Copies of applications for the post of weigher and teller from Philip Shales, Charles Brattell, George Foord (deputy warden) and Thomas Edwards
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his
Majesties Treasury
The humble Petition of Phillip Shales
That your Petitioner has had the Honour of serving his Majesty in severall Capacitys in his revenue and was Comptroller of the Farthing Office to the expiration of that contract And (as he humbly conceives) hath acquitted himself at all times in discharge of his trust with great diligence & fidelity
That Mr Thomas Fitch Weigher & Teller of his Majesties Mint being lately dead whereby the said Office is become void and in your Lordshipps disposall Your Petitioner himself prays your Lordships will be pleased to Conferr the said Employment upon him.
And your Petitioner shall ever pray &c
<114r>To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury
The humble Petition of Charles Brattell of the Tower of London Gent
That your Petitioner being credibly informed that Mr Thomas Fitch the Weigher and Teller of his Majesties Mint in the server is dead, and your Petitioner being the second son of Sir John Brattell who was Assay Master from the year 1660 to the year 1692 when he died, and your Petitioner since being Employ'd in the Mint, dureing the late great coynage as Chiefe Agent in inspecting the old, and weighing and telling the new money, and your Petitioner haveing faithfully discharged his duty and Trust therein to the satisfaction of the principall Officers of his Majesties said Mint, who well know your Petitioners behaviour in the said Affaire
Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays your Lordships that the place of the said mr Fitch being now become vacant your Lordships would be pleased to recommend your Petitioner to his Majesties Favour for the same
And your Petitioner shall ever pray &c
Charles Brattell
<115r>To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury
The humble Petition
of George Foord.
That your Petitioner hath served for above a year and half in the Employment of Deputy to the Warden of the Mint in the Tower of London, during which time he has Constantly lived there and attended the Business of his place with great care & diligence; for the truth of which he referrs himself to the Principall officers of his Majesties Mint.
That the Employment of Weigher and Teller is now become vacant by the death of Mr Fitch, with a salary of Ninety Pounds a year, which is a place of great trust and requires skill and knowledge in the business of the Mint.
May it therefore please your Lordshipps in Consideration of your Petitioners care and Faithfull service to grant him the said Office of Weigher and Teller, Or to recommend him to his Majestie for the same
And you Petitioner shall ever pray &c
<116r>To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury
The humble Petition of Tho: Edwards
That the Office of Weigher and Teller to his Majesties Mint is now vacant by the death of Mr Fitch and being in the disposall of your Lordships, your Petitioner does humbly pray that your Lordships would be pleased to bestow the said Office, upon him it being a place of great trust & concern, And your Petitioner being resolved if your Lordships shall think fit to dispose of it in his favour to discharge the trust you shall upon in him with the greatest diligence and fidelity.
And your Petitioner shall ever pray &c
Referr all the Petitions the Master Warden and Comptroller of the Mint to Examine the respective qualifications of the Petition & report the same to my Lords.