Laudatory account of the services of the late comptroller James Hoare during the recoinage
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury.
May it please your Lordships
We have considered the annexed Petition and believe that Mr Hoare the Petitioners Father did for neare forty yeares with great skill & diligence serve the Crown in the Office of Comptroller of the Mint & during the late Recoynage being infirm with old age imployed two Deputies (his Nephew to inspect the whole Mint & one Mr Wells to inspect the Melting House) & also came sometimes in his own person to the Mint. And we find that in consideration of the extraordinary coynage & for rent of his Garden he was allowed an additional salery after the rate of 300℔ per annu till the time of his death. And what he may further deserve to equall him with the other Officers we most humbly submit to your Lordships great judgment & justice.