
{Memorandum}: It is agreed by the free assent consent and order of the officers of his Majestys Mint whose names are subscribed, That Frances Harley Widdow shall hold and enjoy the place houses and roomes belonging to the keeping of the Dyett of the Mint for the Officers there, in soe large and ample manner as Edward Harley her late husband deceased, or Richard Millard his predecessor, or either of them, in that place did, As well for the provideing of all manner of Dyetts when occasion shall require, as of occupying and enjoying all houses and proffitts thereunto belonging In witnesse whereof the said Officers have hereunto sett their hands att the Mint the 23 October 1680

Antho: St. Leger

John Burkworth

Cha Duncombe

Ja Hoare


Officers of the Mint to Mrs Harleigh, for the Dyett House

23 Octbr. 1680

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