
These things being understood it will not be difficult to describe the Heads of ye Dragon. The four first are the four horsmen wch the four Beasts – – Dynasties of Emperors. There was {Nam} one dynasty of the family of Iulius Cæsar \the {wester}/ wch lasted till the death of Nero that is till the time but we are to consider those Dynasties wch followed the writing of this Prophesy. And the first was of Vespatian & his family \wch lasted/ till the death of Domitian the last of the twelve Cæsars.

The first Emperors were Italians called the twelve Cæsars. Of these there were two dynasties the first of the family of Iulius Cæsar wch lasted till the death of Nero, the next of the family of Vespasian wch lasted till the death of Domitian the last of ye twelve Cæsars. The Apocalyps was written in ye end of the first & therefore we are to begin wth the last. Of this Dynasty there were \only/ three Emperors Vespatian Titus & & his \two/ sons Titus & grandson Domitian. Vespasian was created Emperor of \in/ the East, [\in the time of ye Iewish war./ And there being at that time \{then} a rumor of a Prophesy that/ an expectation of a great Monarch sho|uld| arise about that time in Iudæa: [the Romans interpreted it of Vespatian] in the time of Iewish war & thence the the \him/ Romans took him to be the Messiah whom the Iews were then {ex} expecting

The second Dynasty was of Trajan a Spaniard & his \a family of/ Spaniards from the Trajan Hadrian Antoninus Marcus & Commodus


Now the Dynasties of the Roman Emperors were these. First Italians from Iulius Cæsar \down/ to Trajan. In this Dynasty reigned first Iulius Cæsar & 2 Spa |his| family till to ye \writing of the Prophesy &/ death of Nero & then Vespasian & his family to ye death of Domitian.

2 Spaniards, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus, Marcus & Commodus. Trajanus homo Hispanus Trajanus homo Hispanus nec Italus erat nec Italicus; ante eum     3 Africans Severus Caracalla Macrinus Heligabalus Alexander the three Gordians & Philip nemo alterius nationis Imperium Romanum obtinuerat (Dion{illeg}) Natus Italicæ in Hispania (Victor de Cæsar.) Hadriani origo posterior ab Hispaniensibus manat, ejus pater Ælius Hadrianus consobrinus Trajani Imperatoris, mater Gadibus or{illeg}a (Spartian in Hadriano) Ipse Trajani municeps & nepos (Spartian in Severo) \etiam/ natus Italicæ in Hispani (Victor de Cæsar) & Euseb. Chron) ἦν μὲν γὰρ πολίτης ἀυτοῦ [Τραιάνου] καὶ ἐτραπεύθη ὑπ᾽ ἀυτοῦ, γένους θ᾽ οἰ ἐκοινώνει καὶ ἀδελφίδην ἀυτοῦ ἐγεγαμήκει τό τε σύμπαν συνῆν ἀυτῷ καὶ συνδιητᾶτο (Dion.) Hispania principum mater est; hæc Trajanum, hæc deinceps Hadrianum misit Imperio (Pacatus Panegyr ad Theodos.) Antoninus Pius paternum genus e Gallia transalpina, naumasense scilicet (Capitolinus) ab Adriano in filium adoptatus ge cujus gener fuerat (S. Aur. Victor Epitome) ea tamen lege ut is Marcum fratris uxoris |suæ| filium similiter adoptaret (Capitolin) Marcus Antonium Hadriani consanguineus (Dion. in Hadriano) & Antonium gener (Eutrop) filius per adoptionem (Dion. Capitolin. Euseb Hist l 4. c 14) Ipse Adrianum vocat avuum suum & Trajanum proavum (apud Spartian in Piscen. Nigro) Ejus amita Galeria Faustino Antonini uxor, proavus paternus Annius Verus ex sub {Succ} Succubitano Mancipio ex Hispania factus Senator (Capitolin) Vnde a[1] Themistius Theodosium ex Hispania Imperatorem alloquens vocat Trajanum et Marcum et Antoninum πολίτας καὶ ἀρχηγέτας ἀυτοῦ populares & majores ejus. Commodus Marci filius (Capitolinus alij) ultimus Trajanidum.

3 Africans \& southern Emperors/, Severus, Antonius Caracalla, Macrinus, Heliogabalus, Alexander, the three Gordians & Philip. \

Severus oriundus ex Africa, Provincia Tripolitana, oppido Lepti solus omni memoria et ante et post ex Africa Imperator fuit (Eutrop) nativitate scilicet & genere proximo. Ipse cano capite et crispo Afrum quiddam ad us ad senectutem sonans (Spartian) Caracalla Severi filius (Spartian) Macrinus natione Maurus e Cæsarea Sitifensi obscuris natus est parentibus; habuit enim, præter cætera, alteram aurem perforatā ut est Maurorum consuetudo (Dion) sub Commodo relagatus in Africam ut infamiam damnationis tegeret fertur lectioni operam dedisse, eqisse causulas, declamasse, jus postremo dixisse, deinceps advocatum fuisse fisci ex quo officio ad amplissima quæ pervenit (Capitolinus) Heliogabalus Caracalla filius (S. Aur. Victor. Euseb. Chron) et Alexander consobrinus ejus quem ex familia Severi etiam prognatum dicit Zosimus lib. 1. Nempe Iulia Severi conjux sororem habuit Mæsam cui duæ erant filiæ Soæmis et Mammæa. Hæc Alexandrum illa a Caracalla compressa Heliogabalū edidit. – – – – – in hac australi serie.

4 A confused race of northern short lifed lived Emperors \together wth {illeg} many Tyrants/ in very troublesome \& calamitous/ times in wch the Empire was in great danger of falling, vizt Decius, Gallus wth his son Volusian, Valerian wth his son Gallienus, Claudius, Aurelian, Probus & Carus wth his sons Numerian & Carinus. |These reigned till the division of the Empire.|

Decius e Pannonia inferiore Bubulæ natus (Aurel. Vitor alij) – – – sed Illyricanis parentibus natus (Oresimus apud Vopiscum.

5 Dioclesian & his Collegues who by many wars \by consent parted the Empire falling Empire & by many wars/ restored the \falling/ Empire to \it to its former vigor & lustre/ <3r> & \then/ persecuted the Church.

6 Constantine the Great & his family till the who \who united the Empire who reunited the Empire & whose \whi whose/ family which/ reigned till the death of Iulian ye Apostate, & \Constantine ye grea/ i|I|n their days the Empire became Christian,

7 Valentinian & his family & Colleagues who reigned till the til after the Western Empire became divided into ten kingdoms.

< insertion from f 2v >

5 The four Dynasties above mentioned lasted till the division of ye Empire & this division was made by Dioclesian & his Collegues who parted the Empire in the beginning of their reign parted the Empire between them by mutual consent & therefore I reccon them the fift Dynasty. By many warrs they restored the falling Empire to its former vigour & lustre & then persecuted the Church.

6 Constantine the great reunited the Empire & him & his family who reigned till the death of Iulian ye Apostate \& left the Empire united/ I reccon to be ye sixt Dynasty. In their day the Empire became Christian.

7 The seventh Dynasty was Valenti

7 Valentinian divided the Empire between himself & his brother Valens & from that time the Empire continued divided excepting the last three months of ye reign of Theodosius wch is too short a time to be worth considering. Valenti Valentinian & his family & their colleagues reigned till after the division of the Western Empire into ten kingdom & therefore I reccon them the seventh Dynasty. And considering that ye Greek & Latine Empires were no more affected by any common symptomes I reccon that the seventh Dynasty lasted as long as those Empires.

In the time of ye sixt head the Empire became divided at the death of Constantine ye great & reunited by ye victory of Constantius over Magnentius & this is exprest by saying of the heads or Dynasties five are fallen & one is & another is \that ye Beast was wounded on one of his heads/ that ye Beast (or western Empire) \was wounded to death in on one of his heads & that he/ was & is not & shall ascend out of ye abyss \& go into perdition, & that/ {sic} five hea kings are fallen & one is & another is not come & when he cometh he must continue a short space & the Beast that was & is not he is ye eighth & is of ye seven & goeth into perdition. All wch is as much as to say that in the time of ye sixt Dynasty king or Dynasty (wch is looked upon as present in ye vision) the Beast by ye victory of Constantius over Magnentius shall \is {illeg} wounded to death &/ ceases to be. This is his He is \then/ mortally wounded in the sixt head \by that victory/ but sh in the time of the seventh by a new division of ye Empire he shall ascends out of the abyss \or sea/ & so be \is/ the eighth king or Dynasty & yet of the seven because a collateral part of ye seventh, & by ascending his deadly wound is \is/ healed, & after this ascent he shall continue a shall continue a short space & go into perdition as the Dra with the Dragon \as the Dragon also doth/ who was is wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time (Apoc. 12.12) & then he shall go into perdition in ye lake of fire Apoc. 19.20. If it be objected that five heads were fallen before the days of the Prophet I answer that the Prophesy is not of things past. Nothing is more usual in prophesy then to speak of times future as present in ye visions, & The phrases five are fallen & one is & the Beast wch was & is not have only relation to one another & signify nothing more then that in ye time of ye sixt head the Beast ceases to be for a time being wounded to death in that head. Iohn in taking a view of the great Whore & her Beast descends to ye time next preceding their being in the wilderness, in that time he is carried in ye spirit into ye Wilderness to see them & wth respect to that time as present in the Vision saith five are fallen & one is, & the Beast was & is not. The seven Dynasties of ye Empire described above were seven successive Kings or Heads of the Empire & these \heads/ being found there is no need to looke for others.

< text from f 3r resumes >


By the opening of the seven seales ye Roman Empire is distinguished into seven successive r|R|eigns Dynasties or kings \the four first of wch are represented by – four horsmen/, & these are \the/ seven heads, of ye Dragon & Beast. The At the opening of the first seale the first \Beast/ wch |was like a Lion| |&| stood eastward called Iohn to come & see, & he saw & behold a looked eastward \saw/ & behold a white horse & he that sat on him had a bow & a crown was given unto him & he went forth conquering & to conquer. By the crown he is a king the horsmen are kings & by the bow this king is a conqueror & by the white horse he is a very good man, & by the situation of ye first Beast he was an eastern Emperor. All wch is true of Vespasian the first Emperor of the first dynasty of kings who reigned next after the writing of the Prophesy. He was created Emperor in Iudea wch was eastward from Rome, {illeg} at that & was an excellent Emperor & at that time there was a rumour in all the east occasioned by ye prophesy of Daniels' weeks that there should arise a great king in the east \Iudea/, & this the heathens recconed accomplished in Vespasian. He went forth conquering the Iewish nation & dissolved their polity & burnt Ierusalem & the Temple: things of yt consequence {illeg} \in/ religion that they deserved to be taken notice of in this prophesy. In destroying Christs enemies the Iews, he may be recconed ye m|M|inister \or Deputy/ of Christ.

At the opening of ye second seale, the second Beast wch \was had {illeg}|the| face on an Ox ye type of slaughter &/ stood westward from ye throne called Iohn to look come & look westward & behold \then went forth/ a red horse & power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from ye earth & that they should kill one another & there was given him a great sword. All wch agrees to Trajan the first Emperor of the second Dynasty. This Dynasty was of Spaniards a people westward from Rome & Trajan was the greatest conqueror of all the Roman Emperors since the writing of this prophesy. He \conquered Dacia &/ was the first Emperor that enlarged the Empire beyond the Danube since the writing of the prophesy. The Empire was almost dissolved by the seditions & defections in Nero's reign & something repaired by Vespasian & again made to totter by Domitian. Trajan not only setled it but enlarged it by foreign conquests more then ever did any other Emperor; insomuch that Historians reccon the ἀκμὴ of ye Empire to have been in his reign, & the Emperor Iulian in his Cæsars singling out Iulius Cæsar, Octavius, Trajan, Marcus & Constantine as the five gl|a|llantest of all the Roman Emperors to compare wth Alexander ye great, calls Iulius Octavius & Trajan ye worst warlike & in conclusion singles out \allots/ Trajan to keep company wth Alexander. He was ye first yt propagated the Empire beyond ye Danube & having conquered & almost depopulated Dacia by war he repeopled it \with great numbers/ from several parts of ye empire. He recovered Armenia from the Parthians \& conquered Mesopotamia & Assyria \{illeg}/ reducing them into the form of Provinces/ & was the first that extended the Empire beyond Eufrates. He gave a king to ye Albani, \&/ received the|o||se| {I}{illeg}{n} of Iberia & Colchos \& ye Cimmeneian Bosphori & Sauromata/ into ye Empire. He seized ye regions of ye Saracens & Arabians & reduced Arabia into ye form of a Province. He recovered Armenia from ye Parthians & was ye conquered Mesopotamia & Assyria reducing them into the form of Provinces & was ye first that extended the Empire beyond the Euphrates. <3v> He subdued the Cordueni & Mardomedi & {Arthemesia} a large region of Persia & Seleucia & Ctesiphon & Babylonia & went as far as India \made the king of Parthia give him hostages & went as far as India/ & built a navy in the Persian gulph to invade \the/ Indians. H In his letters to ye senate he gave them account of so many conquered nations that they neither knew them all nor could \number them/ & therefore besides other honours they erected to him a triumphal arch in ye market place of Rome & decried that he might triumph of as many nations as he pleased. But when he was upon ye sea the conquered nations \in Mesopo/ revolted \& slew the garrisons/ upon wch followed great confusion & slaughters on both sides. The Iews also in \Libya & all Libya/ Cyrene & Egypt & Cyprus \& Thebais & Cyprus & Mesopotamia/ revolted & slew great multitudes of ye Romans & Greeks \putting them to various deaths & eating their flesh/. Dion reccons 200000 slain by th about Cyrene & 240000 in Cyprus & the like slaughter in Egypt. Whereupon Trajan send|t|ing captains against them commanded that who slew vast multitudes of them & because they were very numerous in Mesopotamia he commanded that they should be \all/ slain & rooted out of that Province & accordingly vast numbers of them were slain there. |From all wch slaughters his his {sic} horse is represented of a red colour the embleme of bloodshed.|

At the opening of the third seal the third Beast wch had a humane face & stood southward from ye throne called Iohn to come & look that way \southward/. And lo a black horse & he that sat on him had a pair of Ballances in his hand & Iohn heard a voice in the midst of ye four Beasts say, a|A| measure \Chænix/ of wheat for a penny & four measures \four Chænixes/ of Barley for a penny & see thou hurt not the oyle & ye wine. All wch is the exact character of Severus the first Emperor \founder of the/ of the {sic} southern Dynasty. T \of Emperors./ The red colour of the last horse was a type of much bloodshed, the black colour of this horse is a type of funeral solemnities & \so/ denotes the death of great men

A pair of ballances denotes a Iudge, \{illeg}/ just or injust accordingly as the ballances are is true or false {entire} \sincere/ or bruised; & such was Severus. the fo In his childhood he used no other play amongst the boys then of walking wth ye fasces \axes/ before him & of sitting wth ye boys about him & acting the Iudge. At ye age of 32 years he was designed Prætor by the Emperor Marcus. When he came to be Emperor he heard causes all the morning \till noon/ was severely just & inexorable against criminals, \made excellent laws,/ left his deputy judge when war required him to lead ye army, & instituted his sons in the law, & from him that study took such encouragement that I know not any other age of ye Empire where a greater number of famous Lawyers are recorded then that which followed his reign most of wch were the auditors of Papinian his special favorite. The voice in the midst of ye four Beasts respects Rome the center of ye Empire T|&| there the measure by wch the corn in the publick granaries was dispensed was a Chænix for the sustenance of ye people was a Chænix |The proclamation A Chænix for a penny denotes plenty & Severus was the first who increased the corn in the publick storehouses of Rome & so far as I can find he was the first that gave them oyle, & gave it gratis.| Whence Casaubon \Casaubon/ out of Spartian \(in Severo)/ who assigns 75000 Roman Bushels to be daily distributed , collects by recconing eight Chenixes to a bushel that \in the reign of Severus/ There were 600000 persons in ye turba frumentaria of that city {in th} In {w} When Severus had newly conquered Albinus in writing an angry letter to the Senate he thus \commemorates his benefactions &/ upbraids them for their ingratitude. Ego frumenta reip. detuli; ego multa bella pro rep. gessi, Ego populo Romano tantum olei detuli puantum rerum natura vix habuit. Ego interfecto P. Nigro vos a malis tyrannis liberavi. Magnam sana mihi reddidistis vicem magnam consulvit ut excedens vita septem annorum Canonem populo Romana relinquerat ita ut quotidiana septuagena quina millia modiorum expendi possent: olei verò tantum ut per quinquennium non solem Vrbis usibus sed et totius Italiæ, quæ oleo egeret, sufficeret. He gave also a very fertile field to ye City wch I suppose was for vines. \Whence Casaubon by recconing eight Chænixes to a bushel collects that there were 600000 persons in the turba frumentaria of that city./ Severus gave also a very fertile field to the city wch I suppose was for vines. The black colour of his horse is the \a/ type of funerals of great men such whose funerals \then/ used & still use to be solemnized in this mourning colour. And for the slaughter of such his reign was so infamous as much to transcend the reigns of ye worst tyrants Nero Domitian & Commodus. When he over\c/ame Piscenius Niger in Syria he shewed much cruelty by wch & the austerity of his manners (for he was against he {sic} enemies very cruel & inexorable) the senate & Citizens of Rome became so disaffected to him as in his third war (wch was wth Albinus) to favour his enemy <4r> Whereupon he put to death great multitudes of men & weomen of the best quality in Spain & Gallia where Albinus reigned & was conquered & afterwards in Italy at his return thither & \& confiscating their estates gave more to the soldiers & left more to his sons then any other Emperor/ a|A|mongst the rest he slew very many of ye Senators (of whom {illeg} 41 are named by Spartian) the letters wch he found with Albinus betraying them. Spartian names 41 of those Senators whom he put to death without hearing them, & then adds Horum igitur tantorum ac tam illustrium virorum (nam multi in \his/ Consulares, multi prætorij, omnes certe summi viri fuere) interfector, ab Afris et Deus habetur. – Damnabantur autem pleri cur jocati essent, alij cur tacuissent, alij cur plera figuratè dixissent ut quod esset Imperator vere sui nominis verè Pertinax verè Severus.– Multos insuper quasi Chaldæos aut vates de sua salute consuluissent interemit, præcipuè suspectans unumquem idoneum imperio – Infinita multorum cæde crudelior habitus. {illeg} Spartian in Severo. \Innumeros Senatores interemit et ab alijs Scyllæ Punici ab alijs Marij nomen accepit. Spartian. in Piscen. Nigro./ Omnes senatus Principes & singularum Provinciarum nobilissimos & ditissimos quos interfecit. Auri enim avidissimus fuit ut fortitudinem vinceret avaritia. Suidas in Severo. \Innumeros Senatores interemit et ab alijs Scyllæ Punici ab alijs Marij nomen accepit. Spartiā. in Piscen. Nigro./ Cædibus illustrium virorum adeo infamis ut Punicas clades in toga cæsorum civium Romanorum sanguine rependerit. Egnatius in Severo.

And at ye opening of ye fourth seal Iohn heard ye voice of ye fourth beast wch stood northward from ye throne called Iohn to come & see looke in northern|ward| quarter & Iohn looked & behold a pale horse & his name that sat on him was death & the grave followed with him & power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill wth ye sword & with hunger & wth death & with ye Beasts of ye earth.{sic} This charecter {sic} agrees fully to Decius the first Emperor of ye northern Dynasty. He rode on a pale horse & his name was death. Dec \& this was thus fulfilled;/ The Scythians from Tanais invading Thrace, Decius beat them at first, but pursuing through a lake \them/ to ye banks of Tanais & there endeavouring to attack them through a lake, he stuck fast & perished wth \his son &/ his whole army. He was followed by death & ye grave who had power over the fourth part of the earth [or habitable world that is over the Roman Empire wch was anciently recconed about ye 4th part] (or fourth dynasty of ye Empire) |(that is above the Roman Empire wch was about a fourth part of the habitable world then known)| to kill with ye sword & with hunger & with death & wth ye Beasts of ye earth, that is will|t|h civil wars with \famin with/ pestilence & with forreign kingdoms invadin kingdoms or nations invading the Empire.

2 Of ye sword.

Vpon ye death of Decius & his army the Empire \soon/ fell into \very/ great disorders as well by civil wars as by forreign invasions. so that between Decius & Dioclesian that is within ye space of 33 years, of about 21 legitimate Emperors & Cesars (besides seven tyrannical ones who perished all by ye sword) there died only Licinian & Claudius by ye pestilence & Carus by lightening & three more were slain by ye publick enemy & all ye rest fell by ye sword of one another or of their own soldiers. And besides all these, within the fifteen years reign of Gallienus who was one of ye one & twenty, there arose no less then 29 or 30 other Tyrannical Emperors some of wch were as powerfull as Gallienus himself & all these also fell by the sword except three or four who had their lives given them by their conquerors. What slaughters followed upon ye civil wars between so many Emperors & Tyrants may easily by imagined. I shall content my self with one instance. Vpon conquering Ingenuus who was saluted Empe <5r> ror by the Legions of Mœsia Gallienus was so cruel towards both soldiers & inhabitants of Mœsia as to leave many cities void of males. His cruelty may be understood by \this/ his Epistle to Verianus. wch was as follows. Gallienus Veriano: Non mihi satis facies si tantum armatos occideris quos et fors belli interimere potuissent: perimendus est omnis sexus virilis, si et senes at impuberes sine reprehensione nostra occidi possint. Occidendus est quicun male voluit. Occidendus est quicun male dixit contra me, contra Valeriani filium, contra tot principum fratrem & patrem & fratrem Ingenuus factus est Imperator. Lacera, occide, concîde: animum meum intelligere potes, mea mente irascere qui hæc manu mea scripsi.

Of the famine & pestilence

3 Of the Famine & Pestilence

In the first year of Gallus a plague \the successor of Decius a vehement plague/ began from Ethiopia & went through all the Roman Provinces exhausting them wonderfully for above {illeg} till after ye death of Claudius that is for above 15 years together. Vbi maximam partem incolentium exhausit, plera loca inhh|a|bitata reliquit: Lætus. Per omnia Romani regni ab oriente in occidentem spacia cùm omne propemodum genus hominum & pecudum neci dedit, tum etiam corripuit lacus & infecit pap|b|ula tabo: Oros. l. 7. c. 27. Nec alia unquam major lues mihi lecta spacio temporum sive terrarum: Lipsius de {illeg} Constant. 2. 23. At the same time with this plague a famin \also/ began also in the Empire {occas} wch lasted longer then the plague being the wars hindering agriculture & wasting the old stores. In Gallu's {sic} reign Dionysius Alexandrinus thus mentions it in his Epistle to the brethren. Post hæc (that is after ye persecution of Decius) et bellum & fames secuta sunt quæ una cum ethnicis pertulimus – At ubi cum nos tum ipsi respiraveramus invasit lues ista, res illis quovis terrore terribilior & calamitate quacun lamentabilior, nobis verò exercitatio et exploratio nullis reliquis inferior. In Valerians reign Cyprian thus mentions both: Cum dicas plurimos conqueri quod bella crebrius surgant quod Lues quod Fames sæviant, quod imbres & pluviæ serena longa suspendant. In Claudius's reign Zosimus tells us that a body of Barbarians in Macedonia perished by famin with their cattel: & Pollio that another \a/ multitude of barbarians in Thrace laboured so much under famin & pestilence that Claudius sleighted them. And in Aurelians reign Zosimus mentions how a body of Scythians in Pannonia were prest wth famin.

1 Of f Invasions ye wild Beasts

Vpon the death of Decius wth |&| his army, \the Barbarous nations began to inva{t}|d|e ye empire on all sides / The Scythians invaded both Europe & Asia, the \Goths,/ Borani, Goths Carpi & Vrugundi invaded all Illyricū & Italy & some of them past into Asia Europe, the Persians invaded Asi Mesopotamia & Syria & took Antioch. This was in the two years reign of Gallus \the successor of Decius./ In Valerians reign the Scythians invaded Greece \Illryicū Italy – & Asia/, the Marcomans & others invaded other places, the {illeg} Goths Borani Carpi & Vrugundi inv overran all Italy & Illyricum & some of them passed into Asia \the Germans infested Gallia & were opposed by Gallienus &/ the Persians overran the east & took Valerian captive. And the Germans infested Gallia And after all \the {a}/ this the state of ye Empire grew still worse. Gallieno in omnem lasciviam dissoluto Germani Ravennam us venerunt Alemanni vastatis Gallijs in Italiam transiere Græcia Macedonia Pontus Asia depopulatæ per Gothos, Quadi et Sarmatæ Pannonias occupaverunt; Germanis Hispanias obtinentibus Tarracon expugnata est. Parthi Mesopotamiam tenentes Syriam incursaverunt. Eused. Chron. et <5v> Eutrop. {illeg} l. 9. Francorum gentes direpta Gallia Hispaniam possiderunt, vastato ac pene direpto Tarraconensium oppido; nactis in tempore navigijs pars in us Africam permeavit: Victor de Cæsar. Hispania duodecim annis fere sub barbaris laboravit regnante Gallieno: Oros. l. 7. c 41. The greatness of these invasions will be best understood Claudius Gothos jam per quindecim annos Illyricum Macedoniam vastantes bello adortus incredibili strage delevit: Iornand. l. 1 de Regn. succes. Delevimus trecenta & viginti millia Gothorum duo millia navium mersimus: Claudius {apu ips} \Imp./ apud Pollionem. ② The Emperor Probus having beaten the Franks & Alemans wrote thus to ye Senate Supplicationes vestro more decernite. n|N|am et quadringenta millia hostium cæsa sunt et sedecim millia armatorum nobis oblata & septuaginta urbes nobilissimæ captivitate hostium liberatæ vindicatæ & omnes penitus Galliæ liberatæ. Probus This letter is recorded by Vospicus who adds that Probus after this supprest ye Sarmatæ & other nations in Illyricum the Goths Vandas & Gepidæ in Thrace & ye Parthians & others in the east. ① Aurelian who in reigned between Claudius & Probus the reign of Probus \Claudius/ slew 30000 Franks at Ments, & in his own reign vanquished the Marcomans & Sueves \a terrible enemy/ in Italy wth a gr & his successor Probus having beaten ye Franks & Allemans in Gallia wrote thus to ye Senate – – – – – – in ye east. And after this Dioclesian & his Collegues had long wars \great & lasting great wars wth ye barbarous nations/ before they could quiet the Empire.

2 Of ye sword

Vpon the death of Decius the Empire fell into disorder as well by civil wars as {f} by barbarian invasions; so that between Decius & Dioclesian – – – – prest with famin

So terrible were the|se| plagues of wars pestilence & famin {illeg} in that age that Cyprian who lived in that age concluded \from them/ that ye end of ye world was at hand, as you may understand by his Tract de Mortalitate & yet he was martyred before the reign of Gallienus {illeg} wch they {arrived} {illeg} were at the height \when they were at/ the height.

Th You have now the interpretation of these the four horsmen & as there is nothing in the Prop{he}sy wch has not to a tittle been fulfilled so the prophesy has omitted nothing remarkable enough to be a convenient character of the d|t|hings designed to be characterised. For what was there in Trajans reign very singular besides his victories & the ensuing killing one another? What in Severus's besides his acting ye Iudge killing ye Senators & great men & augmenting the city provisions? What in Decius's but his perishing wth his whole army? And what in the times immediately following him worth being taken notice of in comparison of ye four plagues? I say what was there singular? For as for Trajan's humanity, Severus's wars, & ye like they were things common to them wth divers other Emperors: whereas the Prophesy {only} (as was fit) takes notice of nothing but what was most remarkable in the kind. You may find other conquerors besides Trajan, other killing one another besides that in the Iewish war, other Iudges & killers of great men & heapers up of provisions besides Severus & others perishing fatally besides Decius, but all the Roman History will not affords others so eminent in the kind as these, nor wch are combined with one another after this manner & as for the quaternary of plagues I know nothing like it. So that the P{hr}rophesy & history do not only fit but are not otherwise to be fitted.


– represented by the Woman & her seed. For upon this division of the Empire the woman & Dragon part from one another. She flies from the {D}ragon into the western Empire called a wilderness for its spiritual barrenness & desolation, & in flying separates from th & departs from the remnant of her seed wch keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus, And this remnant h & leav & the Dragon \&/ leaves this remnant behind her in the Dragons kingdom. And {illeg} the Drago as soon as the Dragon \woman/ is escaped from the Woman the Dragon goes from her to make war upon this {illeg} remnant. And as the ten horned Beast rises out of the sea to succeed the wom Dragon in the western Empire so a two horned beast rises out of the earth to succeed ye Dragon Woman in the eastern Empire. & extirpate the remna And \then/ the Dragon makes war upon this the remnant of the womans seed & {illeg} oppresses them & sets up the religion of the two horned Beast in all his kingdom: for the Dragon & this Beast in matters of religion speak one & the same language.

– But when the Empire becomes divided into two Empires that represented by the Dragon & Beast, that each Empire {illeg} may have {illeg} its {illeg} Temple the Woman flyes from the first Temple into the wilderness & the ten-horned Beast follows her thither For there Iohn saw the Woman sitting upon this Beast. And now the Dragon \the woman & ten horned Beast being are going from this Temple/ & two horned Beasr being |are| \being/ left alone in {in the} \first/ Temple this Temple, it is hence forward restrained to the people in the Dragons |to be considere{d} as the Temple of their| kingdom, & a new temple is bui & a new Temple is built for the people in the kingdom of the Beast & Woman.

When the Dragon was cast out of heaven by Michael it is to be conceived that he was |cast| down from ye \house of the/ Temple into ye Priests court & from thence into the outward court where wch was the court of the people called the inhabitants of the earth & sea, & there persecuting the woman made her fly from this Temple thro the wilderness of Arabia to the great city Babylon \& that she left a remnant of her seed in this Temple who were there persecuted by the Dragon/. It is to be conceived also that the two Beasts rose Manchild was caught up to ye throne of God above ye Ark in this Temple & that the two Beasts rose out of the earth & sea in this Temple [& the first Beast \being risen from the dead/ was dec|i|fied by the second in this \in this temple/ & his Image \there/ set up & worshipped.] in this Temple And that the Dragon retur And that & that the Dragon returning from pursuing the woman made war upon the remnant of her seed in this temple & there caused all to receive the mark or killed all by the dictate of the speaking image or Oracl killed all that would not worship the Image, & prohibited buying & selling to all that suffered none to buy or sell but those who had the m that all {rec} in this Temple received the mark or name or number of the Beast except the 144000 who being excommunicated retired from ye multitude in the outward court of this temple into the inward court thereof & there \&/ sung a new song before the in the midst of the {illeg} four Beasts & Elders on mount Sion & by consequence in the inner court of this Temple. And that the ten horned Beast being risen from ye dead & deified & his image & worship \being/ set up in this temple he went from hence by a {illeg} into the wildernes by a final division of the Empire. & reigned there with the woman And hence forward the 144000 worsh remained in the inward court & the Dragon & two horned Beast in the outward court thereof.

A synopsis of the Synchronisms of the Apolocalyps


[Editorial Note 1] <7v>

When therefore the Temple of God was opened in heaven & the Ark was seen in it & after lightnings & voices & thundrings & hail there appeared a woman & other visions in heaven, were it is to be conceived that this was the first Temple there being no ark in ye second, & that it was opened for Iohn to see the visions in it, & particularly that the Woman & Dragon appeared in it, & that the Manchild was caught up to the throne above the Ark & ye Dragon cast down by Michael from the upper c|C|ourt thereof & into ye outward court thereof & there persecuted the woman, & that she fled from this Temple into ye wilderness & left in it a remnant of her seed wth wch the Dragon there made war & that the two Beasts rose out of the sea & earth of this Temple & the worship of the first Beast \& his Image/ was set up in the outward court of this Temple & there they received his mark or name except the 144000 who being excommunicated retired from the multitude in worshippers of ye Beast in the outward court & sang a new song in the midst of the four Beasts & Elders on mount Sion that & by consequence in the inner court of this Temple. And that the ten horned Beast being risen from the dead & deified in this Temple, went from it into the wilderness after the woman where Iohn found ther \woman/ sitting upon his back: And that when the Woman & first Beast were gone from this Temple the Dragon & other Beast remained alone in the outward court of this Temple & the 144000 on ye inner court thereof

And since the second Beast & the woman are two Churches & the Dragon & first Beast are the laity of those Churches, & \every/ Churches {sic} have|th| its Temples: you may conceive yt as the Dragon & second Beast compose ye outward court of one Temple also that the Woman & ten hor first Beast have their Temple \in the Wilderness/ in the outward court of wch they perfor worship their fals Gods For they are the Gentiles in the outward c to who in the wilderness. For they are the Gentiles to whom ye outward court of ye Temple wth two candlesticks was given.

And because it was improper to split one Tem

For the vision of the Woman great Whore & her Beast are \in the Wilderness is/ a commentary on the prophesy of the concerning the \of the Angel concerning the temple &/ two witnesses [& the same \who are killed by this/ |&| Beast who kills them \who kills them/ in the street of the great city \[& their prophesying & being killed by the Beast/ Babylon there they prophesied] \where they prophesied Babylon./] And in this prophesy the building of a new Temple is described \represented/ by giving a reed to Iohn & bidding him rise & measure the Temple & Altar. that is Fr \For/ the measuring of a city or building \is/ being a type of building it The new Temple wth two C. was built for [the people of God in] \Christ professors of Christianity in/ all the western Empire including the northern nations & so comprehendi|s|ng two of the three parts & \therefore/ has in it two Candlesticks & two Olive-trees to represent the true Churches of those two parts one Church within the bounds of the old Roman \western/ Empire, an \& the/ other Church amongst the northern nations & the other within the bounds of \diffused through/ the German Empire of Germany. & in like manner the two candlesticks may be applied to the imperial But it is not

The synagogues of the Iews.

The \first/ Christian Churches were originally synagogues \&/ of the Christian Iews, & {illeg} in every synagogue there was a \Minister &/ board of Presbyters called Rulers of the Synagogue, & a muni

The Gospel was first preached in synagogues & the first Churches Pres converted Iews ordeined Presbyters & Deacons & by consequence had of such of synagogues before before ye gospel was pr calling of the Gentiles, were officers of Christian Synagogues &


Now these Locusts were a \lasting/ plague to all parts of the \old/ Roman Empire conquering some countries as Syria Egypt Libya \Libya Mauritania several islands in the Mediterranean/ & almost all Spain & {mat} frequently invading the rest as Armenia Asia Greece Thrace Illyricum Italy Gallia & they continued to plague them not only during the \temporal/ reign of the Califs but {illeg} under lon afterwards under the several \saracen/ Kings who shared their Empire. For About ye year & For I reccon that the times of this Trumpet {we} I reccon that the times of this Trumpet began A.C. 609 when Mahomet set up for a P the Angel of the bottomless pit fell from heaven like a star & received the Key of the bottomless pit that is A.C. 609 when Mahomet set up for a Prophet, & \that it/ lasted all the time {illeg} of the Califs his successors the Califs, that is till the year {illeg} 1258. For Togulbeck having conquered Chorasan & Persia added Bagdad to his Empire A.C. 1055 & made that city the Impe seat thereof. His successor Olub'{illeg} Arslan (called also Asan, \Axan,/ Olbarsalan Alpasalem & Aspasalem.) conquered Mesopotamia \added also/ began his reign A.C. 1063 & added Mesopotamia to his Empire \& took the Greek Emperor Diogenes Romanus prisoner/. The third Sultan \Melech,/ Malechsah or Melecla who began his reign A.C. 1071 invaded Syria & Asia minor & took Damascus Aleppo & Cæsarea \& winning many battels extended his domain from ye utmost borders of the Turks to Ierusalem & Iemana Arabia felix/. And now this Empire of the Turks being brake arrived to its ἀκμὴ, \& {illeg}/ after the death of Malechseh A.C. 1092, \being left to a child who was but six years old/ brake into several smaller kingdoms \or Sultanies/ of the Turks, {illeg} \the governors revol of Provinces revolting. On {sic}/ one of wch continued at Bagdad in the family of Togrulbec till about the year 1160, & then cease \ceased/ ceased the Calif of Bagdad reco & the Calif of Bagdad recovered when the Calif of Babylon|gdat| recovered the temporal power of this Sultany wch had been he had been deprived of for about 224 years. And this power continued from hence forward in the Calif till the year 1258 \&/ then Haalon or Hulacu the Tartar beseiged & took Babylon Bagdat slew the Calif & put a \full/ end to ye Califate. {And} Thus ended the reign \both spiritual & temporal/ of the {illeg} Locusts \at Bagdat/ under the Angel of the bottomless pit & with his reign the times of the fift Trumpet expired.

The sixt Trumpet.

T And the sixt Angel sounded & Iohn heard a voice from ye four horns of ye Golden Altar saying to ye sixt Angel wch had ye Trumpet, Loose the four Angels wch are bound in the great River Eufrates.

In these computations I have followed the opinion of the Arabic Historians. For Elmacinus[2] distinguishes the Empire of the Saracens into three distinct p successive Dynasties, the first comprehending its rise & increase during the reign of \the line of/ Ommia at Damascus, the second conteining its decrease during the reign of ye Abasides at Bagdat untill they subjected themselves to temporal Princes (wch two we inter Dynasties together I interpreted to be the twice five months reign of the Locusts under their king ye Angel of the bottomless pit) & the third Dynasty he reccons to be the further continuance of this Empire after its distraction & division into several Kingdoms most of wch were governed by Saracens & some of them by Turks. And \this Dynasty ended in {illeg} the year 1258. For/ Abulpharajius who divides his history into so many Dynasties as there had been supreme Empires, since the creation, & reccons this Empire of the saracens in the ninth place; extends this \Empire/ from the time of their Prophet Mahomet to the taking of Bagdat by the Tartars, & there concludes it making the shortlived Empire of ye Tartars then founded upon the ruins of the Saracens & Turks <9r> by Hulacu to be the 10th Dynasty or supreme Empire & the year 1258 to be their common period.

Now the Empire of the Turks founded in Persia & propated \over/ {illeg} Bagdad by Togrulbec & \propagated/ into Mesopotamia Syria & Asia minor by his successors Olub-Arslan & Malechsah, at the the {sic} death of Malechsah became divided into [these four \four/ Sultanies besides the Sultany at Bagdad wth the Sul \besides the sultany/ of Mesopotamia seated at Mosul, the sultany of Syria seated at Damascus, the Sultany of Asia minor seated {on} at Iconium & the Sultany of Armenia {illeg} seated at Myepharekin & besides the Sultany of {wch} Bagdad wch] the Sultanies of Mesopotamia Syria, Asia minor & Armenia, all of them seated upon Euphrates besides the sultany of Bagdad wch after a while \it had continued a while in the family of Togrulbec/ returned into ye hands of the Saracens.

The Sultany of Mesopotamia was seated at Mosul a city of Mesopotamia upon the \western/ banks of Tygris about a days journey from Eufrates one of the streams of Eufrates. \& Eufrates at or neare the place where the {sic}/ This Sultany was watered by the the {sic} river Alchabur or Harnas a large arm of Eufrates & war northern branch of {illeg} Eufrates ran into Tigris. For Eufrates divided it self above Babylon into two branches one of wch ran into Tigris at or neare Mosul & the other ran through \by/ Babylon into Tigris below Bagdad & below out of this lower she southern stream ran ye artificial river Naharmalia wth its two branches the \higher/ of wch ran into Tigris at Seleucia & the lower at Aræ Herculis] a day or two's journey from Eufrates. Its sultans were after ye death of Malechsah were


Zengius f. 1107

Maudid 1109

Oksenkar or Assangur 1121

Ezzodin f. 1126

Zengius or Sanguin fr. 1127

Gaza fil. 1145

Cotboddin fr. 1149

Gazi f. 1170

Ezzoddin fr. 1180

Nuroddin f. 1193

Ezzoddin f. 1211

Badroddin 1294 Saleh fr. {1259} \Nuroddin f 1218/

Naseroddin fr. 1218

Badroddin 1234.

Saleh f 1259.

