & Maximus slain the next year. The Romans were diven out of It Afric the next year. \The next year A. C. 455 Genseric with a fleet of three hundred thousand Vandals & Moors invaded Italy, took \& plundered/ Rome & many other cities, slew the Emperor Maximus, & carried hence the flower & Auritus deposed created Emperor & deposed & wealth of Italy into Afric & the next year /
next year invaded & conquered the rest of Afric & expelled the Romans, & the next year invaded & plundered Italy again & particularly Campania & henceforward continued to infest Europe wth with yearly incursions \invasions/ till the western Empire fell. And henceforward they invaded the coasts of Europe yearly. They beat &c sea coasts of Eurpoe & A. C. 455 took \invaded/ Rome & many other cities in Italy \there &/ \with a fleet of three hundred thousand men \Vandals & Moors/ invaded Italy & took Rome & slew the Emperor Maximus/ & carried thence the wealth & flower of Italy into Afric & the next year invaded the rest of Afric & ejected the Romans [& thence forward in feste \&/ the next \& the next/ year invaded Italy again✝ & continued to infest Europe wth yearly incursions untill the western Emp] \At length/ The western Emperor Valentinian{illeg} had contrived to f circumvent & force the wife of Maximus a Senator of the & Patrician \of Chief rank/ & the Lady discovering it to her husband in order to Revenge: Maximus contrived to make \persuaded/ Valentinian vile that Æt{illeg}ius who commanded the forces of ye Empire was false to him & caused him by that means procured the death of Ætius the Emperors \most/ faithful friend & support of the Empire, & then persuaded two friends of Ætius in revenge to kill Valentinian, & upon his death entered the Palace & taking the Empress Eudoxia married her & lying with her that might told her that out of extreme love to her he had conspired against Valentinian. Whereupon she geinb in revenge she invited \she sent a messenger privately with gifts to/ Genseric king of the Vandals \& invited him/ to come & revenge her up cause upon Maximus] And now Ætius who commanded the forces of the Empire being & acted wth great fidelity skill & courage & was the stay of the Empire, being dead & Ricimer a Vandal commanding in his roome & being infa being succeeded by Ricimer a Vandal, Ricimer \who/ acted unfaithfully setting up Emperors & pulling them down the Empire be henceforward became very much disturbed. New Emperors were frequently created The Vandals invaded Italy & other the coasts of \& slain. The barbarous nations became more bold/ /& slain. The {illeg} European Barbarians were encouraged against them.\ Europe yearly the next year (A. C. 177 156) invaded the rest of Afric & ejected the Romans, & the next year invad year following {illeg} invaded & plundered Italy again & slain. The Vandals invaded \& plundered/ the coasts of Europe yearly. & beat {an greater a arm} the forces \wth/ wch the Emperor Majoranus invaded {illeg} Afric endeavoured to recover Afric. They beat a fleet of 1113 \ships/ wth an army of 100000 \an hundred thousand/ men wch the Greek Emperor \Leo/ sent against them They invited the Ostrogoths to invade Italy & both Empires, & \that part of/ the Ostrogoths who invaded Italy being bought off by the Western Emperor retired into Gallia & there joyning with the Visigoths \Geiseric sollicited the Visigoths wth gifts &/ they took from the Emperor what remained to him in Gallia \& Spain./ And Ricimer falling out while these things were doing Ricimer falling \fell/ out wth the Emperor Anthemius beseiged him in Rome & took the city & after the city had by a long siege laboured wth famin & pestilence took it by force o suffered his sold gave his soldiers the plunder, & slew the Emperor \& slew the Emperor/ \✝/ And after these things the Odoacer
king of the Heruli in Germany {shang} the Emperor stript of hi Empire small & disturbed & poor & impov{er} poor & \Turcilingi in Germany Sciri & Rugi nations of interior Germany who had assisted Attia diminished hearing how the Empire was diminished & disturbed & remained/ without riches or strength got up an army marched through Rhœtia & Venetia into Italy & in one year subdued it & |raised an army & in spring came over the Danube into Noricum & marched thence by Trene & Verona into Italy beseiged Orestes wth the army of the Empire in Pavia & took them prisoners. Marched thence aga{in}{t} the Emperor Augustulus \&/, took Ravenna & Rome & in one year conquered &| put an end to the Empire. Thus did this great star fall & sink in the Roman waters & during its fall \by degrees & in falling burn let/ fla bu flamed continually wth war & burnt like a lamp untill it sunk & vanished in the \many/ waters of the Empire, the Vandals making war upon this Empire \almost/ fifty years together till they ruined the brought it to ruin.
— but wth better success so that the affairs of the Empire were henceforward very much disturbed perplexed & the lives of the Emperors very short & their power contemptible
The death of Ætius was contrived by Maximus a Senator & Patrician who soon after procured also the death of ye Emperor Valentinian & invaded the throne. Whereupon the Empress Eudoxia the widdow of Valentinian invited Geiseric king of the Vandals to come to her assistance against Maximus. And Geiseric the next year A. C. 455 wth a fleet of three hundred thousand Vandals & Moors invaded Italy & plundered Rome & many other cities & carried thence the flower & wreath of Italy into Afric, & the next year invaded & conquered the rest of Afric & expelled the Romans out of \rent/ all Afric from ye western Empire.
& the kings of the Ostrogoths Gepids & other nations under them
Maximus a Senator & Patrician had contrived the death of Ætius & soon after of Valentinian\revolted from his sons:/ the Emperor Valentinian & also & invaded the throne & \thereupon/ the Empress \Eudoxia/ ye widdow of Valentinian in revenge invited Geiseric king of the Vandals to come to her assistance against Maximus. And Geiseric \the next year/ A. C. 455,
\Before ye end of this year/ Maximus a Senator & Patrician contrived the death first of Ætius & then of ye Emperor Valentinian, & invaded the throne. A the Empress Eudoxia the widdow of Valen
The next year A. C. 456 they invaded & conquered the rest of Afric & expelling the Romans \out of Tripoli/ rent all Afric from the Empire & [extended their dominion from the sea to Tripoli.] And hence henceforward infested \Italy & all/ Europe wth yearly incursions & then seized \they/ invaded & seized \subdued/ Sicily Sardinia Majorca Minorca & many Isles of ye Mediterraneas & infested the seacoasts of Italy & all Europe wth yearly incursions & depredations till ye western Empire fell.
But upon the sounding of the third trumpet this Empire was involved in new wars & whereby it was wasted for almost fifty years together & then ceased.
For in ye year 427 the Vandals inva \& Alans &/ invaded Afric & there made war upon this Empire \with great destruction/ & by degrees carried on their conquests till they took Hippo A. C. 430 & Carthage A. C. 439 & the & thence they invaded Sicily & the Islands of the Mediterranean & \frequently infested the/ sea-coasts of Europe. making annual \frequent/ expeditions
During the peace between the Emperor & \Genseric king of/ the Vandals Genseric & turned {set} himself becomes afflicted \then king himself set himself to/ \molested/ the Catholic clergy set himself removing & banishing many of their Clergy upon pretences of their reflecting upon him in their sermons, & felled their places \some of the Vandals/ A. C. 437 with Bishops & Presbyters of his own religion] in ye year 439 \infested the mediterranean wth Pyracy & the next year wasted many Islands & chiefly Sicily/ then made war again upon the Romans they beseiged & took it in October |A. C. 439| \& Geiseric the year following invaded the Romans invaded the Islands of the mediterranean \by land/ in Afric &/ took Carthage the richest & most populous \& potent/ city of \all/ Afric, captivated many of the senators spoile seized the wealth of the city & subdued the province & ye next year invaded Sicily & Sardinia. And the next year following the Gr \A. C. 440 continued \to/ infested the Islands of ye Mediterranean invaded Sicily/ wasting all places there as they had done in Afric \☉/ ☉ \Ætio 2 et Sigisvulto Coss. |A. C. 433| Piraticam Barbari Fœderatorum desertores exercuerunt/ Theod 17 & Fausto Coss (A. C. 438) Vandali \Iide/ piratæ multas in sus|l|las sed præcipue Siciliam vastavere: Marcellinus in Chron. Bella \Bella/, vastatis urbibus mari clausis, at eversis Sardinia et Sicilia, id est fiscalibus horreis, at abscissis vitalibus venis, [bella] \Vandali/ African ipsam id est quasi amiman captivarêre rei publicæ. In the year 441 the Greek Emperor sent against the Vandals a fleet of 60 ships wch sailed to Sicily & thence to Afric but returned wthout doing any thing, & the year following the Vandals made peace wth both the Emperors, & returned to persecute the Catholicks in Afric. for their religion. But in ye year 455 \Of \what/ consequence these last years were to ye Empire Salvian has thus exprest./ & the year following the Greek Emperor sent against them an army \a fleet/ of 60 ships wch (sailedg to Sicily & spending most of ye summer in that Island went late to Afric & wthout doing any thing returned to Sicily {illeg} & \sailed/ thence to Greece & the next year the Vandals made peace wth both Emperors.
\In the {illeg} mean time/ Genseric had married his daughter to \Son Huneric to the daughter of/ Theoderic king of the Visigoths & upon suspicion of her preparing poison for him cut of her nose & sent her back to her father & to prevent revenge sent{illeg} \to/ Attila king of the Hunns & sollicited \incited/ him by many guifts to invade & destroy Theoderic. Whereupon Attila prepared \wth/ an army of 500000 five hundred thousand Hunns, Got Ostro Hunns, Ostrogoths, Gepids
Theodosio 18 et Festo Coss \(A. C. 439/ Carthage a Vandalis capta. Valentiniano v et Anatolio Coss (A. C. 440) Geisenas Siciliam graviter affligit. Cyro v et Cos (A. C. 441) Theodosius Imperator bellum contra Vandalos movet ducibus cum magna classe directis. Dioscuro et Eudoxio Coss (A. C. 442) Cum Geiserico ab Augusto Valentiniano pax confirmata et cærtis spatijs Africa inter utrum divisa. Prosper in Chron.
The fourth Trumpet.
When Odoacer reigned \about 14 years/ in Italy, & \in the meantime/ Zeno the Greek Emperor adopted \in the mean time contracted friendship wth/ Theodoric king of the Ostrogoths in \Thrace &/ Pannonia, \& adopted him/ to be his son, & made him \Patricius &/ Consul of Constantinople. & granted him Italy by \gave/ a donation in writing \& Patri & to divert him from invading the Eastern Empire gave him the kingdom of ye west/ \recommending to him the Roman people & senate. So Procopius: tells us Zeno . . . . . experiri/ & Theodoric thereupon led his nation into \into/ Italy \So Procopius: Zeno . . . . . Italiam petit./ conquered Odoacer & extended his kingdom over \{ruled} over \Theodoric soon conquered Odoacer &/ extended his dominion over/ Italy, Sicily, Rhetia, Noricum, Dalmatia, Liburnia, Istria, & part of Suavia, Pannonia & Gallia. Whence Ennodius in a Panegyric to Theodoric said, ad limitem suum Romana regna remeasse. Theodoric reigned with great prudence moderation & felicity for 37 years together \governed the Romans by their own laws/ & treated the Romans with singular benevolence \governing them by their own laws, & absteining only from ye name of Emperor \For Procopius tells us:/ Theodoricus ita sibi prentibus præfuit ut . . . . . . shubditis relinquens. [Procop de Bello Got. l. 1] And Cassiodorus . . . . superantur. In this manner/. Cassiodorus tells us: Rex Theodoricus \Romam cunctorum votis expetitus advenit, &/ Senatum \suum/ mira affabilitate tractans, Romanæ plebi donavit annonas, at Urbis admirandis mœnibus, deputa per annos singulos maxima pecuniæ quantitate, subvenit: sub cujus fælici imperio plurimæ renovantur ubes, munitissima castella condutur, consurgunt admiranda palatia, magnis ejus operibus antiqua miracula superantur. And Procopius: \Theodoricus Ita Theodoricus sibi parentibus prœfuit ut . . . . . subditis relinquens/ Erat Theodosius fama quidem [20] Tyrannus, re tamen prœ se veri specimen Imperatoris ferebat, ut qui vel eorum qui a principio ea in dignitate probatiores fuissent, nemini inferior fuerit: et Gothos quidem ac item ac Italos pari quadam ac summa benevolentia, suapte humanitate prosequebatur, ita ut omnes (quod uti difficillimum est) ejus Imperium oblectaret. In this manner Theodoricus & his successor Athalaricus governed the west forty & two years, so that Evagrius the historian calls them administrators of the Western Empire, & others write that the Western Empire was translated to them, & Procopius an eye witness \who warred in Italy under Bellisarius/ introduces the Goths thus contending with Bellisarius: \Non vi Romanis . . . . . . per injuriam invaditis./ Nos Italiæ suscepto Imperio leges simul et Rempublicam salvas non minus reddidimus quam superiorum alius quisquam Imperatorum. Romanorum sacravia eo in honore sunt apud nos habita ut a nullo nostratium hominum sit, qui ad ea confugerit, violatus. Omnibus prœterea urbanis antehac magistratibus Romani perfungebantur; Gothus viv nemo eorum particeps factus. Vel procedat in medium qui profari nos ista non vere existimet. Addat et Consularem quispiam dignitatem qua Gothi etsi ab Orientis Imperatore donati, Romanis tamen perfungi libere permiserunt.
<101v>Now the four winds being \signifying/ four great \& durable/ wars between the Romans & Barbarians & the fourth being in the northern quarters \a northern wind in respect/ in respect of Rome; & there being no such war \with the Romans/ after the fall of the western Cæsars during all the reign of Odoacer Theodomir & Athalaric; [And \&/ the war wch Iustinian \& his successors/ made upon the Ostrogoths & other barbarians in {illeg} \Italy & other regions northward of Rome/ being such a war & immediately succeeding the Wars of before the of the Vandals wch were the third wind \& seeing the first war in Italy wch succeeded the happy reign of the & putting an end to ye/] we may reccon that the fourth wind or war{illeg} \happy state of ye Romans and Italy under the Ostrogoths/ to wch the fourth trumpet sounded began with wch A. C. 435 when Iustinian \(having newly conquered the Vandals the year before)/ sent an army under Belisarius & other captains against the Ostrogoths. [& put an end to the happy reign of that flourishing \& put an end to the peaceable & peaceable & happy reign of \{times under the}/ that flourishing {illeg}/ kingdom in Italy. For this war \new war began \A. C. 535 wch was/ the year after Iustinian \had/ conquered the Vandals in Afric, Ib/ was waged almost wholy in Dalmatia Siburnia Venetia Lumbardy \& put an end to their kingdom. It was/ Tuscia & the others parts of ye Empire of the Goths wch lay northward from Rome. & It \put an end to the \peaceable &/ flowing times of Italy under the Ostrogoths &/ was very lasting; & violent and destructive \For it continued/ In continuing about seventy years, twenty years between the Romans & Ostrogoths & fifty years more between the Romans & other barbarous nations. And it was very violent & destructive. Procopius reccons that more men perished in the war with the Ostrogoths then in that with ye Vandals. In taking Millain \alone/ the Goths slew all the males amounting (as Propius reccons) to 300000, & sent ye weomen captives \in Gallia/ to their allies the Burgundians; Rome was taken beseige besides what was \were/ slain by both parties in other sieges & in Battels & \or perished/ by famin & pestilence the consequence of great wars. And Rome \it self/ was taken & retaken several times & in one of the sieges of this city suffered by famin & pestilence & by sending \dispersing/ her people to other places in time of [She was [So far dispeopled by former the wars of Alaric & those of ye Vandals as \in this war of the Goths/ to have great quantities of grownd unihabited within her walls whereof wch yeilded grass & vegetables \sufficient/ for nourishing a competent qu number of men & horses in time of a siege: but by] & then by these \wars &/ calamities
And And And thus did the Sun, that is the kings of the Barbarous nations, scorch men with great heat, as is exprest at the pouring out of the fourth Vial, that is with great \heat/ of war. And men were scorched with great heat & blasphemed the name of God who had power over these plagues, & they repented not to give him glory. Blasphemy is in all this prophesy put for idolatry & the names of blasphemy for the names of fo{illeg} Idols. Men blasphemed God the name of God because of the heat & repented not. that is they {were en} \that is, The more they were punished the more they blasphemed \scorched/: And/ instead of repenting of their id worshippers old idolatry they grew more idolatrous then before: [The more they \wer {sic}/ punished the more they blasphemed:] [They worshipped dead men before & \the Beast & his Image before/ now they set up their {pist rus} & images in their churches & began by degrees, to war first to treat them wth respect & devotion, & at length to worship them & particularly at the end of this plague A. C. 608 they set up th \or 609 Pope Boniface IV/ in the roome \of the Images/ of all the heathen Gods they set up in the Pantheon at Rome the Images of the Virgin Mary & all the Christian Saints. And from hence forward the worship of Images silently overspread the {worship accepted} west.] For The barbarous {illeg} invasions & perpetual wars brought on ignorance & ignorance brought on Superstition. Pictures began to come into Churches before ye end of the fourth century & to be worshipped in the fift. \Towards the end of ye sixt century the latine tongue ceased to be spoken in Italy & after the common people understood not the language into wch the scriptures were translated & in which they said their prayers/ For Austin \Epiphanius tore down a painted veil in one of the churches & Austin/ of Hippo tells us that Nolite consectari turbas imperitorum qui ipsa vera religione superstitiosi sunt — Novi multos esse sepulchrorum et picturarum adoratores. Images also of Christ & the Virgin Mary & Apostles & Saints began {illeg}ad before ye fourth century \in the fift century & towards ye end {illeg} of the 4th & at {centuries of the}/ \& in the leg/ to be set \up/ in private houses & publick places in the room of Pagan Images & in the fift & sixt centuries crept by degrees into churches being used at first for ornament & for instructing the people in History but at length \by degrees/ degenerating into superstition.] They \invoked &/ worshipped dead men before & now they began to worshipped their \pictures &/ Images of dead
Before ye Empire became Christian I meet wth nothing [{illeg} of Images \or Statues/ among Christians unless perhaps {illeg} fo for adorning houses \fountains or gardens/ by way of the Architecture for for ado] in the christian religion relating to Images or pictures. Houses \Gardens/ Bridges o Fountains & Bridges might be adorned by architects \& painters/ 7amp; the Communion cup by {illeg} the Artificers who made it, {&} but wthout paying any veneration or ho \or/ honour too the ornaments. After the Empire became Christian the statues of Christian Emperors were set up in stead of those of the heathen & a civil respect might be paid to them as the statues of Roman Emperors: but I do not find that religion was concerned in the matter till after \before/ the reign of Iulian the Apostate. \The Council of Eliberis in Spain ordered that there should be no pictures in churches./ There was at Paneas in Syria a statue erected at Paneas by the heathens in memory of Christs curing to a woman of \a brass/ a bloody flux as Eusebius relates, & Iulian ordered this statue to be thrown & down & his own to be placed in the room of it & the Christians [gathered up the broken pieces of this statue, & putting them together] set up \placed/ the statue \of Christ/ in a Christian Church \I suppose for preserving it./. And this is the first instance that I meet with of any statue erected \placed/ in a christian Church, supposing The About this time the passions of the Martyrs began to be painted in their Basilicas or Temples erected over their graves. Such was the Basilica of Theo\do/rus the Martyr as Gregory Nyssen describes & the Church at Anablatha in Iudea where Epiphanius tore the painted veil, & the Basilica of Cassian mentioned by Prudentius & that of Hippolytus the Martyr at Rome mentioned by the same Cassian \Prudentius/ & those of Felix wch Paulinus Bishop of Nola caused to be painted. And tho they were painted only for instructing the people in the histories of the passions of the Martyrs yet the painting soon begat in \many of/ the common people a respect & veneration towards the very pictures. {illeg} For Austin bishop of Hippo tells us: Noli consectori turbas imperitorum qui vel in ipsa vera religione superstitiosi sunt &c Novi vel ita libidinibus dediti ut oblitio sint quicquid promiserint Deo. Novi multos esse sepulchrorum et PICTVRARVM adoratores; novi multos esse qui luxuriosissime super mortuos bibant & epulas cadaveribus exhibentes super sepultos seipsos sepeliant, & voracitates ebrietates suas deputant religion. This Austin wrote in the rest of the of in ye year 388 [of the Romans whe Italians & chiefly of the Romans] in ye year 388 \& the of are/ when he was at Rome being newly converted [there] to ye christian faith & not yet returned into Afric \& therefore it relates to the people of Rome & Italy. And how superstitious they/. A Theodoret tells us in ye \were appears further by what Theodoret tells us of them in the/ life of Simeon the pullar-Monck tells us \farther/: Aiunt Romæ, quæ est longe maxima Symeonem fuisse adeo omnium ore celebratum ut in officinarum om̄ibus vestibulis & porticibus ei parras posuerint imagines hinc sibi præsidium et tutelam parantes. And This shews that the Romans began now to put place much the same vertue & power in the Images as in ye reliques of saints. And it deserves the more to be taken notice of because this was written before \in the lifetime of/ Simeon & before th when Rome was in its greatness being not yet {illeg} taken by Alaric. For Mebtius Bp of Antioch died A. C. 381 For this was written in ye 28th year of Symeon began to fast \yearly/ 40 days yearly in Lent \together/, wch he did before he was visited by Meletius Bishop of Antioch who died A. C. 381. And \so/ it shews that the Romans even before the taking of Rome by Alaric, when their city was in its greatness, began to place much the th same vertue & power in the Images as in the reliques of Saints. And lest it should seem incredible that they should place so great vertue in the Images of a man who was not yet dead: historians tell you that the Emperor Theodosius \himself/ in his war against Maximus A. C. 388, placed as great vertue in the walking staff & hood of the \liviving/ Monck Senuphius, who was then living sent him by the Bishop of Alexandria. The old heathen custome of offering inferiæ (or infernal sacrifices) to ye dead was performed by Christians not only at the annual festivals of tombs of the Martyrs in their annual festivals but also at at the Statue of Constantine the great \erected at his Tomb./. For Theodo\v/it mentioning the great honour wch was paid to the dead body of Constantine ye great at his funeral, adds: Quod signis istis non vult credere is ea intuens quæ nune ad ejus loculum et statuam geruntur credat ijs quæ scripta sunt, et Domino qui ducit: Glorificantes me glorificabo & qui me spernunt ipsi spernentur. And what honours were \the Christians/ paid to Constantine at his tomb & statue Philostorgius has recorded: to Imaginem Constantini in Prophyretica columna stantem sacrificijs placent et lucernis accensis ac suffitibus honorant, vota etiam faciunt ut Deo, & supplicationes ad depellendas calasmi tates peragunt. And now this honour began to be paid to the statues of men the Bishop of Rome & the Greek \western/ Emperor \Pope & the Emperor/ advanced their honour by playing \brought brought/ them into Churches. For Pope the Emperor Valentinian the thir{d} at the request of Pope Sixtus about the year 436 for \For Pope Hadrian in a letter to Charles the great/ \writes that/ Pope Sixtus [about the year 436] built a Church to the Virgin Mary & adorned it wch holy Images of gold in various histories. & persuaded \that/ the Emperor Valentinian the third to burn at the request of Pope Sixtus fecit Imaginem auream cum duodecim portis et Salvatore gemmis pretiosis ornatam quam voti gratia supra confessionē beati Petri Apostoli posuit & a tune us hactenus apud nos ab omnibus fidelibus venerantur. In the twelve Neeches were the twelves statues of ye 12 Apostles in gold as Anastasius & Platina mention who tell the same story. The same Sixtus placed also \in the Church of St Laurence/ a Silver Statue of St Lawrence weighing 200 pounds. And after the Pope & the Emperor had set these examples we may presume that it came into fashion to set up Images in Churches. in the west
She played the Harlot before she was forgotten, worshipping dead men & beginning to set up their images. & hear her Bishop being called Oecumenical by the Council of Chalcedon or thir \fourth/ general Council & head of all the Churches by the Emperor Iustinian, {illeg} two years before the wars of the fourth trumpet began. By {illeg} by the wars of this Trumpet \& the great & ruin of the City Rome/ the Pope was quickly humpled & so the {illeg} & ha had {illeg} \& forgotten his honour forgotten/ so that the Bishop of Constantinople claimed the universall Bishopric {illeg} till the Emperor Phocas by a fresh grant restored it to the Bishop of Rome. Thus she lay wast & was forgotten frequently bega \seventy years that is/ during all the wars of the fourth Trumpt {illeg} wch began in Italy A. C. 536 & ended A. C. 605 or (if you please) from the siege of Rome A. C. 507 to ye grant of the universal Bisopric by Phocas.
By all this it should seem to me that painting of Maryres \Chappels Oratories in/ & Churches began in Rome being \there/ set on foot by the Popes Silvester Marcus \&/ Iulius [& Damasus.] that For I meet with no other instances of painting this kind \such paintings/ in their days. Damasus was very superstitious seeking out the bodies of Martyrs & adorning their Easter Cæmetaries or Martyries Monuments wth new structures painting & puerses & \&/ painting , & invocations in {illeg} inscriptions for invocating them About the time of his death or not above 5 or 10 years before the painting of Martyries & Basilicas began to spread into other churches in countries regions \countries./ For Paulinus Bp of Nola in Italy painted some Churches or Basilicas & Prudentius & G. Nyssen mention \wth applause some/ others wch were painted, & Epiphanius
✝ before the reign of Valentinian & Valens. wch But in their reign when the miracles done by the reli of Martyrs began to be cryed up & to men began to busy themselves in seeking out the dead bodys of the martyrs, & building their cæmeteries \sepulchres/ sepulchres & &c Oratories that to in splendid & Oratories \& Monuments/ splendidly they beatetified their monuments wth pain \& But Oratories & Oratories & {Basilicas}/ \by painting them wth histories of the/ the passions of the Martyrs in painting for instructing the people & after this custome began to obtein in the Basilica Martyries, the next step was to beautify \paint beautify paint/ the Churches where \any of/ the martyrsies were buried{illeg}, by painting their histories, or by hanging up painted veils & And all this came into fashion in the reign of Theodosius & his sons.
