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Received of Magdalena Wharton Widdow and Executrix of Phillip Wharton Esqr deceased late Warden of his Majestys Mint–The several things here under mentioned belonging to the said office, And always kept in Custody of the Warden of the Said Mint. Vist.

The Charter of the Mint under the Broad Seal of England dated {Wes}{tnd} the 19th. day of Aprill In the 14th. year of the Reign of King Charls the 2d. The Confirmation of the Charter under the Broad Seal of England dated the 6th. day of Iuly in the 17th. year of the Reigne of King Charles the 2d. An Exemplification out of the Exchequer of the preceding Charter and Confirmation dated the 26th. November in the 32d year of King Charles the 2d. Another Exemplification dated the 28th. of November in the one and Twentyeth year of the Reigne of King Charls the Second.

A Coppy of the Indenture between King Charls the Second & Sir Ralph Freeman Master & Worker of the Mint dated the 20th of Iuly 1660.

An Order of the Court of Exchequer to discharge Auditor Beal from the payment of Taxes dated 25th. of November in the 14th year of K Charles the 2d.

An order out of the Exchequer for to endemnify the Monyers from paying Rates & Taxes dated the 17th day of November 1681.

Coppy of an order from the Commissioners of the Millitia to Clear Thomas Anderson (one of the Monyers) from bearing Arms dated the 26 {glr} 1680

The Seal of the Corporation of the Mint with this Circumscription Sigil: Cor: Custodis: Camb: operat: et: Aliorum Minist:

One hand Presse for the said seal
One Indented peece of standard Gold 1:11:15
One Indented peece of fine Gold 1:12:14
One Idented peece of standard Silver 6:2:20
Two Piles of English Troy weights Consisting of 512 ounces
One Pile of Scotch Weights Contayning 512 ounces

All which were found left in a Presse in the room of receipt in his Majestys said Mint by the said Phillip Wharton deceased

25 February 1684                Phil Lloyd


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Professor Rob Iliffe
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