< insertion from f 8v >

The sultany of Mesopotamia was seated at Mosul a city on the western banks of Tigris {illeg} a day or two's journey from Euphrates. After the death of Malechsah it had the 16 following Sultans in continual order: Iagarmish, Zengius, Maudid, Oksenkar or Assangar, Ezzodin, Zenguis or Sanguin, Gaza, Cotbodin, Gazi, Ezzoddin, Nuroddin Ezzodin, Nuroddin, \Naseroddin,/ Badroddin ,|&| Saleh, the last of wch reigned till the end of this Sultany. See their history in {illeg} Abul-Pharajius

< text from f 9r resumes >

The sultany of Armenia was seated at Miyapharekin, Magarkin or Martyropolis a city of the greater Armenia a days journey \eastward/ from the lake Tho\s/pites through wch the rivers Tigr Euphrates & Tigris run before they part from one another \& two days journey north from Ameda/. This Sultany was sometimes united to & sometimes divided from the Sultany of Maredin Mirdin or Marde a city of Mesopotamia five \six/ or {six} \seven/ days journey from Euphrates. Its Sultans were ✱, Gazi, Tamartash, ✱, ✱, Saladin, Adel, Mojmoddin, Modhaffer, Ashraph. |See their history in Abulpharajius.|

The Sultany of As Syria seated at Damascus, & Aleppo Its sultans were Tagjuddaulas Tatash the son of Olubarslan. {illeg} He obteined \under his brother Malachsah/ first Damascus A.C. 1079 & then all Aleppo wth all Syria A.C. 1085 & after his {illeg} death \& after his brothers death A.C. 1092 revolted & (wch hap A.C. 195 1095)/ Syria became divided between his sons Decac & Roduan, the first reigning at Damascus the other Al \at/ Aleppo. But Nuroddin A.C. 1154 united it again under himself & after him Saladin King of Egypt obteined it & \A.C. 1103/ left it divided between his \two/ sons Aphdal {illeg}, Saphadin \or Saphradin/ who reigned at Damascus & Dhaher Gazi who reigned at Aleppo. But within{illeg} three years Adel Sultan of My|i|yapharekin \& brother of Saladin/ invaded Damascus & Egypt & in his posterity {illeg} Ægypt & Damascus \& Egypt/ continued sometimes united sometimes divided till the Mamalukes A.C. 1250 expelled them. In ye mean time the successors of Dhaher at Aleppo were his son Aziz & grandson Nazer the last of wch took Damascus wth its territories from ye Mamalukes A.C. 1250, & reigned over both Damascus & Aleppo till to the end of this Sultany.

The Sultany of Asia was seated at Iconium & Cæsarea \& was watered by the river Melas a large arm of Euphrates./ Its sultans were |1| Seijduddaulas or Cutlumish of ye race of Saljuck 2 Solyman, 3 Kelui-Arslan or Tanisman, 4 Masud, 5 Kelij-Arslan or Clisastlan {illeg} with his brothers, 6 Cai-Chosroes wth his brothers 7 Ezoddin, 8 Aladin, 9 I Giyathoddin or Iathatim, 10 Ezzoddin wth his brothers Rocnoddin & Aladin who reigned till the {illeg} end of this Sultany.


two are a repetition of the two former in another form \& contrary order,/{sic} the thunders \a repetition/ of the Trumpets & the witnesses \measured saints/ of the sealed servants of God the prophesy of the \seven/ thunders being a repetition of the prophesy of the sealed servants seven Trumpets & the prophesy of the measured worshippers a repetition of the prophesy of the sealed servants of God. As the seven Trumpets sound at ye sacrifices of ye seven days of the feast of Tabernacles celebrated annually in the first Temple: so it is to be conceived that the seven thunders utter their voices at the same sacrifices in the seven days of the same feast of Tabernacles celef|b|rated annualy in the second Temple. And as the a select number are {illeg} the servants of God are \selected/ numbered & sealed in the day of Expiation \out of the all the Tribes of Israel/ in the first Temple & the rest marked with the mark of the Beast so it is to \be/ conceived that worshippers those who worship in ye inner court of the second Temple are measured to distinguish them from those in the outward Court who are \left unmeasured & are/ called Gentiles that is such Gentiles as say they are Iews & are not.

Now the two witnessed|s| are called the{illeg} two Olive Trees & the two Candlesticks standing before the God of the earth that is standing in the \second/ Temple before the throne of God: those Olive trees wch Zechary saw at the building of the second Temple & wch supplied the Camps wth oyle. They are said also to prophesy in sack cloth & that if any man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth & devoureth their enemies \& that they have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophesy:/. & hereby they are compared to the Prophets Elijah & Elisha & the state of Israel the church in these days is likened to the state of {illeg} Israel in the days of Ahab & Iezabel. They are also said to have power over the waters to turn them to blood & to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will, that is with the plagues of the seven Trumpets & Vials of wrath. At the sounding of the first Trumpet they consu fire devou they consume their enemies {illeg} by fire, at the sounding of the second they turn the waters into blood & smite the earth with other plagues in the following Trumpets. They prophesy & are |lye| slain & lye dead in the streets of the great city wch spiritually is called Sodom & Egypt, where also or Lord was crucified. Sodom for its uncleanness & destruction & the delivery of ye people of God \out of it/ as Lot was delivered out of Sodom. Ægypt for its idolatry & oppression & the plagues of the Trumpets & Vials by wch {illeg} the two Prophets {illeg} inflict upon them {illeg} for bringing the delivering the Church as Moses & Aaron delivered the children of Israel |by plagueing ye Egyptians.| And where or Lord was crucified, the scene of this vision being the second Temple & the nations in Beast who kills the witnesses being the Iews in the weomens court as the four Beasts were the Israelites in the \four sides of the/ outward court of the first Temple; such Iews as say they are Iews & are not, but are the synagogue of Satan, such Iews as are again to crucify or Lord by making war upon his {illeg} \mystical Body & {illeg}/ are therefore called Antichrist, & at length \are gathered together against him/ in the battel of the great day \&/ are destroyed by or Lord & the war as the Iews were \by the Romans/ for crucifying or Lord.


After these visions the spirit \one of ye seven Angels/ carried Iohn \{illeg} in the spirit/ into the wilderness to see the woman who fled thither from the Dragon & there he sees her {illeg} \in her plac {sic},/ sitting on \[that is reigning over]/ many waters wch are peoples & multitudes & nations & tongues & on \wch are also represented by/ a scarlet coloured Beast wch full of names of blasphemy having seven heads & ten horns wch \horns/ are ten kings or kingdoms {An} wch agree & give their kingdom to {illeg} \the/ Beast, that is to compose his {illeg} kingdom by consent agreement \till the words of God are fulfilled, that is till the end of the 1260 days/. And the woman was arrayed in purple & scarlet colour & decked with gold & petious {sic} stone & pearles \having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations & filthiness of the earth/ & by her costliness made rich all that had ships [that is parishes] in the Sea And the woman was arrayed having a gold|en| cup in her hand full of abominations & filthiness of the earth & the kings of the earth committed fornication with her, & by her cost{illeg}le|i|ness were made rich all that had ships [yt is parishes] in the sea or western Empire. This is \was/ the place to wch she was \in the/ when Iohn saw her, that is the honour & dignity to wch she arrived before the 1260 days began To this To this honour & dominion & riches the woman was arrived {wch} when Iohn saw her: & this \preferment/ was her place {with} where they fed her in the will|d|erness 1260 & to wch she arrived days. [She is plainly the city Rome wth its dominions & for she sits upon the Beast wch is Daniels fourth Beast for she is the great city wch (in the time of the Roman Empire) reigneth over the kings of ye earth she sits as sitteth upon seven hills wch is Daniels fourth Beast, that is she reigns over the Roman Empire. And up she is fed & nourished \flourishes/ in this dignity a time & times & half a time as {illeg} was \did/ the little horn of Daniels fourth beast who speak appeared overtopt the horns & spake had eyes & a mouth & spake great things against God & {war} made war upon the saints & therefore answers perfectly to this woman.] Now she did not arrive to this preferment or place till before the times of the four first Trumpets were expired. For by the wars of the second third & fourth she was \Trumpet Rome & Italy was/ gradually deprived of her people her Emperors, her \Roman/ Senate Consuls & magistrates at & Rome Rome & the city reduced to \of Rome became/ an ignoble Dukedome subject to the \Greek/ Exarchs at Ravenna, & in the end of the \times of the/ fourth Trumpet was {illeg} reduced to the lowest degree of fortune, being most miserably vexed & wasted by the wars of the Ostrogoths Heruli & Lombards all the 70 years of the plague of the 4th Trumpet. T And by this fall of the temporal greatness old government & temporal greatness of Rome the way was preared for the rise of a new government & greatness under the Pope the first step to wch was the grant of the universal Bishoprick to the Pope by Emperor Phocas A.C. 607. And this |All wch & the setting up of Image-worship in Rome A.C. 608 concerning the merchant \mystical/ City of Tyre the great whore wch commits fornication wth all the kingdoms of ye world| seems to answer to the prophesy of Isaiah: Howl ye ships of Tarshish for your land is laid wast. And it shall come to pass in that day that Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years according to the days of one king. After the end of seventy years shall Tyre sing as an harlot. Take an harp go about the city thou Harlot that hast been forgotten, make sweet melody sing many songs that thou mayst be remembered. And it shall come to pass after the end of seventy years that the Lord will visit Tyre & she shall return to her hire & shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth world upon the face of the earth: And her merchandise & her hire shall be holiness unto the Lord. It shall not be treasured up nor laid up: For her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the Lord {see} to eat sufficiently & for durable cloathing: |i.e. it shall be consecrate to God| for the maintenance of Priests & Churchmen. These are the Merchants wch in the Apocalyps lament the fall of the great \merchant/ city because no man by|u|yeth their merchandise any more. This city was in great affiction {sic} seventy years a       So then the 1260 do not This city began to sing as an Harlot in the beginning of the Wo-T times of the Wo-Trumpets A.C. 607 \& 608/ when she obteined a grant of the Vniversal Bishoprick & set up the Images of \the Virgin Mary &/ all the Saints in the Pantheon to be worshipped, but \this worship was long opposed &/ the City of Rome remained still \still/ in the hands of ye Greek Emperor, who governed it by a Duke subordinate to the Exarch of Ravenna till about the year 726 {&} when the Pope excommunicated the Greek Emperor for opposing the worship of images \& called a Councel at Rome for establishing that worship/ & the people of Rome imprisoned their Duke. And from hence forward the little horn of Daniels fourth Beast rose up {illeg} /woman increased in temporal\ in temporal {sic} greatness & <11v> we{illeg}|a|lth till she arrived at her place where above described.


lin. 6. kingdoms. The lower horn wch came up first is \the/ kingdom of the Medes. for & the higher that of the Persians. For this Monarchy \Empire/ rose up first & was inferior to that of Persians. By the fall of the Empire before that of Persia & was inferior to it. By the fall of the Empire of the Assyrians & the division thereof between the Medes & Babylonians under Cyaxeres & Nebuchadnezzar the two empires of the Medes & Babylonians rose up at once under Cyaxeres & Nebuchadnezzar, & they are represented by the two wings of the Lyon the first of Daniels fourth beasts. Dan. 7.4. And these continued standing together till the fall of Babylon, & the rise of the Persian Empire. For upon the fallen conquest of Babylon by the Medes, Cyrus & the Persians revolted from the Medes, I think the same \before the end of the/ year, & {sic} beat \them/ in battel the next year. {illeg} \&/ The king of Medes raised a new army & was again beaten the year following & lost his kingdom to {the} Cyrus & the Persians. The Babylonians were conquered by the Medes anno Nabonass. 209 \according to Ptolomes Canon/. And Cyrus died anno Nabonass 218, & reigned seven years over the Medes & Persians, & therefore conquered the \king of the/ Medes in the second battel anno Nabonas 211. {illeg} & set the Persians above the Medes.] who set the Persians above the Medes, Now & this was done Now Daniel continued only till the first year of Cyrus Dan. 1.21. & yet received the prophesy of the scripture of truth in the third year of Cyrus Dan. X.1, the reign of Cyrus being dated in the first case from his conquest of the king of the Medes & in the second from the conquest \his {illeg}/ his beginning to reign over the Persians. He conquered Babylon Ann. Nabonass according to the Ca 209 & died anno Nabonass. 218 according to the Canon; & reigned seven years after his conquest of the king of Medes according to Xenophon, & therefore conquered him Anno Nabonass 211. There was no time therefore for the reign of worth considering for the in this prophesy for the reign of the Medes after the fall of Babylon, & therfore I under consider the Ram as reigning in his first horn in the before the fall of Babylon, that is in the days of Daniels \the/ first of Daniels four Beasts, & in his second horn in the days of the second Beast.

plin. {29}740. waxed exceeding great. And \this/ little horn reigned in the days of Daniel's fourth b|B|east. For in the days \eigth year/ of Antiochus, the kingdom of Macedon was conquered by the Romans (the principal kingdom \horn/ of the four,) was conquered by the Romans. & the \conquering/ people wch composed this new kingdom are called Kittim{g}, & thereby declared \manifested/ to belong to the body of the Goat. For the Romans were descended from the Greeks & thence Italy was called Magna Græcia, & their ships which they sent against immediately after their \within a month or two after they had/ conque{illeg}|red| of the kingdom of Macedon, they sent against Antiochus Epiphanes then in Egypt, are called the ships of Kittim Dan. 11.20. And Kittim was the son of Iavan & Iavan {was} the whose posterity is represented by the Goad|t| |as| above. |And again in the prophesy of Balaam (if we may regard it as recited by Moses in favour of Israel) the Romans are called Kittim. And ships, saith he, shall come from Kittim & shall afflict Assur & s. a. E.|

This little horn waxed exceeding great towards the south by conquering Carthage & \with/ Afric, \Libya & Egypt/ & towards the east by conquering Asia minor Armenia & Syria, & towards the pleasant land by conquering Iudea. It waxed great even to the host of heaven (the people of the Iews,) & it cast down {illeg} some of the host & of the starrs to the grownd & it stamped upon them. Ye {sic} he magnified himself even to the Prince of the host, the Prince of Princes (Iesus Christ,) & by him the daily sacrifice was taken away & the the {sic} place of his sanctuary (the temple) was cast down, vizt in the war wch he made upon the Iews in the reign of Nero & Vespasian. And the host was given over \[to him]/ by the transgression against the daily sacrifice \& it cast down the truth to the grownd & it practised & prospered/. For in the reign of the Emperor Hadrian they \horn/ built a \the Romans built a/ temple to Iupiter Olympus on mount Sion where the temple of the Iews had stood, & made war against the Iews with very great slaughter, & banished them from Iudea upon pain of death, & placed the \carved/ statue of a hog on one of the gates of the city \& they have ever since {ever} continued in exile./ And {illeg} |Then,| saith Daniel, I heard one saint speaking & another said unto that certain saint wch spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice & the transgression of desolation \wch wch maketh desolate/, to give both the sanctuary & the host to be troden under foot? And he said unto me, Vnto two thousand & three hundred \(prophetic)/ days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. – For at the time of the end shall be the vision. – even in the last end of the indignation: that is, at the last end of Gods indignation amongst against the Iews, or at the last end of the long captivity & dispersion of the Iews predicted by Moses & the prophets; wch \indignation/ is not yet at an end. Thus the little horn grew mighty, but not by his own power, not by the power of Macedon \Kittim or Iavan/, but by that of Kittim & of the nations of Afric, Armenia, Syria, France, Spain, Helvetia, Dacia & Germany conquered by Kittim. < insertion from f 13r > The hebrew wch I h               – wch I here translate after him \one of them/ Dan. 8.9. \VIII.9./ is usually translated out out of one of them, as if one horn grew out of another. & so the Hebrew            Dan. XI.31 which is usually translated on his part. Dan XI.31, I had rather translate after him. For Daniel sometimes uses the preposition מן to signify after as in ch. XI.8 where ממר signifies after the king.

< text from f 12r resumes > <12v>

Some take this little horn &c. – – – – put for years Ezek. IV.5, 6.

If the prophesy of Balaam &c. – – – – – – continued 1590 years.

the isles of the Gentiles were divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations. Gen. X.4, 5. The isles of the Gentiles are here composed of several nations speaking several languages, & in the style of the scripture they comprehend all Europe. The king of Iavan is here usually interpreted to signify the king of Greece & in this sense the Goat in the – {was} waxed exceeding great began were arrived at the height; after one of them came forth a little horn. –            מיכ Translators usually render it of out of one of them: but \as/ Daniel uses the word ההלח to signify after, as in Dan. XI.8. phrase ממלכ to signify after the king \Dan. XI.8/: so here      מ may signify after {illeg} one of them. For {illeg} then the kingdom of Macedon fell, the principal kingdom of the four, fell, being conquered by the Romans, & by that conquest the a new horn of the Goat, rose up the kingdom of the Romans being \rose up. For this kingdom was/ within the isles of the gentiles. For when the transgressors were come to the full, aft the kingdom of Macedon fell being conq fell \wch was the principal/ horn of the four, did fall, being conquered by the Romans, & h at the same, by that conquest, the kingdom of the Romans a new horn rose up of the Goat, the kingdom of the Romans rose up so as to begin to be considered by the Roma in this prophesy. For this kingdom was within the isles of the Gentiles & so was most fitly represented by the the isles of the a horn of the Goat. Italy was called magna Græcia. And when the Romans had newly conquered Mace{d}on & the same summer sent embassadors to Egypt against Antiochus Epiphanes, their shipps are called the ships of Chittim. Dan. XI.30. And if the prophesy of Balaam so far as is recited by Moses in favour of Israel may be regarded, he also calls the Romans by the name of Chittim. And ships, saith he shall come from Chittim the coast of Chittim & they shall afflict Assur & shall afflict Eber. This horn was at first but a little one comparitively to what it became afterwards. It waxed exceeding great towards the south [– – – in the reign of Nero & Vespasian. And the host was given over for the transgression againssion {sic} against the daily sacrifice, & it cast down the truth to the grownd & it practised & prospered.] by conquering Afric Libya & Egypt, & towards the east by conquering Asia minor, Armenia & Syria, & towards the pleasant land by conquering Iudea. It waxed great even to the host of heaven (the people of the Iews) & it cast down some of the host & of the starrs to the grownd & it stamped upon them. Yea he magnified himself against \even to/ the Prince of the host, I{esus Chris}t the Prince of princes, Iesus Christ, Whence came the name of Antichrist \whom he put to death/. And by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, & the place of his sanctuary was cast down, vizt in the war wch he made upon the Iews in the reign of Nero & Vespasian. And the host was given over to him by the transgression against the daily sacrifice. And it cast down the truth to the grownd, & it practised & it prospered. For in the reign of the Emperor Hadrian this hor{d}|n| built a temple to Iupiter Olympus on mount Sion where the temple of the Iews had stood, & made war against the Iews with very great slaughter, & banished them from {illeg} Iudea {illeg} upon pain of death. & placed the carved statue of a hog on one of the gates of the city. Then, saith Daniel, I heard one saint speaking, & another said unto that certain saint that spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily scrifice {sic} & the transgression that maketh desolate to give both the sanctuary & the host to be troden under foot. And he said unit me, Vnto two thousand {illeg} & thre hundred (prophetick) days; Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed – For at the time of the end shall be the vision – even at the last end of the indignation; that is at the last end of Gods indignation against the Iews, or at the last end of the long captivity & dispersion of the Iews predicted by Moses & the Prophets. Which indignation hath already <13r> lasted since the days of Hadrian 1590 years, & is not yet at an end. Thus the power of this last horn of the goat became mighty but not by his own power not by his temporal power alone \the power of Kittim & Iavan but that of the nations of Afric Armenia Syria France Spain Helvetia Dacia & Germany conquered by Kittim/ {illeg} but by the power of as a king but by {illeg} the power of the last horn of Daniels fourth Beast in matters of religion

Some take the last horn of the Goat to be Antiochus Epiphanes, – – – – for years. Ezek. IV.5, 6.

Now in the life of Da first chapter of Daniel in describing the life of Daniel, its said that he continued even untill the first year of Cyrus, that is, untill the first year of Cyrus over Persia & Media; & afterwards its said that he received the prophesy of the third scripture of truth in the third year of Cyrus that is in his third date year over Persia \alone/ dated from the revolt of the Persians. He conquered Babylon Ann. Nabonass. 209 & died Ann. Nabonass. 218 according to the Canon of Ptolemy, & reigned seven years over the Persians & Medes after his conquest of the king of Medes according to Xenophon, & therefore conquered him Ann. Nabonass. 211.

& the ships wch the Romans immediately after this conquest sent with an embassy against Antiochus Epiphanes then in Egypt, are called the ships of Kittim{illeg} Dan. XI.30. wch is all one as to tell us that the Romans \are descended from Iavan & so/ belong to the body of the Goat. For Kittim was one of the sons of Iavan. \/ < insertion from lower down f 13r > \/ And if we may regard the prophesy of Balam so far as it is recited by Moses in favour of Israel the Romans are there also called Kittim. And ship {sic}, saith he, shall come from Kittim & shall afflict Assur & shall afflict Eber. < text from higher up f 13r resumes > Italy was so far{illeg} peopled from Greece as to be called magna Græcia, & it might be peopled originally from Kittim. But its sufficient \to make the Romans a horn of the Goat/ that the|y| Romans are called Kittim in the prophesies of Daniel.

The hebrew                wch I have translated after one of them Dan. VIII.9 is usually translated out of one of them as if one horn grew out of another. But Danuel sometimes uses the preposition מן to signify after, as in chap{illeg}. XI.8 where מ signifies after the king. And so that Hebrew          wch is usually translated on his part Dan. XI.31, may be more \more naturaly & wth better sense/ tranlated {sic} after him.

1Some take this little horn to be Antiochus Epiphanes, as if Antiochus was a little horn growing out of another horn \& the Goat had five horns gr standing up at once./. But Daniel by the horns of a Beast understands not single kings but kingdoms. The ten horns of the fourth beast were not single kings ten kingdoms, & the four horns of the Goat were four kingdoms & are called kingdoms by Daniel himself Dan. VIII.23. 3And The horn \out/ of wch {sic} \after wch/ the little little {sic} horn came up was one of them \four/. And Antiochus & his kingdom were not two horns. 2And the first horn, the great horn in the room of wch the four came up were of the same kind with the four. 4Each of the four horns had many kings & Antiochus was only king of one of them: [& the little horn was not one of the four but another horn wch came up after one of the four.] It was at first a little one & grew mighty towards &c – – – – – are put for years. Ezek. IV.5, 6.

Antiochus Epiphanes began his reign in the 137th year of the kingdom of the Greeks (1 Maccab. 1.10.) smote Egypt & returned from thence the first time \& peopled the temple/ in the 143 year (1 Maccab I.20, \21/) & after two years they \in returning from Egypt a 2d time he/ \suprized &/ smote Ierusalem & forbid put a garrison therein & interdicted the worship in the temple & commanded \yt they should leave their children uncircumcised &/ that all should be of one religion upon pain of death, \This was in the 145 year that is in the eighth year of the king/ & on the fifteenth day of the month Casleu in the 14th /same\ year, [that is in the eighth year of the king,] they set up the abomination of desolation upon the Altar in the temple & built Idol altars th|r|oughout the cities of Iuda. & burnt the books of the law & commanded that those who kept them should be put to death. (1 Maccab. I.{24, 22} \29 & 54/, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, \41,/ 42, 43, 44, 45, 54, 56, 57, 59. Now for pointing out this remarkable period Daniel pursues the description of the affairs of the kings of the north & south very particularly untill he come to it. And then he describes it by telling us that afte that {sic} the king of the north at the time appointed shall return & come toward the south a second time, but the latter expedition shall not be as the former. For the ships of Chittim shall come against him Therefore he shall be grieved & return \(out of Egypt)/, & have indignation with against the holy covenant: so shall he do, he shall even return \(out of Egypt)/ & have intelligence wth them that forsake the holy covenant. <13v> And when he has thus carried on the description of the affairs of the kings of the north & south to the eigth year of Antiochus \Epiphanes/, he passes from the affairs of the Greeks to those of the Romans, & describes them by much larger steps then he had done those of the Greeks. In the prophesy of the Ram & He Goat its said that after one of the four horns of the Goat (meaning the kingdom of Macedon,) came forth a little horn (meaning the power of the Romans) & waxed exceeding great (meaning the power of the Romans):) & the same transition is here repeated in the following manner.

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& after two full years, that is in the 145th year wch (1 Maccab. I.29, 54) in returning from Egypt the second time, he surprized & smote Ierusalem & put a garrison therein & interdicted the worship in the temple, & commanded that the Iews should leave their children uncircumcised & that all men should be of one religion upon pain of death. And on the 15th day of the month Casleu in the same year they set up the abomination of desolation (as the historian calls it) upon the altar in the temple & built idol altars throughout the cities of Iuda & burnt the books of the law & commanded that those that kept them should be put to death. All this was done in the eigth year of the king. And for pointing out this remarkable period Daniel pursues the description of the affairs of the kings of the north & south very particularly untill he comes to it & then describes it by telling us that

Pharamund, Clodius, Merovæus, ChildericI, Clodovæus, Clotharius, Cheribertus, Chilperic \II/, Clotharius II. Dagobert Clodovæus II. Clotharius III. Childeric, Thoderic I. Clodavæus III. Childerbert II. Dagobert II. Chilperic III. Theoderic II. Childeric IV. Pipin. Carolus Magnus Ludovicus Pius. Carolus Calvus Ludovicus Balbus.

[Editorial Note 2]

the Persians who subdued it. The Babylonians were|as| conquered by the Medes Anno Nabonass 209, & the Medes by the Persians within two years after \Anno Nabonass 211/. But the Persians began to revolt from the Medes presently after the fall of Babylon, I think in the end of the same year so as to leave no time worth considering for the reign of the Empire of the Medes after the fall of Babylon. For \in Daniel {sic} {life}/ its said that Daniel continued only till the first year of Cyrus Dan. X.I: the reign of Cyrus being dated in the first case \that is in the history of his life/ from his conquest of the Medes, & in the second case \(that is in the his Prophesies)/ from from his revolting from the Medes & beginning to reign of \over/ the Persians. So then \the/ Ram reigned in his first horn only all all the time of his the first Monarchy \Empire/ & in both his horns all the time of the two {firses} then the second horn rose up & continued the higher horn all the time of the second Monarchy \Empire/. And \therefore/ the Ram comprehends the times of the two first Empires of the four Empires

# And by setting up the {tra} wch is not yet at an end, & in respect of which the transgression     And in respect of which the transgression set up in Iudea during the exile of the Iews is called the transgression of desolation & the abomination wch maketh desolate. Thus the little horn And this abomination was was \to be/ set up till after the death of Christ Matt. 24.15.

The Persians beat th

The Medes were beaten by the Mede Persians in two Battels & in the first battel \wch/ was in the yeare of Nabonassar 210, by the fraud of Harpagus lost their dominion irrecoverably army, Darius got up a new army, but was beaten \again by the Persians/ & taken prisoner at Pasargada & lost \all the remainder of/ his kingdom to Cyrus Ann Nabonass. 21. In the life of Daniel its said that


Now this vision of the first Temple with seven golden Candlesticks \continues till the sounding of the seventh opening of the seventh seal/ & then there is a twofold representation of the great change of the affairs of the Church: and by \allusion to/ the fea days of expiation & feast of ye seventh month, the other by \allusion to/ the day of the expiation & feast of the seventh month the first Temple continues with the seven golden candlesticks & the lamb before the throne \therein/ till the end of the feast: but if the change be made represented by allusion to the Babylonian captivity the first temple is destroyed by the Babylonians & a new Temple built with two candlesticks & two olive trees in allusion resembling those in the second temple described in the vision{illeg} of Zachary. In that vision the seven lamps were joyned to a golden bowle by seven golden pipes through wch the oyle ran into them, & the bowle stood upon a golden candlestick & was joyned to two vessels of oyle on either side by two golden pipes through wch the oyle ran into it, & the two vessels were supported by two olive trees, not living trees with branches & leaves but shafts, but shafts of olive wood. In the Apocalyps there being two golden candlesticks it is to be supposed that the golden bowle being in an oblong form is supported by two golden candlesticks one at either end, Conceiv \the bowle being in an oblong form./

Conceive therefore that when the times of the first \sea|ix|les/ seals are expired, the 144000 are sealed in the first Temple the Lamb standing before the throne, & {that} untill the vision of the Palm-bearing multitude is at an end, & that when the seventh Trumpet sounds the Lamb changes his shape into the form of {illeg} an high Priest & appears in the same Temple in the form of the High Priest with a golden censer to offer the prayers of the saints upon the golden Altar in the same T first Temple. I say he changes his shape: for he never appears in two shapes at once. And when the first six Trumpets Angels have sounded their Trumpets \in this Temple/ conceive that the Lamb appeares again in the form an Angl|e|l coming down from heaven \with the book o/ & setti|s|ng his right foot upon the sea of glass & his left foot upon the earth in this Temple \with the book open in his hand/ & continues in this posture till the seven thunders have uttered their voices {& then} at the sacrifices in this Temple & then stands up & prophesies to Iohn con Iohn takes the book & eats it in order to prophesy again & the {sic} And stand the Angel stands up with his right foot on the sea & his left foot on the earth & in allusion to the Babylonian captivity prophesies & the building of a new Temple pen bidds Iohn measure the Tem prophesies to Iohn concerning the building of second new Temple with two Candlesticks in it. But this Temple was not shewed to Iohn in the visions. All the visions appeared in the first Temple. Now the Lamb in the form of an Angel standing on the earth & sea signifies the Church of Christ diffused through the earth & sea & his two feet signify the distinction of this Church into \two Churches/ the Churches of the earth & sea. And these are the two witnesses. For the {An}{illeg} Candlesticks are churches &        & so are Olive trees

. And two Candlesticks supporting all the seven lamps can signify nothing less then the church catholick.

untill the Woman fled from the Temple into the wilderness & ceased to be illuminated any longer by the light of these lamps; & \then/ in allusion to the Baby times of the Babylonian captivity a second Temple is built for \the worship of those/ those that remain in Iudea & in the holy city now troden down \underfoot/ by the Babylonian gentiles|, & the outward court of this temple is left open & unbuilt & given to those Gentiles.|

These two olive trees & this Candlestick (suppose wth two brances {sic}) are alluded unto in the Apocalyps. And \For |[And|/ as the seven branches of the \first/ golden candlestick are \in this book/ called seven candlesticks, so the two branches of the second candlestick are \here/ called two candlesticks] the name of candlestick wch in old Testament is given to the stem wth all its branches, being in this prophesy given to each of the branches.


And the same thing is represented by the mystical body of Christ \the {sic} son of man/ appearing in the beginning of the Prophesy with two flaming eyes, & {illeg} & two feet burning as it were in a furnace. His mystical body represents the church catholick & his eyes leggs denote the division of the|i||s| Church into two parts the Churches of the Greeks & Latines the nations of the third & fourth Empires. And when the son of man in the form of |an| Angel sits comes down from heaven with feet as pillars of fire & a little book open in his hand & sets his right foot upon the sea & left foot upon the earth, his mystical body \still/ represents the Church catholic diffused through the nations of the earth & sea or Greeks & Latines. in the times which follow the opening of book of the last sea of all the seals of the book He has a little book open in his hand to signify that this \last/ vision relates to the times which follow the opening of all the seales, that is in the times during the \to the times of/ sounding of the seven Trumpets. He stands in this posture all the time that he is prophesying concerning the second Temple & the two witnesses. And therefore the two Witnesses being represented by the \the/ two Candlesticks & two Olive trees in this Temple & so being the two Churches of God {illeg} \Christ/ which worship in his Temple are the the {sic} \same/ Churches \with those/ represented by his two leggs, the churches diffused through the nations of the earth & sea, the Churches of the Greeks & Latines.

This Temple with it {sic} Candlesticks appears not in the visions When the times of the seventh seale are represented by the \day of expiation &/ feast of theseventh month, Iohn sees in this Temple the sealing of ye 144000 in the day of expiation & the celebration of the seven days of the feast with soundings of Trumpets & musick like thunders at the sacrifices. But when the times of this seale are represented by allusions to the Babylon captivity Iohn the Angel only tells him the allusions {illeg} without sheweing him to him any new vision.

[Editorial Note 3]

are called Gods two Witnesses. They are derived from the Womans two Wings & prophesy against all that worship the Beast. And when they shall be finishing their Testimony the Beast with his worshippers makes war upon them against them & {illeg} overcomes them & kills them. By the same figure that the Dragon keeps his ten horns & the woman her two wings after they are separated from one another the Witnesses may keep the name of the two witnesses after they are separated both from the Dragon & from the Woman. And \thus/ the Roman Empire at its first division became distinguished into two Empires wth their Churches fals & true, the Dragon the two horned Beast & one Witness in the earth, & the Beast the Woman & the other witness in the sea. But \yet {illeg} God hath but one Temple for his worshippers &/ these two Witnesses are but one Church catholick the true church of God \worshipping in this Temple/, & as the Beast having once obteined the name of the Beast with ten horns retains it ever after tho the horns do not always remain the same, so the true Church catholick of God retains the having once obteined the name of the two Witnesses, retains the|a||t| name ever after without regard to any changes which may happen to this Church from in point of government or numbers or in relation to the kingdoms or regions throughout wch it is dispersed at any time dispersed. What ever the true Church of Christ does or suffers in in the east or west or in the Scythaas or Germany any place or kingdom, the two Witnesses do or suffer \in that place/. And tho the Beast is properly the Western Emp{illeg}ire divided into many kingdoms, yet he may be taken in sometimes taken in a {illeg} larger sense so as to include his worshippers, that is all the people within the bounds of the Roman Empire whose names are not written in the book of life, & against whom the two Witnesses prophesy.

[Editorial Note 4] <15v>

Now the visions continue in the first Temple or Temple of the Tabernacle till the end of the prophesy of the Trum seals & Trumpets. And the seven candlesticks with their lamps continue in this Temple till the end of th all these visions. The Lamb with seven eyes & seven horns continues before the throne till the end of the vision of the palm-bearing multitude.

In the second Temple

The form of the /and his horns the seven churches.\

In the second Temple there was a candlestick \wth seven lamps/ whose form is thus described in the visions of Zechary ch. 4. T It supported a bowle of oyle The seven lamps were joyned to a golden bowle of oyle by seven golden pipes through which the oyle ran into them, & the bowle stood upon a golden candlestick & wa{illeg}|s| joyned \(suppose with two branches/ to two vessels of oyle on either side by two golden pipes through wch the oyle ran into it, & the two vessels were supported by two Olive trees, not living trees growing upon a root & flourishing with branches & leaves, but shafts of wood olive wood. These two olive trees are alluded unto in the Apocalyps & instead of one golden candlestick to support the bowle with its seven lamps there are two \suppose two branches from a common pedestal./. Now candlesticks signify Churches as above, & so do olive trees Rom 11.17, 24. And since these |two| Candlesticks support \the bowle all/ the seven lamps & the two Olive branches supply them with oyle for illuminating the whole Temple \of God/ they must represent the Church Catholick \whole Church of God/ distinguished into the {r} two Churches. And the same thing is signified by Ch the mystical body of Christ with two burning leggs & two \flaming/ eyes |feet as pillars of fire. He has the book open in his hand to signify the times of this seventh seale {upon} wch follow the opening of the seventh seale.| He sets his right foot upon the sea & his left foot upon the earth & stands in this posture till to signify \that he represents/ the{illeg} \ye whole/ church catholic \of God/ diffused through the earth & sea. He stands in this posture all the time that he is prophesying concerning the times of second Temple & two witnesses & therefore the two Witnesses represented by the two candlesticks & two Olive trees are the Church catholick distinguished into \in this Temple are the true Church catholick of God composed of/ the Churches of the earth & sea. This Temple with its Candlesticks appear not in the Prophesy \visions/, the Angel only prophesies to Iohn concerning them without shew{ing} them to him. in the visions, a|A|ll wch \the visions/ appear in the first Temple till the sounding of the seventh Trumpet. It is in the first Temple that \And/ Iohn measures the \inner/ courts of the \first/ Temple & Altar & them that worship therein to signify that they should be rebuilt: And all the visions appear in the first Temple till the sounding of the seventh Trumpet.

The two witnesses prophesy in \the/ times of the \open Book that is of the by consequence of ye/ seven Trumpets. And if any man will hurt them first proceedeth out of their mouth & devoureth their enemies. These have power \[like Elijah & Elisha in the reign of Iezabel]/to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophesy: that is, they have the power of Elis|j|ah & Elisha & are persecuted by the Woman Iezabel as those prophets were in a dry & barren season. And they have power. \[& therefore they prophesy in a dry & barren season when the woman or reigns in the wilderness where the woman reigneth.]/. And \[like Moses & Aaron {illeg}ing on {illeg} Egypt {illeg}]/ they have power to turn the waters into blood & to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will. For their seven lamps are the seven spirits of God & the {illeg} \or Angels & the seven Angels/ wch stand before ye throne \of God/. They are the seven Angels which stand before God & sound the seven trumpets: & pour out the seven ma \& have the seven Angels which &/ have the seven last plagues {illeg} the seven \or/ vials of wrath. And the sounding of the first Trumpet ........./untill the Woman represents

In allusion to the prophesying of \the Prophets/ Haggain & Zechary at the building of the second Temple the two Witnesses of Christ prophesy in Sac\k/cloth while the Babylonian gentiles tread the holy city underfoot. And if any man will hurt

\He was cast out of the Temple above into the P{illeg} peoples court./ And he came down to the inhabiters of the earth & sea. with great wrath These are nations on wch the plagues of the two first Trumpets fell, & the \inhabiters of the/ regions on wchthe Son of man {illeg} set his two feet in the form of an Angel set his two feet \right foot & his left/; the nations which are the subject of the prophesy, the kingdo & over whom the Dragon \now/ reigneth {illeg} And he pours against whom \untill the Beast ariseth out of ye sea & where {illeg} to whom/ the two witnesses prophesi|y|ed in the in the Temple.

And he persecuted the Woman wch brought forth the man child, & to the Woman were given two Wig|n|gs of a great Eagle [the Roman Empure] that she might fly [from the Dragon & from the Temple of God \in Iudea/ into the wilderness, \or deserts/ [of Arabia] \& {illeg}/ into the great city Babylon.] She being a type of the Church catholic \diffused through the Roman Empire,/ her two wings are a type of the division of the church Catholick into two Churches the Churches of the earth & sea <15r> & these wings are given her by the division of the Roman Empire into the Empire of the Earth & sea or Greeks & Latines & therefore are called the wings of a great Eagle, & {illeg}

The {illeg}|gr|eat Eagle denotes the Roman Empire & by the division of this empire into {f} \the Empires of the earth & sea or)/ Greeks & Latines, empires the Woman wth {a} or Church Catholick diffused through this Empire received two wings of a great Eagle, that is she becomes distinguished into the churches of the earth & sea.

) & here signifies \that/ the inner court of the Temple should be rebuilt

& the visions therein, vizt those of sealing the saints, sounding the Trumpets & uttering the Thunders alluded unto the Fast & feast of the seventh month. But now upon prophesying out of a new leafe of the book the Angel prophesies with allusion alludes unto the Babylonian captivity & building of a new \second/ Temple after the first had been destroyed. For measuring is a type of building (Zech. 2. Ezek. 40) & it was in the time of the second Temple only that the Gentiles trode down the Holy city under foot & that the outward court was left unbuilt & lay open to the gentiles & was called the court of the Gentiles. Yet I do not perceive{d} that the second Temple appeared to Iohn. The Angel only commanded h All the visions appeared in the first Temple & the Angel commanded \Iohn/ to measure the inner courts of this Temple in token that they should be rebuilt & \to/ leave the outward {Court} of this Temple unmeasured in token that it should not be rebuilt. Measur{in} \For/ The four & twenty elders remain in this Temple. [And the seventh Angel sounded in this Temple & the 24 Elders which sat before God on their seats in this Temple remain there {illeg} till this Angel sounded.] Measuring is also a type &c.