If the Popes Silvester Marcus & Iulius painted their churches (wch may be doubted) this pract it {illeg} must be allowed that this practise began in Rome by the Pop & that the Popes were the authors of it. For I meet wth no other instances of painting churches so early \& these are are attested by no authors of that age/. But after the reign of Iulian ye Apostate when the reliques Miracles done by the reliques of martyrs began to be cried up. The first autor the
Whether the Popes Silvester, Marcus & Iulius painted their churches may be doubted no authors of the 4th 5t 6t or 7th Centuries mentioning it. If they did, it must be allowed that this {illeg}pass practice began in Rome & was set on foot by the Popes: For I meet wth no other \other/ instances of painting churches so early. \in any other place/ No author \writer/ of the first seven centuries, so far as I can find, mentions the painting of \any/ Churches Oratories or Cæm or Martyries before the reign of Iulian the Apostate: but soon after his reign it is mentioned by several And it seems to me that when so there living writers of that time. Basil in his Oration on the Martyr Barlaam mentions it \wth approbation/ & so far as I can observe is the first writer who mentions. He mentions it by calling upon ye painters of the passions of ye Martyrs to paint ye passion of Barlaam, & in the same Table to paint Christ the Iudge of their conflicts. Gregory Nyssen in his Oration St Theod mentions wth applause the painting of ye passion in his Martyry & speaks as if there were other Martyries painted in the same manner. \Epiphanius tore a veily {illeg} \on/ wch a martyr was painted in a Church in Palestine/ Paulinus Bishop of Nola in Campania in Italy caused s Paluinus bishop of Nola in Campania in Italy caused Churches to be painted & adorned thes {sic} painting wth inscriptions a he himself mentions. And He \mentions also a painted veil in the Church of S. Felix frequented by people from all parts/ Prudentius mentions the passions of Cassian & Hippolytus painted in their martyries. And Euodius mentions a painted Veil \painted wth the effigies of St Stephen/ recommended (as he thought) by an Angel, & hung up in the Church of St Stephen in Afric, & admired & applauded by the people & endowed wth a power of working Miracles
beginning of these mischiefs. Hilary in his book against Constantius written in ye 5t year of his banishment A. C. 361 makes this mention of what was then done in the East. Sine martyrio persequeris. Plus crudelitati vestræ Nero, Deci, Maximiane, debemus; Diabolum enim per vos vicimus. Sanctus ubi beatorum martyrum sanguis exceptus est. Dum in his Dæmones mugiunt, dum ægritudines depelluntur, dum admirationum opera cernuntur, elevari sine laqueis corpora & dispansis pede fæminis vestes non defluere in faciem, uri sine ignibus spiritus, confiteri sine interrogantis incremento fidei. Gregory Nazianzen in his first Oration against the Emperor Iulian then reigning writes thus. Martyres non extimuisti [21] quibus prœclari honores et festa constituta; a quibus Dæmones propelluntur & morbi curantur, quorum sunt apparitiones & prœdictiones; quorem vel sola corpora idem possunt quod animæ sanctæ, sive manibus contrectentur sive honorentur: quorum vel solæ sanguinis guttæ at exiguæ passionis signa [i.e. signa crucis] idem possunt quod corpora: Hæc non colis sed contemnis et aspernaris. Sozomen & Ruffin tell us that the Emperor Iulian applying himself to Apollo Daphnæus in the suburbs of Antioch & pressing by many sacrifices for an answer, the Oracle at length told him that the bones of the Martyr Babylas hindered him from speaking. And Chrysostom in his second Oration on St Babylas made at Antioch [22] twenty years after vizt A. C. 382 saith of the miracles done by the saints & their reliques: Nulla est nostri hujus orbis seu regio seu gens seu urbs ubi nova at inopinata miracula hæc non decantentur: quæ quidem si figmenta fuissent prorsus in tantam hominum admirationem non venissent. And a little after: Abunde Orationi nostræ fidem faciunt quæ quotidiana a martyribus miracula eduntur, magna affatim ad illa hominum multitudine affluente. And in his 66th Homily describing how the devils were tormented & cast out by the bones of the Martyrs, he adds: Ob eam causam multi plerum Reges peregre profecti sunt ut hoc spectaculo fruerentur. Siquidem sanctorum martyrum Temple futuri judicij vestigia et signa exhibent, dum nimirum Dæmones flagris cœduntur homines torquentur & liberantur. Vide quæ Sanctorum vita functorum vis sit? And Ierome in his Epitaph on Paula thus mentions the same things. Paula [23] vidit Samariam: ibi siti sunt Eligæus & Abdias Prophetæ & Ioannes Baptista, ubi multis intremuit consternata miraculis. Nam cernebat varijs dæmones rugire cruciatibus & ante sepulchra sanctorum ululare — homines more luporum vocibus latrare canum, fremere Leonum, sibilare serpentum, mugire taurorum alios rotare caput & post tergum terram vertice tangere suspensis pede fæminis vestes non defluere in faciem. This was about the year 382. Eunapius a bigotted heathen but yet a fit witness of what was done in his own times, relating how the soldiers delivered the heathen temples of Egypt into the hands of the Monks (wch was done in ye year 389) rails thus both at the Monks & at the Martyrs who \as/ succeeding in the room of the old Gods of Egypt. Illi ipsi [milites] Monachos Canobi quo collocarunt ut pro Dijs qui animo cernuntur, servos et quidem fastigiasos flagitiosos divinis honoribus percolerent, hominum mentibus ad cultum ceremonias obligatis. Ii nam condita et salita eorum capita qui ob scelerum multitudinem a Iudicibus extremo supplicio fuerant affecti pro Divis ostentabant, ijs genua submittebant eos in Deorum numerum receptabant, ad illorum sepulchra pulvere sordibus conspurcati. Martyres igitur vocabantur et Ministri quidam et Legati Arbitri precum apud Deos, cùm fuerint servitia infida & flagris pessime subacta quæ cicatrices scelerum ac nequitiæ vestigia corposibus circumferrent: Ejusmodi tamen Deos fert tellus. Thus you see the heathens looked up the Go Martyrs as the Gods of these new Christians & but vilified them as the Christians did the Gods of the heathens. In the year 388 Palladius went into Egypt to visit [24] the Monasteries, & telling how he visited the sepulcher of Apollonius & other Martyrs of Thebais who had suffered under Maximinus, saith: Iis omnibus Christiani fecerunt ædem unam ubi nune multæ virtutes peraguntur. Tanta autem fuit viri gratia ut de ijs quæ esset precatus statim exaudiretur, eum sic honorante Servatore. Quem etiam nos in Martyrio precati, vidimus, cum ijs qui cum ipso fuerunt martyrio affecti; & Deum adorantes eorum corpora salutavimus. By these passages it should seem that the invocation of Saints was now established in Egypt & therefore the miracles were as early established there as in other places. For Athanasius who died in the year 371 or 372 in his book de Incarnatione salutari Domini et salutari ejus adventu, ascribes the like miracles to the signe of ye cross, saying: signo crucis omnia magica compescuntur. — Veniat qui istorum dictorum experimentur capere velit, et in ipsis præstigijs dæmonum et imposturis vaticiniorum et in miraculis Magiæ utatur signo crucis ab ipsis deriso, nomen Christi invocet; et videbit quomodo ejus rei metu Dæmones fugiant, vaticinia conquiescant, magiæ et veneficia jaceant. And to the same purpose there are several passages in the life of Antony writ by Athanasius & now extant in his works in Greek & Latin. And Chrysostom in his Oration on the Egyptian [25]Martyrs seems to make Egypt the ringleader in these matters, saying: Benedictus Deus quandoquidem ex Ægypto prodeunt Martyres, ex Ægypto illa cum Deo pugnante ac in sanissima: et une impia ora, unde linguæ blasphemæ, ex Ægypto Martyres habentur; non in Ægypto tantum, nec in finitima vicina regione sed VBIQUE TERRARUM. Et quemadmodum in annonæ summa ubertate cum viderunt urbium incolæ majorem quam usus habitatorum postulet esse proventum ad peregrinas etiam urbes transmittunt: cum et suam comitatem ac liberalitatem ostendant, tum ut prœter horum abundantiam cum facilitate res quibus indigent rursus ab illis sibi comparent: sic et Ægyptij, quod attinet ad religionis athletas, fecerunt. Cum apud se multam eorum Dei benignitate copiam cernerent, nequaquam ingens Dei munus sua civitate concluserunt, sed in OMNES TERRÆ PARTES bonorum thesauros effuderunt: cum ut suam in fratres amorem ostenderent tum ut communem omnium dominum honore afficerent ac civitati suæ gloriam apud omnes compararent, totius terrarum orbis esse Metropolin \ORBIS ESSE METROPOLIN/ declararent. — Sanctorum enim illorum corpora quovis adámantino et in expugnabili muro tutius nobis urbem communiunt et tanquam excelsi quidam scopuli undi prominentes non horum qui sub sensus cadunt et oculis cernuntur hostium impetus propulsant tantum, sed etiam invisibilium dæmonum insidias omnes diaboli fraudes subvertunt ac dissipant. — Ne vero tantum adversus hominum insidias, aut adversus fallacias Dæmonum utilis nobis est hæc possessio, sed si nobis communis Dominus ob peccatorum multitudinem irascatur, his objectis corporibus continuò poterimus eum propitium reddere civitali. This Oration was written at Antioch while Alexandria was yet the Metropolis of the east, that is before the year 381. And since Alexandria was then eminent above all other cities for dispersing the|m| miracle-working-reliques of the Martyrs so as on this account {sic} \And it was a work of some years for the Egyptians before this to have distributed the{ir} miracle-working reliques of their Martyrs over all the world before th as they did before this time. And since Alexandria Ægypt abounded most wth reliques of saints keeping them embalmed upon beds even in their private houses & Alexandria was eminent above all other cities for dispersing them so as on that account/ to acquire glory with all men & manifest her self to be the Metropolis of the world. we may reccon yt these miracles [& the consequent invocation of the Saints] had their rise in Egypt & Syria & were thence propagated over all the Empire: for they came later into Asia minor & still later into Europe. \And Syria \Antioch/ followed the example of the Egyptians \Alexandria/ in dispersing the reliques of the forty martyrs. And the example of Egypt & Syria was soon followed by the rest of the world./ Monkery began in Egypt & Syria under the Archbishopricks of Alexandria & Antioch, & the Moncks were they that laboured most in propagating these superstitions, as was said above, & Egypt was more eminent for setting up Monckery & Saint worship then Syria it self.
Now as Ezekiel in the sixt year of Iehojakin's captivity, that is just before the destruction of Ierusalem by Nebuchadnezzar was shewn in a vision the idolatry wch the Priests & house of Iudah committed in the Temple & then saw six men come with slaughter weapons in their hands, & one who had a writers inkhorn by his side was bid to go through Ierusalem & set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh & cry for all the abominations done in the midst thereof & then the six were commanded to go after his through the city & smite all who were not marked & to begin at the Sanctuary: so here appear four Angels who are to hurt the earth & the sea inhabitants of the earth & Sea but are stayed till the servants of God are numbered & sealed in their foreheads & by consequence till the rest are marked with the mark of the Beast. For this sealin numbering sealing & marking denotes a distinction of the Empire into two parties one of wch falls away to the worship of fals Gods & the other is preserved from the Apostacy. These last are numbered to express that they were but a few, & these are they whom Christ promised to keep from the hower of temptation which should come upon all the world to try them that dwelt upon the earth. And since they are numbered & sealed out of the twelve Tribes of Israel, those who receive the mark of the Beast must be the rest of the twelve Tribes & by consequence Christians. And because they worship the Beast & his Image they are also Idolaters, a Synagogue of Satan who say they are Iews & are not.
The visions of the fift & sixt seales & of sealing the saints relate to religion, wch being explained let us now return to ye civil & military affairs of the Empire.
The holding of the four winds.
At the opening of the fourth seal the Empire was invaded on all hands by barbarous nations so as to be in great danger of falling, but Dioclesian & his colleagues restored it repulsed the invaders & restored the Empire to a flourishing & formidable state & in this glory it continued during ye reign of Constantine the great & his sons. Some wars Constantius had with the Persians & Alemans but not great & rather with advantage & glory then danger to the Empire insomuch that his Empire rather exceeded then came short of his father's: as you may learn out of Gregory Nazianzen's first Oration against Iulian written immediately after Iulian's death where he thus expostulates with Constantius for making Iulian Emperor. Quodnam hoc consilium suscepisti qui omnes non tuæ solum sed etiam superioris memoriæ Imperatores animi solertia & acumine longe antecellebas? Qui barbaras nationes per gyrum repurgabas tyrannos intestinos ditioni tuæ partim sermonibus partim armis subjiciebas et quidem utrum ita dextrè et egregiè, quasi ab altero nihil molestiæ tibi exhiberetur: cujus cum magna et eximia trophœa armis et prœlio quæsita, tum majora et illustriora sine ulla cruoris profusione parta: ad quem legationes et supplicationes undecun cofluebant: cui nationes omnes partim jam dicto audientes erant, partim jamjam futuræ eranti; ut in eadem causa essent omnes ij quorum expugnatio in spe posita erat, ac si jam domiti at in potestatem redacti essenti &c. This was the flourishing state of the Empire till the B Persians beat & slew Iulian the successor of Constantius: after wch shock the Empire was quickly invaded on all sides. Hoc tempore, saith Ammianus, velut per universum orbem Romanum bellicum canentibus buccinis, excitæ gentes sævissimæ limites sibi proximos persultabant: Gallias Rhœtias simul Alemanni populabantur, Sarmatæ Pannonias & Quadi: Picti Saxones & Scoti et Attacotti Britannos ærumnis vesavere continuis: Austoriani, Mauricæ aliæ gentes Africam solito acrius incursabant: Thracias diripiebant prœdatorij globi Gotthorum: Persarum Rex manus
Ezek 8 & 9. Now whe as Ezekiel in the sixt year of Iehojakins captivity \that is whe just before the siege & destruction of Ier\rusalem by Nebuchadn// was shewn in a vision the Idolatry of the \wch the Priests & ye/ house of Israel in the Ta & principals & \Iudah/ comitted in the Temple, & then came \saw/ six men \come/ wth slaughter weapons in their hands, & one who had a writers inkhorn by his was bid to go through Ierusalem & set a mark upon ye foreheads of the men that sigh & cry for all the abominations done in the midst thereof & then the six wch were commanded to go after him through the city & smite all who were not marked & to begin at the sanctuary: so here \appear/ four Angels are \who were/ to hurt the earth & the sea for the abominations of the inhabitants after \but are stayed o soon as till/ the servants of God who do not commit those abominations are \numbered &/ sealed in their foreheads, & by by consequence so soon as \till/ the rest are marked with the mark of the Beast, that is soon as the worship of dead Saints & Saint worship is set up \till Saint worship be set up/ For this marking & sealing denotes the falling away of the multitude to the worship of false Gods while except a few who are preserved from this worships Apostacy & \& sealing & sealing denotes a destruction of the Empire/ into two parties one of wch falls away to the worship of fals Gods & the other is preserved from the Apostacy. There last were numbered to express that they were but a few & these are they whom God \preserved from the strong {delusion} & /Christ promised to\/ keep from ye hour of temptation which \should/ come upon all the world to try them that dwelt upon the earth. {illeg} And since they are numbered \& sealed/ out of the 12 tribes of Israel that is those who receive ye mark of the Beast \& worship the Beast & his image/ must be the rest of the 12 tribes & by consequence Christians the \idolatrous {illeg} they worship the Beast & his Image they are Idolaters a/ Synagogue of Satan who say they are Iews & are not. ‡ By what has been
The holding of the four winds untill the servants of God were seated The servants of God were sealed The holding of the four winds.
Contemporary to ye sealing of the saints is the holding of the four winds or wars wch were to hurt ye Earth & Sea The wars of the \horsmen in the/ first four seals ended wth ye reign of Dioclesian & his Colleagues. And after they had \Now After Dioclesian had expelled all the barbarians & reduced the Empire to a very/ splendid & formidable state it continued in this glory during the reign of Constantine ye great & his sons. & Some wars Constantius had with the Persians & Alemans but not great & rather with advantage & glory then danger to ye Empire insomuch yt his Empires rather exceeded then came short of his fathers. [But his successor Iulian was vanquished & slain by the Persians].
But let us \The \opening of the/ fift & sixt seales & the sealing of the Saints relates to religion. \wch being explained/ Let us now return to severe \the civil/ affairs of ye Empire &/ see how the four winds or wars are held untill the Saints are sealed.
The holding of the four winds
The wars of the four horsmen \wch appeared/ at the opening of the first four seals, ended with the reign of Dioclesian & his Colleagues. And after they had repulsed all the barbarous nations wch then invaded the Empire & \had/ reduced the Empire to a splendid \flourishing/ & formidable state
At the opening of ye fourth seale the Empire was invaded on all hands by barbarous nations so as to be in great danger of falling, but Dioclesian & his colleagues repulsed the invaders & restored ye Empire to a flourishing & formidable state, & in this glory it continued till the end of ye reign of ConBut \stantius. Then/ the Persians beat & slew his successor Iulian & after this shock ye Empire laboured under many wars was invaded on all sides. Hoc tempore saith Ammianus – insectabat. And whilst the Emperors Valentinian & Valens were busy in repulsing these enemies the Goths mixed with t some Hunns Alans passed the Rhene in two bodies, & overcame \& slew/ Valens & made so great a slaughter of ye Roman army that Ammianus saith nec ulla Annalibus præter Cannensem ita ad internecionem res legitur gesta.✝ ✝ And other another reccon this \was recconed/ the beginning of the calamities & ruin of the Empire. Quæ pugna initiem nali Romano Imperio tune et deincepts fuit Ruffin in calce Euseb. l. 11. c 13. Hæc clades Romani Imperij ac totius Italiæ exitium fuit. Platina in vita Syricij. This was in ye year 378 & now the Goths \freely/ depopulated all Thrace & ye neighbouring Provinces as far as ye neighbouring from ye walls of Constantinople to ye Alpes Cottine. And at ye same time Gratian laboured under a difficult war wth ye Alemans in ye west \so that the Empire was in danger of falling/. But the next year Gratian made Theodosius Emperor of ye East \& in this/ & the year following \A. C. 388/ the two Empors \& their Captains/ by several \great/ victories subdued \checked/ the barbarians & quieted the Empire, [[ from wch time is continued from fal from foreign invasions] \their hostilities great/ till the death of Theodosius for about 14 years together {illeg} \&/ then suffered new invasions \it was invaded again on by the same Barbarians who & the western/ wch ended in the {crownd} Western Empire w[as were occasioned by the former invasions wherein Valens perished & wch] reined & then the same Barbarians invaded it again & ruined the Western Empire.]
– – – quiteted the Empire. \☉/ |☉ Ille felicitatis publicæ auspex sices qui te [Theodosi] primus inauguravit And because they worship the Beast & his Image they are Idolaters & by consequence therefore of the a Synagogue imperio. Iacebat innumerabilibus malis ægra vel potius dixerion examimata Respublica barbaris nationibus Romano nomim velut quodam diluvio superfusis. Pacotus in Panegyr. ad Theodos.| Ausonio et Olybrio Coss (A. C. 379) Theodosius fit Augustus 14 Kal Kal. Feb. ipso anno multa bella Romani cum Gothis commis\cu/erunt. Deinde victoriæ nunciatæ adversus Gothos Alanos at Hunnos 15 Kal. Decemb. Proximo anno (A. C. 380) Gratiano 5 et Theodosius Aug Coss victoriæ nunciatæ sunt adversus Gothos Alano Amborum Augustorum. Et ipso Anno \[post bellum confectum]/ Theodosius ingressus est Theodosius Constantinopolim 18 Kal. Decemb. Hæc Idacius. Cum Gratianum afflictum se pene collapsum reipublicæ statum videret, – {illeg} Theodosium Orientis præfecit imperio, qui Alanos Hunno et Gothos incunctanter aggressus magnis multis prælijs vicit; verbem Constantinopolim victor intravit. Orosius l 7. c. 34. Hinc igitur militibus animorum fiducia redire, paululun videri de rebus adversis superiorum veneporum respirare Princepts et agricolis exercendarum operarum suarum jumentis ac pecoribus libiri pastus copia fieri; ac Theodosius quidem Imperator in hunc modum acceptis detrimentis mederi visus est. Zosimus l. 4. How t To the same purpose speak Ierome, Prosper, Marcelline Victor & Gregory Nazianzen, Socrates, Sozonen, Claudian. And how the wars were ended wch the Scots in Britain, the Moors & Austrians in Afric & Cyrenaica, wth the Isauri in Asia & wth ye Sarmatæ & Quadi in Pannonia were ended before ye year 380 you may see in Ammianus. & \& also how 80000 Burgundians came to ye Rhene & were stopt by Gratian/ Iornandes mentions also an incursion of the Vandals into Gallia supprest by Gratian when Theodosius lay sick at Thessalomica that is in ye year 380. For all the winds which blew upon the Empire were held before ye end of ye year 380, & continued quiet till the death of Theodosius & then brake loose again to hurt ye earth & sea. I speak of \By the wind I understand/ invasions not {illeg} civil wars. The invaders where checkt for a time but seating themselves upon the borders of the Empire & some of them having seats granted within the Empire they {who} lay ready till ye lay ready till the death of Theodosius for \th quit for a time b at abaited /a real\ for an opportunity to invade the Empire anew/
The seventh Seal opened
We shewed above that ye Prophesy of the sixt Seal extended to the death of Valens & the next thing is the holding of the four winds|.| which commenced in the autumn in ye year 380 & is the silence in heaven wth wch {sic} \They began to be held in the year 359 & 379 & ceas were fully checkt & ceased in the year 380 & then commenced the silence in heaven wch lasted for half an hour & wth wch/ the seventh seal begins. For noise denotes war & silence peace. During this silence th \an/ Angel offers the prayers of the saints wth much incence that is the prayers of the saints \servants of God/ in the time of their sealing, & then casts fire \that is war/ to ye earth & there are voices & thundrings & lightnings & an earthquake wch is to be understood of the civil wars between Theodosius & the Tyrants Maximus & Eugenius. And then the seven Angels prepare themselves to sound their Trumpets to seven wars: the four first of \wch/ are the four winds wch \blow from the four corners of the earth &/ were to hurt the Earth & ye Sea & ye trees. The first wind hurts the earth & ye trees at ye sounding of the first Trumpet, the second wind hurts ye sea at ye sounding of ye second Trumpet.
The first Trumpet |These winds blow in the same order that the four Beasts appeared \that is with respect to ye city Rome considered as {in} the center of/ [The first is an Eastern wind & hurts the earth that earth out of wch the two horned beast arose.| The second is \chiefly/ a western wind & {sic} hurts ye Sea \or western Empire/, that Sea out of wch the ten horned Beast arose. The third is \chiefly/ a southern wind & ye 4th a northern wind \that is with respect to the City Rome considered as the center of the old Empire & of the four Beasts & four winds And these winds by degrees opened the western Empire./ The earth & sea are put for the inhabitants of ye earth & sea, those inhabitors to wch the Dragon that old serpent called the Devil & Satan came down.
The first Trumpet \These winds respect |ye same order yt| ye four Beasts appeared the first being an eastern the second a western the third a southern & ye 4th a northern wind that is from east west South & nort & hurt the earth sea/ |& \they/ hurt the earth |ye sea| \ye trees ye ships the Mountains/ the rivers & the Sun moon & stars that is the whole frame of the Roman Empire. [The first| wind hurt the Earth, the sec or eastern Empire, the second hurt the sea or western the third hurt the Rivers & fountains of Water & the fourth hurt the Sun Moon & Stars & put an end &c] & extinguished g ho extinguishing the old dominion of Rome made way for a new dominion of that City. |The jst Trumpet| § The first \wind/ hurt the Earth for upon when ye first Angel sounded there followed hail & fire mingled wth blood \[that is a bloody war]/ & they were cast upon the Earth & the third part of the Earth was burnt up & the third part of the trees was burnt up & all green gras was burnt up; that is consumed by war. For And this is called a grievous & noisome sore & grievous sore wch at the pouring out of ye first Vial of wrath fell pon the men wch had ye mark of the Beast \& worshipped his Image./ All For Theodosius who had checkt the barbarous nations died in the year 39 Ianuary A. C. 395 \& left the Empire divided between his \two/ sons \Arcadius & Honorius/ who were children/ & from that time for about \10 or/ 12 years together all the Eastern Empire was invaded & most greivoursly afflicted by barbarous nations besides what it suffered by pestilence & famin & other \disasters/ For so soon as Theodosius was dead, Ruffin to whom Theodosius left the tuition of the Eastern Emperor Arcadius. thinking to get the Empire to himself called in the nations of the north. And first – – – prest wth famin, yeilded themselves captive. It would be too tedious to copy what several the w what several authors have writ of these things I shall content my self th wth ye general account wch Philostorgius an eye witness \Photius/ has given us of these times out of Philostorgius an eye witness. Ait Philostorgius Hunnos - - - - - - irruperit [26] Thus far Photius & a little before: Ait [Philostorgius] quod sua tempestate tanta hominum mortalitas incesserit - - - - – – – supra humaniam vim fuerit. Quæ omnia, saith Gothofredus, vera sunt et apud aliosscriptores passim occurrunt.
The second Trumpet.
And the second Angel sounded & as it were a great mountain burning wth fire was cast out into the Sea \[the city Rome consuming by war t was cast down {earth}]/ & the third part of the sea became as blood & the third part of ye creatures wch were in the Sea & had life died \[that is by a dissolution of their body politi]/; & the third part of the ships {creature} were destroyed [That is the towns \were/ taken.] by the invaders]& their govern The western & Eastern Empires & Kingdom of Persia are the whole subject of sacred prophesy & the third part is one of ye three. In ye former Trumpet it was the Eastern in this the western Empire. While the former plague fell upon all the eastern Empire eastward of Rome the countries westward were quiet: but in ye end of the year 407 a great body of bar barous nations namely Goths Vandas Alans Burgundians Suevians \Alemans/ Chatti \&c/ passed the Rhene & wa spread themselves over \invaded/ Gallia & Spain with great violence & the Franks on this side the Rhene revolted & called in other Franks from beyond the Rhene. And the Ostrogoths rising from their seats in Pannonia invaded Italy & after two years siege took the City Rome in its glory A. C. 410, & then invaded Gallia & Spain. And by these wars the Western Empire became divided into ten kingdoms & the Empore Wetsern Emperors henceforward quitted the city Rome & made Ravenna the imperial seat of the western Empire. Thus was this great mountain set on fire by war & cast \down/ into ye Sea being subjected to ye city Ravenna.
The third Trumpet
\The next wind was in the south. For/ In ye year 427 the Vandals quitted Spain & crossing the straits invaded Afric wth great violence & conquered it, & seating themselves at Carthage made a pyratical war upon ye sea coasts of Italy, France & Spain for many years together, making inroads into ye country & plundering the towns & particularly in ye year 455 they plundered the City Rome it self. Hitherto the Western Emperor had enjoyed Afric, but now being stript of almost all his dominions he grew so weak that in the year 476 the race of the western Emperors ended in Augustulus. And thus at the sounding of the third Trumpet there fell a great star from heaven burning as it were a lamp, & it fell upon the third part of the rivers & upon ye fountains of water [that is upon the Kingdoms \& nations/ into wch the western Empire was now divided] & the name of the star is called wormwood, [that is bitterness of affliction.] And the third part of the waters became wormwood & many men died of the waters [by a dissolution of their body politick] because the waters were made better. Thus ended ye western Empire.
