
Charles R:

Trusty & Welbeloved Wee greet you Well. Whearas Wee have been gratiously pleased for the Encouraging of the coyning of Gold & Silver & the encreasing of the Stock of monies in this Our Kingdom to the great benefit & advantage of Trade & the good of all Our Loving Subjects To quitt Our right of Seigniorag{e} or coynage Dutie upon Our gold & Silver monies which was part of our Ancient Revenew and did some times bring Vs in great proffitt. And this last session of Parliament to consent to an Act for the raising of a yearely Revenew in liew there of to defray the Charges & expences of our Mint & of Coynage. By which said Act the ancient course and proceedings of the Mint were much altered to the great increase of the Dutie and attendance of most of the officers thereof. And Whearas Wee were further Gratiously pleased Vpon the humble Petition of the Wardens Masters and Workers and Comptroller. and the rest of the officers of Our Mint in Our Court of London for an addition and increase to their Fees and sallaries out of the Three Thousands pounds yearely sett apart by the said Act for the Fees & sallaries of the Officers of our Mint and towards the maintaining & repairing of the Houses offices and buildings of the same by an order of Refferrence bearing date the 27th. day of May last to appoint and authorize our Right Trusty & Welbeloved Councellor the Lord Ashley Chancellor and Vnder Treasurer of our Exchequer to consider the Petition of Our said Officers and to settle and apportion their respective Fees & Sallaries out of the said Three Thousand pounds so as aforesaid limitted & appointed by the said Act as in his Iudgement hee should think fitting In pursuance of which Order of Refference the said Lord Ashley having advised with such persons as could best informe him of the nature of each officers employment and upon Consideration of their respective interests & businesse Did the XIth of this instant Iuly present unto Vs a Distributio{n} & apportionment of the severall officers Fees & sallaries according as in his Iudgement hee thought equall and wherein the officers themselves concerned did aquiesse. Which Distribution and apportionment Wee have caused to be hereunto annexed. Vpon Consideration of all Which Wee are gratiously pleased hereby to ratifie & Confirme the same. unto the severall and respective officers of Our Mint according to the said Distribution & apportionment. And in regard the payment of the same is for the future to bee made out of the Revenew leviable by Virtue of the said Act & payable from time to time out of Our Exchequer unto the Master & Worker or Masters & Workers of Our Mint for the time being for the Defraying of the charges & expences of Our Mint & Coyange. Our Will & pleasure there fore is and Wee hereby Command & authorize you whom it may Concerne out of the said Three Thousand pounds soe limitted & appointed as aforesaid from time to time as the same shall come into your hands to pay or cause to be paid the yearly summ of Two Toushand six hundred Pounds in manner following Vizt the summe of one thousand foure hundred thirtie five pounds Vnto Sir Anthony St Leger Knight present Warden of Our said Mint & unto the Warden <81v> or Wardens of the same for the timebeing for the Fees and sallaries of the Warden & such other Officers to whom according to the said Distribution & apportionment they are limitted & appointed. And the sume of one thousand one hundred sixtie five pounds Vnuto yourselfe & selves respectively for your owne respective sallarie and sallaries Fees & Fees & for the sallaries & Fees of such other officers to whome by the said Distribution & apportionment they are limitted & appointed to be paid by the Master & Worker All which said payments to bee made by the said Warden and by your self & selves respectively are to be made quarterly according to the ancient Course of the Mint by even & equall portions The first payment there of to be accompted due upon the five & twentieth day of March last. And Our will and pleasure likewise is that forty pounds now payable by the Warden to the Vnder Gravour & Tenn pounds payable to the Smith of the Mint bee upon the Death for the said Vnder Graver & Smith or either of them added to the Fee and sallarie of the Warden or Wardens of our Mint for the time being And that thirtie pounds now payable by the said Warden unto the Chiefe Gravour be vpon the Death of the said Chiefe Gravour Added to the Fees & sallaries of the respective officers following That is to Compounds thereof unto the Master & Workers Assay Tenn pounds vnto the Surveyor of the Meltings & Clarke of the Irons. & the other Tenn pounds to the Weigher & Teller. And our further Will & pleasure is and Wee doe hereby Command & authorize The Commissioners of & for our Treasury now & for the time being The Treasurer, Chancellor, Vnder Treasurer & Barons of our Exchequer now & for the time being and the Auditors of our Mint from time to time to give due allowance unto the said Henry Slingesby the present Master & Worker & unto the Master & Worker & Masters and Workers of our Mint for the time being And also unto the Warden & Wardens of our said Mint upon his or their account or accounts for so much money as from time to time shal be paid by him or them unto the respective Officers payable by him or them as aforesaid. And for soe doing this shal be unto your and every of you a full and sufficient Warrant & Discharge Queen at our Court at Whitehall This present 17th. day of Iuly


By his Majestys Command

Will Morice

To our Trusty & Welbeloved Henry
Slingesby Esqr. Master & Worker
of our Mint in our Toure of
London & to the Master & Masters &
Workers of the same for the time
being and to every of them whom
it may Concerne.

Charles R

The Fees and salaries of the respective officers of the Mint to

be paid by the Warden or wardens for the time being

To the Warden for himselfe 350.
For a Clerke 040.
To the Comptroller 300.
For a Clerke 040.
To the Kings Assaymaster 200.
For a Clerke 020.
To the surveyor of the Meltings and Clerke of the Irons 100.
For a Clerke 010.
To the weigher and Teller 080
For a Clerke 040
To the Assistant of the weigher &c 040
To the Auditors of the Mint 040
To the Kings Chiefe Clerke 060
To the Clarks of the Papers 040.
To the Chiefe Graver 030.
To the under-Graver 040.
To the Smith of the Mint 010.
To the Porter of the Mint 020
To the Minister 004.
To the Sexton 001.

Fees and salaries of the Officers payable by the Master & Worker

To the Master and Worker for himselfe 500
For three clerkes 120
For the master's Assayer. 050
For a Purveyor 020
To the Engineer 100
To the three Roettiers Chiefe Gravers 325
Smith Assistant to the Gravers 050
Totall 2600.

By his Majesties Comand

Will Morice

Copia Vera {ExE}


Kings Warrant

17th Iuly 1667

Settling the fees and sallaries of the Officers of the Mint

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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