The \inner/ Courts {illeg} of the first Temple in which

The visions had hitherto appeared in the first Temple & those of the those of the sealing the saints sounding the Trumpets & uttering thunders had alluded unto the \fast &/ feast of the seventh month \celebrated {illeg} in this Temple/. The Angel still appears in the first \same/ Temple, but & a but in his discourses alludes in {sic} prophesying out of a new leaf of the book alludes unto the Babylonian captivity & |ye| building of a second Temple is not shewed unto Iohn, but the Angel commands him to measure the inner Courts of the first Temple to {sic}signify \in token/ that they should be rebuilt \for the worship of the tribes of {50} Iews people of God/ & to leave the outward Courts of this temple unmeasured to signify \in token/ that it shod|u|ld not be rebuilt but be given to the Gentiles those Gentiles who tread captivate the holy city & tread it under foot, that is to the Babylonians \the Whore of Babylon & her Beast & those that worship him/. For measuring is a type of building [Zech. 2 Ezek. 40] & the outward court of the second Temple was not rebuilt by Zerubbabel but left open to ye Babylonians & called the Genti court of the Gentiles. Measuring is also

And when \the Dragon has made war with this remnant &/ the Ten horned Beast is risen out of the sea & has received the Dragons throne in the West & all that dwell upon the earth begin to worship him whose names are not written in the book of life: then the remnant is represented either by the 144000 sealed out of all the twelve Tribes of Israel & worshipping in the first Temple & by the seven candlesticks celebrating celebrating the \seven days of the/ feast of the seventh month in the wth great sacrifices & by the |standing| seven gold & singing a new song as Prophets upon mount Sion with the Lamb & upon the sea of glass & singing a new song as Proph Gods prophets, or interpreters of his \his/ prophesy|s|: or else they are represented by his t with allusion to the Babylonian captivity they are & to the building of a {se} they are represent {sic} by two Witnesses or Prophets worshipping in the a second Temple whose outward Court is given th to the Babylonian Gentiles \those Gentiles/ who worship the beast. {&} are represent \These Gentiles are/ all men that dwell upon the earth whose names are not written in the book of life, whether they compose the body of the Beast in the west to whom the Dragon gave his throne in the West, or the body of his worshippers in the east \his/ those that dwell in the earth & by the influence of the two horned Beast are induced to worship him. These Gentil The outward Court lies open to all the worshippers of the Beast & the inward Court is for the remnant of the Womans seed or as many of them as are sealed wth the seale of God, & in relation to the earth & sea throughout wch the twelve Tribes were


While ye Woman is in heaven she is the seven Candlesticks & ye seven horns of ye Lamb, but when

The seven Candlesticks & seven horns of ye Lamb are the Woman while she sontinues in heaven & when she flys into the wilderness they are the remnant of her seed wch she leaves behind her in the Dragons kingdom, & the two Candlesticks & two witnesses are the saints upon wch the Beast makes war & with whose \blood/ the Whore is drunken.

The woman in heaven with a crown of 12 stars upon hea|r|d head is the 12 Tribes of Israel. And When she flys into ye wilderness there are 12000 sealed \in their foreheads/ out of every Tribe, in all 144000 \(Apoc 7)/ & these are the remnant of her seed. These stand on mount Sion wth ye Lamb \untill the fall of Babylon,/ having his name & his fathers name written on their foreheads. & are not defiled with weomen like the kings of ye earth who commit \spiritual/ fornication wth the whore, For & the nations who are drunk wth ye wine of her fornication. For

These heads are called \seven/ kings & they are described successive by saying Five are fallen & one is & another is not come & the Beast wch was & is not he is ye eighth & of ye seven. All wch is as much as to say that in ye time time {sic} of the sixt head the it may be said the Beast was it may be \head or king/ the Beast was \is/ wounded to death with a sword & then he is called the Beast wch was & is not but in ye time of ye seventh head he \king he revives &/ ascends out of ye abyss & \so/ is ye eighth head \king/ & yet of of ye seven because a collateral part of ye seventh. The words five are fallen & one is & the Beast wch was & is not |respect not the days of Iohn For Iohn prophesied not of things past They respect not the days of Iohn (for Iohn prophesied not of things past) but they respect the| are relative expressions. When \ever/ it may be said of the heads kings that five are fallen & one is then it may be said of ye Beast that he was & is not. These seven kings successive kings are \therefore/ seven successive \Reigns or/ Dynasties of the Empire & \{illeg}|these| reigns kings/ commence at y{illeg}\e/ opening of the seven seales. For by the opening of the seales the Empire is distinguished into seven successive kings or dynasties, the four first of wch are represented by four horsemen, & is those may be called seven heads of ye Dragon or Beast, there is no reason to look for any other. If it be said that five heads were fallen before ye days of Iohn I answer that the {illeg} Iohn prophesied not of things past. The words five are fallen & one is & ye words Beast wch was & is not \res {sic}/ have respect only \to/ one another Whenever it may be said that five are fallen & one is, then it may be said that ye Beast was & is not. Iohn looks upon that time as present in the visions & from thence takes a prospect of the Whore Whore & her Beast.

Now the Dynasties of the Roman emperors were these. The first Dynasty was of Iulius Cæsar & \Italians till Nero Trajan & in this Dynasty reigned fo/ his family till the Death of Nero, {illeg} \being Italians/ In ye end of wch \this Dynasty/ this prophesy was written, And after the writing thereof the reigned of the first \reigned/ jst Dynasty was of Vespasian & his family till Nerva \being also Italians/. 2 Trajan a Spaniard & his family till Pertinax \being Spain/. 3 Severus \an African/ & a race of Africans. till 4 Decius & a confused race of shortlived Emperors & Tyrants to ye number of about 40 within the compass of 33 years \out of the north./ in very troublesome times. 5 Diocletian & his colleg|a|gues who restored ye Empe|i|ro|e|r & persecuted ye Church 6 Constantine the great & his family till Iovian \the death of Iulian./. 7 Valentinian & his family & their colleagues till the after the division of ye western Empire into ten kingdoms.

[Editorial Note 5] <17v>

\at ye death of Constantine ye great & his son Constantine/ received two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into ye wilderness to her place where upon ye back of ye Beast where she is nourished that is fares \lives/ deliciously by the Merchants of the earth for a time times & an half from ye face of ye serpent, that is by the division of the Empire she flyes from ye Dragon or Eastern part of the Empire & into the wilderness or western part & there arrive at length arrives \there/ to her place or dignity upon ye back of ye Beast where she is nourished by the Merchants of ye Earth & lives deliciously wth the the kings \of ye earth/ or horns of the Beast for 1260 years, three time {sic} & an half, recconing a time for 360 years days & a day for a year. And while t|s|he woman thus flyes from ye Dragon \Woman/ by the division of ye Empire nations into ye East & the Woman \thus/ flys from the \Dragon/ into ye west, the two-horned Beast rises out of ye Earth in ye east in ye room of ye Woman \the Dragon retires from ye woman {times} into ye east to make war upon the remnant of her seed wch she leaves behind her & wch keep the comma & \in his kingdom/ wch keep ye commandments of God & have ye testimony of Iesus Christ, & the ten horned beast rises out of ye sea in ye west in the room of ye retiring Dragon./ & ye ten-horned Beast rises out of ye sea in ye west in the room of ye \retiring/ Dragon, & the woman leaves behind her & the east a remnant of her seed wch keep the & ye great whore wch sits upon him is \seems/ drunken wth their blood. {sic} \& makes warr upon the saints in his kingdom/

The Empire became twice divided first at ye death of Constantine the great & then at ye death of Theodosius \Valentinian or soon after/. After the first division \Vpon After & between these/ |periods| the Beast \rose out of the sea & /in the reign of Magnentius\/ was wounded to death by ye \conquering/ sword of Constantius, & then by a \& then was called the beast was & is not {illeg} & shall/ new division at ye death of \Vale Iovan he rose out/ Theodosius of \he rose out of the bottomles pit & his sea or abyss & his/ deadly wound was healed. While ye Beast lay dead of his wound he is called ye Beast wch was & is not & shall ascend out of the bottomless pit. He rose twice, first out of ye sea & then out of the bottomless pit. \ascend out of the abyss or sea. By {illeg} When he ascended his deadly wound was healed/ For while he lay dead of his wound he is called the Beast wch was & is not & shall ascend out of the bottomless pit abyss.

The Dragon & Beast have the

\Because the/ Before the division of ye Empire the Beast lay hid \was conteined/ \virtually/ in ye Dragons body & therefore they have common heads & horns. But the heads of ye Dragon & \only & the/ horns of ye Beast are only \are/ crowned to signify that \only/ the Dragon reigns \only/ in the heads & \only/ the Beast \only/ in the horns. These heads are \called/ seven successive kings \(Apoc 17)/ that is Reigns or \seven reigns or/ Dynasties of ye Dragon Empire. [& commence at ye opening of ye seven seales. The four first \reigns or \of these reigns or// kings are \For the Empire by the opening of the seals is distinguished into seven successive reigns. And the four first of these reigns or kings are represented by four horsemen.]/ represented by four horsmen. In the time \of the fift head the woman \cried/ travailed in birth & {illeg} pained to be delivered in that/ of ye sixt \head/ {illeg}her |{illeg} child was caught up to God & his throne & she received| woman receives two wings of a great eagle to fly into ye wilderness & \then/ the Angel carried Iohn thither thither to {illeg} see{m} her sitting on her Beast & then it is said that ye b|B|east was & is not & shall ascend, & |yt| the heads are seven kings, five are fallen & one is & another is not come & ye Beast wch was & is not he is ye eight & |is| of the seven \& shall ascend &/. that is, the Beast rises In \The Beast ascends in/ ye reign of ye seventh Head the Beast ascends & so is ye eighth & yet he is of ye seven because a collateral part of ye seventh \head/ divided into two. At ye same time \In the time of ye sixt head./ it is also said that ye \ten/ horns have received no power \kingdom/ as yet, but receive power as kings \at/ the same hour time with the Beast. \In the reign of the seventh head/ When ye Beast rises out of the bottomless pit, then ye ten horns receive power as kings.

The Dynasties of Roman Emperors we|a|re these, |first| Iulius Cæsar & his family <16v> family till the death of Nero. {illeg} \in the end of whose reign the Apocalyps was written & after the writing thereof/ Vespasian & his family till Nerva. 2 Trajan & his family of Spaniards till the reign of Pertinax. 4|3| {illeg} Severus & a race of Africans. 5|4| Decius & a confused race of short lived Emperors in{illeg} including & Tyrants to the number of about 40 within the compas of very troublesome times 33 years in very troublesome times. 6|5| Dioclesian & his Colleagues. \who restored the Empire & persecuted the Church/ 7|6| Constantine the great & his family till the death of Iulian the Apostate. 8|7| Valentinian & his family & their Collegues till \after/ the last division of the Empire. These seven Dynasties [are the seven |kings or| heads of the Dragon \& Beast/ reigning] \reigned/ successively at ye opening of ye seven seals & the four first of them are the four horsmen.

At the opening of the first seal Iohn saw the first Beast who {illeg} wch stood on ye eastern side of ye court called Iohn to come


At ye opening of ye 5t seal Iohn saw the {solels} under the Altar the souls of them that were slain for ye work of God & for ye testimony wch they held that is he saw the bodies of ye martyrs lye slain at ye foo as sacrifices at ye foot of ye Altar. \All {was} is a description \in that great persecution/ of Dioclesians./ And another \Persecution These martyrs/ are the army of Michael who overcame the Dragon by the blood of ye Lamb & word of their testimony & loved not their lives unto ye death. At this time therefore was the war in heaven between Michael & ye Dragon, & the Woman in heaven cried in travail & pained to be delivered.

At the opening of the sixt seal \there is {illeg} \a great/ earthquake &/ the Sun Moon & Stars are smitten & ye hevens depart & |ye| Mountains & Islands fleee away & the kings & great men hide themselves from ye face of God & ye Lamb from ye wrath of ye Lamb. All wch is a description of the \ye end of the world politick that is of or/ fall of the {great} \great/ kingdom \of ye earth world &,/ such a kingdom as was hostile to the Christian religion. At this time therefore the great red Dragon \wch deceived the whole world/ was cast out of heaven & \in his room/ the new born manchild was caught up to God & to his throne & \to rule all nations wth a rod of iron &/ this was done by the conversion of the Empire to Christianity in the reign of Constantine the great & his sons. And now by the division of the Empire ye wom at ye death of the two Constantines the woman receives two wings of a great e{illeg}|a|gle to fly into ye wilderness & at ye death overthrow & death of Magnentius the Beast is wounded \to death/ with a sword, & then Iohn is carried into the Wilderness & sees the woman there & the \sitting on her/ Beast which was & is not & & shall ascende & is told \wth respect to the time of ye sixt seale looked upon as present in ye visions/ that ye Beast was & is not & that ye seven heads are seaven kings whereof five are were fallen & one was & ye another was not yet come & when he came he should continue a short space & ye Beast wch was & is not he is ye eighth & of ye seven. & shall Because he rises in the reign of the seventh head he is the eighth, & yet he is of the seven being a collateral part of {illeg} \the seventh/ divided into two. Iohn is told also wth respect to ye same time of ye sixt head that the ten horns of the Beast are ten kings wch have recceived no kingdom as yet but receive power as kings at ye same time \hour/ with the Beast. It Before the Beast rises \out of the bottomles pit/ they horns have no kingdom & therefore are not crowned on the Dragons head. When the Beast \the/ rises out of ye bottomless pit \the Beast rises out of the pit/ he becomes divided into ten kingdoms & thereby his horns receive power as kings.


Before the division of the Empire the nations of the Beast were comprehended in the Dragons body & therefore the Dragon & Beast have common heads & horns, but the heads of ye Dragon only & the horns of the Beast only are sealed crowned to signify that the Dragon reigns only in the heads & the Beast only in the horns or that head upon wch the horns grow. These heads are called seven kings & described successive by saying that five are fallen & one is & another is not come, & therefore they are seven successive reigns or Dynasties of the \whole/ Empire.


This marking & {cl}|se|aling alludes to ye \a/custome of the heathens of marking servants wth the mark or name of their masters, souldiers wth ye mark or name of their kings or principal offenders \ship commanders/ & religious men the worshippers of a|ny| God wth ye mark or name of their God, as \by marking/ the worshippers of Bacchus wth the figure of an ivy leaf or wth the name of Bacchus or wth the number made up of the \numeral/ letters of his name. {illeg} And such marks or names or numbers {illeg} were usually set upon the foreheads or necks \or breast,/ or right hands or arms of the person marked by burning or {pr} pricking & colouring the flesh \& were made sometimes by by burning & sometimes by pricking & colouring the flesh/. So Lucian tells us that \all/ the worshippers of the Dea Syria were marked, some in the palm of their hand others in their neck & that [from thence it is that all the Assyrians appear marked \appear all of them/ have marks upon them] by reason of this custome \from thence/ all the Assyrians are all of them appear wth marks upon them. by Assyr {illeg} th \&/ Vnder the name of Assyrians he comprehends the Syrians & Babylonians. that is all those whom \he/ usually calls Assyrians including the {illeg} Syrians & Babylonians. And in {illeg} allusion to this custom         The same ma the Beast is said to have \upon his heads/ the names of blasphemy {upon his head} that is the names of his fals Gods & to be full of the names of blasphemy & the Whore to have upon her forehead a name written Mystery, Babylon the great

The pricking & sealing alludes also divsion of the 12 tribes

In the solemnity of the gre Fast of the seventh month – the {att} atonement for the sins of

|And| [When these \the/ times of the \Apostacy or/ first six Trumpets were expiring] Iohn] \I/ saw an Anglel {sic} fly in ye midst of heaven wth \having/ the everlasting gospel \[the scripture of truth ]|n|ow opened by the event of things]/ to preach unto them that dwell on the earth even to every nation & kindred & \{sic} tongue &/ people, [whereby the 144000 became \at length/ an innumerable multitude of all nations] saying with a loud voice Feare God & give glory to him, for the hour of his judgmt is come, & [laying aside yor fals gods \worship of the Beast/] worship him who made {illeg} heaven & earth. And \Conceive that ye 144000/ by this preaching of all nations the 144000 \{soon}/ became an innumerable multitude of all nations. And there followed another Angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she made all nations drink {illeg} \of/ the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And a third Angel followed them saying with a loud voice If any man worship the Beast & his image & receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand \vizt in the great tribulation or final persecution/ the same shall drink of ye wine of the wrath of God &c. Here are \is/ the{illeg} patience of the saints here are they which keep the commandments of God & the faith of Iesus vizt in the great tribulation or final persecution. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me write, Blessed are the dead which dye in the Lord from henceforth: Yea saith the spirit, they they may rest from their labours & their works do follow them. In the persecution described at the opening of the fift seal – –

And with respect to this

It was Conceive that the 7th Tr soundes to this war & that the by \in token of/ this victory over the wicked the Victors come out of the great tribulation with Palm branches in their hands crying Salvation to or God, & that God henceforward wipes away all tears from their eyes.

Hitherto Iohn has \hitherto/ prophesied out of the first six leaves & the first page of the seventh leaf of this|e| eaten book in due order of time from the time of opening the first seale to ye time of \the Palm bearing multitude &/ sounding the last Trumpet, \in due order of time/. & that he now returns \proceeds/ to prophesy out of the second page of the seventh leaf.

And I saw another signe in heaven great & marvellous seven Angels having the seven last plagues for in them is filled up the wrath of God. These are the Angels of the seven Trumpets, & their plagues are called the seven last plagues partly wth respect to \because they follow are the plagues of the last times & \succeeding/ coming after/ the plagues of ye Trumpets wi seales wch are the first, partly wth respect to the last times & are ye plagues of the last times & \& also to signify that they are/ the plagues last mentioned wth wch the two witnesses smite the earth as often as they will & the plagues of the seven thunders wch were mentioned after the seven plagues of the seven \first six/ Trumpets. There they were sealed up & not written here they are written because they were not written before left{illeg} unwritten before

And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire & them that get the victory over the Beast & over his Image & \over his mark &/ over the number of his name \[yt is them that had been and the sealed wth ye name of God/ stand on ye sea of glass, having the harps of God. Conceive them standing up \upon the steps/ at the eastern gate of the Priests court {wher} so that thei|y|r feet might appear \to Iohn/ as it were standing on the sea of glass /mingled wth the fire of the Altar.\

And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God & the song of the Lamb saying Great & marvellous – – – – manifest. \They that {illeg}/ Conceive that they sing with their & play upon their Harps at the sacrifices whose drink offferings are here represented by seven vials of wrath. For after the High Priests had finished the service of the Oblations at the Altar, they took the cup & poured of the blood of the grape at the foot of the Altar a sweet smelling savour unto the God & then the Priests sounded the Trumpets & the singers sang praises wth their voices untill the so /& with great unity\ of sounds made sweet melody till the solemnity was ended Ecclesiastic. c. 50


The song of the Lamb is the song wch the Lamb & ye 144000 sang \on Mount Sion/ before the throne & before the four beasts & elders.

After the seven Thunders \an Angel {illeg} \{illeg}// there is time no longer [but when the seventh Angel sounds that is when the seventh thunder utters its voice the mystery of God is finished] & therefore they are the {illeg} last plagues

[Editorial Note 6]

They had gotten the victory they that \[Them that {sic} had gotten such a spiritual victory as in all the epistles to ye seven churches is called overcoming them that/ in the hour of tempation wch came upon all the world \to try men/ were not overcome as as to worship the Beast & his Image & receive his mark & the number of his name but overcam overcame the temptation & were sealed wth the name of God in their foreheads, that is the 144000 who stood upon mount Sion wth the Lamb & sung a new song, these Victors I saw] standing on the sea of glass having the sea of Glass harps of God. Conceive them – – – – And they sing the song of Moses & the Lamb saying the servant of God & the song of the Lamb, Saying – – – – manifest. The song of the Lamb is the song wch the Lamb sang on & ye 144000 sang on mount Sion before ye throne & before ye four Beasts & Elders {th} where these victors now stand. For these victors [These Victors sing the same song in the same place wth ye 144000 {illeg} & are the same people] wch \song/ being a song of victory the victory must be a spiritual one such as was gained by the {illeg} Lamb & ye 144000. They gained a victory over the Beast & \over/ his Image & over his mark & over the number of his name & so did these. & Both victories are the same & both songs are the same & sung by the victors in the same place & therefore the Victors in both cases are the same. // This song is also called the song of Moses, For the by reason of an allusion to the story of Moses in these prophesies. For the Dragon resembles Egypt & the woman crowned – – – – is spiritually called Egypt. Apoc. 11. And upon account of these al for upon account of the same allusions the song wch the Lamb & the 144000 sang wth the Lamb on mount Sion is called the song of Moses & the Lamb as well as the song of ye Lamb. & the T temple is called the Temple of the tabernacle \of the testimony/ & in allusion to the dedication of the Tabernacle & the cloud wch covered the Tabernacle as covered it during so that Moses could not enter into it & abode upon it \as often as the people rested tabernacle rested/ during all the stay of Israel in ye wilderness, its said that when ye temple of the tabernacle in heaven was opened & the seven Angels came out of it & one of the four Beasts gave unto ye 7 Angels seven vials full [of [the wrath of God( [wine] of ] the wrath of God, the temple was filled with smoak from the glory of God & from his power, & no man was able to enter into the Temple till the seven plagues of the seven Angels were fulfilled that is during all the stay of the woman in the Wilderness. // untill she

The dedication of Solomons temple & the Feast of Tabernacles kept at ye same time is also here alluded und|t|o. For when the Priests who brought ye ark of ye covenant into unto hi{illeg}|s|{illeg} place to the most holy & \Oracle of the house in the holy/ place, & were come out from the holy place & the Levites arrayed in white linnen having cymbals & Psalteries & harps stood at the east-end end {sic} of the altar & wth them an hundred & twenty Priests sounding with Trumpets; & it came to pass as the trumpeters & singers were \as/ one to make one sounds to be heard in praising & thanking the Lord & lift up their voice wth the trumpets & cymbals & instruments of music & praised the Lord, saying For he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever: that then ye house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord, so that the Priests could not stand for to minister by reason of ye cloud: for the glory of ye Lord had filled the house of God. 2 Chron. 5.

Conceive therefore that the Victors who stand upon the sea of glass sing first at the Dedication of \at the victory of Moses over the {Ea}/ of the Temple & after then at the pouring out of the seven sacrifices of ye \the drink offerings of ye sacrifices of the/ seven days of the feast of tabernacles represented here by \that is at the pouring out of the/ seven vials of wrath. For these Vials are the drink-offerings of the sacrifices, & it was the custome for ye Priests & Levites at ye pouring out of the drink offerings to sound the Trumpets & sing & play wth instruments till the service was ended. Ecclesiastic. c. 50. Th And that the seven {illeg} Vials of wrath are a \supplemental/ repetition of the prophesy{illeg} of the \second page of the/ seventh leaf Trumpets & seven thunders may further appear by comparing them prophesies.

And I saw |ye| seven Angels wch stood before the throne of God & to them were given seven TrumpetsAnd I saw seven Angels having the seven last \plagues/
And there were voices & thundringspl And they \Victors/ sing the song{illeg} of Moses & ye Lamb.
And the seven Angels wch had ye 7 Trumpets prepared themselves to soundAnd I heard a great voice out of ye Temple saying to ye seven Angels Go & pour out ye Vials of ye wrath of God upon ye earth.
And the first Angel sounded & there followed hail & fire mingled with blood & they were cast upon ye earth & ye third part of ye earth was burnt up.And the first went & poured out his Vial on the earth & there fell a grievous & noisom sore on ye men who had ye mark of the Beast & who worshipped his image
And the second Angel sounded – & {illeg} ye third part of ye sea became blood, & ye third part of the creature {sic} wch were in the sea & had life diedAnd the second Angel poured out his vial upon the sea & it became as the blood of a dead man & every living soul died in the sea.

1 The Introduction

2 A synopsis of the Prophetic figures

3 The vision of the dayly worship, described

4 The visions upon opening \the sealed Book/ & viewing the inside thereof described

The visions upon relating to upon viewing the backside of ye sealed book.

The {illeg} visions of the

5 The interpretation of the Prophesy in other visions described

6 The Persons wch are the subject of the Prophesy.

7 The Prophesy of the first six seals interpreted

8 The Prophesy of sealing the seve four winds interpreted

[Editorial Note 7]

In the epistles to ye 7 Churches Iohn was bid to write things past present & to come but here he is shown only things to come & therefore all interpetations are erroneous wch apply any part of ye following prophesy to things done before Iohn wrote the Prophesy was written. And immediately [by ye power of ye Angel who was sent to show me these things] I was in the spirit & behold a Throne set in heaven & one sitting on ye thereon, that is he \he was in the spirit &/ sees the Adytum of ye Temple & God sitting therein above ye Ark between ye Cherubims

You may conceive it composed of eight leaves sealed to one another wth seven seals between them {&} so that ye opening of every seale opens a leafe & that the first seven leaves are written within & the seventh & eighth on ye backside.

In a like vision Dani of the ancient of days sitting on a throne

In such another vision \So when/ Daniel saw ye ancient of days sitting & his throne like fiery flames & a fiery stream issuing forth from before him, it may to be conceived that Daniel saw him \as it were/ through the flames of ye Altar

Before the Lamb opened the seventh seale & looked on ye Prophesy of \on/ the seventh seale \inside of the seventh leaf/ you are to conceive that sh he viewed the P synchronal prophesy on ye outside of the same \seventh/ leaf. And upon {illeg} his viewing it Iohn saith, And after these things [that is after the visions of the sixt seale] I saw – – – foreheads. Conceive that upon holding the noisy boisterous winds there was silence in heaven for half an hour & that while the servants of God were sealing the four An the {sic} Angel \wth ye golden Censer/ offered their prayers with incense upon the golden Altar & that after th so soon as they were sealed the winds hurt the earth at the sounding of the first Trumpet & the sea at the sounding of the second these winds being the wars of the first four Trumpets. ✝ < insertion from f 19v > & that as the {illeg} For as the first four seals are distinguished from ye three last by the appearance of four horsmen {illeg} \towards/ ye four winds of heaven: so the first four trumpets are distinguished from ye 3 last by representing their warrs by ye four winds & calling \giving the name of woes to/ the three last. Wo trumpets. In one of Ezekiels visions – – – to consume it. These visions have relation to one another & the six first Angels wth their Trumpets. answer \men wth their slaughter weapons answer to the six first/ conceive |yt| the servants of God who are sealed in their foreheads keep the {ce} feast of Tabernacles & {illeg} upon ye seventh of the feast being in the end of ye sixt day by the preaching of the everlasting Gospel grow into an innumerabl {sic} multitude of all nations, suffer a great tribulation or persecution represented by the harvest, & at ye sounding of ye seventh Trumpet & pouring out of ye seventh {illeg} Vial get a great victory over their enemies whereby the mystery of God is finished & the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of or Lord & his Christ & the {illeg} \clusters of/ vine of the earth are gathered & troden in the winepress of Gods wrath & the Beast & fals Prophet are taken \overcome by the armies in heaven/ & cast into ye Lake of fire & the rest are slain ye {sic} two edged sword & in token of this victory the Victors {have} {illeg} come out of ye great tribulation with Palm-branches in their hands {illeg} (the \known/ embleme of victory) & cry Salvation to or God & to the Lamb, that is they celebrate the great Hosannah of the seventh day of the feast of Tabernacles. And they are henceforward before the throne of God & serve him day & night in his Temple & he that sitteth upon the throne shall dwell among them – – – from their eyes: & therefore they are the bride the Lambs wife the new Ier citizens of the new Ierusalem wth whom God is the of whom it is said The tabernacles of God is wth men & he will dwell with them & wipe away all tears from their eyes & there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain & God will give unto him that is at{illeg}|h|irst of ye fountain of the water of life freely & {Chupan} & on either side of this river {illeg} is the tree of life wch {illeg} yields{illeg} her fruit every month. Apoc. 21, & 22. |The Tribulation out of wch this multitude comes is the same wth that spoken of in Matthew immediately after wch the sun & moon are darkened & the stars fall from heaven & the son of man comes in the clouds of heaven. Mat. 24. This also the same wth the tribulation \great time of/ trouble spoken of by Daniel out of wch ye people of Daniel shall be delivered as many as are written in the book, & then many that sleep in the dust shall awake {illeg} & Daniel himself shall stand in his lot. Dan. 12.|

After six of the Angels had sounded their Trumpets The Lamb changes his sh answering to the six men with slaughter weapons; {illeg} the Lamb changes his shape {illeg} into the form of an \mighty/ Angel of whom coming \who came/ down from heaven cloathed wth a cloud – pillars of fire [the shape in wch Christ appeared in the beginning] & he had in his hand a little book open [the the book \wch/ he had \received from God &/ newly opened & wch continued open between the sixt & seventh leaves \For Christ alone was worthy to look on this book/] & he set his right foot on ye sea & his left foot {illeg} on the earth [{or} & cried wth a loud voice as when a lyon roareth. Conceive that he \continu{illeg}ed to/ looked on the inside of the seventh leaf wch {illeg} \wch he was \{waiting}/ before in the shape of a lamb, & that he/ thereby repeated the prophesy of that leaf \page./. \Now/ It was the custome for the High {illeg} Priest on ye day of the {illeg} Fast expiation to stand in the people {illeg} on a pulpit of wood {illeg} in ye peoples court at ye eastern gate of ye Priests court & read the Law to ye people while \the Heifer & the Goat wch was the Lords {lot} were burning wthout the Temple/. Conceive him standing in such a manner that his right foot might appear to Iohn as it were standing on ye sea of glass & his left upon the land or grownd of the House, & that he read out of the book wth a voice as of a roaring Lion at that time when there were voices Angel {illeg} had filled his golden censer with fire of {illeg} ye Altar & cast it to the earth & there were voices & thundrings & lightnings & an earthquake. For both Angels are the same High Priest & both voices Signify the \{illeg} are as/ signify the same things. And when he had cried seven thunders utered their voices, then \Thunders are the/ voices of the \a cloud that is from \or/ {nimbus}./ cloud wherewith that Angel was cloathed, & wch signifies a multitude \Conceive then to be the voices of ye cloud/ that is of the Levites who stood upon the steps of the eastern gate of the Temple & wth harps & other musical instruments sang at the sacrifices of the seven d days when of the feast of Tabernacles when the seven Trumpets sounded. For the Trumpets sounded & the Levites sang alternatively at every sacrifice & therefore the seven thunders are nothing else then a repetition of the prophesy of the 7 Trūpets. in another form, & therefore /for that reason\ Iohn is forbidden to write them what they uttered. < text from f 19r resumes > And that the sealed servants of God {illeg} are they that keep the feast of Tabernacles all the seven days & when ye seventh Trumpet is ready to sound grow into a great multitude \of all nations/ suffer the \a/ great persecution a great tribulation or persecution ({illeg} as is described also by Daniel & Matthew) And come out of the tribulation at the sounding of \by a great victory./ at the sounding of ye 7th Tr. whereby the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of God & Christ, & in token of this victory they have palm branches in their hands & cry sl|a|lvation to or God. An that is they celebrate the great Hosannah of the seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles.


Acco{rd}ing to yor Lops Order sig{ni}fied to us by Mr Lowndes his letter of ye 8th {illeg} May instant that we should verify \transmit to yor Lordp a certificate of/ the standard weight & fineness of ye gold & silver coyns of this realm & ye standard fineness of the plate & the Verdict of ye Iury at ye last tryal of ye Pix: we do hereby certify that the Gold moneys are eleven ounces fine & one ounce of allay in ye pound weight & that a pound weight of \stand/ Gold is cut into 44 12 pieces called twenty shillings pieces & Guineas & that there are o

[Editorial Note 8]

sacrificing of Beasts for also slaughtering of kingdoms & friendship between beasts for peace between kingdoms.


1 \In ye end of Nero's reign/ When the Romans made war upon the Iews \in Iudea/ Iohn retired with many of the Christian Iews into Asia minor, & the{illeg} Romans looking upon th all Iews as enemies of ye Empire \to prevent seditions secured the hands of them &/ banished the Captain of those Iews \Iohn/ into Patmos. [3] \And/ there he wrote his Apocalyps \a little before the end of Neros reign/ while the Temple was yet standing. Whence this book is fuller of Hebraisms then his Gospel wch was written long after, & \the stile of his/ his Gospel by the use of many Apocalyptic expressions is writ in a more lofty stile then that{illeg} of ye other Evangelists. & the The scene of his Visions is the Temple|, & the Epistle to the Hebrews & those of Peter have many things in them relating to this Prophesy.|

[4] The Iewish service began every morning with the sounding of Trumpets, opening of the Temple & killing of the morning sacrifice together, & dressing of ye Lamps immediately after. The lamps were drest by the Priests in their lots & on the Fast of the seventh month {illeg}|&| seven days before by the High Priest. And in allusion to this the Iohn hears a voice great voice as of a Trumpet & turning to ye voice sees one like the son of man in ye High Priests habit, in the midst seven golden candlesticks with s among the seven candlesticks or branches of ye golden candlestick dressing the lamps so that they appeared like a rod of seven stars in his right hand. And his face \countenance/ being seen through the bright flame of the Altar appeared like \as/ the Sun shineth in his strength & his eyes like flames of fire & his feet like amber as if they burned in a furnace. |The Lamps he dresses successively by declaring | < insertion from f 20v > seven prophetic exhortations to the seven Angels of the Churches. For the seven Angels called also the seven spirits of God are represented by the seven stars & seven lamps of fire & by \& answer to/ the seven Amarcelim or chief Officers of the Temple. next under For the seven Amacelim were Priests & Officers of \like &/ equal honour & Authority, & next in dignity to the High Priest & his Deputies, & had joyntly the Keys of the seven Gates of the Temple, & of those also of the Treasuries, & the oversight, & direction \& appointment/ of all things in the Temple. And the seven Angels were also chief Priests because they came out of the Temple where none but chief Priests enter & were cloathed in pure & white linnen & had their breasts girded with golden girdles wch is the Priests habit, & at seven sacrifices poured out seven Vials or drink offerings & sounded seven Trumpets. And as they are Priests, so they are said to be before the Throne or Adytum of the Temple & \are/ considered in the Apocalyps as next in dignity to the Lamb great High Priest & as having the oversight of all things, being called the seven eyes of the Lamb & the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth, that is the seven messengers or Angels of God, & the seven spirits before the throne from whom & the great High Priest \& God himself/ Iohn wishes grace & peace to the Churches. |Angels signify messengers & are put for in general for the Officers & Ministers of ye Temple & by consequence the seven chief Angels for the seven chief Officers.|

After this, saith Iohn, that is, after the dressing of the Lamps, I looked &c

< text from f 20r resumes >

After this, saith Iohn I looked & behold a door [the door of ye Temple not opening but already] opened in heaven & I heard the first voice as the voice of a Trumpet talking with me & saying Come up hither. This voice being the second sounding of ye Trumpet called the Prophet to see ye solemnity of ye morning sacrifice. For the trumpets sounded every day thrice first at the opening of the Gates of the Temple, then at ye morning & lastly at the evening sacrifice. The Prophet therefore being called up \to the open door/ sees a Throne (the Throne of God in the most Ho \set in heaven/ & God sitting thereon, that is in the most Holy place \he sees the Adytum of the Temple & God sitting therein/ above ye Ark between the Ch{illeg}|e|{illeg}rubims, & round about the throne were 24 seats (the there was a rainbow \round/ about ye throne was a rainbow, wch imples yt the Sun was then in the East or that it was the time of morning sacrifice. & \And/ about ye throne were 24 seats & upon them 24 Elders in white ray|i|ment wth crowns of gold upon their heads. For the Priests were |These Elders are the Priests & Levites & Levi| divided into 24 courses under 24 Priests\rinces/ who had 24 Chambers about ye Priests can in \about/ the Temple 12 on one side the Priests court & 12 on ye other side. |Every elder comprehends in his mystical body the Prince Priests & Levites of one course. For every single ꝑson in this Prophesy is put for a multitude. And every elder has a Vial of incence as a Priest & a Harp as a Levite for ye Music of ye Temple| And out of the Throne proceeded lightnings & thundrings & voices. Iohn standing at ye eastern Gate would sees the flames of ye Altar li & heares the Musi Temple-music like lightnings & thundrings & voices proceeding out of the Throne. And there was the golden candlestick wth seven lamps \burning before the throne/, & the brazen sea polished like crystal glass of \of glass or/ water clear as crystal. And in the midst of the throne & circuit round about \of/ the throne that is over against the midst of it before & behind & on either hand were four Beasts full or Seraphims full of eyes These by before & behind, <21r> & \also/ within or under/derneath\ their wings \their wings were also full of eyes/ \their wings./ And These \Beast/ by their many eyes signify the people of Israel in the four sides of the outward court of the temple called the peoples Court. And the first Beast was like a Lyon, the second like a calf the third had ye face of a man & the fourth was like a flying eagle. The people in the Wilderness encamped round the Tabernacle. On the east were thee Tribes under the standard of Iudah on ye west were three Tribes under the standard of Eph\r/aim, on ye south were three Tribes under ye standard of Reuben & on ye north were three tribes under the standard of Dan. Num. 2. And the standard of Iudah was a Lyon that of Ephraim a man \an Ox/, that of Reuben a Man, & that of Dan an Eagle as the Iews affirm. Whence whence were framed the Hieroglyphics of Cherubims & Seraphims \{illeg} to represent the People of Israel/, a Cherubim having \the a Cherubim having the one body with the/ four faces of a Lyon, Ox, man & Eagle looking to the four winds of heaven without turning about, & four seraphims having the same \four/ faces with four bodies, one face to every body. The first {S} Conceive therefore that the first Beast stands on ye east side of ye C{our}t Temple wth ye face \head/ of a Lyon, the second on the west side with the head of an Ox or \a/ Calf, the third on the south side wth ye head of a man & the fourth on ye north side with ye face of an Eagle. And that these four together signify all the twelve tribes of Israel \(those tribes/ out of wch the hundred & forty four thousand were sealed Apoc {illeg} 7.4) \standing in the four sides of the outward court of the T Solomons Temple wch was the peoples Court while that Temple stood./ And Iohn saw in the right hand of him that sat on ye throne a book written within & on the backside sealed with seven seales. This is the Book of the Law laid up in \And they had each of them six wings, two wings to a Tribe, in all 24 wings or divisions according to the number of ye elders./ And they rest not day & night [that is morning & evening at the sacrifices] saying Holy, holy, holy Lord God almighty. And when they give glory to him that sitteth upon the throne the four & twenty Elders fall down & worship him. At ye morning & evening sacrifices so soon as the sacrifice was laid upon the Altar & the drink offering began to be poured out the trumpets sounded & the Levites sang by course three times & every time when \when/ the trumpets sounded the a[5] people fell down & worshipped. Three times therefore did the people worship to express wch number the Beasts cry Holy holy holy, & the song being ended the people prayed standing till the solemnity was ended, & in the mean time the Priests b[6] went into the Temple & there fell down before him that sat on the Throne & worshipped.