The fourth Trumpet
The Western Emperors were succeeded first by the Heruli & then by the Ostrogoths \under Theodosius/. And the Ostrogoths \seating themselves at Ravenna/ reigned over Italy in a peaceable manner for several years & favoured the city Rome suffering her to enjoy her ancient government by a Senate & consuls as the \Roman/ Emperors had done before so yt Rome flourished under the \Kings of the/ Ostrogoths as she used to do before under the Roman Emperors. But the Greek Emperor sent Bellisarius first with an army \first/ against the Vandals in Afric & subdued them A. C. 534 & then a wch put an end to the southern wind \in the years 533 & 534/ & the next year he against the Ostrogoths in Italy [wch gave a beginning to ye northern wind. The In this \last/ war the \old/ government of Rome by a Senate & Consuls fell & Rome was taken & retaken &] upon wch ensued a very fierce & memorable war wch was for above 20 years together. This war was waged \almost wholy/ in Dalmatia Liburnia, Venetia, {Long} Lombardy, Tuscia & the other parts of the Empire of the Goths wch lying lying almost on the no\r/th of Rome & so is fitly represented by a northern wind. \Sicily, Rhetia, Noricum, Dalmatia Liburnia, Istria, & part of P Suevia Pannonia & Gallia. Whence Ennod\i/us in a Panegyria to Theodoricus said, ad limitem suum Romana regna remeasse. Theodoricus reigned wth great prudence & moderation & felicity for 37 years together, & treated the Romans with singular benevolence. Cossiadorus tells us: Theodoricus Senatum - - - superantur. And Procopius: Erat Theodoricus fama quidem Tyrannus . . . . oblectaret. In this manner Theodoricus & his successor Athalaricus governed the west for 42 years, so that Evarius the historian calls them Administrators of ye Western Empire & other write that the western Empire was translated to them & Procopius an Eye witness/ of the introduces the Goths arg thus arguing \contending/ with Bellisarius. Nos Italiæ suscepto Imperio – – – – – permiserunt. This was the happy state of Rome & Italy \under the Goths/ till the death of Athalaric & hitherto there had been no lasting wars on the northern coasts of Rome: but now brake forth a northern war wch lasted wth great violence \was very \violent &/ destructive & lasted/ for about \about/ 70 years together: 20 years between ye Romans & Ostrogoths & 50 years more between ye Romans & \& the Heruli &/ Lombards \other barbarous nations/. For the Greek Emperor Iustinian \the next year after he had conquered the Vandals in Afric A. C. 535/ sent Bellisarius with an army first against the Vandals in Afric whom he subdued in ye years 533 & 534 & then against the Ostrogoths in Italy, & this last war was waged almost wholy on ye north in Dalmatia, Liburnia, Venetia, Lombardy, Tuscia & the other parts of ye Empire of the Goths in the northern coasts of \wch lay & northward from/ Rome, & therefore may be accounted the northern wind. In this war with In ye war wth ye Va Procopius reccons that there \perished 1500000 people in/ the war between Bellisarius & the Vandals \& much/ above thrice that number in the war with the Ostrogoths. In taking Millain the Goths slew all the male amounting to 300000 & gave \men & sent/ ye females \weomen as captives/ to their allies the Burgundians. Roma was taken besieged & retaken several times & by these depopulations & vexations her thereby her gr old government by a Senate & Consuls ceased, her nobles were ruined, \& all/ her glory extinct & after 10 years war the kingdom of the Visigoths Ostrogoths {illeg} fell \fell/ whose Kings had been her \husband & her Sun illustrating as their ☾/ Sun. Thus at the sounding of the fourth Angel the third part of the Sun was smitten & the third part of the Moon & the third part of the Stars so as the third part of them was darkened & & ye day shone not for a third part of it & ye night likewise, that is the Sun Moon stars day & night of the third part were darkened.
After the ruin of the Gothic Empire, wch fell in ye year 552 the the remaineder of the Goths & an army of Germans wch they had called it to their assistance continued the war for three or four years longer & then followed \ensued/ the war of the Heruli [under the captains Sindual & Tuscia] who, as Anastasius tells us, peremibant cunctam Italiam. And after that the war of the Lombards the fiercest of all the barbarians continued from ye year 568 for 38 years together, facta tali clade, saith Anastasius, qualem a sæculo nullus meminit. It ended in ye Papacy of Sabinian A. C. 605 by a lasting peace then made wth ye Lombards. Two or three years before it ended, Gregory ye great \then Bishop of Rome/ thus mentions it: Qualiter enim et quotidianis – – – – – – – valemus. The same Gregory tells us that a little before this invasion of ye Lombards began there was a Revelation made to one Red\em/tus a Bishop in these words Finis venit universa carnis. Finis venit universæ carnis. Finis venit universæ carnis. {The} This Revelation Gregory understooding \it/ of the end of the world, \&/ expounds it after this manner. Post illam Prophetiam mox terribilia – – ostendit. On these place words of Gregory Baronius makes this Comment. At nequis - - - conflagratio immineret. To all wch I might add several \other/ passages out of Gregory the same Gregory, but shall content my self wth that one more taken o that wch follows. In one of his sermons to ye people he has those words: Destructœ urbes - - - - sæculum vel extinctum. § And thus did the Sun, that is the Kings of the Barbarous nations scorch men with great heat as is exprest at the pouring out of the fourth Vial. For after the Ostrogoths had treated the Italians with the greatest humanity \some of/ the Italians sided wth the Greek Emperor against the Goths: wch ingratitude turned the spirit of the Goths against them Italians & the Lombards treated the Italians more cruelly then ye Goths had done. § And men were scorched wth great heat & blasphe\me/d the name of God who had power over these plagues. And they repented not to give him glory. Blasphemy is here in all this \Prophesy/ put for Idolatry & the names of blasphemy for the names of fals Gods. So Isa. 65. 7 Your fathers have burnt incense upon the mountains & blasphemed me upon the hills. Ezek 20. 27. Yor fathers have blasphemed me, in that they have committed a trespas against me. For when I brought them into this land, then they saw every high hill & every all the thick trees & they offered there their sacrifices - - - wherefore saw unto ye house of Israel, Are ye polluted after ye manner of your fathers? & commit ye whoredom after the manner of their abominations? - ye pollute your selves wth all yor Idols. The Romans were so far from repenting of their Saint-worship & giving God the Glory that so soon as this plague was over they set up the Images of the Saints to worship them. For in ye year 6078 \between the years 607 & 611/ the Greek Emperor Phocas gave the Pantheon to the Pope, & there the Romans set up the Images of all the \Roman/ Saints in the room of the Images of all the heathen Gods. wch had been set up there before \And/ Hence foward the worship of Images overspread the whole Empire by degrees, being much promoted by the title of Universal Bishop wch the Emperor Phocas at the same time granted to the Pope.‡ The worshipping \invocation/ of Saints is a breach of the first commandment, the making of Images of Saints & worshipping them is a breach of ye second And as the The fift Trumpet wickedness of the saintworshippers increased so God increased their punishment. For now an Angel (or according to some reading cries \wth a loud voice/ Wo, Wo, Wo to the inhabitants of the earth by reason of the other voices of ye Trumpet of the three Angels wch are yet to sound.
T The fift Trumpet
And And the fift Angel sounded & I saw a star fall from heaven unto ye earth & to his [the Prophet Mahomet] & to him was given the key of ye bottomless pit & he opened the bottomless \pit/ [by false prophesy] & there arose a smoke out of the bottomless pit as the {illeg} smoak of a great furnace & the sun & ye air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit \[a great multitude of disciples \thick ch// [a \very/ thick & black cloud of gon disciples] & the Sun & the air were darkened by reason of ye smoak of the pit. As the casting the Dragon in the bottomless pit & shutt locking him up that he should deceive the nations no more for a 1000 years \& then letting him out to deceive the nations/, signifies the putting an end to a false religion \whereby the Devil had deceived ye nations & the rise of a new false religion whereby he should deceive ym again:/: {sic} so \here/ the opening of ye bottomless pit & letting out a thick \black/ smoak wch darkened world signifies the rise of a new false religion, a kingdom of darkness & a spirit of error for deceiving the nations
And there came out of the smoak Locusts upon the earth [an \numerous/ armed multitude \of Arabians, for Locusts are a \numerous/ Southern insect & abound chiefly in Arabia & the Arabians are a numerous people/ & unto them was given power as the Scorpions of the earth have power [to torment men by war as wth ye stings of Scorpions.] And it was commanded ym that they should not hurt the grass of the earth neither any green thing neither any tree [as real Scorpions \Locusts/ do] but only those wh men who have not the seal of God in their foreheads, that is those who have ye mark of ye Beast. {illeg} \For/ the fift vial was poured out upon the seat of ye beast \that is upon the wetsern Empire, the That Vial respects \chiefly/ the Beast or Western Empire, this Trumpet his worshippers or \in the/ Eastern Empire, both together comprehend the whole./ And to them it was given that they \should/not kill them [by dissolving their bodies politi & subverting their kingdoms] but that they should be tormented \five months/ [by inroads, & invasions \& various wars/] five months. And their torment was [sharp] as ye torment of a Scorpion when he striketh a man. And the shape of the Locusts were like unto horses \[or horsmen]/ prepared to ye battel & on their heads were [Turbants] \Diadems Quoifs or/ as it were crowns of gold & their faces were as it were the faces of men [for they were men] & they had \[long]/ hair as ye hair of weomen \For [put up under their Turbants{illeg} or Coifs{illeg} They \Arabians/ cut their hair round like an arch upon the forehead & whare it at full length behind \like weomen/ & put it up under a Quoif or Turbant]/ & their teeth were as ye teeth of Lions \[wth wch they devoured like Daniels fourth Beast]/ & they had breast plates as it were breastplates of iron & the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to B battel: [that is they were horsmen wth \splendid/ Turbants on their heads wrought with gold & long hair put up under their Turbants an army of horsmen], & they had tails [or squadron Battalions of foot] like unto Scorpions, & stings in their tails \[their foot being armed wth bows & arrows & striking men with their arrows as wth the stings of scorpions]/. And their power was to hurt men five months. For And they had a King over them which is the Angel of ye bottomless pit whose name in the Hebrew tongue Abaddon {illeg} but in ye Greek tongue his name is Apollyon, the that is that is the Prophet Mahomet \who opened the Pit/ & his successors the Califs of She S were both King their King as well as their Prophet, & \& by his wars \& victories/ his name was made known to both Hebrews & Greeks/ To the Greeks he was Apollyon a destroyer & but to those Hebrews \P Phoeni of Palestine/ over whom he reigned he was Abaddon, that ye king of the Nabatean Arabians wch |wch signifies also a destroyer & seems to allude also to a region of wch extended from Pet along the eastern side of the red sea from Petra to Albus Pagus & so comprehended \the regions of/ Mecca & Medina where| \where/ the Mahometan religion had its rise. For this region was called Oboda from Obodas one of & all the kings thereof were called Obodas from \one/ Obodas the founder of t first King who was buried their & deified by the natives \This king that is from Nabaioth by \softening or/ omitting the first letter of his name/. In allusion to this name \King \Oboda/ Mahomet & his successors &/ the Califs we \seem/ by a slight mutation \to be/ called Abaddon the destroyer. And under this King the Locusts were to hurt m torment men five months.
Mahomet pretended to be called to ye Office of a Prophet in ye 40th year of his age A. C. 609 & began \then/ to make disciples privately & four years in the 44th year of his age he began to manifest his vocation at Mecha /m {sic}\ & set open ye bottomless pit & in ye 14th year of his vocation \A. C. 622/ he fled from Mecha to Medina & began to arm his followers, that is to bring Locusts out of ye smoak. He reigned 10 years at Medina & his successor \after his death the Saracens/ entered Syria & began to make war upon the Romans A. C. 634 & the next year in Sepember {sic} took Damascus & made it the seat of \their/ Empire. of the Saracens They had two successions races of Califs one the first of wch were of the family of Ommia & reigned at Damascus, the second were of ye {illeg} family of the Abasids & A. C. 762 gave commandment for the building of Bagdad & reigned there at least \at least/ there \from the death of Almanser A. C. 775/ till ye year 935, when being stript of Egypt & all his dominions but Bagdat he surrendered his temporal government to \Anadis Mahomet/ a temporal Prince & retained only the spiritual dignity of Calif, or Patriarch. This I learn out of Elmacinus & Abul-Pharajius two Arabic Historians Elmacinus writes thus. Anno Hegiræ 324 (qui cæpit Nov. 30. A. C. 935) ad se venire jussit Califa Arradis Billa Imperatorem Muhammedem - - - - imperiales omnes faciebant.
Within less then two years after this change, Bagdad, (as the same Elmacinus writes) was taken by o from Muhammed by one Iahcamus a Turk, & from that time often taken & retaken being sometimes in the hands \sometimes/ of the Turks & sometimes of the Saracens untill at length Togulbec took it & established it to the Turks. A
So then the Kingdom of the Saracens under the Califs at Damascus & Bagdad lasted only from ye year 635 to ye year 936 that is 301 years & i \This is the T whole time that the Angel of the bottomless pit was their king after the taking of Damascus the seat of their Empire./ & if the last year be omitted in wch the Calif \had/ lost Egypt \Syria & Syria/ & {illeg} whatever belonged to ye Roman Empire \& ceased to torment the Romans/ the whole duration will be 300 years. [But because \its the nature of/ Locus live to live but 5 months, the C & the Saracens reigned under two successive races of Kings at two several Imperial seats, the Prophet divides the 300 years is or ten months prophetick into twice five months saying \twice/ that they tormented men five months \& recconing 30 years to a month./ For the repetition is not without a meaning.] or ten \prophetic/ months recconing 30 days to a month & putting a day year for a day. But because its the Nature of Locusts to live but about 5 months, the Prophets \for the decorum of the type & because there were two \successive/ Dynasties of this Kingdom, the fisrt at Damascus the last at Bagdat two imperial s \Empire/ two successive imperial seats/ divides the whole time into twice five months & five months, saying twice that they \Locusts/ tormented men five months; [ that is [about five months at under the first race of kings Califs reigning at Damascus & about five months under the second race of Califs reigning at Bagdat] in all 10 months. For the repetition is not wthout a meaning. In this Prophesy there is nothing superfluous. They reigned something less then five months at Damascus & sometimes more at Bagdat, in both places \something more \less/ then five months at Bag Damascus less then six \& sometimes/ more at Bagdat:/ five months at each place more or less; in both places together ten months exactly.
The Sixt Trumpet
And the sixt Angel sounded & Iohn heard the \a/ voice of the from ye four horns of the golden Altar saying to ye sixt Angel wch had the Trumpet, Loose the four Angels wch are bound at \in/ the great River Euphrates, [that is the Kings of four kingdoms of the Turks seated upon that River [at Bagdad Damascus Aleppo & Iconium] & the four Angels were loosed \wch were prepared an hour & a day & a month & a year to slay ye 3d part of men/ [by the a gret army of Tartars who invaded all those regions, All 100 destroyed their kingdom besieged their royal cities \upon Euphrates & dissolved their kingdoms/ & took them A. C. 1260 & thereby dissolved those kingdoms & drove the Turks into Asia minor where they erected a new monarchy under Ottoman A. C. 1300 wch in the year 1453 took Constantinople & dissolved the Greek Empire being prepared fro this purpose ever since the erecting of ye four kingdoms
The sixt Trumpet
And the sixt Angel sounded & Iohn heard a voice from ye four horns of the Golden Altar saying to ye sixt Angel wch had the Trumpet, Loose the four Angels wch are bound in the great River Euphrates. These Angels are the Sultans or Kings of the four \Turkish/ Kingdoms of Mesopotamia, Armenia, Syria & Asia minor, wch stood in a Quadrangle represented by the four horns of the golden Altar, & were to be loosed in the beginning of the times of this Trumpet. \And as a Beast wth its horns made represents a kingdom wth its first united & then divided, so may the Altar wth its horns, first united under Olub Arslan & represent the kingdom of the Turks \upon Euphrates/ first united under Olub Arslan \& Malechsah/ & then divided into these four Sultanies/ And the four Angels were loosed wch were prepared for an hour & a day & a month & a year \for/ to slay the third part of men. This loosing was thus performed In ye year 1203 Iingiz Chan founded the Empire of the Tattars or Tartars, a name not heard of before & the fourth Emperor Mangaca Chan being converted to Christianity by means of Aiton an Armenian King, sent his brother Hulacu or Halaon wth a great army to invade the Turks & root out their {illeg} religion. And Hulocu first invaded \& subverted/ the Cafi Califate of the Saracens at Bagdat A. C. 258 & thereby put an end to ye times of ye 5t seal as was said above, & then sent a part of his army to besiege Miyafarekin the same year & in ye year 1260 he beg invaded Syria \with an army of 400000/ & took Damascus, & Aleppo{illeg} \& other towns of that Kingdom/ & slew Naser the last Sultan of that thereof & in the mean the time the forces he sent against Miyafarekin tooke the town &c slew all by famishing the besieged \& slew the Inhabitants/ & brought Ashraf the last sultan of that Sultany to Hulacu who slew him. And the next year the Tarta A. C. 1261 \the Tartars/ invaded the Sultanies of Mesopotamia & Asia minor & took Bagdad \Mosul & Iconium/ & slew Saleh the last Sultan thereof of Mosul & made Azoddin or Azatines the last sultan of Iconium wth his brother fly to the Greek Emperor Michael Palæologas. But the Sultan of Maredin submitting himself to Hulacu was treated honourably by him & restored to his dominions.
Thus were the four Sultanies of the Turks in Mesopotamia Syria Asia & Armenia in the years 1260 & 1261 as it were at a watch word given dissolved at once – – – to ye year 1276. Hence forward several Princes of the Turks conquered several parts of Asia minor & at length Ottoman being more warlik conquered all the rest & erected A. C. 1300 erected the present Empire of the Turks \who was one of them/ growing more potent then the rest took upon him the dignity & title of Sultan A. C. 1300 \or a year of two before/ & by degrees became the universal Monarch of the Turks the rest of their Princes uniting under him: whereby being rendred more powerful they prevailed still more upon the Greeks, invaded Europe, & A. C. 1453 \took Constantinople &/ overthrew the Geek {sic} Empire. Thus they slew the third part of men, being prepared thereunto from the time that their four kingdoms were founded upon Eufrates. Togrulbec reigned only over Persia & Bagdat \& Chaldea regions without the bounds of the Roman Empire./. His two sucessors Olubarslan & Malechsah conquered the nations upon Euphrates & founded \laid/ the foundation of the four kingdoms. Mabech Olubarslan began his reign A. C. {illeg} 1063 & from thence to the taking of Constantinople inclusively are 391 years that is a day & a month & a year, whereof about a month was taken spent in conquering \& reigning over/ the nations upon Euphrates before the Conquest brake into ye four Kingdoms.
The sixt Angel poured out his vial of wrath upon the great river Euphrates, that & the water thereof was dried up that ye way of the kings of ye east might be prepared. And therefore the plague of this Vial fell upon the nations seated on Euphrates & the sixt trumpet sounded to the war of the Tartars upon the kingdoms of the Turks seated on that river by wch war \the people of/ those {illeg} kingdoms here typified by the water of that river was dried up & the way of the Turks from the east in several bodies under several Commanders was prepared that they might invade & destroy the Greek Empire of the Greeks, wch in this prophesy is the called thence of the those par \called/ the third part of men.
# The army – \to/ consist much in horse & the for horses to have tails like serpents & heads \representing the foot the or tail of the army the/ tails of ye horses \are said/ to be like serpents, that is, fit for fighting, & to have heads. that is to And \as it were/ out of the mouths of ye horses once issued fire & smoak & brimstone, by wch three the third part of men were killed. And the rest &c
# The army of these kings is described very numerous &And the rest of ye men wch were not killed by these plagues [the western nations whose kingdoms were not dissolved] yes {illeg} repented not of the works of their hands that they should not worship Dæmons Ghosts & idols of gold & silver & brass & stone & wood wch neither can see nor hear nor walk. \What was called blasphemy in the 4th & 5t Vial is here plainly called Idolatry There they grew more & more idolatrous, here they continue impertinent/ They took no warning by these plagues but continued to worship dead men & Images till the plag third Wo came upon them. Neither repented they of their murders [in killing men who will not worship their fals Gods] nor of their sorceries [in pretending to convert a wafer into the \body of ye/ Supreme God, to scare away the Devil by the signe of the cross \& exorcisms & reliques/ & to do many other miracles by wch they deceive the people {illeg} as the heathen Sorcerers did] nor of their fornication, {illeg} nor of their their thefts [even in a litteral sence] nor of their thefts [amongst wch may be recconed their defrauding families by pretending to re indulgencies \pardons, dispensations/, masses for ye dead, \feigned/ reliques, pennances & such like artifices. For the eighth Comm these things are against of ye eighth Commandment. For all def \all defrauding is a transgression/ For stealing is \one sixt of/ defrauding & all defrauding is against ye eighth Commandment: the manner of the fact whether it be by clandestine {illeg}blative \conveyance/ or by any other art of legerdemain \deceitful artifice/ making no material difference in the nature of the crime
The measuring of the Temple & Altar The Prophesy of ye eaten Book.
Iohn had hither seen the opening of th visions wch folled upon opening the seals of the book & now is bidden to eat the open book & prophesy again out of it, that is to repeat ye prophesy wch followed upon opening the last seale: wch prophesy began wth silence in heaven during the prayers of the saints in a in the time of their sealing.
I have now gone through the Chronological part of the Prophesy in continual succession of times represented \order of time past distinguished into successive periods/ by the opening of the seven seals & sounding of the seven Trumpets first six Trumpets. For the seven wch is all the Prophesy hitherto fulfilled. For the seventh is not yet come to pass wch bring wch brings The historical part of the Prophesy wch is a commentary upon the Chronological remains now to be interpreted.
✝ The Sixt trumpet
forth a manchild wch was to rule all nations wth a rod of iron & was \Os this \the childs being/ being/ caught up to God & to his throne from the jaws of the Dragon, & her flying \from the Dragon/ into the wilderness. For since this parable ends with the flight of the woman into the wilderness & that of the war between Michael & the Dragon ends also with the same flight, both these parables ending at the same time must be synchronal & concern ye same revolution of the Empire. [As Pharaohs dream was doubled bec for the certainty of the thing so is the prediction of this revolution of ye Empire] The woman travelling in birth & pained to be delivered signifies the Church in affliction by a great persecution |wch ended in the birth of a Christian kingdom & therefore was Dioclesians persecution; that is, the Stars of the Greek Empire where the Persecution lasted ten years wth great violence| & the same thing is signified by the Dragons drawing the third part of the Stars of heaven & casting them to the Earth. The Manchild wch was to rule all nations with a rod of iron is a christian kingdom wch the woman brought forth in the end of the persecution For a rod of iron \Manchild wch the woman brought \forth/ is not a single person but a kingdom as Isaias interprets the type. For the woman is a body politi & the child must be a body of the same kind wth the mother. And this kingdom was Christian because it was the son of the Church & was to rule all nations with a rod of iron wch in this prophesy was to rule/ \in this prophesy/ is the scepter of Christ [27] & by consequence the badge of a christian kingdom \the king of kings & his/ & his kingdom. \The persecution began A. C. 402 &/ This manchild was born in the western part of the Empire by the victory of Constantine the great over Maxentius, \A. C. 412/ Constantine being encouraged in that war [28] by a vision of a cross in the heavens wth this inscription, In hoc signo vinces apea & thereupon placing a cross \as historians relate./ And a few years after by the victory of Constantine over Licinius a heathen \persecuting/ Emperor who [29] still reigned in the east [& \continued/ sometimes \to/ afflicted the Christians,] the Manchild was caught up to the throne of the whole Empire \A. C. 323/. And soon after by the building of Constantinople \330,/ the woman received two [30] wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness. Conceive that when ye manchild was caught up to God he soon vanished out of sight being to return \from heaven/ & rule all nations wth a rod of iron hereafter. But For there was \the western Empire being at this time compared to a spiritually barren wilderness had in it but/ before he vanished there was a voice from heaven saying Now is come salvation & strong The subject of Sacred prophesy is the nations within the few sincere Christians. For When the Eastern Empire was persecuted ten years \together/ the western was persecuted \almost/ the compass of the four Monarchies, one {illeg} third part of wch is the Empi western Empire or Empire to Latin Empire, another third part the Greek Empire & another third part the nations of Assyria, Chaldea Media & Per & all Persia: & wherever a third part of any thing is mentioned, any of the (as a third part of the earth or sea or rivers or{illeg} stars) one of these three parts are to be understood. So when the Dragon drew a third part of the stars of heaven & cast them to the earth it is to be understood that he drew the stars \& the KINGDOM of or GOD — Therefore rejoyce ye heavens & ye that dwell in them that is two first of those \ten/ years but yielded so few Martyrs & confessors that in \before the end of the second year/ the second year they set up \several columns \in Spain/ wth/ inscriptions in Spain signifying that year to be the year in wch the Christian religion was \that the superstition of Christ & name of the Christians was every where everywhere/ extinguished. And because ye persecution was so short & inconsiderable in the west the Dragons \tail/ is said to draw only the third part of ye stars of heaven wth is that \that is/ the stars of Greek Empire. And the Western nations are compared to a spiritually barren wilderness in respect of the Eastern out of wch the Woman flyes & the Courts of \& where she leaves the remnant of her seed: &/ the temple & Altar & they that worship therein are compared to measured in allusion to Ezekiels measuring the first Temple after it was overthrown & a new one was not yet built this \measuring/ signifing that God would raise up a \second Temple or/ new \visible/ Church \of true Christians/ in the West/ the stars of the Greek Empire wch is one third part of the whole. For the \where the/ persecution lasted in the east with great violence for ten years together: butFor in the west it lasted only two years & met with so few martyrs & confessors that in Spain they se the second year of the persecution they set up inscriptions in Spain signifying that \year/ to be the year of in wch the Christian religion ceased exp ceased. [And of sight hence the western Empire is at this time compared to a spiritually barren wilderness, & \upon the flight of upo the woman into this wilderness/ the Courts of the temple & altar \& them that worship therein/ are measured in order to the building of a second temple.] \therefore rejoyce ye heavens & ye [Saints] that dwell in them. Wo ye to the inhabiters of the earth & sea [\the/ Christians in outward profession] for the Devil is come down among you \having great wrath/ [\For/ the heathen religion being cast down of \from/ the throne, & the common amongst whom it remained flockedg into the Church \& by an outward profess{ion}/ \out of/ embracedg the Christian religion by an outward profession ab \as in fashion/ but retaining in their hearts the principles of the heathenss wth wch they had been imbued: & by degrees bringing into the Churches several heathen doctrines & practises, the Dragon set up a new Empire among the formal Christians & the Manchild at the same time vanished out/
The heads of the Dragon & Beast being successive \reigns or/ Dynasties of the Roman Empire, & commencing wth the opening of the seven seales, & a great persecution w its very plain that one of those heads must begin with the dethroning of the Dragon & catching up of the manchild to the throne \& another with the Beasts rising out of the sea & receiving the authority & throne of the Dragō/: for these changes are the beginning of a new Dynasties, & so is the first appearance of the Dragon & woman in travail. And these three Dynasties wth those of the four horsmen wch appeared at the opening of the first four seales make up the seven dynasties or heads of the Empire wch are the represented by the heads of the Dragon. For at the opening of the fift seal there is a very plain description of a very gret persecution of the Church & this answers & at the opening of the sixt there is a plain description of the overthrow of a great kingdome or Empire of \by a Christian power/ & of the kings of the earth & great men hiding themselves from the wrath of the Lamb, because the great day of his wrath was come. And these two things together answer fully to Dioclesians persecution & the following overthrow of the heathen Empire & can answer to nothing else. The fift Dynasty therefore I begin with the reign of Dioclesian \A. C. 284/ & the sixt with the victory of Constantine over Licinius \A. C. 373./ For Dioclesian & his colleagues parted the Empire between them & by consent reigned each in his own share & this distribution \of the Empire/ made a form of government \wch was/ different from those wch preceded \the preceding reigns/ & lasted till the victory of Constantine over Licinius. We are therefore to seek for ye four first Dynasties in the times between the reigns of writings of the Prophesy in Patmus & the reign of Dioclesian & his Colleagues. And these things being premised, we will now go over the prophesy in due \in continual/ order of time according to the series of the seales & Trumpets And these are the four Horsmen wch the four Beasts standing These four Dynasties are represented by four to \towards/ the four winds of heaven call Iohn to come & see & wch therefore stood in the regions of the Beasts, the first horsman to ye east the second to the west the third to the south & the fourth to the north. Riding signifies reigning & therefore the \four/ Beasts with their faces represent \of a Lyon Ox Man & Eagle/ allude to the armies of Israel encamped in the wilderness under their banners to ye \in four bodies/ about ye tabernacle in the wilderness, & in that respect a horman with his Beast is a may fitly represent an Emperor wth his army, {illeg} & \thus/ the four horsmen with their Beasts are a very fit type of four Dynasties of Emperors.
Now the Dynasties of the Roman Emperors \after the family of Iuluis Cæsar wch preceded the \writing of the/ Apocalyps & ended in Nero/ were these. First Italians from Iulius Cæsar & his family down to the writings of the prophesy & death of Nero & then Vespasian & his family to the death of Domitian. The family of Iulius Cæsar is not withing the reach of the Prophesy. Vespasian was created Emperor in the East.
