Holograph memorandum on engraver [Henry] Harris's complete incompetence: 'Mr Harris cannot emboss nor punch, nor draw'. He has employed John Croker to do all this for him, and moreover has failed to remunerate Croker as promised
About 2 years & an half ago Mr Harris meeting with Mr Croker a Jeweller & finding that he could emboss desired him to practise engraving & for his encouragement promised him that as soon as he could grave well enough for the service of the Mint he should have a place & an house in the mint & an hundred pounds per ann for his service there & thereupon Mr Croker left his own imployment & practised graving & supported himself at his own charge except that he received of Mr Harris by severall little parcells during the first two years untill the displacing of Mr Roettiers about 80℔. And since the displacing of Mr Roettiers he hath received 26℔ without any lodgings or further encouragement. And about whitsonday was a twelvemonth When Mr Harris took Mr Fitches house to work in, he promised Mr Croker that he should have Mr Roettiers Salary. And about 3 months ago when Mr Croker complained to Mr Harris that he had no encouragement to go on & prest Mr Harris for a settlement saying that he could not otherwise work a stroke more Mr Harris replied that he had promised him an hundred pounds a year & that if he would go off he might when he pleased. And on thursday was a senight {Mr} Croker presenting Mr Harris with a paper wherein he represented to him that he had promised him Mr Roettier's Salary & a house for graving for the coyn besides what he did for medalls & desired a settlement to depend upon. To which Mr Harris (without reading the paper) answered in general that he would make a settlement but 3 or 4 days after when Mr Croker spake to him again about it & told him that he was ordered to grave...but had no encouragement he replied that he would do nothing till he was in the other house & then he would make a settlement.
NB. Mr Harris cannot emboss nor punch, nor draw. All the assistance Mr Croker had from him was to be told of what Mr Harris thought was faulty & to be supplied with pieces of Mr Roettiers & others to copy after.