And Iohn saw in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne a book written within & on ye back side [or on both sides of every leaf] & sealed with seven seales. This was \alludes to/ the book of the Law c[7] wch was laid up in the most holy place at ye d[8] right side or south side of the Ark, & so appeared to Iohn as it were in ye right hand of him that sat upon the throne. This book with other pro|p|hesies relating to it is considered by ye old Prophets as a book bound \rolled/ up & sealed. So Isaiah: [9] Bind up the Testimony, seal the Law among my disciples. And again: the vision of all is become as a book that is sealed wch men deliver to one that is learned saying Read this I pray thee & he saith, I cannot for it is sealed [10] So Daniel whose visions concern the things prefigured in the law{s} is bid to shut up the Vision of ye Ram & Goat, & in his last vision where the Angel comes to shew him what is noted in the scripture of truth, he is bid to shut up the Vision & words & seale the book & told that ye words are sealed till the time of ye end & then knowledg shall be increased. This book of the scripture of truth thus sealed up the Lamb now comes to open \takes & opens/


The affairs of ye Greeks had three main periods of time the first was under their{illeg} own kings till the|y| \were/ conquest|red| of Macedon & Greece by the Romans, the second was under the Romans till the division of the Roman Empire & the third was under their own kings reigning at Constantinople. And these three periods are thus described by Daniel. \Daniel defines & distinguishes by saying {at the} end at every period: The end is yet at [or after] a time appointed./ First he describes ye affairs of the Greeks under their own kings very particularly untill the by calling them untill the com by telling the {illeg} greatness of their first king \of Greece/, the breaking of his kingdom in four great kingdoms |but not to his posterity & by consequence| after the death \ceasing/ of his posterity, \&/ the reduction of these \four/ into two by the king of the norths growing greater then the king of the south, & the reign {illeg} \succession & particular/ actions of the kings of the north & south untill ye reign of Antiochus Epiphanes conquest of Macedon by the Romans last invasion of Egypt by Antiochus Epiphanes & his indignation against the holy covenant \at his return to Syria/. And there he puts an end to the first period by saying that the hearts of \both/ the two kings shall be to do mischief [vizt against the holy covenant,] but it shall not prosper: for yet the end is at shall be at the time appointed. For in the very same year that Antiochus \{illeg} being checkt by the Roman Embassadors & returned the last time out of Egypt &/ sent Appollonius wth an {amy} to army against the Iews & set up the worship of the heathen Gods in the Temple & throughout all Iudea, the Romans conquered Perseus king of Macedon \& Gentius king of Illyricum/ & reduced \the kingdoms of/ Macedon & Greece \Illyricum/ into & Provinces. And therefore Daniel prosecutes the history of the kings of the north & south no farther then to that year, but passes from {the da} at that very period of t there begins t breaks of & begins to describe the rise of the dominion of the Romans over the Greeks in these words. And after him arms shall stand up. &c they that is, \// For these words import tha {sic}/ after Antiochus a new dominion shall stand up over the Greeks \kingdōs of the north & south./. For Daniel every where uses the word Arms for the military power \& strength/ of a kingdom, & as he uses ממלה a Chap. rege to signify after post regem after the king (Dan XI.    ) so here he uses ממבו ab illo fo to signify      Of the affairs of the Greeks after the rise of the post illum, after Roman Empire him, that is, after Antiochus. Daniel had mentioned the Romans \in this Prophesy {illeg}/ twice before upon less occasions & therefore we need not wonder if he mentions them now upon their conquering \{w} first/ the kingdom of Macedon & soon after the rest of the kingdoms of ye Greeks. Chap. for under the short words: And after him         Of the affairs of the Greeks after           arms shall stand up {grea} is comprehended the standing up of ye            the rest of the Roman Empire                Romans arms over the Greeks {illeg} in Macedon Achaia Asia Su by steps \all/ the kingdo of the nor kingdoms of the north & south & by w of wch Daniel had been hitherto speaking. They stood up |& by consequence over all the kingdoms of the Greeks. So soon as they stood up they were to take away the d pollute ye sanctuary of strength, & could not do that till they stood up over Phenicia Phœnicia. They stood up| first over Macedon, then over Achaia, then over {illeg} the Asia by the legacy of Attalus, then over Syria \& Phœnicia/ by the victories of Lucullus & Pompey & lastly over Egypt by the victory|ie|s of Augustus. And ye next thing of consequence \done by the Romans/ was to make war upon the Iews, burn their Temple disperse the people into all nations & place the heathen Gods in all the cities of Iudea, & \&/ disperse the people into all nations [& oppress & persecute the Christians till the reign of Constantine the great & his sons] All which is exprest by Daniel in these words And they shall pollute the Sanctuary of strength <23r> and take away the daily [sacrifice] & place the abomination wch maketh desolate. The attempt of Antiochus did not prosper. In his days the land was not made desolate: but the abomination placed by the Romans was accompanied with a desolation of the land & dispersion of the Iews into all nations as at this day, & therefore was the abomination of desolation spoken of by the Prophet Daniel. as \For so/ |as| Christ himself has also interpreted in Matt. XXIV. 15,16. compared wth Luke XXI.20

When the Romans made war upon the Iews they looked upon all the all the Iews as their enemies & upon the Christian gentiles as friends to ye Christian Iews & from that time began to afflict \& persecute/ the Christians, Iews & Gentiles & continued to do so from time to time untill the conversion of the Empire to Christianity in the reign of Constantine & his sons, at whereby great numbers of heathens out of temporal ends flowed into the Christian Churches making an outward profession of Christianity without mending their lives, And they as Daniel thus describes. And they that \And/ such as do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt by flatteries [causing them to fall away by fair promises] but the people that do know their God shall be strong & act. And they that understand among the people [the Apostles & first teachers] of of the Christian religion primitive teachers] shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword & by flame by captivity & by spoile many days. And when they shall fall they shall be holpen wth a little help [by the conversion of the Empire to Christianity:] but many [hypocrites] shall cleave to them with flatteries [or dissembling speeches.]{sic} And of those of understanding there shall fall to try [& distinguish] them & to purge [& separate them from the multitude of of {sic} flat hypocrites flatterers] & to make them white, even to the time of ye end because it is yet for a time appointed. Here daniel places the second period of the affairs of the Greeks. vizt \And therefore vizt/ at that point point of time when the Christian Churches were filled full of flatterers & the sincere part of the Christians by opposing the heathen superstitions & wicked practices of the flatterers fell into new troubles And At wch lasted till the time of the end. At that time \therefore/ the affairs of the Greeks suffered a new great change. And this change was the separation of the Greeks from the Latines & their erecting a new Empire at Constantinople & henceforward reigning there apart. For this was the next great change wch happened to the Greeks, & Daniel thus in the next words \thus/ describes the rise & reign of this Empire. And a ki

And a king shall do according to his will [that is a new king or kingdom shall {illeg} stand up over the Greeks, under {a} a kingdom of \the/ flatterers under whom those of understand shall fall are to fall] & he shall exalt He shall not do according to the will of God but according to his own will] & he shall exalt himself & magnify himself above every God, & shall speak mervellous {sic} things against the God of Gods, & shall prosper till the indignation [against the holy covenant] be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither \And he/ shall he \not/ regard the God of his fathers nor the desire of weomen [in lawfull matrimony] \{ni}/ nor regard \shall he regard/ any God, but \for he/ shall magnify himself above all. And in his seat he shall honour \together/ with God \he shall honour/ Mahuzzims [or Guardians] \in his seat/ even \together/ with the God whom his fathers knew not shall he honour [them] with gold & silver & \with/ pretious stones & {sic} \with/ things of value. Tem|And| \he/ shall he do not \make the/ the {sic} holds [or Temples] of{illeg} ye Mahuzzims |joyntly| with \or to/ a strange God whom he shall acknowledge & increase with glory \honour/ And he shall cause them to rule over many & divide the land \distribute the earth/ [among them] \[among them]/ for lucre [among them making a gain of his religion.] And at the time of the end [when those of understanding are fallen] the king of the south shall push at him [\that is/the Empire of ye saracens wch reigned over all the dominions of the \former/ king of the south] shall make war upon shall push at him. And the king of the <23v> north [or Empire of the Turks] shall come against him with like a whirlwind wth ships chariots & with horsmen & with many ships, & shall enter into the countries & shall overflow & pass over [of the Greek empire] & shall overflow [th{illeg} \& conquer/] & \[by conquering that Empire] \that Empire// pass over. He shall enter also into the glorious land [of Iudea] & many countries [in those parts \as Syria & Arabia/] shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, Edom & Moab & the chief of the children of Ammon [that is the inhabitants of Arabia Petræa] shall escape out of his hands. And he not yet conquered by him.] He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the [remoter] countries & the land of Egypt shall not escape But he shall have power over the treasures of gold & silver & all the pretious things of Egypt, & the Libyans & Ethiopians shall be within his steps progress. And this is the present state of ye countries formerly under the Greeks & now under the dominion of ye Turk. Constantinopolitan Empire.


Hitherto the Prophesy of ye first seven leaves of the Book have been repeated in another & described in other forms of visions then before, \& enlarged/ & now follows the \a supplemental/ repetition of the prophesy of the eighth leaf. There Iohn saw \& measured/ the second Temple & them that worship therein & was told that the outward court was given to ye Gentiles who should tread down the holy City 42 months; all wch is a plain description of \allusion to/ the Babylonian captivity, those Gentiles being compared to the Babylonians: here Iohn is carried from the Temple into the wilderness of Arabia & saw a woman sitting upon the many waters of Euphrates wch woman is called Babylon & the great city & the great whore, the last name being given her on account of for her whoredoms in a litteral sense. This it|s| that woman who fled from the Dragon into ye wilderness to her place where she is nourished by the merchants of ye earth 1260 days: & now Iohn being carried into the wilderness sees her there in her place wch place is to sit upon the back of a scarlet coloured Beast \that is to reign over him/. The dignity of a Queen reigning over the nations signified by this Beast, is her place: & in this place she is fed 1260 days prophetick days wch are so many years. Her Beast has {illeg} her was & is not & shall ascend out of the abyss [or sea] & go into perdition, Prophesy is of things & hence he is named the Beast wch was & is not. Prophesy is of things future & therefore this prophesy of ye eighth leafe begins with the|i|s ascent of out of the abyss [& lasts untill he goes into perdition.] And since he ascends out of the abyss \or sea/ he is that Beast wch kills the two Witnesses in the sreets of the great city \Babylon/ wch for its uncleaneness, & idolatry \& cruelty to Gods people/ is called Sodom & Egypt. And the abyss being He ascends out of the abyss or sea wth seven heads & ten horns & upon his heads the names of blasphemy, & in one of his heads a mortal wound. For all the world wondered after both these beasts & both of them continue to the end, the first being worshipped till the time of the \great/ harvest & vintage the other being cast \alive/ into the lake of fire] He was {not} before he was wounded to death with a sword]. He is not while he lies dead of his wound, & after his deadly wound is healed \he revives/ he ascends out of the abyss \or sea/ & goes into perdition & therefore his deadly wound was in his sixt head \in the lake of fire/ His heads are called ten ki seven kings. Five of them were fallen fell before he {illeg} was slain & ceased to be, one of them was when he lay dead of his wound, & was not & the seventh was |not| then come & therefore th{illeg}|e| mortal wound \of the Beast/ was in his sixt head. He had not One side of his head \was not/ chopt off, but a mortal \had |the|/ wound \was made /was\/ in his head; & therefore he revived before the time of his sixt head expired. He revived before he ascended out of the sea & ascended out of the sea before the Dragon gave him his throne. His ascent out of the sea begins a seventh head & his receiving the throne of the Dragon an eighth For the beast that \wch/ was & is not he is the eighth & of the seven that is the latter part of the seventh. Conceive the heads to be seven successive reigns distinguished beginning at the opening of the seven seales as was said of the heads of the Dragon & that the seventh head begins at the openong of the seventh seale & the eighth at the sounding of the \first/ when ye seven Angels wch had the seven Trumpets prepared themselves to sound, & \or just before/ the first Angel sounded. For this period is the most remarkable division of the \time of the/ seventh head seale into \two/ successive parts. The first thing [In the prophesy of the Whore of Babylon sitting on a scarlet coloured Beast the first thing spoken of as future is the ascent of the Beast out of the abyss & the coming of his seventh head & this being at the opening of the seventh seale, this prophesy of begins at the opening of that seal. It continues till] \At length/ the ten kings represented by the horns of the Beast hate the Whore & eat her flesh & burn her wth fire, & {illeg} further till \then \soon after// the Word of God comes with his army on h on white horses & the Beast & kings of the earth & their armies are gathered \together/ to make war against him & his army & upon so \in/the battel \between them/ the Beast & fals Prophet <24v> are taken & cast alive into ye lake of fire & ye rest are slain wth ye two edged sword & the Dragon {illeg} \& ye Dragon is shut up in the bottomless pit./ This is the battel of the great day of God Almighty & the war to wch the seventh Trumpet sounds by wch the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of or Lord & his Christ. // After this victory an Angel unlocks & wh having the key of ye bottomless pit binds the Dragon & {illeg} casts him into the pit & shuts him up for a thousand years that he should deceive the nations no more till the 1000 years should be fulfilled. After wch he is cast into ye lake of fire where the Beast & Fals Prophet were before.

At the sounding of the fift Trumpet the bottomless pit was opened with a key to let out a false religion. Conceive this pit to be, not the open abyss or sea out of wch the Beast arose, but the \wide & deep/ sink of the w|T|emple wch \had a cover to it & of stone &/ ran down from the foot of the altar into the heart heart of the mountain & from thence out of the side of the mountain to the brook Kidron to convey away the blood & f of the sacrifices & the drink offerings & filth of the temple. This pit had a cover to it Conceive \also/ that this pit was set open at the sounding of the fift Trumpet \to let let out the locusts wch by their ser a smoaky kingdom of darkness/ & continued open till the sounding of the seventh. And that after \when/ the Beast & fals Prophet were cast into ye lake of fire \Iohn saw an/ |an| Angel came down from heaven having the key of this pit & bound the Dragon \that old serpent wch is the Devil & Satan/ a thousand years & cast him into this pit & shut him up & set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more till the 1000 years should be fulfilled: after wch he is loosed, deceives the nations again & \after their overthrow in the war of Gog and Magog/ is cast into ye lake of fire where the Beast & fals Prophet were before.

At the sounding of the seventh Trumpet |tis said that the kingdoms of this world are become ye k. of G. & h. C. & they \he/ reigns for ever & ever & that the time| the time {sic} of the dead is come that they should be judged & that God should \give/ rewards to his servants the Prophets & |to| the saints & them that fear his name small & great & \should/ destroy them that \wch/ destroyed the earth Here \In the repetition of that prophesy the fouls of heaven \& the beasts of the earth/ are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb &/ the Beast & Fals Prophet are destroyed in the lake of fire for destroying the earth \& the rest are slain wth ye two edged sword & \all/ the fouls of heaven are filled wth their flesh at the supper of the great God/ & Iohn saw thrones & they sat upon them & judgment was given unto them & the martyrs & they that had not worshipped the \Beast nor his/ Image nor received his mark, rose again \from ye dead/ & reigned wth Christ \first a 1000 years till the battel of Gog & then \after that/ for ever & ever/ but the rest of the dead lived not again untill ye 1000 years were finished. This is the first resurrection Blessed is he yt hath part in ye first resurrection, on such ye 2d death hath no power. \ < insertion from lower down f 24v > |And ‡ And| After ye 1000 years are expired the rest of the dead live again & small & great & the books are opened & all the dead are judged according to their works, & whoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into ye lake of fire. This is the second death. & the old earth & heaven flee away < text from higher up f 24v resumes > But/ // As Christ {illeg} when he appear rose from the dead appead|r|ed not to mortal conversed not with mortals unless when he thought fit sometimes to appear to his disciples for manifesting the truth of his resurrection so when ye saints & martyrs \rise/ from ye dead & it is to be conceived that they converse only wth one another & appear not to mortals unless perhaps upon very extraordinary occasions. For the children of the resurrection are as the Angels in heaven. They have power of over the nations & rule them wth a rod of iron but in a manner invisible to mortals, // And thus far proceeds the suppli repetition of the prophesy of the eighth leaf of the book. \as the Angels to now/

And thus far proceeds the repetition of th \|And| When God sits in judgment the {illeg} \earth &/ heaven & {illeg} flee away/

And \So/ [To explain \further/ how at the sounding of the seventh Trumpet the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of or Lord & his Christ & \{how} so that/ from thence forward he reigns for ever & ever not only for a 1000 years but even for \&/ ever & ever:] the {illeg} old Earth & heaven fly away from the face of him that sits upon the throne in judgment & there appears a new heaven & new earth \& God makes all things new/ & a new Ierusalem comes down from God out of heaven \& God makes all things new & the kings of ye earth do bring their glory & honour into this city {it} & God makes all things new/. [That is, by the victory of the beloved City over Gog & Magog the old world politi vanishes & a new one is erected wherein dwelleth righteousness & to express the excellence of the two & whose imperial city] \wch/ for its power & dominion & glory \& righteousness/ is compared to a city of gemms \& the nations do bring their glory into The {illeg} reign for ever &/ & they reign for ever & ever ages of ages. |[Of all wch you may see a large description in the {illeg} six last chapters of Isaiah, & in the 54th chapter of the same Prophet.].|

[|And| Thus far proceeds the supplemental repetition of the prophesy of the eighth leafe of ye book. The prophesys of ye first seven leaves succeed one another in continual order of time, that of ye eighth is first an interpretation of the prophesy of the seventh with \leaf. & then/ a continuation of that prophesy for a 1000 years longer & after that for ages of ages

\And they shall build houses & inhabit them & they shall plant vineyards & eat ye fruit of them – For/ For {sic} as the new heaven & new earth wch I will make shall remain before me saith ye Lord so shall yor seed & your name remain. Isa. 65.21 & 66.22. Thus saith the Lord wch giveth the Sun for a light by day & the Moon & the ordinances of the moon & of ye stars for an light by night. If those ordinances depart from before me saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever Ier 31. 35.


When therefore upon the sounding of the seventh Trumpet its said that the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of or Lord & of his Christ & they shall reign for ages of ages, it is to be understood that they reign|s| first for a 1000 years \till the battel of Gog &/ after that for ages of ages.

The Dragon & Beast have common heads & horns

|While| The Greeks & Latines being \were \were {sic}/ \remained// united unde in one monarchy {illeg} for the first \under one imperial city – wch happened/ during the reign of the Heathen \&/ Emperors, the whole \Empire/ is \then is/ represented \by/ the Dragon; & the Beast is conteined & considered as conteined \latent/ virtually in him \body politi/: For he is the Flood wch upon the division of the Empire, the Dragon cast out of his mouth. And hence the heads of the Dragon are attributed also to the Beast & the heads of the Beast are And {have} \to signify this union/ the Dragon & Beast have common heads & horns: but the Dragon has {illeg} seven crowns upon his heads to shew that he reigns in the heads \during the union/ & the Beast has ten crowns upon his horns to shew that he reigns in the horns \after the division/. For five of the heads were fallen before & the sixt was in being before \ye Beast ascended out of ye abyss & before/ the ten horns received power as kings When the earth opened \& ye 7th head began his reign before ye Beast received the throne of ye Dragon, because he is called the eighth. When the Dragon cast down out of his mouth water as a flood, the Empire became divided & when ye earth opened/. her mouth & swallowed up the flood then were the two empires \became/ reunited & the beast was slain \by a wound/ with a sword & ceased for a time \being reunited to the Dragon by the victory of the earth/, & at the next divisions of the Empire the deadly wound was healed & the Beast revived & rose out of the sea \& received the Dragons throne/, & soon after became divided into ten kingdoms wch are his ten horns. The foundation of the division of the \Roman/ Empire into the Greek & Latine Empires was the building of Constantinople by Constantine the great. Before the building of this city Rome was the Metropolis of ye whole, after the building of it Rome was the Metropolis of the western nations & Constantinople of the eastern. Constane left ye Empire divided between his sons whereof Constantius reigned at Cons Constantine Constantius & Constans. {illeg} & Constantine being soon Const Constantine & Constans reigned in the west & Constantius Constantine was soon slain Constantius reigned at Constantinople over the east & Constans & after him Magnentius at Rome over the west. Constantius overcame Magnentius & reunited the Empire, After the dea & was succeed by Iulian & Iovian. Then \After their reign/ the empire became divided again between Iovi the brothers Valentinian & Valens & thus the deadly wound was healed & the Beast revived. After the death of Valens the \whole/ Empire became united again under G\r/atian for about five months & then became divided again under between Gratian & Theodosius & thus \by this division/ the Beast rose out of the Sea. T And Theodosius \reigned in the east &/ three months before his death conquered Eugenius & by the western Emperor Eugenius & left the Em by his last will & testament \A.C. 395/ left the Empire divided between his two sons Arcadius & Honorius giving the western empire to his younger son Honorius. & This was the last division of the Empire & therefore by t{illeg} it was at this time that the Dragon gave the Beast his \old/throne. And soon after, {illeg} vizt A.C. 408, & {illeg} the western Empire became divided \at once (as has been explained above/ into ten kingdoms; of wch its said The ten hord|n|s are ten kings wch have received no kingdom as yet but receive power as kings at one & the same ten hour or time with the Beast. \These have one mind & shall/ That is, nine of their {illeg} away these kingdoms \give kingdoms are rent away/ from the Beast \western/ /Beast\ & the remaining part of the Beast is the tenth {&} all ten & are the whole Beast These have one mind & shall give their power & strength \& kingdom/ unto the Beast, that to compose his body politi for the future {They} He was divided into these ten \that is \is to compose his body/ As he was divided into these ten & they are {sic} {illeg} As he/ & |&| They \are parts of his body & so they/ agree & by their unamity compose a body politi \or kingdom/ wch is {illeg} still called the Beast. And the{o} these kings may have since been more or fewer then ten yet they keep the name of the ten kingdoms from their first number. And so the eastern nations wch at the first division of the Empire \into ye Eastern & Western Empires/ composed the Eastern or Greek empire \signified by the Dragon/ are still the Dragon notwithstanding that some of then have been since conquered by the Saracens & all of them by the Turks. For \as/ Daniels Beasts had their lives prolonged after their dominions were taken away & are all of them still in being so it is to be understood of Iohns Dragon & Beast. Those nations wch composed their bodies at the first division of Roman Empire into the Greek & Latine Empires do still compose their bodies notwithstanding the changes wch they have suffered in their dominion.

<25v> [Editorial Note 9]

The true Church is represented before the division of the Empire is represented by the Tabernacle & first Temple & by the seven Candlesticks thereing or seven Churches of Asia & by the four beasts & 24 Elders or 12 Tribes of Israel, & by the glorious woman in heaven. But upon the divisions of the Empire, as the Dragon retires into the Eastern Empire & leaves the western to the tenhorned Beast who then rises out of the {illeg} sea, so the Woman retires into the western Empire & leaves the eastern to the two horned Beast who then rises out of the earth. And this her retiring is represented by her flying into a spiritually barren wilderness & there getting upon the Beast & committing fornication wth the ten kings represented by his horns. And when the|i|s Beast rises out of the sea the second temple is measured {illeg} appears & is measured wth them that worship therein to represent that part of Gods people who live within his kingdom & in this temple are two Candlesticks to represent the two witnesses whom the Beast makes war upon & kills in the streets of the great city Babylon as the Dragon makes war upon the remnant of the womans seed left in his kingdom & represented by the \remnant of the/ seven Candles Churches of Asia & by the \who are or/ seven Candlesticks in the fir first Temple. So then, after the division of the Empire into ye Eastern & western empires, the eastern empire is represented by the Dragon, the visible church by of that Empire by the two horned Beast & the people of God in that Empire by the remnant of the womans seed or by the seven Churches of Asia \& by the seven Churches of Asia or & by the remnant of ye thereof – in opposition to the seven hilled {city}/: & the western Church \Empire/ is represented by the ten-horned beast & its Chu visible Church by the Whore of Babylon & ye people of God in this Empire by the ten witnesses \in opposition to the two horned Beast/ & by them that worship in the second temple, & by the two witnesses in opposition to ye two horned beast

{illeg} At the

It is not to be expected that all the Emperors in a whole Dynasty should be of the sa one & the same kind sort \{illeg}|&| character/; all of the first Dynasty conquerors & good men, all of the second \very/ great \warriors/ conquerors \& the authors of much bloodshed by civil {illeg} dissentions/ & all of the third \severe/ Iudges & all of the fourth he therefore I have app hitherto applied the characters of the horsmen \only/ to ye first Emperor of every Dynasty, But {illeg} upon opening the fourth seal the horsman is & accordingly interpreted the \have/ interpreted the fourth horsman of Decius alone. But \But/ This horsman & \being \was// followed by Hades the king of the Dead, who had power – \&/ it remains that we shew \further/ how Hades followed \after/ the reign of Decius afflicted the empire wth these four plagues.

The fift Seal opened.

The four horsmen being the first \four/ heads of the Dragon \or Dynasties of the empire/, & appearing upon opening the first four seales we may expect that fift head \or Dynasty of the Empire/ is the subject of the fift leaf of the prophetic book & appears upon opening the fift seal. The Dynasty four first four Dynasties were Monarchical this is of several Emperors reigning together & {illeg} sharing the Empire between them by consent. It began wth the reign of Dioclesian & his colleagues & lasted till Constantine by conquering Licinius reduced it \the Empire back/ into a monarchical form as was said above. It is {illeg} also distinguished from the former persecutions by the Æra of the Empire called the dated from its beginning & called the Æra of Dioclesian & the Æra of the martyrs. It For after the Empire by the four plagues of ye last Dynasty was almost dissolved & ruined, it was restored by th & as it were new founded by Dioclesian & his colleagues & brought to a very flourishing state. With this Æra the visions of the Dragon & Woman com Its character is a great persecution of the Christians. as it|s| thus represented For when the Lamb has opened || violence ten years over all the east beyond Italy & almost the two first of those years over all the west & far \wth like violence/ in this proportion to the \small/ number of martyrs & confessors wch the western nations afforded. This is the Tribulation of ten days wch the Church of Smyrna was to suffer. It began in spring / And as thi|e| tribulation of ten days came in the end of the reign of the heathen Empire & by \was followed by/ a victory of the Church \{smite} Christians wch/ put an end to the reign of the heathens so the great Tribulation is to come in the end of the Empire of the great Antichrist & \is to shal be {immediately} signify followed/ by {illeg}|the| victory over of the saints \wch/ shall put an end to the reign of Antichrist. And then then God will judge & avenge the blood of the Martyrs on them that dwell on \that dwell on/ the earth. Then to express {Define} \represent/ the persecution of the Church in the reign of \by/ Dioclesian & his colleagues \& the subsequent overthrow of the heathen Empire by Constantine/ a woman appears in heaven who being with child cried travelling in birth & pained to be delivered & a great red Dragon whose \appeared \also/ in heaven & his/ tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven & cast them to ye earth \& he stood/ before ye woman to devour her child as soon as it was born, & at the same time there was war in heaven between Michael & the Dragon & their Angels \{illeg}/ & {illeg} the Dragon was cast down & his Angels were cast down to \overcome & cast out of/ |heaven to| the earth \& the manchild was caught up to the throne of God & a voice from heaven said Now is come/ & they overcame him by the {illeg} blood of the Lamb & by the word of their testimony & loved not their lives unto death. & \at the same time/ the Manchild was caught up to the throne of God as the a voice from hea The Dragon's appearing in heaven signifies that he appeared with on high in respect of \the greatness of/ his dominion & power. T For Isaiah speaking of \in/ prophesying of the king of Babylon uses the phrase in the same sence: How art thou fallen \How art thou fallen/ from heaven thou Lucifer son of the morning – wch didst weaken the nations. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God – I will ascend above ye heights of the clouds, I will <25r> be like the most high: yet thou shalt be brought down to the lower parts of the earth. Isa: 14. [In the fourth Dynasty of the Empire th The fourth horsman was called Death & Death & Hades reigned over this fourthed Empire the fourth Dynasty of the Empire] Vpon opening the fourth seal the Empire fell into the greatest disorder & confusion & the Emperors name was \became the kingdom of/ Death & Hades reigned over it. \Afterwards/ Dioclesian & his collegues \& their successors & captains/ raised the Empire from this very low estate & exalted it from up to heaven & therefore the [reign of the Dragon in heaven began with the [reign of Dioclesian & his Collegues or wth the Æra of Dioclesian] Vision of the Woman Dragon {illeg} in {illeg} with their reign, & ended & they & their \heathen/ successors reigned in heaven till {illeg} |& there the {illeg} the woman the {illeg} the {illeg} \Iohn saw the Dragon casting down the stars/ to the ground & persecuting the woman & making war with Michael {illeg} & the saints| by the victories of Constantine the great they \heathens/ were th{illeg}d cast out of heaven to the earth & the Dragon began a new reign among the inhabitants of the earth & sea [wch was the reign of his sixt head & lasted till the first \the two/ Beast|s| rose out of \the {illeg} inabitants of/ the sea \and earth/ & the Dragon gave {illeg} \the first Beast/ his power & the woman whose rise gave a beginning to a new Dynasty \or head/ The the Dragon giving his power & throne to the Beast first Beast] The Dragons reign in heaven was the his fift head, & his reign amongst the inhabitants of the earth & sea was his sixt. head & lasted \For he reigned amongst the inhabitants of the earth This & sea/ till untill the two Beasts rose out of thi|o|s|e| {illeg} inhabitants of the earth & sea, & began a new Dynasty, The the Dragon ga|i|ve|ing| his power & throne to the Beast wch rose out of the sea inhabitants of the sea.


The Prophesy of the Woman in Heaven & the great red Dragon.

And the Temple of God was opened in heaven & there was seen in his Temple the Ark of his Testament. In ye beginning of the former Prophesy Iohn saw a door opened in heaven, here he sees ye Temple \of God/ opened \in heaven/: there he saw a throne in set in heaven & God sitting upon it, here he sees the Ark of the Testament in the Temple the Ark of ye Testament wch is Gods throne.

And there were lightnings & voices & thunderings & an earthquake & great hail. that is, great wars made by the four horsmen at the opening of the first four seales.

And there appeared a great wonder in \[the Temple of]/ heaven, a Woman cloathed wth the Sun &c And she being wth child cried, travelling in birth & pained to be delivered. At the opening of the fift seal the Church of Christ wch is this woman was in pain by Dioclesians persecution for ten years together.

And there appeared another wonder in \[the Temple of]/ heaven & behold a great red Dragon having seven heads & ten horns & seven crowns upon his heads. The Roman Empire distinguished into seven capital successive dynasties parts reigns or Dynasties & at length by the opening of the seven seals, the four first of wch heads are represented by \the/ four horsmen or Kings at wch appeare at ye opening of the first four heads of the Beast are called seven Kings & described to be successive by saying five are fallen & one is & the other is not yet come. Apoc. 17. The ten horns are the ten kingdoms into wch the western Empire became divided A.C. 408. The Dragon has crowns upon his heads & ye Beast upon his horns to signify that the Dragon is here considered in the reign of the heads & the Beast afterwards in the reign of the horns.

And his tail drew the third part of ye stars of heaven & did cast them to ye earth. As the little horn of Daniels He Goat waxed great to ye very host of heaven & cast down of the Host & of ye stars to ye grownd & stamped upon them so the tail of the Dragon, wch is his army, casts down the saints of the eastern Empire in Dioclesians persecution.

And the Dragon stood before the woman wch was ready to be delivered for to devour her child so soon as it was born And the woman brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations wth a rod of iron \& the child was caught up to God & to his Throne, that is, up to the Ark where God was represented sitting between ye wings of ye Cherubims/. In the last year of the persecution Constantine the great was converted to Christianity, overcame Maxentius & became Emperor of the west & contracting affinity with Licinius they wrote to Maximinus to stop the persecution in the east. Thus the woman brought forth a manchild & at his birth her pains ceased. By ye man-child understand not a single person but a Christian <27r> kingdom. So Isaiah:[11] Before her pain came she was delivered of a man-child. Who hath heard such things? shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed she brought forth her children. This man-child After seven or eight years Licinius began to renew the persecution in the East, & thereupon Constantine the great made war upon him & overcame him & by this victory the Man-child was caught up to God & to his throne, the throne of the whole Empire & thereby delivered from the Dragon who stood ready to devour him. This was at the opening of the sixt seal.

And the woman fled into the wilderness where she hath [the western Empire, a [a country barren of those who keep the commandments of Iesus: the western Empire whose metropolis Rome & the becomes is the mystical Babylon] where she hath a place [a dignity & dominion] prepared for her that they [the merchants of the earth] should feed her there [with their merchandise of Gold & silver & Gemms & costly apparel & all manner of vessels & spices & odours & oyntments & wine & oyle & wheat & beasts & wheat & sheep & chariots & bodies & souls of men & that she should fare \live/ deliciously with the kings of the earth] a thousand two hundred & threescore [prophetic] days.

But before she fled into the wilderness, at the same time that ye manchild was caught up to the throne of God \God & to his throne/, the Dragon was cast out of heaven. For at the opening of the sixt seal, there was war in heaven; Michael & his Angels fought against the Dragon & the Dragon fought & his Angels, & prevailed not; neither was their place [i.e. their dignity & dominion \power/] found any more in {illeg} heaven. \And the great Dragon was cast out that old Serpent called the Devil & Satan who deceiveth ye whole world he was cast out [from the Temple of heaven or upper Court] into the earth [or outward Court] & his Angels were cast out with him/ As the Angel told Daniel that Micahel assisted him against the Prince of or Angel of the kingdom of Persia & that he had assisted Darius & went forth to fight wth the king of Persia & that Michael the great Prince standeth for the children of Israel (Dan. 10 & 12) so in the Apocalyps Michael is represented as standing up Consta for Constantine & the Christians against Licinius whose kingdom is the Drago heathen Empire assisted by the Dragon that old serpent called the Devil & Satan who deceiveth the whole world. And by the victory of Michael the man child was caught up to God & to his throne & the Dragon was cast out & his kingdome ruined as is \fully/ exprest at large the opening of the sixt seal by the earthquake & smiting of ye sun Moon & stars & departing of ye heavens Mountains & Islands & all men hiding themselves from the wrath of the Conquerors God & ye Lamb, wch Lamb is here represented by Michael who gets the victory

And Iohn heard a loud voice from heaven saying in heaven, Now is come salvation & strength for & the KINGDOM of our God & the power of his Christ, for ye accuser [or persecutor] of our brethren is cast out who accused them before or God day & night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of their testimony [wch they gave in all the heathen persecutions & especialy in the last {illeg} under Dioclesian] & they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoyce ye heavens & ye{illeg} that dwell in them, [ye that worship in ye \inner court of the/ temple of heaven & are the \true/ subjects of the kingdom represented by ye Man child who was caught up to ye throne of God] Wo be to the inhabiters of ye earth & sea, for ye Devil is come down un [\the {nations} Christians/ who worship in the outward Court \& have a form of godliness without the power/] for the Devil is come down to you having great wrath [& making great hast to deceive you & to set up a new kingdom over you by seducing you to idolatry |the heathens being cast out of the throne flowed in among the Christians & pretending to be converted & being imbued with idolatrous opinions made hast to set up the worship of dead men among the Christians.|] because he knoweth that he hath but a short time [to reign before he be cast into the bottomless pit.] < insertion from f 26v > Wo be to the inhabiters of the earth & sea [the \multitude of/ Christians who worship \below/ in the outward court] below for the Devil is come down to you having great wrath [& making great hast to deceive you & to get seduce you to idolatry] because he knoweth that he hath but a short time [to reign before he be cast into the bottomless pit.] When the heathens were cast down from the throne, they flowed in among the Christians pretending \for temporal ends/ to be converted to the Christian religion. And being inclined to superstition & imbued with idolatrous opinions they made hast to set up the worship of dead men among the Christians < text from f 27r resumes > He came down among them not only by loosing his dominion, but {illeg} also by the heathens flowing into the Churches by an outward profession of Christianity for temporal ends while they retained inwardly a great inclination to the opinions & superstitions of the heathens.


1 Vespasian an excellent Prince went forth conquering the Iews

2 Trajan a great warrior & conqueror. In the end of his reign the Romans & the Iews & others who revolted killed one another.

3 Severus a Iudge &. He spent much time in hearing causes, \was severly just/ put many \senators &/ great men to death, {illeg} up publick for wch he is in a funeral colour, & laid up stores of \corn/ oyle & wine for ye publick

4 Decius was slain wth his whole army &c

5 \Dioclesian &/ The tenth Persecu

6 Constantine ye great & the {illeg} Empire Christian. After the death of him & his son Constantine the Empire divided. Constantius conquers the west. The doctrine of Tres unum established in ye Council of /Sardica\

7 Valentinian & Valens . The Chr Division of the Empire revived. Monks grow numerous in ye east {illeg}ded under the Archbishops of Alexandria & Antioch. The western doctrine of tres unum \the triune number/ spread in ye east by fals Apostles. They direct the calling of a Council at Constantinople to confirm it. The Churches taken from them that receive not ye Council. False miracles reliques & ye worship of saints spread in ye east.

1 Arcadius & Honorius. The eastern Empire invaded & harassed all over for 10 years together

2 The western Empire invaded by ye norther {sic} nations

[Editorial Note 10] <28v> [Editorial Note 11]
The IntroductionThe Prophesy. of the Seals & Trumpets.The Interpretation. of the Prophesy.
Apoc. 1.2, 3Apoc 4, 5, 6, 7.Apoc 11 {illeg} \v/ 19 & 12, 13, 14
The son of Man in form of an High Priest dictates Epistles to ye seven ChurchesThe scene of the Visions described & ye 1s seal opened by the Lamb.The door of ye Temple appears open in heaven The throne of God is seen in it. The Lamb takes ye book & [opens ye first seal. The rider on ye white hors goes forth conquering] & at his opening the first four seals four {illeg} warriors appear on horsback wth their armies & standards \& standards/ represented by ye four Beasts & their \four/ {illeg} standards represented by ye heads ye Beasts heads heads & bodies of ye four BeastsThe Temple appears opened in heaven wth ye Ark or throne of God in it
The 2d seal opened. The rider on ye red horse takes peace from ye earthLightnings voices thundrings an earthquake & great hail during the wars of the four horsmen
The 3d seal opened. The rider on ye black horse
The 4th seal opened. The rider on ye pale hors kills {illeg} \th/ the 4th part of ye earth wth sword famin & pestilence called DeathA woman with child travailing in birth & a great red Dragon ready to devour her child. War between Michael & ye Dragon
The 5t seal opened. The Church persecuted.The Dragon cast down \out of heaven/ & ye Child caught up to the throne
The 6t Seal opened. The heathens dethroned. end of ye heathen EmpireThe woman receives two wings of an Eagle to fly into ye wilderness, & ye Beast rises out of ye Sea
Apoc 8, 9Apoc 10Apoc 11 to v. 18Apoc 15, 16Apoc. 17, 18, 19 20 {illeg} v. 16.Apoc. 20. \from v./ 11 & Apoc. 21, 22.
Four Angels hold ye 4 winds while ye 144000 are sealed \an Angel numbered|s| &/ seales {illeg} 144000 out of all ye tribes of IsraelThe 7th seal opened \seven Angels appear wth {illeg} Trumpets/. Silence in heaven & ye prayers of ye saints.The Lamb appears like a glorious Angel wth ye book open in his hand.Iohn measures the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein. The outward court not measured but given to ye Gentiles.\The wound of the Beast is healed/ |&| The two horned Beast rises out of ye earth & causes all men to receive the mark or name of ye other Beast, or ye number of his name, & {sic} those that will not worship the image of ye Beast to be killed.Seven Angels appear wth ye 7 last plagues. The victors over the Beast & over his \image &/ mark & number stand on ye Sea of glass & sing ye song of Moses & ye Lamb.Iohn is carried into the Wilderness & sees ye great Whore sitting upo
The 7 Angels prepare to soundThe Beast begins to revives & ascends out of Hades called ye bottomles pit.
The 144000 continue1 Plague on ye earth1 ThunderThe two witnesses smite the earth with the plagues of the Trumpets.The 144000 Lamb \stands on mount Sion/ wth ye 144000 having his name & his fathers name on their foreheads. These are the first fruits of the following harvest. Plage \Vial/ on ye earth
The 144000 continue2 Plague on ye Sea Six Angels sound their Trumpets2 Thunder The seven thunders utter their voices2 Plague \Vial/ on ye Sea Six Angels pour out their vials of wrathTen horns receive power as kings.
The3 Plague on ye Rivers3 Thunder3 Plage \Vial/ on ye Rivers
4 Plauge on ye Sun4 Thunder4 Plage \Vial/ on ye Sun
1440005 Plague on ye men who have \not/ ye seale of God in their foreheads \being/ The first great wo.5 Thunder5 Plague \Vial/ on ye seat of ye Beast.
continueThe Gentiles tread down ye holy city 42 months & ye two witnesses prophesy 1260 days cloathed in sackcloth The Gentiles tread down the Holy City \forty & two months/ & the two Witnesses prophesy 1260 days in sackcloth.The woman arrives at her place in ye wilderness, is nourished a time times & an half \fed 1260 days/ by the merchants of ye earth & the Beast acts under her 42 months. The woman arriving at her place in the wilderness is nourished by the merchants of the earth a time & times & an half. The Beast acts under her 42 months.The Whore of Babylon reigns over her Beast. The Kings of the earth commit fornication & live deliciously with her & the Merchants of ye earth wax rich through ye abundance of her delicacies.
6 Plauge at \or from/ Euphrates. \being/ The second great wo.6 Thunder6 Plague \Vial/ on Euphrates
The great Hosannah of ye |The| Palm bearing multitude \tribulation./ wch comes out of it & celebrates \{recites}/ ye great Hosannah.\The men who were m/ Notwithstanding these plagues Notwithstanding these plagues men repent not of their worshipping idols nor of their murders, sorceries, fornication & thefts.The two witnesses are slain revive & ascend up to heaven in a cloud. Babylon whose respect of {illeg} is the 10th ꝑ {sic} of ye great city falls. The remnant give glory to God. The 3d wo a{illeg} {sic}The Gospel preached to every nation.
Babylon fallsBabylon falls. The ten horns burn her wth fire.
\The patience of the saints in/ A great persecution in wch The worship of ye Beast is {illeg} \forbidden/ & ye son of man reaps the harvest of the earth.Three froggs coming out of ye mouths of ye Dragon Beast & fals Prophet gather the \world/ to ye battel of ye great day of God Almighty ✝[12]
The g An innumerable multitude of all nations come out of ye Tribulation \it/ holding Palm branches in their hands & crying Salvation in token of a victory great victory7 Thunder. The mystery of God Time no longer The mystery of God declared to ye Prophets is finished7. The seventh Trumpet \Angel/ sounds. The mystery of God finished. \The 3d great wo/ The nations are angry, & {illeg} Gods wrath \is come .../ The dead are judged & The saints rewarded, the wicked destroyed, {illeg} \{illeg}/ & \God & Christ/ reigns for ever & everThe harvest & vintage of the wicked gathered into the great winepress of Gods wrath7th Vial of wrath poured out. The battel of ye great day of God Almighty. The great city divided into three parts cities of ye nations fall & great City is divided into three parts, condemned to \vizt for/ the lake of fire, the \two-edged/ sword & ye bottomless pit. And the cities of the nations fall in the battel of the great day:Heaven opened & ye word of God appears wth his army on white horses & a two edged sword coming out of his mouth. The Beast & kings of the earth make war against him. The Beast & Fals Prophet are taken & cast alive into the lake of fire. The Kings are slain wth ye two edged sword. & Al{illeg} called a \& their flesh eaten at/ ye marriage supper eat their flesh, [that is seize their wealth & dominions] & the Dragon is cast 1st into ye bottomless pit ff for a 1000 years [untill the war of Gog & Magog] & then into ye lake of fire. at ye war of Gog & Magog.A great God sits in judgment on a {illeg} white throne {&} Heaven & earth pass away. The books are opened & ye dead are judged. A new heaven & new earth New Ierusalem descends from heaven prepared as Bride adorned for her husband. The great \sanctity/ dominion & felici{ty} of this city is re{p}resented

a building of gold & gemms & enlightened by the glory of God & ye Lamb & watered by the river of Paradise on the banks of wch grows the tree of life. \The nations bring their glory into this city &/ The saints reign for ever & ever.