2dly \A family of/ Spandiards, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius, Marcus & Commodus. Trajanus homo Hispanus &c
3 Africans & soutnern Emperors. &c
4 A confused race of northern short lived Emperors together with many Tyrants in very troublesome times & calamitous times in wch the Empire was in great danger of falling: vizt Decius &c
Dioclesian wth his colleagues sharing the empire among them, by many wars restored it to its former \vigour &/ lustre & then persecuted the church. This was the fift & Dynasty, & then reigned Constantine the great & his family till the death of Iulian ye Apostate wch made the sixt. After which the Empire became divided into ye eastern & western Empires wch made the seventh & last dynasty if there being no more changes common to both Empires to make a new dynasty of the whole. And soon after the \this division ye division of the/ western Empire becoming divided into ten kingdom made the eighth & last dynasty of that Empire, there being no more changes common to all those kingdoms common to all those to make a new dynasty of that Empire. So then in the \whole/ there were seven dynasties after the giving \writing/ of this prophesy had seven dynasties & no more there were seven successive dynasties, or kin & no more & in the \whole/ western Empire there was an eighth & no more \wch makes good the prophesy/ & the seven dynasties being seven common kings or wars of The Dragon & Beast & an eighth of the Beast the \being kings in the language of this prophesy & being successive kings or heads of the Empire &/ answering \perfectly/ to the Heads of the Dragon & Beast \the Prophesy is fulfilled/: there is no need to seek for any other Heads.
If it be said that the words Five are fallen relate to Iohns time & therefore we are to look for five of the heads before the writing of the prophesy: I answer that many things are spoken of as past or present in ye visions wch were to come when Iohn wrote the Prophesy; as where its said yt the woman brought forth a manchild that she fled into ye wilderness that there was war in heaven, that ye Dragon gave the beast his throne, that they that had gotten the victory over the Beast & over his Image stood on ye sea of glass \that the deadly wound of the Beast was healed that all the world wondered after the Beast/ that ye woman was drunken wth ye blood of Saints & that the Beast was & is not & \& the like./ The words; five are fallen & one is & the Beast was & is not & yet is do not relate to the time of writing the Apocalyps; For the Prophesy is not of things wch were past before it was written. Those words only relate only to one another & to ye {illeg} mortal wound of the Beast wth & signify nothing more than that the Beast should cease to be for a time, being slain wth a sword & that his heads were successive pages \dynasties/ or kings five of wch should reign & fall before he should cease to be & that he was & was not at one & the same time \in some part of of the sixt head the reign of the sixt head/ in several respects. His life was \then/ taken away \in the reign of the sixt Her/ out his body remained \& was/ ready to revive. Let it be considered that the whole Prophesy is of things which were to come to pass after the writing thereof & the interpretation of wch we have given will appeare easy & natural. For the little of the prophesy is The Revelation of Iesus Christ wch God gave unto him to shew unto his servants things wch must shortly come to pass. And in the introduction to the Prophesy of the scales & trumpets Iohn heard a voice wch said. Come up hither & I will shew thee things wch must be hereafter And in the introduction to the prophesy of the eaten book the Angel said unto Iohn Thou must prophesy again before many peoples & nations & tongues & kings. And in the end of the Prophesy, The Lord God of the holy Prophets sent his Angel to shew unto his servants the things wch must shortly be done. The Epistles to the seven Churches were admon admonitory as well as prophetic & therefor \therefore it/ in the introduction to these Iohn is bidden to write \Epistles/ Christ says to Iohn Write the things wch thou hast seen & the things wch are & the things wch shall be hereafter. This relates only these Epistles & may signify nothing more than that Iohn should write what he had seen in the vision & what is the present state of the churches \in respect of their religion & decay of their religion \Zeal &/ piety/ & what should befall them hereafter if they did not repent. All the rest of the Apocalyps the Prophetic Book is purely prophetick, & therefore the words five are fallen must be understood of five heads which fell after the writing of the prophesy. Otherwise the words The words These are they wch came out of the great tribulation & I saw them wch had gotten the victory over the Beast & over his Image & over his mark stand on the sea of glass would imply that the tribulation & the victory were past before \the/ writing of the prophesy & the Words. The Beast wch was & is not would imply that the Beast was during the reign of five of his heads before the writing of the Prophesy & was not {illeg} when Iohn wrote it: an interpretation wch will run you into \great/ difficulties has puzzelled interpreters. & will \ever/ run gone into difficulties \them/ The prophecies \Vision/ of the Beast wth ye Woman sitting upon him commences not before his rise \ascent/ out of the abyss or rise & Iohn takes a prospect of him \not from his own time but/ from the times next preceding \his ascent/ when he lay dead of his wound & & the{n} for that reason & therefore calls him \& was to ascend & to signify that he doth so he takes such a prospect of him he saith that ye Beast/ the Beast wch was & is not & shall ascend out of the abyss.|,| The kingdoms & churches wch are the subject of this prophesy being known we may now proceed to go over the prophesy in due order of time & see how the visions wch appear upon opening the seals & sounding the trumpets in {illeg} againt t \in order suit with/ the history of the times to wch they |& names him the Beast wch was & is not: a phrase of the very same signifycation wth that of the Beasts life being slain wth a sword & revi\vi/ng & ascending out of ye Sea. For he was before he was slain &| was not when he lay dead of his wound & ascended after his wound was healed. § The comparing of the several parts of scripture together wch resemble one another & adjusting those things together wch \without straining/ may be adjusted without straining is the main Rule of interpretation. And by vertue of this Rule I take it for granted till I see any good arguments to ye contrary that the Beast wch slew the Witnesses, the Beast wch was wounded \slain/ with a sword & the Beast wch was & is not \& Daniels fourth Beast/ are one & same Beast; that \the Woman Iezabel/ the Woman wch fled into ye Wilderness & the Woman \sitting/ upon many waters in the Wilderness are one & the same Woman; that \the prophet Balaam &/ the Fals Prophet are \&/ the two horned Beast \are the same/; that ye seven Thunders Trumpets seven Thunders & seven Vials of wrath are the same; that the 144000 sealed in their foreheads, the 144000 on mount Sion & they that got \had gotten/ the victory over the mark of ye Beast & stood on the sea of glass are the same; that ye Synagogue of Satan, the Gentiles in the outward Court \those of/ the twelve tribes as many as \who/ were not sealed in their foreheads, the Gentiles in ye outward Court & \&/ the men who received ye mark of the Beast are the same, & that Satan who had his throne in Pergamus & the Dragon that old Serpent called the Devil & Satan are the same. By these & such like coincidences the Prophesy is reduced to a greater degree of simplicity & ye interpretation rendered more concise & distinct \&/ more cleare & certain \thereof likewise/. And those interpretations must be allowed the best wch have those characters. There are in the Apocalyps many allusions to the \old/ prophets {illeg} old \that the great time of trouble in Daniel & the great tribulation in Matthew & the great tribulation & \the/ harvest in Matthew & \in/ the Apocalyps are the same/ & that ye time of trouble in Daniel, the & the great tribulation & the harvest in Matthew & the o in the Apocalyps are the same, that the Beast & Dragon \& Dragon/ who are worshipped the man of sin who sits in ye temple of God & the king who doth according to his will \opposeth & exalteth himself above all that is called God or worshipped &/ /shewing himself that he is a God\ & the king \in Daniel/ who exalts himself & magnifies himself above every god, are the same. And in general that the \Apocalyps & the/ many places in the old testament \Prophets/ wch are hinted at \& alluded unto/ in the old testament are the Apocalyps treat of ye same things wth those \places/ in the Apocalyps in a P For by comparing the several parts of Prophesy wch agree with one another they \harmonize & agree the parts compared/ interpret one another, & the \body of/ prophesy{illeg} is reduced to a greater degree of simplicity & the interpretation rendered more concise & distinct & more cleare & certain. & And if those in And certainly those interpretations are to be preferred wch have these characters & those are to be suspected wch rejected as tending to confess uncertainty multiplicity \distraction/ & confusion of interpretations wch separate {distracts} what may without straining be adjusted. For the parts parts of Prophesy are like the \separated/ parts of a Watch \{cleared}/. They \appear confused &/ must be compared & put together before they can be usefull, & those parts are certainly to be put together wch fit without straining. This we have hitherto been doing & now let will \us/ try how this Prophesy will thus set together \as above & applied to the Roman hemisphere/ will answer to history in {illeg} \continual/ order of time.
The Encampment described is the book of Numbers & the Iews keep a tradition of their standards. Every Horsman therefore with the hors he rides upon & the Beast in the same region are a fit emblem of an Emperor with his Empire & \his/ army under its {illeg} standart. And thus the four horsmen wth their Beasts very fitly represent four reigns or dyn reigns or dynasties of Emperors.
The fift Dynasty was of several Emperors reigning together & sharing the Empire amonst them by common consent. If This Dynasty \here wth the reign of/ Dioclesian & Maximianus reigned first & & ended wth the \dethroning of the Dragon by the/ Victory of Constantine the great over Licinius, Galeriasec \the Dragons coming down to reig amongst the inhabitants of the Earth & sea beginning a new dynasty/ Sometimes four or five Emperors reigned together. This Dynasty the Romans distinguished from the \reigns of/ former \Emperors/ by dating one Æra from ye beginning of it an Æra called the Æra of Dioclesian & Æra the Æra of the martyrs. For this Æra commenced wth ye reign of Dioclesian A. C. 284. Aug. 29, & was in use till the Æra of Dionysius prevailed that is for about 250 years. & Scalrier saith it is still in use among the Christians of Afric & Ethiopia. {illeg} This æra I consider as an sufficient argument of the beginning of a new Dynasty, o the Romans looking upon Dioclesian as the victory of this Empire. \this fift Dynasty sometimes 4 or 5 Emperors reigned together./ The sixt Dynasty began wth the victory of Constantine over Licinius whereby the Empire was reduced to a monarchical form. & It continued in the falmily of Constantine till the death of Ve Iulian the Apostate. After Iulain reigned Iovian seven months & then ye Beast \wch had been slain with a sword/ reigned by a division of the Empire \made/ between Valentinian & Valens & rose out of the sea by another division of it between Gratian & Theodosius & at the death of Theodosius wch begin by wch Acts received the Dragons throne & by wch acts a seventh Dynasty commenced by a gradually, wch Dynasty was of the \Empire divided into the/ Greek & Latine Empires or \of the/ Dragon & Beast reigning together. And after this division of the Empire there being no more changes common to both Empires to make a new Dynasty of the whole, the Dragon & Beast have no more common heads then seven. |But| Soon after this division the western \Latine/ Empire became \further/ divided into ten kingdoms wch \made/ a new Dynasty of that Empire called the eight & of the seven & tha|i|s was the last dynasty of the western Empire there being no more changes common to all those kingdoms to make a new dynasty|.| of that E So then \in/ the whole Roman Empire after the writing of this Prophesy there were seven successive Dynasties & no more & in the whole Western Empire there was an Eighth & no more, wch \events/ makes good the Prophesy description of the Dragon & Beast.
but was restored \by D & his Colleagues/ to its former greatness & tranquility & enlarged by the addition of Assyria & the five Provinces beyond Tigris, & Dioclesian
The sixt Dynasty began [wth the \dethroning of the old Dragon & his/ coming down of ye Dragon among the inhabitants of ye Earth & Sea, that is, as was said, wth the victory of Constantine the great over Licinius whereby
For Iohn beheld & lo in ye midst of the throne [that is at ye foot of ye Altar over against ye midst of the throne] & in the midsts of ye four Beasts & \of ye/ Elders stood a Lamb as it had been slain [that i at the morning sacrifice] And he came & took the book out of ye right hand of him that sat upon the throne & opened the seales in order. The H or For It was ye custome for ye High Priest seven days before ye Fast of ye seventh month to continue constantly in the Temple & study the Book of the Law that he might be perfect in it against the day of Expiation wherein the service wch was various & intricate was wholy to be performed by himself, of wch service one part was reading the law to the people. And to promote his studying it there were certain of ye Priests appointed by ye Sanhedrin to be with him those seven days in one of his chambers in ye Temple, & there to discourse wth him about ye Law & read it to him & put him in mind of reading & studying it himself. And this his opening & reading the Law those seven days is alluded unto in ye Lamb's opening the seven seals. Conceive the book to be rolled up & so sealed that by ye opening of ever seal [31] some part of ye book was opened.
The seventh seale was opened on ye day of Expiation & then there was silence in heaven for half an hour & an Angel (the High Priest) stood at ye Altar having a golden Censer & there was given him much incense that he should offer it wth the prayers of all saints upon the Goldan Altar wch was before ye throne. The custome was fro on \other days for one of the Priests to take fire from the great Altar in a Silver Censer, but on this day for/ the High Priest on this Day to take fire from ye great Altar in a Golden Censer & when he was come down from ye Altar he took incense from of one of ye Priests that brought it to him & went to with it to ye golden Altar & thence while he offered the incense the people prayed without in silence wch is the silence in {illeg} heaven for half an hour, & therefore tis said that the smoke of ye incense with the prayers of the saints ascend And \when/ the High Priest had laid the incense on the Altar he carried a Censer of it into ye most Holy burning in his hand into the most Holy place before the Ark. And the smoke of ye incense ascen with the prayers of ye saints ascended up before God out of ye Angels hand. And On other days there was a certain measure of incense, for the Alta golden Altar, on this day there was a greter quantity for both{illeg} the Altar & ye most Holy & therefore it is called much incense. After this the High Priest Angel took ye Censer & filled it with fire of the Alt (great|)| Altar ) & cast it to the Earth, that is by ye hands of the Priests who belong to his mystical body \he/ cast it to ye earth without the Temple for burning the red heifer & Goat wch was the Lords lot. And at this & other concomitant sacrifices \until the evening sacrifice was ended/ there were voices & thunderings & lightnings & an earthquake that is \the voice of the High Priest reading the Law to ye people & other/ voices thundrings & the \Trumpets &/ temple – musick at the sacrifices & lightnings of ye Altar fire of ye sacrifices altar.
The solemnity of ye day of Expiation being finished the seven Angels sound their Trumpets at the great sacrifices of the seven days of ye feast of Tabernacles & at the same sacrifices the seven thunders utter thier voices wch are the Musick of the Temple intermixt with ye soundings of ye Trumpets, & the seven Angels pour out their Viols of wrath wch are the drink offerings of those sacrifices.
Contemporary to these things are the {unabridged} sealing of ye 144000 & the appearing of ye Palmbearing \a great/ multitude \with Palms in their hands & crying Hosa{iah}/. The first were sealed in ye day of Expiation & ye last appeared in ye Feast of Tabernacles, the last day of w{ch} was the great Hosannah. After the first six seals were opened & their visions past Iohn saw four Angels \[the An/ standing on the four corners of the Earth holding the four winds of the earth [that is ye wars of the four first Trumpets] that the wind should not blow on ye Earth nor on ye sea nor on any tree. And he saw another Angel ascending from ye East having ye seal of ye living God & he cryed with a loud voice to the four Angels to whom it was given to hurt the Earth & ye Sea & ye trees [that is to ye Angels of the first four trumpets] saying hurt not ye earth neither the Sea nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of or God in their foreheads. This sealing therefore was when an Angel of the Trumpets appeared & were ready to sound & by that is after ye opening consequence \of ye seventh seal & before ye sounding of the first Trumpet & by consequence/ on the day of the fast or Expiation. On that day the twelve Tribes of Israel became divided into two parties, the one of wch was sealed with the seal of ye living God, the other received the mark of the Beast & so soon as this was done the plague of the first Trumpet or viol of wrath fell on them wch had ye mark of ye Beast Apoc 16. 2. In the solemnity of this Fast This sealing a All this This is one of Ezekiels visions [32] a man cloathed in linnen with a writers inkhorn by his side is commanded to go through ye midst of Ierusalem & set a mark upon ye foreheads of ye men who sigh & cry for all the abominations done in the midst thereof, & then other six men (like ye Angels of the first six Trumpets) are commanded to slay those who are not marked & after them \a seventh/ the man cloathed in linnen {illeg} \(a seventh)/ scatters over the city coals of fire to consume it. § In ye solemnity of ye great Fast, the attonement for ye sins of ye people was made by two Goats the one Gods lot the other reprobate \Azazels that is the Devil's./. Which of ye two Goats should be God's was determined by lot. The lots were of gold \one/ with the inscription For God, the other wth ye inscription for Azazel For Azazel. Whence they named the scape Goat Azazel. These lots were put into a box & shaken & the High Priest, one of ye Goats being set at his right hand & ye other at his left, put both his hands together into ye box took out the lots & laid ye right hand lot on the head of ye right hand Goat & ye left hand lot on ye head of the left hand Goat. And then Gods lot was sacrificed \as/ a sin offering to cleanse ye sanctuary from ye Sins of the people & ye other Goat \Azazel/ had ye sins of the people confest over him & put upon his head & so loaden with their sins was let go into the wilderness. Thus by these two Goats was signified a separation of ye people into good & bad two parties, {illeg} wth ye names of God & Azazel upon their foreheads & t in allusion \in allusion/ to this ceremony there are numbered & sealed \wth ye name of God/ 144000 out of ye 12 Tribes of Israel & the rest receive the \are \at the same time/ marked with the/ mark or name of ye Beast. And \again/ the glorious woman in heaven who signifies the Church of God or twelve Tribes of Israel becomes {dead} flys into ye wilderness loaden with sins \& having a name on her forehead Mystery, Babylon the great &c/ /are sealed wth the name of God on their forehed & are killed or sacrifice for not worshipping the image of the Beast\ leaves the remnant of her seed who keep the commandments of God & have ye testimony of Iesus, this remnant being the 144000 who stand wth ye Lamb on Mount Sion \&/ having ye name of God on their foreheads & who are called ye first fruits unto God, being \commanded by the Image of ye Beast to be mystically killed or sacrificed/ mystically killed for not worshipping that image of ye Beast, & the woman & her beast in ye wilderness being marked on their foreheads \on their foreheads/ wth ye names of Mystery, \fornication/ abomination & blasphemy.
When ye 144000 appear with the Lamb on Mount Sion you are to conceive them standing in the Temple at ye eastern gate of ye Priests court For they wch was
The plague of the eastern wind at ye sounding of the first Trumpet fell \was to fall/ upon the earth, that is upon the nations of the Greek Empire, & signi the inva And accordingly upon \after/ the death of Theodosius \A. C. 345,/ the Goths \Sarmatans, Hunns/ Isaurians, & Austurians invaded & miserably wasted Greece, \Illyricum, Thrace/ Asia Minor, Armenia, Syria Egypt & Lybia for ten or twelve years together.
That of the second \western/ wind at ye sounding of the second Trumpet was to fall upon the sea or Western Empire \by means of a burning mountain cast into ye/. And accordingly in the year 507 Gallia France that Empire was invaded by the Goths \Visigoths/, Vandals, Alans, Sueves, Ostrogoths Burgundians \Heruli, Quandes & Gepides/ & miserably wasted & broken into ten kingdoms, & Rome was besieged & taken in the beginning of these miseries.
That of the southern wind at the sounding of the third Trumpet was to chuse \be performed by/ a great star burning as it were a lamp & falls upon a lamp to fall upon rivers & fountains of waters \(the western Empire now divided into many Kings/ & to turn them into blood & make them bitter. And accordingly And accordingly the kingdom of the Vandals & Alans in Spain in the year 427 was disturbed & forced quitted their \fell from his/ dominion in Spain & \wth his people the Vandals & Alans &/ invaded \their assistance/ Afric & \by a vexatious warr/ took it from the Romans, & invaded \infested also/ the sea coasts of Italy /Europe\ \wth a pyratical war/ & sack Rome /Rome\ & wasted all Italy. [& invited the in Afric & the Hunns in Germany to infest the Romans] The star wch fell from heaven at the sounding of the fift did no
That of the northern wind at the sounding of the fourth Trumpet was to cause the third Sun Moon & Stars to be darkened (that is the western Emperor & his great men) to be darkened, And {since} & to continue \some time/ in darkness. And accordingly had Odoacer king of the Heruli invaded Italy A. C. 476 & seized the dominions of Augustulus the last of the western Emperors. It was This plague was continued by the wars which the Ostrogoths made upon the Heruli & wch Belligarius afterwards made upon the Ostrogoths & wch in Italy, & wch the Lombards afterwards made in Italy \upon the Romans/ by invading Italy \Lombardy erecting a kingdom there & keeping Lombardy in/ And by all these wars Italy was miserably wasted & Rome thrice taken. ☉ And in these plo here by \☉ These plagues fell upon/ the third part of the earth, sea, rivers, sun moon & starrs are to b \that is/ I understand \upon/ the earth, sea, rivers, sun, moon & starrs of the third part of the whole scene of these prophesies of Daniel & Iohn These four plagues are said in the The fift Trum prophesy of the Trumpets to fall upon the the third part of the earth, sea, rivers, sun moon \& stars/ & in that of the Vials of Wrath upon the earth, sea, rivers, sun, moon & starrs, that is upon those of the third part of the whole scene of {illeg} Prophesies of Daniel the Prophesies of Daniel a explained by Iohn referred unto by Iohn. The phrases signify the same thing in different respects.
The fift Trumpet sounded to the warrs wch the king of the south (as he is called by the Devil) made in the time of the end, in pushing at the king who had done according to his will. called by Iohn the Dragon3 And the sixt \Trumpet/ sounded to the warrs wch Daniels king of the north made against the same king who had done according to his will, in coming against him like a whirlwind & in overflowing his kingdome & in conquering also Iudæa Egypt Libya & Ethiopia. 2This fift plague began when the A. C. 634 when the armies of th with the opening \of/ the bottomles pit, wch denotes the letting \out/ of a fals religion, the smoke wch came out of the pit denoting \signifying/ the multitude wch embraced that \religion/, & the Locusts \wch came out of the smoke/ the armies wch came out of that multitude‡ ‡ And their king was the Angel of the bottomless pit represented by the {illeg} star wch fell from heaven to ye Earth. This star did not suffer but inflict the plage of this Trumpet. And the like as I \may/ be understood of the star wch fell from heaven at the sounding of the third Trumpet. 4 These wars commenced \A. C. 1258/ when the four kingdoms of the Turks seated upon Euphrates, \that of Mesopotamia seated that of Armenia majoras Aleppo/ at Mosul, Myepherekin, Antioch & \that of Syria seated at Aleppo, & that of Cappadocia/ seated at Iconium were invaded by ye Tartars under Hulacic & driven into Asia minor where they made war upon the Greeks & erected the present Empire of the Turks.
<117v>The Empire was \much/ infested by northern barbarians in the last years of \wo/ end of \the reig {sic} of/ the Emperor Valens. But these warrs were checkd \fully stopt/ by the Emperors Gratian & Theodosius in the beginning of the reign of Theodosius A. C. 379 & 380, & thenceforward the Empire remained quiet till the de from forreign warrs invasions & forreign armies till the death of Theodosius. And \then/ the four winds began to blow.
The first of these six plagues lasted about 12 years, the second about 21 years, the third about 49 years, the fourth about \146 years/ 158 158 years the fourth fift about 624 \634 630 years/ & according to this progression the sixt may be b continue eight or nine hundred years or above. still longer \seven or eight hundred years or above/. But it is not for us to foreknow the times & seasons wch God hath put in his own breast.
That of the southern wind at the sounding of the third Tumpt was to b cause a great star burning as it were a lamp to fall from heaven upon the rivers & fountains of waters [the western Empire now divided in many kingdoms] & to turn them to Wormood & blood & make them bitter. And accordingly \Geseric/ the king of the Vandals \& Alans/ in Spain A. C. 427 invaded Afric with an army of 80000 men & by a lasting & vexatious war \lasting fefty years together almost without intermissions/ took it from the Romans & infested also the sea coasts of Europe & by a pyratical war & [took Sicily Sardinia, Corsica, Ebusus Majorca Minorca & wasted Italy] A. C. 455 with a fleet of three hundred thousand Vandals & Moors invaded Italy, took & plundred Rome \Naples Capua/ & many other cities & carried thence the wealth of the cities & flower of the people into Afric. Then they invaded & took It \the Hands of the Mediterranean/ Sicily Sardinia Corsica, Ebusus Majorca & Minorca &c. A Then they persuaded the Ostrogoths to seat themselves in Spain & joyn with the Visigoths; whereupon the Goths \The Risimer besieged the Emperor Athenius in Rome, took the city & gave his soldiers the plunder A. C. 473 & the Visigoths about the same time/ ejected the Romans out of all Spain. And by all none of the Western Emperor \the great star wch fell from heaven burning as it were a lamp, having/ by all these wars having \gradualy/ lost almost all his dominions & being impoverished was invaded & conquered in one year by Odoacer king of the Heruli, A. C. in the reig \After this the V/ A. C. 476. And at length Bellisarius invaded Afric & conquered the Vandals \by a bloody warr./. And by all these warrs of the Vandals Afric was so very much depopulated that
☉ & made war upon the Romans, about \in Afric & on the sea coasts of Europe/ 50 years together almost without intermission. In this war he took Afric from them by degrees [& Then he infested the Sea coasts of Europe.] \A. C. besieged & took Carthage/ besieging & burning Hippo A. C. 439, & taking Carthage the capital \of Afric/ A. C. 439. An & infesting the sea-coasts of Europe & islands of Europe the meediterranean \by a pyratical war./. He invited also Attila king of the Hunns to invade the remains of the western Empie {sic} & A. C. 455 with a fleet of 300000 Vandals & Moors he invaded Italy
In pouring out the third Vial of wr it is said, Thou art righteous o Lord wch i because thou hast judged thus, For they have shed the blood of Saints & Prophets because thou hast judged thus & thou hast given them blood to drink for they are worthy. And how they shed the blood of Saints & Prophets may be understood by the following Edict of the Emperor Honorius procured by a Council of African Bishops.
Impp, Honor & Theod AA. Heracliano Com. Afric Oracut \Oraculo/ – – Coss [A. C. 410.] And again by this
Sciant cuncti - - - Cos|n|s. A. C. 415. And who are meant by Hæreticks
VI. D. / VII.40. VIII. 20.
Emperors defined by this Edict.
And what was to be understood {illeg} in these Eidcts by heresy & heretical superstition, the
Before These Edicts \being directed to ye governour of Afric extended only to the Churches of Afric. Before these/ There were many others \evere ones supo/ against the Donalists \wch were/ very severe but wch w \they/ did not extend to blood. These were the first that made their meetings & the meetings of \all/ dissenters capital. For by hereticks they meant all dissenters; as may be understood by this Edict against Eurasius a Luciferan Bishop.
Empp. Arcad. Et Honor. AA. Aureliano Proc. Africæ.
Hæreticorum vocabulo continentur, & latis adversus eos santionibus debent succumbere, Qui vel levi argumento a judicio Catholicæ religionis & tramite detecti fuerint deviare; ideo experientia tua Euresium hæreticum esse cognoscat. Dat. III Non. Sept. Constantinop. Olybrio Probrino Coss [A. C. 395.]
The Ostrogoths under Theodoric were sent into Italy by the Greek Emperor to punish Odoacer for invading Italy.
