Request consideration of a petition submitted some time ago by the Bank's tellers for payment for services at the Mint during the recoinage
London 26th. Aprill 1701.
Honoured Sir
Some of our Bank Tellers have had a Petition before your Lordshipps a considerable time for their service in telling money att the Tower when the money was recoind. It has been refer'd to the Master and the rest of the Officers of the Mint, who have severall times attended and bin ready to make their report, but could not gett the Petition cal'd for, Wee intreat Sir your favour as well to call for the Petition as also in behalfe of the Persons concern'd And are
Sir Your most Obedient humble Servants
[1]{Saml. Baly}
Gilbert Hallnote
Saml. Lethieullier
James Bateman
The Right Honourable Richard Hill Esqr.