The Introduction. Christ dictates Epistles to ye 7 Churches with reference to the following Prophesy.A door set open wth ye key of DavidThe Beast & fals Prophet are takē & cast alive into ye Lake of fire. The kings of the earth are slain wth the two edged sword & their flesh eaten at ye marriage supper. The Dragon is shut up in ye bottomless pit. The first resurrection wherin the saints rise & are {illeg} |reign wth God & Christ a 1000 years before the rest of the dead are raised| The King of Kings rules all nations wth a rod of iron. After 1000 years the rest of ye dead are raised. |After a 1000 years {illeg} the nations| Gog & Magog compas the New Ierusalem & are destroyed |&| T|t|he Dragon is cast into ye Lake of fire. Then Are not these 1000 years the day of judgment.God sits in judgment on a great white Throne Heaven & earth flee away. The dead small & great stand before God. The books are opened. Death & ye grave deliver up their dead. All are judged according to their works & all those not written in the book of life are cast into the lake of fire.A new heaven & new earth. New Ierusalem comes down from heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband \before the marriage supper./ God dwells wth men &, wipes away all tears from their eyes, & gives them of ye fountain of living waters. He creates all things new, & saith \saying/ It is done. The {illeg}, dominion & \glory &/ felicity of ye Bride the Lambs wife the new Ierusalem is represented by a building of gold & Gemms enlightned by the glory of God & ye Lamb & watered by the river of Paradise on ye B|b|anks of wch grows ye tree of life. Into this City the Kings of the earth do bring their glory & the|at| honour of the nations, & ye saints reign for ever & ever.
Tribulation ten days
The Church \hates ye deeds of ye Nicolaitans, &/ {tey}s them who say they & {illeg} |false Apostles,| loseth her first love
The Chu
Antipas slain. Balaam teaches Balac to seduce \entice/ Israel to Idolatry by weomen according to ye doctrine of ye Nicolaitans. Iezebel the Prophetess seduces Israel to fornication & Idolatry. The luke-warm spued out of Christs mouth, their Candlesick {sic} removed out of ye|it|s place
Iezebel punished
The hour of Temptation upon all ye world
Christ comes as a thief
{T}he tree \of life/ in the midst of Paradise. 1Christ fights against ye Nicolaitans with the sword of his mouth |3| New Ierusalem cometh \down/ out of heaven. 4 2The faithfull receive power over the nations
[Editorial Note 12] <30v> [Editorial Note 13]
Christ dictates Epistles to the seven Churches with reference to ye following Prophesy.Apoc. 1,2,3.The Prophesy of \opening/ the sealed and Trumpets. |Book & sounding the Trumpets.|The Prophesy of opening the sealed Book Apoc. 4,5,6, 7, 7|8,9| The Prophesy of \opening/ the sealed BookThe Interpretation \repetition/ of the Prophesy|, of opening the sealed Book|The interpretation of the Prophesy of ye opening the sealed Book. Apoc. 11.v.19. & 12,13,14.
[Editorial Note 14] A door set open wth ye key of David.The times preceding the great Apostacy.The door of the Temple open in heaven. The throne of God seen in it. The Lamb takes the \sealed/ book & at his opening the first four seales four Warriors appear on horsback wth their armies & standards represented by ye heads & bodies of the four Beasts on ye east west south & north sides of the outward court.The Temple appears opened in heaven wth ye Ark or throne of God in it. Lightre|n|ings voices thundrings an earthquake & great haile during the wars of the four horsmen.
The Devil or Dragon imprisons ye saints that they may be tried & they have tribulation ten days.5t Seal opened. The Church persecuted.A woman with child travailing in birth & a great red Dragon ready to devour her child. War between Michael & ye Dragon
Laodicea increases in goods, grows rich & lukewarm. |Ephesus \trys the fals Apostles/ leaves her first love, yet hates ye deeds of ye Nicolaitans|6t Seal opened. The end of ye heathen world.The Dragon cast out of heaven & the child caught up to the throne. The woman receives two wings of an Eagle to fly into the Wilderness. She flyes \thither/ the first Beast revives, the other Beast rises out of the earth.The interpretation of the prophesy of ye open Book
Apoc. 8,9.The Prophesy of the open Book \Apoc. 10./John Prophesies again \Apoc 11. to v. 18/Apoc. 15,16John goes up to see ye judgment of ye great Whore \Apoc. 17,18,19,20./
The Church hates ye deeds of the Nicolaitans, trys the false Apostles loseth her first love /The hour of Temptation The Lukewarm spued out, their Candlestick removed\ Antipas slain. Balaam teaches Balac the doctrine of the Nicolaitans for seducing Israel by weomen. The lukewarm spued out, their candlestick removed.The times of the great Apostacy\Apoc 7/ Four Angels hold ye four winds while another Angel numbers & seals 144000 out of all ye Tribes of Israel. Do not the rest receive ye mark of ye Beast, & become ye synagogue of Satan who say they are Iews & are not but are ye Gentiles in the outward Court?7th Seal opened. Seven Angels appear wth Trumpets. Silence in heav{illeg}|ven| while the High Priest offers incense wth the prayers of the Saints on ye Fast. Fire cast on ye earth. Voices thunderings lightnings & an earthquake. The seven Angels prepare to sound.The Prophecy of the open BookThe Lamb in form of a glorious Angel appears wth ye \a/ little book open in his hand, stands on ye sea & earth & reads crying as a Lyon roarethHe \Iohn/ measures the Temple altar & them that worship therein, i.e. the 144000. The outward court not measured but given to the Gentiles.The first \Beast/ rises out of ye sea, ye second out of ye earth. The Dragon gives the first his seat. The second causes all men to receive the mark or name or number of the first & to worship him & make his Image wch speaks & causes those who will not worship it to be killed. The Lamb stands before ye throne & Elders in ye Temple on mount Sion wth ye 144000 having Gods name on their forehead. They sing a new song. The|se| are the first fruits of ye following harvest. < insertion from f 31r > Two Beasts rise ou{t}{illeg} & sea & earth. All men worship the first beast, & they who do not worship his image are killed. All receive his mark & none are suffered to buy or sell who have not his mark or name or number. The Lamb & the 14400{0} sealed wth Gods name in their foreh{eads} stand \wth ye Lamb/ on mount Sion before ye thr{one} & Elders in ye Temple & sing a new son{g.} These are ye first fruits of the following harvest. The first beast rises out of ye sea is deified, his image made & they who do not worship his image are killed All receive his mark or name or {illeg}|n|umber. The 144000 s{illeg}|w|th Gods name in their foreheads stand on mount sion before the throne & sing a new song. These are ye first fruits of ye following harvest. < text from f 30v resumes > Seven Angels appear {illeg}|w| the seven last plagues. The Victors over the Beast and his image mark & number (i.e. the 144000) stand on ye sea of glass & sing the song Moses & the Lamb. \The Temple of the Tabernacle opened./ The seven Angels come out of \it/ the Temple & receive seven Vials of wrath. The seventh head or King \commences/ wch continues a short space & goes into perdition in ye lake of fire: & ye Beast wch was & is not ascends out of ye abyss \receives the Dragons throne/ & is the eighth & of ye seven.
1 The east wind
2 The west wind
The south wind
The north wind
1. Trump. War on ye earth
2 Tr. War on ye Sea.
3 Tr. War on ye rivers.
4 Tr. War on ye Sun.
1 Thunder
2 Thunder
3 Thunder
4 Thunder
The two Witnesses have power to send fire out of their mouth at ye first Trūpet, turn waters into blood at ye second & smite ye earth with all ye seven plagues.\The Beast receives the Dragons throne./ All ye world wonder after ye|hi||m| Beast & worship him & ye DragonThe interpretation of the Prophesy of the open Book1 Vial poured on ye earth.
2 Vial on ye Sea.
3 Vial on ye Rivers.
4 Vial on ye Sun.

They that dwell on ye earth wonder at|aft||er| the Beast

The ten horns receive power as kings.

✠Iezebel the false Prophetes teaches and seduces to idolatry & fornication & idolatry5 Trumpet. The first Wo War at & from Euphrates The third part of |The bottomless pit opened. War| on the men who have not the seal of God in their foreheads. The bottomles pit opened.5 Thunder✠ The Gentiles tread down ye holy City 42 months & ye two Witnesses prophesy 1260 days in sackcloth, & shut heaven that it rains not.|,| |as| Are not these \in/ ye days of Elijah & Elisha wher|n|ein Iezebel reigns|d| & kills|ed| ye Prophets?✠ The woman arrives at her place in the wilderness, is fed 1260 days by the merchants of the earth & ye Beast acts under her 42 months He makes war upon the saints & overcomes them.5 Vial on ye seat of the Beast. ✠ The Whore of Babylon raigns & is drunken with the blood of saints. The kings of ye earth commit fornication wth her and live deliciously with her. The Merchants of the earth wax rich through the abundance of her delicacies & the nations are drunk with the wine of t|h|er fornication.
6 Trumpet. The second Wo. The third part of men killed \by the army from Euphrates/ . The rest repent not of their worshipping Idols of nor of their murders sorceries fornication & theft.6 Thunder6 Vial on Euphrates.
The hour of temptation & trial or great tribulation comes on all ye world. Christ comes as a thief.The great tribulation.The rest repent not of their worshiping Idols nor of their murders sorceries fornication & theft.The two Witnesses are slain revive & ascend up to heaven in a cloud. Babylon whose revenue is ye tenth part of the great City falls. The – remnant give glory to God. The third Wo at hand.1. The Gospel preached to all nations.
2. Babylon falls.
3. The {illeg}|wors|h{illeg}|ip| of ye Beast is forbidden in a great persecution in wch the saints have patience & ye son of Man reaps ye harvest of ye earth.
Three frogs come out of ye mouths of ye Dragon Beast & fals Prophet & gather ye world to ye battel of the great day of God Almighty. Christ comes as a thief. Babylon falls. The ten horns eat her flesh. The Lamb's Wife hath made her self ready for marriage. Heaven opened & ye Word of God appears wth an army on white horses to smite the nations wth his two edged sword ye tread ye wine press of Gods wrath. The Beast & kings of ye earth make war against him. Are they not ye Antichrist? Apoc. 21,22.
Christ fights against the Nicolaitans wth the sword of his mouth. The faithful receive power over the nations & rule them wth a rod of iron. New Ierusalem comes down of|u|t of heaven. The tree of life in the midst of Paradise.The day of IudgementAn innumerable multitude of all nations come out of the the {sic} Tribulation holding \with/ Palm brances in their hands & crying Salvation in token of a great victory. They hunger & thirst no more. The Lamb feeds them leads them to living fountains of waters & God wipes away all tears from their eyes7th thunder. Time no longer. The mystery of God declared to the Prophets is finished.7th Trumpet. The kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of God & Christ. The nations were angry, & Gods wrath is come & the time of the dead that they should be judged, the saints rewarded & the wicked destroyed. God & Christ reign for ever & ever.The Vintage of the wicked gathered into the great Winepress of Gods wrath. The Winepress troden without the City. Blood comes out of it up to the horse bridles. The Manchild from heaven rules all nations wth a rod of iron.7th Vial, or Cup of ye wine of the fierceness of God's wrath given great Babylon to drink. A voice saying, It is done. Voices thundrings lightnings & ye greatest earthquake & hail that ever was. The great City divided into three parts, viz for ye lake of fire, the two edged sword & the bottomles pit. The cities of the nations fall. The islands & mountains flee away.The Beast & fals Prophet are taken & cast alive into ye lake of {illeg}|f|ire. The kings are slain wth ye two edged sword their flesh eaten at ye marriage supper. The Dragon is shut up in the bottomless pit. The first resurrection wherein the saints rise & reign wth God & Christ a 1000 years before the rest of ye dead are raised. The king of kings rules all nations wth a rod of iron. After {illeg}|a| 1000 years the Dragon goes out to deceive ye nations & gather them to battel. They compass the new Ierusalem & are destroyed & the Dragon cast into ye lake of fire. Are not these 1000 years the day of iudgment?God sits in judgment on a great white ~ throne. Heaven & earth flee away. The dead small & great stand before God. The books are opened. Death & the grave deliver up their dead. All are judged according to their works & all those not ~ written in the book of life are cast into ye lake of fire.A new heaven & new earth. New Ierusalem comes down from heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband. The marriage supper. God dwells wth men wipes away all tears from their eyes, gives them of ye fountain of living water & creates all th{illeg} things new saying, It is done. The glory felicity of the New Ierusalē is represented by a building of Gold & Gemms enlightned by the glory of God & ye Lamb & watered by ye river of Paradise on ye banks of wch grows the tree of life. Into this city the kings of the earth do bring their glory & that of the nations & the saints raign for ever & ever.
Apoc. 1,2,3 Apoc. 4,5,6,7. Apoc. 11.v.19, & 12,13,14
The Introduction. Christ dictates Epistles to the seven Churches wth reference to the following Prophesy A door set open with the key of David. The door of ye Temple open in heaven. The throne of God seen in it. The Lamb takes \the Book/ & at his opening the first four seales four Warriors appear on horsback wth their armies & standards represented by ye heads & bodies of of {sic} ye four Beasts in ye east west south & north sides of ye outward Court. The Interpretation of the Prophesy. The Temple appears opened in heaven wth ye Ark or throne of God in it. Lightnings, voices thundrings an earthquake & great hail during the wars of the four horsmen.
The \Devil or/ Dragon imprisons ye Tribulation ten days that they may be tried & they have tribulation ten days. The 5t seal opened. The Church persecuted. A woman with child travailing in birth & a great red Dragon ready to devour her child. War between Michael & ye Dragon.
Laodicea increases in goods grows rich & lu{illeg}|k|ewarm. The 6 seal opened. The end of the heat{illeg}|h|en world The Dragon cast out of heaven & ye child caught up to ye throne The woman receives two wings of an Eagle to fly into ye Wilderness. The Beast rises out of ye sea & is wounded to death with a sword.
Apoc. 8,9 Apoc. 10 Apoc 11 to v. 18 Apoc. 15,16 Apoc. 17, 18, 19, \&/ 20 to v. 10
The Church hates ye deeds of ye Nicolaitans, trys ye fals fals Apostles, loseth her first love,|.| Antipas slaa|i|n. Balaā teaches Balac the doctrine of ye Nicolait{illeg}|a|ns for seducing Israel. Izabel ye \fals prophetess/ seduces Israel. The luke warm spued out, their Candlestick removed. The Prophesy of the seales and Trumpets. Four Angels hold the four winds while another Angel numbers & seales 144000 out of all the Tribes of Israel. Do not ye rest receive the mark of ye Beast & become ye Synagogue of Satan wch say they are Iews \& are not/ but are {illeg} Gentiles in ye outward Court {illeg} |& holy city.| The 7th Seal opened. Seven Angels appear wth Trumpets. Silence in heaven & \while ye High Priest offers incense wth/ ye payers {sic} of the saints {in heaven} \on ye Fast./. Fire cast on ye earth. Voices, thundrings, lightnings & an earthquake. The seven Angels prepare to sound. The Lamb in form of a glorious Angel appears wth ye|a| book open in his hand, stands on ye sea & earth & \reads/ crys|i||ng| like a roaring Lyon. Iohn \prophesies again \Iohn prophsies again/. He/ measures ye Temple & Altar & them that worship therein \i.e. the 144000./. The outward court not measured but given to the Gentiles. |The ten|wo| horned Beast|s| rises out of ye {illeg} \earth/ & sea. & The Dragon gives him his seat.| |&| The wound is healed The twohorned Beast rises \rises/ out of ye earth & causes < insertion from the top of the page > The first Beasts rises out of ye sea & \the 2d out of the/ earth. The Dragon gives \the first {illeg}/ his seat|.| to ye first {illeg} second {illeg} causes < text from f 32v resumes > all men to receive ye mark or name of|r| number of ye {illeg}|first| & Beast & those who will not |& to worship him. & make his image wch speaks & cause those who will not| worship his Image |it| to be killed. The L{illeg}|a|mb stands on mount Sion \before the throne \& elders/ in ye Temple/ with the 14400{0} having Gods name on their forehead. \They sing a new song./ These are the firstfruits of the following harvest. < insertion from the top of the page > Two Beasts rise out of ye Sea & earth. All \men/ worship ye tenhorned \first/ Beast & they who do not worship his image are killed. All receive ye|his| mark of ye|his| Beast & they \& none suffered to buy or sell who/ who have not his {na}|mar|k or name or number {illeg} ba{illeg} \are excommunicated/ may not buy & sell. The Lamb stand on mount sion before ye Throne in ye Temple \stands on Mount Sion before ye throne & elders in ye Temple/ wth ye 144000 sealed {illeg} wth ye stand on Mount Sion before ye throne & Elders in ye Temple & sing a new Song. The Temple & \The Lamb wth the & the/ 144000 who were \being are/ sealed wth Gods name in their forehead stands on mount Sion before ye Throne & Elders in the Temple. &|&| \Then/ sing a new song. These are the first fruits of ye following harvest. < text from f 32v resumes > Seven Angels appear wth ye 7 last Plagues. The Victors over ye Beast & over his Image Mark & Number \(i.e. the 144000)/ stand on ye sea of glass \before the throne/ & sing ye song of Moses & ye Lamb. The seven Angels come out of ye Temple & receive seven Vials of wrath \Iohn goes up \Iohn goes up/ to see the judgment of the great whore/ The Beast {b}{illeg}t which was & is not ascends out of ye regions bottomles pit, \i.e./ from ye regions of the dead at ye healing of his wound abyss|.| or sea. < insertion from the right margin > The seventh Head \or King/ wch \commences {and}/ continues a short space. The Beast wch was & is not ascends out of ye abyss being \& is/ ye 8th & of ye seven. < text from f 32v resumes >
Iezabel reigns the fals prophetess teaches & seduces to fornication & idolatry. The 144000 continue
1 The east wind.
2 The west wind.
3 The south wind.
4 The north wind.
1 Plague \Trump. War/ on ye Earth. |An east wind|
2 Plague \Tr. War/ on ye Sea |A west wind.|
3 Plague \Tr. War/ on ye Rivers. |{A} south wind.|
4 Plague \Tr. War/ on ye Sun. |A north wind.|
1 Thunder
2 Thunder
3 Thunder
4 Thunder
The two Witnesses \have power to/ smite the earth \wth/ the seven plagues, \have power to/ sending fire out of their mouths at ye first Trumpt & turning ye waters into blood at ye second &{c} have power to smite ye earth with all ye 7 plagues. They shut heaven yt it rains not in ye days of Iezabel. All the world wonder after ye {yt} Beast & worship him & ye Dragon. 1 Vial \poured/ on ye earth
2 Vial on ye Sea
3 Vial on ye Rivers
4 Vial on ye Sun
They that dwell on ye earth wonder at ye Beast.
The ten horns receive power as kings.
5 Plage \Tr. 1st Wo. War/ on ye men who have not ye seal of God in their foreheads, being the first Wo|a||r|. The bottomless pit opened 5 Thunder The Gentiles tread down the holy City 42 months & ye two Witnesses prophesy 1260 days in sackcloth They \&/ shut heaven yt it rains not. These are therefore ye days of Iezebel. Are not these ye days in wch Iezebel \raignes &/ kills the Prophets \Doth not Iezabel rain & kill ye Prophets/? The Woman arrives at her place in the Wilderness, is fed 1260 days by the Merchants of the earth & the Beast acts under her 42 months. He makes war upon the saints & overcomes them. 5 Vial on ye seat of the Beast. The Whore of Babylon reigns over her Beast. \& is drunk wth ye blood of Saints./ The kings of ye earth commit fornication & live deliciously wth her|.| & The Merchants of the earth wax rich through ye abundance of her delicacies, & The nations are drunk wth the wine of her fornication.
6 Plague \Tr. War 2d Wo. War/ at & from Euphrates,|.| being the second Wo The third part of men killed. 6 Thunder 6 Vial on Euphrates
Iezebel punished \Iezabel punished./ The hour of temtation \& triall or great tribulation comes/ on all the world, or great tribulation often days Christ comes as a thief. The great Tribulation. Notwithstanding these Plagues men \The rest/ repent not of their worshipping Idols nor of their murders sorceries fornication & theft. The two Witnesses are slain revive & ascend up to heaven in a cloud. Babylon whose revenue is ye tenth part of ye great City falls. The remnant give glory to God. The third Wo at hand. The Gospel preached to every nation.
Babylon falls.
The patience of the saints in a great persecution in wch the worship of ye Beast is forbidden & the Son of Man reaps the harvest of ye earth.
Three Froggs come out of ye mouths of the Dragon Beast & Fals Prophet & gather the world to the Battel of ye great day of God Almighty. Christ comes as a thief. Babylon falls. The Whore is burnt. \The ten horns eat her flesh./ The Lambs Wife hath made her self ready for marriage. Heaven opened & ye Word of God appears wth an army on white horses \who treads the winepress ×|× to smite ye nations & wth ye sword of his mouth| to tread the winepress of Gods wrath./. The Beast & Kings of ye earth make war against him. |Whence ye name of Antichrist.| Apoc 20 from v. 11, & Apoc 21, 22
Christ fights against the Nicolaitans wth ye sword of his mouth. The faithful receive power over ye nations /& rule them wth a rod of iron.\ New Ierusalem comes down out of heaven The Tree of life in the midst of Paradise. An innumerable multitude of all nations come out of it holding Palm-branches in their hands & crying Salvation, in token of a great victory. They hunger & thirst no more. The Lamb feeds them & leads them to living fountains of waters & God wipes away all tears from their eyes 7th Thunder. Time no longer. The mystery of God declared to ye Prophets is finished 7. The seventh Angel\th Trumpet/ sounds. The kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of God & Christ. The nations are|we||re| angry & Gods wrath is come & the time of the dead yt they should be judged, the saints rewarded & ye wicked destroyed. God & Christ reign for ever & ever. The Vintage of the wicked gathered into the great Winepress of God's wrath. The Winepress troden without the city. Blood coems out of \it/ up to ye horse bridles The manchild from heaven rules all nations wth a rod of iron. 7th Vial \or cup of the Wine of the fiercenes of G/ of {sic} wrath. < insertion from the top of the page > 7th Vial, called \on ye air. This is Great Babylon drinks/ this \— or/ cup of ye wine of the fierceness of Gods wrath is given to great Babylon. < text from f 32v resumes > A voice saying, It is done. Voices, thunderings lightnings & ye greatest earthquake \& haile/ yt ever was. The great City divided into three parts, vizt for the lake of fire, ye two edged sword & ye bottomless pit. The cities of ye nations fall|.| in ye battel of ye great day [Great Babylon receive drinks ye cup \of ye wine/ of ye fierceness of the wine of Gods wrath.] The Islands & Mountains flee away The Beast & fals Prophet are taken & cast alive into ye Lake of fire. The kings are slain wth the two edged sword, & their flesh eaten at the marriage supper, & the Dragon is {illeg} first into the {bot}{illeg} bottomless pit|.| & then into the for a 1000 years|.| & then into the lake of fire. \The sa & shut up {sic}/ \The saints rise & are rewarded./ The King of Kings rules all nations wth a rod of iron. The war of \After 1000 years ye rest ✝/ Gog & {sic} Magog \compass the beloved city the new Ierusalem./ The Dragon is cast into the lake of fire. ✝ The rest of ye dead are raised. Gog & Magog compas the beloved city the new Ierusalem. The Dragon is cast into ye lake of fire

God sits in judgment on a great white thron{illeg}|e|. Heaven & Earth pass away. The books are opened & the dead judged. |The general resurrection The wicked cast into ye Lake of fire| A new heaven & new earth. New Ierusalem descends from heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband. \God \God dwells wth men &/ wipes away all tears from their eyes. No more sorrow./ The sanctity dominion & felicity of this City is represented by a building of God & Gemms enlightened by ye glory of God & ye Lamb & watered by ye river of Paradise on ye banks of wch grows the tree of life. The saints Into this City the nations \Kings of the earth do/ bring their glory & \the glory of the nations &/ the saints raign for ever & ever.

< insertion from the right margin >

God sits in judgmt on a great white throne Heaven & earth {illeg}s|flee| away. The dead small & great stand before God. The books are opened Death & ye grave & sea give \deliver/ up their dead. All are judged according to their works & all those not written in the book of life are cast into ye lake of fire.

A new heaven & new earth. New Ierusalem comin|es|g down from heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband. God dwells wth men & wipes away all tears from their eyes.

< text from f 32v resumes >
7th Thunder. Time no longer. The mystery of God declared to the Prophets is finished

Synchronism of

<34v> [Editorial Note 15]

A Scheme of the <35r> Apocalyps.

\a/ name yt she lives & is dead.

The Prophesy The Interpretation
A door opened in Heaven & ye \throne of God appears \seen/. The {illeg}/ scene of the Visions described \appears & daily worship described/ chap 4 &5. The Temple opened in Heaven \& ye Ark seen/ Chap. 11.19.
Iohn prophesies in Neros reign \Iohn prophesies in Neros reign/
Six seales opened 1 } { 1 { 1 } Four Warriors on Horsback. cap. 6 Six Heads of ye Dragon & Beast 1 } The seven Kings or heads of ye Dragon & Beast \Lightnings & voices & thundrings & an earthquake & great hail. ch. 11.19/ { 1 } Lightnings & voices & thundrings & an earthquake & great hail chap 11.19
Trajan 2 Four Warriors on Horsback cap. 6 2 2 2 2
Severus 3 3 3 3 3
Decius 4 The seven seals opened 4 4 4 4
Dioclesians persecution 5 The martyrs slain under the Altar. 5 5 The souls of ye Martyrs under ye Altar 5 The woman pained in travail to bring forth a manchild The Dragon casts ye 3d part of ye stars to ye earth 5 The woman pained in travail to bring forth a manchild. The war between Michael & the Dragon.
The Empire turns Christiā 6 A great earthquake. The & stars smitten. The Kings of ye earth flee from Lamb 6 6 A great earthquake & the Sun Moon & stars smitten. 6 The manchild caught up to God & to his throne The woman begins her flight into ye wilderness. The Beast wounded \to death/ wth a sword, & is not any longer untill he ascend out of ye Abyss. 6 The manchild caught up to God & to his throne The Dragon cast ouf heaven & ye Kingdom of God set up there. The Dragon coming down amongst ye inhabitants {illeg}|of| ye earth & sea persecutes ye \flying/ woman \& casts out a flood after her/ The earth rescues \helps her/ {illeg} & swallows up the flood.
The Apocalyptic daily sacrif. begins to be taken away. 7 – – – – – 7 7 – – – – {777}
The Apostasy begins. A King doth according to his will. The 17th seal of {illeg}{eb} Ephesus \Ephesus/ 7 Smyrna \Smyrna
The 7th seal opened./
Pergamus \Pergamus/ Thyatira \Thyatira/ 7 Sardis 7 1 Philadelphia \Philade{lphia}/ Laodicea
The 144000 sealed out of the 12 tribes whilst ye 4 winds are held \{illeg} By this separation their Candlestic/ displaced. The prayers of ye Saints offered with incense. Voices thundrings lightnings & an earthquake. The mighty Angel comes down from heaven with an open book & roars like a lyon \Balaā teaches Balaā to make Israel sin./ Antipas slain where Satan dwelleth. The temple & Altar & they that worship therein are measured. The eyes of ye Son of God like flames of fire The seventh head. The woman flies into ye Wilderness. {illeg} The two Beasts arise|.| out of the sea & earth \The Church hath a name that she liveth & is dead./{sic} Men make ye image & receive the mark of the Beast. The rest mystically slain: {The} church hath {illeg} /{B}ecome the first fruits to God\ The 7 \{illeg}p\door /set opened to ye church. The seven/ Angels come out|{sic}|{,} of yt Temple |it| \of it/ & ye Temple is filled with smoke. The whores Beast rises out of the abyss. The \externally rich but/ lukewarm church spued out of Christs mouth.
The{c} wars whereby he who letted is gradually taken out of ye way The The 144000 escape ye tempest of the four winds. The seven Trumpets The seven Thund \The sev {sic}/ The seven thunders The prophesying voices of the seven Thunders The 7 Plagues. The 7 Vials
1 } The Angels or the 4 winds sound their Trumpets |The four winds at ye founding of first four Trumpets destroy the world politi of the earth, sea, {illeg}|r|ivers sun moon & stars. |yt is ye \whole/ world politi wch letted.|| { 1 1 {3}|1| The|y| 144000 appear on mount Sion wth ye name of God {illeg}|i|n their foreheads, being ye 144000. 1 The seven last Plagues The plagues of ye first four Vials fall on ye wor{illeg}|ld| politi of ye earth sea rivers {illeg}|su|n moon & stars, yt is on the world politi to take that out of ye way wch lett{illeg}|s| The seven Vials of wrath. 1 Ten horns receive their Kingdom.
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 The abomination of ye wildernes set up. 4 4 4 4 4 4
1 The man of sin revealed & 2 The litle horn begins his reign over ye Beast 4 The time of ye end begins & ye King of ye South pushes at ye King who did according to his will duration of the 144000 Sealed ones \They escape the \plague of ye/ Locusts & still continue./ 5 \The first wo Trumpet sounds/ Men \The {illeg}|Locusts| hurt those/ who have not the seal of God. \{illeg}|T|he{illeg}|s|e/ worshipped Ghosts & Idols of gold & silver & brass & stone & wood, & were hurt by the locusts murderers sorcerers idolaters \fornicators/ & th e|i|ef|v|es. ch. 9.20 { 5 5 5 The Gentiles tra{illeg}d on foot the holy City 42 {m}on{th}s & ye two Witnesses pri{illeg}sy \sackcloth/ 1200 days Iezabel reigns The woman arrives at her place in the Wilderness where she is fed 1260 days. The Beast makes war wth ye saints 42 months. The 144000 continue undefiled wth weomen. 5 The \|p|{the}|la|gue of ye 5t vial on the/ seal of ye Beast darkened 5 The whore {illeg}|si|ts on her Beast & inebriates ye nations wth ye wine of her fornication.
The King of ye north comes against ye King of ye South. 6 The Angels of the {illeg} \two {illeg}/ wo-Trumpets sound |The second wo Trumpet sounds The third part of men slain by the Euphratea horsmen & the rest repent not of their idolatry nor of their murders nor of their sorceries &c \of their idolatry & other crimes./| 6 6 6 6 for The \plague of ye sixt vial \on Euphrates/. The/ way of ye Kings fro{illeg}|m| ye east prepared to the battel of ye great day. 6
The dominiō of ye little horn taken away. The \death/ resu{r}rection & ascensiō of ye witnesses \two Prophesy{in}g witnes{ses}/ The Gospel is preached to all nations. Gods people called out of Babylon.
The dom: of ye little horn taken away. The fa{l}l of y{e} 10th p{illeg} of ye great {C}ity The fall of Babylon Three {sic} weaking spirits \like froggs/ come out of ye mouth of ye Dragon The fall of Babylon. The
The great time of trouble Dan. 12. Mat 24. The great Tribulation The tribulation of 10 days |unde|{illeg}|r|{in} |the| days synagogue of Satan 7 The feet of ye {A}|m|ighty Angel like pillars of fire 7 The eyes of the Son of G{od} like \a flame of fire & his fee{t} {b}l{aze}/ b{u}r{n} as if they burned {illeg} a furnace. The worship of ye Beast prohibited|.| in ye following persecutiō signified {illeg} \Christ comes as a thief. Then 144000 follow him/ |His Harvest cut down.| 7 Beast & Fals Prophet &c. |Three spirits like Froggs. The hour of temptation comes upon all ye world.| 7 T|G|od glorified
An Angel {illeg}ing
\The Word of God comes to judge & make war with eyes like |a| flames of fire. And an Angel in |t|{illeg}|he|/ scorching Sun invites to ye marriage supper.
The captivity ends sun moon & stars dark{en} Mat 24 Ioel 3 &c The captivity was of {illeg}|M|any awoke out of ye d{us}t Daniel stand in his lot. An innumerable multitude triumph wth palms in their hands. The faithfull unto death receive a crown of life & escape being hurt of ye second death. The mystery of God is finished spoken of by ye Prophets is finished. The sev{v}enth Trumpet sou{n}ds & ye kingdoms of this world become ye Kingdoms of Ch{ris}t for ever & The {de}ad are judged, the saints {re}warded & the wicked destroy{ed}. The fall of {illeg}|the| Beast The vine of the earth cut down & cast into ye great winepress of the wrath of God & blood comes out to ye hors bridles. The victors triumph on ye Sea of glass for their victory over ye Beast. The battel of ye great day of God allmighty & fall of the cities of ye nations The word of God overcomes ye Beast & Kings of ye earth \The winepres {of God in}/ Iudgment given to ye saints & {illeg}|they| reign wth Christ a 1000 years. They yt have part in ye first resurrectiō escape ye 2d death.Heaven & earth flee away. The general Iudgmt. A new Heaven & earth & new Ierusalem, wherin the saints reign for ever.
The {illeg}|ba|ttel of the great day {illeg}|o|f God almighty & fall of ye city of ye nations. They that now get the victory over ye Beast (who is spiritually called Egypt) signg the triumphant song of Moses & ye Lamb
Iohn Prophesies in \ye end of/ Nero reign
1 SealThe eastern dynasty of ye |R.| Empire begins wth Vespasian, a very good man who conquered Gods enemies ye Iews
2 SealThe western Dynasty begins wth Trajan a conqueror of many nations in his time. ye Iews & other nations revolt & kill one another.
3 SealThe southern Dynasty begins wth Severus a Iudg &c
4 SealThe Northern Dynasty begins wth Decius who perished wth all his army: & from yt time ye Empire becam afflictted wth civil wars, famin pestilence & invasions of barbarians armies of many barbarians nations invading them.
5 SealThe persecution of Dioclesian
6 SealThe Empire turns Christian A Christian Empire born in ye west prevails over all \{illeg}ll over all/ & dethrones heathenism, \A. D 424/ but soon apostatises, & through its re|i|ches & prosperity becomes very corrupt. Great controversies in the Church.
The empire becomes divided into ye Eastern & western Empires.
The western empire conquered \swallowed up/ by the eastern.
7 Seal

The \eastern/ emprie becomes divided again, & begins to worship ghosts & place divine power in reliques \holy water/ the signe of ye cross & such like ceremonies. \& consecrated things & in the signe of ye cross/ The monks grow very numerous in Egypt & Syria under ye Bishops of Alexandria & Antioch, & from thence afterwards overspread the world, & fill it wth their superstitions & lying legends legends. The Church through its riches becomes \& prosperity grown/ very corrupt

The second general Council decrees ye wp of ye Holy Ghost, & throws out of ye Churches all The who receive not the worship, excludes them communion & prohibits their worship under great penalties. They fr|l|ee to ye Barbarous nations. The Donatists & other dissenters begin to be persecuted in Afric

1 TrumpThe eastern Empire after ye death of Theod{u}|o|sius ye great, \A. D. 395/ {illeg} vexed for 12 years together by many barbarous nations invading them in all parts.
2 TrumpThe western Empire {f} {illeg}|f|rom ye year 407 vexed for divers years all over Europ{e} by many barbarous nations becomes divided into 10 Kingdoms. Rome sack't by ye Visigoths.
3 TrumpThe southern parts of ye Empire {illeg}|i|nvaded \A.C. 427/ & vext for many years by {illeg} {ye} Vandals. The western Cæsar falls, & is succed|e|{sic} first by \His dominion descends to/ ye Heruli & the afterwards to the |Ostro|G|g|oths.
4 TrumpThe northern parts of ye Empire (vizt Lombardy & other parts of Italy) invaded by ye Greek Emperor AD 536 & long afflicted by wars between him & the Goths & Lombars|d|s. The Kingdom of ye Goths together wth ye Roman Senate, Consuls, h{on} Honours & all other remains of ye western Empire extinct.
5 Trump

The Pope \A. D. 607/ become|s| universal Bp & sets up the wp of ye Virgin Mary & all ye saints in ye Pantheon. The Mahomet at ye same time {illeg}|c|omposes his Alcoran & so{on} after layi|s|ng ye foundation of ye Saracen monarchy, H|h|e & his successors {annexe} Syria Ægypt & other parts of ye Roman Empire. The Saracens {illeg} a lock of hai uncut hair like weomen & wore turbants like crowns{.} Th{ir} Empire was first seated at B{illeg} Antioch & then \140 years after/ at Antioch Bagdad. The whole duration of their empire at both seats untill ye Turks took {Ba}{illeg} was 300 years that is twice five months of ye|ye|ars. |The Pope who started {illeg} ruin of the Gothic Kingdom, grows higher by ye ruin of the Exarchate & Kingdom of ye Lombards ‡| < insertion from the bottom of the page > ‡ And perhaps ye conquest of these two Kingdoms \as they gave him his terri{o}|t|ories in Italy so they/ added two new crowns to that wch {Cl}ovis King of France \had/ sent him before (A. D 514. Baron.) For as ye triple crown is a{n} {em}bleme of ye Popes rise by ye conquest \ruin/ of three Kingdoms \Dan. 7/ so ye conquest of those K{in}gdoms by wch he grew up & got his territories is ye most pro{illeg}|b|able original of h{illeg} crowns.

The Pope as Churches of ye rest of ye 10 Kingdoms are ye ten 7 Churches. The Pope assisted by 7 Cardinal Bishops. Baron an. 769. The Greek & Latin Churches unite anno 5        divided ann {3}|6|87. The controversy about Image worship begins anno {illeg} 726 & lasts 120 years. The 2d Councel of Nice for Images a. 787.

The Α & Ω ye first & ye last is ye horsman upon a white hors in {ye} beginning & end of ye Prophesy. < text from f 35v resumes >

6 TrumpThe Turks seated about ye several fountains & streams of {Eu}p{h}r{at}es in 4 Kingdoms at Mosul, Mi|y|æphærekin, Aleppo &              wa|e|re invaded {illeg} by the Tartars A. D 1260 & their imper regal cities being sa{cked} & their Kingdoms ruined, thy|ir||y| \reliques/ fled into Asia minor under seve{r}al Captains where they invaded th made war upon ye Greeks & about {ye} year 300 founded ye present Empire & at length sackt Constantinople & {illeg}{ain}ed the greek Empire.
<36v> [Editorial Note 16]

A Synopsis of the Synchronisms of the Apocalyps.