The Greek Emperor Zeno adopted Theoderic king of the Ostrogoths to be his son, made him Master of the horse & Patricius & Consul of Constantinople, & recommending to him the western Empire Roman people & Senate gave him the western Empire & sent him into Italy against Odoacer king of the Heruli. Theoderic thereupon led his army \nation/ into Italy, conquered Odoacer & enter reigned over Italy, Sicily Rhœtia Noricum Dalmatia, Liburnia, Istria, & part of Suavia, Pannonia & Gallia. Whence Ennodius in a Panegyric to Theoderic said: — servavit intactas. Whence I do not reccon the reign of this king amonst the plagues of the Trumpets \four Winds/
The \plagues of the/ northern wind at the sounding of the fourth Trumpet was to cause the Sun Moon & Stars (that is the king \& kingdom & Princes &/ of the Western Empire) & to be darked & to continue sometime in darkness. And accordingly Bellisarius having conquered the Vandals invaded Italy A. C. 535 & made war upon the Ostrogoths in Dalmatia Liburnia Venetia Lumbardy, Tuscia & other regions northward from Rome twenty years together. In taking Millain from the Romans slew all the males young & old amounting (as Procopius reccons) to 30 three hundred thousand, & sent the weomen captives to their allies in the Burgundians. Rome her self was taken & retaken several times & thereby her people were thinned, her old government by a Senate & Consuls fell ceased, her nobles were ruined & all her glory was extinct, & \A. C. 552/ after a war of seventeen years the kingdom of the Ostrogoths fell whose kings had been her husband & her Sun. Yet the remainder of the Goths & an army of Germans wch they had called in to their assitance continued the war three or four years longer: And then ensued the \a/ war of \the/ Heruli who as – – – – lasting peace then made with the Lombards. Anastasus tells us perimebant cunetam Ilabiam, slew all Italy. And after that the war of the Lombards, the fiercest of all the barbarians continued from the year 568 for 38 years together, facta tali clade, saith Anastasius, qualem a sœculo nullus memminit. It ended in the Papacy of Sabinian A. C. 605 by a lasting peace then made with the Lombards. And three years before it ended, Gregory the great mentions it thus. Qualiter enim - valemus. And in one of his sermons to the people he thus expresses the great consupption of the people by Romans by these wars: Ex illa - affligunt. And in another he thus describes the desolations. Destructæ – – oppressa est &c. All this was spoken by Gregory to the people of Rome who were witnesses of the truth. And thus the Western \by the plagues of the four winds the/ Empire of the Latines fell & Rome remained nothing more then the capital of a poor dukedom under \subordinat to/ the Exarchate of Ravenna.
In these wars the king of the north, according to Daniel, conquered the king who had done according to his will that is the Greek Emperor Empire of the Greeks & Iudæa & Egypt & Libya & Ethiopia, & by these conquests he set up the Empire of the Turks as you may know by the extent thereof. These warrs
Locusts live but five months
The whole time that the Califs of the Saracens reigned \with a temporal dominion/ at Damascus & Bagdad together \was 300 years vizt/ from ye year 637 to the year 937. {were} But Locusts live but five months & therefore for the decorum of the type, these Locusts are said to hurt men five months & five months, that is about five months at Damascus & five months at Bagdad, in all ten months or 300 prophetic days wch are years. Upon the sounding of the sixt Trumpet Iohn heard a voice from the four horns of the golden Altar & wch is before God, saying - third part of man. The four horns of the golden Altar allude to the situation of the four head cities of the said four kingdoms & Myapharekin Mosul Aleppo & Iconium wch made a was \were/ in a quadrangle. They slew the third part of men when they conquered the Greek Empire & took Constantinople A. C. 1453. \And/ They began to be prepared for this purpose when they Olub-Arslan began to conquer the nations upon Eufrates A. C. 1063. And the interval is called an hour & a day & a month & a year or 391 days prophetic days wch are years. In the first thirty years Olub-Arslan & Melecsa conquered the nations upon Eufrates \& reigned over the whole/. Melecsah died A. C. 1092 & was succeeded by child w a little child, & then this kingdom upon Euphrates broke into the four kingdoms above mentioned.
After the Emperor Iulian had opened the Temples & restored the worship Valentinian & Valens tolerated it all their reigns, And therefore – – – – ~ & pars hominum rarissima
And one half of the Empire were \turned/ Christians before the reign of the Emperor Iulian. After he had opened the Temples & restored the worship of the heathens, the Emperors Valentinian & Valens tolerated it all their reign & therefore — – – & pars hominum rarissima. So the reign of Th Gratian & Theodosius put an end to the affair of the sixt seal. The four
The seventh sea
At the opening of the seventh Seal there was silence in heaven for half an hour, & this silence sign that is peace in the Roman Empire, & this peace was procured by the holding of the four winds four Angels standing on the four corners of the Earth and holding the four winds wch were to hu of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth [at the sounding of ye first Trumpet] nor on the sea [at the sounding of the second] These winds come from blew hard in the reign of Valentinian & Valens \the Romans being then much infested by the wars of barbarous/ & were stopt in the beginning \And thenceforward/ of the reign of Gratian & Theodosius A. C. 379 & 380. And therefore we may place the beginning of the silence in the year 380. The four Angels & place the opening of the seventh either in that year or the year before when Gratian made Theodosius \Emp./ E divided the Empire between himself & Theodosius, & they two began to {illeg} stop the warrs represented by the winds represented by the winds wch were to hurt the earth & Sea.
The sacrifices at the first four – – – Roman Empire. These four plagues – – – of Daniel & Iohn. At the op
Mr Nede – complete. These seven plagues are the four first four of these plagues \Trumpets/ are distinguished from the three last by giving the name of \whence the affair of the sixt Seal ended with the reign of Valens, or perhaps \rather/ with the beginning of the reign of Theodosius when he rejected the dignity of Pontifex maximus./ The name of Woes are given to the warrs of the three last Trumpets to distinguish them from the four first [wch are represented by four winds] And the sacrifices – – – of Daniel & Iohn.
The Romans were much infested by the invasions of forreign nations in the reign of Valentinian & Valens. \& Valens perished in them A. C. 378/ But those – – – they began to blow. Whence the opening of ye 7th Seal may be placed upon the openin year 380 or the perh when the silence be in heaven began, or perhaps upon the year before when Gratian {illeg} divided the Empire betwee{n} himeslf & Theodosius & they two began to hold the four winds.
The plague of the eastern wind
So long the four winds were help, & the seventh Seal was opened when this silence in heaven began
Sect 1
The seven Churches of Asia
The Prophesy of the Apocalyps neare the beginning thereof relates chiefly to the first ages of Christianity the times preceding the great Apostacy, amon in the midle to the great Apostacy & neare the end to the times after the fall of th last. The \six/ first six chapters relate to \treat very treat largely of/ the times preceding the great Apostacy & the five next treat /largely\ of the reign & fall of \largely of that great Apostacy & \rise/ chiefly of its fall/. Then follows a repetition of the whole & the 12th chapter treats briefly of the {illeg} rise of \steps by times wch/ the great Apostacy \arose/, the five next five Chapters treat largely of its reign, the next two of its \fall/ & the la treat |very| largely of its fall & the last three treat as largely of the times after its fall. So then according to this method of the Prophesy the Epistles to ye seven Churches \being introductory to this Prophesy/ are sermons preached by Christ to the churches of the first ages before the rise of the great Apostacy
These Churches are literally the particular Churches assembled of the seven cities of Asia named in this Prophesy \of Ephesus, Smyna, Pergamus, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia & Laodicea Ephesus Smyna beginning of/, & the Epistles on sermons written to them \as particular Churches/ are thus to be taken in a litteral sence concerning such things \as/ happened in them churches of those cities during the first ages. Particularly the false Apostles in Ephasus are Cerinthus & such others corrupt fals as taught false doctrines in that city \there/ of Ephesus, the Nicolaitans are the disciples of Niclolas \one of the seven deacons/ who in the Age of ye Aposles {sic} taught fornication in a literal sense, the woman Iezebel is the \may be one of the Woman or/ weomen of Montanus who spread his \pretended to ye spirit of prophesy & spread his idolatrous/ doctrine in Thyatira {illeg} till they overthrow the true church in that city. The Martyr Antipas may be some eminent christian who was martyred in slain in Smyrna \Pergamus/ before Iohn received this prophesy. But in a mystical sense the{illeg} seven churches of these cities are ye joyntly & severally types of the church catholick & signify the same thing with the \seven Candlesticks &/ seven horns of the Lamb: & in this respect the seven Epistles are each of them directed to the Church Catholick & to every {illeg} member thereof, & are to be interpreted in a mystical sense. And as the seven heads hills upon wch the woman {may} sitteth \heads of the Beast/ relate to seven successive periods of the Roman Empire may \so/ the seven Churches of Asia may relate to seven successive periods of yt Church Catholick. For the
For the the Church Catholick of the is in this Prophesy represented by the \glorious/ Woman in heaven cloathed wth the Sun & \& having wth &/ the Moon \being/ under her feet & a crown of twelve stars stars upon her head {illeg}hose seed keeps the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus \And the seven Churches are her first Metropolis & continue to be her Metropolis till she flies into the wilderness & [seats her self at the great city Babylon her new Metropolis & becomes a great Whore. under & hearkens to the seven Churches] becomes the whore of Babylon. And the seven Epistles relate to seven successive states wch she underwent before she changed her Metropolis/ While she continues the Church of Christ he preaches to her & admonishes her by the seven Epistles \directed to those Churches/: but after when she flyes into the spiritually barren wilderness & separates from the remnant of her seed who keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus & becomes the great Whore of Babylon; he preaches to her no more. These Epi Sery was \And these/ Epistles repsect the \her state & condition/ state & {erounstars} she was in in seven successive periods of time & suit with her condition in those periods. |And before she separates & becomes a whore she is in seven successive states to wch the seven Epistles agree She was in her first state under the heathen Emperors during the lightnings voices & thundring (Apoc. 11. 19) untill she appeared in travel: in her second state before her flight during her travel: in her third state between the birth of the Manchild & & her receiving two & voices & thundrings untill she wings of a great (Apoc. 11. 19) Eagle; in her fourth state when she was ready to fly {away} the Dragon cast out water as a flood after h floated in the water wch the Dragon cast receiving two wings of a great Eagl that she might out of his mouth after her; in her fift state when the Earth had swallowed up the water; in the sixt when the Dragon was wroth with her & in the seven when the Dragon ceased to persecute her & went to make with the remnant of her seed| The first period was before the a during the thunder & lightnings before the Woman appeared in travel, the second period was of the woman \when of her being/ in travel, the third was between the birth of the Manchild & her beginning to fly into the wilderness the fourth was of her beginning to fly & the Dragons casting out waters as a flood after her, the fift was of \when/ the Earths swallowedg up the waters & the people of the earth & waters became reuniting \been reunited/, the six was when the Dragon was wroth wth the woman, & the seventh while \when/ the woman & her seed were \was/ separating from the remnant of her seed in order to escape into the Wilderness, {illeg} & the Dragon was going from her to make war with that remnant.
<119v>The During these seven periods of time The Church had a great struggle\le/ wth the mystery of iniquity. For this mystery began to work in the Apostles days & \was to/ continued to working & \till/ the ap man of Sin appeared, being the mystery are the torch of \of spiritual fornication or/ Idolatry written on the forehead of the great Whore Whore. And because this mystery was to overthrow the Church & & \overspread/ overcome the Church there Christ admon therefore Christ admonishes the Church in these Epistles to contend against the mystery professors of this mystery calling them Nicolaitans \of Spiritual fornications/ Balaam & Iezebel \the fals Prophet & fals prophetess who teach & seduce to eat things sacrifised to Idols/ & the Synagogue of Satan which say they are Iews & are not; that is, the idolatrous Church of the Devil \or Dragon/ which say they are Christians & are not. Iohn These are the Antichrists wch Iohn tells us should come & whose forerunners were to appear began to appear in his days, whence he conclud & from whose appeareance he concludes that it was the last time. His meaning is that the time of the end spoken of by Daniel in wch the great Antichrist was to rise & \should rise &/ reign was at hand \in some respect began commenced/ because the his forerunners appeared began already to appear, & {illeg} & \once appearing were/ were not to cease before his coming. These Antichrists denied the father & the Son & by consequence worshipping strange Gods in their roome were idolaters \& in their Eucharist & ate things sacrif. to idols/ & so are in this prophesy fitly represented called Nicolaitans & the Synagogue of Satan. Against These false teachers & their followers being therefore of such dangerous consequence the Epistles to the Churches are chiefly directed against them, encouraging the Churches to contend against them.
The first Epistle directed to the Church in Ephesus relates to the times before the woman was in travel that is to the first state of the Church under the heathen Emperors untill the 10th Persecution. For in this Epistle Christ saith
Heaven is here put for the Temple of heaven, that Temple wch was opened in heaven that the vision of the ark the Woman the Dragon & Michael might be seen in it. And the stars thid parts of the starrs of heaven \wch the Dragon draws wth his tail/ or stars of the third part \of heaven/ are ye seven lamps \of the Temple/ called the seven Stars. & sev For this Temple is the same wth that in ye 4th chapter {illeg} in wch there are seven lamps wch are the seven spirits of God. And these lamps are the same wth those seve of the seven candlesticks wch are also \mentioned in the beginnings of the Apocalyps wch are also called/ the seven spirits of God & the seven Angels of the seven Churches. represented by the Candlesticks. So then as the seven Candlesticks by their lamps illuminated the Temple of God in heaven so the seven Churches of Asia represented by their Cadles teachers Bat teachers repre illuminated the Church Catholick of God in the first ages of Christianity \this Prophesy/. For the Candlesticks are those Churches, their lamps are those teachers & the Temple in heaven is that Church of Gods. The seven Churches of Asia therefore taken collectively as one Church governed by Iohn, are chose in this Prophesy put for the Metropolis of the Church catholick of God from whence the light of the Gospel went forth into all nations in the first tw \three /age of this Prophesy ages. \Theses Churches were instructed \continually/ by all the 12 Apostles 31 years together before they fled into Asia minor. In Asia/ Iohn himself for above 30 years together after the death of Peter & Paul continued the great light of the Church catholick. He illuminated the \These Churches were instructed by all the twelve Apostles 31 years together before they fled into Asia minor/ \&/ instructed the Bishops & teachers of the seven Churches by \immediate/ personal conversation. From them the light went out for more strongly to the Churches of Greece who were nearer & spake the same language more weakly to the Churches of the Latines who were remoter & spake a different language. And after his death the seven Churches having being more illuminated then the rest continued the light of the seven Churches. The Gentiles were instructed but sometimes by the preaching of Paul. He staid longer at in Ephesus (the {illeg} first of the seven Churches) then in any other city out of hands \before he came to Rome./ At Rome he staid only four \or five/ years in bonds & Peter only one or two, & the rest of the western Churches were never instructed by any of the Apostles so far appears in history: but the Churches of Asia were continually instructed partly by the twelve Apostles, partly by Iohn, 64 years together; And therby they{illeg} were \became/ not only more knowing in the Gospel but also more zealous & fervent in the love of God & their wch is neighbour, wch is the live & vigour
The seven Chu Candlesticks in the first Temple
This Prophesy of the Apocalyps \relates chiefly/ neare the beginning thereof relates more \relates chiefly /chiefly\/ to the first times of Christianity then the last, \&/ neare the end it relates \it relates chiefly/ to the last. The It begins wth the Epitles to the seven Churches represen & therefore therefore those Epistles relate chiefly to the first times. And so far as I se if I mistake not they are exhortations to the Churches Catholick {illeg} relating \of the first ages/ from time to time \against the mystery of iniquity wch began to work in the Apostles days & continued to work \more & more/ in the Churches of fals teachers/ untill they prevailed & \became/ the great Apostacy. These Churches \ of Asia/ are the seven Candlesticks in the \Tabernacle/ first Temple & the Candlestick \Tabernacle/ first Temples relates to ye first ages. They represent are the seven horns of the Lamb & joyntly & severally represent the Church Catholick of the first ages & the Epistles directed to them are successive \seven/ admonitions to that Church Catholick relating to seven successive states or vicissitudes thereof. untill th The first relates to the state of ye Church don under the heathen Emperors untill the 10th Persecution, the second relates to ye state of ye Church during that persecution, the third to the state of it in the next after that persecution in ye reign of Constantine. & Licinius The fourth to the division thereof under the sons of Constantine. The fift to the union thereof under Constantius the sixt to the \its/ afflicted state under Iulian, & the seventh to its decaying condition under Valentian & Valens, For the Epi untill the opening of the seventh seal & rose \{reclation}/ of ye great Apostacy. For the Epistles suit well to those seven periods of time.
In the first Epistle the Church of E Christ saith that the Church of Ephesus cannot bear them wch are evil & hath tried them wch say they are Apostles & are not, & hath found them liars: \both/ wch characters \(her purity in that she annot them wch are evil & her \contending at trying \trying// fals Apostle/ agree best wth ye primitive times. The fals Apostles the {illeg}Arch-Heretick \the the fals teachers & Antichrists of the first ages, such as were/ Simon Magus, Menander, \Cervinthus,/ Basilides, Carpocrates, Valentinus Marcion, Montanus &c Paul of {Samosat} \Tatian, Sabellius Paul of Samosat/ &c al wch being forerunners of the great Antichrist & therefore Christ commends ye Church of Ephasus for trying & discovering them. These are also the Nicolaitans whose opinions \deeds the Church of Ephesus hated. For their opinions \deeds/ as the Apostle Iohn explained in the Epistles)/ amounted to a denial of God & Christ [& setting up strange Gods in their room, the worship of wch was] \& committing/ spiritual fornication wth /other God fals Gods.\ learn. For hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans A further charater of this Church was that she had left her first love the love she had in the Apostles days. For after the death of the Apostles the Church grew colder especially a little before the 10th persecution as Eusebius describes. Remember therefore saith Christ from whence thou art fallen & repent & do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly & will remove thy candlestick out of its place. except Which came to pass by throwing down the Churches & interdicting ye worship of the Christians throughout all ye Empire in the state persecution Dioclesians Dioclesians persecution
The second Epistle relates manifestly to that ten years persecution under Dioclesian, in \& Maximinus as may appear by/ these words. And unto ye Angel of the Church of Smyrna write, These things saith the he – – – he wch was dead & is alive; I know thy works & tribulation & poverty (but thou art [spiritually] rich) & I know the blasphemy of them wch say they are Iews & are not but are ye Synagogue of Satan [i.e. \I know/ the idolatry of the {illeg} churches of the false teachers \disciples of the fals Apostles wch now begin to be numerous & wch/ wch say they are Christians & are not but are ye Church of the Devil \Satan/,] he being the disciples of the fals Apostle fear none of those things wch thou shalt suffer. Behold the Devil \[the great red Dragon]/ shall cast some of you into prisons that ye may be tried & ye shall have tribulation ten days [that is, persecution ten years.] Be thou faithfull unto death & I will give thee a crown of life. – He that overcometh shall not be hurt of ye second death. By the length of the persecution you may certainly know that it was Dioclesians persecution.
The third Epistle relates to ye times next after the tenth persecution as is manifest by the words. I know To the Angel of the Church in Pergamus write — I know thy works & where thou dwellest even [in Pergamus] where Satan's throne is [that is in the Greek Empire descended from the kingdom of Pergamus & represented in this prophesy by the great red Dragon \that old Serpent/ called the Devil & Satan] & thou ho{illeg}ldest fast any name [during the \present/ reign of the persecuting Greek Emperor Licinius] & hast not denied my faith even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain amongst you where Satan dwelleth [that is in the days of the tenth persecution wherein my faithful martyrs represented by Antipas were slain in the Greek Empire where \the Dragon reigneth & where/ the persecution \was sharpest &/ lasted ten years.] But I have a few things against them because thou hast there [in the Kingd \Pergamus/ Greek Empire] them that hold the doctrine of Balaam [the fals Prophet] who taught or aggregate of fals teachers] who taught Balac [the king] to cast a stumbling block before ye children of Israel [by sending weomen among them to seduce them ] to eat things sacrifi to \the/ worship \of/ their Gods &] \to cause them]/ to eat things sacrificed to Idols & to commit fornication: so hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which thing I hate. Repent or else I will come unto thee quickly & will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. The Nicolaitans were therefore such as taught the doctrin{illeg}\e/ of Balaam for seducing the people of God to I idolatry, a generation of fals teachers with their churches lasting from the days of the Apostles to the second coming of Christ \time that Christ comes with/ with the sword of his mouth against his enemies; the whole body of Antichrist in all ages.
The fourth Epistle relates to the division of the Empire & Church of|b||etween Rome & {Constinople} {sic} & between| the sons of Constantine & \to/ the Woman growing corrupt \proud, ambitious & potent & claiming appeals from all the world wch is the universal bishopric & thereby \attempting to/ separating fm them that opposed her & thereby/ & beginning to fly into ye wilderness \& set up popery/. An The words run thus: And to the Church in Thyatira write These things saith the son of God who hath eyes like unto a flame of fire & his feet like amber \[burning] brass [the types of the eastern & western Churches ] or two wings of the great Eagle]/ I know thy works & charity &c.. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Iezebel [now tainted with the doctrine of the Nicolaitans] wch calleth her self a prophetess [& is now tainted wth the doctrine of the Nicolaitans] to teach & to seduce my servants to commit \[spiritual]/ fornication & to eat things sacrificed to idols. And I gave \have given/ her space to repent of her [spiritual] fornication & she \will not/ repented not. Behold I will cast her into \into his a bed [of torment]/ & them that commit fornication with her on ye bed into great tribulation, \[in the lake of fire]/ except they repent.
flourished wth temporal p\r/osperity & grandeur \& pe/ & wth multitudes of people & made an outward profession of the truth against the innovations of Arius \& the Pope/ & others, but abounded with dissemblers & was very much decayed in piety & vertue & had but few good Christians. For the Epistle runs thus. And unto The fift Epistle respects the Church reunited under Constantius & flourishing with temporal prosperity \& grandure & multitude of people/ & outward grandure \appearance & profession of truth/ & multitude of people being a mixture of true Christians wth but grown decayed in piety & vertue. I know saith he thy works that thou hast \being a mixture of true Christians wth & mixed wth great multitudes of dissemblers who in their hearts were either heathens or erring Christians. For the Epistle runs thus./ And unto ye Angel of the Church of in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven spirits of God & the seven stars [the type of the Angels of the whole \united/ Church] I know thy works that thou hast a name that thou livest & art dead. Be watchful & strengthen the things that are ready to dy: for I have not found thy works perfect before God — Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments & they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy.
The fift Epistle respects the Church reunited under Constantius, wchThe sixt Epistle respects the church in affliction during the reign of Iulian the Apostate a heathen Emperor. And to the Angel of the Church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy he that is true, he that hath the key of David [the key of the Temple wch Isaiah calls [33] the key of the house of David] he that openeth \[to the throne]/ & no man shutteth & shutteth [from ye throne] & no man openeth: I know thy works: Behold I have set before thee an open door [to the throne from whence thou art at present {illeg} excluded] & no man can shut it [to hinder thee from entring in again] For thou hast a little strength & [in this time of persecution] hast not denied my name. Behold I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan [the Nicolaitans] wch say they are Iews [the Nicolaitans wch say they are Christians] & are not, but do lye; behold I will make them to come & worship before thy feet & to know that I have loved thee. Because [in the reign of the Emperor Iulian] thou hast kept the word of thy \my/ patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation wch [by fals miracles] shall come upon all the world [to set up the invocation of Saints \& worship of dead men/ & thereby] to try them that dwell upon the earth.
<121v>The seventh Epistle relates to the Church in the reign of Valentinian & Valens, when by recovering the throne she grew great & {illeg} splendid & abounded in wealth but became abated in vertue & piety \& grew lukewarm till Christ spewed her out of his mouth/. I know thy works, saith he, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art luke warm & neither cold nor hot, I will spue the out of my mouth: because thou sayest I am rich & increased wth goods; & knowest not that thou art wretched & miserable & poor & blind & naked. &c At the opening of ye seventh seal when the Woman escaped from ye Dragon & fled into ye spiritually \desert/ barren wilderness this Church was spewed out of Christ's mouth. For then \the/ twelve tribes of Israel wch are the \primitive/ Church Catholick \represented by the Woman/ were rejected & received the mark of ye Beast except the 144000 thousand wch received the mark \were sealed wth the seal/ of God in their forehead \& except the two witnesses/. Then ye Woman escaped into the spiritually barren wilderness & \from ye Dragon & fled/ Then the Woman wch had hitherto represented the Church of God separated from the remnant of her seed which have keep the commandments of God & keep have the testimony of Iesus: & flying into the \spiritually dry & barren/ wilderness ceased to be any longer the Church of Christ & became the great Whore of Babylon. & synagogue of Satan \& after she ceased to hearken & Christ to the Angel of the seven Churches Christ ceased to/. [While the Woman continued to be the Church of Christ he continued to admonish her by seven epistles but after she forsook him & became the Church of the Devil he wrote to her no more. At that time all men were killed who \as many as would not worship the Image of ye Beast/ would not worship the Image of the Beast, & by consequence \all/ the seven Churches of Asia, were killed: & this killing puts an end to \all/ the seven churches \of Ch of Asia/ & gives a beginning to \a new state of things./ [the two martyrs or Witnesses. At that time the twel{illeg}ve tribes of Israel were rejected who include \& by consequence/ ye seven Churches \wch/, of are rejected & receive the Mark of the Beast, excepting an hundred forty & four thousand who are sealed wth the seale of God & standing on Mount Sion wth the Lamb, before the throne & before the four Beasts & the elders worship God in this second Temple, [The twelve Tribes worshipped God in the first \Tabernacle/ Temple teh 144000 worship him in the second first Temple] & {up} \for the future/ are his Church represented by the two Candlesticks & called & called the two witnesses \Prophets/. If the seven Churches are the seven Candlesticks in the Tabernacle, the two witnesses are the twelve tribes worshipped God in the Tabernacle, the 144000 worship him in the Solomon's Temple & the two Prophets allude to Elijah & Elisha in the days of Iezebel when there was no rain & in that respect its said that fire ca in the fire came out of their mouths & devoured their Enemies & that but if the twelve tribes worship in {illeg} the Tabernacle & Solomons Temple, the two 144000 worship in the the second Temple & the two Prophets allude to Haggai & Zecchary.] & then all that would not worship the image of the Beast were mystically killed.] being mystically killed & excommunicated {illeg} by] all men being at that time mystically killed & excommunicated who would not worship the image of the Beast & receive his mark or name or the number of his name.] all ecclesiastical bodies being mystically killed or dissolved who would not worship the Image of the Beast & all poor men being \thence forward/ prohibited buying & selling, that is excommunicated, who had not the mark or name of the Beast or the number of his name.
All the twelve tribes who would not \of Israel who/ received \not/ the mark or name \of the Beast/ or ye number of his name were prohibited buying & selling, that is, the 144000 who received the name of God in their foreheads were excommunicated.
And \at the same time/ all Christians who would not worship the Image of the Beast were \mystically/ killed, that is all their Churches of bodies ecclesiastical were dissolved. And from this killing they are called the two martyrs or Witnesses, being the two remnant of the womans seed whom have the testimon the Dragon went to make war upon & who in that war keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus, & being called two wth respect to the two Empires in wch they are killed whose churches they were & in which they are killed.
The same Christians diffused throughout the whole Empire are both the 144000 & the two witnesses \& the seven Churches/ in different respects. For Christ by his \whole/ mystical body represents the 12 tribes, by the his {illeg} two leggs the two witnesses & by the seven stars in his right hand the seven churches.
These Churches
But \yet this church/ notwthstanding all these good qua these her good qualities, had left her first love. She was much perfecter in the Apostles days beginning & had been decaying ever since the Apostles days, & & therefore Christ admonishes her to repent & do her first works, alt remember from whence she was fallen & repent & do the first works; otherwise he would \come &/ remove her Candlestick out of its place. How much this Church had a little before the 10th persecution had fall degenerated from \was falling had left/ her first state \love & \was/ grown full of dissentions animosities æmulations writing long dissemulations/ Eusebius in the beginning of ye 8th book of his Ecclesiastical History describes at large, & \how/ instead of repenting she{illeg} grew wors & worse & till the & therefore \till the Persecution overtook her: For When she repented not Christ/ Christ removed her Candlestick brought on this wch Pers. to purge her from {tepporetes} \evil men/ & in the beginning of ye pers \thereof/ removed her Candlestick out of its place by causing her churches to be thrown down throughout all the Empire & her worship \assemblies/ to be interedicted, as Eusebius describes.
