
To the Right Honourable The Lords Commissioners of His Majestys Treasury

The humble Petition of The Clerks of his Majestys Mint within the Tower of London


That the Business of his Majestys Mint by the Late extraordinary Coinage of Gold and Silver Monys hath been greatly encreased to the filling up allmost 20 Iournalls in Large Follio, which will require Severall Yeares Constant attendance from Your Petitioners to transcribe into Leigers Melting Books &c. over & above the usuall Business in the office

And Your Petitioners Salaries not being sufficient for theire maintainance they respectively amounting to no more than forty pounds per Annum (without any fees or perquisites whatsoever) our of which they have allwayes paid assesments to his Majestie

Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray Your Lordshipps to take the premisses into consideration & to settle upon them such standing salaries as to Your Lordshipps shall seeme meet

And Your Petitioners shall ever pray &c

I Skingley clerk to the Warden
Tho Fowle Comptrollers Clerks
Tho: Porter
Thomas Pendleton
Ioshua White
R Walker clerk to his Majesties chief clerk
Tho: Renitt Assaymaster Clerck.
Griff Thomas clerck to the Surveyer of the Meltings

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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