Apoc I. II. III Epistles to ye Churches of The Prophecy of the Book revealed by opening the seales thereof. The primitive Church in seven states, wch answer to ye seven Epistles The Prophesy of the Book revealed by eating and digesting it
Apoc. IV, V, VI. The door of the Temple opened in heaven. The throne of God seen in it. The Lamb takes the sealed book & opens the seals. Apoc. XI.19 & XII. The Temple appea{re}s \of God/ opened in heaven|.| with The Ark or throne of God {illeg}|seen|{illeg} in it.
Ephesus I The first seal opened. } Four warriors appear successively on horsback with their armies & standards, represented by the heads & bodies of four Animals standing on the east west south & north sides of the outward court. I. Lightnings voices thundrings an earthquake & great hail during the wars of the four horsmen. The Church preaching the gospel.
The second seal opened.
The third seal opened.
The fourth seal opened.
Smyrna II The fift seal opened. The Church persecuted II. A Woman with child travailing in birth & a great red Dragon {illeg}|r|eady to devour her child. War between Michael & ye Dragon. The Church persecuts|e|d.
Pergamꝰ III The sixt seal opened. The end of the world Heathen. The Church triumphant. III. The Dragon cast out of heaven & the Manchild caught up to ye throne. The Church triumphant.
Thy{di}|{at}|yr. * IV IV. The Woman receives two wings of an eagle to fly {illeg}into the Wilderness. The Serpent cast a flood out of his mouth after her. The Church & Empire divided.
Philadel. /Sardis\ * V V. The earth helps the woman & swallows up the flood. The Church & Empire reunited.
Philadel. * VI VI. The Dragon wroth with the Woman. The Church in affliction.
Laodicea. * VII VII. The Dragon goes to make war with the remnant of the Womans seed. The Church that remnant.
Apoc. VII. Four Angels hold the four winds while another Angel number {sic} & seals 144000 out of all the tribes of Israel. gel|Ap|oc. VIII, IX. The seventh seal opened. Seven Angels appear wth Trumpets. Silence in heaven while the High Priest offers incense wth ye prayers of ye saints on ye Fast. Apoc. X. A mighty Angel appears wth a little book open in his hand & stands on ye sea & earth. Apoc. XI. Iohn measures ye Temple & Altar & them that worship therein. The outward court not measured but given to the Gentiles. The Synagogue of Satan & Whore of Babylon Apoc. XIII, XIV. The f{illeg}|i|rst Beast rises out of the sea, is deified by the other Beast & they who do not worship his Image are killed. All receive his mark or name or number Apoc. XV, XVI. Seven Angels appear with the seven last plagues. Apoc. XVII. XVIII, XIX. The Beast wch was & is not {illeg} {illeg} ascends out of the abyss or sea, {illeg} |&| begins to reign in his seventh head. \He/ is to continue a short space & go into perdition in the lake of fire.
* Fire cast on the earth. Voices thundrings lightnings & an earthquake. The seven Angels prepare to sound. He reads crying as a lyon roareth. * The 144000 wth Gods name on their foreheads stand \with ye Lamb/ on mount Sion before the throne & sing a new song. These are the first fruits of the following harvest. The victors stand on the sea of glass & sig|n|g ye song of Moses & ye Lamb. The seven Angels receive seven vials of wrath. *
1 The east wind 1 Trump. War on ye earth 1 Thunder The two Witnesses have power to {have} send fire out of their mouth at ye first Trumpet, turn waters into blood at ye second & smite ye earth with all the seven plagues. The Dragon gives the Beast his throne. All the world wonder after the Beast & worship him & the Dragon. 1 Vial poured on the earth The King who is the eighth & of ye seven, reigns. The ten horns receive power as kings.
2 The west wind 2 Tr. War on the sea 2 Thunder 2 Vial on the sea
3 The south wind 3 Tr. War on ye rivers 3 Thunder 3 Vial on the rivers
4 The north wind 4 Tr. War on the sun 4 Thunder 4 Vial on the Sun
* 5 Trumpet. The first Wo. The bottomless pit opended {sic}. War on the men who have not the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 Thunder T|*|he Gentiles tread ye holy city under foot, & the two witnesses put on sackcloth. The woman arrives a{illeg}|t| her place in the wilderness where she is fed & nourished by the merchants of the earth. |*| 5 Vial on ye seat of the Beast
The Gentiles tread ye holy city under foot & ye two witnesses put on sackcloth. The woman arrives at her place in the wilderness where she is fed by the merchants of ye earth. || < insertion from above the line > {} \/ The ten horns agree & give their kingdom to the Whores Beast. She sits upon him. The kings of the earth commit fornication & live deliciously with her. The merchants of the earth feed her in ye wilderness & wax rich through the abundance of her delicacies, & the nations are drunk with the wine of her fornication < text from f 36v resumes >
* * * The Gentiles tread the holy City under foot, the two Witnesses put on sackcloth; & ye 1260 days commence. The woman arrives at her place in the wilderness where she is fed 1260 days by ye merchants of the earth, & the Beast acts under her 42 months. The ten horns agree & give their kingdom to the Whores Beast. She sits upon him. The kings of the earth commit fornication & live deliciously with her. The merchants of the earth feed her in the Wilderness & wax rich through the abundance of her delicacies, & the nations are drunk with the wine of her fornication.
* 6t Trumpet. The second Wo. The third part of men killed by ye army from Euphrates. The rest repent not of their worshipping idols nor of their murders, sorceries, fornication & theft. 6 Thunder * * 6 Vial on Euphrates. *
* * * * The two witnesses are slain revive & ascend in a Cloud. 1. The Gospel preached to all nations. Three froggs arise. They gather the kings of the whole world to the battel of the great day of God Almighty. The ten kings eat the flesh of the Whore.
The 10th part of ye great city falls 2. Babylon is fallen is fallen. Babylon is fallen is fallen. Much people rejoyce at it.
3. Fals worship forbidden Heaven opened & ye Word of God appears with an army on white horses to smite the nations & tread the winepress of Gods wrath. The Beast & kings of ye earth (Gog & Magog of the land of magog) make war against him
The great tribulation * 7 Thunder 7th Trumpet. The third Wo. The harvest of the martyrs. 7th Vial into the air. It is done.
An innumerable multitude of all nations come out of it wth palms & hosanna{h}|s| in token of a very great victory. God wipes away all tears from their eyes Time no longer. The mystery of God declared to the Prophets is finished. The kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of God & Christ for ever. Gods wrath is come. The dead are judged the saints rewarded. The Kingdom of Heaven The vintage of the wicked. The winepress of Gods wrath troden without the City. Blood comes out of it up to the horse bridles. The cities of the nations fall. Great Babylon drinkes the cup of wine of the fierceness of Gods wrath. The Beast & fals Prophet are cast into the lake of fire. The rest are slain. The Dragon shut up in the bottomless pit. Iudgement begins at the house of God. The saints rewarded. Gog & Magog. The old serpent cast into the lake of fire. The general judgement. The wicked punished. All things made new. Paradise recovered.
<38v> <39r> [Editorial Note 17]

A Synopsis of the Synchronisms of the Apocalyps.

Apoc. I, II, III Epistles to ye Churches of The Prophecy of the Book by opening the seales thereof. The Prophesy of the Book by eating and digesting it.
Apoc IV, V, VI. The door of the Temple opened in heaven. The throne of God seen in it. The Lamb takes the sealed book & opens the seals Apoc. XI.19 & XII. The Temple of God opened in heaven. The Ark or throne of God seen in it.
I Ephesus I. The first seal opend } Four warriors appear successively on horsback with their armies & standards represented by the heads & bodies of four animals standing on the east west south & north sides of ye outward court. I Lightnings voices thundrings an earthquake & great hail during the wars of the four horsmen. The Church preaches the gospel.
The second seal opened
The third seal opened.
The fourth seal opened
II Smyrna II The fift seal opened. The Church persecuted. II A Woman with child travailing in birth & pained {to} \a great/ red Dragon ready to devour her child. War between Micha\e/l & the Dragon. The Church persecuted.
III Pergamus III The sixt seal opened. The end of the world heathen. The Church triumphant. III. The Dragon cast out of heaven & the Manchild caught up to the throne. The Church triumphant.
IV Thyatyra * IV. The Woman receives two wings of an eagle to fly into the Wilderness. The serpent cast a flood out of his mouth after her. The Church & Empire divided.
V Sardis * V. The earth helps the Woman & swallows up the flood. The Church & Empire reunited.
VI Philadelphia * VI The Dragon wroth with the Woman. The Church in affliction.
VII Laodicea * VII The Dragon goes to make war with the remnant of ye Womans seed. The Church that remnant. remnant.
Apoc. VII. Four Angels hold the four winds while another Angel numbers & seals 144000 out of all the tribes of Israel. Apoc. VIII, IX. The seventh Seal opened. Seven Angels appear wth Trumpets. Silence in heaven while \ye/ High Priest offers incense wth ye prayers of ye saints on ye Fast. Apoc. X. A mighty Angel appears wth a little book open in his hand, & stands on the sea & earth Apoc. XI. Iohn measures the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein. The outward court not measured, but given to the Gentiles Apoc. XIII, XIV. The first Beast rises out of the sea, is deified by the other Beast, & they who do not worship his Image are killed. All receive his mark or name or number. Apoc. XV, XVI. Seven Angels appear wth the seven last plagues Apoc. XVII, XVIII, XIX. The Beast wch was & is not ascends out of the abyss or sea & begins to reign in his seventh head. He is to continue a short space & go into perdition in the lake of fire.
Fire cast on ye earth. Voices, thundrings lightnings & an earthquake. The seven Angels prepare to sound. He reads crying as a lion roareth. The 144000 with Gods name on their foreheads, stand with ye Lamb on mount Sion before the throne & sing a new song. These are the first fruits of ye following harvest. The Victors stand on ye sea of glass & sing the song of Moses & the Lamb. The seven Angels receive seven Vials of wrath.
1 The east wind 1 Trump. War on ye earth 1 Thunder The two Witnesses have power to send fire out of their mouth at ye first Trumpet, turn waters into blood at ye second & smite the earth wth all ye seven plagues. The Dragon gives the Beast his throne. All the world wonder after the Beast & worship him & the Dragon. 1 Vial poured on ye earth. The king who is the eighth & of ye seven, reigns. The ten horns receive power as kings.
2 The west wind 2 Trump. War on ye sea 2 Thunder 2 Vial poured on the sea.
3 The north wind 3 Trump. War on ye Rivers 3 Thunder 3 Vial poured on ye rivers.
4 The south wind 4 Trump. War on ye Sun 4 Thunder 4 Vial on ye Sun.
* 5 Trump. The first Wo. The bottomless pit opened. War on ye men who have not the seal of God on their foreheads 5 Thunder * * 5 Vial poured on ye seat of the Beast. *
The Gentiles tread the holy City under foot & the two Witnesses put on sackcloth. The Woman arrives at her place in the Wilderness, where she is fed by ye merchants of the earth The ten horns agree & give their kingdom to the Whores Beast. She sits upon him. The kings of the earth commit fornication & live deliciously with her. The merchants of the earth feed her in ye wilderness & wax rich through the abundance of her delicacies & the nations are drunk wth ye wine of her fornication.
* 6t Trump. The second Wo. The third part of men killed by ye army from Euphrates. The rest repent not of their worshipping idols nor of their murders, sorceries, fornication & theft 6t Thunder * * 6t Vial poured on Euphrates. *
The two Witnesses are slain revive & ascend in a cloud. 1. The Gospel preached to all nations. Three froggs arise. They gather the kings of the whole world to ye battel of the great day of God Almighty. The ten kings eat the flesh of the Whore
2. Babylon is fallen is fallen. Babylon is fallen, is fallen. Much people rejoyce at it. The mariage of the Lamb is come.
The 10th part of ye great City falls 3. Fals worship forbidden. The harvest of the martyrs
The great tribulation. An innumerable multitude of all nations come out of it wth palms & hosannas in token of a very great victory. God wipes away all tears from their eyes. 7th Thunder 7th Trumpet. The third Wo. The kingdoms of this world become ye kingdoms of God & Christ for ever Gods wrath is come. The dead are judged, the saints rewarded The \harvest of the Martyrs & Vintag/ vintage of the wicked. The winepress of Gods wrath troden wthout the city. Blood comes out of it up to ye horse bridles. 7th Vial poured into ye Air. It is done. The cities of the nations fall. Great Babylon drinks the cup of ye wine of the fierceness of Gods wrath

Heaven opened & the Word of God appears wth an army on white horses to smite the nations & tread ye winepress of Gods wrath. The Beast & Kings of ye earth make war against him. The Beast & fals Prophet are cast into the lake of fire. The rest are slain. The Dragon shut up in the bottomless pit. Iudgement begins at the house of God. The saints rewarded

Gog & Magog. The old serpent cast into ye lake of fire. The general judgement. Paradise restored. |Heaven & earth fly away. The saints reign for ever under God & the Lamb for ever & ever.|

A great white throne. God sits on it in judgmt. A new heaven & new earth. A new Ierusalem the Lamb's Bride. No more crying. God reigns for ever /Paradise restored. The saints reign for ever.\ /Paradise restored\
Time no longer. The mystery of God declared to the Prophets is finished.
<40v> <41r> [Editorial Note 18]
The Prophesy of the Book in opening revealed by opening it|th|e seals thereof. {1 D}{illeg}{i}{illeg}
2 {D}{illeg}
3 {D}{illeg}
4 {D}{illeg}
5 {D}{illeg}
6 {D}{illeg}
7 {D}{illeg} Seven {illeg} 7 the \seven/ churches Dynasties of ye primitive church Seven Dynasties /states\ of ye Prim. Church The primitive Church in 7 states
The Prophesy of the Book revealed by eating and digesting it.
Apoc. 1,2,3. Seven Epistles to the primitive Church. Apoc. 4, 5, 6. The door of the Temple opened in heaven. The throne of God seen in it Apoc. 11.19 & 12,|.|13 The Temple appears opened in heaven with the Ark or throne of God in it 1 Church militant.
The Lamb takes the sealed book & at his openi|s|ng the first four seals four warriors appear on horsback with their armies & standards represented by the heads & bodies of the four Beasts or the east west south & north sides of ye outward court. Lightnings voices thundrings an earthquake & great hail during the wars of the four horsmen.
The 1st seal opened } Four warriors appear \successively/ on horsback with their armies & standards represented by the heads & bodies of four {illeg}|A|nimals full of {illeg} standing on the east west south & north sides of ye outward court |1| 1 |war| } Lightnings voices thundrings an earthquake & great hail during the wars of the four horsmen. The Church militant during the wars of the four horsmen{.} |preaching the gospel| 2. Ch.
The 2 seal opened 2 |war|
The 3 seal opened 3 |war|
The 4 seal opened 4 |war|
The 5t seal opened. The Church persecuted. 4|3| A Woman with child travelling in birth, & a great red Dragon ready to devour her child. War between Michael & ye Dragon The Church persecuted.
The 6t seal opened. The end of the heathen world heathen. 5|3| The Dragon cast out of heaven & the Manchild caught up to the throne. The Church triumphant.
4 The woman receives two wings of an Eagle to fly \from the Serpent/ into the wilderness. The Dragon \Serpent/ casts a flood out of his mouth after her. The Church divided.
5 The Dragon casts a flood out of his mouth a f{illeg} woman. The earth helps her {illeg}rth wth her \earth helps |t|her \woman/ {illeg} Church reunited & swallows up the flood. The Church reunited./
6 The earth helps her Dragon wroth with them /woman.\ The Church persecuted {illeg} in affliction
7 {illeg}|T|he Woman flees the Dragon goes to war wth her seed. The first Beast revives \& {r}eparation from ye Dragon/. The other Beast rises out of the earth. The \{illeg}/ Church \The church the remnant of the womans seed/ separates from ye Dragon & from ye Church \{now}/ called the /flees from the Dragon & separates from the\ remnant of her seed. {illeg}|T|he Church that remnant. {illeg} The first Beast (revives represented by {the} Church |the flood) revives.|
Apoc. 7. Four Angels hold ye four winds while another Angel numbers & seals 144000 out of all ye tribes of Israel. Apoc. 8, 9. The 7th seal open|d|. Seven Angels appear wth Trumpets. Silence in heaven while the High priest offers incense wth ye prayers of ye saints on ye Fast. 2. Fire cast on ye earth. Voices thunderings lightningss & an earthquake. The 7 Angels prepare themselves to sound. Apoc. 10. The {illeg}|A|ngel appears wth a little book open in his hand, stands on the sea & earth|.| & \He/ reads, crying as a Lion roareth. Apoc. 11. Iohn measures the Temple & Altar & them that worship therein{sic} i.e. ye 144000. The outward court not measured but given to ye Gentiles. The Synagogue of Satan {reigns} {illeg}i{illeg}h{illeg} & Whore of Babylon prevail Apoc. 13, 14. The first Beast rises|n| out of the sea, is deified \by the other Beast/, & they who do not worship his image are killed. All receive his mark or name or number. \2/ The 144000 with Gods name on their foreheads stand on mount Sion before the throne & sing a new song. These are the first fruits of the following harvest. Apoc. 15, 16. Seven Angels appear with the seven last plagues. \2/ The victors over ye Beast & over his image mark & number (i.e. the 144000) stand on ye sea of glass & sing ye song of Moses & ye Lamb. The temple of ye tabernacle opened. The seven Angels [come out of \the Temple/ {illeg} & receive seven vials of wrath. Apoc. 17, 18, 19.|,| \20, 21./ The seventh head or king commences, wch continues a short space, & goes into perdition in the lake of fire: & The Beast wch was & is not ascends out of the abyss or seas|.| & is the eighth & of the seven The seventh head or king commences wch continues a short space & \then/ goes into perdition in the lake of fire.
1 The east wind } 1 Trump. War on ye earth } 1 Thunder } The two Witnesses have power to send fire out of their mouth at ye first Trumpet, turn waters into blood at the second & smite the earth with all the seven plagues. The first Beast receives the Dragons \Dragon gives the Beast his throne/ throne. All ye world wonder after him & worship him & the Dragon. The 144000 1 Vial poured on ye earth. } \The eighth king who is the eighth & of the seven/ They that dwell on the earth wonder after the Beast
2 The west wind 2 Tr. War on ye sea 2 Thunder 2 Vial on ye sea. The ten horns receive power as kings.
3 The north wind 3 Trump. War on ye Rivers 3 Thunder 3 Vial on ye rivers.
4 The south wind 4 Tr. War o{f}|n| ye Sun 4 Thunder 4 Vial on ye Sun.
5 Trump. The first Wo. The bottomles pit opened. War on the men who have not the seal of God on their foreheads 5 Thunder 5 Vial on ye seat of ye Beast
✠ The Gentiles tread ye holy City 42 months & the two Witnesses prophesy 1260 days in sackcloth & shut heaven that it rains not \put on sackcloth/ ✠ The woman arrives at her place in ye wilderness, \where she/ is fed 1260 days by sackcloth the merchants of the earth, & the Beast acts under her 42 months. He makes war upon the saints & overcomes ym The whore of Babylon reigns & is drunken with ye blood of Saints. \✠ They \agree &/ give their kingdom to the Whores Beast. She sits upon him/ The kings of the earth commit fornication & live deliciously wth her. The merchants of ye earth \feed her & in the wilderness &/ wax rich through the abundance of her delicacies, & ye nations are drunk with the wine of her fornication.
{7}|6| Trump. The second Wo. The third part of men killed by the army from Euphrates. The rest repent not of their worshipping idols, nor of their murders sorceries fornication & theft. 6 Thunder 6 Vial on Euphrates.
The two Witnesses are slain revive & ascend in a cloud. 1. The Gospel preached to all nations. Three froggs arise. They gather ye kings of the whole world to ye battel of the great day of God Almighty 1. {illeg}|T|he ten kings eat the flesh of ye Whore
The 10th part of the city falls. The second Wo ends with its fall. 2. Babylon is fallen is fallen. 2. Babylon is fallen is fallen \& much people rejoyce at her fall/. The Lambs wife hath made her self ready for marriage
The great tribulation The nations are angry. 3. Fals worship forbidden. The harvest of the Martyrs 3. Heaven opened & ye word of God appears with an army on white horses to smite the nations with his two edged sword & tread the winepress of God's wrath. The Beast & kings of {illeg} ({illeg}) \earth & Gog of the land of Magog)/ make war against him.
The victori|y|ous multitude of all nations \{illeg}e out of it./ \of the persecuted/. They hunger & thirst no more. The Lamb feeds them & leads them to living fountains of wa{s}|t|ers. God wipes away all tears from their eyes. 7 Thunder. 7 Trumpet. The third Wo. The \The/ kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of God & Christ for ever. \Gods wrath is come./ The dead are judged The saints rewarded. The vintage of the wicked|.| gathered into the winepress of God's wrath. The winepress \of Gods wrath/ troden without the city. Blood comes out of it up to ye horse bridles. 7th Vial into the air. It is done The cities of the nations fall. Great Babylon drinks the cup of wine of the fierceness of Gods wrath. The Beast & fals Prophet are taken & cast alive into the lake of fire. The kings \rest/ are slain
Time no longer. The mystery of God declared to the Prophets is finished. \Apoc 20/ The Dragon is shut up a 1000 years in the bottomless pit. Iudgment given to ye saints. ye first resurrection. Apoc. 20.11. God sits in judgment on a great white throne Heaven & earth flee away The marriage su{illeg}|p|per
The Dragon \that old serpent is|ca|lled the Devil & Saan is/ shut up i the bottomless pit. Iudgement given to ye saints. \begins at the house of God./ The first resurrection. The saints rewarded.
The An innumerable multitude of all nations come out of it with palms in their hands \& Hosannas/ in token of \a great/ victory. God wipes away all tears from their eyes. Satan losed out of Prison deceives the nations, is cast into ye lake of fire /He is cast into the lake of fire.\ \a little season {illeg} {&} He \untill he is/ cast into the lake of fire./ Heaven & earth flee away. The general resurrection & judgment. A new heaven &, new earth & new Ierusalem. God wipes away all tears from mens eyes. A river of water of life proceeds from the throne. The tree of life grows upon its banks. Paradise recovered.

The Dragon let out of prison \deceives the nations is cast into the Lake of fire/. The general judgment. A new heaven new earth {an} new Ierusalem

The Dragon \Satan/ losed out of prison, deceives the nations, is cast into the lake of fire.

The general judgmen

Heaven & earth flee away. The general resurrection & judgment.

A new heaven & new earth & new Ierusalem. God wipes away all tears from mens eyes. A river of water of life proceeds from the throne|.| with The tree of life \grows/ upon its banks. Paradise recovered.

Seven Dynasties of ye primitive Church 1

The last Dynasty of ye Dragon \& his war upon the seed of ye woman/ commences. The first beast rises out of ye sea by separation from ye Dragon: the second one of ye earth \by separation from the church/. The second deifies the first. {illeg} a|A|ll {yt will not} \that will not/ worship his Image are killed. All re{illeg} \excommunicated – who receive not/ his mark or name or number. The Dragon gives him his throne.

The 144000 {illeg} wth Gods name on their foreheads stand on mount Sion before ye throne & sing a new song. These are the first fruits of ye following harvest.

The Beast & fals Prophet are taken & cast alive into ye lake of fire. The rest are slain. The Dragon shut up in the bottomless pit. Iudgement begins at the house of God. The saints rewarded. \Gog & Magog. The old serpent slain/ The general judgment. Paradise recovered. The wicked rewarded. The Paradise recovered {illeg} \punished./ All things made new. Paradise recovered.
5 The Dra

When God first appeared to Ezekiel & sent him to prophesy \against Israel/ & gave him When Ezekiel was first sent to pro \with/ general commission to prophesy, {illeg} \agt Israel/ he gave him this book to eat in token of his commission & therefore it respects {illeg}|the| manner the book wch Iohn ate {illeg} \must/ respects all the his prophesying after the eating of it for to wch followed to ye end of the Apocalyps. The Prophet ate the whole book & therefore is to prophesy again of the whole, & that more openly then before because ye book was now opened & nothing had been hitherto prophesied out of it as open but what ye Prophet was commanded to seal up. When Ezekiel had eaten all the book wch was given him it was for a time sweet in his mouth as honey, but after the Angel had d spirit had discoursed with him a while about his prophesying, {illeg} & then sent him away \to the people/ to prophesy {illeg} he went away in bitterness & heat of his spirit \& heat of spirit/ & so Iohn found ye bo little book sweet in his mouth but afterwards bitter in his belly: sweet while the Angel discoursed to him about the things he should prophesy of but bitter when the Angels dismist him to prophesy. T The sweetness signifies the being contrary to ye {illeg} mournings lamentations & wo {conteined} \wch {illeg} of wch/ ye book shews that was full, signifies that ye contents of ye book did not immediately affect either Ezekiel or Iohn. Some time was \to be/ allowed for ye book to be eaten & digested before it began to operate & therefore the Angel does not stay till ye prophesy of the Trumpets be ended but for ye decorum of the type gives him ye book to eat a little before the end thereof that so soon \be away/ as that \end {sic} of that prophesy so be ended that {illeg} he may have time to digest it & be ready to/ prophesy is ended again so soon as ye first prophesy shal be ended. So then while the book sweetness continues in ye prophets mouth & ye book is not yet digested, the Angel discourses to him about ye contents thereof, ye temple {illeg} \{I allow} the & nations in ye/ & holy. City & two witnesses & \the/ great City & Beast, & then ye sounding of ye seventh trumpet puts an end to the first Prophesy & ye Angel leaves ye Prophet to prophesy again of thos

So then the thin things discoursed of by the Angel are contemporary to those prophesied of both in the rep{illeg} both before & after the things of wch the Prophet was to prophesy again & by consequence of wch he had been prophesying already, & therefore are contemporary {illeg} coincident wth the things prophesies \this prophesy of the Angel this prophesy is collateral & contemporary/ to the prophesies wch both precede & follow.{illeg} And so far as it is a description of ye things of wch ye Prophet was to prophesy a|b|ygain & that vertue of the eaten book & those things are an interpretation of the first prophesy, this ch{illeg} of ye Angel {illeg} \may/ also to be accounted an interpretation of the things wch preceded{illeg} so much of ye first prophesy as preceded it that is of & is contemporary to it the times of the prophesying Angel that is to ye times of ye open book & seven thunders. \& by consequence to the times wch follow ye opening of the last seal & fall in wth ye Trumpets./ For it is improper to make the Angel discourse as a prophet concerning things wch precede the time of his \first/ appearing wth ye open book \in {hand}/ to prophesy. So then this prophesy of the Angel respects ye times

Now because the prophesy of ye seals & Trumpets respected the worship in the Temple & thi|e| Angel prophesies again of the same time

Now because ther|es|e{illeg} time{illeg}|s| began wth {illeg} numbering & sealing the saints & worshipping offering incense \wth ye prayers of {illeg}/ {illeg} \the {sic} servants of God out of ye 12 Tribes & leaving the rest of ye Tribes unsealed & with offering incense with the prayers of the saints in the temple –/ on ye day of expiation, the Angel begins his prophetic discourse wth measuring the temple & altar & them that worship therein, & leaving out ye {illeg} ye outward court unmeasured for ye nations \to worship in/. For these things have a peculiar relation {illeg} \& interpret/ one another the me\a/suring the Temple & them that worship therein signifying the same thing with numbering & sealing them whose prayers were offered up wth incense on the Temple golden Altar: & the omitting to seale & ye number the rest of


The \{pro}/ visions \c/ had hitherto been performed \respected the worship/ in ye Temple & therefore ye Ang{illeg}|e|l begins his prophetic discourse wth a new Temple. Those respected either the Tabernacle or first Temple – – – – – while ye outward court was left unbuilt \out/ out & remained unbuilt & open to ye Gentiles. So then

of the tribes the same thing wth omitting to measure ye outward Court wch was given to ye Nations. For ye twelve tribes are all the Christian nations & so whereof ye true & sincere Christians are numbered sealed & measured & the rest wth their outward court neglected. So then this prophesy of the Angel begins wth the opening of the seventh seal & ends wth ye sounding therefore since it ends wth the sounding of ye seventh Trumpet it respects all the intermediate times of Trumpets.

And that this is so will further appear from ye Constitution of ye Temple. For the temple \sanctuary/ wth wch the Prophesy of the sea began was either that the Tabernacle or Ark within it & by the four Beasts \worshipping/ in ye \four sides of ye/ outward court, there being in ye second temple no Ark nor any more tri any more \{illeg}/ worship of Israel in ye outward Court. Beasts outward court \Israelites worshipping/ worshipping \Israelites/ in ye outward court, as you will understand by this following history of the Temple. The Iews at their return from captivity were but few – – – –

– – – – & remained unbuilt & open to ye gentiles: & the Gentiles to whom ye outward court is given & who tread under foot ye {illeg} holy City allude to ye Babylonians who captivated Ierusalem & kept possession of ye outward court while after Cyrus had granted ye inward T court by ye permission of Cyrus was rebuilt for the Iews. So then the Pr Angels prophesy of {illeg} concerning the measured then Temple & {illeg} & holy city begins with ye desolation & captivity of the Church by the following Prophesies as ye \Babylonian/ nations wch tread under foot ye holy City are called in the following prophesies, & {illeg} \not with the Tabernacle or first Temple as the prophesy of ye sealed book did, but/ with ye Babylonian captivity & second Temple; that is, wth ye desolation of & captivity of the \holy/ Church by the Babylon great city Babylon (as the {illeg} nations wch \are call/ tread under foot & wth ye building up ye elect the holy city are afterwards called,) & with the \measuring &/ building up the elect a spiritual house an holy Priesthood to offer up sacrifices to God by Iesus Christ (as Peter expresses it) while the outward court of ye unholy nations lies spiritually unmeasured & unbuilt. And this consideration perfectly fixes the time of this prophesy in respect of ye prophesies wch both precede & follow.

For in ye prophesies wch precede, the sealing of ye servants of God alludes to Ezekiels vision of sealing or marking the best of the people in their foreheads in ye commencing Babylonian captivity to be preserved & continue ye remnant of Gods Church in the times of ye second Temple & therefore the sealed live in the times of that T{illeg} Temple & of ye holy Cities being troden under foot by the Babylonian nations; & their sealing as well as the measuring of the Temple commences with ye Babylonian captivity. For seing the Church never ceases but is built up in a new form & state so soon as demolished in an old one, the interval between the fall of the first & Temple & building of the second is not here to be considered.

[Editorial Note 19] <43v>

All the nations in this Proph. are distinguished

The people prophesied of {illeg} \in/ ye Apocalyps are distinguished into thre parts, the inhabitants of the heavens, earth & Sea. Apoc. 12. {W} Rejoyce o heavens & they that dwell therein: wo be to ye inhabitants of ye earth & sea Apoc 12 All these three One of these three parts is \called/ the third part of ye stars wch ye Dragon drew with his tail & the third part of men wch the Euphratean horsmen slew & the third part of the e the earth, ye sea, ye rivers, the Sun \{& starrs}/ in ye Vials & the third part thereof in ye Trumpets & \as also/ the third part of ye stars wch ye Dragon drew wth his tail.

The synchronisms of ye parts \& persons/ of the Apocalyps

The synchronisms of the seven seven four parts of ye
prophesy of ye seals & Trumpets & f three parts of their interpretations.

The synchronisms of the Kingdoms & Churches prophesied of
in the Apocalyps

The synchronisms

Of the times wch follow the


Notes on ye Apocalyps

The son of man amongst ye Candlesticks alludes to ye High Priest triming {sic} ye Lamps. The Candlesticks are ye churches, ye lamps or seven starrs ye angels of ye Churches, & these he trims by dee telling them of their deeds commending exhorting reproving

The lamps being trimmed there follows the morning sacrifice & worship by the general assembly in ye temple chap 4 & 5. Then an allusion \in ye seals/ to ye \High/ Priests \opening &/ reading ye law seven days before feast of Tabernacles chap 6 & {illeg} Then of a description of ye people who celebrate ye feast of Tabernacles vizt first of those who put on their phylacteries (ye seale of God in their foreheads) in ye morning of ye fast on ye 10th day & afterwards of ye Palm bearing multitude. Then is ye fast day alluded to in silence during ye high Priests offering incense on ye golden alter wth ye peoples prayers, then \casting fire to ye earth yt is/ cleansing ye alter to sprinkle it. Then Then {sic} follow \sound/ ye trumpets at the sacrifices of ye seven days of the feast. \To ye same sacrifices allude ye 7 vials as being their libamina/ These are ye main allusions to ye law. Hence Christians are called Iews & Apostates ye synagoge {All} of Satan, yt is members of ye Dragon.

The|o| ye history of ye Iews there is this allusion. The Woman Isral|e|l Ægypt under ye persecuting Dragon bears ye manchild Moses wth his rod & Moses is caught up to Gods throne (dominion over ye Iews) \Michael & ye Dragon contend {illeg}|much| in Ægypt/ & ye woman flys into ye Wilderness. The Dragon casts out waters as a flo Before that flight ther{e} is a contest between Michael & ye Dragon (Moses & ye Magicians) in Ægyp{t} & ye Dragon is overcome. {illeg} Then flyes ye woman & ye Dragon casts ou{t} waters as a flood (an Army) after her wch are swallowed up in ye ear{ths} mouth ye alveus of ye red sea. And now ye devil comes down to \ye Iews in/ ye inhabitants of ye earth & red sea & \they/ commit Idolatry in ye Calf. Afterwar{ds} arise Balac & Balaam (the tenn horned Beast & fals prophet & they Apoc 2.14 & 13.14) & seduce ye people to idolatry, & \they/ by Balaa{illeg}|m|s couns{el} being induced to worship ye Idols of Balac ye image of ye Beast. |Whereupo{n} ye apostatising church {illeg} is represented \afterwards/ by a whore \sitting on ye Beast Balac &/ committing fornication wth ye Kings (of Moab & Midian) in ye wilderness|

Another allusion there is to ye whor Babylon. This being a very great & idolatrous city & reigning over{illeg} many kingdoms, captivated & afflicted ye people of God extreamly. Vnder her were ye temple & inner court granted to ye people of God to worship in but ye outward court was wch before ye captivity had been ye court of ye people was given to ye gentiles & thence got ye name of ye gentiles court. Measuring ye Temple & Altar is a type of building & alludes to ye building of ye temp inner Temple under Babylon in ye 2d yeare D of Darius: at which time ye two Prophets Haggai & Zechary prophesied together Hag. 1.1. Zech 1.{7}1, & ye two olive trees appeared in a vision to Zechary Zech 4.3, 12, 14. In allusion also to Isr ye Apostacy of Israel under Iezebel, ye whore of Babylon is called Iezebel Apoc 2 & \{illeg}/ {illeg} the acts of Elijah of devouring their enemies by fire, of shutting up heaven yt it rain not, & of ascending \up/ to heaven in a cloud ascribed to ye two witnesses. And these are ye main allusions to ye Iewish church & history.

The plague of ye first Trumpet falls on green things & consequently on ye earth without ye wilderness. \as if ye Beast were not yet fully in ye wilderness wth ye woman./ In ye fift green things are not hurt but only the men wch have not ye mark of God in their foreheads yt is on ye those who have ye mark of ye Beast & consequently are in ye wilderness. As a natural wilderness is naturally barren so a spiritual wilderness is spiritually barren. And to signify this the{y} <44v> there are opposed to green things. Wherefore ye woman flying into ye wilderness becomes spiritually barren, & consequently a degenerate church & whore of Babylon. The church of ye Iews fleing into ye wilderness worshipped ye calf & by counsel of Balaam committed whoredom with Balac. The same church apostatized in ye reign of Iezebel. The outward court is ye court of ye church or woman & degenerates to gentiles. The name upon her forehead [Mystery] alludes to ye Iews phylacteries {illeg} as also does ye name of blasphemy or idolatry on ye beasts {illeg}|h|ead & ye mark in ye hand & forehead of his worshippers{)}. These keep ye form of ye Church say they are Iews and are not, {worship} preside & worship in ye place of ye outward courtward court ye place of ye Church & so are ye church in Apostacy the woman {gave} degenerate into a whore. They worship ye Beast & his image, receive his mark & number of his name as ye saints worship God & Christ & are sealed & numbred.

The epistles to ye seven Churches of Asia respect those churches before their dissolution by the Apostacy, & are admonitions to stand stedfast against ye commencing apostacy & to endure persevere under persecution. The first third fift & seventh respect ye churches only before their fall. The second fourth & sixt strike through to ye end & respect ye Church at both rising & falling of ye Apostacy. Therefore Ephesus is commended for trying fals Apostles ye ringleaders of ye Apostacy & finding them lyars \& hating ye doctrine of ye Nicolaitans (i.e. spiritual fornicators or Idolaters)/: blamed for having left her first love (the heat of religion through temporal prosperity of ye Churches then abating) & th\r/eatned that if she return not to her first love her Candlestick shall be removed out of it {sic} place that is, out of ye Temple into a prophane place, wch removal came to pass when ye woman fled into ye wilderness. Romoving from place to place is changing from state to state Apoc 12.9, 12, 14. Isa 14.12, 13. Apoc 6.14. \& 15.6 & 16.20./ Heb 12.27. Apoc 3.16.

Pergamus dwells where satan's seat is yt is in ye reign of ye Dragon & then was Antipas slain where Satan dwelleth, that is ye remnant of ye womans seed in ye war ye Dragon made upon them, as many as would not receive of worship ye Image of ye beast were by ye decree of ye Image killed. Then had they \among them/ those nicolaitans (whom Balac by ye counsel of Balaam seduced) whom christ threatens at length to fight agt wth ye sword of his mouth. /if they repent not but go on to apostasy \apostatize/.\

Sardis had a name that she lived & was dead & is admonished to strengthen ye things wch are ready to dy & therefore is ye church in a decaying condition of religion \in name & outward/ \appearance flourishing but \grown/ spiritually dead wretched & decaying {dstylly} decaying/, for wch reason God gabe way to ye Apostacy to prevaile.

So Laodicea is neither hot nor cold but luke warm & therefore \Christ/ thre\a/tneds to be spewed \her/ out of Christs \his/ mouth, wch |is| ye same thing wth removing ye Candlestick of Ephesus out of its place. The Churches are one body & what happens to one happens to all. Lad|o|dicea the go said shee was rich & increased wth goods & had ned|e|d of nothing & knew not yt she was \wretched & miserable &/ poor & blind & naked. She was therefore \newly grown/ temporally rich & spiritually poor, & for that reason soon after spewed out of Christs mouth: wch was ye condition of ye church in Constantius re ye latter end of Constantius reign

These \four/ are therefore ye churches {proven tempory} spiritually decaying through temporal prosperity & for that reason {same} ready to be removed out of their place. The other three (viz ye 2d, 4th, & sixt) are on ye contrary The other th temporally poor & afflicted but spiritually rich & signify \glance at/ ye church partly in ye 10th persecution but relate cheifly to yt in ye end of ye world. T{illeg}e

To Smyrna writes ye first & ye last who was dead & is alive (i.e. ye type of martyrdome in ye first & last persecution) I know thy works & tribulation & poverty {illeg} but th{ou art} rich (i.e. temporally poor & spiritually rich) & the blasphemy <45r> of ym who say they are Iews & are not, but are ye synagogue of satan (i.e. Christian Idoaters) in ye ye persecuters of ye saints) Fear none of those things wch tho{illeg}|u| shalt suffer (under them) Behold ye devil shal cast of you into prison that ye may be tryed & ye shall have tribulation ten days i|(|ten years in ye end of ye world as well as \before in/ Dioclesians persecution. Be thou faithful unto death & I will give the a crown of life.

To ye Angel of ye Church in Thyatira saith he who hath eyes like a flame of fire & feet like fine brass (i.e. burning by persecution) I know thy charity works & charity & service & patience & thy & faith & thy patience & thy works & the last to be more then ye first (those in ye last times to be more then those in Dioclesians. Yet thou sufferest Iezabel to seduce my servants. I gave her time to repent & she repented not. Behold I will cast her into a bed & all ye churches shall know that I am he who searcheth ye reins & hearts & I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

And to ye Angel of ye Church in Philadelphia saith he that hath ye key (to ye kingdom) of David: \which openeth (in ye birth of ye manchild &c \& battel of ye last day/ & no man shutteth & shutteth (in ye rise of ye host & no man openeth/ I know thy works. behold I have set before thee an open door (to ye kingdom) first under Constantine \& Constantius/ but then by the victory birth of ye manchild & ye earths swallowing up ye waters but chiefly in ye end of ye world) For thou hast a little strength & hast not (under persecution) denied my name Behold I will make them of ye synagogue of Satan wch say they are Iews & are not but do lye (pseudo C Idolatrous Christians) behold I will make them come & worship before thy feet (by the victory over the beast first & last \& fals prophet/) & to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept ye word of my patience (in Dioclesians & in ye last persecution \partly ye troubles preceeding or times preceeding is the the {illeg} end keep & deliver/) I will \not/ keep thee from ye hour of temtation wch shall \(first (for a time)/ come upon all ye world to try them that are his. {It a} Thou shalt \in the end/ triumph over thine enemies & enter in at ye open door to ye Kingdō of David.

In ye d

In ye days of ye prophesy of ye witnesses it rains not & consequently no spiritu{al} fruits are then f|b|rought forth to ye people they prophesy to; they prophesy to people in a barren wilderness. Whence their prophesy is synchronall to ye beast & \yt/ whore Iesabel.