– was grown full of dissemulation wrangling \included more & more to/ æmulation dessimulation dissentions animosities \conteption/ wangling {illeg} & \&/ backbiting & over Eusebius
Yet after she had left her first love she is commended for hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans & therefore she \still continued right in the faith. till the time of ye persecution/
of the Christian religion
Now the Woman in the Temple of heaven being \signifying/ the Church catholick or people of God who worship him in his Temple, Christ it is to be conceived that Christ in the beginning of the Apocalyps appearing in the form of the High Priest dresses the Lamps (as was explained above) & sends Epistles to the seven Church Angels of the seven Churches that those lamps \or Angels/ may shine more bright for illuminating the Temple where the Woman \people repr/ worship God; it is to be conceived \& by consequence/ that the seven Epistles are directed to the Church catholic represented by that Woman. They are directed by Iohn to the immediately to ye Angels or Bishops of the seven Churches to be communicated to their mystical body f of \Bishops & other/ teachers first in the seven churches & then in the Churches of the whole world world, & by the \Bishops & other/ teachers to all the people I do. While this Woman continues in the temple of heaven illuminated by the seven lamps he went \Christ/ preaches to her & admonishes her by the seven Epistles but after she \separates from ye remnant of her seed who keep ye commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus &/ flyes from the Temple of heaven into a spiritually barren wilderness & there becomes the great whore of Babylon, he preaches to her no more. These Epistles respect her state in seven successive periods of time preceding her fl separation & flight & suit wth her condition in those periods. &c
While she hearkened to the \Angels of ye/ seven Churches \of Asia/ Christ admonished her by \seven/ Epistles directed to those Churches \Angels/, [but after she has changed her Metropolis & seated her self at Babylon he] And these Epistles respect seven successive states wch she underwent wh before she changed her Metropolis. She was in her first state
The \pr. of ye/ 144000 & two Witnesses explained.
When the two Beasts rose out of the sea & earth & the second \first/ Beast who had been slain & \with a sword/ upon his reviving & rising out of ye sea was deified by the second Beast, & all men were caused to worship him & his image & receive his mark & tho all men who would not worship this Image were killed all that \those who/ would not receive his mark or name or the number of his name were excommunicated it is to b interdicted buying & selling, that is b it is to be understood that the temporal power by wch the two horned B second Beast did this execution was the power of ye Dragon. For this \Beast/ having two horns like whose church he was. He have \spake as the Dragon & by excommuication/ made fire come down from heaven upon earth in ye sight of men, & this fire is war that war wch the Dragō |in a litteral sense is {illeg} a lighted torch thrown down in excommunications, \but/ in a figuration one it is war the war wth ye Dragon made upon the remnant of the Womans seed who keep the commandments of God & have the in that war have the testimony of Iesus.| By the influence \of this B./ & the dictates of the Oracle wch he \caused to be/ erected to ye \first/ Beast, the Dragon made \that/ war. upon ye re & therein killed all that would not worship the Image & that is, dissolved their ecclesial bodies ecclesiastical, & interdicted buying & selling to all who would not receive the mark or name of ye beast or number of his name that is put their excommunication in execution. In res [And \so soon as this excommunication is put in execution they stand on Mount Sion wth the Lamb/ henceforward in {illeg} respect of their being ex interdicted buying & selling for not receiving the mark of the B or name of the Beast they are called the 144000 who have the name of God in their foreheads \& stand on Mount Sion wth the Lamb/, & in respect of their being killed they are called the Martyrs or Witnesses of Iesus Christ] And \so/ soon as this excommunication is put in excomm execution \executed/, all those who received not the mark of name of the Beast stand on or number of his name stand on mount Sion with the Lamb having yt name of God in their foreheads & being numbered with his number 144000, \& they are not defiled with weomen that is they are separated from the Whore,/ & in their mouth was found no lye that is they are true witnesses. In respect of their not receiving the mark or name \or number/ of the Beast they are ye 144000 having ye name of God in their foreheads, & in respect of their being the remnant of the Womans seed who have the testimony of Iesus & in the war wch the Dragon made pon them are killed for that testimony, they are the martyrs or witnesses of Iesus who are not defiled with weomen & in whose mouth is found no lye. The two & in respect of their singing {illeg} a new Song on Mount Sion they are the Prophets of God. For singing is prophesying, 1 Sam. 10 1 Chron. 25. 1, 2, 3, 1 Sam. 10. 5, & prophesying is witnessing testifying or witnessing 2 Chron 24. 19. The two horned Beast is called the fals Prophet & the Woman is the wo Iezebel is calleth her self a Prophetess, & in opposition to these two fals Prophets God has his two true Prophets & true Witnesses the one in the earth or regions of Asia \Syria/ Egypt & Afric \in opposition to the two second Beast wch rose out of ye E./ the other in the Sea or Isles of the sea regions wch the Iews called the Isles of ye sea in opposition to the woman on the back of the other Beast wch rose out of the Sea. For these two witnesses are the two leggs of the Son of Man \in form of an Angel/ standing upon the Sea & earth \in form of an Angel/ & the new song wch they sing \with the Lamb/ on Mount Sion \his soul {was the} roaring of a Lion & \& of the sea of glass// is the voices of the seven thunders of the cloud wth wch the son of man is cloathed, & the voice \also/ of the son of man lik as when a lion roareth like that of a roaring lion wch voices are the song of the Temple at the sacrifices of the seven Trumpets & seven Vials of wrath, as was explained above. The Image by wch the four Monarchies & represented in Daniel being the Image of a man is almost in the shape of the Monarchies, the leggs lying westward with the mediterranean sea between them. Syria represents the belly, Ægypt & Libya with Asia minor & Greece the thighs, Afric one leg & Europe westward of Greece the other Legg. These leggs belong to the fourth Monarchy & lye in the earth & Sea & their true Churches are \relate to/ the two witnesses do much more \of them as/ as those Witnesses are comprehended within the western Empire
The Church of God in respect of her faith & doctrine & inward sincerity & religion is but one Church throughout the whole Roman Empire during the opening of all the seales & sounding of all the Trumpets: but in respect of her outward form & temporal state & with relation to the Roman Empire in wch she resided, she became divided at the same time with the Empire. And this division is represented by the dedication of a new Temple or Tabernacle with seven Candlesticks [& four Beasts] for the saints in the Greek Empire & by the building of a new Temple with two Candlesticks for the saints in the Latin Empire.
In the vision of opening the seales & sounding
The dedication of a new Temple \or Tabernacle {illeg} with seven Candlesticks in{illeg} it,/ is described in the Vision of the Seven vials of wrath. For there in allusion to the victory of Israel over Pharaoh the many headed Dragon & to the song of Moses on the banks of the red sea, Iohn saw them that had gotten the Victory over the sea of glass Beast & \over/ his Image & on whom the Dragon (the Idols \Ox Spius & his Image/ whom the Dragon caused all men to worship in Egypt) stand on the sea of glass & sing the son of Moses. & And then he saw \Iohn/ looked again & saw the temple of the Tabernacle opened in allusion to the rearing & erecting & dedicating the Tabernacle of the wilderness Iohn /Moses & Temple of Soloman\ \& to the smoke wth wch it was filled at the dedication so that Moses was not able to enter & the Priests were not able to enter he/ saw the Temple of the Tabernacle opened in heaven of the testimony in heaven & it was opened & the seven Angels (the Priests who had \having/ /who had\ \newly/ carried in the Ark of the testimony) came out of it in the Priests habit being cloathed in pure white linnen & having their breasts girded with golden girdles \wch was the Priests habit. And/. And in allusion to the smoke wth wch the tabernacle was filled at the dedication) Iohn saw the Temple of the tabernacle was filled with smoke from ye glory of God, & from his power & no man was able to enter into the Temple till the seven Vials w \it/ till the {cow flesh} sacrifices of the seven days were ended of the dedication were ended at wch \&/ the seven Vials or drunk offering on of those sacrifices were poured out. In \Now/ This Temple of the Tabernacle in ecompass{ing} with the four Beasts: For one of the has seven Candlesticks in it \like the Tabernacle in the wilderness/: for the seven angels wch come out of it are the Angels of the seven Churches & \& the seven stars/ the seven spirits of God wch are ye seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, The (Apoc 4. 5) They are the Angels of the seven Churches, or lamps of the seven Candlesticks, called also the seven spirits of God & the seven stars in the right hand of him who walketh in the midst of ye seven golden Candlesticks (Apoc. 1. 20 & 2. 1 & 3. 1) This temple hath als or Tabernacle hath also four Beasts about it like the Tabernacle in the Wilderness: for one of the four Beasts gave unto the seven Angels seven golden Vials full of the wrath of God {illeg}
The building of a new Temple w wth two Candlesticks is then described \represented/ by Iohns measuring the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein & leaving (that, is the courts of the temple & altar & the court of the people called the weomens court) & leaving the outward court unmeasured \out the court without the TEmple & not measuring it/ because it is given to the Gentiles. Measuring a b city or a building is a type of buildi of building it. For when Zechary saw an Angel with a measuring reed go to measure Ierusalem & to see what was the length & breadth & what the length thereof, Iohn another Angel interprets it \gives the interpretation/, saying, Ierusalem shall be built h inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of men & cattel therein And when Solom the Babylonians had destroyed Solomon's Temple & the Is Ezekiel in a vision was commanded to measure th this Temple in a vision, the measuring signified the build \that/ a new Temple should be built, as is plain by many passages in that prophesy. And in allusion to this vision of Ezekiel{illeg}, Iohn is bid to measure the courts & to the ensuing \& to the building of/ of Zerubbabel's Temple \& too the prop/ soon after, Iohn is bid to measure the temple & altar & them that worship thereing & \to/ leave out the court without the Temple & not to measure it because it is given to the Gentiles. For Zerubbabel built only the Temple & a courts of the Temple & altar & the weomens court & left {free} the outward court wch wch in Solomon's Temple had been built for the people \of Israel/, he left unbuilt & open to the Gentiles \& it continues unbuilt about 200 years/ & tho it was afterwards built by Simeon Iustus & Herod yet it was continued open to the Gentiles & was called the Gentiles court. Now this Temple in the So then the measuring of the Temple in the Apocalyps signifies that the first Temple was newly destroyed & in its room a second by the Babylonians & \that/ a new \second/ temple should bbe built in its room, whose outward court was given should be given to the same Babylonian gentiles who having captivated the people of God as Babylon had done of old, should tread down the holy City 42 months. And in this second temple there were to be two Candlesticks called the two witnesses & the two that is the two Churches of God Olive trees Apoc 11 standing before the God of the Earth Apoc. 11. 4.
Now two contemporary Temples the one wth seven Candlesticks the other with two Candlesticks, both built at once upon opening the seventh seal must signify the Churches of two contemporary kingdoms, & so answer \well/ to the true Churches of God in the within the two Empires Greek & Latine Empires: the Church \Temple/ with seven Candlesticks to \representin signifying/ the Church of God within the Greek Empire because the seven Churches of Asia represented by those Candlesticks were seated within that Empire; & the Temple with two Candlesticks signifying the true Church of God within the Latin Empire because it was the second Temple whose outward court was given to the Babylonians & because the Beast makes war upon the two witnesses represented by the two Candlesticks & overcomes them & kills them in the street of the great city Babylon wch in the form of a woman reigns over him, & they of the peoples & kindreds & nations & tongu tongues \& nations/ see their dead bodies \lye/ in the street of this great city, that is, in the provinces of the dominion of Rome the Church of Rome. & also because the victory of those who stand upon the sea of glass was got in the war wch the Dragon by the instigation of \his Church/ the twohorned Beast made upon the remnant of the womans seed when she fled from him into the wilderness, & left that remnant on his kingdom
Now for understanding what is meant by the two Candlesticks, you are to remember that the nations in wch the whole Church of Christ was seated consisted of three parts, the eastern Empire the western Empire & the northern nations of Europe. The \new/ Temple with seven Candlesticks comprehends the true Christians in all the Greek Empire including Dacia. The new Temple with two Candlesticks {illeg} comprehends was built for the saints \both/ of the western Empire & of the northern nations who had received the gospel from them And this Temple \& so/ comprehending \all the saints in two / two of the three parts it has in it two of Candlesticks & two Olive-trees to represent the two Churches of those two parts one Church within the western Empire & the other among the northern nations. For Candlesticks - - - - - - all their dominions
And for avoiding confusion in the scene of the
And for avoiding confusion in the scenes of the visions, I do not it may be conceived that ye scene of every series of visions remains one & the same from ye begining to the end. All the visions from ye opening of the first seal to ye sounding of the last Trumpet appear in one & the same Temple Tabernacle or Temple without changing the scene. And tho Iohn To For tho Iohn wa For the temple For Iohn was commanded to measure this Temple in token that a new one should be built but it is not said that this new one appeared to Iohn him. After the sounding of the last Trumpet the scene changes & a \there appears/ new vision of a Temple appears open in heaven After the sounding of the last Trumpet a new scene of a A to The Tem the Temple is opened for a new scene of visions wch lasts \the same Temple/ till the harvest & vintage. These two scenes are synchronal & last \each of them/ from Iohns days to ye end of the world politi Then f After the vintage a new scen of visions begins \prophesy/ And the Tabernacle or Temple in wch they appear seems to comprehend the Church of God diffused through the whole Empire from the beginning to ye end \or at least through the Empire of the Dragon, that is, through the whole Empire/. After the harvest a new scene & vintage a new scene of visions begins with the ap while the Dragon sigifies the whole & to at least to the eastern Empire when ye Dragon has given his western throne to ye Beast, After the ho & the Beast is gone away with the woman into ye wilderness from this Temple into the wilderness. After the harvest & vintage a new scene of visions begins with the appearing of \the/ seven Angels & the dedication of a new Temple & this scene lasts from the opening of ye seventh seal to ye end of the world politi prophesy. & And then the Angel carried Iohn from this Temple into ye Wilderness to see the Babylonian gentiles who worshipped in ye outward court of the other Temple & trode down the ho people of the holy city. And there Iohn saw the Woman B whore of Babylon sitting upon her Beast, & drunken with the blood of the saints wh wch are & of the maryrs of Iesus, wch martyrs are the two W or Witnesses are \those called/ the two witnesses & represented by the two candlesticks of that other Temple.
Concieve therefore that w
The History of the seven Churches of Asia.
The History of the seven Churches of Asia.
Christ was born according to Irenæus & Tertullian in the 41th year of the reign of Augustus, (I think) in autum, that is, two years & a quarter before the vulgar Æra. And this history of his life is set down in the four Gospels & that of the primitive Church in the Acts of the Apostles till the burning of Rome by Nero in Iuly A. C. 64 in the tenth year of his reign, two or three A. C. 64, two or three years after the arrival of the Aposle Paul at Rome. \upon the commencing of the war of that/
The history of the Churches of the Gent Primitive Church is set down in the Acts of the Apostles till the burning of Rome & \by Nero/ persecution of the Christians by Nero \in Iuly in the tenth in the eleventh year of his reign two or three/ two years after the arrival of the Aposle Paul at Rome. In A. C. 64 Towards ye latter end of this year Florus was made governour of I Palestine, a cruel man who & the next year \but one/ in May in the 12th year of Nero the Iewish war began to break out whereupon the Aposles wth the Churches of the circumcision fled from Iudea into other regions round about & Peter came wth Iohn in Asia & being looked upon by the Romans as the head of a party of Iews with whose brethren in Iudea they were at war, was banished into Patmos & there wrote his Apocalyps, alluding therein to the Temple as yet standing. For in his commentary upon Peter went on to Rom the Apocalyps affirmed that it was written in the day of Nero: &
Soon after copies of this book began to be dispersed, \the Apostle/ Paul wrote his Epistle to the Hebrews not to those in Iudea but to those who were retired into Asia where the Churches were acquainted with Timothy Heb. 13. 23. And in this Epistle there are some allusions to the Apocalyps: as where he saith that \as God rested on the seventh day from all his works so there remaineth a Σαβατισμος to the people of God, & that/ the Word of God is quick & powerfull & sharper then a two edged sword, that we have a cloud of Witnesses, that we look for a city wch hath foundations, \the city of the living God,/ the heavenly Ierusalem & that whom the Lord loveth he chastneth.
About one after this \the same time/ the Apostle Peter wrote his first Epistle to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia & Bithynia, that is, to the Iews \Hebrews/ dispersed by the wars of the Romans \Romans/ who were then in heaviness through manifold trials temptations & the fiery trial wch was to try them. And in reference to the wars of the Romans where by the Iews were to be captivated & dispersed as they had been formerly by the Chaldeans he dates his Letter from Babylon. And to signify that the present war of Romans from wch they fled, should end in the captivity & desolation of Iudea, {illeg} like that of the Chaldeans, he dates his letter from Babylon
Soon After Peter arrived \the arrival of Peter/ at Rome he wrote his first Epistle to ye strangers \of the circumcision/ scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappdocia, Asia, \&/ Bithymia that is, to who by their new dispersion were then in heaviness through manifold temptations & th \which he/ callsed the fiery triall wch was to try them And to signify that \because/ the war of the Romans from wch they fled should \was to/ end in the captivity & desolation of Iudea like \as/ that of the Babyloniaans \had done before/, he dates his Letter from babylon, giving that \finding/ name \given/ to the \great/ city upon seven hills called Babylon in the Apocalyps which reigned over the kings of the earth finding that name given in the Apocalyps to the great city upon seven hills wch reigned over the kings of the earth.
And not long after he wrote his second Epistle to the same Christians of the circumcision, & therein said wth relation to the Apocalyps: Nev We have also a more sure word of Prophesy to wch ye shall do well that ye take heed, as to a light \that/ shineth in a dark place untill the day dawn & the day-star arise in yor hearts: knowing this chiefly that no prophesy is of the Prophets own interpretation, [You must not go expect that the interpretation from Iohn, but study it themselves yourselves;) for the Prophesy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Ghost. But there were fals Prophets among the people, even as there shall be fals teachers among you who privily shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them \[the character of Antichrist]/ & bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the truth shall be blasphemed, [for all that dwell upon the earth whose names are not written in the book of life shall worship the Beast & he shall open his mouth against God to blaspheme his name & his Tabernacle & those that dwell in heaven] And through covetousness shall they [the Merchants of the Earth] make merchandise of the saints. — But these as natural bruit Beasts [the tenhorned Beast & the two horned Beast] made to be taken [in the battel with the army on white horses] & destroyed [in the lake of fire] speak evil of the things that they understood not — having eyes full of an adulteress [the Whore of Babylon] — following the way of Balaam [the fals Prophet] Balaam. And a little after, he adds that There shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts, & saying; Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. — But beloved be not ignorant of this one thing, that {illeg} thousand years one day is with the Lord as a thousand years & a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness, but is long suffering to us ward — But the day of the Lord [tho it may be deffered some thousands of years wch wth the Lord is no more than so many days, yet it] will come as a thief in the night, in wch the heavens shall pass away — Nevertheless we according to his promis look for new heavens & a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. After this the Apostle Peter mentions the Epistle of Paul to the some Hebrews in these words: even as our brother Paul also, according to the wisdome given unto him, hath written unto you; as also in all his Epistle speaking of these things.
Iohn continued \After Peter had stayed a year & some months at Rome he and Paul were/ to govern the Churches of Asia thirty \mor/ years longer together \martyr there /thirty & four years longer\/ & towards the latter end of his government wrote his Gospel. & having now conversed long with the Greeks he wrote it freer from Hebrisms then the Apocalyps wch was written upon his first coming from Syria, but he filled it with figurative expressions taken from the Apocalyps, such as are those of the World, \exp/ the Light & darkness, witnessing the Lamb of God witnessing &c wch makes the style more lofty then that of any \of the/ other Gospels.
While Iohn governed the Churches of Asia the Bishops of Rome had no authority over them. He was not universal Bishop in those days. The Churches of Asia being long under the government of Iohn \& his disciples/ & having the scriptures in their own tongue were the best instructed of any of the Churches. Among these disciples were Papias & Polycarp the first of wch was held the thousand years reign of Christ among & the saints before the day of Iu \believed that the saints should rise from the dead & reign with should reign Christ a thousand years before the/ general Iudgment as also did Iustin Martyr & Irenæus & therefore owned the Apocalyps in the other lived 66 years after Iohn & was the most cele owned \thes Apocalyps was owned in their days |was|/ \received in the Churches/ in their days; the other was martyred about 66 years after the dea one of the most celebrated fathers of the primitive Church next after the Apostles, & was martyred about 66 years after the death of Iohn \& so was Iustin Martyr the next year./. And hitherto the primitive Church continued in its purity, insomuch that Hegesippus about eight years before ye death of Polycorp coming from Syria to Rome & conversing wth the Churches in his way, found them all agree in faith.
And yet the mystery of iniquity began to work in the Apostles days & was to work untill that which hindred the rise of his dominion sh (the heathen Roman Empire) should be taken out of the way & then he was the rise up in dominion & \out of the sea/ be revealed. This mystery began to work in Simon Magus who laid the foundation of Sabellianism by teaching that \he was/ the supreme God \&/ appeared in the person of the father among the Samaritans in that of the Son among the Iews & in that of the Holy Ghost among other nations. He taught also \\that there were emissions of his {mind} & that/ that his conceiving Hellena was the first conception of his mind called Ennæa & that/ \shee himself was that God & that was the mother of \war/ Archangels \Angels/ & Angels &/ that the world was created by Angels & that they were to be adored as mediators between God & Man & that there would be no resurrection of the body, but the soul was immortal, \& passed are was a true origination of Souls from body to body/ & that weomen might be common. This mystery worked also in those who distinguished between Iesus & Christ, making Iesus a mere man {illeg} born of the Virgin Mary, & Christ \the son of God/ an \the saviour of the world an/ immortal spirit who \descended upon Iesus in his baptism/ dwelt in Iesus him & did the miracles, but upon his being apprehended & brought before Pilate forsook him, & \wch/ made him cry out \on the cross/ my God, my God why hast thou forsaken me. The m In relation to his opinion Iohn saith |Little children it is the last time: & as ye have heard that Antichrist shall {illeg} come, even now there are many Antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time —| Who is a liar but he that denieth that Iesus is the Christ. He is Antichrist that denieth the father & the son. Whosoever denieth the son the same hath not the father. — — Every spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God. And this is that spirit of Antichrist whereof ye have heard that is should come, & even now it is already it is in the world. 1 Iohn 2. \13,/ 22 & 4. 3.
And yet the mystery of iniquity began to work in the Apostles day & was to work untill that wch hindred the rise of its dominion (the heathen Roman Empire) should be taken out of the way, & then he was to rise up wth power & be revealed. This mystery began to work in Simon Magus. who He laid the foundation of Gods Sabellianism by teaching that the supreme God appeared in the person of the father among the Iews Samaritans, in that of the son among the Iews & in that of the Holy Ghost among other nations. He said that he himself was that God & emitted other powers, & that his Concubine Hellena was the first emiss conception of his mind called Ennoia & that she was the mother of Archangels & Angels \& powers/ & came down from heaven & passed into the bodies of various weomen amongst whom were Hellena the Greek & Hellena his concubine, & that the world was created by Angels & that they were to be adored as mediators bewteen God & Man, & that there would be no resurrection of the body, though but the soul was immortal & passed from body to body, & that men might live as they pleased, being saved not by their works, but by his favour, & that weomen might be common. And that his Concubine Helena was the lost sheep, & he came down from heaven to save her in the first place & deliver her from the tyranny of ye Angels who kept her here below {illeg} in bonds. For the Egyptians & Greeks who taught the transmigration of souls feigned that they were emitted from the supreme Being, came down from above, passed into the bodys of various many \many/ men & weomen & other creatures & at length after a long circulation through various bodies \bodies &/ states, returned up into heaven {illeg} the supreme being & were received into the state in wch they were \in him/ before their emission from him. And this was the foundation of the heathen idolatry of the old Egyptians who who worshiped the souls of their \dead/ kings & Heros in the shape of various animals & feigned that their reisded in those souls passed into those animals & might be worshipped \as Gods/ because they came originally from the substance of the supreme God. This Philosophy the Egyptian {diffus} \residing in Egypt borrowed from the Egyptians &/ brought into their Cababa, feigning many \chief/ emissions from the supreme God whom they called sephiroths & many others from things the lowest last of wch were the souls of men. And if the same kind was the Philosophy of Simon, who made Ennoia to be the first emission from himself. And Irenæus tells us that from Simon \& his disciples Menander Saturnimus {illeg} his disany but Basilides &c/ all hereses had theire rise (& They all affirme \singing chiefly those of the Gnosticks)/ & that they all affirmed one God but changed him variously. \These were they that pretended to science & were thence called Gnosticks./ [In opposition to these men the Apostles bids us beware of vain Philosophy & oppositions of science falsly so called & \fables &/ endles genealogies \& profane/ & old wives fables, profane & vain bablings, Iewish fables, foolish questions & genealogies] And In opposition to these men the Apostle bids us |to beware of Philosophy & vain receipt after the \{illeg}/ \Φ/ Φ tradition of men & the rudiments of the world, & not to| not to give heed to fables & endles genealogies which minister questions, {&} profane & old wives fables, profane & vain bablings & oppositions of science falsly so called (\Colos. 2. 8/ 1 Tim 1. 4 & 4. 7 & 6. 20) profane & vain bablings, whine foolish & unlearned questions wch increas unto gender strifes (2 Tim. 2. 16, 23) Iewish fables & commandments of men wch turn from the truth, foolish questions & genealogies & contentions & strivings about the law wch are unprofitable & vain (Titus. 1. 14 & 3. 9.) This sort of Heresyks flourished was propagated with varius by Basilides, Carpocrates, Valentinus, \Cerion/ Marcion, Cerda Marcus, Colarbasus, Hermogenes: but without prevailing upon contaminating the true Church \or contaminating her/ before the death of the disciples of Iohn.
