Certificate of Newton's securities given [somewhat belatedly] on 12 May 1719 subsequent to his re-appointment as master [on 1 January 1715]: £2,000 from Newton himself, £1,000 from Francis Hall and £1,000 from John Francis Fauquier
Whereas the kings most Excellent Majestie by his Letters Patents under the Great Seale of Great Britaine bearing date the first day of January in the first year of his present Majesties Reigne did Give + Grant unto Sir Isaac Newton Knight the Office of Master + Worker of all moneys both Gold + Silver within his Majesties Mint in the Tower of London + elsewhere within that part of his Majesties kingdome of Great Brittain called England These are to certifye that the said Sir Isaac Newton with his Suretyes by three Bonds dated the 12th. day of May in the 4th. yeare of his Majesties Reigne gave Security to his Majestie in the Office of his Majesties {Remr.} of his Exchequer at Westminster for the due Execution of his said Office persuant to a Warrant of the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury in that behalfe vizt. Sir Isaac Newton in 2000li, Francis Hall Esqr. + John Francis Faurquier Gent in 1000li each, Dated at the Remrs Office in the Inner Temple the 11th day of March 1719
Mattw: Hutton un Clir