Also they smite ye earth wth a curse as often as they will & so are ye Angel of ye vials, & therefore ye plagues of ye Vials synchronize wth their prophesy.

Pray that yor flight be not \in winter nor/ on ye sabbath day. Mat 24. This is spoken not to yt {sic} unbeleiving Iews who were to be destroyed but to ye converted. When And if so, there is no more reason to understand it of ye Christian Iews at ye destruction of Ierusalem then of those at the end of ye world. For yt wch was {illeg} \their/ true religion at ye destruction of Ierusalem will be their true religion at ye {sic} end of ye world their {illeg} exp future conversion. If the observation of ye Law was not then abrogated to ye circumcised Iews, tis not yet abrogated. If it was |ye| abrogated & only indulged to ye circum weak Iews for faciliating their conversion, it may be indulged to ye Iews hereafter for faciliating their conversion. But when I consider yt Christ came not to fulfil destroy the law but to fulfill it, that ye fulfilling does not infer an abrogation ye {sic} ceremonies being as fit commemorations of things past as types of things to come, that ye whole church strictly kept ye law till ye conversion of Cornelius, that after the calling of ye Gentiles ye Iewish Church at Ierusalem strictly continued zealous of ye Law & ye Apostle Paul himself continued to observe it as far as his convers among ye Gentiles would give him leave (rending his cloaths at blasphemy, shaving his head upon a vow, purifying himself wth those who h{illeg} a vow \striving to/ keeping the feast at Ierusalem, \bringing oblations to his praying nation praying &/ serving God in ye temple & being found purifying <45v> {himself} there) that Paul circumcised Timothy as being \{illeg}/ born of a Iewish parent \woman/, but T would not suffer Titus {illeg} to be circumcised because \(by bo/ a Greek, That when ye Iews at Ierusalem were informed that Paul taught ye Iews abroad to forsake ye Law Iames advised how he should convice ye people that there was nothing in ye report & that he (Paul) walked orderly & kept ye law, that it was only to ye Gentiles that it was only to ye Gentiles that the Apostles Counsel at Ierusalem wrote to t \wherein surely Iames & Paul did not play the Hypocrites/ That when Iames gives this advice to Paul he adds yt as touching ye Gentiles wch believe, the{illeg} \Apostles/ had concluded & written that they should observe no such thing, so{illeg} that Iames here distinguishes between Iews & Gentiles & shews shews how that they had granted a dispensation from ye Law to ye Gentiles only. That the Apostleships of circumcision & uncircūcision were distinct: that Paul in his epistles \disputing against ye law usually often {reads} to \usually includes/ ye law of ye 10 Commandments Rom 2, & 6, 1 Tim. 1. & so/ described no further abrogation of ye law to ye Iews then in part \respect/ of justification thereby, & if \any where/ he express any thing more he writes to Gentiles who by Christs death were freed from ye law, or if he write to Iews (as in ye Epistle to ye Hebrews) he respects only that abrogation of ye exercise of |ye| Law wch was at his speedily to come to pass by the destruction of ye Temple. When I consider that Paul {f}|S|aith he became to them under ye law as under ye law that he might gain them under ye law (not from ye Law but to Christ under it) & to them wthout ye law as without ye law (not being wthout ye law to God but under ye law to Christ) that he might gain them without ye law: that is, that notwithstanding he|i|s being under ye law to Christ he behaved himself among ye Gentiles if if he ha once not under ye as if he had not been under ye law that he might gain them: that the same Apostle commands {illeg} ye not those that if any man be saith is any man circum called being circumcised let him not become uncircumcised: is any called in uncircumcision let him not become circumcised: that he saith ye Law is good & circumcision profiteth if a man keep ye law, & that every man that is circumcised is a debtor to {ye}|do| ye whole law & last in {illeg} lastly that Christ \himself/ admonished the beleiving Iews to pray that their flight be not on ye sabbath day. When I consider all this it seems to me that ye law is no otherwise abrogated to ye circumcised Iews then by ye abrogation of justification by its works & by ye destruction of ye Temple. For {illeg} circumcision is a \is a {illeg}/ covenants {sic} to keep ye Law & therefore seing ye law is in its self good & lawful, every man circumcised is as being kept by ye Apostles & therefore every man circumcised is as much bound thereby to keep it as any anyo man who obliges himself by covenant or oath to do any \other/ lawful thing is bound to do the {illeg} same {illeg} For wch reason ye Apostle Paul saith that every man that is circumcised is a debter to ye do ye whole law. But whether the circumcised Iews |It seems therefore The Iews therefore are to be converted not from ye law but in the law to Christ| But whether ye \Iews to be/ converted \they/ shal circumcise their children & so oblige them also to keep ye Law, I leave to ye decision of Elias Elias will tell them at his coming. {illeg} A It is enough for my purpose they keep ye sabbath day upon account of their own circumcision & that there is the same reason for their keeping ye sabbath day hereafter as heretofore whether it be though {sic} |ye| obligation arising from circumcision (as it seems to me) or only through indulgence for their more easy conversion.

Note yt ye order of ye things in Matt 24 is in Luke perturbed & divided being partly described in chap 17.23 &c partly in chap. 21.7, &c And ye desolation of Ierusalem omitted in Matthew is in Luke mixed wth those things wch relate to ye last coming.


A woman clothed wth ye sun, ye moon under her feet & a crown of 12 * upon her head. Sun moon & starrs signify a kingdome. Sun ye \King &/ temporal dominion \under ye king/ moon ye\{illeg}/ religious \under ye Ponfex {sic} maximus/, starrs ye most illustrious persons next ye \sun & moon or/ king & Pontifex maximus. Stars are here put for ye saints as being truly ye most illustrious {illeg} For ye Dragon cast stars are the such persons as ye Dragon cast to ye earth. So yt ye woman was cloathed wth ye Sun that is diffused through ye temporall Empire, had ye moon under that is ye heathen religion under her feet, & a crown of 12 starrs yt is ye 12 Apostles upon her head. For ye woman is ye church from ye time of ye Apostles.

The victory of Michael alludes not to ye drowning of ye Egyptians but to ye victory of Moses (the manchild) over ye Magicians. For it preceded ye womans flight. Then casts ye Dragon \Egypt/ an army as a flood out of his mouth after ye flying woman not yet got into ye wilderness & the earth ye dry alveus of ye red sea swallowed up this flood. Wherefore ye song of Moses & ye Lamb sung by ye victors over ye Beast standing upon ye sea of crystal mixed wth fire yt is {illeg} alluding to ye song wch moses sang & Israel sang upon ye brim of ye frozen red sea wherein ye war had been waged & ye by ye hand of god against ye conquered Egyptian army, was sang at ye earths swallowing up ye waters {illeg} cast out of ye Dragons mouth & consequently those waters were ye Beast over whom ye singers g{illeg} these \who stood/ on ye brim of ye sea got ye victory & this victory was his wound mortal wound. Whence also ye beast before this wound had his Image & number of his name & wch being by this victory abolished where after his rise out of ye sea {illeg} made & received anew by ye influence of ye two horned beast. And as ye Beast before & after his wound being ye same in specie is considered as \one &/ the same Beast so his image before & after being ye same in species is considered as but one image. But ye beast & his Image \being/ at first being shortlived & succesles they are neither of them solemnly described till the {illeg} after ye succesful rise of ye beast out of ye sea.

The third part of ye earth, sea, rivers, Sun{illeg} are smitten in ye trumpets. The \whole/ kingdome {illeg} is represented by ye ten horned \two/ Beasts & woman. The third part is one of ye three vizt ye Beast. The wars were not made upon ye empire as ecclesiastick but as civil. The third part therefore is ye Beast. His earth ye eastern Empire, sea ye western, rivers the smaller kingdomes of ye horns, Sun ye western empire {tru} descended to ye Goths were smitten As ye Beast is one of ye three, the third part is smitten \in ye Trumpets/: but as the {includes of} {illeg} includes ye all the includes \he conteins/ the other two partake of \in/ his body & \so/ are included in his ye whole Earth sea rivers & sun are smitten in ye Vials. The sun is ye temporal dominion over \Rome &/ Italy possessed by ye \senate consuls/ Goths callenged by the eastern emperor wth deference to ye eastern Emperor. The sun moon & stars (ye Italian Italian empire seated in ye Goths & Roman senate) was extinct & ye sun (whether ye Italian se Emperor of Kings of ye Goths) scorched men with fire. Because ye King & Emperor might either of them apart be considered as a sun but not both together, \& yet were both equally concerned in the affair of this time & so both to be described/ they are severally delineated by ye sun, the one by ye sun darkened, ye other by the sun scorching men wth fire.

{Now &} Sealing & measuring is a metaphor taken from {illeg} dividing \possessions/ by number or measure: as when a promiscuous number of sheep are told out \into two companies in two compa/ & branded some for one man some for another or when ground is divided by measure be{illeg}|tw|een man & man. God seales & measures what's his & leaves ye rest to ye Beast.

There are seven candlesticks at ye beginning & but two at ye end. The seven do n{ot} <46v> all continue to ye end because Laodicea is \actually/ spewed out, Ephesus is threatned & threatning is a prediction. Christ comes to Pergamus & fights agt ye Nicolaitans. Comes on Sardis as a {illeg} Thyatira suffers Iezabel. Only Smyrna & Philadelphia are {as proved} \found/ upright. When ye {num}ber two begins ye number seven ceases. The seven have single lamps, the two each {of} them seven Zech. 4.2. Whence the two witnesses have power to smite ye earth wth {a} curse as oft as they will, that is, they are ye seven angels of ye plagues. Five o{f} ye first Lamps are trimmed (not before ye morning sacrifice of ye first day for {yt} is christs death but) in ye in ye morning of ye Fast before ye incense Apoc 8. 3 & are imperfect but then after ye incense ye prayers of ye saints having been \then/ offered, \&/ {ye} \Nicholaitans wth their disciples drawn of from them, the/ other two are found perfect & are thencefored {sic} made a type of ye sealed out of all the seven. Five lamps are therefore trimmed when ye Nicolaitans & churches were in union (vizt in ye end of Cs reign) & ye other two after separation \of the schismaticall of the scape G{oat}/, & then was ye other Goat sacrificed (by dissolution of government) & ye sanctuary \fully/ cleans{ed} by sacrificing

[Editorial Note 20] <48r>

The Interpretation of Apoc 12 & 13.

The woman in travail (yt is in ye 10th Persecution) brought forth a man child, a body of ye same species wth her self, but male as she was female & consequently a christian Kingdome. The Persecution being Dioclesians ye Kingdome must be Constantines, born in ye west just wn ye Persecution or pains in Travail ceased, wch happened in Cosntantines expedition against Maxentius. For Constantine then by a vision from heaven became a Christian & by that victory f was confirmed in ye Christian faith, founded a Christian Kingdome & put an end to ye Womans pains.

The Empire by this birth became distinguished into two, the Manchild & Dragon. The Dragon crowned was ye heathen Roman Empire. The empire now before ye birth of ye manchild This for its length is compared to a Dragon whose head ye region of ye Imperial city was westward & tail eastward. wth this tayle ye eastern empire he drew a third part of ye stars (ye eastern Christians i.e. persecuted ye eastern Christians in ye East wthin ye Empire of Galerius Maximianu{s} For ye Empire & wth it ye Church was now distinguished into three parts und{er} ye {illeg}{pieces} of ye thre \heathen/ Augusti, Cons Maximianus & \in ye east/ Maxentius in Italy & Constantine in Gallia & Britain, & of these three parts two soon after ye persecu{tion} began received peace, the third only in ye east continued under persecution. At ye {en}d of this Persecution ye Dragon \manchild/ being born in ye west, there remain{ed} only ye eastern empire to ye Dragon.

And this Dragon endeavoured to devour ye new born child. For Licin{ius} first by treachery & then by open war attempted Constantine. Whereupon ye ma{n} child was caught up to G from ye jaws of ye Dragon to God & to his throne {&} ye woman fled into ye wilderness. The manchilds being taken up caught u{p to} God & to his Throne, glances at ye exaltation of ye new Christian emper{or} by ye victory over Licinius, b|&| signifies that all in that exaltation he is caug{ht} up from ye earth as it were to Gods throne wherein he is to rule all n{a}tions wth a rod of iron, not now whilst a new born child but at ye end of ages Apoc 3     . & 19.      . A temporal throne he had before he was caug{ht} up & now is caught up to a throne of a nobler kind. So then ye & so{illeg}th ceases to signify any longer this temporal christian kingdom. For after {ye man} child is caught up hence to God we find no more mention of it in all ye {Prophe}sy. The manchild therefore signified only ye first christian empire in ye west & which & when that empire by conjunction of ye eastern lost its first form & state it ceased to be considered any longer as ye Manchild.

Before the flight of ye woman into ye wilderness there is war in heaven between Michael & ye Dragon. These are ye wars ob|f|{illeg} Constantine wth Licinius Maxentius & Licinius whereby Christian armies cast out ye heathen empire. For these wars were waged by Chris immediately after ye persecution, by Christian armies against heathen wth success to ye casting out ye heathen religion because tis said, The Dragon was cast out who is called Devil & Satan which deceived ye whole world \& accused ye saints day & night before God/ & they overcame him by ye blood of the Lamb & word of their testimony & loved not their lives unto ye death. These wars could not without a solecism be said to be waged by ye {illeg} \new born/ child & therefore for ye decorum of the type they are said to be done by Michael & his Angel


No soon{er} is ye Dragon cast out, but Christians become divided into two parts those who dwell in heaven & rejoyce & triumph at ye victory & the inhabitants of ye earth & sea to whome the d|D|evil comes down. For ye devil was not amongst these inhabitants before & therefore they are christians. And ye Devils coming down to these \inhabitants/ signifies that {the f} they become the devils kingdome, that is the Dragon for ye future. This Dragon was not slain but only changed his place, that is, was translated from one people & condition to another & from one condition to another. The Devil was cast out from his old heathen empire & came down to ye inhabitants of ye earth & sea. These therefore are ye Dragon for ye future. For they are The Dragon does not come down to \them to/ persecute 'em but to deceive 'em. Wo be to ye inhabitants of ye earth & sea for ye Devil is come to you knowing he wth great wrath knowing he hath but a short time. A wo is never denounced to ye saints for persecution. We are rather on ye contrary commanded to rejoyce exceedingly at such sufferings Matt as ye greatest blessing Matt 5.10, 11, 12. Iames 1.2. 1. Pet. 3.14. Acts 3.41. The wo is to ye wicked. To these the devil came down wth great wrath to deceive them & in them to persecute the saints knowing he hath but a short time to reign amongst them. The woman whom ye Dragon now begins to persecute is the multitude wch dwells in heaven & triumphs at ye Michaels victory obteined \of God/ through ye word of their testimony. From this company the inhabitants of ye earth & sea{illeg} are distinguished & therefore they are not ye persecuted Woman but a distinct sort of Christian \{new}/ \distinct/ body, an erring sort of Christians deceived at ye Devils coming down to them, & being deceived they become ye Woman {sic} enemy &|And| to signify that they are ye Dragon wch now begins to persecute her, tis said before ye persecution begins, that ye Devil is come down to them. For this is all one as to say that ye Dragon Devil so soon as cast out of his old throne, seats himself amongst the{illeg} inhabitants \of ye earth & sea/, that is yt ye name of Dragon is translated descends from ye old heathen empire to ye kingdom of these inhabitants.

So soon as ye Dragon saw he was cast down he persecuted ye woman. The erring Christians persecute ye faithful or \The woth|m|an is the seven churches of Asia. For ye epistles respect her now. As the head city of ye Apostacy is put for ye whole Apostacy so ye head of ye true church is put for ye whole./ The inhabitants of ye earth & sea per having ye Devil amongst them persecute ye saints \those who dwell/ in heaven & consequently have ye temporal power on their side. For persecution is not raised but by those who have temporal dominion over those they persecute. So then at ye victory of Michael the {illeg} Christians become divided into two parties those that dwel in heaven & ye inhabitants of ye earth & sea & the temporal power goes along wth these erring inhabitants, & by consequence becomes now ye Dragon. The earth & sea are ye eastern & western parts of ye Empire. The inhabitants of both are ye Dra havin The devil comes down to both & therefore both now become ye Dragon & this Dragon being able to persecute must be ye ruling party in both, that is the Christian Roman empire. So then the at ye victory of Michael the Devil being cast out of his old throne & coming down to signify the inhabitants {illeg} of ye earth & sea, the name of Dragon wa descended then from ye Roman heathen Empire to ye Roman Christian. So long as ye heathen empire stood ye christian is signified by ye called the manchild. All But when ye manchil heathen was cast out ye manchild christian \erring/ exchanges ye name of ye manchild for yt of the Dragon & this is signified by ye Dragon Man <49r> childs being caught up from hence to God, & by {ye} Dragons being cast out of heaven to ye inhabitants of ye earth & sea. The Christian empire by this {illeg} was now by Michels victory became ye same wth ye old Roman heathen Empire in all respects but religion & now erring from ye right faith & becoming ye Womans enemy as ye Heathen Empire was before, to express that error it inherits the name as well as ye kingdome of ye old Dragon. This is that Dragon who gave ye Beast his power & seat & great authority & therefore is that empire wherein ye b|B|east reigned afterwards, that is the Roman Empire.

When the Dragon \saw he was cast down he unto ye earth he/ persecuted the woman & there were given her two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into ye wilderness, to \unto/ her place. The persecution therefore began presently after Michael's victory & then by ye founding of Constantinople & erecting a Senate there wch should rule ye east as Rome did ye west, the church by partaking of this division of ye empire into eastern & western had two wings of ye great Roman Eagle or empire given her {illeg} & as it it {sic} were on these wings flew first \first/ into ye wilderness & then in {illeg} the wilderness unto her place prepared of God where they should feed & nourish her 1260 days. A natural wilderness is a place naturally barren, a spiritual wilderness a place spiri & then in ye wilderness unto her{illeg} place where they prepared there of God that they should nourish her there a time times & an half. \Nor/ This flying from place to place signifies not \either/ a rūning of ye church out of \one/ kingdom into another but \or/ a changing of condition. \Not the first/ For ye wilderness is the territory of ye waters or beast on wch ye whore sitteth chap 17 & consequently ye region of \seat wch/ ye {illeg} Dragon gave ye Beast, that is ye Roman empire in wch the woman was fro{m} ye beginning. She fled not therefore out of ye empire but \& by consequence/ only changed her condition within it. So ye Dragons being cast out of heaven to ye earth & coming down amongst ye inhabitants of ye earth & sea signifies not a transition of ye Dragons kingdome from place to place but a changing it from condition to condition, from heathen to Christian. So ye removing ye candlestick out of its place is not a translation of ye Church from state place to place \country to country/, (That would be no punishment) not a ceasing of it (that would \be a destroying it/ not be a removing it out of i{ts} place, but a destroying its) {illeg} to another place but a destroying it) but tis a changing its condition, a removing it out of ye Temple into a prophane place out of its state of holines into a state of prophaneness. This candlestick being ye Church is ye woman & upon her flying from her place in heaven into ye wilderness is removed out of its place: wch removal is also exprest by Christs spewing ye church of Laodicea out of his mouth. The woman therefore fled by changing her condition only & this change was either by dissolving her church as to their outward form & government, & dispersing her & lessening her numbers so that at length she escaped the Dragon by lying hid \& invisible/ amongst ye people of ye Empire as in a wilderness; or els it was by her degenerating in point of religion & embracing a fals religion to escape ye Dragons persecution. Not the first for so ye woman would be all one wth ye remnant of her seed wch she left behind her in her flight & ye{t} those were not so few & invisible as after her flight to escape ye Dragons making war upon them. It remains therefore that her flight was by changing her condition in point of Religion. Thus when Christ threatens to remove ye candlestick of Ephesus out of its place, he meanes not that he would would {sic} remove ye Church from one country to another. Such a transition would be no great punishment, the advantage in one country countervailing ye <49v> detriment in another Nor does he mean that he would dissolve & extinguish ye church. That would be to annihilate ye destroy ye candlestick or put out its light rather then to remove it out of its place into another place. The meaning is that he would remove ye candlestick out of its place in ye Temple into another a prophane place, that is that he would remove ye visible church on earth from its state of holiness to a state of prophaneness. The \seven/ candlesticks being seven churches united in one body, the like ye seven candlesticks in ye Temple wch were but seven sockets in one stem, what is said to one of then is said to all, & that is to ye woman. Vnder ye type of a candlestick she is threatned to be removed out of her place in heaven & this removal is performed by her flight thence into ye wilderness. The same thing is also expressed by Christs spewing ye church of Laodicea out of his mouth.

Now this flight is double: first into ye wilderness & then in ye wild{er}ness into her place prepared \there/ of God. Hence it A natural wilderness signifies a place naturally barren, a spiritual wilderness a place spiritually barren. She fl Hence the men who have not ye seale of God in their foreheads yt is they who have ye mark of ye Beast & consequently ye inhabitants of ye Wilderness where ye Beasts kingdome is (Apoc 17) are opposed to grass & green things & trees Apoc 9.4. wch is as much as to say that ye wilderness in ye Apoc. is taken for a state place or state wherein nothing there grows nothing spiritually green \Also ye witnesses in ye days of their prophesy cause that it rain not i.e. spiritually for bringing for spiritual fruits/. Wherefore ye {sic} by ye womans flight into ye wilderness is to be understood her flight into a condition of spirituall barrenness, \or/ her ceasing to bring forth fruits of ye spirits. The giving her wings to fly into ye w from ye persecuting Dragon may at first sight seem a blessing, but 'tis only a temporal one. To escape his fury she forsakes ye truth & flyes into a state of spiritual f{illeg}ru{illeg} lessen {illeg} sterility void of all fruits of ye spirit. By this flight ye woman becomes distinguished into two parts the multitude which flys & continues to be represented by ye woman, & the remnant of her seed wch keep ye commandments of God & have ye testimony of Iesus whom the Dragon therefore after ye womans flight goes \his anger against ye flying Woman goes/ to persecute. This remnant by their not flying & consequently bu that is by their persevering in their former state & by their keeping ye commandments of God & suffering \continuing under/ persecution {illeg}|a|re plainly the pure part of ye Church. The woman by flying from these into ye wilderness separates from ye pure part of ye Church & consequently degenerates. The meaning of the type therefore is that ye upon ye Dragons persecution the main body of the church wch still keep ye outward form of ye ye Church & so continue to be represented by the woman forsake their station, separate from ye pre true beleivers, {illeg}|b|y apostacy fly from \escape/ ye Dragons wrath, fly into a state of spirituall fruitlesness & leave only a remnant behind them wch keep the commandments of God & have ye testimony of Iesus & wch the {illeg} because they do do {sic} not fly into ye Wilderness ye Dragon continues still to persecute

{illeg} The woman after her flight into ye wildernes continues {illeg} to fly there \on further/ into her place prepared that is into a certa further certain condition where they should nourish her a time times & an half or 1260 days. That is she flyes on in ye wilderness to a certain state of prosperity wherein she should continue 1260 days. Flesh \& food/ signifies|y| riches & eating of flesh is getting much riches. Whence the womans being fed & nourished will signify her being increased wth riches. <50r> Whence her place in ye Wildernes is a state of affluence & prosperity. In this state she continues {dur} a time times & an half or {twe} 1260 days that is all ye time yt witnesses prophesy in sackcloth & ye gentiles tread down ye outer court, & ye reigning Beast \is worshipped by all the world except ye saints wch he therefore/ makes war upon. ye desolate saints, the remnant of ye womans see So great is ye difference between ye woman & ye true church. And hence you may understand that this woman becomes that rich Whore {wil} in ye wilderness {who} fed with all kind of pretious things by ye Merchants of ye earth Apoc 17 & 18. The Dragon by persecution turns her to his religion that is to Idolatry & Idolatry & Idolatry is spiritual whoredome {illeg} be idolatrous & consequently a whore, & becoming at length a rich whore, she differs not from ye whore of Babylon. Hence in allusion to ye little horn in Daniel she is said to be fed a time times & an half. For yt {illeg} horn is ye same wth this whore. To lay ye greater emphasis upon ye place pre       To lat ye greatpared for ye woman in ye wilderness, tis said that this place is prepared for {illeg} of God for her. This shews it to be some very notable {illeg} state. This lookes like a remarkable blessing & so it is a temporal one. God prepares her a place in ye wilderness: but 'tis only that they should feed & nourish her there. Such another blessing is {f w} God's putting into ye hearts of ye ten kings to give their kingdome to ye And how God prepares this place or state of ye whore woman you have described in ye 17th Chapter. He puts into ye hearts of ye ten kings to agree & give their kingdome to ye Beast ye Whore reigns over And such a place or state of prosperity does God prepare ye whore of Babylon in ye wilderness. For he puts in ye heart of ye ten kings to agree their & give their kingdome to ye Beast over wch she reigns.

Now So soon as ye eagles wings are given the woman to fly into ye wildernes the Dragon cast out waters as a flood after to cause her to be carried away. \& ye earth opened her mouth & swallowed up ye waters/ Waters are people & a river or flood is a body politick of men, a dynasty or kingdom. T And ye eastern & western Empires are \being/ distinguished by ye names of earth & water, ye western is sometimes represented by the sea sometimes by {illeg} Apoc 12             sometimes by rivers \as being divided into many kingdomes/ Apoc           sometimes by & here by water as a flood or river. The dragon therefore cast out of his mouth ye western Empire, whereby ye woman was almost violently carried away as wth a flood. But ye eastern unde earth or eastern empire by ye victory of Constantius over ye west swallowed up ye waters. And away Then ye Dragon in ye reign of Iulian ye Apostate was wroth wth ye woman not yet newly reskued from ye waters & not yet got into ye wildernes & she flying from him went to make war wth ye remnant of her seed in ye reign of Theodosius. Tis not said that he made war but In ye meane time only that he went to make war, because yt war was not made till after ye beasts rising out of ye sea. |As the womans flight was a change of her condition, so ye Dragons going from place to place is a change his {sic} condition before he made that war. And this change was made by the Beasts rising out of ye sea{illeg}|

The Dragon therefore going to make war ye Beast \at the same time/ rises out of ye sea having seaven heads & ten horns & one of his heads wounded \to death/ wth a sword, & his deadly \mortal/ wound was healed. This Beast is ye same wth yt in ye seventeenth chapter wch was & is not & shal ascend out of ye bottomles pit. It was before it was mortally wounded, wth a sword, & by that wound ceased for a time to be & at ye healing of ye wound rose out of ye bottomless pit abyss. The abyss is ye sea & therefore ye beast rose out of ye sea at ye healing of his mortal wound. He was that flood which ye Dragon cast out of his mouth. He is {illeg} At his He was wounded to death with a sword & ceased to be when ye earth swallowed up ye waters flood, & when he rose out of ye sea or Abyss ἔξησἔ he revived & his mortal wound was healed. |This his rising out of ye sea was at ye new division of ye Empire in the beginning of Valentinians reign.|

He had a mouth like a lyon & feet like a bear. That is And such was of <50v> such was Daniels 4th Beast having great iron teeth to devour & break in pieces as a lyon does & \feet to/ stamping ye residue wth his feet as a Beare does in fighting. He was like ye Leopard consisting of \divided into/ many kingdoms but chiefly of two ye eastern & western empire

The Beast had seven heads & ten horns & upon his horns ten crowns. The Dragons crowns were upon his heads. Both have ye same heads & horns but & so signify ye same empire from beginning to end, but ye Dragon reigns in ye time of ye heads & ye beast lies hid in him & in ye & ye Beast in ye time of ye {horns} & when ye Dragon reigns ye Beast lies hid in him, being \& is therefore/ at length spewed out of his mouth like a flood & rises out of is not new born but rises out of ye Roman Sea as lying hid therein till his rise. Whence it is that Daniel |who| in his shorter prophesy wthout distinguishes ye reign of ye horns but not ye reign of ye heads, calls this Empire only the Beast. The reign of ye heads was successive Apoc 17.10 that of ye horns contemporary Apoc 17.12. Anid therefore so long as ye Empire continues monarchical ye Dragon reigns, where ye monarchical form finally ceases there begins ye reign of ye Beast And this happened at ye death of Theodosius. Between ye death of Constantine & Theodosius the the Bea Empire was sometimes divided sometimes united A & when divided ye easter western Empire is ye Beast ye eastern ye Dragon, thô when orthodox not called ye Dragon but ye earth. At constantines death ye Dragon spew cast ye Beast out of his mouth as a flood. The beast then (according to his nature) was first a & compounded kingdome under constantine ye younger & Constans & then unite grew united under Constans & Magnentius & was slain by ye sword of Constantius & revived at ye new division of ye Empire in ye beginning of Valentinians reign. Then came the Dragon to him in ye end of Theodosius reign by ye victory of Theodosius over The Eugenius, & by Theodosius last will & Testament gave hi making a \perpetual/ division of ye empire which was never gave him his \power/ Throne & \great/ authority. This coming of Theodosius \ye Dragon/ to ye Beast was rather friendly then hostile For Eugenius ye \shortlived/ western Emperor being a heathen was an enemy to ye Beasts religion. Eugenius conquered Theodosius conquered Eugenius Anno 394 & four months after 17 Kal. Feb VIII Id. Sept anno 395 died & left ye empire divided. So that considering ye short stay of ye beast \reign of/ Theodosius over ye whole, the Dragon came as it were only to establish ye Beast & give him his own throne & authority.

And wh I have sometimes doubted whether the western Empire after ye division of ye Empire into Eastern & Western, ye Dragon did not signify ye Eastern & ye Beast ye western to ye end of ye Prophesy. But {illeg} considering that Daniels Beast was ye whole & yt ye Apocalyptic Beast is ye same wth Daniels. Also that ye Dragon before ye rise of ye Beast was ye whole & the Beast yt Daniels beast & this Dragon had but ten horns & the Beast has all those horns crowned & consequently reigns in all ye Kingdo ten Kingdomes ye whole was to be divided into, I am satisfied that as ye Dragon before the rise of ye Beast signifies ye whole so ye Beast after the Dragon gives him his power & throne signifies also ye whole. And this universality of ye Beast is forth confirmed by his having power over all kindreds & tongues & nations & being worshipped by all that dwell upon ye earth whose names are not written in ye book of life. Apoc 13.7, 8. And thô ye Dragon be again afterward mentioned with ye Beast in ye battel of ye great day Apoc 16.13 & 20.1, 2 yet when I consider that ye bottomles pit (not ye <51r> abyss ye beast rose out of but a narrow-mouthed pit with {rem} a covere wch remained lockt up till ye locusts were let out) {wth} was then unlock {sic} & remained open till ye Angel cast ye Dragon into it & shut it up again, & that ye locusts wch came out of this pit had tails like scorpions with stings in them & so were of a serpentine kind & that their successors also ye Euphratean horsmen had tail{d}|s| like serpents: it seems to me that ye Drago casting ye Dragon into ye bottomles pit & locking him up therein \that he should deceive ye nations no more/ is a type of ye ceasing of that fal serpentine religion wch came out of ye same pit before & continued to deceive ye nations till ye shutting up of ye Dragon For thus {illeg} in ye casting ye Beast & fals Prophet into ye lake of fire & Dragon into ye bottomless pit \joyned superadded to ye overthrow of paganism in Michaels victory before/ will ye ceasing of all errors be comprehended & doubtles it was ye mind of ye Prophesy to express ye ceasing of all errours at that \great/ victory of & the following reign of ye saints \of the saints/ So then ye Dragon being \secretly/ translated to signify that new serpentine generation of men leaves ye Beast to signify the Rom whole Roman Empire in the state of Christian apostacy {sic}.

But ye T

The horns

Now ye meaning of the heads & horns is described more fully in ye 17th chapter. I will tell thee saith ye Angel ye mystery of ye woman & of ye Beast that carrieth her wch hath ye 7 heads & ten horns, that is, I will tell the ye mystery of ye beast in respect as to his heads & horns. The Beast which thou sawest was & is not & shall ascend out of ye abyss & go into perdition, And they that dwell on ye earth shal wonder whose names are not written in ye book of life when they from ye foundation of ye world) when they behold ye beast that was & is not & is at hand. Here is ye mind wch hath wisdome, the seven (a mystery wch requires wisdome to interpret understand aright) The seven heads are seven mountains on wch ye woman sitteth. Also they are seven kings: five are fallen & one is & ye other is not yet come & when he cometh he must continue a short space (before ye rise of ye Beast) & ye Beast wch was & is not he is ye eighth & is of ye seven & goeth into perdition. And ye ten horns wch thou sawest are ten kings wch have received no kingdome as yet but receive power as kings at the same hour wth ye Beast. These From wch words I observe; First that ye heads are successive, horns are contemporary. They receive power heads are successive, Five are fallen & one is & ye|a||n|other is not yet come & when he cometh he must continue a short space, that is unto ye rise of ye Beast who is ye eighth of ye seaven that is ye latter part of ye seventh divided into two. Secondly that ye Dragon horns are contemporary & {be} kings reigning in ye eighth head. They receive their kingdome ye same hour wth ye beast \or eighth head/ & (as is said afterward &|a|gre & give their kingdome to ye beast. There are therefore seven kings or heads reigning before ye rise of ye beast & ye beast begins his reign in ye eighth head wth ye 10 kings kings. Whence ye Dragons heads are crowned & not his horns & ye beasts horns are cround & not his heads. Thirdly that \ye words/ five are fallen & one is &c relate not to the \time ye/ Prophets time \lived in/ but only to ye words five the Beast was & is not & shal ascend. And this is that mystery ye Apostle Prophet tells us by {sic} in these words Here said|t|h he is ye mind that hath wisdome. First he {illeg} as a foundation of describing ye mysteries of ye beast he saith The beast was & is not & shall ascend out of ye bottomles pi abyss & go into perdition. Then he tells us there is a <51v> mystery in what he is saying. Here is ye mind wch hath wisdome: &|A|nd then he adds that ye seven heads are seven kings: five are fallen & one is & ye other is not yet come \& when he cometh he must continue a short space/, & ye beast wch was & is not he is ye eigtht {sic} & is of ye seven & goeth into perdition. These \last/ words ye beast \was/ & is not do plain &|h|e {illeg} is ye eigth {sic} & goeth into perdition do plainly relate to ye former: The beast was & is not & ascendeth out of ye bottomles pit & goeth into perdition & so shew that for understanding what is said of ye head ye mystery of ye heads we must have {of} respect to ye words five are fallen the beast was & is not. Were ye words to be understood literally as if the Beast was before ye Prophets time, was not in his time & after his time rose out of ye abyss & |of| the seven heads \five/ were before his time {are} \ye sixt/ in his time & the seventh to Fo be after his time, there would be no difficulty in ye interpretation, no need of ye Prophets exclamation, Here is ye mind that hath wisdome. We are therefore to understand ye saings wth a grain of salt, interpreting them not wth relation to ye Prophets time but only to one another as if ye meaning were this nothing more, That when five of ye heads are fallen of & ye six is ye ye Beast at yt time when ye beast shall cease to be, five of ye heads shall be fallen & ye sixt shall be in being & after ye seventh wch shall \has/ continued a short space ye beast wch ascendeth out of ye {illeg} abyss shall begin his reigin & constitute an eighth head which yet is of ye seaven as being ye latter part of the seventh.

And this frees us from ye difficulty \absurdy {sic}/ of looking for five of ye heads before ye Prophets age & for that end making ye Beast to begin with Romulus when ye Roman kingdome was inconsiderable & ye first of Daniels ye four Monarchies was not yet begun, & recconning {illeg}|th|ese heads to be not five successive governments wch but five sorts of government wch interfered wth one another Kings ye first head, Consuls ye second, a Dictator ye third, still consuls ye second Decemviri ye 4th of three years continuance only, Consuls ye second, Tribuni militum the 5t, Consuls ye second, & again Tribuni militum & consuls & Dictators several times interfering & next after Consuls ye second head come Emperors ye sixt. Me This chopping & jumbling of ye heads toget splitting of ye heads & jumbling them together with any order of succession seems to me very harsh & absolutely contrary to ye mind of ye prophesy where they are described successive. Nor is ye Apocalyps a history of things past but a prophesy of things to come. We are therefore to look for ye heads wthin ye compa after ye date of ye pr within ye compas of things prophesied of & there we may easily find them. For ye seven seales are divisions of ye empire into five successive parts or heads before ye rise of ye beast. The horsmen in ye four first are plainly four kings or heads. Th For riding signifies reigning & a horsman a king. These begin wth Vespasian in ye east, {illeg} Trajan in ye west, Severus in ye South, Maximinus or rather Decius in ye north. The|Dio|cles & Hercules Maximianus setting up a mixt government begin ye fift head signalized by ye persecution of ye fift seale. Constantine \at ye conquest of Licinius/ reducing ye Empire againe to a monarchical form begins ye sixt head. Then was ye Dragon cast out of his old throne & begins a new reign amongst ye inhabitants of ye earth & sea. After Which change is deservedly recconed a new head. The character of this head or seale is ye deolishing {sic} heathen Idolatry. This action lasted till ye reign of Iulian ye Apostate. He altering ye scene of things puts an end to \breaks of/ ye cha <52r> racter of this seale & so begins ye Dragons seventh head. Thus in ye latter {end} of Constantius reign when ye beast being mortally wounded in one of his heads (ye sixt) had ceased to be, five heads were fallen & one was & ye another was not come & when he came he continued a short space from ye death of Iulian to ye death of Theodosius, & then ye successive monarchical heads ceased for ever to weare ye croun{illeg} & the the crowns ceased for ever to be on ye Dragons mon successive monarchical heads & were set upon ye Beasts collateral horns. For as ye perpetual reign of collateral kings began at Theodosius's death, so within ye space of 14 or 15 years after they all were the ten were in being, receiving power as kings \as it were/ ye same hour wth ye Beast. Now whereas ye seventh head or seale is divided into two parts, ye Dragons seventh head whereof ye first continued but a short space, the seventh head which continued but a short space & ye Beast wch is ye eighth & of ye seven, in like manner ye seventh seale is distinguished into two parts, ye short time before ye sounding of ye {sic} Trumpets sounded & the time of their sounding. The first is therefore the reign of ye of seventh head & ye last ye eighth & of ye seven, & consequently ye trumpets begin to sound at ye death of Theodosius, when ye beast begins his reign.

[Editorial Note 21] <54r>

The 144000 \2/ sealed wth the seal of God in there forehead at the opening are the Church catholick because sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel. They are sealed out of the inhabitants of ye earth & sea because the Angel who had ye seal of God cryed Hurt not the earth & sea till we have sealed the servants of or God in their foreheads. They are the witnesses or martyrs of Iesus for At that time the rest of the inhabitants of the earth & sea recieved the mark of the Beast in their foreheads or right & hand or in their forehead & they that would not worship the image of the Beast were killed not litterally but {illeg} mystically, [that is by a dissolution of their bodies e{illeg}les {illeg}tre: \& immediateley after the{m} \then/ Iohn \looked &/ saw the Lamb & {tr} on mount Sion & with him/ For presently after they are the 144000 \having the name of God in the foreheads. These are they that did not worship the Image of the Beast & by consequence were killed/ wch presently after stand on mount Sion with the Lamb & have the seal \name/ of God in their foreheads. When ye worshippers of the Image received the mark of ye Beast they rest w These were Gods lot in the day of expiation & Gods lot was sacrficed the same day, & {the} They were therefore killed, \not litterally but by dissolving/ that is their bodies ecclesiastic were dissolved & by reason of this killing they are \& the following persecutions they are the first fruits unto God & are/ the martyrs of Iesus henceforward called the two witnesses. One of these witnesses is in the earth the other in the sea. When the Woman fled from the Dragon into the wilderness & left behind her \in the Dragons kingdom/ a remnant of the womans her seed {this} which kept the commandments of God & had the testimony of Iesus & the Dragon \(at the instigation of the two horned beast)/ went to make from the woman to make war upon this remnant, they became one witness & this remnant because they kept the commandments of God & had the testimony of Iesus became one witness \& they kept the commendments of God & had the testimony of Iesus, they were overcome by the Dragon & mystically killed at the instigation of the two horned Beast & became one witness/ \being slain by the Dragon {illeg} {illeg} the instigation of the two horned Beast &/, & This witness was in the earth, & And \&/ the witness in the sea was \compose {sic} of/ the martyrs of Iesus with whose blood the Whore of Babylon was saints with whom the Beast made war \made war upon &/ overcame & with the me with whose blood the whore of Babylon was drunken. These two Witnesses are represented by the two leggs of the son of man standing upon the earth & sea \as pillars of fire/ & by the two candlesticks, as I said above \& are seated in the regions represented by the two wings of a great eagle./. While the Roman Empire continued united the church catholick was represented by one golden candlestick with seven branches, but when the empire became divided \into two Empires/ the \two/ Churches \in both Empires the both \those/ Empires composing the Church catholick/ were represented by two candlesticks of olive wood. And this division began \to be complete/ at the opening of the seventh seale |the Beast then rising out of the sea to signify one of those Empires.|

The Beast is sometimes taken in a large sense, \so as to include all his worshippers/ as where its said that power was given him over all kindreds & tongues & nations & all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life. \The Dragon gave him his throne & in doing so became one of his horns./ And in this sense he may make war in both the earth & sea.