Among these Gnosticks were the Nicolaitans & some others (as Cerinthus), who \Cerinthus/ & his disciples distinguished between Iesus & Christ making Iesus a mere man the son of Ioseph & Mary & Christ an immortal spirit who descended upon Iesus at his baptism & dwelt in him & did the miracles b & at his passion forsook him, wch made him cry out my God my God why hast thou forsaken me |& long before Cerinthus ye Nicolaitans \were of the common/ as Irenæus l. 3. c. 11. informs us who there tells us that the Nicolaitans were a branch of the Gnosticks. This opinion being propagated by Cerinthus|. This opinion being propagated by Cerinthus & others in Asia, the Apostle Iohn wrote thus against it. Little children it is the last time. And as ye have heard that Antichrist should come & even now there are many Antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time. — Who is a liar but he that denieth that Iesus is the Christ. He is Antichrist that denieth the father & the son. Whosoever denieth the son the same hath not the father. — Every spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God. And this is that spirit of Antichrist whereof ye have heard that it should come & even now already it is in the world. 1 Iohn 2. 18, 22 & 4. 3. Some of the Gnosticks made Christ descend upon Iesus at his baptism, others at his incarnation. For Irenæus speaking of the Angels wch appeared to the shepherds at the birth of Christ, saith: Hoc agelos falsarij Gnostici dicunt ab Ogdoade venisse & descensionem superioris Christi manifestasse. Sed corrunt interum dicentes eum qui sursum sit Christum & Salvatorem non natum esse, sed post baptisma ejus qui sit ex dispositione Iesu, ipsum sient columbam in eum descendisse Iren. l. 3. c. 11. And this Christ & the Saviour who descended from above they sometimes called the Word. Whence Irenæus who lived in the saith: Etenim Verbum et Christum nec advenisse in hunc mundum volunt: Salvatorem vero non incarnatum neque passum; descendisse autem quasi columbam in eum Iesum qui factus est ex dispositione, & cum annunciasset in cognitum Patrem iterum ascendisse in Pleroma. And a little after: Secundum autem nullam sententiam hæreticorum, Verbum Dei caro faitum est. Si enim quis Regulas ipsorum omnium perscrutetur, inveniet quoniam sine carne et impassibilis ab omnibus illis inducitur Dei Verbum, et qui est in superioribus Christus. Alij enim putant manifestatum eum quemadmodum hominem transfiguvatem; neque autem natum, neque incarnatum dicunt illum: alij vero ne figuram \eum/ assumpsisse hominis; sed quemadmodum columbam descendisse in eum Iesum, qui natus est ex Maria. Omnes igitur illos falsos testes ostendens discipulus Domini, ait: Et Verbum caro factū est.
people in the wilderness encamped round the Tabernacles. On the east side were the tribes under the standard of Iudah, on the west were three tribes under the standard of Epraim, on the south were three tribes under the standard of Reuben, & on the north were three tribes under the standard of Dan. Num. 2. And the standard of Iudah was a Lion, that of Ephraim an Ox, that of Reuben a man & that of Dan an Eagle as the Iews affirm. Whence were framed the Hieroglyphicks of Cherubims & Seraphims to represent the people of Israel, A cherubim hading one body wth the four faces \of a lion, Ox, Man & Eagle/ looking to the four winds of heaven & without turning about \(as in Ezekiels vision)/, & {illeg} four Seraphims hading the same four faces with four faces \bodies/, one face to every body. The four beasts are therefore four Seraphims standing in the the four sides of the peoples court the first in the eastern side with the face \head/ of a Lion, the second on the western side wth the face \head/ of an Ox, the third on the southern side wth the face \head/ of a man, & the fourth on the northern side with the face \head/ of an eagle, & all four signify all the twelve tribes of Israel out of which all the 144000 were sealed Apoc. 7. 4. And the four Beasts had each of them six wings \as in Isaiahs Vision/, two to a tribe, in all 24 \wings/ answering to 24 stations of the people. And they rest not day & night (or at the morning & evening sacrifices) saying Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Almighty wch was & is & is to come. These animals are therefore the Seraphims wch appeared to Isaiah in a vision like this of the Apocalyps. For there also the Lord sat upon a throne in the Temple, & the Seraphims each with six wings cried, Holy, holy, holy Lord of hosts. And when those Animals give glory to God & honour & thanks to him that sitteth upon the throne who liveth for ever & ever the four & twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne & worship him that liveth for ever & ever, & cast their crowns before the throne saying Thou art worthy o Lord to receive glory & honour & power: for thou hast created all things & for thy pleasure they are & were created. At the morning & evening sacrifices, so soon as the sacrifice was laid upon the Altar, & the drink offering began to be poured out, the trumpets sounded & the Levites sang by course three times, & every time when the trumpets sounded the people fell down & worshipped. Three times therefore did the people worship: to express wch number the Beasts cry holy, holy, holy; & the song being ended the people prayed standing till the solemnity was ended. And in the mean time the Priests went into the Temple & there fell down before him that sat upon the throne & worshipped. This is \Hitherto/ the scene of the visions is described.
And Iohn saw in the right hand of him that sitteth \sat/ on the throne, a Book written within & on the backside seales, the prophetic book of the law laid up in the right side of the Ark, & wch by the festival of the seventh month predicted these things. It was written within with a Prophesy & on the backside with an interpretation of the Prophesy. As Daniels Prophesies \Visions/ consisted of two parts a Prophesy & an Interpretation thereof, so doth Iohn's. The Prophesy began with opening the first seal & ended with sounding the last Trumpet, & the Interpretation began with the words And the Temple of God was opened in heaven & there was seen in his Temple the Ark of his testament. And the book was sealed wth \seven/ seales wch none was found worthy to open but the Lamb of God. And lo in the midst of the throne & of the four Beasts & in the midst of the Elders \(that is at the foot of the Altar wch was in the Center of the whole)/ stood a Lamb as it were slain had been slain (the morning sacrifice), & having seven horns (wch are the seven churches) & seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent fourth into all the earth. And the Lamb came & took the book out of the hand of him that sat upon the throne. And when he took the book \the Lamb went into the most holy places wch was permitted to none but the H. Priest./ had taken the Book the four Beasts & four & twenty Elders fell down before the Lamb having every one of them Vialls & Harps & Vials full of odours wch are the prayers of the saints. And they sung - - - reign on the earth. By their falling down before the Lamb in the Lamb in the Temple with this song [& with the prayers of the saints) they worship him with religious worship, as he was a mortal man raised from the dead the Lamb of God who was slain for us & redeemed us with his blood. Because he was h humbled himself to death even the death of the cross therefore God the father exalted him & gave him a name above every name that at the name of Iesus every k\n/ee should bow, that is that all men should worship him religi with religious worship as he was a man who was slain for us & had reemed us with his blood. And I heard, saith Iohn, the voice of many Angels – – unto the Lamb for ever & ever. Unto God \God & the king/ the God of Israel who mad created all things & whom they \Israel/ worshipped as sitting upon his throne between the Cherubims & unto the Lamb of God who was sacrificed to him \at the Altar to the God of Israel/, the king who was slain for us & redeemed us with his blood, & made us kings & Priests under him. And this was the true worship of God & Christ in the times of the primitive Church.
It was the custome for the High Priest seven days before the Fast - - - - & lightnings of the fire of the Altar.
The solemnity of the day of Expiation - - - drink offrings of those sacrifices.
After six of the seals were opened & before he Iohn saith, And after these things, (that is, after the visions of the sixt seal) I saw four Angels standing on the four corners - - - - - [& the seventh man with the writers inkhorn to the Angel wch ascended from the east wth the seal of the living God.] by three great woes. This sealing was therefore relates to the times next after the visions of the sixt seal & before the sounding of the first Trumpet, & so is synchronal to the visions wch appear upon opening of the seventh seal untill the sounding of the first Trumpet.
In one of Ezekiel's visions when the Babylonian captivity was at hand six men appeared with slaugher weapons, & a seventh who appeared among them cloathed in white linnen & had a writers inkhorn by his side, is commanded to go through Ierusalem the midst of Ierusalem & set a mark on the foreheads of – – – – – & the seventh man with a writers inkhorn by his side to the Angel who ascended from the east with the seal of the living God.
Conceive \therefore/ that the 144000 who are sealed are \to distinguish the {illeg} them/ preserved from the plagues of the first six Trumpets & in the end \which fell upon them that had the mark of the Beast: & that at length/ by them preaching of the everlasting gospel to all nations {illeg} \they/ grow into a great multitude & at the sounding of the seventh Trumpet when to the war in \the end of/ which the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of God & his Christ, come out of the great tribulation with palms in their hands. For the great hosannah solemnity of the great Hosannah was kept upon by the Iews upon the seventh \or last/ day of the feast of Tabernacles, the Iews upon that day carrying palm branches in their hands & crying Hosannah.
\The High Priest studied ‡/‡ The High Priest studied the book of the law the seventh time on the evening before the tenth day of the seventh month. For the Iews began their days in the evening [Editorial Note 7] After six of the Angels (answering to the six men with slaughter weapons,) had sounded their Trumpets - - - - to open & look on the book And he set his right foot on the sea & his left foot - - - - - - - the ground of the house; & that he cried with a loud voice in reading the law in the day of Expiation. And when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. Thunders are the voice of a cloud & a cloud signifies a multitude & this multitude may be the Priests & Levites who sant \with thundering voices/ & plaid with musical Instruments at the \great/ sacrifices on the seven days of the feast of Tabernacles, at when \which times/ the Trumpets also sounded. For the Levites Trumpets sounded & the Levites sang alternately three times at every sacrifice & therefore the seven thunders are nothing else then the voice of a repetition of the Prophesy of the seven Trumpets in another form. - - - - - - should be finished as he hath declared to his servants the Prophets. And therefore the thunders up \voices of the seven/ thunders end with \at/ the sounding of the seventh Trumpet. & so are
And the voice wch I heard from heaven – – – – large description of the times of the great Apostacy
And the Angel stood [upon the earth & sea] syaing, Rise measure - - - forty & two months. that is This measuring sinifies {sic} the building of a second Temple for those that are sealed out all the twelve tribes of Israel & worship in the inward court of sincerity & truth: & leaving out the outward court or outward form of Church government religion & church government because it is given to the Babylonian gentiles. For the Women who fled \Whore of Babylon was/ into the wilderness continued the same woman in outward form & appearance with the glorious woman in heaven the remnant of whose seed kept the commandmts of God & had the testimony of Iesus, was the same wo continued the same Woman \in outward form/ after her flight into the wilderness, but was not th from her former sincer whereby she quitted her former sincerity & piety & became the great whore. And while the Gentiles worshipped in the outward court & trode the holy city under foot & worshipped in the outward courts the two Witnesses (represented by the two feet of him that had the open book in his hand & stood upon the earth & sea) prophesied in sackcloth against them, & had power like Elijah & Moses to consume their enemies with fire proceeding out of their mouths & to stop heaven that it rain not on the earth in the days of their prophesy, & to turn the waters into blood & to smite the earth with all plagues of often as they will, that is with the plagues of the seven Trumpets & Vialls of wrath; & a little before the sounding of the seventh Trumpet \at length/ are slain rise again from the dead & ascend up to heaven in a cloud, & then the seventh Trumpet sounds to the day of judgment.
The Prophesy being finished {illeg} Iohn being \is/ inspired anew by the eating \the/ book & begins the interpretation thereof with the words, And the Temple of God was opened in heaven, & there was seen in his Temple the Ark of the testament In the Prophesy the affairs of the Church begin to be described at the opening of the fift seale \where the Church hath Tribulation ten days/: & there the Interpretation begins by the vision of a Woman in heaven \travel/ wch is the primitive Church \in persecution./ Being seen through fire of the Altar she appeared cloathed with the Sun. And the fire of th burning coals of the Altar convene above & flat below appeared like the Moon under her feet, |she was cloathed with the Sun of righteousness & had the Moon of Iewish ceremonies under her feet,| & upon her head was a crown of twelve starrs \wch are/ the twelve Apostles. And she being with child of a Christian Empire cried travelling in birth & pained to be delivered, vizt in Dioclesians persecution wch \which lasted ten years/ in the end of wch she was delivered of Christian Empire. This Interpretation proceeds down first to the times of marking all men \men Israel/ wth the mark of the mark of the Beast except the {illeg} 144000 who ar stand on mount selaed with the seal of God, & then to the day of Iudgment represented by the harvest & vintage. Then it returns back to the times of opening the seventh Seale & sounding the seven Trumpets & interprets \explains/ that prophesy by the Vision \of those that w in the times of sealing get the victory {illeg} of over the Beast & his Image & by that of/ of seven Angels pouring out seven Vials of wrath till the day of jugment {sic}. Then it returns back again to describe the great Whore of Babylon reigning in the seven-hilled City, & of the Beast wch on wch she sitteth the times of the second Temple \&/ nations \Gentiles/ which worshipped in the outward Court \from the time that the Beast & his ten honrs received power as kings/ & describes them by the {illeg} vision of the Great Whore of Babylon wch sitteth upon many waters (the ten horns of the Beas & upon the Beast whose horns are those waters & who sh kills the two witnesses. And \thence forward/ these Visions continue down to the fall of Babylon, the battel of the great day, & the resurrection \& judgment/ first of the saints & then of the rest of the dead.
Sect. X.
Of the relation wch the Prophesy of Iohn hath
to the Prophesies of Daniel.
All Daniels Beats
Daniels three first Beasts had their lives prolonged to the end of the world after their dominions were taken away. And the third & fourth Beast of Daniel are the same with the Dragon & ten horned Beast of Iohn; but with \this/ difference, that Iohn puts the Dragon for the whole Roman Empire while it continued entire, & the considers not the Beast till the Empire becames divided: & then he puts the Dragon for the Empire of the Greeks & the Beast for the Empire of the Latines. And hence it is that the Dragon & Beast have common heads & common horns but the Beast hath Dragon Beast hath no crowns upon his heads because he reigned not before the rise of his horns the Dragon hath crowns upon heads & not upon his horns because the horns received not power as kings before they were & the Beast were separated from the Dragon & the Beast had crowns upon his horns & not upon his heads because he reigned not before the rise of the seventh head, b & then the he reigned in his horns. The heads are seven successive kings. Four of them were the four horsmen wch appeared at the opening of the seventh four &c seales first four seals. In the latter end of the sixt head \or seale/ considered as present in the visions its said that five of \the seven/ kings were fallen, & one was, & another was not come, & the Beast that was & is not (being wounded to death with a sword) he is the eighth & of the seven. being \He was therefore/ a collateral part of the seventh. The horns are the same with those of the fourth Beast of Daniel described above.
<128v>The woman \in heaven/ cloathed wth the Sun of righteousness & the Moon of Iewish ceremonies under her feet, & a crown of twelve starrs upon her head, (the twelve Apostles,) represents the primitive church catholick. [In Dioclesians persecution she cried travelling in birth & pained to be delivered, & sh in the end of that persecution she brought forth a manchild such a chir] For when she fled into the wilderness she left a remnant of her seed which kept the commandments of God & had the testimony of Iesus. In Dioclesians persecution she cried travelling in birth & pained to be delivered. And in the end of that persecution she brought forth a man child, such a child as in the end of the world was to rule all nations wth a rod of iron, that is a chistian {sic} Empire. And her child (by the victory of Constantine the great over Licinius) was caught up to God & to his throne. And the Woman, (by the division of the Roman Empire into the Greek & Latine Empires) fled into from the Dragon into the Wilderness where she is afterwards found sitting upon the ten-horned Beast & reigns {illeg} in \& is called/ the \great/ City seated on seven hills. And In the mean time there was war in heaven between the Dragon & Michael & the Dragon \(the christian & the heathen religion)/; & the Dragon (the heathen Roman Empire) was cast out of heaven & they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb & loved not their lives unto the death that old Serpent called the Devil & Satan wch deceiveth the whole world he (the heathen religion) was cast out of heaven to the earth, & his Angels were cast out with him. And Iohn heard a voice in heaven saying, now is come salvation & strength & the kingdom of or God & the power of his Christ. For the accuser of or brethren is cast down. And they overcame him before t by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of their testimony. And they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoyce ye heavens & ye that dwell in them. Wo be to the inhabiters of the earth & sea \(the people of the Gr. & Lat. Empire/ for the Devil is come down among you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time By the inhabiters of the Earth & Sea I understand the common people of the Greek & Latine empires. For by the Earth the Iews understood the great continent of Egypt-Syria & all Asia, & by the isles of the sea they understood Europe.
And \when/ the Dragon saw that he was cast down from the Roman throne he persecuted the Woman wch brought forth the Man-child, & to her (by \the founding of Constantinople with a Senate {in} Rome &/ the division of the Roman Empire between the sons of Constantine the great) were given two wings of a great Eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place And at the same time the Dragon \Serpent/ (by the same division) cast out waters as a flood \(the Western Empire/ after the \woman/ that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood into the & from him into the And the Earth (or Greek Empire) \helped the Woman &/ opened her mouth & swallowed up o the flood (by the victory of Constantius over Magnentius.) And the Dragon was wroth w or Greek E was wroth wth the woman \(in the reign of Iulian the Apostate/ & (by a new division of the Empire \between Valentinian & Valens/ went from her into the east to make war with the remnant of her seed (wch she left behind her in the Greek Empire) And by the same division (by the new \next/ division \of the Empire wch was/ between Gratian & Theosius) the Beast rose out of the sea, & (by the \last/ division thereof \wch was/ between the sons of Theodosius) the Dragon gave the Beast his power & throne & great authority. And there\n/ the ten horns received power as kings the same hour with the Beast.
When the Beast with first Beast which had been wounded to death & revived rose out out of the sea the second Beast rose out of the earth
When the whole Empire \represented by the Dragon/ became divided between the Dragon & the Beast, the whole Church became
When the first Beast (that Beast which had been wounded to death with a sword & revived) rose out of the Sea, the second Beast rose out of the Earth This Beast had two horns like the Lamb & therefore was a church & \in point of religion/ it spake as the Dragon being of the same religion & therefore was his Church. When the Woman By flee By the division of the Empire into the Greek & Latine {illeg} Empires, the Church became divided into the Greek & Latine Churches. And this division is represented by the Womans flying upon two wings of a great Eagle into the Western Empire compared to a spiritually barren wilderness & leaving a remnant of her seed behind her in the east, & by the Dragons going from the Woman to persecute that remnant, & the Beast wth ten horns arising o{illeg}ut of the sea to represent that the western Empire & a Beast wth two horns arising out of
The Prophesy of opening the
seventh Seal explained.
We shewed above that the prophesy of the sixt seal extended to the death of Valens, & the next thing is the holding of the four winds. They began to be held in the year 379 & were fully checkt & ceased in the year 380: & at the same time all noise ceased & there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. This silence was made by the ceasing of the winds: for noise denotes war & silence peace. With ye holding of the winds & ceasing of all noise the seventh seal began. During this silence there were an hundred & forty four thousand servants of God sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel & the rest received the mark of the Beast & became the Synagogue of Satan: & while the servants of God are sealing, an Angel offered their prayers with much incense upon the golden Altar, & then cast fire, that is, war, to the earth, & there were voices & thundrings & lightnings & an earthquake, wch is to be understood \not of the lasting \& pernicious war of forreign{illeg} / wars \invaders/ rpere\se/nted by the winds but/ of the civil wars \or battels/ between Theodosius & the Tyrants Maximus & Eugenius \wch consisted only in battels \& the {illeg} overthrow of the Tyrants/ without harrasing & wasting the Empire. After wch/ And then the seven Angels prepared themselves to sound their trumpets to seven great \pernicious lasting/ wars, the four first of wch are the four winds wch blow from the four corners of the earth & were to hurt the earth & the sea & the trees. These winds respect the City Rome as in the center & blow in the same order that the four Beasts appeared, the first being \chiefly/ an eastern the second \chiefly/ a western, the third \chiefly/ a southern & the fourth \chiefly/ a northern wind, & they hurt the earth the sea the trees the ships the mountains the rivesr & the Sun Moon & stars, that is the whole frame of the Roman Empire; & extinguishing the old dominion of Rome make way for a new dominion of that City. These wars \winds/ being the wars of the forreign invaders wch were checkt & restrained for a time by Gratian & Theodosius must be understood to break out a {freth} & to begin to hurt the earth & Sea \& & ye trees/ when those forreigners begin again to invade \& harrase/ the Empire wth great \& lasting/ violence, & to wch was presently after the death of Theodosius, & division of ye Empire between his sons.
The first Trumpet
The first Trumpet
The first of the four winds is an eastern \wind/ & hurt the earth or
So soon as Theodosius was dead & had left the Empire divided between his sons: Ruffin to whom he left the tuition of his son Arcadius who reigned over the eastern Empire thinking to get that Empire to himself, called in the nations of the north. And first Alaric with a great army of Goths [34] & other Barbarians, the very same year, brake out of Thrace into Macedon sparing neither towns nor men, & going thence
& a great army of Huns under Uldin from beyond the Danube wer wasted Thrace
They hurt the earth & ye sea & the trees They hurt the earth & the sea & the trees intermixedly & therefore
Here Ierome by dating the vastation of / dating the invasion of Europe from the irruption of the Goths, Sarmatans, Alans, Huns & other northern barbarians in the reign of Valens.
They began their incursions in the reign of Valens were quieted during the reign of Theodosius & in the end of ye & now \year 404/ invaded the Empire afresh & continued their incursions till the year 408 or longer.
But these commotions For [as you have already heard, the Romans accounted these comms the occasion of the \following/ desolations & ruin of the Empire after his death & therefore Ierome] several authors date \And therefore/ the wars wch raged after the death of Theodosius are by several authors; as Ierom, Claudian & Prudentius, dated from this invasion of the Empire by the Goths & those allied Huns & Alans in the reign of Valens & & this invasion is the defect of Valens \by those Barbarians/, notwithstanding that Theodosius & Gratian \curbed them &/ queted the empire for a time, is recconed by Prosper & others \(as you heard above to be/ the beginning of the mischief wch befell the Empire after that Empire afterward, that is \the beginning/ of the desolation of the eastern Empire & ruin of the western soon after the death of Theodosius. And \therefore/ the checking of these wars of by Gration & Theodosius for a time is very fitly represented by the holding of ye winds wch were to \that they that they should not/ hurt the earth & sea till after a certain time.
For before ye end of the year 380 the Empire was quieted in all places & continued \remained/ quiet from invasions till the death of Theodosius, For \this Emperor continues all his reign to check the barbarous nations & keept them out by force as often as they made/ as Pacatus in \his/ Panegyric \above/ wch he spake to the Emperor Theodosius himself a little after the his victory of \over/ the Tyrant Maximus A. C. 388 the thus describes Miremur – – – quasi amica si serviat. And in this \peacable/ condition Thus for Pacatus. Theodosius composita tranquillata republica apud Mediolanum constit diem obijti Oros. l 5 c 35. Omnibus inimicis Theodosius superatis in pace rebus humanis Mediolanum excessit: Iornandes de reg. success. Theodosius folijs imperium nullis seditionibus turbatum [ἀστασίαστον βασί|ι|λείαν ] transmisit. Philostory. l. 11. c. 2. In pace rebus humanis, annum agens quinquagesimum apud Mediolanum excessit; utran rempublicam utri id est Arcadio et Honorio quietam relinquens: S. Aurel. Victor. But this great warrior \being succeeded by children/ [Theodosius left his \elder/ son Arcadius Emperor of the East & his u under the tuition of Ruffin & his younger younger son Honorius Emperor of the west under ye] being dead \&/ the Barbarous nations invaded the Empire afresh & again & harrassed all the eastern Empire for about 12 years together wth incredible violence & broke \ruined/ ye western Empire \breaking it/ into ten kingdoms. For Theodondosius \dying &/ leaving the East his elder son \Arcadius/ Emperor of ye east under the tuition of Ruffin & his younger son Honorius Emperor of ye West under the tuition of Stilico; Ruffin called these Tutors turned traytors thinking to get & first & conspired wth the Barabrians thinking thereby \their assistance/ to get the Empires to themselves. And first Ruffin called the \neighbouring/ Barabrous \nations/ into ye eastern Empire the Goths neighbouring barbarous nations on both sides the Euxins sea who harrassed all that Empire for about 12 years together \& shook it/ wth incredible violence & then Ru Stilico called in \into the western Empire/ the rest of the barbarous nations who ruined that Empire breaking it into ten kingdoms. And these wars the Romans looked upon as the effect of the former wars wherein Valens perished & somtimes dated them from the beginning of that \Gothic wth ye Goths as if that war Theodosius had not put a full end to that war but only checkt it during his warlike reign, the barabrous \nations/ lying ready to pursue their hostilities they had begun so soon as the restraint should be taken off.{with him & another reign}/ with the Goths [So Ierome writing in ye year 397 saith that ye war Go blood of the Romans \between Constantinople & ye/ had \then/ been spilt above 20 years by ye invading Barbarous nations] In as if the wars wch broke out after the death of Theodosius were in the a revival of that former war, wch \or as if that first war/ had been violently restrained during the reign of that \the warlike & victorious/ Emperor & after \by/ his death when \had/ ye restraing {illeg} taken off & brake out afresh Which \This Which/ I note because it is the charater of the winds. They were \focibly/ held that they should not hurt ye earth & Sea \(or Eastern & Western Empires)/ till after a certain time, & therefore they endeavoured to blow before they were let loose & there were continued ready to blow upon the earth & sea \upon them/ so soon as the restrain should be taken off. By these winds I understand not civil wars but forreign invasions such wars \winds/ as were held at the four corners or borders of the earth or borders of the empire & blew upon it from thence.
Chap. VIII Of the scene & order of the visions in the Apocalypse.
The scene of the visions in ye Apocalyps is the Temple; the first Temple \wth seven golden candlesticks & seven lamps/ during the primitive times of the Christian religion, & the second Temple wth two of the seven Candlesticks & \two of the/ seven lamps {illeg} other five being removed for not repenting during the times of the great apostacy captivity, the other five being removed out of their places for not repenting.
In the beginning of the vision Iohn saw \seven golden Candlestics & a mighty/ one like the son of man in the form \habit/ of the High Priest, {illeg} dressing the lamps wch appeared like a rod of seven stars in his right hand, & was told that the seven stars {illeg} represent the Angels of the seven Charges \Churches of Asia/ (called also the seven spirits of G. before the throne \burning like seven lamps of fire/) & that seven Candlesticks represent the seven Churches, called the churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamus, Thyatira, Sardes, Philadelphia & Laodicea. The Bishops of these Churches by labouring in the gospel, illuminated the Church catholick in the primitive times of ye Christian religion & when while the first Temple stood.
In the beginning of the Vision Iohn saw seven golden Candlesticks & amidst them one like the son of man in the habit of the High Priest, dressing the lamps wch appeared like a rod of seven stars in his right hand, & was told that the seven Candlesticks represent seven Churches of Asia called the churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamus, Thyatyra, Sardes, Philadelphia, & Laodicea, & that \the seven stars represent/ the Angels of the seven Churches
<130v>And there may be a few more if Per Cypselus & Periander lived a little later. Suppose that the reign of Cypselus began an 2. Olymp. 37 & that Periander died an 4 Olymp 54 & that \reccon the six generations at 34 years a piece &/ the eleven kings reigned /at\ 20 years a piece one wth another: & ret this recconing will place the return of the Heraclides 50 years before the first Olympiad & allow 60 years for the annual Prytames. But
<132r>The Epistle to the \Angels of the/ seven Churches of Asia are seven (that is to their Bishops) are seven admonitions to their Churches from the time that they began to lose lefte their first love & began to decay & grow cold untill the time that the Church of Lo Christ spewed them Church of Laodican out of his mouth. For at the end of every Epistle is added He hath an ear let him heare what the spirit saith unto ye Churches, & therefore every Epistle hath reference to the all the Churches. The first relates to the time when they left \began to leave/ their first love, wch was in the third Century & especially after the persecution of Decius, as Eusebius describes in his Ecclesiastical History l. 8 c. 1. The second relates to the time when they had tribulation ten days that is to the in the Persecution of Decius wch lasted ten years. The third relates to the time when the doctrine of the Nicolaitans began to creep into the Churches & the Prophets of the Nicolaitans taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the children of Isael {sic}. The fourth relates to the time when the woman Iezabel began \to call her self a Prophetess that is to usurp divine authority over the Churches &/ to teach the people to eat things sacrificed to the idols of the Nicolaitans. The fift relates to the times when the Chuch {sic} flourshed {sic} in outwardly appearance having only a name that she lived, but being dead. The sixt relates to the times when the Church was in trouble, having a name that & kept the word of Christ's patience & denyed not his name \which was in the reign of Iulian the Apostate/, & had an open door set before her, a door wch Christ opened wth the key of David. The seventh relates to the times when the \Eastern/ Churches of Asia were grown lukewarm & \& notwithstanding these seven admonitions continued luke-warm till/ Christ spewed them out of his mouth. in respect of their outward form of government. By these Epistles Christ admonished the decaying Churches \of Asia/ from time to time to repent & at length for want of repentence spewed them out of his mouth.
