Three partial holograph drafts of a letter reporting the tests of Charles Brattell and Catesby Oadham for the post of assay master (two other candidates not having appeared): Brattell is judged the better candidate
& by Tertullian De carne Christi sub finem & by Cyprian.
To the most Honourable the Earl of Oxford & Earl Mortimer Lord High Treasurer of great Britain
May it please your Lordship
The Ecu of Rome 5. 1. The Iudio of Florence 6∟08 6∟15 The lire of Florence 9∟22
The lire of Genoa 105. The Iulo of Rome 6∟107. The lire of Rome 9∟16.
The lire of Millain 7∟91. The Philip of Millain 55∟4
According to your Lordships Order Mr Brattel & Mr Oadham have made assays of gold & silver before us, & we are humbly of opinion that Mr Brattel is the better Artist. Mr Kemp & Mr Cumberlege waved the triall
According to your Lordships Order of the 2d Instant upon the Petition of Mr Catesby Oadham, that we should cause a trial to be made before us by him & also by the rest of the Petitioners to their qualifications for the Office of Assaymaster of her Majestys Mint (if they desire it;) & that we should then make our Report to your Lordship which of them we conceive to be the most expert & fittest person for that implyment We have caused such a tryall to be made between Mr Cha Brattel & Mr Oadham & humbly conceive Mr Brattle to be the more expert & fitter person for that Imployment. The other Petitioners upon notice have not desired a tryal.
According to your Lordships Order upon the Petition of Mr Catesby Oadham for a tryal as to his Qualifications for the place of Assaymaster of the Mint, signified to us by Mr Harleys Letter of 2d instant, that we should cause a trial to be made before us by him & the rest of the Petitioners for the said Office whose Petitions have been referred to us (if they desired it,); & that we should then make our Report to your Lordship which of them we conceived to be the most expert & fittest person for that imployment: We have caused such a trial to be made before us by Mr Ch: Brattel & Mr Oadham, humbly conceive Mr to be the more expert & fitter person for that imployment.