
& by Tertullian De carne Christi sub finem & by Cyprian.

To the most Honourable the Earl of Oxford & Earl Mortimer Lord High Treasurer of great Britain

May it please your Lordship

The Ecu of Rome 5. 134. The Iudio of Florence 608 615 The lire of Florence 922

The lire of Genoa 105. The Iulo of Rome 6107. The lire of Rome 916.

The lire of Millain 791. The Philip of Millain 554

According to your Lordships Order Mr Brattel & Mr Oadham have made assays of gold & silver before us, & we are humbly of opinion that Mr Brattel is the better Artist. Mr Kemp & Mr Cumberlege waved the triall

According to your Lordships Order of the 2d Instant upon the Petition of Mr Catesby Oadham, that we should cause a trial to be made before us by him & also by the rest of the Petitioners to their qualifications for the Office of Assaymaster of her Majestys Mint (if they desire it;) & that we should then make our Report to your Lordship which of them we conceive to be the most expert & fittest person for that implyment We have caused such a tryall to be made between Mr Cha Brattel & Mr Oadham & humbly conceive Mr Brattle to be the more expert & fitter person for that Imployment. The other Petitioners upon notice have not desired a tryal.

According to your Lordships Order upon the Petition of Mr Catesby Oadham for a tryal as to his Qualifications for the place of Assaymaster of the Mint, signified to us by Mr Harleys Letter of 2d instant, that we should cause a trial to be made before us by him & the rest of the Petitioners for the said Office whose Petitions have been referred to us (if they desired it,); & that we should then make our Report to your Lordship which of them we conceived to be the most expert & fittest person for that imployment: We have caused such a trial to be made before us by Mr Ch: Brattel & Mr Oadham, humbly conceive Mr to be the more expert & fitter person for that imployment.

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