After this Introduction \to the Prophesy/ Iohn saw a door opened in the Temple on Mount Sion & was called up thither & a throne appeared in heaven is the most holy above the Ark, & one sat upon the throne with a rainbow about him & round about the throne were four & twenty the seats (the chambers of the four & twenty Princes of the Priests) & upon the seats were four & twenty elders in white raiment wth crowns of gold on their heads. And by reason of the sacrifices burning on the great altar & the musick of the Temple at those sacrifices Iohn there seemed to proceed out of the throne lightnings & thundrings & voices. And there were seven lamps of fire burning in the holy place before the throne, wch represent the seven spirits of God. And before the throne was a brazen sea made of the looking-glasses of the weomen & filled wth water clear as crystal. And while Iohn stood in the eastern gate of the great court of the Temple there appeared in the four sides of the great court as before & behind throne as it were in the midst thereof & on either side of the throne four Beasts full of eyes to represent the multitudes of people in the four sides of that court. And the first Beast was like a Lion & the second Beast like a calf & the third Beast had a face as a man & the fourth Beast had was like a flying eagle, in allusion to the four standards of the people of Israel encamped in the wilderness in four squadrons on the four sides of the Tabernacle: \wch standards/, as the Iews tell us, were in these shapes. And the four Beasts had each of them six wings, & they were full of eyes under the wings. And (like the Seraphins in Isaiah's vision chap. vi) they rest not day & night (or at morning & evening sacrifice, saying Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty wch was & is & is to come. And when those Beasts give glory & honour & thanks to him that sat on the throne to him that liveth for ever & ever, the four & twenty elders [going into the holy place &] fall down before him that sat on the throne & worship him that liveth for ever & ever & cast their crowns before the Throne saying, Thou art worthy ô Lord to receive glory & honour & power: for thou hast created all things & for thy pleasure they are & were created. And this is the Christian worship of God the father delineated under the form of the Iewish his worship in the Temple among the Iews. For his worship is the same in both cases.
And I saw, saith Iohn in the right hand of him who sat upon the Throne a Book written within & on the back side & sealed with seven seales, alluding to the book of the Law laid up in the right side of the Ark & to the Book wch Daniel had sealed the book of \& being conteining/ the revelation of Iesus Christ wch God gave unto him. And none was \found/worthy in heaven or ea\r/th to open the book & read thereon till the Lamb appeared as it had been slain at the foot of the great altar having seven horns & seven eyes wch are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. And he came & took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. And when he had taken the book the four Beasts & four & twenty Elders, fell down before the Lamb having every one of them harps & golden vialls full of odours wch are the prayers of the saints. And they sung a new son saying Thou art worthy to receive take the book & to open the seals thereof for thou wast slain & hast redeemed us to God by they blood out of every kindred \& tongue/ & people & tongue & nation: And hast made us unto our God Kings & Priests & we shall reign on the earth. And Iohn heard the vice {sic} of many Angels round about the throne & the Beasts & the Elders & the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand & thousands of thousans {sic}, saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power & riches & wisdome & strength & honour & glory & blessing. And ever creature wch is in heaven & on the earth & under the earth & such as are in hte sea, & all that are in them heard I saying: Blessing & honour & glory & power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne & unto the Lamb & unto the Lamb for ever & ever: to God because he created all things & to ye Lamb because he redeemed us with his blood. And the four Beasts said Amen, & the four & twenty Elders fell down [in ye most Holy place, & worshipped him that liveth for ever & ever. And this is the worship wch {Christians are authorised to give} | the primitive church gave to Iesus Christ the man who was slain for us & redeemed us with his blood.
Upon the tenth day of the seventh month the High Priest read the Law of Moses to the people & for this end he studied the book seven days together that is upon the fourth, fift six seventh eighth ninth days of the tenth seventh month & in allusion to this custome to the Lamb opens the seven seales of the book successively. And when he opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven for half an hour, vizt during the reading of the Law.
Upon the fifteenth day of the seventh month began the feast of Tabernacles & this feast of Tabernacles & this feast was kept seven days together with great sacrifices. And at the sacrifices the Priests & Lev to sounded the Trumpets & poured out the drink offerings & the Levites sang loud & played upon instruments of musick. And in allusion the to this the opening of the seventh seal is followed with the sounding of seven Trumpets & to seven warrs in wch the slaughtering of men are compared to \considered as/ sacrifices, & at these sacrifices seven thunders utter their voices, \(the voices of the Levites singing)/ & seven Vials of wrath are poured out \as drink offerings/. The seven Trumpets the seven thunders & the seven vialls are therefore contemporary to one another.
At the time of opening the seventh seale when there was silence in heaven for half an hour, the Angels of the first four Trumpets held the four winds of the earth that they should not hurt the earth & the sea & the trees (as was done at the sounding of the two first Trumpets) untill the servants of God were sealed in their foreheads. And there were 144000 sealed out of all twelve tribes of Israel. And when these were sealed with the seale of God, it is to be understood that the rest were marked with the mark or name of the Beast: the two horned Beast at that time causing all both small & great rich & poor free & bond to receive the marks of the Beast in their right hand or in their foreheads. For as soon as this was done the 144000 appeared on Mount Sion wth the name of God in their foreheads. And the same thing is represented by measuring the Temple & Altar & them that dwell therin, that is court of the Temple & the court of the Altar & the new court or weomens & leaving out the great court for the gentiles. And therefore all this marking & sealing & numbring & measuring was done between the opening of the seventh seal & the sounding of the first Trumpet. These 144000 sealed ones are the two Witnesses, & stand on the sea of glass \before the seven Angels begin to pour out the vials of wrath./ The rest have the mark of the Beast.
The prophesy of the seals & trumpets ends with the sounding of the seventh Trumpet & then is repeated, & the repetition beginns with the words And the temple of God was opened in heaven, & ends with the Book.
In allusion to the High Priest dressing the Lasmps in \the/ morning of the great day of expiation: Christ appears in the Habit of the High Priest walking amidst the seven golden Candlesticks with his right hand behind the \seven/ Lamps so that they appeared like a rod of seven stars in his hand. And these starrs are candlesticks represent the seven Churches of Asia & were in the first Temple with their Lam lamps. For when the Temple was opened to the morning sacrifice & Iohn saw therein a Throne & one sitting thereon, he saw also seven lamps of fire burning before the throne wch were the seven spirits of God; the same spirits with those represented by the seven starrs; P All the seven Churches lamps w There were therefore seven lamps with their Candlesticks in the first Temple but in the second Temple there remained only two Candlesticks & these are calle The seven Candlesticks are the seven Churches of Asia & their lamps illuminated the Church cath the primitive Church represented with worshipping in the first temple. The two Candlesticks are the two witnesses & their lamps burn by means of the oyle supplyed from the two olive treest & illuminate the Chu\r/ch worshipping in the second Temple. Five of the seven Churches of Asia were found found fault with & exhorted to repent & threatned if they did not repent. These were the Churches of Ephesus Pergamus Thyatira Sardis & Laodicea. These were removed for n & spewed out of Christs mouth for not repenting. Two of them were spotless & through afflictions & tribulation the Churches of Smyrna & Philadelphia. & these having These had done nothing for wch they deserved to be removed & \therefore/ they are conveyed \continued/ down into the second Temple in their state of affliction & poverty & tribulation & there are called the two candlesticks & the two Olive trees & the two witnesses. For the Church of God \represented/ did not cease at the fall of the first Temple but was propagated down into the posterity of the Churches second temple without interruption, & this was done by representing Churches by Candlesticks & continuing some of the Candlesticks down into the second Temple.
Ten Apocalyptic Visions are represented as done appearing in the Temple, & allude to the worship of the Iews in the Temple on the feast of Tabernacles. First the hight Priest dresses the in the morning dresses the seven lamps wch appeare like a rod of seven starrs in his right hand while he dresses ym. And this dressing is performed by seven admonitory Epistles sent from dictated by the Hight Priest to Iohn to be sent to the Angels of or Bishops of the seven Churches \of Asia/ to make them shine the brighter [till the rise of the grea glorious woman in heaven should fly from the Temple into \through/ ye wilderness to Babylon & leave only a remnant of her seed in the Temple wch hav keep the Commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus. For \For/ the High Priest is the son of man in the habit of the High Priest the seven Candlesticks represent the seven Churches of Asia & the seven lamps \represent/ the Angels of or Presidents of those Churches, & the woman in heaven the \is the primitive/ Church catholick, till the saints are sealed with the seale of God & those become the two witnesses, & & at length put on sackcloth, & the rest receive the mark of the Beast & worship his Image & become fly in to a state of spiritual barrenness represented by the wildernes \of Arabia desert/ & with relation to their form of Church government are united into one body \or Church/ represented by a woman living deliciously at Babylon, while the two witnesses prophesy in sackcloth in the streets of that great city. The two witnesses are called the two Candlesticks to signify that they are rpresented by two of the seven Candlesticks or Churches, the Churches of Smyrna & Philadelphia who were under persecution & were faultless & the other five &c] Whence it follows that the s lamps of the seven Churches of Asia were the great light wherewithe the primitive church Catholick was illuminated.
After the lamps are dressed Iohn is called up to the morning sacrifice & there saw the eastern door of the Temple opened, & sing was called up to the morning sacrifice, & there saw a throne & one sitting upon it representing God sitting the Ark, & his colour he looked in colour like a jasper & sardine stone the colour of the people of the Iews, & round the throne were 24 seats with 24 Elders upon them \crowned/, vizt the chambers of the 24 Prices of the 24 houses \orders/ of the Priests on either \side/ of the Priests court. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings & thundrings & voyces; the flashes of the fire on the Altar & the musick & singing before the Altar appearing to Iohn at ye eastern gate of the Temple as coming from the Throne. And there appeared the seven lamps wch had been newly dressed & represent the seven spirits of God & Angels of the seven churches. And before throne was the \a/ sea of glass, the great brazen sea made of the looking glasses of water clear as glass. And over against the midst of the throne before & behind & \in the circit/ on either side the throne \were four Beasts/ full of eyes before & behind to represent four bodies of men on the four sides of the Throne, \that is,/ the people of Israel in the four sides of the great court. And the Beasts were like a Lyon, or Calf, a Man & a flying Eagle, these being the standards of the four squadrons of the people of Israel on the four sides of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. And the four Beasts & 24 Elders rest not \rest not/ day & night or at the morning & evening sacrifices) worhsip God without ceasing. And in the right hand of him that sat on the throne was a [book \(the book of the law in the side &/ written within (wth a \sevenfold/ Prophesy) & on the backside (with an interpretation thereof) & sealed with seven] (the Book of the law in the side of the Ark appearing as it were in the his right hand) written within & on the back side (of every leaf) & sealed with seven seals And none was found worthy to open the book till the Lamb of God appeared as it were slain in the midst of the Elders & Beasts that is at the foot of ye altar, that is in the morning sacrifice. And then the Beasts & Elders wor ship God & the Lamb who was slain.
These visions allude to the feast of the seventh month, & upon the tenth day of the month the High Priest read the the Law to the people & in order thereunto studied the book of the Law seven days together beginning upon the fourth day of the month. And in allusion to this the Lamb opens the seven seals in order: & upon the tenth day of the month wch was the great fast of the Iews he opens the seventh seale wherewith the great Apostacy begins.
The times of the seventh seal are thrice described. 1st By the holding of the four winds of heaven that they should not hurt the earth & the sea & the trees untill the 144000 be sealed with the seale of out of all the twelve tribes of Israel with the seale of God in their foreheads, & the rest receive the mark of the Beast, & by the Palm-bearing multitude. 2dly By the ac silence in heaven for half an hour & the offe\r/ing of incence & scattering the fire of the Altar upon the earth to burn the red cow & the sounding of six of the seven Trumpets to the wars wch were to hurt the earth & sea & the trees &c. 3dly By an Angel coming down from heaven wth ye little book in his hand now opened & Iohns taking & eating the book & prophesying again out of it, & measuring \& standing wth his right foot on ye sea & his left foot on ye earth while ye 7 Thunders uttered their voices,✝✝ the voices of singing seven times being compared to seven thunders ✝ that is, while the Priests sung at the seven sacrifices & wch the seven Trumpets sounded: the voices of singing seven times being compared to seven – Thunders. 4thly By ye Angels commanding Iohn to rise & measure the commanding him to measure/ the temple & altar & \term/ that worship therein, that is the court of the Temple & the court of the Altar or Priests court, & the court of them \144000/ that worship \God/ called the Priests c weomens court, & leaving out the great court because it is given to the Gentiles who worship nothe tread down the holy city while the two Witnesses prophesy in sackcloth. This me The two witnesses are called the two Candlesticks to signify that they are two of the seven Candlesticks. Five of them were found faulty & admonished to repent, & the other two (vizt the Churches of Smirna & Phi & removed out of their places & spewed out of Christs mouth for not repenting: The other two (vizt the Churches of Smirna & Philadelphia) were in affliction & without fault \nor fault was found wth them/, & these two are continued in the second temple to represent the people of God who were sealed with the seal of God in their foreheads & worship him to in the measured Court. They are not new churches but a remnant of the old ones primitive Church. These Witnesses prophesy in sackcloth 1260 days, & the Gentiles tread under foot the holy city 42 months, [& the Beast continued 42 months, & the woman was nourished deliciously in her place in the wilderness a time two times & an half, or three years & an half, \or 1260 days/ from the face of the serpent. The periods are one & the same & this period did not begin before the w woman had fully escaped from ye face of the Dragon, that is from under his dominion. And at the end] The periods are the same. And at the end of this period hte Witnesses are slain by the Beast, rise up from the dead, & ascend up to heaven in a cloud, & then the 7th Trumpet sounds to the day of Iudgment. This is the writing of the book within, & now follows the writing on the backside, wch is a repetition of the whole. For when the seven thunders had uttered their voices Iohn was commanded to eat the little book, & when he had done so he was told that he must prophesy again.
W All Daniels four Beasts are still in being & their lives are still prolonged: but the dominions of the three first as \were/ long since taken away. Yet the third Beast \He-Goat/ in the reign of his last horn, grew mighty after his dominion was taken away, grew mighty, but not by his own powers, & this The Ram reigned in the Medes & Persians from the days of Cyasceres to those of Alexander the great that is, all the time of the two first Monarchies, & the He Goat reigned all the time of the two last All the time of the third Beast he reigned \first/ in his great horn & \then/ in his four horns \during all the times of the third Beast/ & when their dominion was taken away, he reigned in his little horn in the time of the fourth Beast & grew mighty but not by his own power For The nations wch composed the body of the third Beast do still compose it, & the He Goat still represents all those nations on this side of Euphrates. [He reigned in his four horns (or some of them) till the fourth Beast by conquering Macedon began to take away their Asia minor Syria & Egypt took away their dominion. And in the latter time of their kingdom the little horn rose up] And the great red Dragon in the Apocalyps represents sec represents the same nations & signifies the same thing with the He Goat reigning in his last horn & therefore is said to have his throne in Pergamus, a city of the Greek Empire. And the ten horned Beast in the Apocalyps signifies the same thing with the fourth Beast. The Beast wch I saw, saith Iohn, was like unto a Leopard, & his feet were like \as/ the feet of a Bear, & his mouth as the mouth of a Lyon. Iohn here names all the four beasts backwards & puts the ten-horned beast in the first place to signify that he was the fourth. And then he adds: And the Dragon gave the Beast his power & his Throne & great authority, that is his western power & his western Throne & great authority in the west. For the Beast reigned in the west, & therefore the Dragon at this time by a division of the Roman Empire between himself & the Beast relinquished the Western Empire to the Beast & reserved only the eastern Empire to himsel or kingdom of Pergamus to himself. While both Empires continued united they were both the Dragon & both the Beast, & therefore they have common head & common horns But the Dragon has crowns upon his heads & the Beast upon his horn to signify that the Beast with his horns were latent in the Dragon during the reign of the common heads & \that he/ reigned in his horns after their separation. So then before the division of the Empire the whole was both Dragon & Beast, but upon the division they separated & the Dragon continued to reign in the Greek Empire & gave the Beast his reserving to himself his throne in Pergamus, & gave the Beast his power & throne in the west, & them \at the same time/ the ten horns received power as kings.
D The Woman in heaven (the primitive Church catholick) crowned wth a crown of twelve stars (the twelve Apostles) brought forth a man child (a christian empire) When Constantine turned Christian & conquered Maxentius & Maximinus; she brough forth this child \wch was to rule all nations wth a rod of iron/. And her child (by the victory of Constantine \Constantine over Maxentius Maximinus &/ Licinus) was caught up to God & to his throne (the throne of the whole Empire.) And the great red Dragon (the Greater Roman Empire) was that old serpent called the Devil & Satan wch deceived the whole world (the \spirit of error or/ heathen religion) was cast out of the heaven (the throne of the Roman Empire) by Michael to the earth (or lower sort of the people) & came down among the inhabiters of the earth & sea with great wrath, that is \among the/ nations called by anciently by the people of Israel the earth & the Isles of the sea, or among the nations of the Gree eastern nations of the old Roman Empire called the earth, & the western called the Isles of the sea. And when the Dragon (or spirit of error saw that he was cast out, he persecuted the Woman (with new errors) & to \her/ by a division of the Roman Empire between Rome & Constantinople were give unto the Woman two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the spiritually barren wildernernes unto her place in the great city Babylon \seated on seven hills/ & there rei at length reign over her Beast & be nourished deliciously a time times & half a time \\at a distance/ from the face of the Serpent./ And the stagn Serpent \(by the same division of the Empires)/ cast out waters as a flood after the Woman to cause her to be carried away of the flood into the wilderness in the western Empire where she was to be nourished. And the Earth or eastern Empire opened her mouth & swallowed up the flood. And the Dragon (in the reign of Iulian) was wroth with the Woman & (by a new division of the Empire) went (from her) to make war wth the remnant of her seed {illeg} who keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus, that is, with the 144000 who in this war are sealed with the seale of God in their foreheads \& worship in the second Temple/ & by reason of their testimony are called the two witnesses & stand on the sea of glass in \the second/ Temple upon Mount Sion wth the Lamb, \(that Lamb/ who appeared slain at the foot of the Altar) over against the middle of the throne) & sing the song of Moses (who had \having who had/ power to turn the wat waters into blood & smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will & at length are slain in the street of the great city spiritually called Egypt,) & the song of the Lamb upon Mount Sion And with the 144000 upon Mount Sion. And when the Dragon \(by a division of the Empire)/ went from the Woman, Iohn \/saw a Beast rising up out of the sea (by the same divisor a lit division) & having \seven heads &/ ten horns & crowns upon them his horns (the fourth Beast of Daniel) & the Dragon (by the final division of the Empire) gave him his (western) power & throne & great authority. And Iohn saw one of heads (the sixt) wounded as it were wounded to death by a sword (the sword of Constantius) & his deadly wound was healed) by the {illeg} \next/ division of the Empire) And another Beast came up out of th earth \or Grek Empire/ & he had two horns like those of the Lamb (the churches of Alexandria & Antioch) & he spoke as the Dragon (being his Church & of the same idolatrous religion) & causeth all that dwell on the earth or Gree the earth (or eastern Empire) & them that dwell therein to worship the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed
This kingdom came out
Thesis III
The prophesy of the Seales & Trumpets relates to the times from the days of the Apostles to the day of judgment, distinguishing into successive periods by the opening of the Seals & sounding of the Trumpets successively.
It began wth the Apostles days because Iohn was commanded to write the things wch are & the things wch shall be here after, & a door being opened in heaven, he was called up thither by \heaven saying heard th/ the voice of a Trumpet saying come up hither & I will shew thee things wch must be hereafter.
It lasted to the day of judgment because \after th/ the prophetic Angel said to Iohn \after the seven thun\ders// that there should be time no longer, but in the voice of the seventh Angel when he should begin to sound the mystery of God should be finished. And when that Trumpet sounded it is said, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord & of his Christ, & he shall reign for ever & ever, & the time of the dead is come that they should be judged & that God should give rewards unto his servants the prophets & to his saints, & them that feared his name small & great.
Thesis. IV.
The same things were ad here prophesied of were adumbrated \by Moses/ in the Iewish Feast of the seventh month of the Iews & therefore in the prophesy of the Seals & Trumpets that Feast is alluded unto.
For the High Priest was to read the Law to the people upon the tenth day of the seventh month: & for that for that end to study it that morning & six days before (as the Iews tell us ). & this is alluded unto by the Lamb of God (or great High Priest) his taking the Book out of the {illeg} right hand of him that sat upon the Throne \or Ark/ between the Cherubims, & opening the seven seales thereof successively: some part of the book being opened at the opening of every seale till the whole was opened. A On the tenth day of the month was the great Fast. And therein were two Goats chosen by lot one for God the other for Azazel. That for God was sacrificed \as an attonement/ for ye sins of the people, that for Azazel was sent away into the wilderness with the sins of the people rest of people And as the people returned from the Temple they used to say to one another, God seale you to a good new year. And in allusion to this so soon as the seventh seal is opened And Angel appears with the seal of God & seals 144000 out of all the twelve Tribes of Israel & the rest are ma receive the mark of the Beast as is afterwards exprest.
On the fifteenth day of the month began the feast of Trumpets wch lasted seven days wth great sacrifices every day at wch the Preists sounded the Trumpets. And to this ceremot And to this alludes the sounding of the seven Trumpets.
Thesis I
The scene of the Visions in the Apocalyps is the Temple of Ierusalem
The door wch Iohn saw opened in heaven was the door of the Temple. And when he was called up he saw a Throne set in heaven & one sitting on the throne. For so the Iews considered God as sitting on a throne between the Cheriums above the Ark. And round about the throne were four & twenty seats; the chambers of the 24 Princes of the 24 courses of the Priests built on either side of the Priests Court. And upon the thrones were four & twenty Elders cloathed in white, & on they had crows the Princes of the said 24 courses & they had crowns on their heads \to signify that they were Princes./ And out of the throne proceeded lightnings & thunderings & voices, the flashings of the Altar & song at the sacrifices appearing as com to Iohn as proceeding from the throne. For he stood at the eastern Gate of the outward Court with the {illeg} fire of the Altar between him & the throne. And they that sang stood at the eastern gate of the Priests court. And there were seven Lamps of fire burning before the throne vizt in the seven golden candlesticks within the holy place. And before the throne there was a sea of glass celare as \like unto/ crystall the great brazen sea full of clear water. And in the midst of throne & round about the throne, that is, over against the midst of the throne before & behind & on either side in the circle about the throne, were four Beasts full of eyes before & behind: \to represent/ the people of Israel in the four sides of the great Court or peoples court. By the multitude of their eyes you may know that they represent multitudes of people. The Israelites in the wilderness encamped about the Tabernacle in four squadrons: On the east encamped the tribes of Iudah Issachar & Zebulun under the standard of Iudah which was a Lion. On the south side encamped the tribes of Reuben Simeon & Gad & under the standard of Reuben wch was a flying Eagle. Num. 2. Gen 49. 6. 9 Ezek. 1. 10. This vision is like that of Isaiah when he saw the Lord sitting on a throne in the Temple & about the throne four Seraphims each with six wings crying Holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts. Isa. vi. And each of the Beasts had six wings, & they were full of eyes within. And they rest not day & night (or at the morning & evening sacrifices) saying Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty wch was & & is & is to come
Thesis 1.
The scene of the Visions in the Apocalyps is the Temple of Ierusalem.
Thesis II
The visions of opening the sealed book & sounding the seven Trumpets contein a prophesy of all ages from the days of the Apostles to the coming of Xt to judgment. And this prophesy was adumbrated in the festival of the seventh month instituted by Moses.
Thesis. III
This prophesy is repeated in the visions of the Woman & Dragon & Beast with ten horns. And the repetition begins with the words: And the Temple of God was opened in heaven, & there was seen in his Temple the Ark of his Testament
Thesis IV
The prophesies of the seven Trumpets, seven Vialls of Wrath & seven Thunders are synchronal to one another.
Thesis V
The prophesies of the 144000 sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel & of the the rest marked with the mark of the Beast & of the Woman sitting on her Beast in the Wilderness, & of \the second Temple &/ the Gentiles worshipping in the outward court of the Temple \treading the holy city under foot s/ & the two Witnesses prophesying against them are synchronal to one another.
Thesis VI.
The Dragon & \the horned/ Beast are the Roman Empire first united & then divided into the Greek & Latin Empires: the Dragon becoming the Greek Empire when he went from the Woman to make war with the remnant of her seed.
Thesis VII
The Woman in heaven is the Christian Church of the whole Empire till it became divided, & then she fled into the \spiritually barren/ wilderness & became the Church of the Latine Empire & at the same time the two horned Beast wch \at the same time/ rose out of the earth became the Church of the Greek Empire
Thesis VIII.
The two Witnesses are the 144000 sealed out of all the 12 tribes of Israel, & represented by two of the seven golden Candlesticks.
Thesis IX.
The ten horns of the Beast are the same with the ten horns of Daniel's fourth Beast, & arose in the reign of the Emperor Honorius.
Thesis X
The Dragon gave the Beast his power & throne at the last division of the Roman Empire into the Greek & Latine Empires: wch was at the death of Theodosius the great. Apoc XVII. 12. [For ye 10 King arose the same hour
The Beast was the flood wch the Dragon cast out after the Woman, was slain by ye sword of Constantius, revived at the death of Iovian, rose out of Sea at the next division of the Empire
Thesis XI
The woman being with child cried travailing in birth & pained to be delivered in the persecution of Dioclesian, & brought forth a manchild when Constantine ye great became Christian & conquered Maxentius & Maximinus, & \the child/ was caught up to God & his throne \& the Dragon cast down/ when Constantine conquered Licinius. And the Woman receiv{ed} two wings of a great Eagle when Constantinople was built & endowed with Senate & other like privileges with Rome, & the Empire became divided between those two imperial cities.
Thesis XII.
The four horsmen wch appear at the opening of the first four seales denote four families of Emperors wch reigned successively while the Empire continued in a monarchical form, that is, untill the division thereof between Dioclesian & Maximianus.
Thesis XIII.
[4] For this Prophesy being given by Christ is a Revelation of such things as principally concern the Christian religion & therefore \relates/ chiefly to those kingdoms in wch the Christian religion flourished most & wch were connected to Christianity, that is, to the Bo{illeg} Empire.
[6] Isa. 66. 7, 8.
[7] Num. 2.
[8] Themist. Orat. 5 ad Theodos.
[Editorial Note 1] There follow a number of different additions of reigns.
[9] this a follows the sheet inclosed in 37
[10] Isa. LXVI. 7, 8
[12] Sect
[15] b Ruffin. Socr. Sozon. Theodovet,
[16] c Cyril. Hierosol. cateh. 4, 10, 14.
[17] Isa 66. 7, 8.
[Editorial Note 2] The following paragraph is written in the margin.
[Editorial Note 3] The remainder of this page appears upside-down.
[Editorial Note 4] This line is found at the bottom of the page, upside down.
[Editorial Note 5] The text on this page appears upside down.
[18] Isa. 14. 12
[24] Hist. Laus. c. 67.
[26] l. 11. c. 8.
[28] A. C. 312
[29] A. C. 323
[30] A. C. 330
[Editorial Note 6] The following sections are written sideways in the margins of the opening ff. 113v-114r, but do not appear to form part of the main text on those pages.
[31] Ezek. 2.
[32] Ezek. 9. & 10.
[33] Isa. 22. 22
[Editorial Note 7] The passage added here is from Yahuda 7.3j.
[Editorial Note 8] The text on f. 139r and v is upside down, with the recto the continuation of the verso; f. 139v is therefore transcribed first, followed by f. 139r.