Dacia being conquered by Trajan became a part of the Roman Empire & the Church of Dacia was subordinate to ye Greek Church & sometimes sent her bishop to the Councils of the Greeks. \*/ < insertion from lower down f 54r > * Dacia was also mixed with many of the Greeks carried captive from Th\r/ace & Asia minor in the reign of Gallienus & afterwards: & many fled thither from the Greek Empire in the time of Dioclesians pers the tenth persecution.

The two wings of a great eagle which were given to the Woman are the Greek & Latin Churches. When the two Beasts rose the one out of the earth the other out of the sea then was the Roman Empire divided into two Empires & then did the Christians called the twelve tribes of Israel & represented by the two wings of the Woman receive the mark of the Beast & worship his Image except the 144000 who were sealed with the seal of God & mystic as Gods lot \in the earth & sea/ & mystically killed for not worshipping the Image & thereby became the two martyrs called the two \or/ witnesses in the earth & sea of Iesus Christ. < text from higher up f 54r resumes > \& sometimes the people of Dacia invaded Thrace & Asia minor & captivated many of their people/ And from this country came the Goths & Vandals who invaded the western Empire {illeg}|&| seating themselves in Pannonia Gallia Spain Italy & Afric made a mixture of the two witnesses in the|o||se| western Empire countries.

Whether the Beast at the end of the 1260 days shall make war upon the witnesses \& kill them/ in both Empires \or/ only in the western time will discover


Sect III.
Of the division of the Empire & Church into two Empires & two Churches.

When the temple was opened in heaven for Iohn to see the Visions in it he saw there the Ark ...... & being forbid to buy & sell, that is being excommunicated, retire from the multitude ........ widerness with the Woman \of the same Temple./.

Thi|e| temple \in the beginning/ had the ark in it & therefore respresents the Tabernacle or first temple or as it is after & they that worshipped in it were the twelve tribes of Israel. For the 144000 were numbered & sealed out of all the twelve tribes of Israel. And twelve tribes being all Israel were the Church catholick & they inhabited the earth & sea because the Angel wch had the seale of God cried with a loud voice saying hurt not the earth & sea till we have sealed the servants of or God in their foreheads. The Church catholick therefore at this time received a great alteration, & became divided into two parties The multitude received the mark or name of the beast \or number of his name/ & the 144000 were sealed with the name of God & both parties inhabited the earth & sea, but separated in communion, the worshippers of the Beast forbidding all {N}one {being} allowed to buy & sell but those who had the mark or name of the Beast of the 144000 standing with the Lamb & singing on mount Sion & singing a new song before the Beasts & ye Elders & by consequence \were/ in the inner court where singing was performed in the Temple \& in the co\u/rt called the weomens court/.] |from one another in communion. [Among the worshippers of the Beast none were allowed {illeg} The multitude staid in the outward court where & these worshipped in the court without the Temple And {sic} they used to worship, & the 144000 being excommunicated by the multitude retired into the court of Israel eastern border of the Priests court, wch border was in the times of the second Temple called the the {sic} court of Israel| To worship the Beast & his Image is to deify them, & to receive his mark or name or the number of his name is to be initiated in his worship \& become members of his Church/. And seing they were an apostasy \that were initiated were/ of the twelve tribes of Israel, by this initiation they became the synagogue of Satan who say they are Iews & are not, And the first Temple being thus ruined a new one & hence & w And in like manner {be} to be sealed with the name of God & Christ in the forehed|a|d is to be initiated in {that} the Church of God & Christ. By the app|o|stasy of the twelve tribes to the worship of the Beast \& his Image/ the first Church \of Christ/ was dissolved & by the sealing of the 144000 with the name of God & Christ in their foreheads a new Church was instituted, & this is represented by measuring the second Temple & the Altar & them \[the 144000]/ that worship therein, that is, the 144000, & by changing the form of the candlesticks While the Empire Before the marking & sealing of the twelve tribes the Church catholick was represented by one golden candlestick with seven branches called seven golden candlesticks; for so long as the Empire & Church continued one But after that marking the 144000 we but upon that marking \& sealing/, the candlestick is changed & two candlesticks of olive tree are put to represent the 144000. For then the Empire become divided into two Empires represented by the Dragon & Beast & the Church becomes divided accordingly & into two Churches seated in the two empires & is thenceforward represented by two candlesticks & called two witnesses \or martyrs/ as above. When the For when the Image spake as an oracles & caused all that would not worship it to be killed, that {illeg} the 144000 were killed; not litterally, but by dissolving their bodies ecclesiastic: & being killed for not worshipping the Image they became the \two/ martyrs \or witnesses/ of Iesus called the two witnesses \or two witnesses/. The two wings of a The Beast is sometimes .... {of a} great Eagle wch were given to the Woman are the Greek & Latin Churches \& these are the twelve tribes of Israel/. When the two Beasts arose one out of the earth the other out of the sea, then did these churches receive the mark of the beast except the 144000 who being the remnant of the two wings are considered as two churches & \accordingly/ represented by two Candlesticks & for their sufferings & testimony against the worshippers of the Beast are called two witnesses|: & then did the Empire become divided between the Dragon & the first Beast, & the Church of the Empire \or wings of the woman/ into two true churches called the two witnesses & into fals ones called the two horned Beast & the Whore of Babylon.|

|The Beast is sometimes ....... time will discover.|

At that time the Empire & the multitude of the two wings by receivin apostatising & receiving the mark of the Beast become the fals Churches represented by the Whore \Whore of Bab./ & the two horned Beast, & these are the Churches of the two \two Empires represented by the/ first Beast & the Dragon. For when the first Beast rises out of the sea the Empire becomes divided between him & the Dragon, & the Church becomes divided into the Churches of the two Empires, {illeg} both time the worshippers of the Beast into two fals Churches & the worshippers of God into two true ones. For{illeg} all Kingdoms have their churches.


When the 144000 were sealed with the seale of God out of all the 12 tribes of Israel it is to be understood that the rest of ye 12 tribes received the mark of the Beast. T

When the Image of the Beast {&} spake & cause as an Oracle & caused all that would not worship it to be killed & that all both small & great rich & poor free & bond should receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads & that no man might b\u/y or sell but he that had the mark or name of the Beast or number of his name: the persons interested bying or selling \the Lamb stood on mount Sion/ stands on mount Sion {sic} with the Lamb \him an 144000/ having the seal \name/ of God in their foreheads. The multitude received the mark or name of the Beast & excluded the rest from their society, & those that were excluded received the name of God in their & the Lamb in their foreheads & keept {sic} company wth the Lamb on mount Sion, These were therefore {th} & their number was 144000. These are therefore the 144000 sealed in their foreheads numbered out of all the twelve tribes of Israel & sealed with the seal of God in their foreheads, wth & at the same time \that they were sealed/ the rest of the twelve tribes received the mark of the Beast & became the synagogue of Satan who say they are Iews & are not. The twelve tribes of Israel were th before this sealing were the Church catholick, & this Church catholick was diffused throughout the regions of the earth & sea: & therefore the rest who are sealed 144000 are sealed out of \all/ the regions of the earth & sea [& by this sealing become the Church catholick diffused throughout those regions] For this is signified by the Angel who had the seal of God & cryed with a loud voice saying hurt not the earth & sea till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. By this sealing & marking therefore the Church catholick diffused thoughout {sic} the earth & sea becomes distinguished into two parties: the multitude wch received the mark of the Beast & the 144000 wch rece are sealed wth the name of God & both{illeg} these \parties/ are diffused throughout the earth & sea. The multitude of the twelve tribes by receiving the mark of the Beast becomes the synagogue of Satan who say they are Iews & are not; & these prohibit buying & selling to those {illeg} who have not this mark that is excommunicate them. And the 144000 who have \are sealed wth/ the name of God in the & exommunicated by the synagogue of Satan are \for the future/ the true Church catholick of Christ diffused through the earth & sea.

The Temple being the scence {sic} of the visions I conceive that it remains the same from \in all the visions from the/ beginning to |ye| end, \of the vision/ & that in allusion to the times of the {t} tabernacle or first or of the first or second Temples \or first temple or ~ ~ those of the second/ for representing the various states of the church the things wch appear in the temple are only changed. The Ark being the throne of God remains the same the Candlestick \except perhaps in the second Temple wch was measured/ The four Beasts also representing the church catholick in all conditions remain the same. The In allusion to the times of the Babylonian captivity \to signify the like captivity of the Christian Church/ the form of the candlestick is changed & the weomens court is distinguished from the outward Court \eastern border of the peop Priests court is made the courts of Israel/ & the Woman flyes into the wilderness & becomes the great city Babylon wch reigns over the kings of the earth, & captivates the people of God & the Babylonian gentiles captivate the people of God \invade that outward court of the temple place the abomination of desolation/ & tread under foot the holy city & worship in the cou & invade the body city court wch is wthout the temple & the the people of God being forbidden to buy & sell {witnesses} \by those who say they are Iews & are not/ that is being excommunicated \by the synagogue of Satan & expelled their society/, retire into the weomen a new court called the court of Israel & weomens court the eastern border of the Priests court called the court of Israel & there sing a new song, {&} standing as it were on the sea of glass mingled with fire \or the vessel of glass & the water therein or/ that is on the earth & sea. [The water representing the sea & the vessel of glass \or brazen looking-glass (Exod {illeg} \represents/ the earth sea shore or earth, & the water therein represents ye sea]/ the shore with the altar of fire the earth sea-shore or earth. For this was the earth & sea upon wch the Ang son of man st \stood/ in the form of an Angel with his leggs like pillars of fire, & these are the two witnesses. One witness victors \victors \standing/ in flames of fire/ signify one & the same thing with the two leggs {illeg} and are the two witnesses of the son of \man/ burning as it were in a furnace like pillars of fire, & of the son of man \with the mystical body of the son of man standing on the earth & sea with his two leggs/ like pillars of fire burning as it were in a furnace, & by standing on the sea of glass or \on the/ earth & sea \they/ denote the two churches called the two witnesses. // Their song on mount Sion is called a new song to denote a new state of the Church. // When \And whereas while/ they stand on the sea of glass there appear \in the temple/ seven Angels having the seven last plagues & upon their coming out of the temple \of the Tabernacle/ one of the four Beasts gives them seven vials of wrath to signify that the Church of God in this new state of represented by are \is/ the two Witnesses \& the temple is filled wth smoke from \so that they could not enter upon/ the glory of God This signifies that there is \now/ a dedication of/ a new Temple \like that of the Tabernacle in the wilderness Exod 40.34. 35./, & that the Church of God in this new state {illeg} inflicts these plagues by the hand of the seven Angels, & so is the two Witnesses w \same/ church represented by \wth/ the two witnesses who smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will. For ye four Beasts jointly & severally represent the Church of God, & the seven Angels are the \or/ seven spirits of God & \are/ the seven stars or lamps, & the two Witnesses are the two candlesticks wch support the seven lamps & feed them with oyle supply them with oyle to make them continue burning, & what is done by the seven Angels is done by the seven Lamps & by the oyle of the two candlesticks wch represent the two Witnesses. When the Witnesses have smitten the earth wth The Beast is sometimes......time will discover six of the plagues, they are killed by the Beast in the streets of the great city Babylon, & rise again, ascend up to heaven in a cloud & \preach/ the gospel is preached to all nations, & then comes the harvest of martyrs in respect of wch the 144000 or two witnesses are called the first fruits.

The Beast is sometimes......time will discover.


The Temple in the beginning of the visions had the Ark in it & so represents the first Tabernacle &|or| first Temple, or temple of the tabernacle as it is afterwards represented \called/, & they that worshipped in the Tabernacle & first Temple were the twelve tribes of Israel, & the Woman he wch appears in this Temple had \upon her head/ a crown of twelve stars \upon/ to represent these Tribes; And out of all these Tribes the 144000 were numbered & sealed; & twelve tribes being all Israel represent the Church catholick; & this Church inhabited the earth & sea because the Angel wch had the seal of God cried wth a loud voice saying: hurt not the earth & sea till we have sealed the servants of or God in their foreheads. These are the inhabitors of the earth & sea to whom the Dragon came down with great wrath, the earth out of wch the two horned beast arose & the sea out of wch the ten horned beast arose, the earth & sea upon wch the son of man stood wth o in the form of an Angel wth a little book in his hand. For this earth & sea wth their inhabitants are the subject of this prophesy. The Church catholick therefore by the sealing of 144000 out of the twelve tribes ou receives a great alteration & becomes divided into two parties.

To signify a new state of the Church they sing a new song at the dedication of the \a new/ Temple. For their song on mount Sion is called a new one, & while they stand singing on the sea of glass seven \Angels/ appear \in the Temple/ with |ye| seven vials of wrath \last plagues/ they & as soon as upon their coming out of the temple one one of the four beasts gives them seven vialls of wrath & the Temple is filled with smoke from the glory of God & no man so that no man was able to enter into the temple. The four Beasts joyntly & severally represent the Church of God, they \& so do the two Candlesticks/ & the seven Angels are the Angels of the churches & the se represented by the two seven lamps & while the of the seven Angels have the seven last plagues & the one of the four beasts gives them seven vials of wrath, it signifies that the two witnesses have power by the hand of the seven Angels to smite the earth with all plagues of as often as they will. For the seven last plagues are the plagues last mentioned & those are |ye| plagues wth wch the two witnesses had power to smite the earth. // When the witnesses had smitten the earth with six ...

He acts {illeg} the part of a \fals/ Priest in doing fals miracles & \consecrating \& {b} {sic}// setting up the worship of the \first/ Beast & caus causing fire to come down from heaven to {illeg} on the earth in the sight of men, that is by declaring ex \in/ pronouncing excommunications with a lighted torch in his hand & swinging it down from above his head{illeg}, \so as to make fire come down from heaven on ye earth in ye sight of man/ & in causing men to erect an Image to the Beast & consecrating it so as to make give life to it & make it speak, & in causing \{sic}/ that no man buy or sell who will not receive the mark of the Beast

[Editorial Note 22]

[that is their courts, the \square/ court of the Temple called the separate place, & the court of the altar called the Priests court, & the eastern margin of this court called the court of Israel] but


\– describes in the second temple/ |That| The seven lamps \may/ appearing \in a right line Zech 4./ like a rod of seven starrs in the right hand of the son of man, \we may/ conceive that the {illeg} seven Candlesticks stand in are \to be/ the seven branches of the {illeg} candlestick of the Temple standing upon one common foot, T one branch \being/ in the middle & three branches \being/ on either {illeg} side. The two Candlesticks {illeg} being called olive trees, conceive that they \must be conceived to/ appear as in the vision of Zechary. There the seven lamps were joyned to a \golden/ bowle of oyle by seven \golden/ pipes through wch the oyle flowed into ye lamps, & the bowle was joyned to th two vessels of oyle on either side by two golden pipes throg|u|gh wch the oyle flowed into the lamps bowle, & this frame of the two vessels were suported by two olive trees, {illeg} not living trees flourishing with branches & leaves but shafts of olive wood. called in the Apocalyps candlesticks to signify that they support the {illeg} two vessels of oyle with the bowle & the lamps between them. In the vision of Zechary \There {&}/ the two bowle wth its lamps are \was/ supported by a proper candlestick & the two vessels of oyle \on either side/ are supported by the two olive trees: but in the{illeg} \vision/ of Iohn there is no mention the two olive trees are being called \are the called/ candlesticks, & the \& therefore/ must be conceived to support the whole frame of the two bowles vessels of oyle wth the bowle & the lamps between them. [As the horns of a beast represent the powers or dominions by wch \set over/ the kingdom signified by the body of the beast, so the seven candlesticks or branches of the cand sevenfold candlestick signify the po Christian powers of dominions set over the Church of Christ represented by the sevenfold candlestick & so the] Conceive therefore that the seven candlesticks remain in the temple during the opening of the first six seals but upon opening the seventh they are removed & {illeg} the lamp seven lamps appear supported by two candlesticks in the manner described. For] Christ threatned to remove the candlestick of the Church of Ephesus out of its place & to spew the Church of Laodicea out of his mouth: & the seven \{9}/ candlesticks being upon one stem must be conceived either to remain together or to be removed together. Conceive therefore that they|y| \seven golden candlesticks/ remain together in the temple during the opening of ye first six seales but upon opening the seventh are removed, & \that/ the seven lamps appear thenceforward supported by two candlesticks of olive-tree in the manner described; & \{illeg} these two candlesticks/ represent the two churches called the two witnesses. And if any man will hurt them &c. As a Beast with its horns represents a kingdom with the powers or dominions wch reign over it, so the golden candlestick with its seven branches \& lamps/ represents the Church catholick with the \seven/ ecclesiasticall powers or dominions wch reigne over it & illuminate it wth the light of the gospel during the times of the first \six/ seals: but upon opening the seventh seale those powers are removed & the Church catholick is thence forward \represented/ by two candlesticks of olive tree. {illeg} And as the seven candlesticks were interpreted to signify seven churches, so the two candlesticks must signify two churches which preside in ye church catholick & these two churches are called two witnesses & two prophets. And if any man will hurt them &c.

In the Taberna \– describes in the second temple Zech. 4./

The visions being in the temple, the Candlesticks must be conceived to resemble the candlesticks in the Temple Tabernac Temple. There was in the Tabernacle one golden candlestick wth seven branches & seven lamps upon the branches & in the Temple of Solmon there were ten such candlesticks, {illeg} but in the Apocalyps there were but seven lamps & therefore but one candlestick with seven branches: wch branches are called the seven golden candlesticks. T One {illeg} branch was in the middle & three on either side (Exod. 25.32) {wth} the lamps being in a right line so as to appear to Iohn like a rod of seven stars in the right hand of the son of man. The seven {branches} lamps a candlesticks are called signify seven churches & all seven are but one \sevenfold/ church, & so {illeg} are most fitly represented by one sevenfold candlestick. The \seven/ lamps enlighten the temple & the temple represents the Church catholick. These lamps are the seven spirits of God (Apoc. 4.5) & the seven spirits {illeg} are sent forth into all the earth (Apoc. 5.6. & Zech 4.10) & therefore \the lamps/ are the light of the Church catholick, As a be & the sevenfold candlestick is the \a/ symbol of the Church catholick. And as the horns of a beast represent the \number of/ powers or dominions presiding over the people represented by the body of the Beast so the seven branches of the candlestick represent the {illeg} \seven/ powers or dominions presidin wch Christ has set over the Church Ch catholick & to instruct it & illuminate it by their light. For this end he sent seven epistles to the seven Churches & dressed their lamps. And the Iohn presided there long after the death of the rest of the Apostles & left there a race of disciples wch made those Churches the light of the Church catholick in the first ages of the Church Christian religion. And the same thing is <56v> signified by the Lamb with his seven horns & seven eyes. His mystical body is the Church catholick. His eyes are the seven spirits of God & his horns the seven Churches. And this vision of the sevenfold candlesticks & the Lamb wth seven horns continues while the Lamb is opening the seven seals: but upon opening the seventh seale the Lamb changes his shape & appears at the altar golden altar in the form of the high Priest with a golden censer to offer the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar. \I say he changes his shape: for he never appears in two shapes at once. And at the same time instead of the seven candlesticks of God there are two candlesticks of Olive tree./ And henceforward the Church catholick is represented by the mystical body of Christ in the form of an High Priest wth legg his leggs burning as it were in a furnace by reason of the persecutions, & by two candlesticks standing as it were upon the earth & sea; Here & by two candlesticks called Olive trees in allusion to the vision of Zechary (chap. 4.) In that vision the seven lamps were joyned to a golden bowle by seven golden pipes through wch the oyle ran into them & the bowle stood upon a golden candlesticks {sic} & was joyned to two vessels of oyle \on either side/ by two godlen pipes through wch the oyle ran into them it & the two vessels were supported by two Olive trees, not living trees but growing upon a root & flourishing wth leaves & branches & leaves but {illeg} shafts of olive wood. In the Apocalyps the two olive trees are called \two/ candlesticks, & therefore you are to conceive that in the visions as they appeared to Iohn the frame whole golden frame of the lamps & bowle & two vessels of oyle are supported by the two oli \two/ candlesticks of Olive tree standing under the \two/ vessels of oyle, without ye golden candlestick under the bowle, there being no mention of this \golden/ candlestick in the visions of Iohn.

Christ threatned to remove the candlestick of \the church of/ Ephesus out of its place, & to spew the Church of Laodicea out of his mouth. These being two branches of the sevenfold golden candlestick, could not be removed alone. Conceive therefore that at the opening of the set|v|enth seal, when the Lamb wth seven horns changes his shape into that of the High Priest wth two leggs standing \or Angel standing at the golden altar & as it were/ on the earth & sea, the sevenfold golden candlestick is removed, & the two candlesticks of olive wood come into its place; & that the Angel continues standing on the earth with his right foot on the earth & left foot on the sea all the time of this vision of the two candlesticks of olive wood supporting the seven lamps: & that the Church catholick wch had been hitherto represented by the sevenfold golden candlestick & by the mystical body of Christ in the form of a Lamb wth seven horns, is henceforward represented by the two candlesticks of olive wood & by the mystical body of Christ standing with his right foot on the earth & his left foot on the sea, & by the two Witnesses or Prophets For Candlesticks signify churches, & the two candlesticks wch support all the seven lamps can signify nothing less then the Church catholick. distinguished into two principal parts: As the Nebuchadnezzars image by its ten toes represented the division of the fourth monarchy into ten kingdoms & by its two leggs the divison of it into two parts the Greek & latine empires: so Christ by his two leggs standing on the earth & sea \& by two {illeg}/ represents the the {sic} Church catholick seated in the two empires of the earth & sea, & these are the two candlesticks & the two witnesses or Prophets wch prophesy in the times of the seventh seal. // And if any man will hurt them & c

[Editorial Note 23]

made a mixture of the two Witnesses in the western Empire. And upon the conquest of the Greek Empire by the Turks many Greeks fled into the western

① While the Roman Empire continued united it \the Church/ is represented by a sevenfold Candlestick: when it \the Empire/ became divided it \the Church/ is represented by two Candlesticks & by the two leggs of the son of man burning as in a furnace. One legg stands on the earth, the other on the sea. And these are the two witnesess.

Sect. VI.
Of the seven Churches, & the Epistles written to them.

[Editorial Note 24] <57r>

Sect III
Of the two witneses

\Candlesticks signify Churches & the seven lamps \are the seven eyes of the Lamb & both/ are the light of the Church catholick. & therefore/ The two witnesses in being the two candlesticks wch support the seven lamps, are a type of the church catholick. They are called two in relation to the 144000 sea numbred out of all the twelve tribes of Israel & sealed wth ye seal of God in their forehead: The two leggs \mystical body/ of the Angel st the {sic} son of man standing \who stands/ in the form of an Angel with his right foot &|on| the earth & his left foot on the sea, the 144000 standing on mount Sion wth the Lamb & having the name of god on their forehead & singing a new song, \&/ the victors over the Beast & over his image & over his name mark & over hi the number of his name standing on the sea of glass & singing the song of the Lamb, & the martyrs of Iesus with whose blood the great Whore is drunken. When the Woman fled from the Dragon into ye wilderness & left a remn the Dragon went to make war upon the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God & have the testimony of Iesus, that remnant was one \in the Dragons kingdom became one/ witness & the martyrs of Iesus with whose blood the Whore was drunken in the wilderness became th was the other Witness & they Beast they became martyrs or Witnesses when the Image of the beast caused \that/ all that would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed. For these are ye saints For it was given to ye Beast to make war with the Beast \saints/ & to overcome them & power was given him over all kindreds & tongues & nations & all that dwell upon the earth{illeg} shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life. And all that do not worship him & whom with whom he makes war for testifying the truth are the two witnesses \all those/ in all nations & tongues over whom power is given to him, are the two witnesses diffused throughou are the two witnesses. that is, the Church catholick diffused |They are therefore the Church catholic of Christ diffused| throughout the earth \{o/} {sic}/ & sea, destitute of external power & subject to kingdoms of another religions under the \temporal/ power of others who differ from them in religion, & against whom they testify & by whom they are afflicted & oppressed for their testimony, & in \this state/ they continue \scattered & dispersed like the Iews &/ prophesying in sackcloth 1260 days. When the woman arrives at her place in the wilderness 1260 days where she is fed by the merchants of the earth 1260 days & the Beast begins his period of acting 42 months & the Gentiles begin to \their period of/ tread|ing| underfoot the holy city 42 months, then the two Witnesses put on sackcloth. And the Beast who makes war upon them & has is taken not only for ye kingdoms of the in the western empire but in a large sense for all those in all kindreds tongues & nations who worship him \the Beast/ & his image & receive his mark.

② Dacia being conquered by Trajan became a part of the Roman Empire, & the Church of Dacia was subordinate to ye Greek church & sometimes sent her bishop to the councils of the Greek|s.| church. And from this country came the Goths & Vandals who invaded the western Empire & seating themselves in Gallia Spain Pannonia Gallia Spain Italy & Afric


Before the writing of this prophesy the light of the Gospel came from Ierusalem to all nations. Vpon the Iewish war when the Apostle with the Church of Ierusalem fled from that city & Christ by the seven Epistles in constituted \instructed/ the seven Churches the great light of the Chr cath. Christians, & Iohn \of Asia that they {illeg} might instruct others, & dressed/ their lamps, that they might shine bright & Iohn presiding there long after the death – –

[Editorial Note 25]

Sect III.
Of the seven Churches & two Witnesses.

As a Beast & his horns signify a kingdom & the parts of a kingdon, so the Temple & its \a candlestick with its branches called in this prophesy ye seven/ Candlesticks signify the Church catholick & the particular churches wch compose or represent it. In the b This Temple during the stay of the Woman in it, is represented with seven candlesticks, & seven lamps in them & those \For the seven/ candlesticks are called the seven Churches of Asia, & the seven churches are a type of the Church catholick. Before the writing of this prophesy the church catholick received the light of the gospel from Ierusalem. But after the Apostles with their disciples fled from the Iewish war & Iohn came into Asia & the received this prophesy, the Church catholic received \began to receive/ the light of the gospel from the seven churches of Asia, & continued to do so till the Woman who \is that Church &/ was illuminated by the seven lamps fled from this temple into the wilderness. For the \seven/ epistles were sent to the Angels of the seven Churches that they might communicate them to the Church catholick & the Apostle Iohn continued to live govern \govern & instruct/ the seven churches \& by them the church catholic/ long after the death of the rest of the Apostles & left there a race of disciples by whom the Church catholic was illuminated long after his death. But when the Woman fled from this Temple into the wilderness, the it is to be conceived that the candlestick with its seven branches called the seven candlesticks were \was/ at same time removed from its place For this sevenfold candlestick signifies the same thing with the Woman, & Christ threatned that he would remove the candlestick of the Church of Ephesus out of its place & spew the Church of Laodicea out of his mouth.

Sect III. Of the two Witnesses & the divis


Vpon publishing the Apocalyps the opinion that the saints should reign a thousand years on earth was spread in the Churches & variously interpreted by unwary men {Some} & as appears by the writings of Papias, Iustin Martyr, Ireneus &c. But Cerinthus & other corrupt \vitious/ men {illeg} interpreting corruptly & applying them to carnal pleasures, Dionysius of Alexandria thought it not enough to tell them that they misunderstood the prophesy but endeavoured also to undermine its authority. It was at that time universally received in the Churches, so that he durst not oppose it openly but \& therefore he/ complemented it highly, but pretended that it differed in stile from the Gospel of Iohn being fuller of Hebraisms & therefore it was written by another Iohn. And this objection made many of the Greeks qu in the fourth Century question \doubt of/ its authority, but without any reason. For the hebraisms in the Apocalyps argue only that he wrote this book when he came newly out of Iudea where he had been more used to the Hebrew or Syriac tongue then to ye Greek whereas he wrote his Gospel after he had above thirty years after he came into Asia, where by using \he used/ himself to the Greek tongue. he had left of some If the words Ο ων καὶ ὁ ην καὶ ὁ ἐρχόμενος be exce (wch Dionysius might take for a barbarism) be taken for a proper name, the Apocalyps is writ in a clear stile like that of the Gospel & by the stile it may be known that they were both written by the same author. For the Gospel is written in a more lofty style then the any \other/ of the Gospels & ha{illeg}|th| it {sic} loftiness from the Apocalyptic phrases used in it, such as are these In the beginning was the word & the word was with God & the word was God, All things were made by him. He is the light In him was life & the life was the light of men. \I am the light of the world/ Iohn came for a witness to bear witness of that light. \If I bear record of my self yet my record is true. This is the disciple wch testifieth these things. If any man thirst let him come unto me & drink. Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters./ Behold the Lamb of God wch takes away the sins of the world. For Christ is in the Apocalyps Christ is called, The beginning of the creation of God, the first & the last, the Word of God, he who is alive for evermore, \the Ange whose face is like the sun in his strengh, who enlightneth the earth with his glory/ the faithful & true witness, the Lamb of God who hath washed away or sins in his blood. And \Who have record of the word of God & the testimony of Iesus. The word of their testimony./ The two witnesses. The testimony of Iesus Christ. The river of life. He shall lead them to living fountains of waters. And the lik {sic} phrases are used in the first Epistle of Iohn.

The Epistle \of Paul/ to the Hebrews beig writ after the Apocalyps, has also reference to it, & \is/ thereby rendred very different from his other Epistles & more lofty \mystical/ & majestic. For the discourses upon Christs concerning the great High Priest in the heavenly tabernacle \who is both Priest & King as was Melchisedec/ upon Christs appearing in the form of the High Priest in the begining of the Apocalyps & offering up the prayers of the saints wth incense in the most Holy in the day of Expiation at ye opening of the seventh seal, \& being upon his being the king of kings &/ the sacrifice represented by the lamb slain in the Temple & the king of kings. The Apocalyps is also alluded unto in the discourses concerning the Word of God wth the sharp two edged sword, the σαββατισμὸς or millennial rest, the earth whose end is to be burned (suppose by the lake of fire) the judgment & fiery indignation \(or lake of fire)/ wch shall devour the adversaries, the heavenly city \(or new Ierusalem)/ wch hath foundations \(the (twelve foundations in number)/ whose builder & maker is God, the cloud of witnesses (or witnesses in a cloud,) Mount Sion heavenly Ierusalem, general assembly \the throne of God, mount Sion, the city of the living God, the innumerable company of Angels, the general assembly & Church/; spirits of just men made \of the first born (or sons of the first resurrection) written in heaven, God the judge of all, & the/ perfect (vizt by the a[13] resurrection,) & the shaking of heaven & earth & removing them that \those things/ (the new heaven & new earth & new kingdom) wch cannot be shaken may remain. For here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come.

The two Epistles of Peter being also writ after the Apocalyps have many references to it especially the last \second/ epistle. In the first are these. a[14] The Revelation of Iesus Christ twice or thrice repeated, The b[15] blood of Christ as of a Lamb foreordained before the foundation of the world. The c[16] spiritual building in heaven (1 Pet 2.5.) An inheritance incorruptible & undefiled & that fadeth not away reserved in heaven for us who are kept unto the salvation ready to be revealed in the last time (1 Pet. 1.4, 5.) The c[17] holy Priesthood. The \royal Priesthood. The e[18] / holy Priesthood.[19] The judgment beginning at the house of God. The g[20] Church at Babylon.

The second Epistle from the 19th verse of the first chapter to the end of the Epistle seems to be a continued commentary upon the Apocalyps For in writing to the Churches of Asia to whome this prophesy was given {l} <59r> Iohn was commanded to send this Prophesy; of he tells them that they have a sure word of prophesy to be heeded \/ < insertion from f 58v > ‡ the power & coming of Christ is no fable, but they were \the Apostles{illeg} were {illeg}/ eye-witnesses of his majesty in the \hol/ mountain {&} in the holy mount when there came a voice from heaven saying, This is my beloved son, & that it is manifested to them \(the Churches of Asia)/ more surely by the word of prophesy [the Revelation of Iesus Christ \sent unto them/] whereunto they do well to take give heed as unto a light shining in a dark place – < text from f 59r resumes > as a light shining in a dark place untill they begin to understand it. For no prophesy, saith he, is of the Prophets own interpretation: the Prophets of old spake not by their own will but as they were moved by the spirit & therefore the churches were not to expect the interpretation from the Prophet Iohn, but to study the Prophesy themselves. This is the sense of what he saith in the first Chapter, & then in the second he goes on to describe out of this sure word of prophesy how there should come fals Prophets or false teachers in the Church [collectively the fals Prophet] who should deny the Lord that bought them [the Character of Antichrist] & a[21] many shall follow their b[22] lasciviousness [wth the great whore] by reason of whom the way of truth shall be c[23] blasphemed [for the Beast blasphemes God & them that dwell in heaven & is full of blasphemy] & through covetousness shall they with feigned words d[24] make merchandise of Christians [being the merchants of Babylon whose merchandise is the {illeg} goods & bodies & souls of men] whose e[25] judgment & damnation lingereth not but shall come upon them at the last day suddenly as the flood upon the old world & fire & brimstone upon Sodom & Gomorrha, & the just shall be delivered like Lot. For the Lord knoweth how to reserve the unjust to the day of judgment to be punished [in the Lake of fire] but chiefly them that f[26] walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness & despise dominion & g[27] blaspheme glories. These as natural bru{illeg}te Beast {sic} [the ten-horned Beast & two horned Beast] made to be taken & destroyed [in the lake of fire] blaspheme the things they understand not. They take pleasure to riot in the day time, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they h[28] feast with Christians, having eyes full of an i[29] Adulteress [the great Whore, living deliciously with & her & being made drunk wth the wine of her fornication] & following the way of k[30] Balaam [who taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before Israel.] These are [not fountains of living water but] wells without water, [not such clouds of saints as the two witnesses ascend in, but] clouds carried with a tempest &c. Thus does the author of this Epistle spend all the second chapter in describing the qualities of the Apocalyptic Beasts & Fals Prophets, & then in the third he goes on to describe their destruction more fully & the future kingdom. He saith that because the coming of Christ should be long deferred, they should scoff saying, Where is the promi{illeg}|ss| of his coming. Then he describes the sudden coming of the day of the Lord upon them as a thief in the night (for that's ye Apocalyptic phrase) & the millennium or thousand years wch are wth God but as a day & the passing away of the old heaven & earth by a conflagration in the lake of fire, & or looking for \the promise of/ a new heaven & new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.

After the writing of the Apocalyps the Apostle Iohn governed the Churches of Asia above 30 years dying in the second year of Trajan A.C. 99. And about eight years after, Simeon the son of Cleopas & brother bishop of Ierusalem was martyred being about 120 years. Hitherto as Hegesippus testifies the Church was accounted a virgin, but now all heresies being being {sic} kept under by the authority of Iohn & Simeon who had conversed with Christ: but after their death the Hereticks began to be more bold & make more disciples & give the Churches more disturbance then before.

[Editorial Note 26] <60v>

{illeg} was & is {illeg}

Her Beast was & is not & shall ascend out of the abyss {illeg} earth shall wonder (whose names are not written in the book of life from ye foundation of the world) when they behold the Beast wch was & is not & {illeg} is at hand. Which as much as to say, T|Her| Beast was \alive/ & is now dead & shall ascend out of Hades & go \alive/ into perdition in the lake of fire & \after his resurrection/ they that dwell in the{illeg} earth whose names are not written in the book of life shall worship him after his resurrection wth great admiration look upon \idolize & adore/ him as a God & worship him wth great admiration. Fir For this \is that/ Beast \wch/ was slain with a sword & revived & acsended out of the sea or abyss & then \after his \death &/ resurrection from the dead/ was decreed consecrated & deified by the Fals Prophet & all that dwell \who causeth the earth & them that dwell therin to wp/ \& \all/ the world wondered after the|him| Beast who had been wounded to {illeg} death & whose deadly wound was healed And all that dwell/ upon the earth worshipp{illeg} him whose names are not written in the book of life of the slain Lamb from the foundation of the world, as described above. The two Beasts are perfectly the same. Both are slain revile are deified & worsh \blasphe are blasphemous/ have seven heads, ten horns, are slain, revive rise out of the sea or abyss from ye shades below & after their resurrection are worshipp deified \& all men wonder after them wondered after/ & worshipped by all them\ed by all men/ whose names are not written in the book of life from ye foundation of the world, & \both/ have the names of blasphemy upon them. Both & have upon them the names of blasphemy or that is the names of fals Gods. Prophesy is of things future & the first thing spo{ken} of as futur in this prophesy of the eighth leaf of the Book is the ascent of the Beast out of the abyss & therefore the prophesy of this eighth leaf begins with the|is| resurrection ascent & conteins a description of his reign from the time of his resurrection, & for that reason takes a survey of him from the times next preceding when he lay dead of his wound. He was before he

[1] a Orat 5 ad Theodos.

[Editorial Note 1] Folio 7r is blank. Folio 7v is written upside down.

[2] Elmacin p

[Editorial Note 2] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 3] The reminader of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 4] Folios 15v and 15r are written upside down: f. 15v is clearly intended to be read first.

[Editorial Note 5] Folios 16v-17v are all written upside down. Folio 16v appears to follow from f. 17v so they are here presented in the order 17v, 16v, 17r.

[Editorial Note 6] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 7] The remainder of the text on this page, and the interpolation from f. 19v, are written upside down.

[Editorial Note 8] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[3] Arethas c. 18, 19 Euseb. Dem. Evang l. 3. Apocalypseos Versio Syriaca in titulo initio.


[5] a Eccl. 50.17 Maimon. de Cultu divino Tract. 6. cap. 6 {illeg} sec. 7

[6] b 6 Maimon de cultu div. Tr. 2. c. 5. s. 7 & Tr. 6. c. 6. s 5 & Tr 3. c. 2. s 2.

[7] c. Deut. 31.26

[8] d Targum Ionathan in Deut 31.26.

[9] Isa. 8.16 & 29.10, 11.

[10] Dan. 8 & 12.

[Editorial Note 9] The following text is written upside down and runs backwards from f. 25v to f. 25r.

[11] Isa. 66.7, 8

[Editorial Note 10] The remainder of the text on this page consists of jotted calculations written upside down at the bottom of the page.

[Editorial Note 11] The following table is spread across ff. 28v and 29r.

[12] ✝ Christ is ready to comes as a thief.

[Editorial Note 12] Folio 30r is blank.

[Editorial Note 13] The following table is spread across ff. 30v and 31r.

[Editorial Note 14] This was originally deleted, but the deletion cross has been deleted itself.

[Editorial Note 15] The following table is spread across ff. 34v and 35r.

[Editorial Note 16] The following table is spread across ff. 36v and 37r.

[Editorial Note 17] The following table is spread across ff. 38v and 39r.

[Editorial Note 18] The following table is spread across ff. 40v and 41r.

[Editorial Note 19] Folio 43r is blank. Folio 43v is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 20] Folio 47 is blank.

[Editorial Note 21] Folios 52v-53v are blank.

[Editorial Note 22] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 23] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 24] The text on f. 57r is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 25] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[13] a Heb. 11.40

[14] a 1 Pet. 1.7, 13. See also 1 Pet. 4.13 & 5. 1

[15] b Apoc. 13.8

[16] c Apoc. 21

[17] d Apoc. 1.6 & 5.10.

[18] e Apoc. 20.6

[19] f Apoc. 20.4, 12

[20] g Apoc. 17.

[21] a Apoc. 13.7, 12

[22] b ἀσελγ{illeg}είας juxta codices et plures et melioris notæ.

[23] c Apoc. 13.1, 5, 6.

[24] d Apoc. 18.12, 13.

[25] e Apoc. 19.20

[26] f Apoc. 9.21 & 17.2 & 21.8

[27] g Apoc. 13.6

[28] h Apoc. 18.3, 7, 9

[29] i μοιχαλίδος

[30] k Apoc. 2.14.

[Editorial Note 26] The lower half of f. 60 has been torn off. The recto (or what remains of it) is blank; the text on the verso is written upside down.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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