
The humble Representation of Daniell Brattell Assaymaster of
his Majesties Mint To the Right honourable the Lord Commissioners of his Majesties


That the said Daniell Brattell was sworne & continu'd to Act & Assist in the Duty of the said Office for above twenty yeares before his Farthers death without any salary or recompence

That the said Daniell Brattell by his Fathers death becomeing Assaymaster as former Assaymasters had so he Continu'd to have very good Advantage by Merchants forreigne & home Business

That the extraordinary Coynage begining on the 29: of Ianry: 95: Your Lordshipps from thence Commanded the said Daniell Brattell to performe the same & that no other business should Intervene or hinder it & tho your Lordshipps was then pleased to double his salary yett it was farr short of the advantage by forreigne & home business which may never returne

That least any Accident should happen to the said Daniell Brattell to retard in the least so Important an affaire as the said Coynage You Lordshipps were pleased also to command & Order him an Assistant who upon that Account he took great pains to Instruct

That this Coynage being such as was never before performed the said Daniell Brattell besides the Fatiegue of his own Office was forced to Act night & day to direct & regulate the said work, & worken Vpon divers Occasions

That the said Brattells double salary & his assistant & Clerks have been discharged & taken off for five months past

The said Brattell hath Iustly & allwayes in due time performed the trust reposed in him which has been extraordinary not only in the Vallue of the silver in his Charge but also in the ascertaining the Standard there of as by the severall tryalls of the Pix doth appear & hath received noe other benifitt or perquisite but his double salary

All which the said Daniell Brattell doth humbly represent to Your Lordshipps & prays Your Lordshipps Consideration there of & such Reliefe therein as Your Lordshipps shall think fitt

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